日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第5册
留学德国听说教程 √ 共设10个单元31课,主题涉及德国日常生活和社会文化等方方面面 √ 教程内容力求还原真实的德国留学生活,学生可通过背景知识介绍和听说训练对德国留学生活有充分的了解,从而在心理和语言听说能力上做好准备 √ 本书可供赴德留学人员、在校学习德语的高年级学生以及具有中高级德语水平的学习者使用。 本书不仅是一本贴近德国日常生活的听说训练教程,更是一本生动的德国生活指南。本教程按照不同的主题编写,共分为10个单元,内容涉及了在德国学习生活、衣食住行的方方面面:从参加APS审核到踏上德国大地,从新生注册到实习工,从求医看病到度假旅行。每个主题下设三篇课文,每课书主要分为三大部分:背景知识介绍,听力训练和口语训练。旨在让学生了解德国日常生活的同时,锻炼阅读、听力、会话以及自主学习等综合能力。书中内容力求还原真实的德国留学生活,不仅听力文章中的对话情景生动、语言地道,而且学生可通过文中的背景知识介绍和拓展阅读对德国大学学习和日常生活有充分的了解,从而在心理上和语言上为留学德国做好准备。本书的两位作者均有多年留德经历,学成回国后在国内知名德语培训机构莱茵春天德语学校常年从事教学工作。因此对中国学生在德国学习生活遇到的问题和困难有切身体会,同时也深知中国学生学习德语的特。由于国内缺乏相应的德语语言环境,大部分学生在学习过程中很少有机会和母语国家的人触,因此未能掌握地道的日常交流用语。甚至很多已经通过德福考试的学生,甚至德语专业的毕业生,初到德国仍然面临沟通障碍。他们虽然能掌握了大量词汇和复杂句型,但面临实际交流时却忽然不知所措。 此外书中听力和口语练习采用了部分德福考试题型,因此本书也同样适用于准备参加德福考试的同学。 希望本书能够帮助所有热爱德语的学生在提高自己的听说能力的同时,获取更多德国国情知识。
本书汇集了中国自先秦诸子到近现代思想家对智力问题发表的许多精辟见解,总结了历代智力培养的经验。智力,作为人们认识能力的总和,还应包括运用知识解决实际问题的能力。在近代大机器生产出现以后,尤其是在科学技术长足步的当代,人的智力越来越对社会生产力的发展产生重大影响,智力发也成为世界各国所关注的课题。整理和翻译这些先哲的论述,并给予科学的评析,对世界各国了解中国智慧,对中国文化‘走出去”,是有所裨益的。 本书为汉西双语版,由武汉大学历史系授冯天瑜主编,陈用仪、蔡同廓、徐宜林、刘习良担纲西文翻译。
《外教社外语会话全球通系列:实用葡萄牙语会话》特色: 语音讲解系统详实,包含欧洲葡萄牙语和巴西葡萄牙语两种发音 会话内容地道生动,主题涵盖中国人赴葡语国家生活的方方面面 语法解释循序渐进,采用新正字法编写,教你学会标准葡萄牙语
Cheyenne & The Witches
Join Cheyenne as she sets out on a new adventure: Cheyenne befriends?Wendy, who is a curious girl and seems to have no friends; dresses and talks funny; eats strange things, and wears pointed shoes. Who is this new girl? ?Join Cheyenne as she makes friends with Wendy and joins up with some of her old friends to stop the evil witches.
《韩语考级不用背单词》按照国际韩语能力等级 考试中的单词大纲编写,涵盖了1级到6级单词大纲中 的所有单词。首推“场景推断单词记忆法”,利用短 小精悍的例句营造场景氛围,让读者在场景中推断韩 语单词的意思,通过调动脑细胞来思考、理解并记忆 单词。经过想象及动脑的过程,单词记忆会无比深刻 ,而达到消化单词的目的,做到真正意义上的单词 不用背。《韩语考级不用背单词》由林楚翘、张天翼 主编。
Hat kül?nleges t?rténet az egzotikus utazásoktól a szívfájdító szerelemig. Sok-sok kül?nb?z? ember, rendkívüli párok és szerelmek. Egy mexikói luxus prostituált erotikus t?rténete, akit a kegyetlen sors, az átok sem tud megakadályozni abban, hogy rátaláljon az igaz szerelemre. A sivatagban eltévedt fiatal orvosn?, az elkényeztetett maffiaf?n?k lánya, és az ?r?kké bizonytalan magyar Kathy egzotikus világokba viszi el az olvasókat Jement?l Mexikóig. Mindezek mellett két fiatalt, egy testvér szíve, sok-sok fájdalom, és csodálatos érzelmek vezérelnek, hogy szem ne maradjon szárazon. A t?rténetekben megtalálható a kaland, rejtély, izgalom, de mindenekel?tt a romantika.
Just GONE:Book 1 of 2 of the 7 Years Later Series
It was without doubt that Lana Bell was the cleverest, sexiest, most inspiring and seductive girl Hayden Ravensdale had ever met. The attractive law student had burst into his life, blown his mind and changed everything. He was head over heels in love with her. He could not have foreseen the disaster awaiting him just around the corner. So when all of a sudden Lana disappears without a trace, Hayden’s whole world crumbles to pieces. Had it all been a lie? Had she only been using the young and wealthy heir to a well-known international publishing firm? When after 7 years of despair, pain, anger, hatred, and finally, emptiness, the disillusioned businessman unexpectedly comes face to face with the love of his youth, only to see his strictly organized life turn upside down again. Their chance encounter finds them both cast into a whirlwind of attraction, uncertainty, and doubt. Can he ever trust her again? Can he once more put his broken heart into the hands of this woman without the risk of ruining himself completely? Dare he even resist? Can either of them possibly deny the physical attraction they feel towards each other? This is the passionate and captivating love story of Hayden and Lana. I hope you will enjoy reading it!
