La tribuna
En esta novela se ven las ideas políticas de la escritora a través de sus personajes. El obrero, como capa social aparece aquí por primera vez en el panorama novelístico espa?ol. La crisis marcada por la Revolución de 1868, la emancipación de la mujer trabajadora y las reivindicaciones laborales del incipiente proletariado constituyen la atmósfera espiritual que envuelve el mundo narrativo de esta obra.

Dark Horse
Horse shows mean long hours. While unloading a trailer after a grueling weekend, sixteen year old Spencer Reed discovers a stowaway child. Frightened. Mute. Spencer can’t resist a good mystery. But she finds more than she bargains for when she looks for the answers. Filled with surprises, Dark Horse will take the reader on an unexpected adventure beyond the glitter of a horse show ring.

Junkyard Dog
Major Margarita King loves her job. Loves the feel of deep space between the stars. Loves her ship. Until the day someone she trusts sends her out to die. Book One of The Junkyard Dog series introduces ace pilot Margarita King with a smart and edgy tale of betrayal in space.

Go on another journey with Scarlett and Ivan as they attempt to rescue his sister from Ivan’s former boss, and Norwegian crime lord, Kieran “the Punisher.” With the help of Scarlett’s associates and some high-tech weapons, they embark on a mission across Europe that could be their last. Meanwhile, Scarlett continues to receive phone calls from DEA agent, Aiden Bradley, and CIA supervisor, Collin Kincaid, begging her to come back to the force. When she receives word of a posing threat in the United States, will she go home and help fight, or will she still be fighting for her own life—and the dark life that continues to beckon her?

A Lady of Quality
A Lady of Quality is a novel published in 1896 by Frances Hodgson Burnett that was the second highest best-selling book in the United States in 1896. It was the first of series of successful historical novels by Burnett.

Captain Burle
It was nine o'clock. The little town of Vauchamp, dark and silent, had just retired to bed amid a chilly November rain. In the Rue des Recollets, one of the narrowest and most deserted streets of the district of Saint-Jean, a single window was still alight on the third floor of an old house, from whose damaged gutters torrents of water were falling into the street. Mme Burle was sitting up before a meager fire of vine stocks, while her little grandson Charles pored over his lessons by the pale light of a lamp.

Black Jack
The raucous beginning of Brand's Western is traditional: A gunfighter is shot dead in the street. However, when spinster Elizabeth Cornish takes his baby to raise and wagers with her brother that blood will not "will out"--that Jack's son will not be a murderer--a fascinating story of nature versus nurture emerges.

Anjo da Morte: Uma História de Amor (Edi??o Portuguesa): Filhos dos Caídos
Portugues do Brasil! . …pois quem amaria a Morte? . Azrael Thanatos n?o quer nada mais do que seguir os passos de sua m?e cientista. Enviado para estudar os humanos numa aposta entre o Imperador Eterno e Shay'tan, ele n?o tem ideia de que a Terra é o port?o de entrada para uma pris?o ardente. Longe de casa, ele é favorecido por Elissar, uma crian?a precoce com olhos prateados. Quando Moloch instiga a invas?o de Cartago para escapar, Azrael sacrifica sua vida para arrebatar sua amiga da boca do Devorador de Crian?as. . Salvo por uma deusa misteriosa, Azrael recebe uma nova miss?o. Sentinela. Vagando pela Terra sem aparência ou forma, ele ceifa aqueles que ajudaram Moloch a escapar e os arrasta para Gehenna, uma pris?o para a qual somente Lúcifer possui a chave. ? uma imortalidade infernal, afinal quem quer servir ao lado do Caído ou existir quando nenhuma criatura viva pode sobreviver ao seu toque. Assombrado pela morte de Elissar, ele perde as esperan?as de um dia encontrar amor ou amizade conforme o tempo pulveriza as civiliza??es ao pó. Pois quem amaria a Morte? . Ent?o um dia uma crian?a pega a sua m?o e vive… . A vida para Elisabeth n?o é fácil. O Anjo da Morte levou a sua família inteira na noite em que um motorista bêbado passou por cima de uma placa de pare e a deixou numa cadeira de rodas. Azrael é proibido de interferir conforme ela passa por lares adotivos, dificuldades e reabilita??o penosa. Ent?o um dia ele é for?ado a revelar que ele n?o é fruto da imagina??o dela. . Ah, como ela odeia esse anjo que levou todos quem ela já amou! A invas?o do Iraque a inspira a alistar-se no Exército como uma enfermeira traumatologista, inconsciente de que a Morte se apaixonara pela mulher que pode derrotá-lo. . Ela irá pegar a m?o dele uma segunda vez? . A Edi??o Omnibus contém: —Anjo da Morte —Anjo da Morte: Uma História de Amor . Filhos dos Caídos é uma nova série de fantasia paranormal estabelecida no universo de 'Espada dos Deuses', passando-se nos dias atuais. . Língua Portuguesa, Português Brasileiro, Livros Portugueses, Português, Livros Brasileiros - Portuguese language, Brazilian Portuguese

