

满1件7折 2件6折 百年哈佛经典(41-45)(套装共5册)
套装包含:百年哈佛经典第41卷:英文诗集(卷II):从科林斯到费兹杰拉德(英文原版),百年哈佛经典第42卷:英文诗集(卷III):从丁尼生到惠特曼(英文原版),百年哈佛经典第43卷:美国历史文件:1000-1904(英文原版),百年哈佛经典第44卷:圣书(卷一):孔子 希伯来书 基督圣经(I)(英文原版),百年哈佛经典第45卷:圣书(卷二) 基督圣经(II)(英文原版)
满1件7折 2件6折 一个青年艺术家的画像:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(英文版)
一个青年艺术家的画像:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(英文版)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?is the?first novel?of Irish writer?James Joyce. It is the semi-autobiographical portrayal of James Joyce’s early upbringing as an Irish Catholic in late 19th century and early 20th century Dublin. In his first and still most widely read novel, James Joyce makes a strange peace with the traditional narrative of a young man’s self-discovery by respecting its substance while exploding its form, thereby inaugurating a literary revolution. The novel begins with the confidence, ease and innocence of a story told to a child and ends with a tone that is hesitant, suspicious, fragmented and estranged. Between the two comes the education of one Stephen Dedalus, as the nets of race, religion and family attempt to ensnare his tender soul and complex imagination. The publication of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and the short story collection Dubliners earned Joyce a place at the forefront of literary modernism.
满1件7折 2件6折 艰难时世
满1件7折 2件6折 波利安娜:POLLYANNA(英文版)
   Pollyanna is a best-selling novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children’s literature. It tells a fascinating story of 11-year-old orphan girl who faces every challenge of life by playing the “Glad Game” that she has learnt from her father. The story begins when Pollyanna, after the death of her parents, is sent by the charitable organisation, Ladies Aid, to live with her mother’s real sister and her only relative, Aunt Polly.    Aunt Polly is a wealthy and stern lady who lives all by herself with just a nanny, Nancy and a gardener, Tom. Initially, she is not very happy with the news that Pollyanna would be staying with her. But then she thinks that it is her “duty” to help her dead sister’s child, and she is determined to always do her “duty”. She has never met Pollyanna and is therefore not in the least bit prepared for this child who is unlike any child before or since. Pollyanna, on the other hand, is glad to stay with Aunt Polly as she is the only person she has as her family …    Pollyanna is an inspiring and delightful classic story for people of all ages. It teaches a reader to look at life in a positive way, and never give up. Pollyanna has been adapted for film several times. The best known is Disney’s 1960 version starring child actress Hayley Mills, who won a special Oscar for the role.
满1件7折 2件6折 Comus 酒神之假面舞会(英文版)
Comus 酒神之假面舞会(英文版)
John Milton
“Comus” is a Masque drama by John Milton, who is an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under its Council of State and later under Oliver Cromwell.
满1件7折 2件6折 An Old-fashioned Girl(I) 传统的女孩(英文版)
An Old-fashioned Girl(I) 传统的女孩(英文版)
Louisa Alcott
An Old-Fashioned Girl is a novel by Louisa May Alcott, which includes nineteen chapters in all. The book revolves around Polly Milton, the old-fashioned girl who titles the story. Polly Milton, a 14-year-old country girl, visits her friend Fanny Shaw and her wealthy family in the city for the first time.
满1件7折 2件6折 The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(VI) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(VI) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain
This book is a collection of thirty comic short stories. These stories contained span the course of career of MarkTwain , from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904. Although Twain had ample time to refine his short stories between their original publication date and this collection, there is little evidence to suggest he took an active interest in doing so.
满1件7折 2件6折 Astoria(III) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
Astoria(III) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
Washington Irving
In the early 1800s, John Astor made the fateful decision to make good on his long-held dream of establishing a fur-trading company in the Northwest United States.
满1件7折 2件6折 Knickerbocker's History of New York(III) 纽约外史(英文版)
Knickerbocker's History of New York(III) 纽约外史(英文版)
Washington Irving
“Knickerbocker's History of New York” is the book by Washington Irving, an American writer who was born in New York City on April 3, 1783. Prior to its publication, Irving started a hoax akin to today's viral marketing campaigns; he placed a series of missing person adverts in New York newspapers seeking information on Diedrich Knickerbocker, a crusty Dutch historian who had allegedly gone missing from his hotel in New York City.
