

Bleak House
Bleak House
Charles Dickens
Bleak House is one of Dickens's finest novels, containing one of the most vast, complex and engaging arrays of minor characters and sub-plots in his entire canon. The story follows long-running litigation in England's Court of Chancery, Jarndyce v Jarndyce, which has far-reaching consequences for all involved. This case revolves around atestator who apparently made several wills.
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair
William Makepeace Thackeray
Vanity Fair is one of the most distinguished works written by William Makepeace Thackeray. The novel satirises whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light touch. It also features Thackeray's most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Sharp. The novel is considered a classic of English literature, presenting a panoramic portrait of English society of the time.
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
George Gissing
The book is unusually divided into four seasons instead of chapters and represents a semi-fictional autobiographical work by George Gissing in which the author casts himself as the editor of the diary of a deceased acquaintance, selecting essays for posthumous publication. Observing how suitable many of the reflections were to the month with which they were dated.
Paradise Regained
Paradise Regained
John Milton
Paradise Regained is a poem by English poet John Milton, first published in 1671 by John Macock. The volume in which it appeared also contained the poet's closet drama Samson Agonistes. Paradise Regained is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes; indeed, its title, its use of blank verse, and its progression through Christian history recall the earlier work. However, this effort deals primarily with the temptation of Christ as recounted in the Gospel of Luke. ? An interesting anecdote recounted by a Quaker named Thomas Ellwood provides some insight into Paradise Regained??'?s development. After studying Latin with Milton and reading the poet's epic Paradise Lost, Ellwood remarked, "Thou hast said much here of Paradise lost, but what hast thou to say of Paradise found?" Hearing this, Milton at first "sat some time in a muse" before changing the subject; however, later on he showed to Ellwood a new manuscript entitled Paradise Regained. Some maintain that although he seemed to express gratitude to Ellwood in a letter, Milton in truth "passed on a friendly if impish fabrication" that made Ellwood feel like the inspiration for the poem. Milton composed Paradise Regained at his cottage in Chalfont St Giles in Buckinghamshire. The poem is four books long, in contrast with Paradise Lost??'?s twelve. As such, Barbara K. Lewalski has labelled the work a "brief epic." ? Whereas Paradise Lost is ornate in style and decorative in its verse, Paradise Regained is carried out in a fairly plain style. Specifically, Milton reduces his use of simile and deploys a simpler syntax in Paradise Regained than he does in Paradise Lost, and this is consistent with Jesus's sublime plainness in his life and teachings (in the epic, he prefers Hebrew psalms to Greek poetry). Modern editors believe the stylistics of Paradise Regained evince Milton's poetic maturity. No longer is the poet out to dazzle his readers with bombastic verse and lengthy epic similes. This is not to say that the poem bears no affinities with Milton's earlier work, but scholars continue to agree with Northrop Frye's suggestion that Paradise Regained is "practically sui generis" in its poetic execution. ? One major concept emphasized throughout Paradise Regained is the idea of reversals. As implied by its title, Milton sets out to reverse the "loss" of Paradise. Thus, antonyms are often found next to each other, reinforcing the idea that everything that was lost in the first epic will be regained by the end of this "brief epic." Additionally, the work focuses on the idea of "hunger", both in a literal and in a spiritual sense. After wandering in the wilderness for forty days, Jesus is starving for food. Satan, too blind to see any non-literal meanings of the term, offers Christ food and various other temptations, but Jesus continually denies him. Although Milton's Jesus is remarkably human, an exclusive focus on this dimension of his character obscures the divine stakes of Jesus’s confrontation with Satan; Jesus emerges victorious, and Satan falls, amazed.
Ooh Matron!
Ooh Matron!
Sarah Jane Butfield
*****Award Winning Nurse Memoir*** I am not sure what Florence Nightingale would have made of Sarah Jane! The story starts with a sixteen-year-old country girl who, for no apparent reason at the time, suddenly decided that she wanted to be a nurse. Sarah Jane was entering adulthood with no obvious career path in sight. She had planned a traditional, some would say old fashioned, future. Her vision was to leave school, find a job in a local store, get married and eventually have children. Then everything changed, as she embarked on a journey which would help to map out her future by offering opportunities in a variety of places and healthcare settings. Find out how Sarah Jane deals with births, deaths and everything in between with laughter, tears and humility in this touching, sometimes heartrending, superbly written memoir.? ‘Ooh Matron!’ is the first book in The Nomadic Nurse Series. Each book in the series takes you on a journey through medical specialisms and environments that formed part of Sarah Jane’s nursing career. Throughout the series Sarah Jane uses her trademark honest and entertaining writing style to share insights into her thoughts, reflections and the changes in her personal life and circumstances as she moves forward in her career. 5-star reviewers say: "I laughed out loud at the hilarious antics, and was sobered by the genuine emotional moments that all health professionals will recognise. This is a book that will make you laugh and cry and you’ll feel better for it - The perfect prescription." Bookworm "This funny, yet poignant nursing memoir has Sarah Jane's trademark honest writing style which shines through in every story she tells. From starting her student nurse training in Essex to coping with patients in happy, sad and heart-breaking situations. It gives you a young woman's view into the realities of entering the world of nursing in the 1980’s. A highly entertaining and informative memoir which was able to take me from laughing out loud to having welled tears of empathy."
Jacky Donovan
When Smoky, a tiny Yorkie Terrier, is miraculously found in a foxhole in the steaming jungles of Papua New Guinea, she has no way of knowing she will become a World War II hero and Hollywood star. Flying with her new owner, Corporal Bill Wynne, on deadly combat missions, she is soon assisting the war effort, entertaining and bringing comfort to the soldiers with her unique tricks and spirited energy. Based on the true events of the American Army’s wartime struggles and Smoky’s subsequent outstanding television career, her moving and uplifting tale is sure to entertain and touch the heart of all who read it. From the author of bestseller Simon Ships Out: How One Brave, Stray Cat Became a Worldwide Hero.
The Three Sisters: A drama in four acts
The Three Sisters: A drama in four acts
Anton Chekhov
One of the four major plays that Chekhov wrote at the end of his life. The play was specifically written for the Moscow Art Theatre and was first directed by the legendary Constantin Stanisklavski. Since its debut, the play remained a perennial favourite of actors and audiences internationally.
Κρ?σταλλοι Ι: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου
Κρ?σταλλοι Ι: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου
Αντώνης Αναστασιάδης
Οι σειρ? ?Κρ?σταλλοι? θα συν?σταται απ? μια δεκαλογ?α η οπο?α θα ξεκιν?ει απ? την δημιουργ?α του σ?μπαντο?, θα διαπερν? ολ?κληρο τον πανανθρ?πινο πολιτισμ?, θα φθ?νει στο παρ?ν και θα συνεχ?ζει στο μ?λλον, παρακολουθ?ντα? περιληπτικ? την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου πολιτισμο?. Το πρ?το βιβλ?ο ε?ναι η ?1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α)? απ? το οπο?ο αρχ?ζει ?να ταξ?δι. ?να ταξ?δι που ξεκιν?ει απ? την Μεγ?λη ?κρηξη, την εξελικτικ? πορε?α του σ?μπαντο? και φθ?νει στη δημιουργ?α των πλανητικ?ν συστημ?των. Το ?ργο στο πρ?το βιβλ?ο ξεκιν?ει απ? μια ελληνικ? επαρχιακ? π?λη, ?που ?να ερωτευμ?νο ζευγ?ρι ανακαλ?πτει ?να αντικε?μενο με περ?εργε? ιδι?τητε? και ικαν?τητε?. Μελετ?τε απ? την τοπικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα, αναφ?ρονται παλι?τεροι θρ?λοι και παραδ?σει? γ?ρω απ? αυτ?, που μ?χρι πρ?τινο? θεωρο?νταν μ?θοι και παραμ?θια. Το αντικε?μενο μεταφ?ρεται στην Αθ?να και μελετ?ται απ? την ελληνικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα. Κατ?πιν καλο?νται τα ηχηρ? ον?ματα τη? διεθνο?? επιστημονικ?? κοιν?τητα?. Β?σει των ιδιοτ?των που ?χουν αναδειχθε?, επιχειρε?ται ?να πε?ραμα στην Ακρ?πολη, με θαυμαστ? και μη αναμεν?μενα αποτελ?σματα. Απ? εκε? και π?ρα αρχ?ζει μια υπ?ροχη διαδρομ? σε μια σειρ? 10 βιβλ?ων. Μ?σα απ? μ?θο, αλληγορ?ε? αλλ? και πραγματικ?? επιστημονικ?? γν?σει?, επιχειρε?τε, π?ραν τη? διασκ?δαση?, ο αναγν?στη? να αποκομ?σει και αληθιν?? γν?σει?. ?τσι, ο αναγν?στη? μ?σα απ? μυθιστορηματικ? αφ?γηση μαθα?νει για την δημιουργ?α και για την εξ?λιξη του σ?μπαντο?, για του? γαλαξ?ε?, για τα ηλιακ? συστ?ματα, για την γη, για τη ζω? π?νω στην γη, για την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για την φιλοσοφ?α, για την επιστ?μη, για τι? θρησκε?ε? και για τον εν γ?νει αγ?να τη? ενανθρ?πιση? του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για να φθ?σουμε στι? σημεριν?? συγκρο?σει?. Τηλεγραφικ? τα 10 βιβλ?α που θα ακολουθ?σουν με ενδεικτικ?? ονομασ?ε?: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α) 2η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Υπερκ?σμιου-Υπερφυσικο? (Ουρανομαχ?α) 3η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Υπερφυσικο? (Ζευ?-Κρ?νο?) 4η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Παραφυσικο? (Γιγαντομαχ?α) 5η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Μεταφυσικο? (Προμηθει??) 6η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Καλο?-Κακο? (Λευκ??-Μα?ρο? Κρ?σταλλο?) 7η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κοινωνικοπολιτικο?-Αντικοινωνικοπολιτικο? (Πρ?τοι πολιτισμο?) 8η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Ανθρωπισμο?-Τεχνοκρατισμο? (Νε?τεροι χρ?νοι) 9η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Πολιτισμο?-Βαρβαρ?τητα? (Σ?μερα) 10η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Γ?ινων-Εξωγ?ινων (Διαγαλαξιακ? ταξ?δια)
The Three Hostages by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Three Hostages by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
John Buchan
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Three Hostages by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of John Buchan’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Buchan includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Three Hostages by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Buchan’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
K. V. Dominic's Write My Son, Write--Text and Interpretation
K. V. Dominic's Write My Son, Write--Text and Interpretation
Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya
"Write My Son, Write" is K. V. Dominic's longest poem, in 21 sections taken from his collection of poems entitled Write Son, Write. Dominic unabashedly tackles every-day issues of India such as the social injustice of poverty, man's crass exploitation of natural resources that ought to belong to everyone, terrorism, and the eternal beauty of the natural world. This poem is the manifesto of Dominic's views and philosophies. About this work, K.V. Dominic writes, "People today are crazy after materialism, and divinity in them is being lost to such an extent that they give no importance to principles, values, family and social relations, cohabitance with human beings and other beings. Instead they are trying their maximum to exploit their fellow beings, other beings and the planet itself. If it goes like this, the total destruction is not far away. It is the duty of the religious leaders, political leaders and the intelli-gentsia to inject the lost values to the masses and thus preserve this planet and the inhabitants from the imminent devastation. Instead, majority of these leaders become mafias and inject communal and corruptive venom to the minds of the masses. Corruption has become the hallmark of these leaders and influenced by them the masses also deviate from the right track to the evil track. And who will save this society? Writers, particularly poets who are like prophets." Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya's commentary provides the most complete critical analysis of the poem, section-by-section and line-by-line. Born in 1947 Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya M A (Triple) MPhil, PhD is a retired college teacher now residing at Howrah, West Bengal, India,. A Bilingual writer (English and Bengali), he has been writing on different subjects for the last thirty years. He seeks to retrieve the wealth of poetry when it is a revelation. Dr. Mukhopadhyaya regards K. V. Dominic as a poet of a seer. From the World Voices Series Modern History Press
The Vicomte de Bragelonne
The Vicomte de Bragelonne
Alexandre Dumas
In this continuing sequel to The Three Musketeers, d'Artagnan resigns as captain of the Musketeers as he perceives the young king Louis XIV as weak-willed. He resolves to aid the exiled Charles II to retake the throne of England, unaware that Athos is attempting the same. With their assistance Charles II is restored to the throne and d'Artagnan is rewarded richly.
The Cossacks
The Cossacks
Leo Tolstoy
Dmitri Olenin, a privileged disenchanted nobleman joins the army as a cadet, in the hopes of escaping the superficiality of his daily life. In his quest to find completeness, he naively hopes to find serenity among the simple people of the Caucasus. The novel is partially based on Tolstoy's own experiences in the Caucasus during the Caucasian War.
Αλφαβητ?ρι: Ελληνικο? Βδομαδι?τικοι Αναβαθμο?
Αλφαβητ?ρι: Ελληνικο? Βδομαδι?τικοι Αναβαθμο?
π. Αναστάσιος Δ. Σαλαπάτας
Η αθ?νατη ελληνικ? γλ?σσα μα? και βασικ? η πρ?τη τη? ?λη που ε?ναι το αλφαβητ?ρι τη? και οι λ?ξει? τη?, αποτελο?ν π?ντα μια πρ?κληση και απευθ?νουν αεν?ω? μια πρ?σκληση προ? ?λου?, να διαβ?σουν, να μελετ?σουν, να ερευν?σουν, να γρ?ψουν και δ?σουν μια ?θηση στην τ?χνη του λ?γου. Η θητε?α του συγγραφ?α στο Facebook τον εν?πνευσε να ασχοληθε? με το ελληνικ? αλφ?βητο. ?τσι, ξεκ?νησε κ?ποια στιγμ? ?ναν δι?λογο με του? φ?λου? και συνοδοιπ?ρου? του στο FB, με σημε?ο αναφορ?? διακεκριμ?νε? λ?ξει? και ?ννοιε?, που να αρχ?ζουν απ? ?να προ? ?να τα γρ?μματα τη? ελληνικ?? αλφαβ?του. Ξεκ?νησε β?βαια απ? το ?Α?! Κ?θε μ?ρα πρ?τεινε ?ναν ?ρο, τον αν?λυε μ?σα σε λ?γε? γραμμ??, και τον συν?δευε και με μια εικ?να. ?ταν τ?λειωνε η εβδομ?δα παρουσ?αζε τι? λ?ξει? και τι? εικ?νε? στο ιστολ?γι? του (Ημερολ?γιο Αποδημ?α?). Τ?ρα ?λθε η ?ρα να τυπωθο?ν οι λ?ξει?, με λ?γε? μ?νο και αντιπροσωπευτικ?? φωτογραφ?ε?, σε μια αυτ?νομη ?κδοση.
The Monkey's Paw
The Monkey's Paw
W. W. Jacobs
Three wishes are granted to the owner of the monkey's paw, but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate.
Delphi Complete Works of Christina Rossetti (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Christina Rossetti (Illustrated)
Christina Rossetti
Famous for the long poem ‘Goblin Market’ and the classic love poem ‘Remember’, Christina Rossetti created a variety of romantic, devotional and children's poems, as well as an accomplished sample of fiction. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical and fictional works of Christina Rossetti, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Rossetti's life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Features Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s accompanying illustrations to GOBLIN MARKET * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes Rossetti's complete short stories and her rare novella MAUDE, appearing for the first time in digital print * Features a bonus biography by the Pre-Raphaelite expert Theodore Watts-Dunton - discover Rossetti's literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * Easily skip forward or back to each poem and section using the Kindle's 5-way controller Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections VERSES, 1847 GOBLIN MARKET AND OTHER POEMS THE PRINCE’S PROGRESS AND OTHER POEMS SING-SONG: A NURSERY RHYME BOOK A PAGEANT AND OTHER POEMS VERSES, 1893 SOME FEASTS AND FASTS GIFTS AND GRACES THE WORLD: SELF-DESTRUCTION DIVERS WORLDS:TIME AND ETERNITY NEW JERUSALEM AND ITS CITIZENS SONGS FOR STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS PRIVATELY PUBLISHED POEMS UNPUBLISHED POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Fiction COMMONPLACE AND OTHER STORIES MAUDE: A STORY FOR GIRLS The Biography CHRISTINA GEORGINA ROSSETTI by Theodore Watts-Dunton Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
G?l Hikayeleri: Gahbe Gen?lik
G?l Hikayeleri: Gahbe Gen?lik
Halil Erdem
Bu ?yküler okuru yüz y?l ?ncesine ta??yarak toplumun hangi evrilmelerden ge?ti?ine ???k tutuyor. Ayn? zamanda 1953’de ba?lay?p 68’lerde sonu?lanan a?alar?n doymak bilmeyen toprak h?rs? yüzünden y?redeki Elmal? Avlan, S??üt ve G?lhisar G?llerinin kurutulup topra??n?n payla??lmas?ndaki e?itsizlikler ve bu durum kar??s?nda y?re insan?n?n duru?u tüm y?nleriyle ele al?n?rken, güncelli?ini yitirmeyen ?evre y?k?mlar?n? g?zler ?nüne serer. Ayr?ca u?runa türküler yak?lan, ?lümüne ya?anan a?k ?yküleri, yüz y?ld?r susmayan türkülerin ?yküsü Gahbe Gen?lik anlat?l?r. Bu y?nüyle halk ?ykücülü?üne yak?n yal?n bir dil kullan?lm??. Co?rafya insanlar? ?ekillendirirken, insanlar da üzerinde ya?ad??? co?rafyaya anlam kazand?r?r. Toplumlar diliyle, ya?ad?klar?yla co?rafyalar?nda ?nemli izler b?rak?r. Bu y?nüyle istedim ki yazd?klar?m co?rafyan?n bir belle?i olsun. Bu ?yküler okuru yüz y?l ?ncesine ta??yarak toplumun hangi evrilmelerden ge?ti?ine ???k tutuyor. Ayn? zamanda 1953’de ba?lay?p 68’lerde sonu?lanan a?alar?n doymak bilmeyen toprak h?rs? yüzünden y?redeki Elmal? Avdan, S??üt ve G?lhisar G?llerinin kurutulup topra??n?n payla??lmas?ndaki e?itsizlikler ve bu durum kar??s?nda y?re insan?n?n duru?u tüm y?nleriyle ele al?n?rken, güncelli?ini yitirmeyen ?evre y?k?mlar?n? g?zler ?nüne sermeye ?al??t?m. Ayr?ca u?runa türküler yak?lan, ?lümüne ya?anan a?k ?yküleri ve yüz y?ld?r susmayan türkülerin ?ykülerini yazd?m. Bu y?nüyle halk ?ykücülü?üne yak?n yal?n bir dille anlatmaya ?al??t?m. “G?l Hikayeleri / Gahbe Gen?lik” size ge?mi?in izlerinde sessiz, sakin ama derin, bir gezinti yapt?raca??n? dü?ünüyorum. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? HAL?L ERDEM 1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat?????????????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k???? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme?????????? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar???????????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????????? 2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)???????????????????????????????????? 2015 ? ?iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Callista: (A Tale of the Third Century)
Callista: (A Tale of the Third Century)
John Henry Newman
“Love thy God, and love Him only,And thy breast will ne’er be lonely.In that One Great Spirit meetAll things mighty, grave, and sweet.Vainly strives the soul to mingleWith a being of our kind;Vainly hearts with hearts are twined:For the deepest still is single.An impalpable resistanceHolds like natures still at distance.Mortal: love that Holy One,Or dwell for aye alone.”De Vere In no province of the vast Roman empire, as it existed in the middle of the third century, did Nature wear a richer or a more joyous garb than she displayed in Proconsular Africa, a territory of which Carthage was the metropolis, and Sicca might be considered the centre. The latter city, which was the seat of a Roman colony, lay upon a precipitous or steep bank, which led up along a chain of hills to a mountainous track in the direction of the north and east. In striking contrast with this wild and barren region was the view presented by the west and south, where for many miles stretched a smiling champaign, exuberantly wooded, and varied with a thousand hues, till it was terminated at length by the successive tiers of the Atlas, and the dim and fantastic forms of the Numidian mountains. The immediate neighbourhood of the city was occupied by gardens, vineyards, corn-fields, and meadows, crossed or encircled here by noble avenues of trees or the re-mains of primeval forests, there by the clustering groves which wealth and luxury had created. This spacious plain, though level when compared with the northern heights by which the city was backed, and the peaks and crags which skirted the southern and western horizon, was discovered, as light and shadow travelled with the sun, to be diversified with hill and dale, upland and hollow; while orange gardens, orchards, olive and palm plantations held their appropriate sites on the slopes or the bottoms. Through the mass of green, which extended still more thickly from the west round to the north, might be seen at intervals two solid causeways tracking their persevering course to the Mediterranean coast, the one to the ancient rival of Rome, the other to Hippo Regius in Numidia. Tourists might have complained of the absence of water from the scene; but the native peasant would have explained to them that the eye alone had reason to be discontented, and that the thick foliage and the uneven surface did but conceal what mother earth with no niggard bounty supplied. The Bagradas, issuing from the spurs of the Atlas, made up in depth what it wanted in breadth of bed, and ploughed the rich and yielding mould with its rapid stream, till, after passing Sicca in its way, it fell into the sea near Carthage. It was but the largest of a multitude of others, most of them tributaries to it, deepening as much as they increased it. While channels had been cut from the larger rills for the irrigation of the open land, brooks, which sprang up in the gravel which lay against the hills, had been artificially banked with cut stones or paved with pebbles; and where neither springs nor rivulets were to be found, wells had been dug, sometimes to the vast depth of as much as 200 fathoms, with such effect that the spurting column of water had in some instances drowned the zealous workmen who had been the first to reach it. And, while such were the resources of less favoured localities or seasons, profuse rains descended over the whole region for one half of the year, and the thick summer dews compensated by night for the daily tribute extorted by an African sun.
