Out of Time
From the hugely respected journalist Miranda Sawyer, a very modern look at the midlife crisis – delving into the truth, and lies, of the experience and how to survive it, with thoughtfulness, insight and humour. ‘You wake one day and everything is wrong. It's as though you went out one warm evening – an evening fizzing with delicious potential, so ripe and sticky-sweet you can taste it on the air – for just one drink … and woke up two days later in a skip. Except you're not in a skip, you're in an estate car, on the way to an out-of-town shopping mall to buy a balance bike, a roof rack and some stackable storage boxes.’ Miranda Sawyer’s midlife crisis began when she was 44. It wasn’t a traditional one. She didn’t run off with a Pilates teacher, or blow thousands on a trip to find herself. From the outside, all remained the same. Work, kids, marriage, mortgage, blah. Days, weeks and months whizzed past as she struggled with feeling – knowing – that she was over halfway through her life. It seemed only yesterday that she was 29, out and about. Out of Time is not a self-help book. It’s an exploration of this sudden crisis, this jolt. It looks at how our tastes, and our bodies, change as we get older. It considers the unexpected new pleasures that the second half of life can offer, from learning to code to taking up running (slowly). Speaking to musicians and artists, friends and colleagues, Miranda asks how they too have confronted midlife, and the lessons, if any, that they’ve learned along the way.
Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking)
An irreverent, provocative, and visually fascinating look at what our online lives reveal about who we really are – and how this deluge of data will transform the science of human behaviour. Big Data is used to spy on us, hire and fire us, and sell us things we don't need. In ‘Dataclysm’, Christian Rudder, founder of one of the world’s biggest dating websites OkCupid, puts this flood of information to an entirely different use: understanding human nature. Drawing on terabytes of data from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, OkCupid, and many other sites, Rudder examines the terrain of human experience to answer a range of questions: Does it matter where you went to school? How racist are we? How do political views alter relationships? Philosophers, psychologists, gene hunters and neuroscientists have tried to explain our flaws and foibles. Rudder shows that in today's era of social media, a powerful new approach is possible, one that reveals how we actually behave when we think no one's looking. Outrageous and illuminating, ‘Dataclysm’, is a portrait of our essential selves – dark, absurd, occasionally noble – and a first look at a revolution in the making.
The World’s Best Skiing Jokes
‘Why the hell did you write that insurance policy for a 96-year-old man going on a skiing holiday?’ shouted the manager at the travel clerk.‘Well,’ said the clerk, ‘I checked the records and no one of that age has ever had a skiing accident.’The skier came to a stop at the end of the run and threw his poles, hat and gloves to the ground as he snorted in disgust, ‘I’ve never skied so badly before!’‘Oh,’ probed an interested instructor, ‘you mean to say you’ve skied before?’
The Doctor’s Kitchen: Supercharge your health with 100 delicious everyday recipe
Dr Rupy Aujla is a practising GP in London. Trained at Imperial College London, his aim is to be the leading voice in how nutrition can heal and improve health. He is one of twenty global ‘I Quit Sugar’ experts, regular Doctor on BBC Asian Network’s Noreen Khan show with half a million listeners, Men’s Health Recipe Creator and Doctor, TEDxNHS Speaker, Huffington Post, Shortlist, Stylist, Metro contributor as well as leading nutrition websites including Nutritionfacts.org. Dr Rupy is developing The Doctors Kitchen social presence on You Tube, Instagram and Twitter.
Serious Survival: How to Poo in the Arctic and Other essential tips for explorer
Marshall Corwin is producer of the BBC TV series and has been on every expedition, so has first-hand experience of organising expeditions and living in far-away places.
Arcadia: England and the Dream of Perfection (Text Only)
Adam Nicolson is the author of many books on history, travel and the environment. He is the winner of the Somerset Maugham Award, the British Topography Prize and the WH Heinemann Award. He lives on a farm in Sussex. This is his fith book for HarperCollins – his previous four being ‘Men of Honour’, ‘Sea Room’, ‘Power and Glory’ and ‘Seamanship’.