Las Flores del Mal
Les Fleurs du mal es una colección de poemas de Charles Baudelaire. Considerada la obra máxima de su autor, abarca casi la totalidad de su producción poética desde 1840 hasta la fecha de su primera publicación en 1857. Las Flores del mal es considerada una de las obras más importantes de la poesía moderna, imprimiendo una estética nueva, donde la belleza y lo sublime surgen, a través del lenguaje poético, de la realidad más trivial.

La Fanfarlo
Este cuento ha sido publicado en el Boletín de la Sociedad de la Gente de Letras en enero de 1847 bajo el seudónimo de Charles Dufays. Narra la historia de los amores y desamores del joven poeta Samuel Cramer.Una peque?a joya de la literatura clásica.

Cities of the Plain: (Sodom and Gomorrah)
In this fourth volume, Proust’s novel takes up for the first time the theme of homosexual love and examines how destructive sexual jealousy can be for those who suffer it. Sodom and Gomorrah is also an unforgiving analysis of both the decadent high society of Paris and the rise of a philistine bourgeoisie that will inevitably supplant it.

Winnetou 3
Old Shatterhand trifft in der Savanne den berühmten Westmann Sans-Ear. Nachdem Sans-Ear vier feindliche Komantschen besiegt hat, reiten beide zusammen weiter und verhindern einen Zugüberfall. Bei diesem ?berfall beteiligt sich ein Wei?er, der von Sans-Ear als der M?rder seiner Familie identifiziert wird, Fred Morgan. Durch einen glücklichen Umstand k?nnen sie die Spur des Verbrechers entdecken und folgen ihm durch den Llano Estacado, wo sie sich erneut gegen die Comanchen behaupten müssen, zwischenzeitlich begleitet von Winnetou und Bernard Marshall, der ebenfalls hinter Fred Morgan her ist. In der N?he der Goldfelder von San Francisco erwischen sie endlich beide Morgans. Im zweiten Teil trifft Old Shatterhand auf einer Zugfahrt Fred Walker, einen Detektiv, der hinter den Railtroublers her ist, einer Bande von Zugr?ubern. Old Shatterhand und sp?ter auch Winnetou verbünden sich mit Spürauge und verhindern einen ?berfall auf Echo Canyon, eine gro?e Bahnstation. Auf der Flucht überfallen die mit den Zugr?ubern verbündeten Sioux eine Siedlung und verschleppen alle Bewohner. Bei der Rettungsaktion am Berg Hancock wird Winnetou von einem Sioux erschossen.

The Turncoat Prince
Darna is just a guildswoman, or so she’d like to think, but her alleged father was the prince of a backwater province. Now he’s been assassinated, and her uncle has put a price on Darna’s head to secure his claim on the throne. Darna takes her lover’s place in a job that will take her away from the city and, she hopes, away from assassins’ daggers. Her new employer, the prince, is irate to find that the able-bodied man he hired has been replaced by a limping woman. According to the contract, they’re stuck together for the year. The prince is arrogant, but also intelligent and well-read. As winter closes in, their late night conversations turn from sea walls to more intimate territory. Meanwhile, the province’s lost dragon reappears, and even the prince can see it. This book is the second in the Dragonsfall trilogy. It is recommended that you read The Defenders' Apprentice first. The story also refers back to some events which took place in the two prequel novels, Scrapplings and Priestess.

