

Cryptocurrency:Understanding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & Altcoins
Cryptocurrency:Understanding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & Altcoins
Sean Bennett
Cryptocurrencies have been referred to as ‘Digital Gold’. No wonder as they have continued to rise and beat expectations! Cryptocurrencies are a growing trend and have been on the rise over the past several years. There are a growing number of online businesses that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, such as Bitcoin. With the growing world of cryptocurrencies, it can seem confusing with all the options you have. This book is here to help you understand the various cryptocurrencies currently serving the market. In this book you will learn about: ? What are Cryptocurrencies? The History of Cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrency and Currency? What is Blockchain? How to Store Cryptocurrency? Sending and Receiving Currency? Investing in Cryptocurrencies? Trading Cryptocurrencies? Virtual Profits and Actual Profits? FOMO FUD? Risk Management? ICOs Not only will it cover this, you will also learn about: ? A Guide for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethererum, Litecoin Altcoins? The Future of Cryptocurrencies There are endless opportunities when it comes to cryptocurrencies, so why not get involved now. They can be great investment opportunities, and they are a great way to impress your friends. Get this book today and learn the basics of the world of cryptocurrencies. Start learning more about cryptocurrency! Enjoy the second book in the series from Cryptomasher! What are you waiting for? Take control of your financial future, go ahead and purchase the book!
Alligator Jokes
Alligator Jokes
Jeo King
Best?Alligator Jokes?The ten funniest jokes ever according to?science
Amores encontrados
Amores encontrados
Piereh Antoni
Miriam y Jose Manuel, dos hermanos de padres poco presentes. La primera, como hermana mayor se siente enteramente responsable de la vida que ella adora como a un hijo propio. Miriam inicia una relación con un joven profesor de la universidad de su hermano; es en adelante donde sus vidas se harán tan complicadas al punto de llevarlos a tomar o aceptar decisiones que, sin importar cual caminos tomen, todos llegan a un mismo destino. El amor de hermanos, la amistad, la pasión, la inmadurez, el arrebato y el perdón son algunos de los ingredientes de esta corta pero sustanciosa novela.
Victor Hugo
htiyalar ok fazlalaan insanlar kendi z kaynaklarn snrlarn zorlamaya itilir ve yollarna kan herhangi bir savunmasz kiiden bile irkilir. ve ücretler, yiyecek ve s, cesaret ve iyi niyet hepsi sahip olamadklar eylerdir. Bu karanlk ierisinde erkek, kadn ve ocuun zayfln ele geirir ve onlar utan verici ilere zorlar. Artk hibir dehet veya korku dlanmaz. mitsizlik, sadece drt duvarn adilii ve basitlii ile snrlanmtr; hepsi ktülük ve sua ynelir... Hepsi sefillemi, bozulmu birer ktü ve pislik gibi gzükür. Fakat o denli alalm kiilerin de daha fazla alalamayaca bir izgi vardr ve bu dnüm noktasnda, d dünya adeta yutar bu zavall, tahilsiz, kimliksiz insanlar... Onlar "Sefiller"dir; toplumdan dlananlar, yeralt kpekleri...
Ducele p?c?tului
Ducele p?c?tului
Elizabeth Hoyt
R?v??itor de chipe?, orgolios, lipsit de scrupule, Valentin Napier, duce de Montgomery, este b?rbatul despre care vorbe?te toat? Londra. Cu faima lui de crai ?i de ?antajist, Montgomery a revenit din exil ?i este hot?r?t s? se r?zbune pe cei care l-au nedrept??it. ?ns? descoperirea pe care o va face ?n propriul dormitor ?l va determina s?-?i schimbe cu totul planurile…Fiica bastard? a unei lady din lumea bun? londonez?, menajera Bridget Crumbs este o femeie inteligent?, curajoas? ?i extrem de loial?. C?nd mama ei ajunge ?inta unei escrocherii, Bridget se angajeaz? ?n casa ducelui de Montgomery ?n speran?a de a g?si probele incriminatoare pe care acesta le de?ine ? ?i ajunge s? descopere ceva mult mai periculos.Montgomery este peste poate de uimit ?i intrigat de ?nnebunitor de preten?ioasa ?i surprinz?tor de istea?a Bridget, pe care o g?se?te spion?nd ?n camerele lui. ?n ciuda str?daniilor ei, Bridget nu poate rezista farmecului acestui duce p?c?tos. Cei doi ?ncep un adev?rat joc de-a ?oarecele ?i pisica ?i ajung s? descopere ?n cur?nd c? am?ndoi au secrete bine ascunse ?i c? nici unul din ei nu este a?a infam ? sau de inocent ? cum pare.