Paris, City of Light: 1919–1939 (Text Only)
In the early days of Cubism, when writers and painters led bohemian lives in Montmartre, a familiar figure in the studios and cafes was a young journalist named Roland Dorgelès. With high brow, long straight nose, lean face and steady blue eyes, smartly turned out, often in a long black coat with astrakhan collar, he was well liked for his cheerful manner, vein of poetry and adventurousness.Dorgelès came of petit bourgeois parents. The father, a travelling textile salesman, was often absent and did not get along with his wife, who transferred her affection to her only son without however becoming possessive. She gave him a Catholic upbringing and encouraged him to read good authors, his favourites being Molière and Courteline. After an unsuccessful spell at the Ecole des Arts décoratifs he decided on a literary career. He became a journalist of the Paris scene, had two short plays put on and indulged in light-hearted practical jokes: calling the fire brigade to extinguish a nonexistent fire in the flat of a rival in love and, on another occasion, to protest against the thick glass on certain paintings in the Louvre, installing himself in front of one such painting, producing razor, cream and brush, soaping his face and calmly shaving as though in front of a mirror.
To Catch A King: Charles II's Great Escape
Charles Spencer was educated at Eton College and obtained his degree in Modern History at Magdalen College, Oxford. He was a reporter on NBC’s Today show from 1986 until 1995, and is the author of four books, including the Sunday Times bestseller Blenheim: Battle for Europe (shortlisted for History Book of the Year, National Book Awards) and Prince Rupert: The Last Cavalier.
10 Hábitos de uma pessoa de sucesso
Quer ser uma pessoa de sucesso e vencer na vida?Este pequeno livro vai ensiná-lo 10 hábitos essenciais para conquistar o seu objetivo.Aviso: você deverá se esfor?ar muito para colocar esses 10 hábitos em prática.
Uma bruxa para amar
A linda história de um rapaz que se apaixona por uma bruxa boa; porém, para que os dois fiquem juntos, eles dever?o derrotar a maldade de homens e de monstros.Um romance de fantasia, humor e uma dose de terror.
Dulcea uitare
Primul volum din seria Fra?ii Maddox De la autoarea bestsellerurilor Fericirea mea e?ti tu ?i Fericirea ?ncepe azi Cami are un iubit obsedat de munc? ?i care o cam neglijeaz?. De?i Cami ?ncearc? s? fac? s? func?ioneze aceast? rela?ie la distan??, se pare c? nu e at?t de u?or...Brusc, ?n via?a ei apare Trent Maddox, un fost coleg de liceu. Trent, cel cu bra?ele tatuate. Trent, dup? care toate fetele sunt topite.Cami ?i-a jurat c? nu va fi niciodat? pe lista lui. Crede c? n-o poate p?c?li cu tertipurile sale.Dar b?iatul care fur? inimi e hot?r?t s-o fac? s? se ?ndr?gosteasc? nebune?te de el…?O lectur? apetisant? de var?, perfect? pentru jocul de-a seduc?ia.“ - USA Today? Jamie McGuire scrie cu pl?cere ?i lejeritate, iar fanii genului romance vor adora pur ?i simplu rev?rsarea de emo?ii pure. Povestea lui Cami ?i Trent e irezistibil?.“ - Romantic Times?Dar sunt sigur? c? dac? ai ?ti toat? povestea, Trenton, ai fugi de l?ng? mine ?i nu te-ai mai uita ?napoi.Nu vreau toat? povestea. Te vreau doar pe tine.“
Dream Casters:Shadow
Chastity Blake discovered the hard way what she was: a modern-day Sandman. But things aren't looking up for Chastity. She is guarding a secret deep within her — her dark sand, or what Reverians call her Shadow. Shadow Casters are known for their dark dreams, the nightmares they create. If she's caught with dark sand, she may be subjected to harsh interrogation, even banished to the Oblivion with the other Shadow Casters... and that is SO not on her list. Will she be able to hide her darkness from the most powerful Somnium alive? How long can she outrace her destiny before true nature catches up with her? Shadow Casters is the follow-up of bestselling author Adrienne Woods' second series, Dream Casters.
Como pensar por si mesmo
Você pode até n?o perceber, mas tudo o que você pensa foi determinado por outra pessoa. Suas convic??es e cren?as n?o lhe pertencem, foram ditadas e você copiou.Se quer mesmo ser dono de seus pensamentos, leia este guia.
