

于建荣、何芹、周翠英主编的《中国共产党问责 工作程序与规范(中国共产党问责条例学习培训教材) 》一书,紧扣《中国共产党问责条例》的精神主旨, 围绕问责意义、问责要求、问责原则、问责主体、问 责对象、问责内容、问责情形、问责方式、问责执行 等问题行了解读,以帮助广大党员及党员领导干部 准确把握《问责条例》的要义和要求,*好地掌握问 责工作程序与规范。
梁衡 著
何为官德? 官德是官员所应恪守的职业道德,是官员工作生活、思想行为的规范与准则,是从政之道、用权之德,是在权力这个大背景下的行为规范。  梁衡先生用心观察多年,结合大量真实案例,言简意赅地为我们分析当下,总结过往,提出十条主张,重申官德,是为《官德十讲》,堪称国内系统而独到地讲述官德的经典之作。每一讲文后附有精心挑选的政治美文,以情动人,与正文相得益彰。
49元5本 高校党的建设科学化路径研究提校
白玮 主编
Tr?irea pe interval
Tr?irea pe interval
Alina Cozan
Structurat? pe trei capitole, lucrarea ofer? o imagine de ansamblu – descriptiv?, explicativ?, interpretativ? ?i comprehensiv? – asupra complexului domeniu specific genului literar cunoscut sub numele de utopie. Din abordarea propus? nu lipsesc personalit??ile marcante ale genului, sublinierea locurilor comune scrierilor utopice, modalit??ile diferite ?n care au fost imaginate societ??ile perfecte de-a lungul timpului ori e?ecul tuturor ?ncerc?rilor de a transpune imaginarul ?n real. Studiul se adreseaz? at?t publicului larg, c?t ?i cititorului avizat, fiecare din cele dou? categorii descoperind informa?ii utile ?i repere interpretative.
Destinul lupului singuratic
Destinul lupului singuratic
Adrian Christescu
Antonio Gramsci este, dup? Niccolò Machiavelli, al doilea mare g?nditor politic italian publicat ?i tradus ?n Italia ?i ?n str?in?tate. Gramscianismul reprezint? un fenomen cultural recunoscut la nivel mondial, ce se reg?se?te ?n ??ri ca Marea Britanie, SUA, India sau America Latin?. Silvio Suppa:??Ast?zi, pentru a putea s? ne apropiem corect de Gramsci ?i de g?ndirea sa, este nevoie s? ne delimit?m de multe dintre interpret?rile doctrinare ce au fost exprimate de-a lungul anilor ?i s?-i recitim scrierile ca pe ni?te documente sau, mai bine spus, ca pe un sistem de documente care adun? mii de pagini ?i care, din diferite motive, nu au ?ncetat s? vorbeasc? ?i s? fac? s? se vorbeasc? despre ele. Scrierile sale nu au nici o leg?tur? cu acea Europ? care a rezultat ca urmare a acordurilor de la Yalta. Dintre notele din ?nchisoare ale lui Gramsci, Americanismul ?i fordismul, ?n afara oric?rui echivoc ideologic, este un studiu care conserv? ?n primul r?nd capacitatea sa de cunoa?tere ?i de compara?ie ?ntre caracteristicile productive ale vechii Europe ?i capitalismul de tip american, o form? a capitalismului care a constituit o noutate absolut? pentru secolul XX. ?n lexicul gramscian, ?fordismul? indic? o puternic? simbolistic? industrial?. Acest argument alimenteaz? motive de reflec?ie independente de istoria conflictelor interna?ionale.”
本书以宽阔的视野,流畅、丰富、饱含激情的笔触,向人们展示了5000千以来人类在实现法治的前道路上所走过曲折、艰巨的发展历程。 书中系统介绍了人类从古代社会到近代,不同历史时期世界主要国家法律制度的诞生和演变,从原始社会阶段产生的原始习惯和戒律,到古希腊、古罗马的《十二表法》《国法大全》,再到中世纪的封建法,一直梳理到13世纪《英国大宪章》等近代资产阶级法的成立,再现了人类社会走过的法治历程以及在建设法治社会上所付出的诸多努力。 整部作品气势恢宏、结构严谨、语言生动、信息量大、内容丰富、可读性强,研究领域涉及哲学、政治学、法学、历史学、宗教学等多个学科,是一部难得的集学术研究与知识普及于一体的学术专著。可为法律专业学生和文史类爱好者提供有益的参考。
49元5本 新时代治国理政思想与马克思主义中国化
Atinal?lar?n Devleti
Atinal?lar?n Devleti
