

Via?a la ?ar?
Via?a la ?ar?
Duiliu Zamfirescu
n irul romanelor de mai trziu, dar mai cu seam n Viaa la ar […], n care temperamentul lui stilistic ajunge la formele unui clasicism plin de msur i claritate, Duiliu Zamfirescu renun n cea mai mare parte la manierismul trecutului. Analistul naturalist al strilor sufleteti struie, ba chiar se dezvolt n el, fr s mai simt nevoia apelului la nomenclatura i dialectica tiinei. Lirismul capt o pedal grav i simpl, i reflecia general ader parc mai adnc la impresia direct. […] Numeroase sunt pasagiile Vieii la ar n care amnuntul realist, umoristic sau graios, d via i adevr tablourilor.[…] ntocmai ca mai toi scriitorii realiti romni, pn cnd un Alexandru Macedonski cucerete sectoare noi ale artei descriptive, Duiliu Zamfirescu este mai ales un pictor al omului i al peisagiului, mai mult dect al lucrurilor i al interioarelor, care apar totui uneori n paginile lui. Remarcabil este apoi sub pana autorului Vieii la ar sau Tnase Scatiu pictura strilor de mulime, cu atta vreme nainte ca L. Rebreanu s dezvolte larg posibilitile acestui motiv. Vrednic de atenie este i evocarea vieii interioare, cu afundri ntr-o lume de imagini construite dup alte legi dect acele ale ateniei voluntare […]. Caracterul att de modern al procedeului nu poate scpa nimnui i el alctuiete punctul cel mai naintat al artei de analist a lui Duiliu Zamfirescu, atent la enigmele vieii sufleteti.“ – Tudor Vianu
Ytterbium Fires: A science fiction short story collection
Ytterbium Fires: A science fiction short story collection
Bill Kandiliotis
Ytterbium Fires: A science fiction short story collection
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Eileen Cook
Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf Hat sie überhaupt eine Ahnung was für einen Sohn sie hat? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.
罗琳, J.K.,Thorne, Jack,Tiffany, John
距离哈利·波特,罗恩·韦斯莱以及赫敏·格兰杰拯救魔法世界已经过去了十九年的时间,现在他们将与一名刚刚踏入霍格沃兹魔法学校的勇敢新生一起,重回一段最为离奇的冒险旅程。就在哈利试图抵抗一段不愿停驻原地的过去时,他最小的儿子阿不思,则不得不担起一项自己从未想要过的家族遗产重任。在过去与现在的碰撞中,父子两人都被困锁在了一场与时间的赛跑当中,与神秘的力量进行战斗,而他们的未来则仍属未定之数。 《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》基于J.K. Rowling、约翰·蒂芙尼与杰克·索恩共同创作的原创故事改编而成,是这部广受赞誉的伦敦西区戏剧作品的完整剧本。此版本包含原故事的最终版对话和舞台指导、分为两部分的内容、一段在导演约翰·蒂芙尼与编剧杰克·索恩之间的对话、波特家族系谱,以及一条与《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》相关的关键时间时间线。
Autism Goes to School: Book One of the School Daze Series
Autism Goes to School: Book One of the School Daze Series
Dr.Sharon A. Mitchell
After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son’s sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. Teachers, when they hear that they'll have a student with an autism spectrum disorder, also try to learn as much as they can. This novel was written for such parents and teachers - an entertaining read that offers information on autism and strategies that work. Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for decades. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences. She continues to write and teaches university classes about students who learn differently.
Hard Fall:A gripping noir thriller
Hard Fall:A gripping noir thriller
P.T. Reade
An ex-cop with a past. A case police couldn't solve. One chance at redemption... An ex-New York detective, now working as a freelance investigator in London; Thomas Blume hunts for the killers that tore his family apart. For justice, for closure, for revenge. But when Blume stumbles across a case that baffled local police, he unwittingly becomes part of a world full of criminals, thugs and corrupt cops that will do anything to stop him. Now, in a country he doesn't understand and a city stacked against him, Blume must fight to expose the truth… before it's too late. Over 20,000 copies downloaded. Discover the thrilling first book in the Thomas Blume hard boiled mystery series today!? Click and get your copy now!
