

Kama Sutra
Kama Sutra
Lamairesse, E.
Mega Square Kama Sutra pays homage to the magic of love and is a universal educational manual. This edition is tastefully illustrated with refined frescos and delicate prints.
Julius Caesar, Bilingual Editon
Julius Caesar, Bilingual Editon
William Shakespeare
The Shakespeare tragedy, in English with line numbers and translated to German by August Wilhelm von Schlegel. According to Wikipedia: "The ghost of Caesar taunts Brutus about his imminent defeat. (Copperplate engraving by Edward Scriven from a painting by Richard Westall: London, 1802.) The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, also known simply as Julius Caesar, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It portrays the 44 BC conspiracy against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of the conspirators at the Battle of Philippi. It is one of several Roman plays that Shakespeare wrote, based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra."
Renaissance in Italy: The Age of the Despots
Renaissance in Italy: The Age of the Despots
John Addington Symonds
According to Wikipedia: "John Addington Symonds (5 October 1840 - 19 April 1893) was an English poet and literary critic… Meanwhile he was occupied with his major work, Renaissance in Italy, which appeared in seven volumes at intervals between 1875 and 1886. The Renaissance had been the subject of Symonds' prize essay at Oxford, and this had aroused a desire to produce a more complete picture of the reawakening of art and literature in Europe... He practically made his home at Davos. A charming picture of his life there is drawn in Our Life in the Swiss Highlands (1891). Symonds became a citizen of the town; he took part in its municipal business, made friends with the peasants and shared their interests. There he wrote most of his books: biographies of Shelley (1878), Philip Sidney (1886), Ben Jonson (1886) and Michelangelo (1893), several volumes of poetry and essays, and a translation of the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (1887). There, too, he completed his study of the Renaissance, the work for which he is mainly remembered."
Renaissance in Italy: The Fine Arts
Renaissance in Italy: The Fine Arts
John Addington Symonds
According to Wikipedia: "John Addington Symonds (5 October 1840 - 19 April 1893) was an English poet and literary critic… Meanwhile he was occupied with his major work, Renaissance in Italy, which appeared in seven volumes at intervals between 1875 and 1886. The Renaissance had been the subject of Symonds' prize essay at Oxford, and this had aroused a desire to produce a more complete picture of the reawakening of art and literature in Europe... He practically made his home at Davos. A charming picture of his life there is drawn in Our Life in the Swiss Highlands (1891). Symonds became a citizen of the town; he took part in its municipal business, made friends with the peasants and shared their interests. There he wrote most of his books: biographies of Shelley (1878), Philip Sidney (1886), Ben Jonson (1886) and Michelangelo (1893), several volumes of poetry and essays, and a translation of the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (1887). There, too, he completed his study of the Renaissance, the work for which he is mainly remembered."
The Homeric Hymns
The Homeric Hymns
Lang's translation of the Homeric Hymns, plus a collection of related essays by Lang. According to Wikipedia: "Homer is a legendary ancient Greek epic poet, traditionally said to be the author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. The ancient Greeks generally believed that Homer was a historical individual, but modern scholars are skeptical: no reliable biographical information has been handed down from classical antiquity, and the poems themselves manifestly represent the culmination of many centuries of oral story-telling and a well-developed "formulaic" system of poetic composition."
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
Niccolò Machiavelli, Ninian Hill Thomson
Il Principe (The Prince) is a political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. Originally called De Principatibus (About Principalities), it was written in 1513, but not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. The treatise is not representative of the work published during his lifetime, but it is the most remembered, and the work responsible for bringing "Machiavellian" into wide usage as a pejorative term. It has also been suggested by some critics that the piece is, in fact, a satire.
Four Plays
Four Plays
Alexander Ostrovsky
Four classic Russian plays. According to the introduction, "ALEXANDER NIKOLAYEVICH Ostrovsky (1823-86) is the great Russian dramatist of the central decades of the nineteenth century, of the years when the realistic school was all-powerful in Russian literature, of the period when Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy created a literature of prose fiction that has had no superior in the world's history. His work in the drama takes its place beside theirs in the novel. Obviously inferior as it is in certain ways, it yet sheds light on an important side of Russian life that they left practically untouched."
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare Trag?die, in Englisch, mit Zeilennummern, und übersetzt von Christoph Martin Wieland ins Deutsche. Laut Wikipedia: "Die Trag?die von Macbeth (allgemein Macbeth genannt) ist eine Trag?die von William Shakespeare über einen Mann, der K?nigsmord begeht und dann weitere Morde begeht, um seine Macht zu behalten. Das Spiel zeigt deutlich die korrumpierende Wirkung des Ehrgeizes Es geht aber auch um die Beziehung zwischen Grausamkeit und M?nnlichkeit, Tyrannei und K?nigtum, Verrat, Gewalt, Schuld, Prophetie und St?rung der natürlichen Ordnung.
