

The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
J.F. Penn
A sunken city. A lost goddess … and the woman who longs to find her. Lara is part of a dive team exploring the sunken city of Thonis-Heraklion off the north coast of Egypt. When a storm threatens the site, there's only time for one last dive and Lara is determined to be on it – even if it means diving with the man who threatened her this summer. Because The Dark Queen is down there and Lara intends to find her before it's too late ... Sink beneath the waves in this supernatural short story from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, J.F.Penn
Айпад - Сказочная повесть - Сказки для подростков
Айпад - Сказочная повесть - Сказки для подростков
Алексей Лукшин
Айпад — это современная сказочная повесть популярного автора Алексея Лукшина, написанная им про и для подростков. Это книга о приключениях, о полном чудес мире детства и о настоящей дружбе. Волшебник Моцарт, попавший к нам из параллельного мира через планшет Гошкиного отца, многому учится у главного героя, но и Гошка тоже узнает от Моцарта немало нового. Становясь всё более закадычными друзьями с каждой новой главой, вместе они принимают участие в велосипедном заезде, находят способ проучить хулигана и помогают ребятам отказаться от сигарет, которые им предлагает старший товарищ. Эта книга не даст заскучать, а происходящее в ней не раз вызовет на лицах широкую улыбку. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
?nainte s? te cunosc
?nainte s? te cunosc
Jojo Moyes
Lou Clark ?tie o mul?ime de lucruri. ?tie c??i pa?i sunt de la sta?ia de autobuz p?n? acas?. ?tie c? ?i place s? lucreze la ceain?ria The Buttered Bun ?i c? s-ar putea s? nu fie ?ndr?gostit? de iubitul ei, Patrick. Ceea ce Lou nu ?tie este c? e pe cale s?-?i piard? locul de munc? ?i c? via?a ei r?m?ne normal? doar pentru c? e, ?n esen??, previzibil?. Will Traynor ?tie c? accidentul de motociclet? pe care l-a suferit l-a f?cut s?-?i piard? dorin?a de a tr?i. ?tie c? totul i se pare acum insignifiant ?i lipsit de bucurie ?i ?tie totodat? ?i cum s? pun? cap?t acestei st?ri de lucruri. Ceea ce Will nu ?tie este c? Lou e pe cale s?-?i fac? apari?ia ?n lumea lui ?ntr-o explozie de culoare. ?i nici unul dintre ei nu ?tie c? urmeaz? s? schimbe destinul celuilalt pentru totdeauna. ?nainte s? te cunosc e o poveste de dragoste pentru genera?ia de azi, despre o iubire nea?teptat? ?ntre doi oameni care nu au nimic ?n comun. O carte romantic? ?i imprevizibil?, care ?i va provoca pe cititori s? se ?ntrebe ce e de f?cut atunci c?nd, de dragul celui pe care ?l iube?ti, trebuie s?-?i sacrifici propria fericire. ?O nara?iune ingenioas?, cu personaje ?nc?nt?toare. O poveste dulce-am?ruie despre dragoste ?i renun?are. O lectur? extraordinar?.“ – Daily Mail Carte v?ndut? ?n peste 6 milioane de exemplare
O aventur? secret?. Seria Huxtable
O aventur? secret?. Seria Huxtable
Mary Balogh
La v?rst? de nou?sprezece ani, Hannah Reid a devenit ducesa de Dunbarton. Un deceniu mai t?rziu, dup? moartea so?ului ei, mai frumoas? ca niciodat?, este ?n sf?r?it liber? ?i bogat?. Ca s?-?i ?ocheze cunoscu?ii conven?ionali, inten?ioneaz? s? guste din pl?cerile interzise ale vie?ii ?i s?-?i ia un amant. Dar nu orice amant, ci pe ?nsu?i Constantine Huxtable, cel mai periculos, dar ?i cel mai atr?g?tor b?rbat din lumea bun? londonez?. Faptul c? na?terea lui a fost considerat? ilegitim? i-a r?pit lui Constantine titlul de conte. ?i de?i i s-a refuzat astfel pe nedrept intrarea ?n r?ndurile aristocra?iei, Constantine nu-?i refuz? nimic, c?nd vine vorba de deliciile vie?ii. Se zvone?te c? re?edin?a lui de la ?ar? este martora unor nop?i fierbin?i, iar v?duvele sunt ?inta lui cu predilec?ie pentru aventurile care nu ?in mai mult de un sezon. Ducesa de Dunbarton pare s? se potriveasc? perfect rolului, fiind singur?, v?duv?, independent? ?i aparent superficial? ?i vanitoas?. Dar oare a?a s? fie? C?ci odat? ce aceste dou? fiin?e pasionale ?i scandaloase se ?nt?lnesc, descoper? c? nu este deloc u?or s? ?ncerce fl?c?rile dorin?ei... f?r? s? cad? ?n mrejele iubirii.
