

49元5本 越玩越聪明的500个数学思维游戏
冰冰 等编著
  本书收录了500个经典的数学游戏题,在做这些游戏时,读者将体会到,数学并不像想象得那么枯燥而是充满了无限乐趣。   本书从四个方面分门别类地将数学问题行了详细地划分,有初级班、中级班、高级班和特长班,旨在通过难度不同、角度不一的数学游戏,来提高读者的运算能力、解题技巧和思维方法,从而使读者的演算思维能力得到质的提高,同时锻炼人们独立思考的能力。
王淑君 主编
本书以图解的方式,对基础驾驶训练、空间感知能力的培养、科目二驾驶训练三大内容行了直观详细而又通俗易懂的讲解。以实际操作为实例,对驾驶中的视觉现象行了抽象概括,并列举出一些行之有效的方法,从而达到快速、灵活学习汽车驾驶的目的。配书光盘提供了科目二考试破解全程、道路交通标志与标线、机动车驾驶证申领使用规定与交通法规、科目一*题库模拟练习与考试系统等内容,读者可以方便地查阅到与驾驶有关的规定并行相关试题的训练,从而取得事半功倍的效果。   本书适合驾驶初学者使用,也可供汽车驾驶员、教练员、驾驶学校使用和参考。
林帝浣 绘
与小林老师一起体味国画精粹、生活情趣 。
49元5本 乐高机器人设计技巧:创意小作品设计与搭建指导
49元5本 越玩越聪明的数独游戏1000题
49元5本 越玩越聪明的999个数独游戏
49元5本 高智商才敢挑战的数独游戏365
49元5本 中公2019基金从业资格考试辅导教材基金从业资格考试考点精讲-证券投资基金
《中公版·2019基金从业资格考试辅导教材:基金从业资格考试考精讲-证券投资基金》本书共十章,主要介绍了证券投资基金基础知识、股权投资基金运作流程、股权本书共十章,主要介绍了基金投资管理、基金运作管理、基金发国际化等相关知识。主要内容如下: *章 投资管理基础 第二章 权益投资 第三章 固定收益投资 第四章 衍生工具 第五章 另类投资 第六章 投资管理流程和投资者需求 第七章 投资组合管理 第八章 投资交易管理 第九章 投资风险管理 第十章 基金业绩评价 第十一章 基金的投资交易与结算 第十二章 基金估值、费用与会计结算 第十三章 基金的利润分配与税收 第十四章 基金国际化的发展情况
49元5本 送给父母玩的脑动力游戏
  思维能力在人的生活中有着举足轻重的作用。无论父母是什么身份,从事何种职业,是什么年纪,拥有良好的思维能力,都将使你离快乐幸福更近一步。   本书精选几百个适合中老年人的脑动力游戏,集知识性、趣味性、独特性、实用性于一体。内容包括国学文化、图形、思维、数学、逻辑、谋略等,将充分运用到读者的观察力、思考力、分析力、判断力、计算力、推理力、想象力和创造力。让中老年朋友锻炼思维、勤用脑、多练脑,增加生活乐趣。
49元5本 你一定爱玩的侦探推理游戏
侦探推理游戏情节扣人心弦,步步展,层层揭秘,惊险刺激。一桩桩精彩离奇、错综复杂的案件带你领略逻辑推理的魅力,让你越玩越聪明,越玩越自信,踏上推理高手的成长之路。 本书按照推理思维的内在逻辑选出一百多个经典好玩的侦探推理游戏,并加以现代化、本土化的演绎,让读者在阅读时拥有强烈的代感和沉浸感。一个个烧脑精妙的游戏、一件件有趣怪诞的悬案锻炼着你的观察能力、分析能力、推理能力和想象力…… 为了让读者更好地学习侦探推理思维,作者将书中的每个案件分为场景构筑、头脑机关匣和解密复盘三个部分,层层推,徐徐揭秘,让你跟随故事的节奏而心跳加速,欲罢不能……
金圣荣 编著
  《妙趣横生的魔术心理学》从魔术表演中魔术师所运用的心理学知识手,带领读者魔术的神奇世界,共同揭魔术的神奇面纱。在轻松的阅读过程中,读者不仅可以满足自己的好奇心,一探魔术的奥妙,还能学习到大量实用的心理学知识。   《妙趣横生的魔术心理学》适合所有对魔术和心理学感兴趣的读者阅读、使用。
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics
Washington Irving
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Washington Irving’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Irving includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Irving’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
James Fenimore Cooper
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Fenimore Cooper’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Cooper includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Cooper’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Wyandotté by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Wyandotté by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
James Fenimore Cooper
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Wyandotté by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Fenimore Cooper’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Cooper includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Wyandotté by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Cooper’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated
The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated
Edgar Rice Burroughs
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Tales of a Traveller by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Tales of a Traveller by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Washington Irving
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tales of a Traveller by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Washington Irving’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Irving includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Tales of a Traveller by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Irving’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Washington Irving
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Washington Irving’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Irving includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Irving’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Mary Shelley
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Mary Shelley’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Shelley includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck by Mary Shelley - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Shelley’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
49元5本 新车新手经验365
  所有车主都要过新手这道关,新手车养车产生困惑是很正常的事,只要用心“储备”车主经验,许多难题都会迎刃而解。《新车新手经验365》一书以简洁的语言,全面地介绍了365 条行之有效的新手车养车经验。这些经验不仅有利于新手快速提高汽车驾驶和养护技能,同时也有利于安全、舒适和省钱。本书形式新颖,通俗易懂,实用性超强,是新手车养车的良师益友。
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