101 Amazing Statistics
101 Amazing Statistics
Goldstein, Jack
Did you know that you're almost two thousand times more likely to die from an asteroid hitting the earth than you are from a terrorist attack? Would you be shocked to learn that almost half of pilots surveyed admitted to falling asleep during a flight? Do you think world population growth is increasing or declining? And does a regular social drinker earn more or less than their alcohol-free counterpart? This fascinating book contains over one hundred statistics that will surprise, shock and amaze you. With sections covering life, death, crime, education, the environment and much more, this is a great quick read for readers of any age.
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Daniel Marques
Porque N?o Posso Amar: Poemas Sobre Sentimentos Negados
Complete Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Complete Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Household Edition of Longfellow's Poetical Writings contains all his original verse that he wished to preserve, and all his translations except the Divina Commedia. The poems are printed as nearly as possible in chronological order. Originally published in 1902. According to Wikipedia: "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American educator and poet whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and "Evangeline". He was also the first American to translate Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy and was one of the five members of the group known as the Fireside Poets."
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Part 1: Logic (Organon) Categories, translated by E. M. Edghill On Interpretation, translated by E. M. Edghill Prior Analytics (2 Books), translated by A. J. Jenkinson Posterior Analytics (2 Books), translated by G. R. G. Mure Topics (8 Books), translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Sophistical Refutations, translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Part 2: Universal Physics Physics (8 Books), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye On the Heavens (4 Books), translated by J. L. Stocks On Gerneration and Corruption (2 Books), translated by H. H. Joachim Meteorology (4 Books), translated by E. W. Webster Part 3: Human Physics On the Soul (3 Books), translated by J. A. Smith On Sense and the Sensible, translated by J. I. Beare On Memory and Reminiscence, translated by J. I. Beare On Sleep and Sleeplessness, translated by J. I. Beare On Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Prophesying by Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Longevity and Shortness of Life, translated by G. R. T. Ross On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration, translated by G. R. T. Ross Part 4: Animal Physics The History of Animals (9 Books), translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson On the Parts of Animals (4 Books), translated by William Ogle On the Motion of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Gait of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Generation of Animals (5 Books), translated by Arthur Platt Part 5: Metaphysics (15 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Part 6: Ethics and Politics Nicomachean Ethics (10 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Politics (8 Books), translated by Benjamin Jowett The Athenian Constitution, translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon Part 7: Aesthetic Writings Rhetoric (3 Books), translated by W. Rhys Roberts Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher
Mein Kampf: "Zwei Bande in Einem Band Ungekurzte Ausgabe"
Mein Kampf: "Zwei Bande in Einem Band Ungekurzte Ausgabe"
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf ist eine politisch-ideologische Programmschrift Adolf Hitlers. Sie erschien in zwei Teilen. Hitler stellte darin seinen Werdegang zum Politiker und seine Weltanschauung dar. Das Buch enthalt Hitlers Autobiografie, ist in der Hauptsache aber eine zweckgerichtete Kampf- und Propagandaschrift, die zum Neuaufbau der NSDAP als zentral gelenkter Partei unter Hitlers Fuhrung dienen sollte.??Der erste Band entstand in Hitlers Haftzeit 1924 und wurde erstmals am 18. Juli 1925, der zweite am 11. Dezember 1926 veroffentlicht. Vor allem der erste Band wurde bis 1932 in der Weimarer Republik zu einem viel diskutierten Bestseller.??Hitler schrieb 1924 den ersten Teil von Mein Kampf wahrend seiner Festungshaft in der Haftanstalt Landsberg in Landsberg am Lech. Er soll den Text seinem spateren Stellvertreter Rudolf HeB diktiert haben. Neuere Erkenntnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Hitler den Text selbst auf einer Reiseschreibmaschine tippte. Winifred Wagner berichtete, Hitler "massenhaft Schreibpapier" nach Landsberg geschickt zu haben.??Ursprunglich sollte das Buch Viereinhalb Jahre [des Kampfes] gegen Luge, Dummheit und Feigheit heiBen. Nach der vorzeitigen Haftentlassung im Dezember 1924 diktierte Hitler den starker programmatisch ausgelegten zweiten Teil von Mein