

AIDS Orphans Rising:What You Should Know and What You Can Do to Help Them Succee
AIDS Orphans Rising:What You Should Know and What You Can Do to Help Them Succee
Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd
Every 14 seconds a Child Headed Household is formedThe death of parents from AIDS leaves behind little children, often four or five of them, who desperately want to stay together as a family. In the literature, they call them Child Headed Households. Imagine watching your mother and father slowly die before your eyes, leaving you to bury them and then to raise and care for your younger brothers and sisters. AIDS Orphans Rising takes you through the daily lives of these children.·What do they eat? ·Where do they live? ·How do they survive? ·What can I do to help? Each chapter provides weblinks to organizations working with these children as well as real solutions, actions that you can take now to help these children not only survive, but succeed.By 2010, there will be 25,000,000 AIDS orphans! Left alone, they will be uneducated, disenfranchised, and unwanted: ripe candidates for radicalization and exploitation by dictators and terrorists. If good people like yourself do not reach out to these children so they can get love, an education and set up in some profitable enterprise, civilization will deteriorate to a point that you will not even recognize it."This book is an inspiring gem of human caring for human. Particularly, the last chapter is beautiful and inspiring. It is very clearly written, and for the ordinary reader, and yet it is a fully documented scholarly work." --Bob Rich, PhD, author Cancer: A Personal Challenge100% of all profits from this book will go to help the Child Headed HouseholdsFor more info: www.AIDSOrphansRising.orgPublished by Loving Healing Presswww.LovingHealing.com
Strategies:A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey
Strategies:A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey
Tami Brady
It is estimated that 4-8 million people in the United States suffer with Fibromyalgia. Another one million also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Some statistics state that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia may directly affect 5% of the world's population. I am one of the individuals in this growing epidemic. In 1997, after a chaotic year of intense medical and psychological testing, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I spent much of the last ten years in deep denial feeling alone, confused, frustrated, and angry. It has taken me a great deal of soul searching, but I believe that today I am a better, more centered person because of my experiences. I've never been someone who dictates advice, so my book provides worksheets you can develop to tailor your personal responses to symptoms and crises. It is the good, the bad, and the ugly of my personal journey that I share with you, my fellow Fibromites. My hope is simple, that you will find solace and renewed hope in my words.What People Are Saying About Strategies "This book is a passionate, intense account of one person's conquest over suffering. As a psychologist working with chronic pain sufferers, I can endorse Ms. Brady's philosophy, approach and tools." -Bob Rich, PhD, author Cancer: A Personal Challenge Author info at http://tami-brady.com Another great self-help book from Loving Healing Press
The Four Million
The Four Million
O. Henry
Some of the best stories from the master of wordplay and surprise endings, including 'The Gift of the Magi' and 'The Cop and the Anthem'. Many of the stories in this collection are set in New York City.