Beginner Spanish in 32 Topics:Speak With Confidence About Everyday Matters
Learn to speak in Spanish about the things that matter to you. Massively improve your Spanish vocabulary and speaking skills through reading about these 32 everyday topics. By the end of this book you will: Know the essential Spanish vocabulary for speaking about 32 everyday topics. Feel confident having real conversations about real topics with other Spanish speakers. Know 100’s of new Spanish words and feel comfortable about moving up to the intermediate level. Who is it for? If you are a high beginner with a good understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary then this is the book to help you to take your Spanish to the next level. How does it work? Each article covers a topic that you would commonly talk about in your own language. So instead of learning boring vocabulary lists, you will be reading interesting articles and learning the specific language you will need for having real conversations with other Spanish speakers. We’ve kept it interesting by giving each topic an ‘angle’. So, for example the ‘romance’ article is about ‘online dating’ and the ‘food’ article is about ‘cooking shows’ etc. This way, you will be much more engaged and learn more smoothly. By the end of this book you will: Know the essential Spanish vocabulary for speaking about 32 everyday topics. Feel confident having real conversations about real topics with other Spanish speakers. Know 100’s of new Spanish words and feel comfortable about moving up to the intermediate level. Get started today and click the buy button, and start speaking with confidence about 32 everyday topics.
joke bank - Popular Jokes
For adults we have the adult jokes section, the dirty jokes, and the Yo Mama jokes categories. Of course the classic celebrity characters, like Chuck Norris, Bill Clinton, Al Bundy and Barney Stinson, are all in there too. To tease your friends or your foes, we recommend the professional categories. Whether they're a civil servant, a farmer, a graduate, a student, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a broker, a footballer or a schoolboy, we have just the thing. The classical knock knock jokes and light bulb jokes are also included. A separated clean jokes section is available.
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第三册 学习参考
新编日语 第2册(重排本)
周平、陈小芬编著的是《新编日语》**册的修订本。多年来的教学实践证明。《新编日语》的编写内容、编写原则及体例是符合日语教学的规律与要求的。在培养学生基础阶段扎实的日语知识和灵活的运用能力方面起到了良好的作用,取得了可喜的成果。 本次修订在保留原书编写特的基础上。对部分内容作了适量的修改与补充。 本书是高等院校日语专业基础阶段教材**册。本书的编写原则以听说为主,读写为辅。参照教学大纲的要求。编日语语音、文字、词汇、语法、句型、功能用语等方面的内容。题材以学校、家庭、社会为主。同时兼顾日本文化、风俗习惯等。全书共四个单元十六课,每单元配有复习课。除语音阶段稍有不同外,每课由前文、会话、功能用语、解说、读解文六个部分构成。每课配有练习。既可作为课堂教学的补充,又可作为课外作业。书后附有单词索引。 为了适应时代发展的需求,在修订版的基础上,我们对全书的版式行了重新设计,并配备了移动学习App,使这本多年来承蒙诸方专家学者肯定和广大师生厚爱的教材*具时代气息,焕发出新的光彩。
From the Wizarding Archive (Volumes 1 & 2)
If you've ever wondered why Squibs are never offered a place at Hogwarts, what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, or how Dumbledore and McGonagall formed their lifelong friendship, From the Wizarding Archive should go straight to the top of your reading list. Containing 80 articles and anecdotes written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat. If there's one thing Harry Potter fans have in common (apart from impeccably good taste), it's questions... so many questions. From the simple details that perplex us all - was Professor Umbridge always that awful? Why don't wizards just use phones? - to the personal details that bring us closer to J.K. Rowling's writing process - from her least favourite school subject and its impact on Professor Snape's career, to the personal significance of King's Cross and why it's always where the Hogwarts Express departs - this is a veritable treasure trove of answers. With editorial writing linking and exploring the articles in greater depth than ever before, plus an exclusive foreword by Evanna Lynch, this is essential reading for any Harry Potter afficionado. These articles were originally featured on pottermore.com and are still free, and available to read in English, on the official Wizarding World website. Note: This eBook is also available as two separate volumes. The articles in Volume 2 were previously published as three Pottermore Presents eBooks. If you already own those, you might prefer to read From the Wizarding Archive: Volume 1 instead of the combined edition. Pottermore Limited will be donating author royalties to the Lumos Foundation on behalf of J.K. Rowling, expected to be equivalent to a minimum of ?1 (or the local currency equivalent) for each copy of From the Wizarding Archive sold. The Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales with charity number 1112575.
日语口语教程 中级 教学参考
外教社公共外语系列教材:新公共德语 上册
《葡萄牙语语法一通/外教社外语语法系列》编著者张黎。 什么是语法?所谓语法,是指对某一种语言的词与句的系统研究,特别是对词与词、句子成分与句子成分之间的关系研究。 语法的研究是从大量的语言表达现象手的,而语法研究所得出的却是一些结论性的东西,被我们称之为语法规则。虽然每一条规则的背后都可能有例外,但是,这些规则仍能帮助我们更好地、更方便地学习语言。 《葡萄牙语语法一通》的宗旨,就是要从困惑读者的大量语法中撷取难中之难,重中之重,通过书中大量的提问和解答以及大量的例句说明,帮助初学者尽快地门。引导有一定基础的读者更上一层楼。