Ea & el
Ea & el
Marc Levy
S-au cunoscut prin intermediul unui site de ?nt?lniri amoroase. Dar n-au devenit iubi?i, ci prieteni.?i a?a vor s? r?m?n?. Ea e actri??. El e scriitor.Ea e Mia. El e Paul.Ea e britanic?. El e american.Ea se ascunde ?n Montmartre. El locuie?te ?n Marais.Ea are mult succes. El nu prea.De fapt, ea e faimoas? – de?i el nu-?i d? seama.Ea se simte singur?. ?i el.El e amuzant. Ea face gaf? dup? gaf?.Ea nu trebuie s? se ?ndr?gosteasc?. Nici el. Marc Levy revine la vechile lui teme cu aceast? comedie irezistibil? ?i imprevizibil? despre dragoste ?i prietenie.
Ketogenic Diet Food
Ketogenic Diet Food
Michael Rowe
Are you tired of trying fad diets that never seem to work? Do you want a sure a certain way to lose weight, that is healthy and simple to achieve? The answer to your search could be with The Ketogenic Diet Food Cookbook, a book which will teach you all the essentials you will need to lose weight, boost energy and heal your body at the same time.? Inside these pages you will discover not only a range of great recipes for any time of the day, but also:? Chapter 1 – Introduction to Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 2 - A little history of Diet Ketosis? Chapter 3 - The Difference Between Ketogenic, Low Carb, Atkins Paleo Diets? Chapter 4 - Are Alcohol and Beer Allowed while following the Ketogenic Diet?? Chapter 5 – The Relation between Carbohydrate-based Diets Hunger? Chapter 6 - Various types of Ketogenic Diets? Chapter 7 - A quick Definition of The Body Nutrients? Chapter 8 - Benefits of Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 9: Demolishing myths about the keto diet? Chapter 10 - Normally used Utensils For Ketogenic Diet? The recipes that have been provided in this book are ketogenic diet friendly. These recipes are not only easy to cook but taste wonderful too. All that you will need to do is get the necessary ingredients and keep them on hand. If you plan ahead and pre-decide your meals, following the keto diet won’t be difficult. It would be quite simple. You will need to stay strong and resist temptation. Be patient and you will definitely notice positive results in no time. Also, this diet helps you in losing fat from the abdominal region. Inside we collected only best of the best Ketogenic recipes for: Breakfast Main dishes Side dishes Desserts Snacks and appetizers Download your copy right away!
Eu te amo, e daí?
Eu te amo, e daí?
Dado Moraes
Você já disse “eu te amo”? Mas você disse com sinceridade? Ou apenas disse querendo obter algo? Ou para corresponder ao sentimento do outro?Neste conto, você vai conhecer Serginho, um cara que disse “eu te amo” para conseguir transar com a namorada. Ele só n?o sabia que essa mentira iria levá-lo a sofrer conseqüências nada agradáveis.