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Niall McLaren
Does psychiatry have a future? Assailed from many directions, under constant attack for its reliance on "a drug for all problems" and increasingly unable to attract bright new trainees, the specialty is showing every sign of terminal decline. The reason is simple: modern psychiatry has no formal model of mental disorder to guide its daily practice, teaching and research. Unfortunately, the orthodox psychiatrists who control this most conservative profession are utterly antagonistic to criticism. Despite the evidence, they maintain a blind faith that "science will deliver the goods" by a biological examination of the brain. This book argues that their faith is entirely misplaced and is contributing to the destruction of an essential part of civilized life, the fair and equitable treatment of people with mental disorders. The author offers a rational model of mental disorder within the framework of a molecular resolution of the mind-body problem. Fully developed, this model will have revolutionary consequences for psychiatry--and the mentally-afflicted. Acclaim for the writing of Niall Mclaren, M.D. "This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.com "Dr. McLaren brilliantly wields the sword of philosophy to refute the modern theories of psychiatry with an analysis that is sharp and deadly. His own proposed novel theory could be the dawn of a new revolution in the medicine of mental illness." --Andrew R. Kaufman, MD, Chief Resident of Emergency Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center "I found Niall McLaren's book to be an incredibly well-written and thoughtprovoking. It is not, by any means, easy reading. It is also not for someone who doesn't have some form of background in understanding the various psychological theories and mental health conditions. I think that this would make an excellent textbook for a graduate class that allows students to question the theories that we already have." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views About the Author The author is a psychiatrist of some 35 years standing. He writes philosophy in the bush outside Darwin, northern Australia, with his family as critics. For six years, while working in Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. For more information please visit www.FuturePsychiatry.com PSY018000 Psychology : Mental Illness MED105000 Medical : Psychiatry - General PHI015000 Philosophy : Mind & Body
Protecting Our Drylands
Protecting Our Drylands
Prof. Elijah K. Biamah
Kenya covers a total land area of 582,646 km2. This land area is classified in terms of agricultural potential as: 12.7% of medium to high potential for agricultural production; 11.5% of arable land, subject to periodic droughts; 70.7% of drylands; and 5.6% of non-agricultural land. High population densities are more prevalent in areas of high agricultural potential than those of low potential (drylands). Most of Kenya's population (approx. 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore depends on agriculture and livestock for food and income.This book reviews sustainable technological options for land and water management and that are appropriate to soil and moisture conservation in drylands areas of Kenya. Of significant importance are: Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya; Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-arid Kenya; Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya; Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils; Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi-arid Kenya; Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Kenya; Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya; and Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi - arid environments of Kenya?
Pastoral land management
Pastoral land management
Michael K. Biamah, Wilson K. Yabann, Elijah K. Biamah
In the arid lands of Kenya, the social structure system associated with traditional pastoralism has evolved useful mechanisms for achieving sustainable resource utilization within fragile dryland environments. The sustainability of traditional pastoralism in Kenya is no longer feasible due to the increasing pressure on a shrinking resource base. This uncertainty with the sustainability of this traditional life style, calls for a radical shift in thinking from traditional to commercial pastoralism. Commercial pastoralism allows for the emergence of dynamic pastoralism which adapts quickly to technological changes and evolving market conditions in a fast changing pastoral environment. Whereas this futuristic form of pastoralism must recognize pastoral communities as legal entities and accord them the rights of control and disposal or transfer, it should also bestow the rights of access and use on individual pastoralists. The individualization of the right of land disposal or transfer in non-enlightened pastoral communities has led to the emergence of destitution and poverty in pastoral areas of Kenya. This book publication provides valuable information on emerging issues and options on pastoral land management in Kenya. It is based on a three year study on Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in the Arid Lands of Kenya. It also does provide the requisite information for the formulation of a policy and legal framework on sustainable pastoral land management in Kenya.
Semiologie medical? pentru asisten?i medicali
Semiologie medical? pentru asisten?i medicali
Vasile Mihaela, Moldoveanu Monica
Medicin? este un domeniu aflat ?ntr-o continu? schimbare, prin experien?a clinic? ?i studiile care l?rgesc mereu orizontul de cunoa?tere.Cartea de fa?? ?i ofer? viitorului asistent medical oportunitatea ?nsu?irii unor no?iuni de baz? din domeniul medicinii de laborator, la care se adaug? modalit??ile de prevenire ?i combatere a bolilor infec?ioase, precum ?i posibilit??ile actuale de tratare a acestora.Lucrarea comprim? ?i integreaz? informa?ii importante din domeniul virusologiei, bacteriologiei, parazitologiei, micologiei ?i imunologiei, fiecare dintre aceste ramuri cunosc?nd o dezvoltare independent? remarcabil? ?n ultimele decade.?ntregul material respect? programa de preg?tire a asisten?ilor medicali, adres?ndu-se tuturor elevilor ?colilor sanitare, indiferent de specialitate.
