

Early Years Communication Handbook
Early Years Communication Handbook
Cooper, Janet
A comprehensive and practical guide to creating a communication friendly setting and improving young children's speaking and listening skills. This easy-to-read title offers expert advice on: delivering high-quality language provision for babies, toddlers and young children, creating a communication friendly environment and observing listening and speaking skills, what children should be attaining at different stages, including the under-threes
Planning for Effective Early Learning
Planning for Effective Early Learning
Lindon, Jennie
This title addresses the challenge of developing an awareness of each child's needs and interests in your setting, and planning accordingly. The book covers: supporting others in their planning and leading change, the reason for planning and how to develop professional planning skills.
Enabling Environments in the Early Years
Enabling Environments in the Early Years
Hodgman, Liz
This title focuses on how to ensure your setting's physical space and equipment provides the most challenging and interesting environment for children in your care. This book covers: Assessing and improving the learning environment, making the most of your outdoor space and inclusive settings.
Absolute Beauty
Absolute Beauty
Imber, Gerald, M.D.
Twenty-five or sixty-five, we all want to look our vital, youthful best. The frustrating truth is that no matter how we wish it wasn't so, each day brings tiny changes, constantly chipping away at youth and beauty. Happily, with proper guidance most of this can be prevented, controlled, and reversed. It is a simple and sensible lifelong journey that will yield great rewards for all ages.Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Gerald Imber changed the way men and women deal with aging in his books The Youth Corridor, which offered the first integrated strategy to control the signs of aging, and For Men Only, designed for the man who wants to stay trim and youthful but doesn't know where to turn for advice. Now, after vast improvements in science and surgery, Dr. Imber once again paves the way for people to find the path toward keeping their youthful appearance.In Absolute Beauty, Dr. Imber explores the new horizon for staying young-looking and the cutting-edge breakthroughs in areas such as:Minimally invasive facial surgeriesNew limited-incision faceliftsNew wrinkle fillersAnti-aging skin-care strategiesNew antioxidant strategiesAbsolute Beauty provides the crucial information needed to help you look your absolute best throughout your adult life. Dr. Imber's regimen will show you how to slow down the damage of time and help you turn back the clock. It will tell you how to protect your youthful good looks -- your absolute beauty -- by avoiding accelerating the changes that lead to aging and undoing the visible changes already present.This indispensable book covers all aspects of the modern cosmetic surgical experience and is a must-have guide for anyone considering plastic surgery or just wanting to stay young-looking.
Break Through Your Set Point
Break Through Your Set Point
Blackburn, George, M.D.
How many times have you gone on a diet and lost a few pounds, only to hit, once again, that dreaded plateauMany people manage to lose the first 10, 15, or 20 pounds of the weight they want to shed. Then, no matter how hard they work, they can't seem to nudge the number on the scale farther down, and often they end up gaining back the weight they lost. Finally, there is a healthy, permanent weight-loss solution that will get you off the frustrating yo-yo that often accompanies most fad diets. Dr. George L. Blackburn is the associate director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School and directs the Center for the Study of Nutrition Medicine, which investigates complex issues in nutrition and health. Based on three decades of his research and clinical practice, Break Through Your Set Point offers an exciting and effective program that will give you specific tools to help you get out of your rut and prevent those extra pounds from coming back. Your set point, or typical body weight, is determined by your genes and your environment. Many modern lifestyle habits—including getting too little sleep and eating on the run—have conspired to raise many people's set points to unhealthily high levels. According to Dr. Blackburn's theory, if you set a reasonable goal to lose about 10 percent of your initial body weight, then hold steady at your new weight without regaining any pounds for at least six months, you can reset your body's set point. And once you've reset your set point, you can repeat the cycle to lose even more weight.The body's innate tendency to protect itself against starvation explains why the body resists losing weight after a certain point. Dr. Blackburn explains the science behind the set-point theory and helps you devise a plan that works for you. With his unique, multi-faceted approach, Dr. Blackburn shows that hitting your set point is not a dead end but the first step in losing weight the right way. This book will help you overcome your weight-loss plateau once and for all.
