

每满80减40 中国化马克思主义整体性研究(马克思主义研究丛书)
每满80减40 试点:改革的中国经验
试作为一种重要的政策形式,在我国被广为采用。*总书记曾指出,试的目的就是通过对局部地区或某些部门、领域的改革经验,总结成败得失,完善改革方案,寻找规律,把解决试中的问题与攻克面上共性难题结合起来,探索改革的实现路径和实现形式,为面上改革提供可复制可推广的经验做法。 本书系统梳理陕甘宁边区建设时期以来我国在党领导下展试改革的实践情况,提炼其对国家建设发展的规律性经验,以及对世界上其他国家改革发展的启示。全书既从现象层面梳理试的丰富案例,从经验层面总结具体的路径做法,也从认识层面提炼发展的客观规律,理清了试的逻辑,分析了试作为改革放的中国方法与中国经验的重大意义,并对党的十八大以来改革试思想做了归纳阐释,对今后的实践具有一定指导意义。
每满80减40 跨越卡夫丁峡谷——马克思主义跨越理论中国化研究
每满80减40 中国道路的世界贡献(马克思主义研究论库·第二辑)
韩庆祥,黄相怀 等
每满80减40 轨迹与思想:20世纪欧美学者社会主义批判的批判研究(马克思主义研究论库·第二辑)
刘晨晔 等
每满80减40 美国海军外交研究
每满80减40 “三块地”改革与农村土地权益实现研究
每满80减40 埭上清风
王权 主编 庞余亮 副主编
每满80减40 “最多跑一次”改革:浙江经验,中国方案
郁建兴 等
当代中国正在从全球公共管理理论与实践的学习者、受益者,逐渐转变为全球公共管理理论与实践的先行者、拓者。“*多跑一次”改革的成功,不仅可以为浙江发展闯关,为全国改革探路,而且可以引领全球公共管理创新实践。 “*多跑一次”改革首先是浙江的,它是浙江全面深化改革的重要突破口。同时,它也是中国的,正从“地方探索”不断跃升为“顶层设计”,从“区域创新”扩散为“全国实践”。而且,随着这场改革的一步完善提升并放大效应,其成功也必将引领世界公共管理创新实践的发展。这一“浙江经验”或可成为当代全球公共管理改革的“中国方案”。
每满80减40 中国地方政府节能指标评估研究(国家发展与战略丛书)
George Eliot
Set during the political upheavals of 19th Century England, Middlemarch is an epic story of love, politics, and passion. The novel follows lives of the ambitious young Doctor Lydgate as he takes up his position at Middlemarch’s new hospital, and Dorothea Brooke who desperately wants to make something of her life; however, as a woman she is forbidden the study of Greek and Latin and no one takes her notions of societal improvement seriously.
Delphi Complete Works of Sappho (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Sappho (Illustrated)
Whether a scholar of the classics or an admirer of fine poetry, this is the only digital version of Sappho's work that presents each fragment in the original Greek alongside a concise new English translation. A brief biography is also included, as well as an Ancient Greek pronunciation section, allowing you to read aloud and experience the true beauty of Sappho's original text. (1MB Version 2) Bonus edition: this eBook also includes the recent 2005 discovery of a near complete poem by Sappho. And still offered at the most affordable price! Contents: Introduction Brief Biography Pronouncing Ancient Greek The Fragments Poem Table of Contents
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
Vinoth Kumar Selvaraj
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.
