Global Warming, A Very Peculiar History
Which species of moth was nearly killed off by the fight for cleaner air? How does a cow's bottom contribute to global warming? Could warmer mean colder? All these questions and more are answered in 'Global Warming: A Very Peculiar History'. This book arms you with an introduction to the scientific concepts behind global warming then hits you hard with the bizarre and at times disputed facts that go along with the theory. 'Global Warming, A Very Peculiar History' includes information on the potentially disastrous effects of global warming and what we can do to stop them. It features diagrams and fascinating fact sheets which will boggle the mind. Discover where the theory came from and what we were (or weren't) doing to help protect the Earth in past times. This book looks at both sides of the debate and covers the scientific and historical background of our troubled relationship with the planet on which we live.

Great Britons, A Very Peculiar History
Great Britain can be accused of many things; a proliferation of queuing, a fondness of the demon drink; but it's not without more than its fair share of important historical and modern people. 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' looks at a myriad brillliant Britons and their influence on the world. The book features a short potted history of each person, detailing their acheivements, personalities and lifestyles in a quirky and memorable way. From kings and queens, pirates and politicians, actors and directors to sportsmen, explorers, scientists and inventors, 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' celebrates the men and women who have shaped Great Britain and made it what it is today.

Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Brighton: that curious master of reinvention - whether it's considered 'London-by-the-Sea' or 'England's San Francisco', it's certainly a city with a reputation for being on the edge. Delve deep into the weird and wonderful history of 'Brighthelmstone', and find out how this dreary fishing village became a dazzling playground for the louche and wealthy: from the fashionable Regency period to the age of DJs, Brighton has always been home to the proudly quirky. But it's not all sun, sea and a fish supper! Be sure to avoid the sleazy world of gang fights and murders as portrayed in Graham Greene's 'Brighton Rock', whilst ducking to miss the bottles hurled between the mods and the rockers during the famous beach battles. Fully exploring the ups and downs of a seaside town, it's 'Brighton - A Very Peculiar History'...with a bit of Hove on the side.

Cricket, A Very Peculiar History
In 'Cricket, A Very Peculiar History' Jim Pipe uniquely explores one of the second biggest spectator sport on the planet. From the hazy bat-and-ball origins of the game to the biggest celebrity players of today, this book is a fascinating insight into the popular sport. Filled to the brim with quirky quotes, fantastic facts and surprising statistics, 'Cricket, A Very Peculiar History' is the perfect book for any fan of the game. You'll discover bizarre cricket lingo, politics and rivalries and even how to make the perfect cricket tea, along with some bizarre but classic tales, without which the game would not be the same.

Brilliant General Knowledge Quiz Book 3
In what year did Concorde 001 first take off from Toulouse? What did the African country of Zaire change its name to in 1997? What popular sweet was invented by Frank Fleer in 1906? If you would like to know the answers to these brain-teasers and more like them take a look at The Brilliant General Knowledge Quiz Book.Find out how much you know about everyday things and the world we live in with the 100 testing questions in this book. Full of interesting facts and covering a range of topics including sport, history, geography, science, films and celebrities, this book provides a fun and easy way to learn. Whether you want to help the kids with their homework, challenge your friends or set the questions for the next pub quiz, this book is just all you need to improve your general knowledge. So if you have always wanted to know who invented the World Wide Web or the number of players in a water polo team this is the book for you.

Dragon Writers
Dragons are creatures of legend. Of magic. Of wisdom, nature, and the power of creation. They have been in every culture and mythology since the beginning of time. Writers are creatures of legend. With magic, wisdom, and the power of creation at their fingertips. They, too, are in every culture and have been creating their own mythologies since the beginning of time. Within each writer is the power of a dragon. . . . The power of creation. Gathered together are twenty-six stories from writers who dared to tame this power, including New York Times best-selling authors Brandon Sanderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Todd McCaffrey, and David Farland. Through fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and poetry, this anthology celebrates the magic and majesty of dragons, writers, and creativity. Within these pages, you’ll find dragons who fly through space, who raise hatchlings, who carry the power of life and death. Some dragons are even featured as swords, planes, and origami creatures. Dragon Writers is a special collection where magic and myth combine to create something legendary. All profits benefit the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship fund for the Superstars Writing Seminar.

The Japanese Terrorist
“Terrorist!” “Terrorist!” People were shouting as I walked into the room. I looked around and saw many people there who had been detained. One scary looking ugly man came right over to my face and said: “THE ONLY GOOD TERRORIST, IS A DEAD TERRORIST!” Upon hearing those words, I collapsed onto the floor. The Japanese Terrorist is the perfect novel for anyone who wishes to travel the world. It is the story of a young Japanese girl at university in Russia, who becomes involved with people linked to terrorists. She is a young and innocent girl who travels a lot and dreams of falling in love. She finally does fall in love with a British gentleman, only to discover that her life is in danger and that ANYONE can be a TERRORIST! ?

Japanska Teroristkinja
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.

Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 1
Ever since the Big Uneasy, Dan Chambeaux worked as a human private investigator in the Unnatural Quarter. Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and zombie Dan "Shamble" is back from the dead and back on the case! And what strange cases they are. Shamble is faced with mummies suing their museums, living-undead political tensions, defending a mixed race couple (he's a vampire, she's a werewolf) from housing discrimination, a serial scalper targeting werwolves, and a standard lost dog case with a hellhound. And above all, he's got to figure out a very personal question: who killed him? Shamble must team up with his ghost girlfriend Sheyenne, a bleeding-heart human lawyer named Robin Deyer, and his BHF (Best Human Friend) Officer Toby McGoohan to seek justice for the denizens of the Unnatural Quarter. In these four volumes— Death Warmed Over, Unnatural Acts, Working Stiff, and Hair Raising —Dan Shamble puts the P.I. back into R.I.P.

A never-before-published novel by Frank Herbert, author of the international bestseller DUNE. EMASI—Each Man A Separate Individual! That is the rallying cry of the Seps, the Separatists engaged in a class war against the upper tiers of a society driven entirely by opinion polls. Those who score high in the polls, the High-Opps, live in plush apartments, with comfortable jobs, every possible convenience. But those who happen to be low-opped, find themselves crowded in Warrens, with harsh lives and brutal conditions. Daniel Movius, Ex-Senior Liaitor, rides high in the opinion polls until he becomes a casualty, brushed aside by a very powerful man. Low-opped and abandoned, Movius finds himself fighting for survival in the city’s underworld. There, the opinion of the masses is clear: It is time for a revolution against the corrupt super-privileged. And every revolution needs a leader.

Opening Up To Indie Authors
You've self-published a book and you'd like to see it in your local library or bookstore or the review pages of your favourite newspaper. You'd like to speak or read at a literary festival or event. You'd like to enter it for a book award or prize. This Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) guide will tell you how to recognise opportunities, work with publishing partners and open doors, and keep them open, for your own benefit -- and that of all indie authors. This guide is also aimed at those who work in the literary, publishing and books industries: award bodies, book fairs and conferences, libraries, literary festival and event organisers, retailers, reviewers and anyone who acts as a bridge between writer and reader. It gives detailed advice on how to find good self-published books and how they might -- and should -- be included, wherever readers are found. Packed with useful information, and real-life examples from members of The Alliance of Independent Authors, this guidebook is part of a wider campaign that includes a petition, and lobbying within the publishing industry, encouraging it to open up to the self-publishing phenomenon. You can sign the petition at Change.org. change.org/petitions/open-up-to-indie-authors More information at: allianceindependentauthors.org

Raven: A Creepy Hollow Story
The glittering magic of high society faerie life, with a hint of forbidden romance ... When design student Raven Rosewood, daughter of high society fae, is almost killed in an explosion, her parents insist on assigning a bodyguard to protect her at all times. Raven agrees, but only if she can choose the guard. Flint's life couldn't be more different from that of his employers. He doesn't agree with their extravagant ways, but he's admired their daughter Raven since he first met her. When asked to guard her more closely after her life is threatened, Flint is happy to take on the assignment. Despite the gulf between their stations in life, Raven and Flint can't help growing close to one another. As the pressure of Raven's final fashion show builds, along with the threat of her parents discovering her relationship with a guard, Raven and Flint must decide whether their differences will push them apart or bring them closer together. ? Raven is a companion story to the bestselling YA fantasy Creepy Hollow series. While it is best enjoyed in conjunction with the rest of the series, it is a standalone story that can be read on its own.

Destination: Void
Prequel to Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom’s Pandora Sequence. The starship Earthling, filled with thousands of hybernating colonists en route to a new world at Tau Ceti, is stranded beyond the solar system when the ship’s three Organic Mental Cores—disembodied human brains that control the vessel’s functions—go insane. An emergency skeleton crew sees only one chance for survival: to create an artificial consciousness in the Earthling’s primary computer, which could guide them to their destination . . . or could destroy the human race. This is Frank Herbert’s classic novel that begins the epic Pandora Sequence, which also includes The Jesus Incident, The Lazarus Effect, and The Ascension Factor.

Five by Five v3: Target Zone
TARGETS ARE LOCKED! Five short novels by five masters of military SF capture the excitement, and hell, of fantastic future war—on and off the battlefield. Stories of terrifying monsters, dangerous aliens and staggering cosmic dreadnaughts march alongside far-flung courtroom dramas and cautionary tales involving man and his devices. Michael A. Stackpole—The Star Tigers are commandeered by a powerful alien overseer on a covert mission to a world long abandoned by an ancient species. There, the ruins of a forgotten war will tip the balance of their war, unless the Star Tigers can prevent it. Sarah A. Hoyt—Lucius Dante Maximilian Keeva is a well-respected leader of the Usaian Revolution, but treason in the ranks can cost him everything that makes life worth living—unless he takes justice into his own hands and breaks every military regulation in its pursuit. Doug Dandridge—Faced with an enemy more than two hundred times her own size, Cinda Klerk has two options: hide, and let it destroy the planet she is supposed to protect, or find a way to even the odds and kill the enemy, even at the cost of her ship and crew. Eytan Kollin and Dani Kollin—As the Unincorporated War envelops the entire solar system, a father must come to the rescue of a daughter he never raised. But he'll have to convince her to save herself first. Kevin J. Anderson—In the war against an alien menace, Earth’s greatest military commanders risk themselves on the front lines, but with an escape hatch: If the situation goes terribly wrong, they can switch places with a safe soldier far from the battlefield. But the cannon-fodder volunteers don’t consider that such a good deal. Set your cross-hairs on the Target Zone.


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