Virusologie, bacteriologie ?i parazitologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Virusologie, bacteriologie ?i parazitologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Moldoveanu Monica
Geriatrie ?i geropatologie pentru asisten?i medicali vine ?n sprijinul elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare, la baza sa afl?ndu-se nevoia de cunoa?tere ?i perfec?ionare a viitorului asistent medical. Cre?terea demografic? a popula?iei v?rstnice impune o bun? cunoa?tere a particularit??ilor v?rstei a treia, at?t de publicul larg, c?t mai ales de personalul sanitar.Aceast? lucrare respect? programa de preg?tire a asisten?ilor medicali, ad?ug?nd ?i o serie de informa?ii care s? confere o perspectiv? unitar? asupra particularit??ilor fiziologice, patologice ?i terapeutice ale v?rstei a treia. Sunt abordate aspectele medico-sociale complexe ale procesului de ?mb?tr?nire, dar ?i evenimente cu un important r?sunet ?n via?a psiho-afectiv? a individului, precum pensionarea sau integrarea v?rstnicului ?n institu?ii specializate.Abordarea medico-psiho-social? a problematicii v?rstnicului ofer? o viziune integrat? a informa?iei, util? at?t elevilor ?colilor sanitare, c?t ?i asisten?ilor medicali. Totodat?, poate fi considerat un ?ndrumar util ?i studen?ilor facult??ilor de medicin? general? ?i farmacie, asisten?ilor sociali, psihologilor, medicilor de familie sau de alte specialit??i etc.
Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental?. Cum s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti via?a prin TCC
Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental?. Cum s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti via?a prin TCC
Stephen Briers
Psihocardiologia constituie o apari?ie editorial? inedit? ?n literatura medical? ?i psihologic? rom?neasc?, eviden?iind o rela?ie legitim? ?i plin? de aplica?ii practice ?ntre cele dou? specialit??i. Asocierea reu?it? ?ntre dou? personalit??i – profesorii Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu ?i Crina Julieta Sinescu de la UMF ?Carol Davila“, Bucure?ti – a f?cut posibil? realizarea acestei lucr?ri de mare amploare care abordeaz? domeniul psihocardiologiei. Profesorul Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu, personalitate a medicinei academice rom?ne?ti, primul profesor de Psihologie medical? ?i Psihosomatic?, s-a remarcat prin contribu?ii deosebite la statutul psihocardiologiei ca o ramur? distinct? a psihosomaticii, cu un cadru nosologic bine definit ?i cunoscut. El se num?r? printre marile personalit??i care s-au preocupat de ?mbun?t??irea ?nv???m?ntului clinic bazat pe o g?ndire modern? de orientare biopsihosocial? ?n practica medicinei. Prezen?? binecunoscut? ?n cardiologia din ?ara noastr?, prof. dr. Crina Julieta Sinescu a dovedit deplin? ?n?elegere pentru problematica psihocardiologiei, ?ncuraj?nd ?i particip?nd la realizarea unor cercet?ri referitoare la etiopatogenia psihosomatic? a hipertensiunii arteriale ?i a bolii cardiace ischemice, desf??urate ?n clinica pe care o conduce la spitalul ?Bagdasar-Arseni“. A oferit numeroase sugestii rezultate din observa?ia clinic? psihologilor cu care a elaborat ?n comun c?teva capitole ale acestei c?r?i. Lucrarea se adreseaz? ?n primul r?nd psihologilor clinicieni ?i corpului medical – ?n special cardiologilor, interni?tilor ?i medicilor de familie – dar ?i publicului larg, care cuprinde un mare num?r de bolnavi cardiaci, inclusiv aceia ??n devenire“, ce ar putea beneficia de cuno?tin?ele desprinse din paginile c?r?ii spre a preveni sau ?ncetini instalarea unei boli cardiace.