Kampf seinem Gefolgsmann Max Amann, Direktor des Franz-Eher-Verlags. Amann und Hitler zogen sich im Sommer 1925 in das (daher spater so genannte) Kampfhausl des Pensionswirts Bruno Buchner auf dem Obersalzberg (nahe dem spateren Berghof) zuruck, um das Manuskript zu tippen.??Im Juli 1925 erschien der erste Band, im Dezember 1926 der zweite. Bis 1930 vertrieb der Verlag Mein Kampf in zwei groBformatigen Banden zum Preis von zunachst je 12, ab 1928 14 Reichsmark.??Der Originaltext erlebte in seiner zwanzigjahrigen Editionsgeschichte von 1925 bis 1945 zahlreiche Anderungen und Erweiterungen. Der Text der spaten Ausgaben aus den 1940er Jahren ist nur bedingt in direkten Bezug zu setzen mit Hitlers publizistischer und politischer Positionierung Mitte der 1920er. ??Im Herbst 2006 tauchten in Munchen funf Manuskript- und achtzehn Entwurfsseiten zu Hitlers Buch auf, die er vor dessen Veroffentlichung im Fruhjahr und im Sommer 1924 wahrend seiner Festungshaft in Landsberg verfasst hatte. Der Vergleich mit der spateren Endfassung ermoglichte der Hitlerforschung Ruckschlusse zur Entwicklung von Hitlers Weltbild und Agitationsweise.??Der erste und der zweite Band erschienen in einer Erstauflage von je 10.000 Exemplaren. Die NSDAP finanzierte sich ganz wesentlich uber den eigenen Parteiverlag, an dem auch Hitler personlich beteiligt war. Von der einbandigen Volksausgabe wurden bis Januar 1933 287.000 Exemplare zum Preis von je 12 RM durch den Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Franz Eher Nachfolger) verkauft. ??Hitler erhielt pro verkauftem Buch 10 Prozent Tantiemen. Die folgende einbandige Ausgabe kostete 8 RM ("Volksausgabe", ab 1930)...
101 Amazing Sherlock Holmes Facts
101 Amazing Sherlock Holmes Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a fan of Sherlock Holmes? Do you want to know some incredible trivia about the world's greatest detective? Whether it is Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC's Sherlock that you enjoy, or Robert Downey Junior's portrayal in the film series that piques your interest, this fantastic book of facts from Jack Goldstein and Jimmy Russell is sure to be an excellent addition to your bookshelf. With sections covering adaptations of the stories, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and of course the most amazing and unbelievable facts, this is the perfect way to find out more about the best-selling hero.
Matrix Quiz Book
Matrix Quiz Book
Andrews, Paul
Are you a fan of the film - The Matrix - Do you think you know all there is to know about the film. Containing questions about the plot, characters and actors, as well as facts about the making of the film. This fun quiz book will test you, your family and friends knowledge of the film.
Delphi Complete Works of O. Henry (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of O. Henry (Illustrated)
O. Henry
America’s master of the short story has entertained readers for over a hundred years. This eBook offers you the unique opportunity of exploring O. Henry’s work in a manner never before possible in digital print. The edition includes every O. Henry short story collection, with poems and letters and other bonus texts. * ALL the short story collections and each with their own contents table * overall contents tables for the short stories – both alphabetical and chronological – find that special story quickly and easily! * rare short story collections like O HENRYANA and THE TWO WOMEN – often missed out of collections * includes O. Henry’s poetry and letters * EVEN includes the enigmatic LETTERS TO LITHOPOLIS FROM O. HENRY TO MABEL WAGNALLS, available in no other collection * includes the BONUS text of C. Alphonso Smith’s famous biography – explore O. Henry’s interesting life! * ALSO includes the story collection MY TUSSLE WITH THE DEVIL by O. Henry’s Ghost for your enjoyment * images relating to O. Henry’s life, works, places and film adaptations * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around O. Henry’s works Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Short Story Collections CABBAGES AND KINGS THE FOUR MILLION THE TRIMMED LAMP HEART OF THE WEST THE VOICE OF THE CITY ROADS OF DESTINY OPTIONS STRICTLY BUSINESS WHIRLIGIGS THE TWO WOMEN SIXES AND SEVENS THE GENTLE GRAFTER ROLLING STONES WAIFS AND STRAYS O HENRYANA MY TUSSLE WITH THE DEVIL BY O. HENRY’S GHOST The Short Stories CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES The Poetry LIST OF POEMS The Letters LIST OF LETTERS LETTERS TO LITHOPOLIS FROM O. HENRY TO MABEL WAGNALLS The Biography O. HENRY BIOGRAPHY BY C. ALPHONSO SMITH Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Mourning Becomes Electra
Mourning Becomes Electra
Eugene O'Neill
Mourning becomes Electra is a play cycle written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill. The play premiered on Broadway at the Guild Theatre on 26 October 1931 where it ran for 150 performances before closing in March 1932. In May 1932, it was revived at the Alvin Theatre, and in 1972 at the Circle in the Square Theatre.
