

满1件7折 2件6折 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第8册
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第8册
“新世纪高等学校日语专业本科生系列教材”是普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材,也是新世纪中国第1套日语专业本科生系列教材。系列教材的编写和出版一定会促进我国日语专业本科生教学质量的稳步提高,为培养更多的高级日语人才发挥应有的作用。 ★ 前瞻性与创新性并重:符合21世纪日语人才培养需要,引领中国日语教学潮流; ★ 代表性与权威性兼顾:全国20余所高校参与编写,日语界近百位专家精心奉献; ★ 系统性与整体性结合:涵盖高校日语专业全部课程,形成相互呼应的整体。 本书为系列教材之一,是日语专业本科高年级精读课教材。贯彻了《高等院校日语专业高年级阶段教学大纲》的要求,符合高水平日语人才培养的需要。既注重语言知识的传授、语言技能的训练,又兼顾日本社会、文化的介绍和理解,有助于提高学习者的思维创造和分析鉴赏能力。 课文选篇均为名家名篇,内容涉及日本社会、经济、文化、文学、风俗习惯及科普知识。语言表达规范,遣词造句丰富优美、可读性强。课文难易度安排合理,符合循序渐进的教学要求。 练习编排针对课文内容设计,在加深课文理解的同时,更注重提高日语综合表达能力。 每册设有专题栏目,如“近义词学习”、“表达学习”等,既与课文内容配合,又自成一体,可帮助学习者增强语感,培养应用意识。“文学·语言小知识”、“阅读”等栏目,不仅提供了丰富的阅读材料,更能拓宽学习者的知识面。 本教材配有MP3录音光盘一张,时长3小时。
满1件7折 2件6折 日语基础单词轻松记
  《日语基础词汇轻松记》引自中国台湾地区的柠檬树出版社,是《日语基础会话轻松学》的姐妹篇。   《日语基础词汇轻松记》的特色是“在阅读中记忆单词”,以求活学活用。作者福长浩二是这样阐述《日语基础词汇轻松记》的核心理念的:不要背单词,而是要学单词,才能够因时因地正确使用它。   《日语基础词汇轻松记》共11课,收录11篇日本小学语文教科书中的文章。这些小短文为日本的小朋友而写,生动有趣,富有童真,读起来朗朗上口。作者将这些原汁原味的文章分为若干小段,为常用的日语基础词汇、基本句型在文中反复出现。您将在潜移默化中掌握它们的用法。课后安排了针对各种类型词汇的练习。   衷心祝愿您在《日语基础词汇轻松记》的学习过程中既能收获知识,又能得到乐趣。
《俄罗斯文学选读上(第2版)/新世纪高等学校俄语专业本科生系列教材》选作品均为思想性和艺术性俱佳的经典之作,既能反映外学界俄罗斯文学史观念的更新,也能反映俄罗斯文学的发展程、重要流派、整体成就和个性风貌。   《俄罗斯文学选读上(第2版)/新世纪高等学校俄语专业本科生系列教材》对于中短篇创作亦出色的作家,不以零碎的片段形式取其长篇作品,而取其完整的中短篇,并兼顾篇幅的适中,以保持文本的完整性和可读性。
        《跨文化研究门/新世纪高等学校德语专业本科生系列教材》共分四个部分:*部分为理论基础,涵盖跨文化日耳曼学的若干核心概念; 第二部分从陌生的感知、德国社会对一体化的探讨、异域性与社会等三个层面展论述;第三部分选取了中德跨文化交际中礼貌、直、关系和禁忌等四个方面的文本,并提供相应的案例分析练习;第四部分着重在跨文化日耳曼理论中在文学、语言学、外语教学以及跨文化培训领域中的应用。   
满1件7折 2件6折 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第二册 学习参考
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第二册 学习参考
日语综合教程》自出版以来,被广泛用于各大院校日语专业的教学当中,也深受广大业余读者的喜爱。为了更好地配合教材的使用,我们编写了这本学习参考用书。 本书与《日语综合教程》第二册配套,每课由参考译文、练习答案和补充练习三部分组成,书后还附有补充练习答案。补充练习紧扣教材所学,题型丰富多样,并引新日语试题型,以帮助学生灵活、熟练地掌握所学知识,提高语言综合运用能力。
满1件7折 2件6折 外教社公共法语系列:新公共法语 语法自习自测
外教社公共法语系列:新公共法语 语法自习自测
吴贤良, 编著
    (语法自习自测)为《新公共法语》配套的语法习题汇编。本书包括初级语法、中级语法和高级语法三个部分,根据(新公共法语)各册语法顺序行编排    本书对语法规则以习题形式加以门纳总结,编排由浅深,以带面,难易结合,重突出,循序渐,每单元习题后的“难解读”简明扼要,通俗易懂,对相关语法规则的难及要逐一行r解读、分析、释疑、归纳,帮助学习者掌握运用,备考各类法语测试。
Rowling, J.K.