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Reynold A. Panettieri, Jr., MD, Michael E. Wechsler, MD, MMSc
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Made for Each other: A Contemporary Christian Romance
Made for Each other: A Contemporary Christian Romance
Karen Cogan
When?her job brings her to the city where her grandmother lives,?Lissa?first meets Jason.?Though their attraction to one another is immediate, Lissa refuses to be tempted into romance with a man in Jason’s occupation. She has been influenced by her mother to believe anyone in a creative job has the potential for ruin and starvation. These childhood teachings drove Lissa to actions that she now regrets. Although Jason is handsome and considerate, Lissa is wary and feels it is better to have a husband with a secure job than one who is at the mercy of public trends. Jason is determined not to fall for another committed career woman, and risk the pain of breaking up, as he did with his former fiancé. Taking second place to his wife’s work is not what he wants in a marriage. In addition, he takes his faith seriously and worries about Lissa’s ambivalent relationship with God. Will past experiences stand in the way of their relationship or will they grow together to find true love? ?
罗琳, J.K.,惠斯普, 肯尼沃思,
《神奇的魁地奇球》是魔法世界经久不衰的畅销书,也是霍格沃茨学校图书馆中受欢迎的书之一,书中包含了你需要知道的一切,包括高尚的魁地奇运动的历史和规则(以及犯规)。这本权威指南的作者是受人尊敬的魁地奇运动作家肯尼沃思·惠斯普,书中充满了引人入胜的知识,记录了这项运动的历史,从中世纪时在魁地沼的起源,一直到它成为现代体育运动,被全世界无数巫师和麻瓜家庭所热爱。书中全面介绍了知名的魁地奇球队、常见的犯规行为、比赛扫帚的发展进化,以及其他很多内容,对所有哈迷、魁地奇爱好者和运动员来说,它都是一本不可或缺的体育圣经。不管你是周末打球的业余爱好者还是拥有查德理火炮队赛季门票的铁杆球迷,都应该有一本。魔法世界著名的体育图书新版上市,采用J.K.罗琳的原创文本,配上约翰尼·达德尔绘制的华丽封面,以及托米斯拉夫·托米奇的插图。这本电子书的净零售价*有至少15%将捐给喜剧救济基金会和“荧光闪烁”基金会,用于改善儿童和青年的生活。其中20%捐给喜剧救济基金会,80%捐给“荧光闪烁”慈善组织。喜剧救济基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是326568(英国、威尔士)和SC039730(苏格兰)。“荧光闪烁”基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是1112575。* 净零售价指的是不含销售税的价格。
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
John Arthur Nichol
The audiobook of Sascha Martin’s Rocket-Ship is free when you download this Kindle book! Eight year old Sascha Martin is always inventing things, so he knows how they work. Mostly. For class news time he brings in a rocket that towers over everyone, including the teacher … but he's written "Don't touch!" on the rocket, so what could possibly go wrong? "The story is 'poetry in motion' for rocket ships! Manuela Pentangelo has visually interpreted John's verse with all the best icons from rocketry and science in the gorgeous illustrations." Samantha Ridgway, scientist, mother, and record-holding Australian rocketeer. This children’s picture book is ideal for kids age 8-10, but readers of all ages, from beginners to preteens to adults, will love this wild, funny, deliciously silly adventure wrapped in verse that rhymes and Manuela Pentangelo’s beautiful full colour artwork. Inside, you’ll find a link to the free audiobook, so if you lose your voice reading Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship aloud, the audiobook can take over. "Delightful, rhyming story that keeps your fingers turning the pages." E. C. Kraeft, author of White Castle (Book One in her Elf Kingdoms series of children’s books). "I am the mother to an energetic young reader that loves all things books. I am constantly looking for new titles that we can read together and I believe I have struck gold with this one! … I was pleasantly surprised to discover the book rhymed throughout (we love rhymes!) and I must add that they are very well done! This book does a great job at turning an already fun story into one that you can practically sing together (which does wonders with a toddler!!)." Thomai Dion, author of the Think-a-Lot Tots early science readers. Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship is the first in a fun new series of children’s science fiction action and adventure books, about a kid who knows just enough to be really, really dangerous! Author Q&A Why do you write stories in verse? Well I’m compelled to write them. I don’t decide to write stories in verse. It’s something my mind does in the background. I’ll suddenly realise there’s this rhyming couplet in my mind and that it’s been there for a while, and it’s the start of a story. Then I have to work out the rest of that story, all in verse, and that’s just hard work. But it begins unconsciously. Mind you, I do love rhythm and rhyme and poetry. Kids do, too. There’s a poetry-shaped hole in everyone, as an Australian poet once said, and I think that’s right. What draws you to science fiction? I’ve always loved scifi. It’s what I read as a kid, as a teen, what I read now. Along with mystery and suspense. Scifi sets kids free so their imagination is the only limit. Monsters, aliens, dinosaurs, time travel, travel to the stars, portals to other worlds; you can have all that. With science fiction, kids are free to go anywhere in the universe - in any ‘verse, and it seem there might be lots of universes out there. As many universes as there are kids, at least. It’s a bit like magic. Kids love magic, and there are lots of kids who love sci fi. It’s cool. Sci fi is cool. What’s coming up in the Series? Time Travel next, and lots of kids humor. Book 2 is Sascha Martin’s Time Machine. Sascha invents a machine to take his class back in time, and of course there’s a glitch. Other books in the series have bizarre balls, zombies, aliens, dinosaurs, space-ships and portals, a bit of an apocalypse. So much action and adventure. But one of the books is really embarrassing, super-embarrassing, so kids will cringe even as they’re laughing. Illustrating books takes time, but there’ll be plenty of free sneak previews along the way so kids can get a glimpse of what's to come.
