

Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
How to make your dreams come true? Here is a question that ??tortures?? many of us since we all want our dreams to come true … Isn’t it? Here is a little book that may help you navigate through the birth to the embodiment of a dream. They will show you some tools to make your dreams come true or at least show you that it is possible . The birth of this book came unexpectedly and surprisingly. I had just published my first book in the Paths to Yourself collection. It dealt with a subject that concerns many of us: how to build a healthy and lasting relationship of love or friendship? I was talking with a friend of this publication. He told me that one of his dreams was to write too, but in Thai. I replied that he can surely fulfill this dream considering that he has been speaking and writing in this language for a long time: his wife is from Laos and their language of communication is Thai. But it seemed to him a difficult dream to reach … To joke, I told him I should write a book on ??How to make one’s dreams come true??? because I have some 25 years of experience in the field … and I do not hesitate to do everything possible to realize mine. In addition, I accomplished almost all the dreams I really wanted. There is still one, still running, but which I will reveal later in this book;) . This friend told me that he would be the first to read this book if I write it one day … Putting a dream in to practice And now this new challenge, which I think will help others embody their dreams or at least part of them, has led my brain to think, almost without even wanting to, about a possible structure of this book. Barely two days passed after I had had this conversation with my friend and I was already writing it. So check out this little FREE guide to help you make your dreams come true!
Via?a la ?ar?
Via?a la ?ar?
Duiliu Zamfirescu
n irul romanelor de mai trziu, dar mai cu seam n Viaa la ar […], n care temperamentul lui stilistic ajunge la formele unui clasicism plin de msur i claritate, Duiliu Zamfirescu renun n cea mai mare parte la manierismul trecutului. Analistul naturalist al strilor sufleteti struie, ba chiar se dezvolt n el, fr s mai simt nevoia apelului la nomenclatura i dialectica tiinei. Lirismul capt o pedal grav i simpl, i reflecia general ader parc mai adnc la impresia direct. […] Numeroase sunt pasagiile Vieii la ar n care amnuntul realist, umoristic sau graios, d via i adevr tablourilor.[…] ntocmai ca mai toi scriitorii realiti romni, pn cnd un Alexandru Macedonski cucerete sectoare noi ale artei descriptive, Duiliu Zamfirescu este mai ales un pictor al omului i al peisagiului, mai mult dect al lucrurilor i al interioarelor, care apar totui uneori n paginile lui. Remarcabil este apoi sub pana autorului Vieii la ar sau Tnase Scatiu pictura strilor de mulime, cu atta vreme nainte ca L. Rebreanu s dezvolte larg posibilitile acestui motiv. Vrednic de atenie este i evocarea vieii interioare, cu afundri ntr-o lume de imagini construite dup alte legi dect acele ale ateniei voluntare […]. Caracterul att de modern al procedeului nu poate scpa nimnui i el alctuiete punctul cel mai naintat al artei de analist a lui Duiliu Zamfirescu, atent la enigmele vieii sufleteti.“ – Tudor Vianu
Finance Basics (Collins Business Secrets)
Finance Basics (Collins Business Secrets)
Stuart Warner
The finance basics that experts and top professionals understand. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Finance. Includes how to: ? Analyse a business from its financial reports ? Understand a Profit and Loss account ? Make sense of accounting jargon ? Build a financially sound business plan ? Deal with revenue, profit and cashflow
Hard Fall:A gripping noir thriller
Hard Fall:A gripping noir thriller
P.T. Reade
An ex-cop with a past. A case police couldn't solve. One chance at redemption... An ex-New York detective, now working as a freelance investigator in London; Thomas Blume hunts for the killers that tore his family apart. For justice, for closure, for revenge. But when Blume stumbles across a case that baffled local police, he unwittingly becomes part of a world full of criminals, thugs and corrupt cops that will do anything to stop him. Now, in a country he doesn't understand and a city stacked against him, Blume must fight to expose the truth… before it's too late. Over 20,000 copies downloaded. Discover the thrilling first book in the Thomas Blume hard boiled mystery series today!? Click and get your copy now!