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Ryan Michler
Every man is born with just one thing: his sovereignty - his power to respond to his environment and his circumstances. Unfortunately, most men have spent much of their lives giving away that sovereignty. Every time a man passes blame or shirks his responsibility, every time he makes excuses for his performance, and every time he trades his unlimited potential for a little perceived safety and security, he willingly submits himself to the mercy of others. Is it any wonder that men, in general, seem to have lost their way? You don’t have to look very far to recognize that men don’t seem to possess the same amount of vigor and purpose they once did. Take one sobering statistic—the rate of suicide in men—and you begin to see how damaging the effects of the voluntary subjugation of men to their families, their businesses, and their governments can be. It’s not hard to understand why we give up control to others—it’s easy and we’re expected to. Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men?is a call for men to once again rise up and establish themselves as they once were—a revolution if you will. Inside the pages of this book, we’ll uncover the battle each man will inevitably engage in, the external forces fighting against the call to masculinity, and the internal struggle all men must overcome. But make no mistake, this revolution is not a call for men to go their own way and rally against society.?It’s a call for men to become fully the men they are meant to be so they may more adequately take care of themselves and those they are responsible for. Men have always been expected to protect, provide, and preside over themselves, their families, their businesses, and their communities. By embodying the thirteen Sovereign Virtues we detail inside, every man will be more capable of fulfilling his masculine duties and responsibilities. The words in this book go well beyond principle and theory, however, as we build the framework for establishing a battle plan to combat the external and internal threats to our masculine power and give every man the tools, resources, guidance, direction, and ability to reclaim what has always been his: his sovereignty.
Сказки про детей:Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки про детей:Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем новый сборник коротких поучительных историй от Алексея Лукшина, автора, уже известного вам по ?Сказкам Дружного леса?. На этот раз действие разворачивается не в волшебном лесу, но на знакомых нам улицах родных городов, а главные герои книги — дети, которые попадают в иногда забавные, а иногда и сложные ситуации, делая из них правильные выводы и усваивая важные жизненные уроки. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Self Help CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Course & Toolbox
Self Help CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training Course & Toolbox
Sam Reddington
"You Can Laugh At Negative Thinking, Emotional & Mental Issues -- If You Follow This Simple Plan" [Updated and Upgraded 2018 Edition with 2x more content!] Super easy, literally this CBT therapy can be done by adults,children and adolescents alike.You have full control of your emotions and actions, and all it takes is the CORRECT way to shift your thinking! To adopt healthy thought paaterns. And that is the mission of this book. You don't need to a ton of cbt books/workbooks, audiobooks and video products to possess the right toolbox or fix to the issues bothering you. It just takes understanding of your problems, basic skills and strong will to actually do something about it-preferably today? I will not waste your time today, forcing you to read several hundred pages of material unnecessarily - when all that you need can be concisely compressed into this book you hold in front of you. Let us begin this journey today-that's right today, stop procrastinating, stop whining, and begin taking steps towards a better you! No need to be intimidated. The wonderful thing about CBT, is that it's not rocket science and you can finish the book and start tweaking your brain minutes from now. INSIDE YOU'LL LEARN: Cbt Backstory Application Of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Symptoms Of Eating Disorders Types Of Eating Disorders Osfed Include The Following Diagnostic Symptoms: Types Of Anxiety Disorders:Causes Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder General Forms Of Anger Disorders Include: Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Are Categorized Into: Somatoform Disorders Include: The Basics Of Cbt? You Feel The Way You Think: The Link Between Thought And Feeling:A Look At The Types Of Beliefs Using The Abc Format:The Abc Format:Catastrophe Thinking:All Or Nothing Mentality: Generalization Thinking: Refocusing Your Newly Found Awareness: Definition Of Problems And Goal Setting: Facing Fear And Anxiety, Destroying Depression And Overcoming Obsessions: Overcome Low Self Esteem And Cool Your Anger: See A New Past, Put New Beliefs In Your Heart And Enjoy A? Happier, Healthier Future: Overcome Obstacles To Your Progress And Maintaining Your Cbt Gains: Working With Professionals: Ten Attitudes Have A Healthy Life: Ten Ways You Can Lighten Your Mood: Cbt Worksheet The Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Older People Depression Dementia The Cbt PrinciplesBrief Cbt: An Overview Brief Cbt In Action:Cbt On Improving Relationships Cbt Myths And Misconceptions GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald's finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author's generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald's--and his country's--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--" Gatsby's rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream.It's also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel's more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy's patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem.* * *"Now we have an American masterpiece in its final form: the original crystal has shaped itself into the true diamond. This is the novel as Fitzgerald wished it to be, and so it is what we have dreamed of, sleeping and waking." -- James Dickey* * *The Great Gatsby is a novel by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. First published on April 10, 1925, it is set on Long Island's North Shore and in New York City during the summer of 1922.The novel takes place following the First World War. American society enjoyed prosperity during the "roaring" 1920s as the economy soared. At the same time, Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers. After its republishing in 1945 and 1953, it quickly found a wide readership and is today widely regarded as a paragon of the Great American Novel, and a literary classic. The Great Gatsby has become a standard text in high school and university courses on American literature in countries around the world, and is ranked second in the Modern Library's lists of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century.--Wikipedia
Keto Diet: 100+ Low-Carb Healthy Ketogenic Recipes & Desserts That Can Change Yo
Keto Diet: 100+ Low-Carb Healthy Ketogenic Recipes & Desserts That Can Change Yo
Kevin Gise
Looking For Simple Tasty Ketogenic Recipes You Can Cook At Home? Tired of Feeling Sick Unhealthy? I've Included 100+ Recipes That Can Dramatically Improve Your Life! Start Feeling Healthier Happier Today! You no longer need to suffer and withhold from eating while you're dieting. The great thing about starting a ketogenic diet is you never get saddled with that hungry feeling that is a byproduct of most traditional diets. Dieting no longer needs to feel like a punishment. The keto diet was created to help people like you lose weight and get your body back under control. The ketogenic diet has been proven to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and even lower blood sugar. Sticking to this diet will give you the energy you need to make the most out of each day. This book will give you 100+ keto recipes covering every meal from breakfast to dessert. Inside You'll Learn: 30+ Keto Diet Breakfast Recipes 20+ Keto Diet Lunch Recipes 30+ Keto Diet Dinner Recipes 20+ Keto Diet Sides, Soups, & Snacks Recipes 20+ Keto Diet Dessert Recipes This recipe book will give you a taste of everything the ketogenic diet can offer. Taking that first step towards a healthier lifestyle is often the most difficult. By picking up this book you're deciding your health comes first and you want to become the best version of yourself possible. Don't Wait Another Minute! Get Your Copy Now!
Prietena mea genial?
Prietena mea genial?
Elena Ferrante
