

The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
Copernicus, the astronomer, whose discoveries make him the great predecessor of Kepler and Newton, did not come from a noble family, as certain other early astronomers have done, for his father was a tradesman. Chroniclers are, however, careful to tell us that one of his uncles was a bishop. We are not acquainted with any of those details of his childhood or youth which are often of such interest in other cases where men have risen to exalted fame. It would appear that the young Nicolaus, for such was his Christian name, received his education at home until such time as he was deemed sufficiently advanced to be sent to the University at Cracow. The education that he there obtained must have been in those days of a very primitive description, but Copernicus seems to have availed himself of it to the utmost. He devoted himself more particularly to the study of medicine, with the view of adopting its practice as the profession of his life. The tendencies of the future astronomer were, however, revealed in the fact that he worked hard at mathematics, and, like one of his illustrious successors, Galileo, the practice of the art of painting had for him a very great interest, and in it he obtained some measure of success.??By the time he was twenty-seven years old, it would seem that Copernicus had given up the notion of becoming a medical practitioner, and had resolved to devote himself to science. He was engaged in teaching mathematics, and appears to have acquired some reputation. His growing fame attracted the notice of his uncle the bishop, at whose suggestion Copernicus took holy orders, and he was presently appointed to a canonry in the cathedral of Frauenhurg, near the mouth of the Vistula.? To Frauenburg, accordingly, this man of varied gifts retired. Possessing somewhat of the ascetic spirit, he resolved to devote his life to work of the most serious description. He eschewed all ordinary society, restricting his intimacies to very grave and learned companions, and refusing to engage in conversation of any useless kind. It would seem as if his gifts for painting were condemned as frivolous; at all events, we do not learn that he continued to practise them. In addition to the discharge of his theological duties, his life was occupied partly in ministering medically to the wants of the poor, and partly with his researches in astronomy and mathematics. His equipment in the matter of instruments for the study of the heavens seems to have been of a very meagre description. He arranged apertures in the walls of his house at Allenstein, so that he could observe in some fashion the passage of the stars across the meridian. That he possessed some talent for practical mechanics is proved by his construction of a contrivance for raising water from a stream, for the use of the inhabitants of Frauenburg. Relics of this machine are still to be Been.??The intellectual slumber of the Middle Ages was destined to be awakened by the revolutionary doctrines of Copernicus. It may be noted, as an interesting circumstance, that the time at which he discovered the scheme of the solar system has coincided with a remarkable epoch in the world's history. The great astronomer had just reached manhood at the time when Columbus discovered the new world.??Before the publication of the researches of Copernicus, the orthodox scientific creed averred that the earth was stationary, and that the apparent movements of the heavenly bodies were indeed real movements. Ptolemy had laid down this doctrine 1,400 years before. In his theory this huge error was associated with so much important truth, and the whole presented such a coherent scheme for the explanation of the heavenly movements, that the Ptolemaic theory was not seriously questioned until the great work of Copernicus appeared. No doubt others, before Copernicus, had from time to time in some vague fashion surmised, with more or less plausibility, that the sun..
Ихтияндр: Повесть, основанная на реальных событиях
Ихтияндр: Повесть, основанная на реальных событиях
Андрей Мелехов (Терехов)
A ciência e a tecnologia na contemporaneidade condicionam a organiza??o social e as formas existentes e emergentes de desigualdade e exclus?o tanto em cada sociedade como entre sociedades e regi?es do mundo. Os contextos de acesso e apropria??o do conhecimento científico e tecnológico s?o diversificados, como diferenciados s?o os públicos que se constituem em rela??o com esses contextos e modos de acesso e de apropria??o. Os textos desta colet?nea problematizam sob diferentes aspectos as quest?es críticas para a compreens?o e aplica??o do conceito de apropria??o social do conhecimento científico e tecnológico.