When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads
When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads
Luke, Barbara
A Clinically Proven Program for Women Pregnant with MultiplesCompletely Updated, with 50 Recipes for Optimal Birth WeightYou're expecting more than one babyCongratulations! In When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads, Dr. Barbara Luke's practical, nutrition-based program has been proven to lower complications, resulting in much healthier babies. This revision offers more nutritional information, 50 recipes to maximize birth weight, and new guidelines on nutritional needs and vegetarian options. It also includes updated information that reflects the most current obstetric and pediatric practices, such as expanded safety information on exercise and reducing your risk for complications.
The Little Book of Skin Care
The Little Book of Skin Care
Cho, Charlotte
The secrets behind the world’s most beautiful skin!It all starts with your skin! In Korea, healthy, glowing skin is the ideal form of beauty, achievable by anyone—and this skin-first philosophy has taken the world by storm.In The Little Book of Skin Care, Charlotte Cho of leading beauty and lifestyle website Soko Glam guides you through the celebrated Korean ten-step skin-care routine—and far beyond—for the clearest and most radiant skin of your life, with step-by-step tutorials, skin-care tips, advice on products at all price levels, and exclusive interviews with beauty experts around the world. You’ll love pampering your skin at home and learning the secrets behind the “no-makeup makeup” look we’ve seen and admired on women in the streets of Seoul.With the knowledge of an expert and voice of a trusted friend, Charlotte’s personal tour through Korean beauty culture will help you find joy in the everyday beauty routines that will transform your skin.
Andy Priaulx: The Autobiography of the Three-time World Touring Car Champion
Andy Priaulx: The Autobiography of the Three-time World Touring Car Champion
Andy Priaulx
The inspiring autobiography of Britain's three-time World Touring Car champion, and almost certainly this country's best-kept sporting secret … until now! For someone who grew up on a small island with a speed limit of just 35 mph, Andy Priaulx drives his car awfully fast. But then the man from Guernsey is a hugely determined figure who has been fighting against the odds and performing the role of underdog throughout his entire career. In this his first book, Priaulx tells of how he has fought - tooth and claw, with virtually no back-up - for every sponsor, every car, every penny on his way to achieving his dream of one day becoming a world champion. With refreshing honesty, Priaulx reveals how he and his wife risked everything financially to get on the lower rungs of the motor racing ladder, even spending some time living in a borrowed caravan at the Silverstone circuit in an attempt to save money. "Pikey Priaulx" was his nickname at the time, but the story only goes to show how sacrifice and sheer bloody-mindedness can pay off. Priaulx's reserves of energy, enthusiasm and dedication - not to mention his natural talent - served him well as he won the European Touring Car Championship in 2004. Motor sport's governing body, the FIA, recognises only three world championships - Formula 1, World Rally and World Touring Cars. Priaulx has won the WTC championship for the last three years, an unprecedented achievement. In fact, such has been Priaulx's success that he has been universally hailed as the greatest touring car driver of all time, and widely dubbed "Britain's Schumacher". In 2007 Priaulx received the ultimate accolade when he was awarded the Gold Medal of the British Racing Drivers' Club "in recognition of outstanding contemporary racing success". This was only the eighth time the Gold Medal has been awarded. Told in Andy's energetic and engaging style, this is the story of that most rare of sporting beasts - a true British world champion.
Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition
Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition
Michael Vernon,Dian Shepperson Mills
Dian Shepperson Mills Cert .Ed. BA Dip. ION MA is a Clinical Nutritionist and the director of The Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic at London’s The Hale Clinic. She lectures at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition, is a Trustee of the Charity The SHE Trust (Simply Holistic Endometriosis), an advisor to the International Endometriosis Association and a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. She has written many articles on endometriosis and fertility. Dr Michael Vernon is a professor at West Virginia University, teaching, practising and researching in the area of fertility, obstetrics and gynaecology.
The Checklist
The Checklist
Alvarez, Manny
In the tradition of YOU The Owner's Manual, The Checklist is organized as a guide to help individuals and families take the right precautions, at the right time in their lives, to avoid the most common health pitfalls and illnesses, and put them on the path to a vigorous and sound lifestyle. Each decade in a person's life introduces new risks not seen in their previous ten years. A health plan must be tailor-made to fit a body as it matures decade to decade. Dr. Manny's friendly, easy explanations and simple maintenance breakdowns show people how to act preventively and proactively, without unnecessary fears or reliance on the abundance of outdated, counterproductive health myths. Dr. Manny's mission is to aid readers in their pursuit of living a healthy and long life, and to help close the door on future life-threatening illnesses using proven, sound medical knowledge.