A haldokló részvényes
A haldokló részvényes
Kondor Vilmos
Ingyenes tartalom - T?ltsd le Kondor Vilmos Szélhámos Budapest k?tetéhez készült el?novellát. Kondor Vilmos nemzetk?zi siker? B?n?s Budapest regényfolyamát már nem kell bemutatni az olvasónak. A szerz? legújabb regénye a Budapest Noir el?zményt?rténete, amelyb?l fény derül Gordon Zsigmond ifjúkorára, a t?zsdekrachok éveire és kedvenc zsurnalisztánk els? pesti ügyére, amelyet a már ismert kalandok sora k?vet. Kondor e-novellája is a korszak hírhedt vagy éppen pitiáner szélhámosainak, svindlereinek, és persze az átverésekhez elengedhetetlen palimadarainak világába vezeti olvasóit, egy igencsak példaérték? ?kopasztás" leírásával, amib?l az ifjú Gordon Zsigmond is kivette a részét. A k?tet ingyenes, let?ltéséhez válaszd az ek?nyv megvásárlását, majd a fizetés tárcáról opciót a fizetés harmadik lépésekor.
A Single Step: Book 1 of The Grayson Trilogy
A Single Step: Book 1 of The Grayson Trilogy
Georgia Rose
A woman wracked with grief. A man with a troubled past. Will trust build a bridge between them or will it be destroyed by dark secrets? Shattered by her daughter's death and tormented by her husband's infidelity, Emma Grayson seeks refuge in solitude. As she slowly re-enters the real world, she takes on work at the sprawling Melton Estate’s stables. Initially distracted by her painful healing process, she realizes that the property’s handsome manager carries his own sadness… When Emma is thrown from her horse and badly injured, Trent provides tender, selfless care. She doesn’t want to appear ungrateful for the lonely ex-RAF man’s support, but her anxiety keeps her silent. After his secretive past surfaces and events take a dramatic turn at the estate, she can't help but feel violently unsaddled all over again. Will Emma ever find inner peace and love again, or is she destined to live with only heartache and pain? A Single Step is the first book in the Grayson Trilogy, a dark romantic suspense series. If you like wounded characters, slow-building romance, and page-turning twists, then you'll love Georgia Rose’s powerful novel. Download A Single Step to uncover a heart breaking tale today!
The Legacy of the Key
The Legacy of the Key
S.L. Morgan
The Legacy of the Key
The Stepford Florist: A Short Cyberpunk Conspiracy Thriller
The Stepford Florist: A Short Cyberpunk Conspiracy Thriller
JT Lawrence
The Stepford Florist: A Short Cyberpunk Conspiracy Thriller
A Verdade: Quem somos, de onde viemos para onde vamos e porque vivemos
A Verdade: Quem somos, de onde viemos para onde vamos e porque vivemos
Daniel Marques
A Verdade: Quem somos, de onde viemos para onde vamos e porque vivemos
Where There's a Will
Where There's a Will
Alex R Carver
Where There's a Will
Interpretarea electrodinamic? a fenomenelor fizice produse de particulele atomic
Interpretarea electrodinamic? a fenomenelor fizice produse de particulele atomic
Negrușa Ilie
Un fost profesor de limbi clasice se treze?te ?ntr-o camer? de hotel din Lisabona, dup? ce, seara precedent?, se culcase, ca de obicei, ?n apartamentul s?u din Amsterdam. Aflat la grani?a dintre realitate ?i vis, Herman Mussert retr?ie?te zilele de pasiune pe care le-a petrecut ?n Portugalia, ?n acela?i pat, cu dou?zeci de ani ?n urm?, c?nd a cunoscut pentru prima dat? pl?cerea erotic?. Trecutul ?i prezentul sunt cuprinse ?n doar dou? secunde, at?t c?t ?ine de fapt monologul final al lui Mussert.
每满100减50 《梦的心理》+《一个少女的日记》
《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。 《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:1900年,弗洛伊德开始运用临床个案,致力于分析病人的各种各样的奇怪的梦。他对梦的解释,深入到人的内心深处的潜在动机。他以“性欲论”解释梦。我们现在出版的这本《梦的心理》,则是他精神分析理论体系形成过程中一个很重要的标志性出版物。德国哲学家弗洛姆曾说弗洛伊德对梦的分析,是“现代科学对梦的分析的**原创性、著名与重要的贡献”。《一个少女的日记》记述了少女丽塔从11岁到14岁半期间成长过程中的青春思绪与豆蔻情怀。书中描述了作者与父母、与家庭中其他成员,如何相处,如何更亲密。同时书中也写了作者与别人产生的友情,是如何形成与破裂的;还有,作者也写了早恋的萌芽心态,以及对初恋对象的朦胧情感;写了神秘的性意识是如何启蒙、占据青春期少女的内心世界的;写了怎样惴惴不安地解开心结,探索爱的真谛;写了蠢蠢欲动的各种年少思想;写了家庭内部不公引发作者的愤怒;写了与老师和同学间关系的处理……文字间透露着简单、明快、犀利、爱憎分明的个性,充盈着对亲情、友情、爱情的体悟和思考,揭示出家庭因素在孩童成长和日后观念形成中产生的巨大作用,对我们理解自我曾经走过的成长之路,也大有帮助。
Estudos linguísticos e literários: aplicados ao ensino
Estudos linguísticos e literários: aplicados ao ensino
Elisa Guimarães
Roase de singurtate i strivite de idealuri de normalitate sunt personaje din prima parte – Singur pe drum – a povestirilor Anci Goja. Nu cele cincisprezece minute de celebritate le caut eroii ei anacronici i cronic aparintori unei provincii, ei tnjesc, n schimb, dup cteva zile de normalitate. Dup ele, nu vine neaprat potopul – dei sfritul lumii apare obsesiv printre temele i temerile acestor proze –, dar vine mai mereu surparea, vine resemnarea, vine eecul, somnul ori moartea, vine prea-trziul i, de aceea, ca-n versuri de mult vreme uitate, pentru ei, e totuna. (…) n aceast prim parte a volumului, Anca Goja alege, deci, doar s rein, n treact, mici episoade n care prin fisurile realitii dense se iete fantasticul. n partea a doua ns, exact crruile neprevzutului, ale coincidenelor tlcuitoare, ale semnelor de (alt) rost prevestitoare sunt, cu pruden, ncercate.“ – Crina Bud
The Republic
The Republic
The Republic
A megoldóember
A megoldóember
Roger Hobbs
Las Vegas, 1974. Kaszinók, szerencselovagok és a sivatag. Itt kezd?d?tt minden Jack Delton életében. Az els? kísértés, az els? b?n, az els? nagy kaszálás. A kamasz fiú itt tanulja meg, hogyan kell megfigyelni az embereket, hogyan kell a b?rük alá bújni, hogyan kell senkivé válni – hogy aztán évekkel kés?bb mint profi b?n?z? kamatoztathassa kül?nleges képességét az FBI ügyn?keivel és az alvilággal szemben. Jack Delton ugyanis nem létezik. A szakmában csak úgy ismerik: a Szellem. Nincs bankszámlája, nem használ útlevelet, nincs nyoma egyik nyilvántartásban sem. Nem lehet megfogni… Roger Hobbs huszonnégy évesen megírta els? nemzetk?zi bestsellerét. A Ghostman egy évvel kés?bb minden jelent?s kriminek járó irodalmi díjat bes?p?rt, huszon?t országban vették meg a kiadás jogait, és nagyszabású film készül bel?le. A rajongók kérésére Hobbs megírta Jack Delton el?t?rténetét, amelyben felfedi a Szellem valódi kilétét.
A Mother Scorned
A Mother Scorned
Michele Bardsley
I didn’t intend to kill Teddy. Sure, I had motive (hated him), means (trusted to my care), and opportunity (no one else in the house), but really and truly, it was an accident...
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go.When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves ... But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss ...
joke bank - Popular Jokes
joke bank - Popular Jokes
Sea Rider
For adults we have the adult jokes section, the dirty jokes, and the Yo Mama jokes categories. Of course the classic celebrity characters, like Chuck Norris, Bill Clinton, Al Bundy and Barney Stinson, are all in there too. To tease your friends or your foes, we recommend the professional categories. Whether they're a civil servant, a farmer, a graduate, a student, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a broker, a footballer or a schoolboy, we have just the thing. The classical knock knock jokes and light bulb jokes are also included. A separated clean jokes section is available.
A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
Dee Ernst
Mt. Abrams was the kind of small, quiet town where, as any of its residents would tell you, nothing ever happened. That was why Ellie Rocca loved living there, even if her ex-husband did not.But even small towns had secrets, as Ellie discovered when Lacey Mitchell suddenly disappeared. Ellie caught Lacey’s husband in a lie, and one small discovery led to another until it became apparent that nothing about the Mitchell’s was quite what it seemed.Mother’s Day was just around the corner. With a sexy detective on the case, and Ellie and her friends getting closer to the truth, can Lacey Mitchell be found in time to enjoy the day with her sons? Or was something more deadly going on?This novella is 35K words, the first in the Mt. Abrams Mystery Series
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
Neil Mars
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
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