The Time Machine
The Time Machine
H. G. Wells
zet olarak tüm tp almalar & Bilim felsefesi & Hayat hikayesi & Metodolojisi ve Tahlilleri ilaveli bni Sin, daha ocukluunda, evresini hayrete düüren bir zek ve hafza rnei gstermitir. Küük yata ann bütün, ilimlerini renmiti. Gündüz ve gece okumakla vakit geirir, mum nda saatlerce, ou zaman sabahlara kadar alrd. Pek az uyurdu. Buhara Emiri Nuh bni Mansur’u ar bir hastalktan kurtard ve bu yüzden de Samanoullar saraynn kütüphanesinde alma iznini ald. Bu sayede pek ok eseri elinin altnda bulduu iin vaktini kitap okumak ve yazmakla geirdi. Hükümdar ldüü zaman o, henüz yirmi yandayd ve Buhr'dan ayrlarak Harzem'e gitti: EI-Brni gibi büyük bir hret ve deerin, onun alkanlna, bilgisine deer vermesi, kendisini yanna kabul etmesi, beraber almas, hakknda kskanla yol at. Bu yüzden takibata bile urad. Harzem'de barnamayarak yeniden yollara dütü. ehirden ehre dolaarak nihayet Hemedan'a kadar geldi ve orada kalmaya karar verdi. bni Sn, ou fizik, astronomi ve felsefeyle ilgili olarak 150 civarnda eser yazmt. Farsa olan birka dnda bunlarn hepsi Arapa'dr. ünkü o devirde ilim eserlerini Arap diliyle yazmak detti. Arapa'ya bu bakmdan deer verilirdi. Bilhassa tp ilmine dair aratrmalar son derece orijinal ve dorudur. Bu yüzden dou ve bat hekimliine kelimenin tam anlamyla, 600 yl, hükmetmitir. Eserleri Bat dillerine Latince yoluyla evrilerek Avicenna diye hrete ulaan bni Sin, yanl olarak bir süre Avrupa'da ranl hekim ve filozof olarak tannmtr. Bunun da sebebi, eserlerini Türke yazmam olmasndandr… Bununla beraber, batllar da kendisini Hkim-i Tb, yani hekimlerin piri ve hükümdar olarak kabul etmilerdir. 16 yandayken pratik hekimlie balayan bni Sin, resm saray doktorluu da yapmtr. NDEKLER: BN- SNA’NIN HAYATI ve ALIMALARI ESERLER bn-i Sina’nn Felsefi Anlay Varlk ve Mantk BN- SNA VE VARLIK FELSEFES VARLIK FELSEFES VE BN SNA* Varla likin Grüleri: BN- SNA’DA 3 MESELE A- VARLIK BLNC’NN NCEL B- NAYET VE ERRN LAH KAZADA BULUNUU (KTLK PROBLEM) C-FLLERN ALLAHTAN SUDURU BN- SNA’NIN BLM FELSEFES SLAMDA SMYA VE BN- SNA’NIN SMYAYA KATKILARI.. Tarihi zgemii nkar ve Muhalefet Batya Etkisi BN- SNA’NIN TIP FELSEFES BN- SNANIN TIP TARHNDEK YER…. Tp Sahasndaki Baz Bulular TIBBIN KANUNU ESER HAKKINDA.. BN- SNA’NIN FA FELSEFES BN- SNA’NIN VARLIK VE EVREN FELSEFES BN- SNA VE SUDUR NAZARYES… BN- SNA VE SPNOZADA DN VE FELSEFE LKLER B. BN SN FELSEFESNDE LEMN KIDEM/EZELL SORUNU C. GENEL DEERLENDRME SLAM METAFZ VE BN- SNA slam Metafiziine Ksa Bir Bak: bn Sn’ya Gre Nefsin Bedenden Ayrl Sonras Durumu BN- SNA’NIN “El-rtü ve’t-Tenbhtü fi’l-Mantk ve’l-Hikme” Kitab Hakknda BN- SNA VE ETM BN- SNA’NIN PSKOLOJK YAKLAIMLARI bn Sina’nn Aile Siyasetine Dair Risalesindeki Temel Grüleri KEND AZINDAN BN- SNA Genlik ve Olgunluk Devresi (M. 997 -1005) Seyahatler Devresi (M.1005-1014) (bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda) Büveyhler Devresi bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda Kkyler Devresi (M. 1024 -1037) BN- SNA’DA NAMAZ VE FA BALANTISI BN- SN’NIN NAMAZ RSALES Namazn Mahiyeti: Namaz: Namaz, nefs-i natkann, gk cisimlerine benzemesi ve ebed sevap istemek iin Mutlak olan Hakk’a tapnmas demektir. Namazn hakikati: Namazn Zahir ve Batna Ayrlmas Beyanndadr: Bu blüm nceki iki ksm namazdan her birinin kime ve hangi snfa vacib olduunu bildirir: BN- SNA’NIN RUH LE LGL KASDES ZETLE BN- SNANIN BLME KATKILARI BN- SNANIN UNUTULMAYAN SZLER
