Lots of Harry Potter-like qualities to this book. And a book any fan of the aforementioned series should check out! Jamie E. Amazon Reviewer Sometimes a "Young Adult" book is a great all around story. This is one of those books. By Barbara McKinley Amazon Reviewer This book is the BEST dragon book I've ever read! (After Eragon) THE BEST! I COULDN'T STAND THE AWESOMENESS!? Goodreads Reviewer With almost 1000 5star reviews on Goodreads, now is your chance to find out what makes Firebolt the next best read. Download your copy now and tell your friends all about it. Dragons. Right. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales, and sixteen-year old Elena Watkins was no different. Until the night a fairy tale killed her father. Now Elena’s in a new world, and a new school. The cutest guy around may be an evil dragon, a Prince wants Elena’s heart, and a long dead sorcerer may be waking up to kill her. Oh. And the only way Elena’s going to graduate is on the back of a dragon of her own. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales. Now it’s time for Elena to believe – in herself.
Айпад - Сказочная повесть - Сказки для подростков
Айпад — это современная сказочная повесть популярного автора Алексея Лукшина, написанная им про и для подростков. Это книга о приключениях, о полном чудес мире детства и о настоящей дружбе. Волшебник Моцарт, попавший к нам из параллельного мира через планшет Гошкиного отца, многому учится у главного героя, но и Гошка тоже узнает от Моцарта немало нового. Становясь всё более закадычными друзьями с каждой новой главой, вместе они принимают участие в велосипедном заезде, находят способ проучить хулигана и помогают ребятам отказаться от сигарет, которые им предлагает старший товарищ. Эта книга не даст заскучать, а происходящее в ней не раз вызовет на лицах широкую улыбку. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
?nainte s? te cunosc
Lou Clark ?tie o mul?ime de lucruri. ?tie c??i pa?i sunt de la sta?ia de autobuz p?n? acas?. ?tie c? ?i place s? lucreze la ceain?ria The Buttered Bun ?i c? s-ar putea s? nu fie ?ndr?gostit? de iubitul ei, Patrick. Ceea ce Lou nu ?tie este c? e pe cale s?-?i piard? locul de munc? ?i c? via?a ei r?m?ne normal? doar pentru c? e, ?n esen??, previzibil?. Will Traynor ?tie c? accidentul de motociclet? pe care l-a suferit l-a f?cut s?-?i piard? dorin?a de a tr?i. ?tie c? totul i se pare acum insignifiant ?i lipsit de bucurie ?i ?tie totodat? ?i cum s? pun? cap?t acestei st?ri de lucruri. Ceea ce Will nu ?tie este c? Lou e pe cale s?-?i fac? apari?ia ?n lumea lui ?ntr-o explozie de culoare. ?i nici unul dintre ei nu ?tie c? urmeaz? s? schimbe destinul celuilalt pentru totdeauna. ?nainte s? te cunosc e o poveste de dragoste pentru genera?ia de azi, despre o iubire nea?teptat? ?ntre doi oameni care nu au nimic ?n comun. O carte romantic? ?i imprevizibil?, care ?i va provoca pe cititori s? se ?ntrebe ce e de f?cut atunci c?nd, de dragul celui pe care ?l iube?ti, trebuie s?-?i sacrifici propria fericire. ?O nara?iune ingenioas?, cu personaje ?nc?nt?toare. O poveste dulce-am?ruie despre dragoste ?i renun?are. O lectur? extraordinar?.“ – Daily Mail Carte v?ndut? ?n peste 6 milioane de exemplare
O aventur? secret?. Seria Huxtable
La v?rst? de nou?sprezece ani, Hannah Reid a devenit ducesa de Dunbarton. Un deceniu mai t?rziu, dup? moartea so?ului ei, mai frumoas? ca niciodat?, este ?n sf?r?it liber? ?i bogat?. Ca s?-?i ?ocheze cunoscu?ii conven?ionali, inten?ioneaz? s? guste din pl?cerile interzise ale vie?ii ?i s?-?i ia un amant. Dar nu orice amant, ci pe ?nsu?i Constantine Huxtable, cel mai periculos, dar ?i cel mai atr?g?tor b?rbat din lumea bun? londonez?. Faptul c? na?terea lui a fost considerat? ilegitim? i-a r?pit lui Constantine titlul de conte. ?i de?i i s-a refuzat astfel pe nedrept intrarea ?n r?ndurile aristocra?iei, Constantine nu-?i refuz? nimic, c?nd vine vorba de deliciile vie?ii. Se zvone?te c? re?edin?a lui de la ?ar? este martora unor nop?i fierbin?i, iar v?duvele sunt ?inta lui cu predilec?ie pentru aventurile care nu ?in mai mult de un sezon. Ducesa de Dunbarton pare s? se potriveasc? perfect rolului, fiind singur?, v?duv?, independent? ?i aparent superficial? ?i vanitoas?. Dar oare a?a s? fie? C?ci odat? ce aceste dou? fiin?e pasionale ?i scandaloase se ?nt?lnesc, descoper? c? nu este deloc u?or s? ?ncerce fl?c?rile dorin?ei... f?r? s? cad? ?n mrejele iubirii.