Memoriile unui om prost
Memoriile unui om prost
Olga Delia Mateescu
De unde vine universul? Ce a fost ?naintea lui? Ce ne va aduce viitorul? ?ntr-un story cosmologic care captiveaz? ?n aceea?i m?sur? ?n care l?mure?te, autorul explic? cele mai recente progrese revolu?ionare ale ?tiin?ei, ce r?stoarn? din temelii probleme filosofice esen?iale. Observa?iile experimentale uluitoare ?i noile teorii fascinante sunt descrise ?ntr-o manier? accesibil? ?i sugereaz? nu doar c? din nimic poate s? ia na?tere ceva, dar ?i c? ?ntotdeauna din nimic va lua na?tere ceva. Un fascinant antidot la g?ndirea filosofic? ?i religioas? perimat?, Universul din nimic este o contribu?ie provocatoare la controversa privind existen?a lui Dumnezeu ?i a tuturor lucrurilor care ne ?nconjoar?. ?Uita?i-l pe Iisus“, argumenteaz? Krauss, ?stelele au murit pentru ca voi s? v? pute?i na?te“. ?Suntem martorii unei revolu?ii cosmologice la fel de important? precum revolu?ia copernican?. Avem acum la dispozi?ie acest ghid substan?ial ?i captivant, o lucrare memorabil?.“ – Ian McEwan
Paradigm? ?i incomensurabilitate
Paradigm? ?i incomensurabilitate
Bîgu Dragoș
Aceast? carte, bazat? pe 20 de ani de cercetare clinic? ?i ?tiin?ific? ?n ce prive?te rolul apei ?n organism, prezint? descoperirea extraordinar? c? deshidratarea cronic? neinten?ionat? produce stres, dureri cronice ?i multe boli degenerative ?nso?ite de durere. Gura uscat? nu este singurul semn de deshidratare; este gre?it s? a?tepta?i p?n? vi se face sete. Ve?i afla care sunt semnalele emise de organism c?nd duce lips? de ap?. Corectarea aportului de ap? – da, de ap?! ap? natural?, c?t mai curat? – v? poate ajuta s? tr?i?i mai s?n?tos, bucur?ndu-v? de o via?? lipsit? de durere. Ve?i ?nv??a: cum s? preveni?i ?n mod natural boli precum astmul bron?ic, alergiile, hipertensiunea arterial?; cum s? ameliora?i durerile, inclusiv pirozisul, durerea de spate, durerea artritic?, durerea din colit? ?i migrenele; cum s? folosi?i apa pentru a preveni ?i combate ?mb?tr?nirea prematur?; cum s? elimina?i f?r? efort kilogramele ?n plus, natural ?i f?r? restric?ii alimentare.
Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
Ayn Rand, Sofiia Andrukhovych
La fisica spirituale o esoterica racchiude la visione dell’universo e dell’evoluzione umana portata da Oberto Airaudi - Falco Taràssaco, fondatore della Scuola di Damanhur, nei suoi 40 anni di attività come guida spirituale e ricercatore. Una visione basata sulla conoscenza esoterica dalle tradizioni millenarie, ma che presenta molti spunti sorprendentemente avanzati, tali da far pensare in molti casi a conoscenze che arrivano dal futuro. ?Coyote Cardo, all’anagrafe Mario Faruolo, che ha seguito Falco T. per molti anni nei suoi incontri pubblici e nella Scuola di Meditazione damanhuriana, ci presenta in questo libro i fondamenti di questa fisica molto particolare, che interpreta la materia e le leggi che la dominano in un modo particolarmente originale. Nel testo, dopo una parte teorica che ci presenta i temi fondamentali comuni a tante filosofie spirituali, quali l’origine dell’anima umana, l’origine della materia, l’interpretazione dello spazio e del tempo, il concetto del Divino, l’autore si addentra nelle affascinanti e fantascientifiche tecnologie che la Scuola damanhuriana, tramite gli insegnamenti del suo fondatore, ha realizzato in questi anni. Il libro costituisce anche il testo di riferimento per i seminari di Fisica Spirituale che l’autore tiene da molti anni per Damanhur Welcome & University.
