

Ann Weil
This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting 92-page books offer short chapters on significant disasters. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading. Disasters are inherently frightening, riveting, and involving. Grabbed straight from the headlines, these disasters leave tragedy, destruction, and years of anguish: San Francisco, Mexico City, Japan, Lisbon, China, Indian Ocean Tsunami, and more.
Linda Barr
Discover the astonishing true stories--that will make readers laugh, cry, and gasp--behind the headlines: Fugitive Slave Recaptured, Adolf Eichmann, Prisoners in Alcatraz, DC Snipers, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and more. This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting books offer short chapters on high-interest headlines. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading.
The Golden Sayings
The Golden Sayings
A collection of golden sayings by Epictetus, including The Hymn of Cleanthes.
The Winning of the West: all four volumes
The Winning of the West: all four volumes
Theodore Roosevelt
Volume 1 - from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi 1769-1776; Volume 2 - from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi 1777-1783; Volume 3 -- The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths 1784-1790; Volume 4 - Louisiana and the Northwest 1791-1807. According to Wikipedia: "Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919), also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the 26th President of the United States. A leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Party, he was a Governor of New York and a professional historian, naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier. He is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" image. Originating from a story from one of Roosevelt's hunting expeditions, teddy bears are named after him."
Montcalm and Wolfe
Montcalm and Wolfe
Francis Parkman, Jr.
Classic work of history about the war between France and England for Canada. According to Wikipedia: "Francis Parkman (September 16, 1823 - November 8, 1893) was an American historian, best known as author of The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life and his monumental seven volume France and England in North America. These works are still valued as history and especially as literature, although the biases of his work have met with criticism. "
The Life of Nelson
The Life of Nelson
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Classic biography. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."
All of Grace
All of Grace
Charles Spurgeon
Inspirational book by 19th-century Baptist preacher, known as "the Prince of Preachers". According to Wikipedia: "Charles Haddon Spurgeon, commonly C.H. Spurgeon, (June 19, 1834 – January 31, 1892) was a British Reformed Baptist preacher who remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the "Prince of Preachers." He also founded the charity organization now known as Spurgeon's, that works worldwide with families and children, as well as a famous theological college which after his death was called after him: Spurgeon's College. Spurgeon was a prolific author of many types of works including sermons, an autobiography, a commentary, books on prayer, a devotional, a magazine, and more. Many sermons were transcribed as he spoke and were translated into many languages during his lifetime. Arguably, no other author, Christian or otherwise, has more material in print than C.H. Spurgeon."
Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900
Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Classic work of history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."
The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason
Thomas Paine
Classic work of political science. According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Paine (Thetford, England, 29 January 1737 - 8 June 1809, New York City, U.S.) was an English pamphleteer, revolutionary, radical, classical liberal, inventor and intellectual. He lived and worked in Britain until the age of 37, when he migrated to the American colonies just in time to take part in the American Revolution. His main contribution was as the author of the powerful, widely read pamphlet, Common Sense (1776), advocating independence for the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and of The American Crisis, supporting the Revolution."
Homiles on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle of the Hebrews
Homiles on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle of the Hebrews
Saint John Chrysostom
According to Wikipedia: "Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347–407, Greek: Ιω?ννη? ο Χρυσ?στομο?), archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his eloquence in preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. After his death (or, according to some sources, during his life) he was given the Greek surname chrysostomos, meaning "golden mouthed", rendered in English as Chrysostom.
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
F. Bente
According to Wikipedia: "Lutheranism is a major branch of Western Christianity that identifies with the teachings of the sixteenth-century German Reformer Martin Luther. Luther's efforts to reform the theology and practice of the Catholic Church launched the Protestant Reformation and, through the reactions of his contemporaries, left Western Christianity divided. The split between Lutherans and the Roman Church of his time arose mainly over the doctrine of justification before God. Specifically, Lutheranism advocates a doctrine of justification "by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone," which varied from the Roman view of "faith formed by love", or "faith and works". Lutheranism is also distinct from the Reformed Churches, which arose during the Reformation. Unlike the Reformed Churches, Lutherans have retained many of the sacramental understandings and liturgical practices of the pre-Reformation Church. Lutheran theology differs considerably from Reformed theology in its understanding of divine grace and predestination to eternity after death."
The History of Herodotus
The History of Herodotus
Both volumes in a single file, translated by Macaulay. According to Wikipedia: "Herodotus of Halicarnassus was a Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BC (c. 484 BC–c. 425 BC) and is regarded as the "Father of History" in Western culture. He was the first historian to collect his materials systematically, test their accuracy to a certain extent and arrange them in a well-constructed and vivid narrative.[1] He is almost exclusively known for writing The Histories, a record of his "inquiries" (or ?στορ?αι, a word that passed into Latin and took on its modern meaning of history) into the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars which occurred in 490 and 480-479 BC—especially since he includes a narrative account of that period, which would otherwise be poorly documented, and many long digressions concerning the various places and peoples he encountered during wide-ranging travels around the lands of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Although some of his stories are not completely accurate, he states that he is only reporting what has been told to him."