10 Maneiras de manter o foco
Deseja alcan?ar suas metas e obter sucesso no trabalho e na vida?Ent?o mantenha o foco. Concentre-se. Fa?a uma coisa de cada vez!Aprenda 10 maneiras de manter o foco e aumentar a sua produtividade.
Regii timpului
lt pgt Ce ai face dac? cel mai bun prieten al t?u te-ar trimite din gre?eal? cu o ma?in? a timpului fix ?n Persia antic?, iar acolo ai fi imediat r?pit? de eunuci ai haremului m?re?ului Xerxes? Sau dac? via?a ?i-ar fi pus? ?n pericol de nenum?rate intrigi de palat ?ntr-o societate unde femeia este supus? b?rbatului prin tradi?ie? Sau dac? ar trebui s? iei de so? un rege pe care deja ?l cuno?ti din manualele de istorie, dar c?ruia trebuie s? ?i explici c? un telefon nu ?nseamn? s? vorbe?ti cu spiritele, automobilele nu sunt care ale zeilor, iar vasul de toalet? este un accesoriu foarte util? Tinerei Mora, un normal locuitor al Los Angeles-ului din zilele noastre, iat? c?, din ?nt?mplare, chiar i se petrec toate acestea. ?i nu disper?, pentru c? ?tie c? propria ei personalitate este mai puternic? dec?t niste hopuri banale precum obligatoriile c?l?torii zilnice ?ntre milenii, asasinate pe band? rulant? sau ?ocuri culturale de ambele p?r?i. Nu disper? pentru c? este o femeie hot?r?t?, pragmatic?, cu umor, dar ?i… ?ndr?gostit?. Iar dragostea cere sacrificii, nu Chiar dac? ajungi Regin?. lt lt pgtlt emgt– C??i ani are iubitul t?u ltbrgt ltgt– 2500.ltgt ltgt
Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-creation for Authors
Co-writing can be an amazing experience when two minds come together to create something new in the world. Or it can be a painful process that ends in disaster! In this short book, bestselling authors J. Thorn and Joanna Penn share tips on how to successfully co-write a book and avoid the pitfalls along the way. It includes excerpts from their private co-writing diary, honest notes written every day on a fiction project that will help you on your own journey. Updated 2017 with a new chapter based on a four-author collaborative novel. In this book, you will discover: * What is co-writing? * Benefits of co-writing * The difficulties of co-writing * Finding the right person to co-write with * Before you start: written legal agreement * Practicalities and process of co-writing and co-creation * Excerpts from Risen Gods co-writing diary * What happens if it goes wrong? * Other types of collaboration and co-creation * Tips for multi-author boxsets * Tips for managing a multi-author collaboration * Appendix 1: Example agreement If you want to improve your writing skills and your productivity, co-writing might be the right thing for you. Download a sample and try the book.
The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
A sunken city. A lost goddess … and the woman who longs to find her. Lara is part of a dive team exploring the sunken city of Thonis-Heraklion off the north coast of Egypt. When a storm threatens the site, there's only time for one last dive and Lara is determined to be on it – even if it means diving with the man who threatened her this summer. Because The Dark Queen is down there and Lara intends to find her before it's too late ... Sink beneath the waves in this supernatural short story from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, J.F.Penn
Ac?iunea romanului Catch-22 se concentreaz? asupra evenimentelor dintr-o baz? militar? american? fictiv?, ?n ultimele luni ale celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Neobi?nuitul protagonist al pove?tii este Yossarian, un erou de o inventivitate ?i o energie inepuizabile, hot?r?t s? supravie?uiasc? r?zboiului cu orice pre?. Romanul oscileaz? ?ntre comic ?i teroare cu o u?urin?? fenomenal?, explor?nd ingenios absurdul existen?ei ?ntr-un mediu ?n care oamenii au ?ncetat s?-?i mai vorbeasc?. Birocra?ia ?i autismul sunt acum la ordinea zilei, ca ?i violen?a ?i amenin?area mor?ii, iar p?strarea judec??ii ?i a sim?ului realit??ii necesit? eforturi aproape supraomene?ti.