The Great Life Makeover
The Great Life Makeover
Monti, Daniel, M.D.
Fat, cranky sex. Doesn't sound all that great, does itThe truth is, these three things—your weight, mood, and your sex life—are crucial elements of a great life at any age, but especially now that you're in the best years of your life. And they are the three elements that, when improperly calibrated, can cause a perfect storm. Face it: Your hormones, metabolism, blood flow, and mood aren't what they used to be. What you need is a Great Life Makeover.The Great Life Makeover does for your mind, body, and love life what a beauty makeover does for your appearance. And Dr. Daniel A. Monti and Dr. Anthony J. Bazzan are the experts who perform these makeovers. Dr. Monti, a specialist in psychiatry and couples' counseling, and Dr. Bazzan, a specialist in aging and hormones, lay out a practical, comprehensive, and detailed guide for midlife couples wanting to reboot their love life, rebalance hormones, and remedy the mental and physical issues that make midlife more difficult than it should be.Addressing the three hot-button issues with a focus on diet, fitness, and stress reduction, The Great Life Makeover offers a program that can dramatically improve your health, relationship, and overall quality of life and prevent other problems from cropping up in the future.
Eat to Lose, Eat to Win
Eat to Lose, Eat to Win
Beller, Rachel
Every year millions of Americans vow to lose weight, but instead of approaching diets in a healthy and sustainable way, many obsess over calories, carbs, and diet fads. The result: frustration and even weight gain. Now Rachel Beller, America's get-real nutritionist, delivers the first book that combines science-based advice with step-by-step action plans for weight loss and optimal health. While most diet books focus on what you can't eat, Eat to Lose, Eat to Win emphasizes what you should eat—putting skinny solutions into shopping carts and onto plates. In her signature fun-to-read style, Rachel shows you how to do it all.Flip your high-calorie meals for skinny successShop to drop pounds with handy Buy This guidesDiscover inside secrets about your favorite foods with Food AutopsyalertsGet rid of guesswork with recipes for every mealFrom meal planning to shopping to eating, Eat to Lose, Eat to Win guides you step by step and bite by bite through the world of real, science-based nutrition.
Teenage Fitness
Teenage Fitness
Kaehler, Kathy
Celebrated trainer and the Today show fitness expert Kathy Kaehler is one of Hollywood's most sought-after fitness trainers. What Kathy has done for Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer, Drew Barrymore, Cindy Crawford, Alfre Woodard, Samuel L. Jackson, Penelope Ann Miller, and Claire Forlani, among many others, she will do for you. Teenage Fitness is your ultimate fitness source. Her mission is to keep you fit for life. Reflecting on her own body image and eating problems as a teenager, Kathy will show you how to have a healthy respect for your body.She offers essential fitness techniques necessary to look and feel your absolute best. You will learn:To appreciate your own beauty To change your mind-setTo know and accept your body typeNineteen terrific eating tips to get you through your day What kind of eater you areThe 90/10 principle of pigging out Creative Fitness Suburban Fitness Urban FitnessFive-minute and twenty-minute workoutsWith Kathy's straightforward and practical fitness principles, you'll feel terrific about your body, your looks, and your life.
The Placebo Response
The Placebo Response
Brody, Howard
The brain can heal the body: that's the remarkable truth behind the body's placebo response. As one of the nation's foremost authorities on the mysterious connection between mind and body, Dr. Howard Brody introduces a radical new understanding of this phenomenon -- and how it can be used to foster good health. The body, says Brody, has an "inner pharmacy" that the brain taps into, according to what we anticipate, how we are conditioned by experience, and how we interpret events. Consider the following:In one study, people with allergies showed no response when exposed to the irritant, when they were first convinced it was something. Sham surgery has sometimes produced lasting results, indistinguishable from the results of real operations.Patients recover faster from surgery when they have window views of trees or grass, rather than brick walls.But the placebo response is more than an astonishing medical fact -- it can be put to practical use. The Placebo Response gives you access to a new kind of alternative medicine, one proven by science and found within your own body.