Chronicles of the Last Days
Myril’s world is sinking before her eyes. Foreign ships flood into the harbor and Anamat’s citizens flee across the sea while the governor helps foreign emissaries steal from the city’s guilds. The guildmaster enlists Myril to help save the Chronicles of Anamat from the pillagers and their local allies. Her old friend Darna returns to the city strangely pregnant – if that’s what it is. She’s also about to become the ruler of Tiadun. Meanwhile Iola, the ambassadress, is determined to fly to the dragons’ realm again, even if it kills her, and the Defenders have more troubles than they can manage. Will any of them survive when the waters rise again? This book concludes the Anamat/Dragonsfall series.

Così è (se vi pare)
Rappresentata per la prima volta il 18 giugno 1917 al Teatro Olimpia di Milano, "Così è (se vi pare)" è una commedia in tre atti derivata dalla novella "La signora Frola ed il signor Ponza, suo genero". L'opera, come la novella originaria, è incentrata su uno dei temi più forti della visione pirandelliana del mondo: l'inconoscibilità del reale, a cui ognuno può dare una propria interpretazione ed una propria verità che possono non coincidere con quelle degli altri.

Silesian Folk Tales: The Book of Rübezahl
Long ago in the region between old Bosnia and Silesia there dwelled The Mountain Spirit, a mischievous yet warmhearted creature who loved his relationship with mankind. This collection of traditional folk tales, originally published in 1915, recount some of his encounters with various people - and how they were either punished or rewarded for their deeds.Whether you are of Silesian descent or are simply curious about that ancient region of what is now the Czech Republic, if you enjoy folk tales then you're sure to appreciate the trickery of the mighty Rübezahl.

Wildfire: Special Edition
Horse hunter Lin Sloan never wanted anything more than the wild stallion he called Wildfire. Lucy Bostil found the horse and the unconscious man who had roped him. She saved both their lives and took Sloan's heart in the process. Now another man wants Lucy and the horse--and will stop at nothing short of killing to get them.

Of Elven Blood
Roxanne Defarge has given up on love and her dreams, but at least she's found a job she likes - working as a newspaper editor for a union in Chicago. When Roxanne witnesses a murder in the newspaper's office, she has to leave it all behind for her own protection. In Arizona she must start again at Treemark Arabian Farms. But who can protect her from Brian Treemark, the mysterious and handsome ranch owner who reveals that he and Roxanne are members of a mysterious, ancient race--and they're in more danger than Roxanne ever could find on the streets of Chicago? She's going to have to learn fast for she is now an Elf and must learn to live as one.

The Young Pitcher
High school senior Ken Ward is on top of the world--he's popular, a somebody. But as a freshman at Wayne University, Ken quickly discovers he's a nobody who's treated like dirt by upperclassmen. When Ken can't stand the harassment anymore, he bursts out of his gloom by slugging a sophomore bully--who turns out to be captain of the varsity baseball team. It looks as if Ken's dream of making that team has gone down the drain... until in a moment of wild excitement he proves himself with, of all things, a potato! And Ken keeps on proving himself until the last out of a heart-pounding league championship game.

There's Nothing Romantic About Washing the Dishes
Collection of short stories inspired by real life. Most represent a mundane side from science fiction and fantasy writer, Katrina Joyner, people don't get to see often.Silver - Redemption can come in many ways, depending on how you find it and where you look. Over It - Sometimes when faced with your evil stepmother, leaving bread crumbs on the trail is not enough. Ghost in the Water - When water spirits need rescue, heroes come in many shapes and sizes. A rare Native American point of view for the author.The Glass of Cappuccino - Your fairy godmother may be closer than you think, and her motives may not be so easy to understand.For Fear of Breaking Hearts - Fear can shatter worlds. And hearts.

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland
Die fiktionale Welt, in der Alice im Wunderland angesiedelt ist, spielt in solch einer Weise mit Logik, dass sich die Erz?hlung unter Mathematikern und Kindern gleicherma?en gro?er Beliebtheit erfreut. Sie enth?lt zahlreiche satirische Anspielungen – nicht nur auf pers?nliche Freunde Carrolls, sondern auch auf die Schullektionen, die Kinder im England jener Zeit auswendig lernen mussten.