Heller Joseph
Ac?iunea romanului Catch-22 se concentreaz? asupra evenimentelor dintr-o baz? militar? american? fictiv?, ?n ultimele luni ale celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Neobi?nuitul protagonist al pove?tii este Yossarian, un erou de o inventivitate ?i o energie inepuizabile, hot?r?t s? supravie?uiasc? r?zboiului cu orice pre?. Romanul oscileaz? ?ntre comic ?i teroare cu o u?urin?? fenomenal?, explor?nd ingenios absurdul existen?ei ?ntr-un mediu ?n care oamenii au ?ncetat s?-?i mai vorbeasc?. Birocra?ia ?i autismul sunt acum la ordinea zilei, ca ?i violen?a ?i amenin?area mor?ii, iar p?strarea judec??ii ?i a sim?ului realit??ii necesit? eforturi aproape supraomene?ti.
A Faerie's Revenge
A Faerie's Revenge
Rachel Morgan
Plot twists, action and excitement will keep you turning the pages of this bestselling YA fantasy! Still reeling from a shocking revelation, guardian trainee Calla Larkenwood finds the threads of her world unraveling further when she's accused of a horrifying crime she didn't commit: A deadly magical disease has entered the Guild, threatening to wipe out every guardian--and someone is intent on framing Calla for it. With the Guild Council focusing their investigation on her instead of searching for the real criminal, Calla watches her dream of becoming a guardian rapidly slipping away. Time is running out. As the lines between good and bad, right and wrong, begin to blur, whom can she turn to for help? Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
Тайна летающей тарелки и другие весёлые дачные истории - Иллюстрированные сказки
Тайна летающей тарелки и другие весёлые дачные истории - Иллюстрированные сказки
Валерий Герланец,
Эта невероятно весёлая повесть адресована дошкольникам и младшим школьникам, а также педагогам, воспитателям, родителям и родителям родителей. Она состоит из нескольких самостоятельных глав, рассказывающих о похождениях двух дачных обитателей – щенка Борьки и его закадычной подружки киски Лариски как на самой даче, так и в её окрестностях. В каждой главе хвостатые герои обязательно ?влипают? в?какую-нибудь авантюрную историю или узнают для себя что-то новое и полезное. Сделав героями повести щенка и киску, автор, конечно же, имел в виду мальчишку и девчонку – двух любопытных непосед, ребят типа ?хочу всё знать?, для которых дача – распахнутое настежь окно в окружающий мир – прекрасный, подчас опасный, однако безумно интересный. Так, например, в первой истории мама щенка Борьки открывает школу и начинает обучать сына и других обитателей дачи читать и считать. Во второй истории щенок и киска отправляются на поиски страшного чудища, которое вдруг появилось на ближайшем пруду. А в третьей главные герои попадают в западню… Впрочем, не будем пересказывать все весёлые и познавательные истории, вошедшие в эту книжку, а то читать её будет совсем неинтересно. ?Тайна летающей тарелки? является переизданием вышедшей ранее книги ?Чудовище из пруда?. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Сказки Дружного леса:Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки Дружного леса:Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин, Alexei Lukshin
Представляем вам красочный сборник сказок для детей автора Алексея Лукшина. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса: Ёжика-путешественника, зайца Турбо, волка Прямой хвост и других забавных зверят. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению из всего делать праздник и создавать хорошее настроение. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Все сказки представлены в виде коротких и смешных историй. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. ?Сказки дружного леса? были изданы Animedia Company в формате аудио-книги, а также на английском языке.