Raise the Barre
Raise the Barre
Giorla, Richard
A comprehensive guide to the hottest new fitness program in the country-Cardio Barre-a dance-based workout that combines cardio, strength training and stretching, in one fast-paced, fat-burning, body-lengthening session. With a full nutrition program as well, you'll see life-changing results in only eight weeks. While yoga, pilates, aerobics and weightlifting are all successful, popular fitness routines, each one of them is missing something that the others offer. And with our hectic lives that leave little time for sleep, let alone hours of daily exercise, the Cardio Barre workout is the perfect combination of cardio, strength training and stretching—achieving multiple desired results from one fast-paced workout. Richard Giorla is a classically trained dancer who has learned from his decades of training that the key to strength and endurance is developing core muscle—the center of the body must be strong in order to support the other areas of the body. In Cardio Barre, you work from your core—maintaining your balance using a barre, a countertop, a chair, or even your own strength—then repeat low-resistance motions such as plies, arm extensions, and leg flexes. With no kicking, jumping, or punching, this effective and complete workout leaves participants with long, lean muscles, flexibility, and endurance. With the success of the Cardio Barre workout in LA, where it has gained celebrity adherents and a long waiting list of others, as well as the recent launch of Cardio Barre in New York, this is poised to become the new "it" workout. And unlike past fitness fads, Cardio Barre sets realistic goals, including following a healthy eating program, and offers the desired results of both cardio health and strength in only eight weeks.
Witness to Fitness
Witness to Fitness
Joyner, Donna Richardson
A 28-day program to help you lose weight while you nourish both your body and your soulIn Witness to Fitness, Donna Richardson Joyner brings together faith, food, and fitness in a way no one else has done before. She inspires the reader to follow her on a journey, strengthening mind, spirit, and body. Her program will help you get the results you are destined for and create lasting change in your life.Joyner's plan is to inspire you to lose weight and feel and look great. The exercises can be followed by anyone at any fitness level. Each day in Witness to Fitness, you are given:daily meal plans with delicious, easy-to-make recipes awesome daily workouts with photographs that clearly demonstrate the exercises uplifting affirmations to keep you encouraged every step of the wayIn addition, you get:a *ure to inspire you daily a success story to motivate you a song of the day that keeps you energized and movingDonna's energy is contagious! Her philosophy is that you can have victory in your health by practicing faith, perseverance, and courage to achieve your goals. Witness to Fitness provides a unique wellness program that focuses on changing your mind-set, living in the spirit, and loving your body. Donna encourages us to strengthen our body and soul to live our best life ever. Her joyful spirit and inspirational program will transform your health and your life.
There Is No Good Card for This
There Is No Good Card for This
Kelsey Crowe,Emily McDowell
The creator of the viral hit "Empathy Cards" teams up with a compassion expert to produce a visually stunning and groundbreaking illustrated guide to help you increase your emotional intelligence and learn how to offer comfort and support when someone you know is in pain. When someone you know is hurting, you want to let her know that you care. But many people don’t know what words to use—or are afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. This thoughtful, instructive guide, from empathy expert Dr. Kelsey Crowe and greeting card maverick Emily McDowell, blends well-researched, actionable advice with the no-nonsense humor and the signature illustration style of McDowell's immensely popular Empathy Cards, to help you feel confident in connecting with anyone experiencing grief, loss, illness, or any other difficult situation. Written in a how-to, relatable, we’ve-all-been-that-deer-in-the-headlights kind of way, There Is No Good Card for This isn’t a spiritual treatise on how to make you a better person or a scientific argument about why compassion matters. It is a helpful illustrated guide to effective compassion that takes you, step by step by step, past the paralysis of thinking about someone in a difficult time to actually doing something (or nothing) with good judgment instead of fear. There Is No Good Card for This features workbook exercises, sample dialogs, and real-life examples from Dr. Crowe’s research, including her popular "Empathy Bootcamps" that give people tools for building relationships when it really counts. Whether it’s a coworker whose mother has died, a neighbor whose husband has been in a car accident, or a friend who is seriously ill, There Is No Good Card for This teaches you how to be the best friend you can be to someone in need.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Weschler, Toni