History of Florence
History of Florence
Niccolo Machiavelli
By the author of "The Prince" and "The Discourses", classic works of political science. From the Introduction: "Niccolo Machiavelli, the first great Italian historian, and one of the most eminent political writers of any age or country, was born at Florence, May 3, 1469. He was of an old though not wealthy Tuscan family, his father, who was a jurist, dying when Niccolo was sixteen years old. We know nothing of Machiavelli's youth and little about his studies. He does not seem to have received the usual humanistic education of his time, as he knew no Greek. The first notice of Machiavelli is in 1498 when we find him holding the office of Secretary in the second Chancery of the Signoria, which office he retained till the downfall of the Florentine Republic in 1512. His unusual ability was soon recognized, and in 1500 he was sent on a mission to Louis XII. of France, and afterward on an embassy to Cesare Borgia, the lord of Romagna, at Urbino..."
A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus, with the Encheiridion
A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus, with the Encheiridion
According to Wikipedia: "Epictetus (Ancient Greek: ?π?κτητο?; AD 55 – AD 135) was a Greek sage and Stoic philosopher. He was born a slave at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present day Pamukkale, Turkey), and lived in Rome until banishment when he went to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece where he lived the rest of his life. His teachings were noted down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses."
Common Sense
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
The classic essay that helped ignite the American Revolution. According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Paine (Thetford, England, 29 January 1737 - 8 June 1809, New York City, U.S.) was an English pamphleteer, revolutionary, radical, classical liberal, inventor and intellectual. He lived and worked in Britain until the age of 37, when he migrated to the American colonies just in time to take part in the American Revolution. His main contribution was as the author of the powerful, widely read pamphlet, Common Sense (1776), advocating independence for the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and of The American Crisis, supporting the Revolution."
The History of the Peloponnesian War
The History of the Peloponnesian War
The classic history of war between Athens and Sparta. According to Wikipedia: "Thucydides (c. 460 B.C. – c. 395 B.C.) was a Greek historian and author of the History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounts the 5th century B.C. war between Sparta and Athens to the year 411 B.C. Thucydides has been dubbed the father of "scientific history" due to his strict standards of evidence-gathering and analysis in terms of cause and effect without reference to intervention by the gods. He has also been called the father of the school of political realism, which views the relations between nations as based on might rather than right. His classical text is still studied at advanced military colleges worldwide, and the Melian dialogue remains a seminal work of international relations theory. More generally, Thucydides showed an interest in developing an understanding of human nature to explain behaviour in such crises as plague and civil war."
Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
Swami Mukerji
According to Wikipedia: "Yoga is the Hindu practice of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on the Hindu concept of divinity or Brahman. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism."
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's Lives
The complete multi-volume Lives, in a single file. The Clough translation. According to Wikipedia: "Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus (c. AD 46 - 120 — commonly known in English as Plutarch — was a Roman historian (of Greek ethnicity), biographer, essayist, and Middle Platonist. Plutarch was born to a prominent family in Chaeronea, Boeotia, a town about twenty miles east of Delphi. His known works consist of the Parallel Lives and the Moralia."
Common Sense, Plus Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America
Common Sense, Plus Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America
Thomas Paine, Edmund Burke
This file includes both Common Sense by Thomas Paine (1776) and Edmund Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America (1775). According to Wikipedia: "Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. It was first published anonymously on January 10, 1776, during the American Revolution. Common Sense, signed "Written by an Englishman", became an immediate success... Edmund Burke PC (12 January [NS] 1729–9 July 1797) was an Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist and philosopher who, after moving to England, served for many years in the House of Commons of Great Britain as a member of the Whig party. He is mainly remembered for his support of the cause of the American Revolutionaries, and for his later opposition to the French Revolution. The latter led to his becoming the leading figure within the conservative faction of the Whig party, which he dubbed the "Old Whigs", in opposition to the pro–French Revolution "New Whigs", led by Charles James Fox... In the House of Commons on 22 March 1775 Burke delivered a speech (published in May 1775) on reconciliation with America."
On the Sublime
On the Sublime
According to Wikipedia: "Longinus is the conventional name of the author of the treatise On the Sublime, a work which focuses on the effect of good writing. Longinus, sometimes referred to as Pseudo-Longinus because his real name is unknown, was a Greek teacher of rhetoric or a literary critic who may have lived in the 1st or 3rd century AD. Longinus is known only for On the Sublime."
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Edward Gibbon
The complete 6-volume work, which covers from the reign of Marcus Aurelius to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. According to Wikipedia: "Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794) was an English historian and Member of Parliament. His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was published in six volumes between 1776 and 1788. The History is known principally for the quality and irony of its prose..."