Kingpin - avagy hogyan vette át az uralmat egy hacker a milliárddolláros cyberal
Kingpin - avagy hogyan vette át az uralmat egy hacker a milliárddolláros cyberal
Kevin Poulsen
Основные принципы лечебного питания и советы по подбору продуктов Рецепты вкусных блюд, эффективных в борьбе с болезнями Очень часто мы полагаемся на таблетки и лекарства, хотя действенные и полезные средства от недугов всегда под рукой! Рецепты блюд, приведенные в книге, позволят вам отказаться от большинства медикаментов. Блюда содержат множество целебных веществ и помогут не только поддержать здоровье, но и излечить подагру и диабет, болезни сердца и сосудов, суставов и позвоночника, печени, почек, щитовидной и поджелудочной железы. Вы сможете составить индивидуальное меню здорового питания. Здесь представлены рецепты супов, блюд из мяса, рыбы, грибов, овощей, круп, молочных продуктов и т. д. Используются только доступные ингредиенты. Готовьте с нашей книгой – и избавляйтесь от болезней! Osnovnye principy lechebnogo pitanija i sovety po podboru produktov Recepty vkusnyh bljud, jeffektivnyh v bor'be s boleznjami Ochen' chasto my polagaemsja na tabletki i lekarstva, hotja dejstvennye i poleznye sredstva ot nedugov vsegda pod rukoj! Recepty bljud, privedennye v knige, pozvoljat vam otkazat'sja ot bol'shinstva medikamentov. Bljuda soderzhat mnozhestvo celebnyh veshhestv i pomogut ne tol'ko podderzhat' zdorov'e, no i izlechit' podagru i diabet, bolezni serdca i sosudov, sustavov i pozvonochnika, pecheni, pochek, shhitovidnoj i podzheludochnoj zhelezy. Vy smozhete sostavit' individual'noe menju zdorovogo pitanija. Zdes' predstavleny recepty supov, bljud iz mjasa, ryby, gribov, ovoshhej, krup, molochnyh produktov i t. d. Ispol'zujutsja tol'ko dostupnye ingredienty. Gotov'te s nashej knigoj – i izbavljajtes' ot boleznej!
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Michael Hyatt, Daniel Harkavy
Ez a k?nyv két év kutatómunkája alapján íródott. Fórumokon, internetes hozzászólásokban megnyilvánuló vélemények, és a velük kapcsolatban felmerült kérdések, illetve válaszok adják az írás gerincét. Nem orvos, nem tudós, nem kutató írta szaknyelven, hanem egy egyszer?, érz? ember, hétk?znapi nyelven, k?zérthet?en, azon igyekezve, hogy párhuzamot vonjon a szexuális irányultság két végletével és megértesse, hogy e szexuális orientációk egyenérték?ek. A kül?nleges szerelmi szálon futó t?rténet humorral, drámával f?szerezve bemutatja azokat a k?zponti problémákat, melyek a gy?l?letet táplálják a melegek felé és igyekszik utat mutatni az elfogadás irányába. Ma irtózol a homoszexuálisoktól. De mi lesz holnap, amikor a gyermeked, a legjobb barátod vagy a legkedvesebb rokonod megvallja, hogy ? úgy boldog? Az élet sorban osztja a pofonokat és nem tudhatjuk, mikor csattan a mi orcánkon... A k?nyv címét az alábbi idézet ihlette: ?Adj tüzedb?l lángot annak, aki kér!” /Marcus Tullius Cicero/ ?