Cnd eram mic – pe la doisprezece-treisprezece ani –, eram absolut convins c o carte bun trebuie s aib un brbat drept erou i lucrul sta m ntrista foarte tare. Dar dup vreo doi ani faza aceea s-a ncheiat. La cincisprezece ani, am nceput s scriu poveti despre fete curajoase aflate n situaii dificile. ns am rmas cu convingerea – e adevrat, tot mai accentuat – c cei mai mari povestitori sunt brbaii i c, dac vrei s scrii, trebuie s nvei s povesteti ca ei.“ – Elena Ferrante O capodoper modern a uneia dintre scriitoarele italiene cele mai apreciate, Prietena mea genial este o poveste complex i emoionant despre dou prietene, Elena i Lila. Aciunea romanului este plasat n anii 1950, n mahalalele unui Napoli cenuiu. Elena i Lila cresc mpreun pe strzile pe care se duc rzboaiele ntre bande rivale i nva s aib ncredere deplin una n cealalt. Prietenia lor rmne profund, n ciuda drumurilor diferite pe care le va purta destinul. Prezentnd vieile a dou femei, Ferrante spune povestea unei mahalale, a unui ora i a unei ri care sufer transformri ce vor influena, la rndul lor, relaia dintre protagoniste, memorabilele Elena i Lila. Cine va reui s lase n urm universul dur al unei copilrii pe jumtate condamnate – Lilla cea descurcrea i ntreprinztoare sau Elena cea sfioas, ndrgostit de romane i pasionat de digresiuni filosofice Elena i Lila simbolizeaz o naiune supus unor transformri majore, iar portretul pe care Ferrante l face eroinelor sale reprezint o impresionant meditaie asupra istoriei i a prieteniei dintre oameni. Elena Ferrante este pseudonimul unei romanciere italiene. A publicat ase cri, printre care Amore molesto i I giorni dell 'abbandono, descris ca rvitoare“ de ctre prestigiosul cotidian New York Times. Prietena mea genial este primul roman dintr-o serie despre dou fete inteligente i descurcree din Napoli, care ncearc s-i construiasc o via ntr-o cultur violent i opresiv. Ferrante scrie sub semnul urgenei, cu aviditate i pasiune.“ – The San Francisco Chronicle Prietena mea genial este unul dintre cele mai nuanate portrete ale prieteniei dintre femei din memoria recent.“ – Vogue
Mr. Mercedes
Mr. Mercedes
Stephen King
Kontroll. Káosz. S?tétség.Egy pangó k?zép-nyugati kisvárosban, a fagyos kora hajnali órákban munkanélküliek százai állnak sorban az állásk?zvetít? el?tt. Egyszer csak egy magányos sof?r a t?megbe hajt egy lopott Mercedesszel, visszatolat, majd újra gázol, aztán elmenekül a helyszínr?l, nyolc halottat - k?ztük egy csecsem?t - és tizen?t sérültet hagyva maga után.Brady Hartfield alkoholista anyjával él a szül?i házban. Vágyik a mámorra, amit a Mercedes volánja m?g?tt, a halálosztó szerepében érzett, ezért újabb, még ?rd?gibb merényletre készül.Amikor Bill Hodges, a nyugdíjas zsaru levelet kap a Mercedeses Gyilkostól, reaktiválja magát, hogy meghiúsítsa az immár ezrek életét fenyeget?, ?rült tervet, és innent?l hajmereszt?en izgalmas versenyfutás kezd?dik az id?vel...King, a "horrorkirály" legújabb regénye kemény krimi, amely a klasszikus receptet k?vetve jó és gonosz küzdelmét állítja elénk, s k?zben félelmetes bepillantást nyújt egy megszállott, gyilkos elme m?k?désébe.Bill Hodges pedig hamarosan ismét színre lép, a szerz? ugyanis két további regényt tervez a f?szereplésével.Fordította: Bihari Gy?rgy
Perechea perfect?
Perechea perfect?
Johanna Lindsey
SERIA ?FAMILIA MALORY” Cu aproape un deceniu ?n urm?, Richard Allen a p?r?sit Anglia ca s? scape de un tat? abuziv ?i tiranic, care dorea s?-l ?nsoare cu fiica unui comerciant bogat pentru a face rost astfel de o avere uria??. Hot?r?t s?-?i tr?iasc? via?a dup? bunul plac, Richard se ?mbarc? ?ns? pe o corabie ?i se stabile?te ?n Caraibe, al?tur?ndu-se unei bande de v?n?tori de comori sub identitatea lui Jean Paul, un francez seduc?tor ?i lipsit de griji. C?nd se ?ntoarce ?n secret ?n Anglia ca s? rezolve o sarcin? urgent? ?i particip? la un bal mascat, Richard face ?nt?mpl?tor cuno?tin?? cu o femeie tulbur?toare. ?nc?ntat? c? avoca?ii ei au g?sit ?n sf?r?it o modalitate de a o elibera de contractul de c?s?torie cu fiul contelui de Manford, ?ncheiat pe c?nd cei doi erau doar ni?te copii, Julia Miller, mo?tenitoarea unei mari averi, sper? s?-?i g?seasc? perechea perfect? la balul prietenei sale, Georgina. Fermecat? de un francez mascat, care ?i d? primul s?rut tulbur?tor din via?a ei, Julia nu se poate ab?ine s? nu ?ncerce s? descopere identitatea acestui b?rbat misterios – ?i face o descoperire ?ocant?. Acum, ca s? scape de fantomele trecutului, Julia se vede nevoit? s? participe la o fars? riscant? al?turi un b?rbat despre care nu ar fi crezut niciodat? c? poate fi perechea perfect?.
