“述往事,思来者”,历史是*好的营养剂。每一次历史的回眸,都是一次思想的名、精神的整队。今天,我们作为历史的“剧中人”,要从历史的深处把握现在,让中华民族沿着人间正道浩荡前行,创造属于每一个人的美好梦想。 中华文明五千年生生不息,滋养了一代代中国人的家国情怀、责任意识、担当精神,从“公亦无我,惟民是度”到“我将无我,不负人民”,从“士大夫为吏者,当以至公无我处之”到“人民把我放在这样的工作岗位上,我就要始终把人民放在心中*的位置。” 中国共产党的初心就浸润在这样深厚的文化中。 本书以历史的罗盘指引前路,以精神的灯塔凝聚力量,对30多个正反面历史人物跌宕起伏的人生行深刻的总结和反思,一个个生动故事,一篇篇睛评论,运用通俗语言、正反对比,阐述历史背景,描述事件经过,剖析内心世界,刻画人物形象,旁征博引,娓娓道来,极具思想内涵。仿佛一面面镜子,引发我们内心同频共振,从思考和领悟中,获得人生的启迪、历史的智慧、前行的力量。
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Get More from your Network with Automation tools to increase its effectiveness. About This Book Get started with network automation (and different automation tasks) with relevant use cases Apply software design principles such as Continuous Integration and DevOps to your network toolkit Guides you through some best practices in automation Who This Book Is For If you are a network engineer looking for an extensive guide to help you automate and manage your network efficiently, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn Get the detailed analysis of Network automation Trigger automations through available data factors Improve data center robustness and security through specific access and data digging Get an Access to APIs from Excel for dynamic reporting Set up a communication with SSH-based devices using netmiko Make full use of practical use cases and best practices to get accustomed with the various aspects of network automation In Detail Network automation is the use of IT controls to supervise and carry out every-day network management functions. It plays a key role in network virtualization technologies and network functions. The book starts by providing an introduction to network automation, SDN, and its applications, which include integrating DevOps tools to automate the network efficiently. It then guides you through different network automation tasks and covers various data digging and reporting methodologies such as IPv6 migration, DC relocations, and interface parsing, all the while retaining security and improving data center robustness. The book then moves on to the use of Python and the management of SSH keys for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, all followed by practical use cases. The book also covers the importance of Ansible for network automation including best practices in automation, ways to test automated networks using different tools, and other important techniques. By the end of the book, you will be well acquainted with the various aspects of network automation. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to automate networks and improve performance.
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Adam Bede by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Short Stories by Virginia Woolf
Such an expression of unhappiness was enough by itself to make one's eyes slide above the paper's edge to the poor woman’s face—insignificant without that look, almost a symbol of human destiny with it. Life's what you see in people's eyes; life's what they learn, and, having learnt it, never, though they seek to hide it, cease to be aware of—what? That life's like that, it seems. Five faces opposite—five mature faces—and the knowledge in each face. Strange, though, how people want to conceal it! Marks of reticence are on all those faces: lips shut, eyes shaded, each one of the five doing something to hide or stultify his knowledge. One smokes; another reads; a third checks entries in a pocket book; a fourth stares at the map of the line framed opposite; and the fifth—the terrible thing about the fifth is that she does nothing at all.
Richard III
A historical play by William Shakespeare describing the life and death of Richard III. The play begins with Richard describing the accession to the throne of his brother, King Edward IV of England, eldest son of the late Richard, Duke of York. Richard plots to have his brother Clarence, who stands before him in the line of succession, conducted to the Tower of London over a prophecy he bribed a soothsayer to finagle the suspicious King with.
The Return Of Don Quixote
A librarian in a small town is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume. He remains in character, much to the surprise of the other actors.
The Eternal Husband
Alexei Ivanovich Velchaninov is a land owner who stays in Saint Petersburg for a trial about a piece of land. He receives a visit from Pavel Pavlovich Trusotsky, an old acquaintance who recently became a widower. Velchaninov had an affair with Trusotsky's wife Natalia, and he realizes that he is the biological father of Liza, Trusotsky's eight year old daughter. Velchaninov, who doesn't want Liza to be raised by an alcoholic, brings Liza to a foster family. The novel ranks among his best works because of its style and structure. Alfred Bem described it as one of the most complete works by Dostoyevsky in regards to its composition and development.
会议是制定计划、获取信息、解决问题、抑扬褒贬、建立联系、制定新决策或检查旧决策出现的问题的主要手段。所以*同志指出:会是一种重要的领导方法。1955年,*在扩大的中共七届六中全会上作结论时指出:“要不犯错误,就要注意领导方法,加强领导”;“一年几次会,或者大会或者小会,解决当前发生的问题。如果有问题,就要从个别中看出普遍性。不要把所有的麻雀统统捉来解剖,然后才证明‘麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全’。”如此看来,会是大有学问的。 本书从定盘子、搭台子、严组织、收好尾等几个步骤,系统讲述了办会的几大招法,并对会议的发起、议题、形式、规模、时间、地以及方案的策划、文件的准备、通知的印发、票证的制作、人员的编排、会务的保障、会场的布置、座次的排定、会议的安保、新闻的报道、会后的评估等细节行了讲解,严谨而细密,书后附有常见会议的组织招法以及处理会议过程中各种情况的应对技巧。
枪杆子、笔杆子,干革命要靠两杆子。邓小平这句话充分说明了笔杆子的重要性。我们常把写作公文材料或写文章的同志称为“笔杆子”。学会写作,是在各级机关工作的同志一项重要的基本功,也是成才的通行证。 本书作者根据自己多年的机关工作经验,分7步教大家写出好材料,具体包括定调子、理路子、搭架子、填肚子、梳辫子、戴帽子、过稿子等,对办文过程中的看、悟、学、练、磨、比等技巧行了讲解,并着重强调要对写作前的位、向、基先定好调,明确主题,巧妙布局,列出提纲,提炼思想,梳理结构,调好肚子,戴好帽子,完善稿子,书后附有常见大型公文材料的写作技法,极具实用性、操作性和指导性。
落实核心素养 关注差异发展
会议是制定计划、获取信息、解决问题、抑扬褒贬、建立联系、制定新决策或检查旧决策出现的问题的主要手段。所以*同志指出:会是一种重要的领导方法。1955年,*在扩大的中共七届六中全会上作结论时指出:“要不犯错误,就要注意领导方法,加强领导”;“一年几次会,或者大会或者小会,解决当前发生的问题。如果有问题,就要从个别中看出普遍性。不要把所有的麻雀统统捉来解剖,然后才证明‘麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全’。”如此看来,会是大有学问的。 本书从定盘子、搭台子、严组织、收好尾等几个步骤,系统讲述了办会的几大招法,并对会议的发起、议题、形式、规模、时间、地以及方案的策划、文件的准备、通知的印发、票证的制作、人员的编排、会务的保障、会场的布置、座次的排定、会议的安保、新闻的报道、会后的评估等细节行了讲解,严谨而细密,书后附有常见会议的组织招法以及处理会议过程中各种情况的应对技巧。
此次收录杨照作品集有以下9部作品: 1.《史记的读法:司马迁的历史世界》——以“历史式读法”还原当时的社会背景,解释重大事件的因由,以“文学式读法”去接近司马迁的视角、态度与理念,把经典带入今天的时空。 2.《呼吸:音乐就在我们的身体里 》——走进那个时代,走进音乐家的人生,知晓那些让音乐变得如此有魅力的秘密,从而能更好地感受乐曲中的动人之处。 3.《打造新世界:费城会议与<美国宪法> 》——讲解美国宪法的条款,讲解了以这套宪法为依据的美国政治制度是怎样、如何运作,并讲述美国宪法制定背后的思想渊源、历史情境、现实利益考量和斗争妥协。 4.《以平等之名:托克维尔与 论美国的民主》——走入文本的世界,深入讲述清教徒精神如何塑造美国民主,美国的公民自由又如何与法国的天然自由不同。 5.《寻路青春》——一本“记忆地志”,文笔细腻又朴实的杨照先生通过重新梳理自己的青春往事,带领读者回到了三十多年前的台湾,展现了那一代人在成长中对人生和未来的思考。 6.《想乐:聆听音符背后的美丽心灵》——杨照介绍了自己喜爱的100首西方古典乐曲,包括晶莹清响的钢琴独奏曲、深沉隽永的大提琴曲、层次丰盈的小提琴协奏曲等等。 7.《我想遇见你的人生》——以类似对话、日记、独白的散文诗形式抒写父女俩日常生活中的点点滴滴和人生感悟。 8.《迷路的诗》——《迷路的诗》以忏情开始,回忆作者在高中时代的浪漫与叛逆。 9.《故事照亮未来:通往开放社会的100个观念》——杨照从千头万绪的故事和现实中提取出一百个关键概念,如协商、和解、法律、制度、身份、记忆、媒体……