

Peter Clines
BOW-WOW AND MEW-MEW is one of the few books for beginners in reading that may be classed as literature. Written in words of mostly one syllable, it has a story to tell, which is related in so attractive a manner as to immediately win the favor of young children. It teaches English and English literature to the child in the natural way: through a love for the reading matter. It is the character of story that will, in the not distant future, replace the ordinary primer or reader with detached sentences, and which seldom possesses any relation to literature.The ultimate objects of any story can only be effected through the love for a story. The prominent point in this story is development of good character, which may well be regarded as the highest purpose of education. The transformation from bad to good traits in the dog and cat cannot but have a desirable effect on every child that reads the story. Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew become dissatisfied with their home and their surroundings, and ungrateful toward their benefactress. As the story tells, "They did not find good in any thing." But after running away and suffering hunger, neglect, and bad treatment, their characters begin to change. They naturally come to reflect their mistress's goodness. They learn the value of companionship and friendship, and the appreciation of a home. However, the ethical thoughts in the story are presented without a moral. The child really lives the scenes described. He has the emotions of the characters and feels their convictions. And this determines the worth of a story as an agent in character development.The narrative furnishes, further, the proper kind of exercise for the imagination. It affords abundant opportunity for the play of the dramatic instinct in the child, and effects a happy union of the "home world" and the "school world." The illustrations, drawn by Miss Hodge, have been planned and executed with considerable care.
Сила ?нтроверт?в: Тих? люди у св?т?, що не може мовчати
Сила ?нтроверт?в: Тих? люди у св?т?, що не може мовчати
Susan Cain
Disciplina affascinante e misteriosa, la Selfica permette di realizzare oggetti in metallo, inchiostri e colori in grado di interagire positivamente con l’ambiente e permettono a chi li possiede di aumentare il benessere personale, la sensibilità, l’equilibrio psicofisico. Le “self”– siano esse gioielli, strutture per l’ambiente o quadri – aiutano chi le usa a conoscere meglio se stessi e a entrare in contatto con dimensioni energetiche e campi di informazioni differenti da quelli in cui siamo normalmente immersi. La Selfica – sviluppata attraverso le ricerche e gli insegnamenti di Oberto Airaudi, Falco Tarassaco, ispiratore di Damanhur, Federazione di Comunità – è in realtà un’arte-scienza antichissima, già conosciuta da molti popoli del passato. Questo libro racconta le sperimentazioni di numerosi ricercatori e appassionati, raccolte dall’Autrice, protagonista a sua volta di molte esperienze appassionanti. ? un viaggio in una nuova dimensione dove tempo, spazio, emozione e memoria rispondono a leggi molto diverse da quelle a cui siamo abituati...
Довгий шлях до свободи
Довгий шлях до свободи
Nelson Mandela
Quaranta anni di storia di Damanhur, raccontati da chi li ha vissuti di persona. Il racconto della giornata di un damanhuriano, per comprendere come si vive, si pensa, si cresce in quella che oggi è la comunità spirituale laica più grande in Italia.
Поделки из пластиковых бутылок для дома и сада
Поделки из пластиковых бутылок для дома и сада
Zajceva Irina
...Того страшного спекотного л?та 61-го в?н не забуде н?коли, й нав?ть сорок рок?в по тому все сказане ? вчинене тод? спливатиме в пам’ят? так, наче трапилося т?льки вчора. Тод?, йому було тринадцять, безтурботний п?дл?ток, що зростав у благопристойн?й родин? (тато – священик Методистсько? церкви, мама – творча ? талановита регентка хору, ген?альна сестра – майбутня студентка ? молодший братик-школяр), упродовж тих трьох л?тн?х м?сяц?в пройде жорстоку школу доросл?шання. Через вервечку загадкових смертей, що матимуть р?зн? прояви — нещасний випадок, природна смерть, авар?я, вбивство — йому доведеться сповна п?знати життя, сповнене драматизму, та?мниць, брехн? та зради, в?дданост? та перелюбства.??Але звичайн?с?нький хлопчисько у траг?чний для його родини час, коли звичний йому св?т в одну мить зруйнувався, здавалося б, назавжди, виявив дива розважливост? та км?тливост?, навчився втрачати ? в?днаходити, ненавид?ти ? прощати та п?знав ц?ну любов?.??Пронизливий роман про г?рку ц?ну мудрост?, про нев?дворотну Божу мил?сть ? про те, що нас в?д в?чност? в?докремлю? лише подих, один останн?й подув в?тру...??