“米勒娃是罗马神话中的战神与智慧女神。威廉·麦格则被视为英国糟的诗人,我无法克制地想着他的名字,想着这位如此优秀的女性居然有可能是这位麦姓小丑的远亲。” —— J.K.罗琳《Pottermore Presents》是J.K.罗琳的作品系列,收录了早期曾发表于 pottermore.com 的短篇文章。将 Pottermore 发表过的作品集结为电子书,带您遨游在哈利·波特的世界中,并一探J.K.罗琳的灵感来源和角色背景,尽情享受魔法世界带来的惊喜。哈利·波特故事中象征勇气的两位代表性角色——米勒娃·麦格与莱姆斯·卢平——他们的英雄气概、人生困境与危险嗜好等详细介绍,都在人物介绍中娓娓道来。另外,J.K.罗琳除了揭开了占卜学教授西比尔·特里劳妮的神秘面纱,也讲述了西瓦诺斯·凯特尔伯这位无畏且热爱魔法生物的教授之故事。
满1件7折 2件6折 日语拟声词、拟态词辨析
拟声词是模拟自然界声响而造的词汇,是世界上所有语言都具备的成分。拟声词虽然是模仿自然的声音,却有很大的主观性。自然界的声音无限,通过我们耳朵和大脑的诠释,主观音感的辨别,再由自然语言的音位系统模拟,这样的模拟往往会失真。因此,它和口技的声音模仿有所不同。 拟态词是日语里用象征说法来表现某一种动作或状态的词。本书汇总了日语中常用的拟声词与拟态词,主要通过归类、辨析的方式呈现给读者。拟声词、拟态词不仅常用于生活中,也经常出现在日语各类考试中,是日语学习者需要掌握的知识。
满1件7折 2件6折 标准日语手写体字帖
本书是一本专为日语学习者造的,全面、充分练习基础日语书写的字帖。包含标准五十音、高频单词、常用句子和名篇佳段四个主题。标准五十音书写部分标示假名书写笔顺与每一笔在书写时的注意事项;高频单词部分归纳9大主题,对200 个常用日语单词行了分类整理,并标注词性和假名读音;常用句子部分归纳12 个主题,总结120个在日常生活中日本人经常使用的简单句;名篇佳段部分由名言警句、隽永诗篇和名家美文三部分组成,赏析流传千年的经典佳作。
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Illustrated)
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Illustrated)
William Shakespeare
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of William Shakespeare’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Shakespeare includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Romeo and Juliet’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Shakespeare’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Mark Twain
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tom Sawyer Abroad’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Mark Twain’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Twain includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Tom Sawyer Abroad’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Twain’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Paris by Emile Zola (Illustrated)
Paris by Emile Zola (Illustrated)
Emile Zola
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Paris’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Emile Zola’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Zola includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Paris’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Zola’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Dear Morenike:The Sequel to Dear Obajimi
Dear Morenike:The Sequel to Dear Obajimi
Sharon Abimbola Salu
Set in the '90s, this sequel to Dear Obajimi is told from the perspective of the missing spouse. In 1998, the same year Morenike writes to her husband, Obajimi pens one long letter in response. His letter examines his own point of view of their marriage, dwelling on issues of identity, love, trust and commitment. Ultimately, he answers the question Morenike, his now estranged wife, asked in her final letter. Told in the voice of the husband, this?short story explores the challenges that threaten the fragile relationship of a young African couple. Can there be forgiveness, healing and second chances after abandoning a spouse?