Risen Gods
Risen Gods
J.F. Penn, J. Thorn
"It doesn't matter what you believe. The time is here. They are coming. After so long, the gods are rising again." Ben Henare turned away from the gods of his ancestors to follow his own path, choosing the modern world over myths of demons and monsters. But when New Zealand is shaken by earthquakes and dark powers are released, Ben must fight his way north through ice caves and oceans, battling the evil god Whiro and the creatures of the earth and sky. Lucy Campion is a trainee doctor, a rational scientist with no belief in demons. When her parents are killed and her sister is threatened, Lucy is tasked with carrying an ancient talisman north to where the oceans meet. But both human and supernatural foes stand in her way. As the people they love are threatened and New Zealand begins to crumble, can Ben and Lucy find each other again and save the country from the wrath of the Risen Gods? Risen Gods is a fast-paced, urban fantasy adventure set in Aotearoa/New Zealand, rich with Maori mythology of gods and goddesses, demons and devils. If you enjoy supernatural thrillers, download a sample or buy now. From New York Times and USA Today bestselling supernatural thriller author J.F.Penn, and dark fantasy author, J. Thorn, comes a stand-alone novel of demons, monsters, and Risen Gods.
Women, Minorities, Media and the 21st Century
Women, Minorities, Media and the 21st Century
Katherine Peirce-Burleson
About The Book It is a book about gender, race and media from a social science perspective. It is grounded in gender-role-acquisition theory, feminist theory and racial identity theory. It includes discussion of socialization forces other than media and chapters devoted to the coverage of women and minorities in various media and the experience of women and minorities working in media. The text is aimed at upper-level undergraduates and graduate students.
Noi ?nceputuri ?n Eclipse Bay. Seria Eclipse Bay
Noi ?nceputuri ?n Eclipse Bay. Seria Eclipse Bay
Amanda Quick
Lucrurile au fost dintotdeauna complicate ?ntre membrii familiilor Harte ?i Madison. Conflictul care i-a transformat ?n du?mani dureaz? de genera?ii ?ntregi. De?i se spune c? nunta lui Hannah Harte cu Rafe Madison va ?mbun?t??i situa?ia, la doar c?teva luni dup? fericitul eveniment, sora ei, Lilian, ?i fratele lui, Gabe, nu sunt deloc de aceea?i p?rere. Directorul executiv Gabe Madison a insistat s? devin? clientul agen?iei de matrimoniale a lui Lillian Harte, pentru a-?i g?si sufletul pereche. Dar Lilian ajunge rapid la cap?tul r?bd?rii, dup? ce cinci ?nt?lniri pe care i le aranjeaz? lui Gabe se dovedesc a fi ni?te e?ecuri r?sun?toare. Dac? nu s-ar fi hot?r?t deja s?-?i ?nchid? afacerea ?i s? se mute acas?, ?n Eclipse Bay, pentru a se dedica pasiunii sale de a picta, Gabe ar fi f?cut-o cu siguran?? s? se decid? rapid. C?nd ?ns? Lilian c?nd se treze?te cu el ?n pragul u?ii, cer?ndu-i s?-?i respecte contractul semnat, sc?nteile dintre ei se transform? brusc ?n atrac?ie necontrolat?. ?nc? o dat?, Eclipse Bay va fi martorul unui spectacol fascinant – dintre un Madison ?nc?p???nat ?i o irezistibil? reprezentant? a familiei Harte…
Oamenii ferici?i citesc ?i beau cafea
Oamenii ferici?i citesc ?i beau cafea
Agnès Martin-Lugand