Idegen gyerek
Idegen gyerek
Rachel Abbott
K?zérthet? ismeretterjeszt? kiadvány az általános adatvédelmi rendeletr?l (GDPR) kisvállalkozóknak és magánszemélyeknek.
Mrs. Jeffries és a gyilkos bál
Mrs. Jeffries és a gyilkos bál
Emily Brightwell
A mérf?ldk?nek számító Sons of Anarchy - Kemény motorosok cím? televíziós sorozat negyedik évadja után játszódó t?rténetét Kurt Sutter, a széria vezet? producere találta ki. A klubtagság fele éppenhogy csak kiszabadult a Stockton állami b?rt?nb?l, de a Galindo drogkartell máris a nyakukban liheg, így nem unatkoznak a motorosok. Jax Teller, a SAMCRO aleln?ke mégis kénytelen egy másik problémával foglalkozni, amikor megtudja, hogy ír féltestvére, Trinity már hónapok óta az Egyesült ?llamokban tartózkodik - és az orosz Bratva-gengszterekkel lóg. Most azonban elt?nt, és Jax biztos abban, hogy ehhez az életét fenyeget? maffiaháborúnak van k?ze. Jax, Chibs és Opie társaságában Nevadába utazik, hogy megkeresse, és hazavigye. Trinity ugyan félig ír, félig viszont Teller, és ahol a Tellerek megjelennek, ott k? k?v?n nem marad. ?A Maffiózók óta nem uralta így a tévéképerny?t egy csapat izzadt, er?szakos vadállat...” - Rolling Stone. ?Els? osztályú... A mai napig az egyik legjobb tévésorozat.” - Newsday. ?Az egyik legjobb dráma a tévében.” - Time. ??t csillagból négy... A Sons csúcsra járatja a drámát.” - New York Daily News.?
Három lány
Három lány
Riley Sager
Follis ?t kontinensen átível?, a legádázabb drogbárókról és terrorista hálózatokról szóló visszaemlékezése olyan, mint egy krimi. Mégis, minden szava igaz, minden t?rténetét dokumentálták. A narkoterrorizmus és a terrorista szervezetek együttm?k?désér?l szóló, els? és egyetlen bennfentes elbeszélés, A drog árnyékában mérf?ldk?nek számít, ami oldalról oldalra le fogja ny?g?zni. Egy számos kitüntetést magáénak mondható DEA-ügyn?k visszaemlékezése hihetetlen beépített ügyn?ki karrierjére, felfedve a kábítószer-csempészet és a terrorizmus ijeszt? ?sszefonódásait. Pontosan mi az a beépített munka? Rend?ri szemsz?gb?l a beépülés a terhel? vallomások kicsalásának s?tét m?vészete. Személyes és pszichológiai szempontból: elnyerni valaki bizalmát – azután manipulálni ezt a bizalmat. Egyszer?en fogalmazva: sakkjátszma a rosszal. Rávenni, hogy úgy lépjen, ahogy te szeretnéd – de anélkül, hogy ? tudna err?l.Edward Follis t?kélyre fejlesz-tette ezt a sakkjátszmát –? A drog árnyékában – a DEA k?telékében t?lt?tt huszonhét éve alatt. Kokaint vásárolt egy piros Corvette-et hajtva, t?bb millió dolláros üzletekr?l tárgyalt sugárhajtású magángépek fedélzetén, és színlelt kapcsolatokat alakított ki olyan emberekkel, akik nemcsak nemzetk?zi drogkeresked?k, de bizonyos esetekben az al-Kaida, a Hezbollah, a Ha-mász, a Shan United Army vagy a mexikói kartellsz?vetség magas rangú tagjai voltak.
A makkabeusok els? k?nyve
A makkabeusok els? k?nyve
Alfred Rahlfs
The Discovery of the Future is a philosophical lecture by H. G. Wells that argues for the knowability of the future. It was originally delivered to the Royal Institution on January 24, 1902. Before appearing in book form. Wells begins by distinguishing between “two divergent types of mind,” one that judges and attaches importance principally to what has happened in the past and one that judges and attaches importance principally to what will happen in the future. To the former he attributes the adjectives “legal or submissive,” “passive,” and “oriental,” and to the latter the adjectives “legislative, creative, organizing, or masterful,” and “active,” calling it “a more modern and much less abundant type of mind.” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*** It will lead into my subject most conveniently to contrast and separate two divergent types of mind, types which are to be distinguished chiefly by their attitude toward time, and more particularly by the relative importance they attach and the relative amount of thought they give to the future. The first of these two types of mind, and it is, I think, the predominant type, the type of the majority of living people, is that which seems scarcely to think of the future at all, which regards it as a sort of blank non-existence upon which the advancing present will presently write events. The second type, which is, I think, a more modern and much less abundant type of mind, thinks constantly and by preference of things to come, and of present things mainly in relation to the results that must arise from them. The former type of mind, when one gets it in its purity, is retrospective in habit, and it interprets the things of the present, and gives value to this and denies it to that, entirely with relation to the past. The latter type of mind is constructive in habit, it interprets the things of the present and gives value to this or that, entirely in relation to things designed or foreseen. While from that former point of view our life is simply to reap the consequences of the past, from this our life is to prepare the future. The former type one might speak of as the legal or submissive type of mind, because the business, the practice, and the training of a lawyer dispose him toward it; he of all men must constantly refer to the law made, the right established, the precedent set, and consistently ignore or condemn the thing that is only seeking to establish itself. The latter type of mind I might for contrast call the legislative, creative, organizing, or masterful type, because it is perpetually attacking and altering the established order of things, perpetually falling away from respect for what the past has given us. It sees the world as one great workshop, and the present is no more than material for the future, for the thing that is yet destined to be. It is in the active mood of thought, while the former is in the passive; it is the mind of youth, it is the mind more manifest among the western nations, while the former is the mind of age, the mind of the oriental. Things have been, says the legal mind, and so we are here. The creative mind says we are here because things have yet to be. Now I do not wish to suggest that the great mass of people belong to either of these two types. Indeed, I speak of them as two distinct and distinguishable types mainly for convenience and in order to accentuate their distinction. There are probably very few people who brood constantly upon the past without any thought of the future at all, and there are probably scarcely any who live and think consistently in relation to the future. The great mass of people occupy an intermediate position between these extremes, they pass daily and hourly from the passive mood to the active, they see this thing in relation to its associations and that thing in relation to its consequences, and they do not even suspect that they are using two distinct methods in their minds.
T?bb titoknyi távolság
T?bb titoknyi távolság
Hallie Nadal
Megt?rt szív? lány. ?dáz harcos. Leend? h?s. Vajon Meira képes megmenteni azt a világot, amit soha nem ismert igazán? TIZENHAT ?VE annak, hogy a Tél Királyságát megszállta az ellenség; lakóit rabigába hajtották. Varázslat és uralkodó nélkül maradtak. A télieknek nem maradt más reményük a szabadságra, mint a nyolc túlél?, akiknek valahogyan sikerült elmenekülniük, és akik a lehet?ségre várnak, hogy visszacsempészhessék a Tél varázslatát, és újjáépítsék a birodalmat. Meira nagyon kicsi volt, amikor Tél vereséget szenvedett és ? elvesztette a szüleit. Menekültként élt, a téliek tábornoka, Sir lett a gyámja, ? pedig harcosnak nevelte. Meira szerelme legjobb barátja, a leend? király, Mather; a fiatal lány pedig mindent megtenne azért, hogy Tél birodalmának hatalma helyreálljon. ?gy hát, amikor a kémek felfedezik, hol ?rzik azt az ?si medaliont, amelynek segítségével visszakaphatnák a varázserejüket, Meira elhatározza, hogy maga indul a keresésére. Magas tornyokra mászik, ellenséges katonákkal harcol; valóra vált régi álma. ?m a küldetés nem a tervek szerint alakul, és Meira hamarosan gonosz varázslat, veszélyes politika, fortélyos üzelmek világában találja magát… és végül rád?bben, hogy sorsa felett nem ? rendelkezik… és ez mindig is így volt. Sara Raasch els? regénye h?ségr?l, szerelemr?l, életünk céljának keresésér?l szóló leny?g?z? olvasmány.