Leiner Laura
HA RVID AZ LET, TOLDD MEG EGY BALLPSSEL!” A knyvben hét beszélgetést olvashatsz volt brtnlakókkal, igazi nehézfiúkkal, akik együttesen csaknem 100 évet tltttek a rácsok mgtt, és most az életükrl vallanak Dorkának. Megismerkedhetsz az Isten ostorával, aki 13 évesen lóktéssel kezdte, Felipével, akit fénykorában a fél magyar rendrség üldztt az M3-ason, a Profival, aki a magánzárkán hosszú éveken át csak gyúrt és olvasott, vagy rpival, aki már régen nem is élne, ha nem került volna be a sittre. Elgondolkodhatsz a pokolról, az emberlésrl és az ártatlanságról, borzadhatsz, félhetsz, nevethetsz és sírhatsz.BKY DORKA, a Feldmár Intézet igazgatója 2011 óta dolgozik a brtnben, a Feldmár Andrással kifejlesztett Mesekr program keretében. A fogvatartottak saját életük élményeibl állítanak ssze mesejátékokat, amit aztán dramatizálnak, rendeznek, megzenésítenek és eladják a gyerekeiknek.
Anna Karenina: Illustrated
Anna Karenina: Illustrated
Leon Tolstoy
Hugh de Payens returns to Palestine—His death—Robert de Craon made Master—The second Crusade—The Templars assume the Red Cross—Lands, manors, and churches granted them in England—Bernard de Tremelay made Master—He is slain by the Infidels—Bertrand de Blanquefort made Master—He is taken prisoner, and sent in chains to Aleppo—the Pope confers vast privileges upon the Templars; —The knights, priests, and serving brethren of the order—Their religious and military enthusiasm—Their war banner called Beauseant—Rise of the rival religio-military order of the Hospital of St. John—Contests between Saladin and the Templars—Imprisonment and death of the Grand Master—The new Master and the Patriarch go to England for succour—Consecration of the Temple church at London. “We heard the tecbir, so the Arabs call Their shout of onset, when with loud appeal They challenge heaven, as if commanding conquest.” Hugh de Payens, having now laid in Europe the foundations of the great monastic and military institution of the Temple, which was destined shortly to spread its ramifications to the remotest quarters of Christendom, returned to Palestine at the head of a valiant band of newly-elected Templars, drawn principally from England and France. On their arrival at Jerusalem they were received with great distinction by the king, the clergy, and the barons of the Latin kingdom. Hugh de Payens died, however, shortly after his return, and was succeeded (A. D. 1136) by the Lord Robert, surnamed the Burgundian, (son-in-law of Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury,) who, after the death of his wife, had taken the vows and the habit of the Templars.[6] At this period the fierce religious and military enthusiasm of the Mussulmen had been again aroused by the warlike Zinghis, and his son Noureddin, two of the most famous chieftains of the age. The one was named Emod-ed-deen, “Pillar of religion;” and the other Nour-ed-deen, “Light of Religion,” vulgarly, Noureddin. The Templars were worsted by overpowering numbers. The latin kingdom of Jerusalem was shaken to its foundations, and the oriental clergy in trepidation and alarm sent urgent letters to the Pope for assistance. The Lord Robert, Master of the Temple, had at this period (A. D. 1146) been succeeded by Everard des Barres, Prior of France, who convened a general chapter of the order at Paris, which was attended by Pope Eugenius the Third, Louis the Seventh, king of France, and many prelates, princes, and nobles, from all parts of Christendom. The second crusade was there arranged, and the Templars, with the sanction of the Pope, assumed the blood-red cross, the symbol of martyrdom, as the distinguishing badge of the order, which was appointed to be worn on their habits and mantles on the left side of the breast over the heart, whence they came afterwards to be known by the name of the Red Friars and the Red Cross Knights. At this famous assembly various donations were made to the Templars, to enable them to provide more effectually for the defence of the Holy Land. Bernard Baliol, through love of God and for the good of his soul, granted them his estate of Wedelee, in Hertfordshire, which afterwards formed part of the preceptory of Temple Dynnesley. This grant is expressed to be made at the chapter held at Easter, in Paris, in the presence of the Pope, the king of France, several archbishops, and one hundred and thirty Knights Templars clad in white mantles. The long Latin and French extracts from the old chronicles have also been discarded from the notes, but the historical references have been preserved to enable the reader, if he thinks fit, to study the quaint and curious language of the originals. By these means, and by enlarging the size of the page, the work has been compressed into a smaller compass, and the price reduced nearly one half. It is hoped that these alterations will be found to be improvements.
Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Maarten Meijer
Проверенные доступные и безопасные средства помогут сохранить и восстановить здоровье! В книге собрана настоящая ?золотая дюжина? природных лекарей: яблочный уксус, перекись водорода, соль, сода, свекла, тыква, лук, чеснок, орехи, имбирь, алоэ и золотой ус. Все они давно известны в народной медицине, многократно доказали свою эффективность, опробованы миллионами людей и широко используются для победы над самыми разными недугами. Вы узнаете, как применять народные средства для лечения бронхита, насморка, аллергии, язвы желудка, гастрита, ревматизма, варикозного расширения вен, геморроя, диабета, алкоголизма, дерматита, кариеса, ран, головной боли и других недугов. ПОЛЕЗНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ! Рецепты красоты для ухода за кожей и волосами. Proverennye dostupnye i bezopasnye sredstva pomogut sohranit' i vosstanovit' zdorov'e! V knige sobrana nastojashhaja ?zolotaja djuzhina? prirodnyh lekarej: jablochnyj uksus, perekis' vodoroda, sol', soda, svekla, tykva, luk, chesnok, orehi, imbir', aloje i zolotoj us. Vse oni davno izvestny v narodnoj medicine, mnogokratno dokazali svoju jeffektivnost', oprobovany millionami ljudej i shiroko ispol'zujutsja dlja pobedy nad samymi raznymi nedugami. Vy uznaete, kak primenjat' narodnye sredstva dlja lechenija bronhita, nasmorka, allergii, jazvy zheludka, gastrita, revmatizma, varikoznogo rasshirenija ven, gemorroja, diabeta, alkogolizma, dermatita, kariesa, ran, golovnoj boli i drugih nedugov. POLEZNOE DOPOLNENIE! Recepty krasoty dlja uhoda za kozhej i volosami.
Püspöki Dorka
Створено спльно з нтернет-ресурсом Мова – ДНК нац За допомогою нфографки показан правила та складн випадки вживання слв в укранськй мов Укранська без суржику, русизмв кальок за допомогою нфографки! Видання з наочними люстрацями та стислими правилами, прикладами вживання корисними статтями. Цю книжку створено з мрю про те, що колись в Укран буде модно знати деклька мов, а говорити укранською. Видання для тих, хто: – сплкуться укранською хоче вдосконалити сво знання; – прагне запобгти помилковому слововживанню; – бажа дзнатися нов фразеологзми й синонми; – намагаться уникнути вживання не властивих укранськй мовнй традиц зворотв висловв. Stvoreno spl'no z nternet-resursom Mova – DNK nac Za dopomogoju nfografki pokazan pravila ta skladn vipadki vzhivannja slv v ukrans'kj mov Ukrans'ka bez surzhiku, rusizmv kal'ok za dopomogoju nfografki! Vidannja z naochnimi ljustracjami ta stislimi pravilami, prikladami vzhivannja korisnimi stattjami. Cju knizhku stvoreno z mrju pro te, shho kolis' v Ukran bude modno znati dekl'ka mov, a govoriti ukrans'koju. Vidannja dlja tih, hto: – splkut'sja ukrans'koju hoche vdoskonaliti svo znannja; – pragne zapobgti pomilkovomu slovovzhivannju; – bazha dznatisja nov frazeologzmi j sinonmi; – namagat'sja uniknuti vzhivannja ne vlastivih ukrans'kj movnj tradic zvorotv vislovv.