满1件7折 2件6折 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 沉睡谷传奇(英文版)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 沉睡谷传奇(英文版)
Washington Irving
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story of speculative fiction by American author Washington Irving, contained in his collection of 34 essays and short stories entitled The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
满1件7折 2件6折 Paradise Lost(III)失乐园(英文版)
Paradise Lost(III)失乐园(英文版)
John Milton
Paradise Lost is an epic poem by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books. The poem focuses on the Judeo-Christian story of the Fall of Man; the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
满1件7折 2件6折 An Old-fashioned Girl(III) 传统的女孩(英文版)
An Old-fashioned Girl(III) 传统的女孩(英文版)
Louisa Alcott
An Old-Fashioned Girl is a novel by Louisa May Alcott. It was first serialised in the Merry's Museum magazine between July and August in 1869 and consisted of only six chapters. Later Alcott continued the story and ended up with nineteen chapters in all.
满1件7折 2件6折 Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
满1件7折 2件6折 Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951. The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
满1件7折 2件6折 飞鸟集(全英文原版)
  世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   StrayBirds,中文译名为《飞鸟集》,是印度诗人泰戈尔创作的诗集,它包含三百多首清丽的无标题小诗,首次出版于1916年。这些诗的基本题材多为极其常见事物,不外乎小草、落叶、飞鸟、星辰、河流等等。由于诗人忠实于自己的思想,具有敏锐洞察自然、社会的能力和一支善于表达心曲的妙笔,这些形似只言片语的小诗就蕴涵了丰富的思想、深奥的哲理,表现出一种清新明快、优美隽永的风格。
满1件7折 2件6折 消失的地平线(全英文原版)
  世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAI ENGLISH LIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   Lost Horizon,中文译名为《消失的地平线》,四名西方旅客意外来到坐落在群山之中的香格里拉秘境。原本各自身为外交家、银行家、修女与大学毕业生的四个旅人,被命运捆绑在一起,在香格里拉遭遇了种种离奇事件。      香格里拉宛如一座世外桃源,在那里没有繁杂的琐事和无谓的纷争,陪伴人们的是肖邦的失传之曲,永不老去的少女,窗外熠熠生辉的卡拉卡尔山,和缓缓流动的时光。日月光辉庇佑下的香格里拉,究竟埋藏着怎样令人震惊的秘密?在当地长老的带领下,四名旅客一层层揭了香格里拉之谜……
满1件7折 2件6折 叶芝诗选(全英文原版)
  世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮与六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheCollectedPoemsofW.B.Yeats,中文译名《叶芝诗选》,叶芝一生中献给女神茅德o冈的爱情诗歌,分别选自他的诗集Crossways,TheRose,TheWindamongtheReeds,IntheSevenWoods,TheGreenHelmet,Responsibilities,TheWildSwansatCoole,MichaelRobartesandtheDancer,TheTower,TheWindingStair,LostPoems.茅德说:"世界会因为我没有嫁给你而心怀感激。"而叶芝说:"我所有的诗,都献给茅德o冈。"   1889年1月30日,叶芝和茅德冈初次邂逅,从此始了一生的沉迷纠葛。"她伫立窗畔,身旁盛着一大团苹果花;她光彩夺目,仿佛自身就是阳光……"   之后28年里,叶芝多次向茅德求婚,却多次被拒,直到五十多岁才不得不与他人结婚。1923年,叶芝获得诺贝尔文学奖。1939年,叶芝去世,茅德没有参加葬礼。
满1件7折 2件6折 Martin Rattler(II) 聒噪的马丁:一个男孩子在巴西丛林的历险(英文版)
Martin Rattler(II) 聒噪的马丁:一个男孩子在巴西丛林的历险(英文版)
R. M. Ballantyne
Martin Rattler by Robert Michael Ballantyne is a novella Published in 1858. The story of Martin Rattler, a mischievous boy with a good heart who mistakenly ends up on the ship Firefly, headed to the South Seas. With his friend Barney O'Flannagan, Martin escape pirates, survives a shipwreck, and explores South America in one adventure after another.
满1件7折 2件6折 30天突破面试英语口语