Tiszlavicz Mária
Bexi – civil nevén Budai Rebeka – második albumának sikere, egy londoni út és a Nagy Márkkal való el sem kezd?d?tt kapcsolatának vége után hirtelen elveszti a talajt a lába alól. Geriben csalódnia kellett, Márk szóba sem áll vele, de talán a zenei sikertelenségt?l rendül meg leginkább. Szerencsére még mindig mellette áll a családja, valamint Anti, Evelin, K?rte, az agyontetovált menedzser, és a Fogd be Aszád vérbeli trolljai. ?gy a szakmai és magánéleti mélypont sem tarthat sokáig…
Southend-on-Sea Quiz Book
Southend-on-Sea Quiz Book
Kimber, Kim
Do you live in Southend-on-Sea? Maybe you grew up there as a child or have fond memories of holidays spent in the area? Whatever Southend means to you, this book will test your memory of the people and places that have shaped the town over the years. Who became the first Mayor of Southend in 1837? What year was the train route between Southend and London first established? What world record was broken at Southend-on-Sea in August 2010 earning participants a place in the Guinness Book of Records? The answers to all these questions and more can be found in this brilliant quiz book. Packed with fascinating facts from years gone by to the present day, The Southend-on-Sea Quiz Book will find out just how much you really know about the town and its inhabitants. Whether you want to reminisce with family and friends or discover something new, this book is all you need. A must-have for everyone from the Southend area and anyone interested in learning more about the history of this thriving seaside resort.
Ultimate Boxing Quiz Book
Ultimate Boxing Quiz Book
Oates, Ralph
Do you consider yourself to be the world's biggest boxing fan? Do you look forward to, and follow, every match? Are you clued up on the history of this age old sport from bare knuckle and unlicensed through to the top-flight professional game? Then test yourself with the challenging questions contained in The Ultimate Boxing Quiz Book and find out how much you really know. With sections covering all aspects of the boxing world, including famous male and female fighters, nicknames, title fights, nationalities, knock-outs, southpaws, champions, referees, managers and promoters, this book is as educational as it is entertaining. Get your adrenalin pumping as you try to recall all those memorable moments from the great boxing matches of yesteryear and find out if you are a light or heavyweight when it comes to a knowledge of boxing trivia. Whether you want to learn more about late greats or brush up on the modern game this quiz book is a must have for anyone with an interest in the boxing world.
Great Train Robbery Quiz Book
Great Train Robbery Quiz Book
Gray, Mike
The Great Train Robbery is one of the most well documented crimes of all time but how much do you really know about what happened on that fateful day in 1963 and in the years beyond? This new quiz book will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the Great Train Robbery and the people involved.How many train robbers escaped from prison? What was the robbers' hideout called? Who was the first '30-year sentence' train robber to be released? The answers to these brain teasers and more can all be found inside The Great Train Robbery Quiz Book.With 100 questions all about the people involved in the robbery, where they are now, the detectives, Judge, books, films and TV programmes, this is a comprehensive guide to the most talked about UK heist in history.With 2013 marking the 50th anniversary, there is still a great deal of interest in the Great Train Robbery and if you would like to know more, this book is all you need.
Rugby Quiz Book
Rugby Quiz Book
Pearson, Adam
All you have ever wanted to know about Rugby League and Rugby Union but have never dared to ask until now (as the answers are in the back of the book!) Will you get stung by a Wasp or charge through the 1,200 questions and mow down the opposition like a Rhino? You will have to cast your minds back over the last two centuries to recall facts about the game's origins, great players, cup competitions, clubs, stadiums, kit colours, nicknames, nationalities, field positions and much more if you want to be promoted to the Super League rather than face relegation. This is as much a treasure trove of rugby facts and figures as it is a quiz book and is guaranteed to get aficionados and families alike in a competitive scrum.
Bruno Mars Quiz Book
Bruno Mars Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
Are you a fan of Bruno Mars? If so, do you know how he came by his stage name? What was his debut album called and what are the titles of his best-selling singles? If you think you know all about the talented American singer-songwriter or would like to find out more, The Bruno Mars Quiz Book is for you. What awards has Bruno been nominated for? What were his early musical influences and how did he get started in the business? Where did he grow up and what was his family life like as a child? With 100 questions all about your favourite singer including many personal details, this book is both entertaining and educational and you are certain to learn something new. This book is a fitting tribute to a diverse performer who has made a lasting impression on the music industry in recent months and looks set to continue to make his mark for some time to come. This is a must-have for everyone who enjoys Bruno Mars unique style of music.
London Underground Quiz Book
London Underground Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
Brief Description: Are you a regular commuter on the London Underground? Do you use the tube to get around for business or pleasure? Or maybe you have travelled on the underground during a visit to the UK capital? If so, just how much can you remember about the world's oldest underground system? Which tube station is the busiest, with 77 million passengers each year? If you were travelling on the Piccadilly Line, which tube station would you get off at if you were visiting Arsenal Football Club? In which year during the 1940s did the central line extend from Liverpool Street to Stratford? The answers to these and many more brain-teasing questions are all in this quiz book. Find out how well you know your way around the tube or challenge your colleagues, family and friends to discover who is the most knowledgeable about London Underground. Full of fascinating facts The London Underground Quiz Book is both fun and informative and an excellent way to help pass away the hours you spend travelling.