Prin?esa de h?rtie
Primul volum din seria Familia Royal #1 New York Times Bestseller USA Today Bestseller Bani. Excese. Secrete. Intr? ?n lumea familiei Royal.? Ella Harper e o supravie?uitoare – o optimist? pragmatic?.? Via?a ei n-a fost u?oar?. S-a tot mutat din ora? ?n ora? ?mpreun? cu mama sa, chinuindu-se s? fac? rost de bani ?i sper?nd ca ?ntr-o zi s? scape de s?r?cie. Dar mama ei a murit, iar Ella a r?mas singur? pe lume.? Acum ?l cunoa?te pe Callum Royal, un om de afaceri multimilionar, ?i via?a ei se schimb?. Are parte de lux ?i de bog??ie. Totu?i, ceva ciudat se ?nt?mpl? ?n casa familiei Royal.? Cei cinci b?ie?i ai lui Callum, to?i irezistibili, ascund un secret.? Niciunul n-o vrea pe Ella ?n casa lor, mai ales Reed. Dar Ella se simte atras? de el ?i va trebui s? lupte din toate puterile s? nu-i cad? ?n plas?… Dac? vrea s? r?m?n? la familia Royal, trebuie s? ?nve?e regulile jocului.? Un roman incitant despre o Cenu??reas? a zilelor noastre ?i despre complicata lume a adolescen?ilor americani boga?i. "Un roman de care nu te po?i dezlipi! O poveste de iubire pentru adolescen?ii care caut? ceva ?n spiritul seriei Gossip Girl." - Kirkus Reviews "Replici savuroase, personaje provocatoare ?i un final surprinz?tor!" - Rockstars of Romance "Dac? vrei o carte care s? te acapareze cu totul ?i s? te vampirizeze (?n cel mai bun sens, desigur), atunci trebuie s? cite?ti Prin?esa de h?rtie !" - New Chicks on the Blog?
Noi ?nceputuri ?n Eclipse Bay. Seria Eclipse Bay
Lucrurile au fost dintotdeauna complicate ?ntre membrii familiilor Harte ?i Madison. Conflictul care i-a transformat ?n du?mani dureaz? de genera?ii ?ntregi. De?i se spune c? nunta lui Hannah Harte cu Rafe Madison va ?mbun?t??i situa?ia, la doar c?teva luni dup? fericitul eveniment, sora ei, Lilian, ?i fratele lui, Gabe, nu sunt deloc de aceea?i p?rere. Directorul executiv Gabe Madison a insistat s? devin? clientul agen?iei de matrimoniale a lui Lillian Harte, pentru a-?i g?si sufletul pereche. Dar Lilian ajunge rapid la cap?tul r?bd?rii, dup? ce cinci ?nt?lniri pe care i le aranjeaz? lui Gabe se dovedesc a fi ni?te e?ecuri r?sun?toare. Dac? nu s-ar fi hot?r?t deja s?-?i ?nchid? afacerea ?i s? se mute acas?, ?n Eclipse Bay, pentru a se dedica pasiunii sale de a picta, Gabe ar fi f?cut-o cu siguran?? s? se decid? rapid. C?nd ?ns? Lilian c?nd se treze?te cu el ?n pragul u?ii, cer?ndu-i s?-?i respecte contractul semnat, sc?nteile dintre ei se transform? brusc ?n atrac?ie necontrolat?. ?nc? o dat?, Eclipse Bay va fi martorul unui spectacol fascinant – dintre un Madison ?nc?p???nat ?i o irezistibil? reprezentant? a familiei Harte…
Mirii MacGregor
Cu nepoatele, uneltirile i-au func?ionat de minune, a?a c? acum Daniel MacGregor, venerabilul ?ef al familiei, vrea s?-?i vad? c?s?tori?i ?i cei trei nepo?i chipe?i ?i numai buni de ?nsur?toare, de?i ace?tia ?in cu ?nc?p???nare la via?a de burlac.Pentru artistul Duncan o alege pe Layna Drake, mo?tenitoarea unui lan? de magazine de renume, o femeie de afaceri de?teapt? ?i abil?, obi?nuit? cu singur?tatea ?i hot?r?t? s? ??i vad? de carier?. ?n calea lui Duncan, proprietarul unui vas-cazinou, o scoate pe Cat Farrell, o c?nt?rea?? care ?l va vr?ji din prima clip? cu vocea ei ? ?i nu numai. ?n cazul nepotului s?u Ian, avocat de renume, Daniel este ceva mai subtil c?nd aranjeaz? ca acesta s? se ?nt?lneasc? ? ca din pur? ?nt?mplare ? cu Naomi Brightstone, r??u?ca cea ur?t? a familiei, care a reu?it ?ns? s? se reinventeze ?ntr-un mod spectaculos, devenind leb?da cea frumoas?, dar totu?i lipsit? de experien?? c?nd vine vorba despre rela?ii.?i, dup? cum este de a?teptat, Marele MacGregor va urm?ri plin de sine cum planurile lui sunt puse ?n aplicare ?i cum cei trei nepo?i cad, f?r? ca m?car s?-?i dea seama, ?n plasa pe care b?tr?nul lor bunic a ?ntins-o cu at?ta pricepere.