Mo? Teac?
Mo? Teac?
Anton Bacalbașa
Publica?ii, documente, scrisori ?i fotografii?n anul 1920, ?ntr-o lupt? inegal? cu trupele bol?evice, ?n fruntea Brig?zii a 2-a de Mitraliere a Armatei Na?ionale Ucrainene, locotenent-colonelul Hnat Porohivski s-a retras pe malul drept al Nistrului. Participant la Primul R?zboi Mondial, lider al emigran?ilor ucraineni care s-au salvat din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Rom?nia, ?n anul 1931 absolv? ?coala Superioar? de ?tiin?e Administrative din Bucure?ti, iar ?n 1940 devine comisar al guvernului ucrainean ?n exil pentru statele balcanice.Din anul 1930 lucreaz? pentru Serviciul Secret de Informa?ii al Armatei Rom?ne, sub numele conspirativ Ciobanu, loialitatea sa fiind determinat? nu doar de orientarea antisovietic?, dar ?i de ospitalitatea oferit?. Lu?nd parte la lupte din primele zile ale r?zboiului rom?no-sovietic, sub numele conspirativ Dobrescu, ?n calitate de ofi?er superior al Agenturii Frontului de Est, a condus Biroul de Studii, Documentare ?i Centralizare.Volumul reprezint? un prim pas de recuperare a memoriei celui c?ruia i se datoreaz?, ?n mare parte, renumele de care s-a bucurat emigra?ia politic? ucrainean? din Rom?nia, rezisten?a acesteia ?n fa?a asaltului de distrugere ?i divizare, men?inerea pozi?iei de ostilitate fa?? de comunism ?i de imperialism.
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
S.A. Schneider
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
罗琳, J.K.,
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Reginaldo Oliveira Silva
Imaginea Romaniei prin turism, targuri si expozitii universale, in perioada interbelica, este titlul unei noi carti extrem de interesante, adresata atat specialistilor cat si publicului larg. Lucrarea elaborata de dr. Claudiu-Alexandru Vitanos reprezinta bilantul unor eforturi sistematice ale autorului de cercetare a modului in care a fost elaborata politica nationala privind dezvoltarea turismului si, totodata, politica de promovare a Romaniei prin intermediul targurilor si expozitiilor universale de-a lungul deceniilor interbelice.
Played to Death: A Scott Drayco Mystery
Played to Death: A Scott Drayco Mystery
BV Lawson
Played to Death: A Scott Drayco Mystery
Martin & James vs. The Masked Moss-Trooper: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
Martin & James vs. The Masked Moss-Trooper: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
S.A. Schneider
Martin & James vs. The Masked Moss-Trooper: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
The Universes of Stephen Goldin: A Guide to the Author’s Speculative Fiction
The Universes of Stephen Goldin: A Guide to the Author’s Speculative Fiction
Stephen Goldin
The Universes of Stephen Goldin: A Guide to the Author’s Speculative Fiction
Martin & James vs The Crazed Weatherman: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
Martin & James vs The Crazed Weatherman: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
S.A. Schneider
Martin & James vs The Crazed Weatherman: a Martin & James cozy spy thriller
The Chronicles of Barnia: A collection of Awkward Moments
The Chronicles of Barnia: A collection of Awkward Moments
Guy Sigley
The prequel to the hilarious Barney Conroy Trilogy, this collection of short stories will make you laugh, cringe, and face-palm all at the same time! Barney's an average guy in his mid-thirties with questionable social skills and progressive germophobia. He likes routine. He likes to keep his head down. He's trying to live an average life. He's just not as good at it as the rest of us. Laugh along with (or at!) Barney as he struggles with everyday social conventions in this collection of hilarious, bite-sized short stories. Download now if you're ready for plenty of awkward laughter!????
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