The Dark House
The Dark House
Ida Alexa Ross Wylie
Illiberális. Inkorrekt. Igaz. Oriana Fallaci a Harag - trilógia második k?tetében még tovább megy, ítéletet hoz Európa felett, amely véleménye szerint már nem is Európa, hanem Eurábia, az Iszlám egyik gyarmata.
Bosszú: A harag ébredése
Bosszú: A harag ébredése
Katie Françoise
Az egészségügyi szakemberek fontos feladata a kliensekkel folytatott beszélgetés. A diagnózis felállításán túl a terápia megbeszélése, valamint a megel?zésr?l szóló tájékoztatás is hozzájárul a hatékony gyógyításhoz. A korszer?, bizonyíték-alapú gyógyításban az egészségügyi szakember-kliens diskurzusok tanulmányozása megkerülhetetlen részét képezik az egészségtudományi kutatásoknak, hiszen a róluk készített részletes, módszeres és mélységi elemzések kiegészítik a statisztikai tényeken alapuló megk?zelítéseket. A k?nyv egészségügyi szakemberek és hallgatók-orvosok, ápolók, szülészn?k, gyógytornászok, dietetikusok- számára nyújt áttekint? képet a kvalitatív elemzések fajtáiról, módszereir?l és technikáiról, hogy segítséget nyújtson a kutatások megválasztásában, kidolgozásában és publikálásában. A szerz? mind a kézi, mind a számítógépes adatfeldolgozási módszereket példákon keresztül mutatja be, valamint a kül?nb?z? diskurzus-elemzési módszereket magyar k?zleményekb?l vett szemelvények segítségével illusztrálja. A glosszárium jelent?s segítséget nyújt a filozófiai és nyelvészeti kifejezések megértésében. A k?nyv használható kutatásmódszertani segédk?nyvként, de ?nállóan, egy kurzus részeként is alkalmazható.
Goriot apó
Goriot apó
Balzac Honoré De
These Essays, or rather Lectures, contain the first-fruits of the earliest systematic attempt to apply the theory of Evolution to the products of human handiwork. In their original form they have long been difficult to obtain; and they are reprinted now to supply the needs of candidates for the Oxford Diploma in Anthropology, and of the numerous visitors to the Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford. But they will certainly appeal to a far wider public also, as a brief and authentic statement of their author’s discoveries. The four Essays are reprinted substantially as they were first delivered and published. But verbal errors and actual misquotations have been corrected; and allusions to specimens or diagrams exhibited during the original discourses, but not published, have been replaced so far as possible by references to similar objects figured in the Plates. The Plates are photographic reproductions of the original illustrations, with the exception of Plates V, XIII, XVII, XVIII. Of these, Plate XIII has simply been re-drawn, from a faded original; Plates XVII and XVIII have been translated, without loss of detail, from colours to monochrome shading; Plate V has been reconstituted from illustrations quoted in the text, with the permission of their publisher, Mr. Murray. Plate XXI is reproduced, by permission of Sir John Evans, from the paper which it illustrated originally. The footnotes demand a word of explanation. The author, as the original publications show, was not precise in indicating his sources: he frequently gave, as a quotation, the general sense rather than the exact words of his authority; and occasionally his memory played him false. In the reprint, the precise references have been identified, and are given in full, and obvious errors in the text have been either amended or corrected in a footnote. The editor desires to acknowledge much valuable help in the search for references from Miss C. M. Prior, of Headington.
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