Kü?ük Elisa [Zaman Yolcusu]
“..Hayatta hep eksik bir ?eyler kal?r. Ya yap?lmam?? bir i? veya kavu?ulmam?? bir insan. Belki, de en son kalan par?a hayat?m?z?n da tüm anlam?n? i?erir ve o yüzden hep sakl?d?r” dedi Elisa, konu?mas?na ba?lamadan ?nce. ?yle ki, baz? an gelir, hayat?m?z?n geri kalan?n? o eksik elmas par?ay? aramakla ge?irmek zorunda kal?r?z. ?ünkü, o son par?a olmadan, hi?bir ?ey anlam?n? tamamlamaz.. ??te, aynen bunun gibi, Alice’in de –Elisa– olmadan ?nceki hayat?n?n ger?ek anlam? ve kay?p par?as? neydi? Bunu mutlaka ??renmeliydi. Ama bunun i?in ?ok uzun bir yolculuktan ge?mesi gerekiyordu.” Gezgin Seyyah: Elisa ile tan??mam?zdan ?nce Müslümanlar?n kitab?nda ??yle bir ?ey okumu?tum: “Dünya ya?am?, bir nevi bir elence ve bir oyundan ibarettir.” Bu nas?l mümkün olabilirdi ki? Veya hayat?n esas (ger?ek) anlam? bu mu? diye kendi kendime ilk ba?larda bunu okudu?umdan beridir soruyordum. Bir hayali dünya ile bir de ger?ek dünya m? var? Fakat Elisa ile tan??t?ktan sonra, bu alternatif (hayali) dünyalar? g?rdükten sonra, ger?ekten de bir e?lenceler dünyas?nda oldu?uma kanaat getirmeye ba?lad?m. Her ?eyin asl?nda sanal (kurgulanm??) bir oyun oldu?unu bu kitapta g?rebiliyordum art?k. Eminim, Elisa ile olan bu ilgin? seyahatlerimi ve onun i?inden ??kt??? bu sihirli kitab? okuduk?a siz de buna kat?lacaks?n?z ve “ger?ek” üzerinde yeniden dü?ünmeye ba?layacaks?n?z.. Unutmay?n! Bu evrendeki her ?eyin bir hayali bir de ger?ek g?rüntüsü vard?r.? ??????
Jazz Bashara b?n?z?. Vagy valami olyasmi. Az élet ugyanis elég kemény Artemisen, a Hold els? és egyetlen városában, hacsak nem vagy gazdag turista vagy excentrikus milliárdos. Némi ártalmatlan, de tiltott áru becsempészése nem egetver? b?n, ugyebár? F?leg, ha kül?nb?z? adósságokat kell t?rlesztened, mivel a hordári munkádért kapott fizetés a lakbért is alig fedezi. A dolgok akkor kezdenek megváltozni, amikor Jazznek páratlan lehet?sége adódik a t?kéletes b?ntény elk?vetésére, amely akkora nyereséggel kecsegtet, hogy képtelenség lenne visszautasítani. A lehetetlen végrehajtása azonban még csak a kezdet: ráébred, hogy egyenesen egy ?sszeesküvés kell?s k?zepébe cs?ppent, amelynek célja nem kevesebb, mint átvenni a hatalmat egész Artemis f?l?tt. Ha pedig túl akarja élni, bele kell mennie élete legbrutálisabb játszmájába, olyan tétekkel, amelyek már egyáltalán nincsenek az ínyére. A marsi sikerlista-vezet? szerz?je, Andy Weir újabb leny?g?z? f?szerepl?t alkotott, Jazz t?rténetét pedig a rá jellemz? humorral és tudományos alapossággal írta meg. Az Artemis filmes jogai már a k?nyv bejelentésének napján elkeltek, a 20th Century Fox és a New Regency máris dolgozik az adaptáción.
