这是一本于19世纪中叶写成的一本书,是由真实的故事写就的。它出版后,成为与《汤姆叔叔的小屋》一样有名的有影响力的小说。2013年,美国好莱坞将其改编成电影,并于当年斩获7项奥斯卡大奖。小说内容主要描写黑人奴隶的悲惨生活。美国黑人文学始于早在十七世纪开始流行的奴隶叙事(Slave Narrative)和黑人民间传说。
Anne of Green Gables绿山墙的安妮(I)英文版
《绿山墙的安妮》讲述了小孤女安妮被绿山墙农舍的老兄妹马修和玛丽拉收养并长大成人的故事,是一部暖心甜蜜的少女成长记。 马修和玛丽拉兄妹打算领养一个能帮着干活儿的男孩儿,结果却阴差阳错领来了满头红发、满脸雀斑、心惊胆战的安妮。喋喋不休的“小话唠”在被马修领回来的路上,就征服了这个内向木讷、怕跟女人打交道的未婚老男人,而玛丽拉则是在想送走安妮的路上被她打动的。就这样,年幼就失去双亲、先后在两个寄养家庭充当劳役、又在孤儿院待了四个多月的,非常向往有个能接纳自己的温馨的家的小孤女,在绿山墙农舍住下了…… 现在,让我们登上加拿大的爱德华王子岛,来到岛上的阿冯利村,路过“闪光的小湖”,步上“情人的小径”,经过“柳池”“紫罗兰溪谷”和“白桦小道”,来到窗前长满“白雪皇后”的绿山墙农舍,去认识这个叫安妮的红发小姑娘吧!
A House of Pomegranates(III) 石榴屋(英文版)
A House of Pomegranates is a collection of whimisical short stories by Oscar Wilde. Readers of all ages will be delighted by these fanciful tales, 4 parts are included: The Young King-the story of young prince, brought up as a goatherd, who becomes king on the death of his father and develops a deep fascination with the beautiful objects his wealth affords him.
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(V) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain was immensely popular in his day, among his critics and contemporaries as well as the numerous artists, presidents, industrialists and members of royalty whom he counted as friends. He remains popular to this day and is considered one of the great American authors. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904.
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(I) 三万元遗产(英文版)
“Had I never loved, I never would have been unhappy.” -Mark Twain. This collection of thirty comic short stories captures the many facets of Mark Twain's work. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904.
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(IV) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories (1906) by the iconic American writer and humorist Mark Twain is a collection of thirty comic short stories. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904. Although Twain had ample time to refine his short stories between their original publication date and this collection, there is little evidence to suggest he took an active interest in doing so.
The Young Fur Traders(III) 年轻的毛皮商人(英文版)
The Young Fur Traders is a novel by Robert Michael Ballantyne, a Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books, an accomplished artist who exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy. The work is published in 1856.
The Cossacks(V) 哥萨克(英文版)
Leo Tolstoy ( a Russian writer )is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. The hero in the novel is a young man named Olenin who had never completed his university course, never served anywhere (having only a nominal post in some government office or other), who had squandered half his fortune and had reached the age of twenty-four without having done anything or even chosen a career.
An Old-fashioned Girl(II) 传统的女孩(英文版)
An Old-Fashioned Girl is a novel by Louisa May Alcott. it ended up with nineteen chapters in all. The book revolves around Polly Milton, the old-fashioned girl. Polly Milton, a 14-year-old country girl, visits her friend Fanny Shaw and her wealthy family in the city for the first time.
Martin Rattler(IV) 聒噪的马丁:一个男孩子在巴西丛林的历险(英文版)
Martin Rattler by Robert Michael Ballantyne is a novella Published in 1858. Martin and Barney are firm Christians; however, this does not show up very frequently in the book. Martin Rattler was a very bad boy. At least his aunt, Mrs Dorothy Grumbit, said so.
A House of Pomegranates(II) 石榴屋(英文版)
A House of Pomegranates is a collection of whimisical short stories by Oscar Wilde. This collections includes the following tales: The Young King-the story of young prince, brought up as a goatherd, who becomes king on the death of his father and develops a deep fascination with the beautiful objects his wealth affords him.
The Young Fur Traders(II) 年轻的毛皮商人(英文版)
The story follows the adventures of a young man called Charles Kennedy. Loosely autobiographical account of Ballantyne's own time with the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada. Ballantyne went to Canada aged 16, and spent five years working for the Hudson's Bay Company.
The Young Fur Traders(IV) 年轻的毛皮商人(英文版)
The Young Fur Traders is a novel by Robert Michael Ballantyne published in 1856. Its success prompted a series of excellent stories of adventure for the young with which this prolific Scottish author's name is popularly associated in the very center of the great continent of North America, far removed from the abodes of civilized men, and about twenty miles to the south of Lake Winnipeg.
很多学英语的人都会遇到这样一个问题:和外国人聊天时,互道姓名之后,接下来聊些什么合适呢?哪些话题是“老外”感兴趣的呢?我们需要什么样的英语口语学习书呢?基于这样的问题,我们策划了这样一本书:收录相关的情景对话,紧紧围绕着外国人喜欢的话题,旨在让读者在遇到外国人时能够打破僵局,快速找到投缘的话题,愉快地用英语进行交流。 本书介绍了富有代表性的中外文化,每个话题都包括背景介绍、常用句子、重点词汇以及一段情景对话。语言通俗易懂,话题生动而不失深刻。每节都有大量地道的、原汁原味的句子,读者可以在与“老外”的日常交流中直接运用。
很多学英语的人都会遇到这样一个问题:和外国人聊天时,互道姓名之后,接下来聊些什么合适呢?哪些话题是“老外”感兴趣的呢?我们需要什么样的英语口语学习书呢?基于这样的问题,我们策划了这样一本书:收录相关的情景对话,紧紧围绕着外国人喜欢的话题,旨在让读者在遇到外国人时能够打破僵局,快速找到投缘的话题,愉快地用英语进行交流。 本书以财经话题为主,选取了有关物价上涨、纳税、失业以及收入分配等问题。语言通俗易懂,话题生动而不失深刻。每节都有大量地道的、原汁原味的句子,读者可以在与“老外”的日常交流中直接运用。
Chicken Little was in a gentleman's garden, where she had no right to be, when a rose leaf fell on her tail. Away she ran in great fright until she met Hen Pen. "O Hen Pen!" she cried, "the sky is falling."