This new edition for the twentieth anniversary of the groundbreaking national bestseller provides all the information you need to monitor your menstrual cycle—along with updated information on the latest reproductive technologiesAre you unhappy with your current method of birth controlOr demoralized by your quest to have a babyDo you experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycleThis invaluable resource provides the answers to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your body.Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, maximize their chances of getting pregnant, or simply gain better control of their gynecological and sexual health. Toni Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:Enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices Maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor or resort to invasive high-tech options Expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement Gain control and a true understanding of your gynecological and sexual healthThis new edition includes:A fully revised and intuitive charting system A selection of personalized master charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, breastfeeding, and menopause An expanded sixteen-page color insert that reflects the book’s most important concepts Six brand-new chapters on topics including balancing hormones naturally, preserving your future fertility, and three medical conditions all women should be aware of
Body By Simone
Body By Simone
De La Rue, Simone
What do the hottest bodies in Hollywood have in commonThe secret is in your hands.We see them in films and magazines in show-stopping red carpet gowns during every awards season. They are the ageless, confident, athletic women of Hollywood we all aspire to look like. Now you can have access to the secret weapon used by actresses like Naomi Watts and Anne Hathaway: the workouts of Simone De La Rue.Simone, a former dancer with a stage career that spanned more than two decades, is the creator of Body By Simone, a fitness program that's winning over the women of New York and Los Angeles who flock to her sold-out classes. Now, in her first book, she makes her exclusive workout regimen available to everyone, everywhere.Her 8-week plan offers a road map to total body transformation. From her unique strength-training moves that target multiple muscle groups at once, focusing on areas like the hips, buns, and thighs for maximum burn, to her fun and fast-paced dance-cardio routines, there are workouts for every fitness level. Whether you're looking to lose five pounds, twenty pounds, or more, Simone leads you through the goals for each week of the program step by step, and offers both a simple eating plan and a fourteen-day cleanse for instant results.At the end of 8 weeks, you'll not only lose weight—but more important, you'll lose inches by replacing fat with lean, sexy muscle tone. If you're looking for a way to get bikini (or red carpet!) ready, look no further. Sculpt your way to the body you want and deserve with Body By Simone.
Workin' It!
Workin' It!
More than just a style guide, this is a navigation system through the bumpy road of life. Let RuPaul teach you the tried, tested and found true techniques that will propel you from background player to shining star!No more playing small, your time is now!"Workin' It!" will provide helpful and provocative tips on fashion, beauty, style and confidence for girls and boys, straight and gay - and everyone in between! No one knows more about life, self-expression and style than RuPaul! With photos by Mathu Andersen from the new season of RuPaul's Drag Race and a fresh look at style and inner beauty, "Workin' It!" will pick up where the show leaves off. The book will be as colourful, fun, and intriguing as RuPaul, with insights into makeup, clothing choices and the illusion of drag. Fans of RuPaul will get piece of Ru's philosophy on style and attitude - and how it's more than the clothes that make the man, or woman! With four colour photos throughout and a fresh, funky design "Workin' It!" will be the perfect guide to RuPaul - part style guide, part confidence manifesto, and entirely fabulous!
Sacking Obesity
Sacking Obesity
Greene, Tiger
Tiger Greene was a big kid. And he kept getting bigger. By age twelve, he was 250 pounds—and miserable. His joints hurt, he was at risk of very grown-up medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and he was teased by other kids at school. The only place he could use his extra weight was on the football field, where he was a "bulldozer."One day, he decided to make a change. Within just months of making simple but important swaps in his diet and working out twice a day, Tiger lost sixty pounds and eleven inches from his waistline, cut his percentage of body fat in half, and got off all his medications. He went from not being able to run a lap around the football field to running 5K and 10K races for charity.But he didn't want to make just his own life better. He also wanted to help other kids. He formed Team Tiger, a nonprofit organization, and partnered with NFL great Marcus Stroud to create Sacking Obesity camps for children and families. His drive and enthusiasm motivated other kids to want to get in the game and start being healthier, too. When he announced the camps, overweight kids and their parents came running—literally.Whether devising healthier menu options for local Little League park concessions, partnering with sports stars to help obese kids around the country, or speaking to children's healthcare providers, Tiger has spread the message that kids really can change their lives—and their futures.Sacking Obesity: The Team Tiger Game Plan for Kids Who Want to Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Win on and off the Playing Field gives young people—and some grown-ups, too—a simple game plan for better living. It includes menu plans, exercise routines, and inspirational stories about kids who have decided to make good choices in their lives, and then have seen the remarkable results. Trying to lose weight can feel overwhelming, especially when you're a kid, but you're not alone. Tiger says, "Yes, we can—follow me!" And then he leads the way.