Trei nop?i de dorin?e
Trei nop?i de dorin?e
Tessa Dare
Unii b?rba?ii tr?iesc dup? propriile reguli… p?n? c?nd pasiunea d? totul peste cap Fiul bastard al unui nobil, Julian Bellamy reprezint? acum ?ntruchiparea elegan?ei des?v?r?ite, ?nc?nt?ndu-i pe membrii aristocra?iei cu inteligen?a ?i farmecul s?u, ?n timp ce unelte?te ?n tain? s?-i ruineze pe lorzi, s? le seduc? so?iile ?i s?-?i bat? joc de o societatea care c?ndva l-a dispre?uit. Dar ?nt?lnirea cu Leo Chatwick ?i cu Lily, fermec?toarea lui sor?, ?l determin? pe Julian s?-?i reconsidere modul de via??. Dup? moartea tragic? a lui Leo, Julian jur? s? fac? tot ce ?i va sta ?n putin?? s-o conving? Lily, femeia de care este ?ndr?gostit ?n secret, s? se m?rite cu un b?rbat demn de rangul ei. Lily ?ns? ?l iube?te pe Julian dintotdeauna, ?l ador? pe b?rbatul ascuns sub fa?ada de libertin ?i viseaz? s? ?i devin? so?ie. Insisten?a lui de a o c?s?tori cu altcineva nu face dec?t s? ?i sporeasc? dorin?a de a-i dovedi c? el este singurul b?rbat potrivit pentru ea. ?ns? obsedat de ideea de a-i prinde pe asasinii lui Leo, Julian se ?ntoarce din nou ?n trecutul sordid al tinere?ii sale. Oare dragostea ei ?i poate salva pe am?ndoi sau secretele primejdioase scoase la iveal? le amenin?? nu doar iubirea, ci ?i via?a?
F?nt?na ?n?l??rii. Volumul al doilea din seria N?scu?i ?n cea??
F?nt?na ?n?l??rii. Volumul al doilea din seria N?scu?i ?n cea??
Brandon Sanderson
Al doilea volum din seria N?scu?i din cea?? Imposibilul a fost atins. Lordul Legiuitor – care se pretindea nemuritor ?i conducea lumea cu brutalitate de o mie de ani – a pierit. Elend Venture, noul conduc?tor al lui Luthandel, ?ncearc? s?-?i men?in? puterea, ?n timp ce aristocra?ii ?i negu??torii murmur? nemul?umi?i ?i dou? armate inamice apar la por?ile ora?ului. C?nd asediul lui Luthandel se ?n?spre?te, o legend? str?veche pare s? ofere o sclipire de speran??. Dar chiar dac? F?nt?na ?n?l??rii ar exista cu adev?rat, nimeni nu ?tie unde s-o caute ?i nici ce puteri confer?. Din fericire, Elend se poate bizui pe ajutorul iubitei sale, Allomanta Vin, asasina neoficial? a Cur?ii. ?Ac?iunea exploziv? pe care ?i-o doresc to?i iubitorii de aventuri.“
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
Glass Faerie
Glass Faerie
Rachel Morgan
Emerson Clarke: Sarcastic. Independent. Possibly losing her mind. Because that’s the only explanation for why she occasionally sees things that aren’t there, right? But one night, an impossible power erupts from her, and Em realizes the truth is crazier than she ever thought: she isn’t losing her mind; she’s magical. Thrown into an entirely new world of faeries, enchantments—and the annoying guy from down the road who, it turns out, isn’t human either—Em barely has time to learn even the most basic of magic before another startling truth reveals itself: she has a Griffin Ability. A special kind of magic feared by most fae. Now she’s at the top of everyone’s most-wanted list—including the mysterious glass faerie carrying out random attacks on fae. In this magical and terrifying world that she’s entirely unprepared for, Em must try to figure out who she really is, whom to trust, and how to stay alive long enough to get back to her normal life. Begin a thrilling new adventure as the bestselling Creepy Hollow series continues eighteen years after the events of A Faerie’s Curse!
Billy Budd and Other Prose Pieces by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustra
Billy Budd and Other Prose Pieces by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustra
Herman Melville
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Billy Budd and Other Prose Pieces by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Herman Melville’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Melville includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Billy Budd and Other Prose Pieces by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Melville’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles