Georgian Folk Tales
A collection of folk and fairy tales from the region lying between East and West, forming a bridge along which a great part of the traffic in ideas as well as in commodities must pass. By their religious and political connection with Byzantium on the one hand, and by their constant intercourse with Persia and Turkey on the other, the Iberians have gained much from both Christendom and Islam, and among them may yet be found lost links in several chains of historical and literary investigations.
Modeste Mignon by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Modeste Mignon by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Honoré de Balzac’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Balzac includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Modeste Mignon by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Balzac’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
Delphi Complete Works of Virgil (Illustrated): 18
Rome's great Epic poet has inspired readers and writers for centuries. This collection offers eReaders multiple translations of Virgil's works, as well as the original Latin texts and a special dual English/Latin version of 'The Aeneid'. This Delphi edition is a MUST for all lovers of literature. (6MB Version 1) Features: * multiple translations - 6 translations of 'The Aeneid' * includes Gavin Douglas' medieval Scots translation (1513) - the first ever translation of 'The Aeneid' appears here for the first time in digital print! * both verse and prose translations of 'The Aeneid', allowing you to explore different interpretations of the Ancient poet's work * concise introductions to the texts, offering valuable contextual information * every translation has its own Table of Contents, enabling you to navigate between the different texts with ease * includes a special dual text translation of 'The Aeneid' - with line by line Latin/ English, aiding scholars with their reading of the Latin text * special Latin pronunciation page - now you can read and hear the true sound of Virgil's 2000 year-old poetry! * includes 'The Eclogues' and 'The Georgics' - Virgil's early pastoral poetry * many beautiful images charting Virgil's influence on the artistic world * even includes the original Latin texts of Virgil's three extant works, each with its own contents table * scholarly ordering of texts, with a front no-nonsense Master table of contents * for all lovers of Latin literature, this is your chance to own all of these amazing texts in ONE single file Please visit to browse through our range of beautiful eBooks. CONTENTS: The Translations THE ECLOGUES THE ECLOGUES - GREENOUGH'S TRANSLATION THE GEORGICS THE GEORGICS - GREENOUGH'S TRANSLATION THE AENEID ANEID - 6 TRANSLATIONS Dual Latin and English Text THE AENEID - VIRGIL AND MORRIS The Original Latin Texts PRONOUNCING LATIN ECLOGA GEORGICON AENEID
Tales of the Jazz Age
This unique edition of Tales of the Jazz Age from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.
《从明天起,做一个幸福的人》由知名婚恋心理学专家、前百合网婚恋研究院院长周小鹏创作,包含17堂课和17个实践练习,带你循序渐地了解生活不幸的原因,与自己、与生活和解,在不完美中遇见幸福的自己。 在本书中,你要行内修,了解自己的本质,学会爱别人;要行外修,了解异性的思维和习惯,理解爱人,升级情商;要行综合提升,学会沟通和倾听,提升自己的魅力;还要做练习,学以致用,造长久的幸福和婚姻。 终其一生,女人都在克服孤独感,男人都在战胜失败感,而这本书,恰好为你助力。
徐慧霞编著的《学会爱嫁给谁都幸福》从极其现实的角度出发,揭示了婚姻的本质内涵,详述了女人获得幸福婚姻必 须 注意的九项内容,即抓住真爱,你才可能幸福,始就要作出正确的选择; 永远做一个魅力女人;造属于你的完美老公;搞清楚在婚姻里要承担的 责任,并乐于付出;婚姻是两个家庭的事,要经营好和睦的家庭;幸福的婚 姻 需要用心去经营,要用心经营好自己的婚姻;丈夫是你这辈子*的事业, 要做一个旺夫的女人;有“性”福才有幸福,让“性”福成为幸福婚姻的 润滑剂;当婚姻亮起红灯时,如何修复情感,挽救婚姻,或梅二度,清香 何 来。亲爱的女性朋友,如果你希望自己成为一个幸福的女人,如果你渴望自 己一生幸福,如果你正在孜孜不倦地追求着幸福婚姻,那么,阅读《学会 爱嫁给谁都幸福》,从以上十个方面始,实施自己的幸福计划吧!
世上有一种女人跟谁在一起都能找到快乐和幸福。因为她们爱自己,她们拥有强大的内心。她们也懂得爱别人,懂得创造自己的幸福。她们知道,婚姻不是终归宿,婚姻幸福才是真正的目的。所以,她们一直在努力修炼:让自己成为真正有魅力、有气质,而且温柔又漂亮的好女人。 爱情易得,白首难得。当纯美的爱情经历婚姻的平淡,犹如一壶好茶在一次次冲泡之后,变得寡淡无味时,她们没有感叹相爱容易相守难,转而酿起了亲情的红酒,让爱升华,让幸福的婚姻变得愈加醇厚。
本书由百度百科出品,中国性学会专家童立、谭国甸编写,基于全网搜索频率和用户关注数,筛选出年轻读者迫切关注与需要的35个亲密关系和生理健康问题,每个问题围绕案例行深度解读、正面引导;延伸出60个新问题和新概念行拓展分析和介绍。 书中涵盖恋爱、“PUA”、性少数群体、同居等年轻人关注度较高的热门爱与性的话题,能够帮助那些刚刚成年,盼望探索爱与情感;即将毕业,始展望婚姻殿堂;懵懵懂懂,一直对性认知不明的年轻人们,更加自信、自律、自爱地面对18岁要知道的那些事,遇见对的人不再茫然无措,享受爱的事不再尴尬困惑。
恋爱、结婚、育儿、养老都是人生的重要阶段。遇到合适的人,牵手幸福一生,既需要智慧,也需要法律保驾护航。作为一名律师,一名曾在基层法院家事审判组挂职的研究者,作者从自己调解和代理的数百起婚姻家庭案件中精选了 100个常见的法律问题,用“以案释法”的形式呈现,让大家近距离感受我国《民法典》的理性与温度。经过反复筛选,本书中的 80 个恋爱婚姻案例涵盖了从恋爱、结婚到离婚的方方面面。
排行的影响无处不在,大多数美国总统都是家中的老大,或者“代”老大;许多成功的企业家都是中间孩子;大多数喜剧演员都是老小……这就是排行的秘密。 为每个孩子量身定制育儿策略:帮忙追求尽善尽美的老大放下执念;给备受忽视的中间孩子更多时间;缓解两个孩子的竞争;不要太娇惯调皮捣蛋的老小。 6种不同排行组合的婚姻,夫妻契合度较高的是老大和老小组合。 生意场上遇到陌生客户,知道他的排行便了与他一步沟通的窗口。