nlü Yunan filozofu Aristoteles'n yk olduu sanlan "Atinallarn Devleti" adl yazs, Msr'dan Londra'daki British Museum'a getirilmi olan bir papirus elyazmasnn ortaya kartlmasyla 1891 yl ubat aynda yeniden tannd. Elyazmasnn ilk okuyucusu ve ortaya karcs F. G. Kenyon'dur. Aristoteles'n eseri, n yüzü sa'nn doumundan sonraki 78-79 ylyla ilgili hesaplarla dolu drt papirusun arka yüzüne yazlmtr. Ancak hesaplar zamanla nemini kaybettikten sonra bu papirüsler Aristoteles'n eserini kopya etmek iin kullanlm olabileceklerinden, bu elyazmas yaklak olarak sa'nn doumundan sonraki birinci yüzyln sonlarna doru tarihlenebilir. Elyazmasnda kitabn ba yoktur. Papirus üzerinde ne kitabn ad, ne de kitabn yazarnn ad vardr. Fakat bunun Aristoteles'n Atina devleti üzerine yazm olduu yaz olduundan üphe etmemize bir neden yoktur. ünkü Aristoteles'ten sonraki birtakm eska adamlarnn yazlarndaki gndermelerle Aristoteles'n eserinden bugüne kalm olan paralar bu papiruste buluyoruz. Aristoteles sekiz kitaba ayrlan "Devlet Bilgisi" adl eserine temel olmak üzere daha nce 158 tane baka baka devlet biimini yazp toplamt. Bunlar arasnda "Atinallarn Devleti" herhalde en büyüü olacak: Atina'nn uzun zamandan beri Hellas'n ba devleti olmas, Aristoteles'n hayatnn yarsndan ounu Atina'da geirmi bulunmas bunu gerektirir. Kitapta anlatlan ve kitapta bulunmayan olaylara bakarak Aristoteles'n bu eserini sa'nn doumundan nceki 329 ylyla 325 yl arasnda yazm olduu sylenebilir. Demek oluyor ki kitap Aristoteles'n son yllarnn ürünüdür. "Atinallarn Devleti" biri tarihsel (blüm 1 - 41), teki sistematik (blüm 42 - 69) iki anakesimden kuruluyor. Birinci anakesimde u drt badilim vardr: 1-12. blümler monarkhiadan oligarkhiaya geii, Drakon'la Solon'un kark olan durumu düzeltmeye almalarn anlatyor; 13-19. blümlerde tyrannoluun gelimesi ve devrilmesi gsteriliyor; 20-28. blümlerde demokratiann nasl gelitiini, en yüksek basamaa nasl trmandn grüyoruz; 29-40. blümlerde oligarkhik deiikliklerle bunlara kar yaplan tepkilerden uzun uzun sz alyor ve sonunda 41. blümde de batan balanarak bütün deiiklikler ksaca yeniden anlyor. kinci anakesim drt badilimde srayla unlar anlatyor: Yurttalk hakk (bol. 42), Beyüzler ve halk meclislerinin düzenleri, yetkileri ve ileri (43-46). Memurlarn devleti ynetmeleri (47-62) ve mahkemeler (63-69). Aristoteles, eserini sa'nn doumundan nceki drdüncü yüzyldaki Yunanllar iin yazdndan o zaman herkese bilinen, fakat bugünkü okuyucularn okuduklarn iyice anlayabilmeleri iin eski Yunan tarihiyle uramalarn gerektiren birtakm eyleri anlatmtr.
Sf?r?itul Faustei
Sf?r?itul Faustei
Michel Zevaco
Lucrarea reprezint? o sintez? a teoriilor ce explic? apari?ia na?ionalismului ?n epoca modern?. Acesta a suferit importante transform?ri odat? cu industrializarea, democratizarea societ??ilor europene ?i alfabetizarea maselor. Raportarea permanent? la ?cel?lalt“, o sl?biciune a tuturor formelor de na?ionalism, a generat marile tragedii ale secolului XX, responsabile de genocid, epurare etnic? ?i crime ?mpotriva umanit??ii, iar tensiunile dintre na?iuni nu au fost dec?t ?n parte temperate de proiectul Europei unite, deocamdat? incomplet, dar necesar pentru pacea continentului. Autorul reu?e?te, prin tema abordat?, s? aduc? publicul mai aproape de marile fr?m?nt?ri ale prezentului, cu o excelent? bibliografie a subiectului.
Fl?c?ri, foc, arderi interioare ?n raportul verbal-vizual
Fl?c?ri, foc, arderi interioare ?n raportul verbal-vizual
Ardelean Simona
Antonio Gramsci revine ?n spa?iul rom?nesc cu scrieri publicate ?n presa socialist? italian?. Cititorul rom?n are prilejul s? ?nt?lneasc? un mare spirit al g?ndirii marxiste italiene ?i mondiale, a c?rui influen?? a trecut dincolo de cercurile comuniste, devenind un reper pentru st?nga ?i dreapta contemporane.