A Faerie's Revenge
Plot twists, action and excitement will keep you turning the pages of this bestselling YA fantasy! Still reeling from a shocking revelation, guardian trainee Calla Larkenwood finds the threads of her world unraveling further when she's accused of a horrifying crime she didn't commit: A deadly magical disease has entered the Guild, threatening to wipe out every guardian--and someone is intent on framing Calla for it. With the Guild Council focusing their investigation on her instead of searching for the real criminal, Calla watches her dream of becoming a guardian rapidly slipping away. Time is running out. As the lines between good and bad, right and wrong, begin to blur, whom can she turn to for help? Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
Сказки Дружного леса:Иллюстрированное издание
Представляем вам красочный сборник сказок для детей автора Алексея Лукшина. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса: Ёжика-путешественника, зайца Турбо, волка Прямой хвост и других забавных зверят. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению из всего делать праздник и создавать хорошее настроение. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Все сказки представлены в виде коротких и смешных историй. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. ?Сказки дружного леса? были изданы Animedia Company в формате аудио-книги, а также на английском языке.
Count of Monte Cristo:{Complete & Illustrated}
The Count of Monte Cristo (is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas. Completed in 1844, it is one of the author's most popular works, along with The Three Musketeers. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838. It begins from just before the Hundred Days period (when Napoleon returned to power after his exile) and spans through to the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilization's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood." Chapter 1. Marseilles—The Arrival. "On the 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples. As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Chateau d'If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgion and Rion island. Immediately, and according to custom, the ramparts of Fort Saint-Jean were covered with spectators; it is always an event at Marseilles for a ship to come into port, especially when this ship, like the Pharaon, has been built, rigged, and laden at the old Phocee docks, and belongs to an owner of the city..." The ship drew on and had safely passed the strait, which some volcanic shock has made between the Calasareigne and Jaros islands; had doubled Pomegue, and approached the harbor under topsails, jib, and spanker, but so slowly and sedately that the idlers, with that instinct which is the forerunner of evil, asked one another what misfortune could have happened on board. However, those experienced in navigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred, it was not to the vessel herself, for she bore down with all the evidence of being skilfully handled, the anchor a-cockbill, the jib-boom guys already eased off, and standing by the side of the pilot, who was steering the Pharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port, was a young man, who, with activity and vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot. The vague disquietude which prevailed among the spectators had so much affected one of the crowd that he did not await the arrival of the vessel in harbor, but jumping into a small skiff, desired to be pulled alongside the Pharaon, which he reached as she rounded into La Reserve basin. When the young man on board saw this person approach, he left his station by the pilot, and, hat in hand, leaned over the ship's bulwarks. He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger. "Ah, is it you, Dantes?" cried the man in the skiff. "What's the matter? and why have you such an air of sadness aboard?" "A great misfortune, M. Morrel," replied the young man,—"a great misfortune, for me especially! Off Civita Vecchia we lost our brave Captain Leclere." "And the cargo?" inquired the owner, eagerly. "Is all safe, M. Morrel; and I think you will be satisfied on that head. But poor Captain Leclere—""What happened to him?" asked the owner, with an air of considerable resignation. "What happened to the worthy captain?" "He died." "Fell into the sea?" "No, sir, he died of brain-fever in dreadful agony."