Kelebe?in ?ilesi ?iir
Herkes, beni s?rf " yazar?m"San?yor!Yan?l?yor!Oysa ki: Ben hem yazar?m;Hem de "silerim".T?pk?: Silgili bir kalem gibiyim:Bir yan?m: Yazar,Di?er yan?m da siler.Kendi defterimin "kar" beyaz sayfalar?nda:Do?ru ve güzel olan? yazmaya çabalarken;Di?erlerinin defterlerindeki yanl??lar?,Görmemezlikten gelemem!Nerede bir yanl?? görsem;Düzeltmeden de duramam!Ya yanl??? silerim! Ya da sayfay? KELEBE??N Ç?LES?Ey!Sadekul Veysel;Biliyorsun ki!Marifet: Do?rular? bilmekte,De?il;Do?rular? söyleyebilmektedir.?imdi!Söyle, sen de do?rular?;Anlat, herkese k?ssay?.Arif olan; mutlaka al?r hisseyi.Bu, öyle bir k?ssa ki!Tam bir: "Yeti?kin Masal?".Kahramanlar? ise:Eli asal?Uzun sakall?,Ya?l?-ba?l?:H?rpani bir dervi?le,Ye?ilimt?rak bir kurtçuk (t?rt?l).Dervi?;Küflü, karanl?k ve bo?ukKüçük, yal?n ve de so?uk!Tek oda, çilehanesinde:Günlerdir:Yar? açYar? tok,Uykusuz ve yorgun.Ama!Ruhen, oldukça dingin!Çilesini çekmekte...Dervi?;Ba?da? kurmu?!Yere, öyle oturmu?.Alt?nda: ?iltesi yok!Oturdu?u yer kuru.Sofras?nda: az??? yok!Çanakta, ekme?i kuru.Ama!Rahlesi: kitap,Testisi: su,Kalbi ise imanDolu!?lahi a?k?n etkisiyleBirazc?k daDeli!?di.Çile günlerinde:Kafas?ndaki, zaman kavram?n? yitirmi?;Gündüz ile gecenin fark?n? bitirmi?,Bir halde!Zihninde: sürekli "pirinin sözlerini "tekrarlamakta.Ço?u kez,O sözler; odan?n içinde de yank?lanmakta!?di.Her f?rsatta piri:"-Evlatlar?m!Nefis!Nefes gibidir:Yoklu?u ölüm,Çoklu?u zulüm;Getirir."Diyordu!Ve sürdürüyordu...."?nsano?lu;Fiziki çelimsizli?ine ra?men,Yaradan?n kendisine bah?etti?i:Metafizik güçlerin sayesinde;Yeryüzündeki: yarat?lm??lar?n hepEn üstünü! ?di.Ama!?imdiki gibi: Egemeni de?ildi;Ne yeralt?n?n, ne de üstünün!O zamanlar;Her canl?n?n dilinden anlar idi.Di?erleri gibi: Kendisinin deHem av hem de avc? oldu?unu,Ya?am çark?n?n: Böyle döndü?ünü;?yi bilirdi."..."Bu durum:Ad?na: Kibir denilen!Yedi ba?l? canavar?n!?nsan?, teslim almas?na kadar sürdü.Sonras?nda;Canavar, insandan; insanl??? sürdü.""Kibirdir: ?nsanl??? hasta eden alamet.Günlerden, bir gün:Dervi?in gözü, duvar?n yukar?s?na tak?ld?.Uzun uzun, kö?edeki bu noktaya bak?nd?.Kar??s?ndaki köhne duvarda:Bir " ipek böce?i t?rt?l?" vard?.?leri geri sal?narak; kozas?n? örüyordu.A??n?n aras?ndan, o da dervi?i görüyordu.Ama!Epeycedir; hiç ilgilenmez görünüyordu.Kozan?n kapanmas?na, çok az kalm??t?.T?rt?l, son bir kez; ba??n? d??ar? ç?kartt?.Birden!Dervi?le, göz göze geldi.Dervi?i ise ani bir merak ald?.-Senin ne i?in var?