Big bangs back
Big bangs back
Cojocaru Eugen
Cele mai multe eseuri evoc?, nostalgic ?i ?ndrituit, biserici, personalit??i g?l??ene, bresle precum cea a pescarilor (Unde sunt pescarii de alt?dat??), P?p?dia, opera inginerului Mircea Roibu, Biblioteca ?V.A. Urechia“...Scris? bine, viu ?i alert, Dun?rea. Poveste ?i adev?r mi se pare a fi cea mai bun? carte a lui Zanfir Ilie. (Theodor Codreanu)Febril om de ac?iune, veritabil ferment cultural al urbei g?l??ene, dl. Ilie Zanfir este mereu ?n prima linie, p?storind, sub cupola Bibliotecii ?V. A. Urechia“, o serie de ?nt?mpl?ri de ecou. Neast?mp?ratul autor, mereu ?n alert?, mereu pus pe fapte mari, ne ?ncredin?eaz? un proasp?t buchet de ?eseuri danubiene“. Doldora de informa?ii, Dun?rea – poveste ?i adev?r poart?, sub pecetea nostalgiei, ?nt?mpl?ri de la mila 80, poveste?te despre marii oameni (precum ?santinela“ V. A. Urechia, veghind spa?iul carpato-balcanic) ?i depune m?rturie despre a?ezarea dintre ape, g?ndind tonic, cu ?optimism temperat“, la viitorul Gala?iului, redescoperindu-l... (Adrian Dinu Rachieru)Eseurile dun?rene sunt tot at?tea argumente de cuget, inim? ?i literatur?, pentru memoria, pentru prezentul ?i pentru viitorul celor trei entit??i personificate: Fluviul, Ora?ul ?i Comunitatea.Zanfir Ilie este dintre cei pu?ini care, parafraz?ndu-l pe Teren?iu (Homo sum et humani nihil a me alienum puto – Sunt om ?i nimic din ce este omenesc nu-mi este str?in) poate spune cu deplin? mul?umire: Sunt g?l??ean ?i nimic din ce ?ine de Gala?i nu-mi este str?in.Pe scurt, o carte de colec?ie pentru p?m?ntenii locului numit Gala?i, oriunde s-ar afla. (Theodor Parapiru)
姚新中 陆宽宽
Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
George Eliot
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of George Eliot’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Eliot includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Silas Marner by George Eliot - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Eliot’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
A Gamble with Hearts
A Gamble with Hearts
Barbara Cartland
In the Black Forest Spa town of Baden-Baden for the money to be made at the gaming tables, professional gambler and Englishman Quintus Tiverton is disturbed to hear the sound of an English girl being whipped savagely in an attic room of a country inn.? ‘It is none of my business,’ he tells himself, but the sound of the girl’s weeping is inescapable and he has to go and investigate.? Instantly he is captivated by Selina Wade, the blue-eyed waif he encounters and, finding that she is being exploited cruelly by a ‘domestic agency’ proprietor who is little better than a ‘madam’, resolves to save her. Quintus Tiverton smuggles her out of the inn in the early morning and he then spends a great deal of money, which he does not have, in buying her new fashionable dresses to make even more beautiful. And so na?ve Selina finds herself posing as the gambler’s pretty sister, as Quintus Tiverton tries to marry her off to someone suitably rich amongst the international wealthy who frequent Baden-Baden in the Season .? Little does Quintus know that poor Selina’s heart is already taken. ?And she only has eyes for him!? Still less does he realise that he too is falling in love.?
Lady Bartons Rache
Lady Bartons Rache
Barbara Cartland
Die bildsch?ne junge Witwe Lady Barton hat es sich in den Kopf gesetzt, den Herzog von Wyndonbury zu heiraten, doch als dieser sie für nicht standesgem??h?lt und sie zurückweist, kennt ihre Rache keine Grenzen. Die unschuldige Valessa, die zuf?llig zur Stelle ist, wird in den Strudel der Ereignisse gerissen und findet sich pl?tzlich im Auge des Sturms. Ganz auf sich gestellt, sieht sie nur einen Ausweg…
Reise im Glück
Reise im Glück
Barbara Cartland
Lord Harlestons einstige Geliebte, die bezaubernde Dolly Countess von Derwent, kann nicht begreifen, daβ der begehrteste Junggeselle des Landes kein Interesse mehr an ihr hat. Vergeblich bemüht sie sich, ihn zur Heirat zu zwingen. Um der Rache seiner Geliebten zu entgehen, reist der Lord nach Amerika. ?Dort begegnet er unter ungew?hnlichen Umst?nden einer entfernten Verwandten, der jungen Nelda Harle. Gemeinsam bestehen sie ?u?erst gef?hrliche Abenteuer, bevor sie ihre wahren Gefühle füreinander erkennen.
Durban Dialogues, Indian Voice: Five South African Plays
Durban Dialogues, Indian Voice: Five South African Plays
Ashwin Singh
Durban Dialogues, Indian Voice is an anthology of five engaging and eclectic South African plays by award-winning playwright Ashwin Singh. The plays selected, namely To House, Duped, Spice ’n Stuff, Reoca Light and Beyond the Big Bangs represent the complete array of Singh’s storytelling skills in drama as well as satire. Each play reflects, in different ways, on the complexities and contradictions of life in post-Apartheid South Africa, and focuses particularly on people of Indian origin and their relationship with other South African communities. The plays present a moving portrait of a unique array of characters and are also punctuated by Singh’s trademark humour. Each one is set in Durban, South Africa’s third largest and most diverse city, and they are described by renowned academic and critic Betty Govinden as ‘undressing Durban, as they take us away from the neon lights and “candy floss” to the reality of the underbelly of post-Apartheid urban and suburban existence’.
49元5本 感动中国
49元5本 三明红色文化读本(大学版)