М?сто к?сток (M?sto k?stok)
М?сто к?сток (M?sto k?stok)
Kler Kasandra
Отдалить возрастные изменения остроты зрения и помочь нашим глазам в любом возрасте противостоять огромным нагрузкам, без которых невозможна, к сожалению, современная жизнь, помогут давно проверенные рецепты народной медицины. Рецепты вкусных и полезных блюд для ежедневной диеты, богатой жирными кислотами, аминокислотами, каротиноидами и витаминами, а также комплексы лечебной гимнастики и массажей при косоглазии, близорукости и дальнозоркости, астигматизме, рецепты фитотерапии для внутреннего и наружного применения, процедуры и упражнения для снятия напряжения при переутомлении глаз, советы для тех, кто много работает за компьютером и всех, кто заботится о своих глазах, помогут сделать эту заботу всесторонней, не тягостной и эффективной.Otdalit' vozrastnye izmenenija ostroty zrenija i pomoch' nashim glazam v ljubom vozraste protivostojat' ogromnym nagruzkam, bez kotoryh nevozmozhna, k sozhaleniju, sovremennaja zhizn', pomogut davno proverennye recepty narodnoj mediciny. Recepty vkusnyh i poleznyh bljud dlja ezhednevnoj diety, bogatoj zhirnymi kislotami, aminokislotami, karotinoidami i vitaminami, a takzhe kompleksy lechebnoj gimnastiki i massazhej pri kosoglazii, blizorukosti i dal'nozorkosti, astigmatizme, recepty fitoterapii dlja vnutrennego i naruzhnogo primenenija, procedury i uprazhnenija dlja snjatija naprjazhenija pri pereutomlenii glaz, sovety dlja teh, kto mnogo rabotaet za komp'juterom i vseh, kto zabotitsja o svoih glazah, pomogut sdelat' jetu zabotu vsestoronnej, ne tjagostnoj i jeffektivnoj.
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Stіven Kіng
Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение лечебной глиной, с помощью соли, квасцов и металлов, водные процедуры, приемы массажа и самомассажа для снятия боли и облегчения симптомов заболевания при регулярном применении заметно и надолго улучшат ваше самочувствие.Narodnye sredstva i recepty lechenija gemorroja i varikoza, kak i mnogih drugih hronicheskih zabolevanij, nesmotrja na prostotu i dostupnost', stanut nadezhnoj podderzhkoj medikamentoznogo lechenija i samym jeffektivnym sredstvom profilaktiki. Produmannaja i dostupnaja lechebnaja dieta s receptami bljud na kazhdyj den', recepty otvarov, nastoek i mazej na lekarstvennyh travah, produktah pchelovodstva, lechenie lechebnoj glinoj, s pomoshh'ju soli, kvascov i metallov, vodnye procedury, priemy massazha i samomassazha dlja snjatija boli i oblegchenija simptomov zabolevanija pri reguljarnom primenenii zametno i nadolgo uluchshat vashe samochuvstvie.
Just as You are
Just as You are
Coghlan, Patrick
Just as You are is a Bible based personal resource which examines a selection of the parables of Jesus, from Luke's Gospel; looking at what it means to be loved unconditionally, valued for who we are, accepted and part of God's eternal plan. Just as You are is an interactive resource, encouraging personal involvement and a positive response to Bible study. In addition, suggestions are made for prayer.
Dream Dictionary
Dream Dictionary
Miller, Gustavus
Have you ever wondered what your dreams may mean? This excellent ebook might just help you find out! Written by Gustavus Miller, the book aims to interpret your dreams, and let you know what the future may hold for you. From Accordions to Zebras, this dream dictionary has individual accounts for thousands of different things you may see in your dreams, and is a fascinating read. It has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Paul Andrews Presents - The Book of Werewolves
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original book by Sabine Baring-Gould, which details historical reports of alleged Were-Wolf reports over many hundreds of years. Some are clearly just deranged people who slaughtered people due to insanity and murderous intents, some are more mysterious and potentially could be real.... Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Werewolves
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