Emigra?ia belarus?, caucazian?, rus? ?i ucrainean? ?n timpul celui de al Doilea
Emigra?ia belarus?, caucazian?, rus? ?i ucrainean? ?n timpul celui de al Doilea
Guzun Vadim
Povestea scriitoarei britanice care ?i-a g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei Arabella McIntyre-Brown a ?nceput s? scrie o carte sincer? ?i antrenant?, plin? de umor, despre aventura mut?rii dintr-un mare ora? britanic ?ntr-un sat din Carpa?i, ?i a sf?r?it prin a compune o veritabil? scrisoare de dragoste pentru Rom?nia. A?a cum magia Transilvaniei rurale a fermecat-o profund pe autoare, volumul ?Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i” va cuceri, f?r? ?ndoial?, inimile tuturor cititorilor rom?ni. ?n ultimii ani, mai mult de 200.000 de rom?ni au plecat s? locuiasc? ?n Marea Britanie, iar din Anglia au venit ?n Rom?nia doar c?teva mii de britanici doritori s? se stabileasc? aici. Cei mai mul?i au ales Bucure?tiul sau alte ora?e mari; numai c??iva au descoperit atmosfera deosebit? a mediului rural. Scriitoarea ?i jurnalista Arabella McIntyre-Brown este una dintre ei. A luat aceast? hot?r?re ?n urma unor decese ?n familie, dar adev?rul din spatele plec?rii din Anglia ??i are r?d?cinile ?ntr-o copil?rie dificil?. La v?rsta de 50 de ani, tocmai c?nd ?ncepuse s? se bucure de un oarecare succes ca editor de carte ?i autor, ?i-a v?ndut casa din Liverpool, abandon?ndu-?i via?a citadin?, de om ocupat, ?i s-a aruncat ?n acest labirint care este Europa de Est. A p?r?sit tot ce-i era familiar ?i s-a mutat ?n Rom?nia, pentru a-?i tr?i via?a ?n solitudine. Astfel, din 2010, Arabella McIntyre-Brown nume?te ?acas?” aceast? parte a lumii m?rginit? la sud de Mun?ii Carpa?i, pe care prietenii r?ma?i ?n Anglia o puteau vedea pe Google Maps doar ca pe o p?tur? verde, difuz?. Decizia de se muta dintr-un ora? britanic animat ?ntr-o caban? construit? doar pe jum?tate, aflat? pe un pov?rni? al mun?ilor, ar fi putut fi un dezastru. Autoarea are peste 50 de ani, nu are un venit stabil, nici pensie sau un plan de rezerv?. ?n ciuda fapului c? toate indiciile sugerau c? avea s? e?ueze lamentabil, ast?zi poate afirma f?r? rezerve c? a descoperit secretul fericirii. Pentru ea, paradisul este satul transilv?nean M?gura, aflat cam la altitudinea la care se afl? cele mai ?nalte piscuri muntoase din Marea Britanie. ?... un fel de ghid pentru propriile c?l?torii c?tre sine – dac? ve?i avea curajul s? v? aventura?i pe un astfel de drum.” – Sir Ranulph Fiennes
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