A plecat din Paris s? se uite pe sine. Dragostea pe care o va ?nt?lni va schimba totul.Povestea lui Diane ?ncepe ?n mod brutal cu moartea so?ului ?i a feti?ei sale, eveniment care o arunc? ?n cea mai cumplit? depresie. Totul se opre?te ?n loc, ?n afar? de inima ei, care continu? s? bat?. Cu ?nc?p???nare. Dureros. Zadarnic.C?nd cel mai bun prieten ?i asociat ?n mica afacere cu o cafenea literar? la Paris, Felix, ?i propune o c?l?torie ca ?nceput pentru o nou? via??, Diane alege s? ?ndeplineasc? o mai veche dorin?? a fostului ei so? ?i se refugiaz? departe de lume, ?ntr-o mic? a?ezare din Irlanda.O ?nt?lnire nea?teptat? cu un b?rbat taciturn o face pe Diane s? vad? din nou lumea cu ?ncredere ?i cu for?? reg?sit?.?Aceast? poveste despre ?mp?carea cu sine con?ine dialoguri conving?toare ?i e spus? ?ntr-un stil simplu, nepreten?ios, av?nd chiar ?i accente de umor.“ – Le ParisienProfund ?i emo?ionant, romanul lui Agnès Martin-Lugand sondeaz? cu luciditate cea mai cumplit? tragedie din via?a unui om. O carte care te marcheaz?.“ – Susan Wiggs??n ?ntuneric, am mers pe urmele lor, ?n ?nc?perea ?n care ne reuneam. Colin venea spre mine, eu ?i desf?ceam cravata, el m? s?ruta, Clara ne desp?r?ea, cinam, Colin o culca pe fiica noastr?, dup? care r?m?neam am?ndoi, cu siguran?a de a o ?ti pe Clara la c?ldur? ?n patul ei, cu degetul mare ?n gur?.Am realizat c? apartamentul nostru nu mai exista, ?mi dorisem s? r?m?n acolo ca s? p?strez totul neatins, dar gre?isem. Nu mai erau dosare, zgomotul cheii ?n u??, alerg?turi pe parchet. Nu aveam s? mai revin niciodat? aici.“
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
Johanna Lindsey
O reputa?ie nep?tat? sau dragostea adev?rat?? Alegerea nu a fost niciodat? mai dificil?... R?mas? f?r? nici un venit – al?turi de familia sa care este pe cale s?-?i piard? c?minul din pricina datoriilor ?i icircntr-o stare de disperare crunt?, Kelsey Langton icirc?i d? seama c? doar l?sacircndu-se vacircndut? la o licita?ie poate salva viitorul surorii sale. Astfel, nobila macircndr? ?i dezn?d?jduit? intr? renumita Cas? a lui Eros, resemn acircndu-se s? devin? juc?ria favorit? a unui lord icircnst?rit ?i s? fie la dispozi?ia lui cacirc;t timp acesta avea s-o doreasc? iar Lord Derek Malory este b?rbatul care ofer? suma cea mai mare pentru a deveni unicul proprietar al farmecelor lui Kelsey. Un crai chipe? ?i un renumit burlac convins, Derek o atrage icircn curacirc nd pe senzuala ?i inocenta fecioar? icirc;ntr-o lume de pl?ceri neb?nuite ?i de rivalit??i primejdioase. ?i, ca vreunul din ei s?-?i fi propus, gra?ia, inteligen?a ?i frumuse?ea ei icircl ispitesc pe noul st?pacircn s? renun?e la via?a de huzur ?i pierzanie ?i s? parieze tot ce are pe dragostea adev?rat?.
Andy Weir
Jazz Bashara b?n?z?. Vagy valami olyasmi. Az élet ugyanis elég kemény Artemisen, a Hold els? és egyetlen városában, hacsak nem vagy gazdag turista vagy excentrikus milliárdos. Némi ártalmatlan, de tiltott áru becsempészése nem egetver? b?n, ugyebár? F?leg, ha kül?nb?z? adósságokat kell t?rlesztened, mivel a hordári munkádért kapott fizetés a lakbért is alig fedezi. A dolgok akkor kezdenek megváltozni, amikor Jazznek páratlan lehet?sége adódik a t?kéletes b?ntény elk?vetésére, amely akkora nyereséggel kecsegtet, hogy képtelenség lenne visszautasítani. A lehetetlen végrehajtása azonban még csak a kezdet: ráébred, hogy egyenesen egy ?sszeesküvés kell?s k?zepébe cs?ppent, amelynek célja nem kevesebb, mint átvenni a hatalmat egész Artemis f?l?tt. Ha pedig túl akarja élni, bele kell mennie élete legbrutálisabb játszmájába, olyan tétekkel, amelyek már egyáltalán nincsenek az ínyére. A marsi sikerlista-vezet? szerz?je, Andy Weir újabb leny?g?z? f?szerepl?t alkotott, Jazz t?rténetét pedig a rá jellemz? humorral és tudományos alapossággal írta meg. Az Artemis filmes jogai már a k?nyv bejelentésének napján elkeltek, a 20th Century Fox és a New Regency máris dolgozik az adaptáción.