Adele Quiz Book
Adele Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
Are you a fan of Adele? Have you followed her meteoric rise to fame from the release of her first album '19' through to global superstardom? Do you, like millions of others, know all the words to her soulful, heartfelt lyrics and can't help singing along. If so, you are guaranteed to enjoy this fun and informative new quiz book.Which two awards did Adele win at the 51st Grammy Awards in 2009? Who wrote Adele's 2008 song 'Make You Feel My Love'? How many weeks did Adele's single 'Someone Like You' spend in the number 1 position in the UK charts? All the answers can be found in The Adele Quiz Book.Packed full of facts about Adele's amazing career to date, this tribute contains 100 questions about the multi-award winning superstar and covers all aspects of Adele's professional life, together with one or two surprising personal details. You are certain to learn something new about the popular singer-songwriter. This is a must have book for anyone who would like to know more about the huge success story that is Adele.
Liverpool Quiz Book
Liverpool Quiz Book
Cowlin, Chris
Is Liverpool your favourite football team? Have you watched every match? Are you an expert on all the facts, figures and fixtures that have shaped the club's long history? Then the time has come to find out how much you really know about the people and places that have helped to define the Reds through the years.With 250 testing questions covering every aspect of the club, from unforgettable players, top goalscorers, memorable managers and difficult opponents to League positions, honours and awards, this book can't fail to turn up one or two surprises alongside all the well documented facts.Packed full of information, The Liverpool Quiz Book is certain to prove a hit with football fans of all ages, whether you want to impress family and friends with your knowledge or simply find out more about the team you support.This tribute to Liverpool FC is a must-have for all fans of the Reds and anyone who is interested in learning more about this successful football club.
Politics Quiz Book
Politics Quiz Book
Snelgrove, Kevin
Do you have in interest in politics? Are you familiar with the different roles in British government? Can you recall Britain's most famous prime ministers and the years they were in office? If you would like to find out more about the history of British politics, you are certain to enjoy this quiz book.Which year did James Harold Wilson first become prime minister? What is the first thing a new government forms? Who was leader of the Liberal Party from 1967 to 1976? The answers to these and many similar questions can all be found in The Politics Quiz Book.This informative new quiz book is a simple way for the whole family to learn more about British politics and with 100 questions covering all aspects of government you are sure to learn something new. Whether you want to test your memory of the great movers and shakers of days gone past or improve your knowledge of the basic facts of politics in Britain today this book is certain to have broad appeal.
101 Things You May Not Have Known About World Wrestling
101 Things You May Not Have Known About World Wrestling
White, Paul
Are you a fan of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)? Do you watch in awe as the giant competitors throw themselves and each other around the ring? Are you familiar with the terminology of WWE? Would you like to know more about the professional wrestlers who provide such thrilling entertainment? If you answered yes to any of these questions you won't want to be without this handy new reference guide.Presented in an easy-to-follow format, this book contains all the facts and figures on WWE you will ever need to know, including detailed information on the top professional wrestlers past and present, their nicknames, biographies, catchphrases, championship winners and losers, WWE records, Divas, belts and much more.101 Things You May Not Have Known About World Wrestling is as entertaining as wrestling itself and is a must-have for all those who enjoy the sportsmanship and spectacle of WWE. This book will appeal to anyone who likes watching WWE from lifelong fans to those who are new to the sport.
Kim Kardashian Quiz Book
Kim Kardashian Quiz Book
Nicholson, Aimee
Brief Description: Do you watch 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians'? Are you one of the five million people who follow Kim Kardashian on Twitter? Are you up to date with all the twists and turns in the American celebrity's life? If you're a fan of Kim Kardashian, you won't want to be without this quiz book.Every aspect of Kim's life has been written about by the press or documented on TV but how much do you really know about the glamorous socialite and businesswoman? Which designer's dress did Kim wear on her wedding day to Kris Humphries? When did Kim and her sisters open their second clothing shop in Miami? At Thanksgiving, Kim donated her time to the Los Angeles Mission but to do what? The answers to these questions and more are all in The Kim Kardashian Quiz Book. How many will you get right?Full of fun facts, this book is certain to reveal something you never knew about one of the America's most famous women. If you like Kim Kardashian, you will love this quiz book.