Soup Cookbook:Delicious Soup And Stews Recipes
There's no better way to cultivate community, foster friendship, or simply nourish family than over heartwarming bowls of homemade soup. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. This book is a compilation of a wide variety of soup recipes from different countries in the world. It represents the culinary culture of each place of origin with the use of different tastes and combinations of ingredients, although these recipes are flexible and can be adjusted to your likes. Have any of these statements ever crossed your mind? I don't have enough time to cook. I don't know where to start or what to do. It just takes too long to make my own food. Cooking is just too complicated! (This is a myth Your Problems Have Been Solved --gt; EASY, STEP-BY-STEP RECIPES This simple and easy recipe book will help you... Save time and money Have more Homemade soups Learn how to make food and cook with 'how-to' recipes and instructions
Enquanto imperador, sou importante em Roma; enquanto homem, sou igual a qualquer um no mundo. Marco Aurélio Meditaes é a única obra de Marco Aurélio que chegou até nós. Composta por doze livros, em forma de máximas, apresenta reflexes marcadas pelo Estoicismo. Marco Aurélio considerava-se um cidado do mundo — ou melhor, do Universo. Para ele, a igualdade e a fraternidade entre os homens obrigavam a uma ateno constante aos atos sociais, a nunca censurar os deuses nem os seres humanos e a aceitar os acontecimentos como a expresso simples da lei do Universo. Esta obra é o livro de um homem de ao, que procura a serenidade, indispensável à eficácia, mas também de um homem para o qual os atos humanos apenas possuem um valor profundo e duradouro se se enquadrarem na perspetiva do Todo do Universo e da comunidade de todos. Muito mais do que uma compilao de pensamentos filosóficos, Meditaes é um manual de comportamento perfeitamente atual, que apela à reflexo sobre como podemos melhorar o nosso modo de vida e o nosso relacionamento com os outros.
O amor machuca
“O amor machuca, o amor deixa cicatrizes, o amor fere e prejudica” – Nazareth Como qualquer outro apaixonado, Kevin só queria viver uma grande paix?o com sua amada, Helen Lewis, a garota mais bonita da rua. Porém, como muitos apaixonados, Kevin acabou se machucando...
M?na c??tig?toare
SERIA ?FAMILIA MACGREGOR“La dou?zeci ?i patru de ani, Darcy Wallace simte c? via?a nu-i mai poate oferi nimic: i-ar pl?cea o carier? de scriitoare, dar se plafoneaz? ca bibliotecar? ?ntr-un or??el din Kansas; ?i-ar dori o aventur? sentimental? ca-n pove?ti, dar abia reu?e?te s? scape de b?rbatul rigid, f?r? sim?ul umorului, cu care este logodit?; viseaz? la o ma?in? sport, dar are parte de o rabl? care se stric? atunci c?nd se a?teapt? mai pu?in. Dintr-un impuls de moment, hot?r??te s?-?i caute norocul la Vegas... unde, miz?ndu-?i ultimii dolari, are parte de o surpriz? de propor?ii – c??tig? aproape dou? milioane de dolari. Brusc, t?n?ra venit? dintr-un mic or??el devine o celebritate – ?i are nevoie de protec?ie.Dar banii aduc fericirea? Este posibil, ?n cazul lui Darcy, mai ales c? Robert MacGregor Blade, directorul cazinoului, este dornic s-o ?ndrume prin lumea str?lucitoare, dar plin? de pericole a Vegasului. Rela?ia lor, la ?nceput strict profesional?, alunec? ?n scurt timp pe o pant? romantic?. Darcy ?tie ce-?i dore?te: o ?ans? cu Robert. Va reu?i ?ns? de data asta s?-?i gestioneze corect ocazia nesperat??
A Faerie's Secret
Join beloved characters and new heroes as the bestselling Creepy Hollow series continues ten years after the events of The Faerie War! Calla Larkenwood wants nothing more than to be a guardian, but her overprotective mother has never allowed it. Battling fae creatures is too dangerous a job for a young girl, and there’s that pesky magical ability she needs to keep hidden from the Guild. How can she do that if she’s working right under their nose? When circumstances change and Calla finally gets to follow her dream, she discovers guardian trainee life isn’t all she hoped it would be. Her classmates are distant, her mentor hates her, and keeping her ability a secret is harder than she thought. Then an Underground initiation game goes wrong, landing Calla with a new magical ability she can’t control. She needs help—and the only way to get it is by bargaining with the guy who just discovered her biggest secret. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
Fascinatia Crossfire – Vol. 4
FASCINA?IE O RELA?IE CARE ATINGE NOI CULMI ?I ABISURI CU FIECARE ZI Gideon m? nume?tengera?ul lui, s? el este cel care reprezint? un miracol pentru via?a mea. El este r?zboinicul meu minunat ?i r?nit, att de hot?racirct s? se lupte cu demonii mei, vreme ce refuz? s? ?i-i nfrunte pe ai lui. Jur?mintele pe care le-am schimbat ar fi trebuit s? fie leg?tura care s? ne apropie tot mai mult, dar schimb au deschis r?ni vechi, au expus dureri ?i incertitudini Am s? simt cum se dep?rteaz? de mine, ?i astfel cea mai mare team? a mea se transform? realitate acum dragostea este pus? la cercare feluri pe care nu sunt sigur? c? am suficient? putere s? le. credeam c? tr?im cele mai luminoase momente ale vie?ii noastre tunericul din trecutul lui a s? nconjoare ?i s? amenin?e tot ceea ce am construit cu atta efort. Iar acum, fa?a noastr? se afl? o alegere teribil de dificil?: s? ne refugiem siguran?a familiar? a vie?ilor pe care le avea fiecare nainte sau s? lupt?m pentru un viitor care brusc a ceput s? par? un vis imposibil ?i lipsit de speran??.