Kelebe?in ?ilesi ?iir
Kelebe?in ?ilesi ?iir
Veysel Topaloglu
Herkes, beni s?rf " yazar?m"San?yor!Yan?l?yor!Oysa ki: Ben hem yazar?m;Hem de "silerim".T?pk?: Silgili bir kalem gibiyim:Bir yan?m: Yazar,Di?er yan?m da siler.Kendi defterimin "kar" beyaz sayfalar?nda:Do?ru ve güzel olan? yazmaya çabalarken;Di?erlerinin defterlerindeki yanl??lar?,Görmemezlikten gelemem!Nerede bir yanl?? görsem;Düzeltmeden de duramam!Ya yanl??? silerim! Ya da sayfay?   KELEBE??N Ç?LES?Ey!Sadekul Veysel;Biliyorsun ki!Marifet: Do?rular? bilmekte,De?il;Do?rular? söyleyebilmektedir.?imdi!Söyle, sen de do?rular?;Anlat, herkese k?ssay?.Arif olan; mutlaka al?r hisseyi.Bu, öyle bir k?ssa ki!Tam bir: "Yeti?kin Masal?".Kahramanlar? ise:Eli asal?Uzun sakall?,Ya?l?-ba?l?:H?rpani bir dervi?le,Ye?ilimt?rak bir kurtçuk (t?rt?l).Dervi?;Küflü, karanl?k ve bo?ukKüçük, yal?n ve de so?uk!Tek oda, çilehanesinde:Günlerdir:Yar? açYar? tok,Uykusuz ve yorgun.Ama!Ruhen, oldukça dingin!Çilesini çekmekte...Dervi?;Ba?da? kurmu?!Yere, öyle oturmu?.Alt?nda: ?iltesi yok!Oturdu?u yer kuru.Sofras?nda: az??? yok!Çanakta, ekme?i kuru.Ama!Rahlesi: kitap,Testisi: su,Kalbi ise imanDolu!?lahi a?k?n etkisiyleBirazc?k daDeli!?di.Çile günlerinde:Kafas?ndaki, zaman kavram?n? yitirmi?;Gündüz ile gecenin fark?n? bitirmi?,Bir halde!Zihninde: sürekli "pirinin sözlerini "tekrarlamakta.Ço?u kez,O sözler; odan?n içinde de yank?lanmakta!?di.Her f?rsatta piri:"-Evlatlar?m!Nefis!Nefes gibidir:Yoklu?u ölüm,Çoklu?u zulüm;Getirir."Diyordu!Ve sürdürüyordu...."?nsano?lu;Fiziki çelimsizli?ine ra?men,Yaradan?n kendisine bah?etti?i:Metafizik güçlerin sayesinde;Yeryüzündeki: yarat?lm??lar?n hepEn üstünü! ?di.Ama!?imdiki gibi: Egemeni de?ildi;Ne yeralt?n?n, ne de üstünün!O zamanlar;Her canl?n?n dilinden anlar idi.Di?erleri gibi: Kendisinin deHem av hem de avc? oldu?unu,Ya?am çark?n?n: Böyle döndü?ünü;?yi bilirdi."..."Bu durum:Ad?na: Kibir denilen!Yedi ba?l? canavar?n!?nsan?, teslim almas?na kadar sürdü.Sonras?nda;Canavar, insandan; insanl??? sürdü.""Kibirdir: ?nsanl??? hasta eden alamet.Günlerden, bir gün:Dervi?in gözü, duvar?n yukar?s?na tak?ld?.Uzun uzun, kö?edeki bu noktaya bak?nd?.Kar??s?ndaki köhne duvarda:Bir " ipek böce?i t?rt?l?" vard?.?leri geri sal?narak; kozas?n? örüyordu.A??n?n aras?ndan, o da dervi?i görüyordu.Ama!Epeycedir; hiç ilgilenmez görünüyordu.Kozan?n kapanmas?na, çok az kalm??t?.T?rt?l, son bir kez; ba??n? d??ar? ç?kartt?.Birden!Dervi?le, göz göze geldi.Dervi?i ise ani bir merak ald?.-Senin ne i?in var?