Fascinatia Crossfire – Vol. 4
FASCINA?IE O RELA?IE CARE ATINGE NOI CULMI ?I ABISURI CU FIECARE ZI Gideon m? nume?tengera?ul lui, s? el este cel care reprezint? un miracol pentru via?a mea. El este r?zboinicul meu minunat ?i r?nit, att de hot?racirct s? se lupte cu demonii mei, vreme ce refuz? s? ?i-i nfrunte pe ai lui. Jur?mintele pe care le-am schimbat ar fi trebuit s? fie leg?tura care s? ne apropie tot mai mult, dar schimb au deschis r?ni vechi, au expus dureri ?i incertitudini Am s? simt cum se dep?rteaz? de mine, ?i astfel cea mai mare team? a mea se transform? realitate acum dragostea este pus? la cercare feluri pe care nu sunt sigur? c? am suficient? putere s? le. credeam c? tr?im cele mai luminoase momente ale vie?ii noastre tunericul din trecutul lui a s? nconjoare ?i s? amenin?e tot ceea ce am construit cu atta efort. Iar acum, fa?a noastr? se afl? o alegere teribil de dificil?: s? ne refugiem siguran?a familiar? a vie?ilor pe care le avea fiecare nainte sau s? lupt?m pentru un viitor care brusc a ceput s? par? un vis imposibil ?i lipsit de speran??.
Fata din tren
#1 New York Times BestsellerBestseller absolut icircn Marea BritanieTu nu o cuno?ti.Dar ea te cunoa?te.Peste 1,8 milioane de exemplare vacircndute icircn doar patru luni, icircn Statele Unite. Rachel merge icircn fiecare diminea?? cu acela?i tren. ?tie c? va a?tepta la acela?i semnal defect, timp icircn care va urm?ri ritualul de diminea?? al unui cuplu ce locuie?te icircntr-o cas? de lacircng? calea ferat?. I-a botezat bdquo Jess ?i Jason; ?i via?a lor i se pare perfect?. Pacircn? cacircnd icircntr-o zi vede ceva ce o ?ocheaz?. Totul se schimb? ?i Rachel are ?ansa de a lua parte la vie?ile pe care le-a observat doar de pe margine. Misterios ?i pasionant Fata din tren este un thriller de prim? macircn?, care te face dependent de viciul cititului. S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerului Icircnainte s? adorm. Fata din tren este un roman de suspans remarcabil. M-a ?inut treaz o noapte icircntreag?. Stephen King Cu siguran?? va atrage nenum?ra?i fani ndash; The New York Times Precum trenul care o poart? pe Rachel icirc;n fiecare zi, povestea ?erpuie?te printre vie?ile anoste din suburbiile Londrei, iar cititorii o vor urm?ri cu sufletul la gur?. The Boston Globe Dac? ?i-a pl?cut Fata disp?rut?, vei devora acest thriller psihologic: icirc?i va schimba pentru totdeauna felul icircn care prive?ti vie?ile celorlal?i. People Dac? nu e niciun tren care s? mearg? icircn sensul opus ?i dac? mergem suficient de icircncet, cacircteodat? pot s?-i z?resc, pentru o clip?, pe terasa casei lor. Dac? nu, a?a cum se icircnt acircmpl? azi, mi-i icircnchipui. Jess ?ade cu picioarele ridicate pe masa de pe teras?, cu un pahar de vin icircn macircn?, Jason e icircn spatele s?u, cu macircinile pe umerii ei. Icircmi imaginez atingerea macirc inilor lui, greutatea lor, senza?ia de siguran?? ?i confort. Uneori m? surprind icircncerc acircnd s?-mi amintesc cacircnd am avut parte ultima dat? de atingerea real? a unei persoane, de o icircmbr??i?are din tot sufletul sau de o stracircngere de macircn?, ?i simt cum mi se fracircnge inima.