每满80减40 世界华侨华人研究文库·在海之隅:委内瑞拉与荷属加勒比地区的华侨(全二册)
每满80减40 上海国企党建实践与探索
每满80减40 欧盟的危机:关于欧洲宪法的思考
每满80减40 瞬间-新中国成立70周年辽宁逐梦历程
本书以历史发展脉络为主线,撷取新中国成立70年来辽宁发展长河中的70项重要事件、重大成就,以点带面,图文并茂,充分反映70年来辽宁走过的光辉足迹和伟大历程,全面展示辽宁广大干部群众建设美好家园的辉煌成就,突出70年来中国共产党领导辽宁人民忠诚担当、创新实干、奋斗自强的可贵精神。 全书分为70个瞬间,1949至1978年30个左右,1978至2018年40个左右。每个瞬间由代表性照片呈现,引申出照片相关史实内容,兼顾学术性与故事性,叙事晓畅,史实翔实,内容丰富,雅俗共赏。
A Tale of Three Lions
A Tale of Three Lions
Henry Rider Haggard
"...az els? magyar regény, amely g?rbe tük?rben, de megért? szeretettel mutatja be a mai társadalom társkeres? igyekezetét." (Tímár Péter, filmrendez?) "Nem érdemes letenni!" (Schell Judit, színészn?)Hogyan fogjunk pasit negyven f?l?tt? Ahogy ennek a k?nyvnek a f?szerepl?i, talán te is úgy próbálod megtalálni az igazit újra és újra. Eltér? jellemek, eltér? sorsok. Egyben azonban megegyeznek: mindannyian várják még a ?nagy szerelmet”, mik?zben megmosolyogtatóan csetlenek-botlanak a párkeresés labirintusában. Nem akarják elhinni, hogy a mesebeli királyfi nem létezik, ezért kicsit pironkodva bár, de fejest ugranak az internetes társkeresés mélyvizébe, és tucatnyi ?bénázást” k?vet?en rátalálnak a boldogságukra. Vagy mégsem? Netán azt is megbánják, hogy belekezdtek? Létezik-e boldog párkapcsolat, ha már elmúltál negyven? Békésy Erika nem próbál elmélyült társadalomrajzot adni, mégis felvillant helyzeteket a mai magyar valóságból. Szatirikus hangvétel, perg? ritmus, komikus helyzetek, groteszkbe hajló figurák, és humor, humor, humor. Ezek jellemzik a felh?tlen szórakozást nyújtó regényt.
Torsan Călin
Medierea este o alternativ? la procesul ?n instan??. La mediere, p?r?ile sper? ?ntr-o solu?ie amiabil?; la proces, dimpotriv?, fiecare parte sper? s-o ?nfr?ng? pe cealalt?. Lucrarea de fa?? prezint? o nou? metod? de rezolvare a conflictelor, mult mai rapid?, mai eficient? ?i aproape deloc traumatizant? pentru p?r?ile aflate ?n conflict: medierea.
Yak?n D?nemde Kürtler: Kimlik, Din, Gelenek
Yak?n D?nemde Kürtler: Kimlik, Din, Gelenek
Mehmet Yanmış
Türkiye’nin savata ve barta en ok konutuu konularn banda “Kürt Sorunu” geliyor. Ancak bununla ters orantl olarak Kürt toplumunun yaps, deerleri, deiimi, iliki alar vb. üzerine yaplm nitelikli alan almas bulmak zordur. almalar daha ok Kürt tarihi, dili ve kültürü üzerine yaplm incelemeler. Bunlarn genelde airet Kürtlerinin yaantsn ele alm batllarn almalarna atfla hazrland grülüyor. Dolaysyla “modern” kavram anlamszlayor. Bunun en tipik rneklerinden biri Bruinessen’in almasn yapt Kürt toplumsal düzlemini “aa, eyh, devlet” ekseninde okumas buna karn günümüzde geerliliini kaybetmekte olan bu ve benzeri okumalarn Türke almalarda sklkla tekrarlanmasdr. Oysa Türkiye’deki Kürtler 90 sonrasnda ok büyük bir sosyo-politik deiim yaamtr. alma, 1990 sonras Güneydou Kürt toplumunda dini ve geleneksel hayatn deiimini makro biimde ele alyor. Devlet, PKK, Hizbullah, zorunlu/istee bal gler, medreseler/seydalar, yerel eyhler ve modernlemenin dini-geleneksel hayata etkileri gezi, gzlem, literatür taramas ve mülakatlarla farkl ynleriyle aratrld .. *** Güneydou son 30 ylda sosyal deiimin nemli unsurlar arasnda grülen, ehirleme, modernleme, gler, terr-iddet hadiseleri ve iletiim aralarndaki gelimeler gibi hemen bütün faktrleri beraber yaad. Dolaysyla toplumsal deerlerde pozitif ya da negatif ynde nemli deiimlerin meydana geldii ngrülebilir. Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca tartmal konularn odanda bulunan ve ülkenin geri kalanna gre daha yava bir sosyo-ekonomik deiim yaayan blge, yakn dnemde nemli yapsal deiimlere tanklk etti. Bunlarn en gze arpanlarndan birisi blge halknn büyük ounluunun son 20-30 ylda ehirlere g etmesidir. PKK ile mücadele etmek iin karlan OHAL kanunlarnn uygulanmas esnasnda yaanan maduriyetler halk ge zorlad. Halk, g sonrasnda kendini iddet eylemleri, isizlik, konut sknts ve ekonomik bunalm ierisinde buldu. Bu durumun blgede dini ve sosyal yaamda daha ok dejenerasyona sebep olduu gzleniyor. Ayn ekilde PKK ve Hizbullah’n faaliyetlerinin de toplumsal deerler sistemini etkiledii ak. 2000’li yllardan sonra yaanan hzl modernlemeyse dini ve sosyal hayatta deiimin ayr bir tetikleyicisi oldu. Bu ksmen dindarlamaya ksmen de lümpenlemeye yol aan bir süreti. Blgede yaanan sosyal deiim sonucunda, Kürt aratrmalarnda sklkla atf yaplan, “aa, eyh-seyda, devlet” eksenli analizler aklama gücünü kaybediyor. Geleneksel otoriteler tamamen etkisizlemese de modern, dini ve seküler rgütlenmeler, internet, moda ve popüler kültür gündelik yaamda, büyük lüde deerleri ekillendirme gücüne ulat. Sonu olarak gelenek-modernite, dinsel-seküler olann bir arada yaand ve Müslüman, Türk, Kürt, Diyarbakrl, Mardinli, Cizreli gibi kolektif kimlikler yerine daha modern saylabilecek senkretik kimliklerin ne kmaya balad bir toplum ortaya kyor. Bu adan yaanan gelimelerin blgenin toplumsal deerler sisteminde yapt etkilerin aratrlmas gereklilik arz etmiti. Bu alma ubat 2015 tarihinde Uluda niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü tarafndan onaylanan, “DiyarbakrHalknn Geleneksel ve Dini Deerlerdeki Deiime Yaklam zerine Sosyolojik Bir nceleme (1990-2013)” isimli doktora almasnn geniletilmesiyle hazrland. Bu sürete, skc ve dolambal bulunan akademik dilin genel okuyucuya uygun hale getirilmesi hedeflendi. Maalesef konunun arl ve derinlemesine incelenmesi gereklilii almann okunmasn zorlatrd. Diyarbakr dndaki Siirt, Bitlis, Mardin, Batmanve rnakilleri daha nceki grümelere ilaveten bu tarihlerden sonra yaplan gezi, gzlem ve literatür taramalaryla tekrar incelendi.
A felejtés b?ne
A felejtés b?ne
Tarjányi Péter, Dosek Rita
When, in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to study Democracy in America, the trial of nearly a half-century of the working of our system had been made, and it had been proved, by many crucial tests, to be a government of "liberty regulated by law," with such results in the development of strength, in population, wealth, and military and commercial power, as no age had ever witnessed. De Tocqueville had a special inquiry to prosecute, in his visit to America, in which his generous and faithful soul and the powers of his great intellect were engaged in the patriotic effort to secure to the people of France the blessings that Democracy in America had ordained and established throughout nearly the entire Western Hemisphere. He had read the story of the French Revolution, much of which had been recently written in the blood of men and women of great distinction who were his progenitors; and had witnessed the agitations and terrors of the Restoration and of the Second Republic, fruitful in crime and sacrifice, and barren of any good to mankind. He had just witnessed the spread of republican government through all the vast continental possessions of Spain in America, and the loss of her great colonies. He had seen that these revolutions were accomplished almost without the shedding of blood, and he was filled with anxiety to learn the causes that had placed republican government, in France, in such contrast with Democracy in America. De Tocqueville was scarcely thirty years old when he began his studies of Democracy in America. It was a bold effort for one who had no special training in government, or in the study of political economy, but he had the example of Lafayette in establishing the military foundation of these liberties, and of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, all of whom were young men, in building upon the Independence of the United States that wisest and best plan of general government that was ever devised for a free people.