The Little Prince Illustrated Edition
The Little Prince [Le Petit Prince], is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944). The novella is both the most-read and most-translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. After the outbreak of the Second World War Saint-Exupéry became exiled in North America. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health, he produced almost half of the writings for which he would be remembered, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth. An earlier memoir by the author had recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara Desert, and he is thought to have drawn on those same experiences in The Little Prince. Since its first publication in the United States, the novella has been adapted to numerous art forms and media, including audio recordings, radio plays, live stage, film screen, television, ballet, and operatic works. ? ?The Little Prince is a poetic tale, with watercolour illustrations by the author, in which a pilot stranded in the desert meets a young prince fallen to Earth from a tiny asteroid. The story is philosophical and includes social criticism, remarking on the strangeness of the adult world. It was written during a period when Saint-Exupéry fled to North America subsequent to the Fall of France during the Second World War, witnessed first hand by the author and captured in his memoir Flight to Arras. The adult fable, according to one review, is actually " allegory of Saint-Exupéry's own life--his search for childhood certainties and interior peace, his mysticism, his belief in human courage and brotherhood.... but also an allusion to the tortured nature of their relationship." ? ?Though ostensibly styled as a children's book, The Little Prince makes several observations about life and human nature. For example, Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the young prince during his travels on Earth. The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: On ne voit bien qu'avec le c?ur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.") Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé. ("You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.") and C'est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante. ("It is the time you have lost for your rose that makes your rose so important.") The fox's messages are arguably the book's most famous quotations because they deal with human relationships. ABOUT AUTHOR: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, officially Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint Exupéry (29 June 1900 – 31 July 1944) was a French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the U.S. National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) and for his lyrical aviation writings, including Wind, Sand and Stars and Night Flight Saint-Exupéry was a successful commercial pilot before World War II, working airmail routes in Europe, Africa and South America. At the outbreak of war, he joined the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air), flying reconnaissance missions until France's armistice with Germany in 1940. After being demobilised from the French Air Force, he travelled to the United States to persuade its government to enter the war against Nazi Germany. Following a 27-month hiatus in North America, during which he wrote three of his most important works, he joined the Free French Air Force in North Africa, although he was far past the maximum age for such pilots and in declining health. He disappeared over the Mediterranean on his last assigned reconnaissance mission in July 1944, and is believed to have died at that time.
Risen Gods
"It doesn't matter what you believe. The time is here. They are coming. After so long, the gods are rising again." Ben Henare turned away from the gods of his ancestors to follow his own path, choosing the modern world over myths of demons and monsters. But when New Zealand is shaken by earthquakes and dark powers are released, Ben must fight his way north through ice caves and oceans, battling the evil god Whiro and the creatures of the earth and sky. Lucy Campion is a trainee doctor, a rational scientist with no belief in demons. When her parents are killed and her sister is threatened, Lucy is tasked with carrying an ancient talisman north to where the oceans meet. But both human and supernatural foes stand in her way. As the people they love are threatened and New Zealand begins to crumble, can Ben and Lucy find each other again and save the country from the wrath of the Risen Gods? Risen Gods is a fast-paced, urban fantasy adventure set in Aotearoa/New Zealand, rich with Maori mythology of gods and goddesses, demons and devils. If you enjoy supernatural thrillers, download a sample or buy now. From New York Times and USA Today bestselling supernatural thriller author J.F.Penn, and dark fantasy author, J. Thorn, comes a stand-alone novel of demons, monsters, and Risen Gods.
The Faerie Prince
Action, intrigue, and romance to swoon for! With graduation just weeks away, guardian trainee Violet Fairdale is determined to claim the top spot in her class. But first, she’ll have to survive her final assignment—and the guy she’s been forced to partner with. Her confusing feelings for Ryn aren’t the only thing making life difficult, though.?With enchanted storms wreaking havoc in the fae realm, a murder within the Guild, and an Unseelie prince still determined to possess Vi’s special magic, graduation is about to become the least of her problems. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.