Fascinatia Crossfire – Vol. 4
Fascinatia Crossfire – Vol. 4
Sylvia Day
FASCINA?IE O RELA?IE CARE ATINGE NOI CULMI ?I ABISURI CU FIECARE ZI Gideon m? nume?tengera?ul lui, s? el este cel care reprezint? un miracol pentru via?a mea. El este r?zboinicul meu minunat ?i r?nit, att de hot?racirct s? se lupte cu demonii mei, vreme ce refuz? s? ?i-i nfrunte pe ai lui. Jur?mintele pe care le-am schimbat ar fi trebuit s? fie leg?tura care s? ne apropie tot mai mult, dar schimb au deschis r?ni vechi, au expus dureri ?i incertitudini Am s? simt cum se dep?rteaz? de mine, ?i astfel cea mai mare team? a mea se transform? realitate acum dragostea este pus? la cercare feluri pe care nu sunt sigur? c? am suficient? putere s? le. credeam c? tr?im cele mai luminoase momente ale vie?ii noastre tunericul din trecutul lui a s? nconjoare ?i s? amenin?e tot ceea ce am construit cu atta efort. Iar acum, fa?a noastr? se afl? o alegere teribil de dificil?: s? ne refugiem siguran?a familiar? a vie?ilor pe care le avea fiecare nainte sau s? lupt?m pentru un viitor care brusc a ceput s? par? un vis imposibil ?i lipsit de speran??.
The Faerie Guardian
The Faerie Guardian
Rachel Morgan
Enter a hidden world of magic, mystery, action and romance ... Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale has one job: protect humans from dangerous magical creatures. It's a job she's good at—until her latest assignment, a cute human guy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour, follows her into the fae realm. Now she's broken Guild law and risked her future as the top graduate of her class. The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the guy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he's discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot—and it'll take all her training to get out alive. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling. Readers' reviews:? "The most addictive series I have ever read!" "Seriously so amazing!" "I adored this book, devoured it! A very talented author, who works magic with words and scenes." If you enjoyed The Faerie Guardian, check out the other Creepy Hollow books! Next in the series is?The Faerie Prince.
10 Hábitos de uma pessoa de sucesso
10 Hábitos de uma pessoa de sucesso
James Fries
Quer ser uma pessoa de sucesso e vencer na vida?Este pequeno livro vai ensiná-lo 10 hábitos essenciais para conquistar o seu objetivo.Aviso: você deverá se esfor?ar muito para colocar esses 10 hábitos em prática.
Assassinato no meio da noite
Assassinato no meio da noite
Carla Jean
Quando você menos espera, a vingan?a entra na sua casa. Murilo Azevedo é assassinado no meio da noite e sua morte pode ter a ver com uma parcela atrasada do carro.
How To Make A Living With Your Writing With Books, Blogging and More Books, Blog
How To Make A Living With Your Writing With Books, Blogging and More Books, Blog
Joanna Penn
Would you like to make a living with your writing? This book will show you how. I spent 13 years working as a cubicle slave in the corporate world. I was miserable in my job and my creativity was stunted by the crushing daily grind. Then I started writing books and blogging, using my words to create products and attract readers. In September 2011, I left my corporate job to become a full-time author and creative entrepreneur and since then I've grown my business year on year, all based on my writing. More importantly, I'm finally living the happy life I always wanted. I'm not a Kindle or blogging millionaire and this is not a get rich quick scheme. But I will share with you how I make a multi-six-figure income from writing books, blogging and marketing in an ethical manner. We're living in the best time ever to make a living with your writing! Read on to learn more. The book includes the following Table of Contents: Overview of how I make a living and income split First principles Tips on writing and productivity Tips on mindset Part 1: How to make money from books It's not just one book Your publishing options: Traditional publishing Changes in the publishing industry Your publishing options: Becoming an indie author How to self-publish an ebook How to self-publish a print book How to self-publish an audiobook Part 2: How to make money online in other ways A business powered by content marketing Product sales Affiliate income Consulting or coaching Professional speaking Advertising and sponsorship Freelance writing Tips for content marketing The transition and your next steps Plus/ Companion Workbook so you can answer the questions in the book for yourself. If you'd like to make a living with your writing, click to sample or buy now.
Uma bruxa para amar
Uma bruxa para amar
Sofia Bastos
A linda história de um rapaz que se apaixona por uma bruxa boa; porém, para que os dois fiquem juntos, eles dever?o derrotar a maldade de homens e de monstros.Um romance de fantasia, humor e uma dose de terror.