14 Plays
14 Plays
William S. Gilbert, Arthur Sulllivan
This book includes: Gondoliers, Grand Duke, H.M.S Pinafore, Iolanthe, The Mikado, Pirates of Penzance, Ruddigore, The Sorcerer, Thespis, Trial by Jury, Utopia Limited, Yeomen of the Guard, and Patience. All of these plays/operettas were written 1871 to 1896. According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert and Sullivan refers to the Victorian era partnership of librettist W. S. Gilbert (1836–1911) and composer Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900). Together, they wrote fourteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, of which H.M.S. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance, and The Mikado are among the best known. Gilbert, who wrote the words, created fanciful "topsy-turvy" worlds for these operas, where each absurdity is taken to its logical conclusion—fairies rub elbows with British lords, flirting is a capital offence, gondoliers ascend to the monarchy, and pirates turn out to be noblemen who have gone wrong. Sullivan, six years Gilbert's junior, composed the music, contributing memorable melodies that could convey both humour and pathos. Producer Richard D'Oyly Carte brought Gilbert and Sullivan together and nurtured their collaboration. He built the Savoy Theatre in 1881 to present their joint works—which came to be known as the Savoy Operas—and he founded the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, which performed and promoted their works for over a century. The Gilbert and Sullivan operas have enjoyed broad and enduring international success and are still performed frequently throughout the English-speaking world. The collaboration introduced innovations in content and form that directly influenced the development of musical theatre through the 20th century. The operas have also influenced political discourse, literature, film and television and have been widely parodied and pastiched by humorists."
The Wealth of Nations
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism. Written in clear and incisive prose, The Wealth of Nations articulates the concepts indispensable to an understanding of contemporary society.
Aesop Fables: {Illustrated}
Aesop Fables: {Illustrated}
Aesop Aesop
This book, re-edited and illustrated by e-kitap projesi and published again in ebook format. In this book, telling that Boyhood stories of the Most famous persons in the world, and so These 21 famous persons lay out from Christopher Colombus –The pre-founder of the America- to Otto von Bismarc. For example: “When he was sixteen Napoleon and his best friend, a boy named Desmazis, were ordered to join the regiment of La Fère which was then quartered in the south of France. Napoleon was glad of this change which brought him nearer to his island home, and he also felt that he would now learn something of actual warfare. The two boys were taken to their regiment in charge of an officer who stayed with them from the time they left Paris until the carriage set them down at the garrison town. The regiment of La Fère was one of the best in the French army, and the boy immediately took a great liking to everything connected with it. He found the officers well educated and anxious to help him. He declared the blue uniform with red facings to be the most beautiful uniform in the world. He had to work hard, still studying mathematics, chemistry, and the laws of fortification, mounting guard with the other subalterns, and looking after his own company of men. He seemed very young to be put in charge of grown soldiers, but his great ability had brought about this extraordinarily rapid promotion. He had a room in a boarding-house kept by an old maid, but took his meals at the Inn of the Three Pigeons. Now that he was an officer he began to be more interested in making a good appearance before people. He took dancing lessons and suddenly blossomed out into much popularity among the garrison. Older people could not help but see his great strength of character, and time and again it was predicted that he would rise high in the army.”
[法]达米安·布里多诺(Damien Bridonneau)
罗琳(J. K. Rowling)的“哈利·波特”系列自1997年问世以来,透过小说和电影,这部饶富魔法趣味的作品已经成功引了全球数百万读者,各地的粉丝与罗琳的作品也一起成长,无论是当代的优秀作家或学者,都从中汲取过灵感。 这本书的作者从英国的神话和传奇角度出发,解读了罗琳的“哈利·波特”系列。本书广涉英国历史与斯堪地纳维亚中古文学等领域,带领读者追踪哈利·波特中隐藏的历史谱系,诸如纯血统巫师是否为诺曼人的反映、伏地魔是否为寻求恢复的专制君主、邓布利多是否为前凯尔特人德鲁伊哲学家、霍格沃茨魔法学校的各种象征的涵义等问题。作者认为,神话和传奇在某种程度上启发了人们的想象力和文学创作的欲望,因此在研究和理解人类文明史中占有一席之地。古欧洲的传说、中世纪文学、古典文学和近现代文学都是藉由集体想象力的渗透作用,C.S.刘易斯、J.R.R.托尔金、J.K.罗琳等作为现当代英国幻想文学的代表,其作品中体现的文明精神内核不容忽视。
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