The 15-Minute Standing Abs Workout Plan
The 15-Minute Standing Abs Workout Plan
Dale L. Roberts
Lose That Jiggly Belly Without Having to Exercise for Longer than 15 Minutes! What if you could dramatically increase your weight loss by even five to ten times and target unwanted belly fat? What if I told you that you no longer have to toil away exercising hours at a time just to lose little to no weight? What if you could get more time in your day to read, spend time with your family or relax? The author of twelve highly acclaimed health & fitness books, Dale L. Roberts, presents his ten standing ab exercise workout plan that requires less than 15 minutes. Based on nearly a decade of developing quality workouts that maximize the most from limited time—Roberts answers the question: What are the secrets to getting rid of belly fat without having to work tirelessly for hours at a time? In this book, you'll learn: -How to target that problematic muffin top or extra pudge around your midsection -Why you DON'T have to roll around on the floor to get great abs -One fifteen-minute abs program that you can use anytime, anywhere -That you need NO equipment at all for a strong core -Why standing up is more effective for fat loss than lying down -Scientific data about how standing up improves your chances for life expectancy -A variety of other tips to get the most from ANY workout or exercise plan -How to keep your ab workouts brief, so you enjoy the finer things in life -Additional tips & techniques to use for your current exercise routine -And, much more! Get this book NOW to stop wasting time and finally strip away that belly fat once and for all!
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (Illustrated)
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (Illustrated)
Leo Tolstoy
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Anna Karenina’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Tolstoy includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Anna Karenina’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Tolstoy’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book 1
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book 1
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book #1 The Beginning: ?Follows a young girl in the midst of a thing(zombie) outbreak. ?She meets,?and falls in love with her neighbor Lee. ?Being the daughter of a man who worked for the government. She offers Lee and his family a place to live, and the technology to keep them safe. Will they be able to fight the hordes of things? ?Will Lucy be able to circumvent her uncle’s attempts at stealing her father’s technology? Will help come? Find out in this three book series .
The Gilded Age:A Tale of Today by Mark Twain (Illustrated)
The Gilded Age:A Tale of Today by Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Mark Twain
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Mark Twain’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Twain includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Twain’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Goethe Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 350+ Works
Goethe Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 350+ Works
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Hjalmar H. Boyesen
Goethe Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Goethe collection, including the most complete set of Goethe’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer and politician. His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of meters and styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs His work Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship has been called one of the four greatest novels ever written The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Goethe’s work, All his legendary plays, All his poetry, All his famous works and All his rarities, plus an auto biography written by Goethe himself. Plus Extra Bonus Material. Works Included: Poems?Including: The Misanthrope With A Golden Necklace Alexis And Dora Epigrams Sonnets Plays?Including: Faust - A Tragedy The Sorrows Of Young Werther Reynard The Fox The Fairy Tale Of The Green Snake And The Beautiful Lily Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship Your Free Special Bonuses The Life Of Goethe - a fascinating and intriguing look into the life of Goethe. Autobiography Truth And Fiction Relating To My Life - an autobiography by Goethe himself Conversations Of Goethe Letters From Switzerland Letters From Italy Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Regency Era and Romanticism, written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Goethe you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!
Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (illustrated)
Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (illustrated)
Lewis Carroll
Complete fictional writings of Lewis Carroll with 285 original illustrations. The collection comes with inline tables of contents and links after each text/chapter which lead back to the respective tables. -------------------------- Contents: Novels ? Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (Illustrated by John Tenniel) ? Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. (Illustrated by John Tenniel) ? Sylvie and Bruno. (Illustrated by Harry Furniss) ? Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. (Illustrated by Harry Furniss) Stories ? A Tangled Tale. (Illustrated by Arthur B. Frost) ? Bruno's Revenge and Other Stories. ? What the Tortoise Said to Achilles. Poems ? Early Verse. ? Puzzles from Wonderland. ? Prologues to Plays. ? Rhyme? And Reason? (Illustrated by Arthur B. Frost & Henry Holiday) ? College Rhymes and Notes by an Oxford Chiel. ? Acrostics, Inscriptions and Other Verses. ? Three Sunsets and Other Poems. (Illustrated by E. Gertrude Thomson)
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Frances Hodgson Burnett
In mid-1880s Brooklyn, New York, Cedric Errol lives with his Mother (never named, known only as Mrs Errol or "dearest") in genteel poverty after his Father Captain Errol dies. They receive a visit from Havisham, an English lawyer with a message from Cedric's grandfather, Lord Dorincourt. With the deaths of his father's elder brothers, Cedric is now Lord Fauntleroy and heir to the Earldom and a vast estate.