

?t tornacsuka a Hegyest?n
?t tornacsuka a Hegyest?n
Jámbor Eszter
Kevesen vagyunk, s még tovább fogyunk, kik h?séggel, népünkért dolgozunk. Sokan kérdik: ?mért vagytok ostobák?” Csak hallgatunk és dolgozunk tovább. Más bíztat: ?Fordulj már végre el e romtemplomtól, és gazdag leszel!” De fog-szorítva tesszük, amit kell, jutalom, megtorlás, nem érdekel. Olyanok leszünk mint a parázsszemek! ?lesztünk tüzet, mely tán már elveszett.
Focurile din tegel
Focurile din tegel
Fabio Geda
Geo Vasile ne propune o selec?ie riguroas? de 100 de prozatori ?i esei?ti ale?i din ?ntreaga istorie a literaturii. Elementul inedit, provocator ?i inevitabil ?n acest context este selectarea ?i plasarea, evident, justificat?, a unor redutabili prozatori ?i esei?ti rom?ni ?n contextul generos ?i selectiv deopotriv? al concertului universal al litera?ilor. Astfel, al?turi de autori precum Paul Auster, Saul Bellow, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortázar, Henri Miller, Philip Roth etc., sunt a?eza?i Nicolae Breban, Augustin Buzura, Petru Cimpoe?u ?i mai tinerii s?i colegi, argumenta?ia adus? ?n arena de litere de istoricul ?i criticul literar Geo Vasile fiind una perfect justificat?, iar criteriul de selec?ie – unul atotputernic: valoarea.
Lec?ii de via?? de la Nietzsche
Lec?ii de via?? de la Nietzsche
John Armstrong
Cartea de fa?? ?ncearc? s? dea seam? cu privire la c?teva dintre c?r?ile ?i figurile critice importante ale culturii rom?ne, de la E. Lovinescu, la Al. Paleologu, Nicolae Mano?lescu, Eugen Simion, Lucian Raicu, Paul Cornea, Ion Iano?i, Dan Horia Mazilu sau Gheorghe Cr?ciun. Exist?, ?n cuprinsul c?r?ii de fa??, ?i c?teva comentarii consacrate memorialisticii rom?ne?ti de dup? 1989, ?n care am c?utat s? relev?m dimensiunile scriiturii depozi?ionale ?i valoarea documentar? a unor texte revelatoare prin deschidere ideatic? ?i prin adev?rul dic?iunii etice ?i afective.Un manual indirect de literatur? postdecembrist?.
Intui?ia. Cunoa?terea de dincolo de logic?
Intui?ia. Cunoa?terea de dincolo de logic?
Cartea aceasta despre Emil Cioran se vrea un amplu portret al g?nditorului, a?a cum reiese el, proiectat pe fundalul ideatic al operei sale, din m?rturisirile proprii, din jurnale, din caietele de ?nsemn?ri zilnice, din interviuri ?i din coresponden?? cu familia sau cu prietenii apropia?i. Se configureaz? astfel profilul unui om ?i al unui tulbur?tor scriitor angoasat, angajat ?n drama ??rii sale ?i a umanit??ii bulversate de conflagra?iile secolului trecut, care au deturnat destinele nu doar ale multor indivizi ci ale unor ?ntregi popoare. Deslu?irile ce se fac ?n aceste m?rturisiri de sine ale filosofului de la Paris, ajut? tocmai la ?n?elegerea mai profund? a unei con?tiin?e intelectuale acute dar ?i a gravelor probleme existen?iale cu care se confrunt? contemporaneitatea.
?jratalálkozás az Adriánál
?jratalálkozás az Adriánál
Helena Ladisla
Az igazság cím? k?nyvben Damu Roland d?bbenetes ?szinteséggel és részletességgel mesélte el életét egészen addig a pillanatig, amíg a bíróság ki nem mondta rá a joger?s ítéletet: négy és fél év szabadságvesztést. T?rténete azonban ezzel korántsem ért véget. 2012. április 19-én (egy héttel a hivatalos behívó el?tt) váratlanul szembesült azzal a visszavonhatatlan d?ntéssel, hogy azonnali hatállyal meg kell kezdenie a b?rt?nbüntetését. ?s ez még csak az els? olyan jogtalan d?ntés volt a sorban, amelyet nem volt egyszer? megemésztenie... Miért vitték el egy héttel korábban? Miért került egy, az otthonától 320 kilométerre lév? b?rt?nbe? Miért kellett t?bbet bizonyítania másoknál? Szakadatlan igazságkeresése a b?rt?nbe vonulása után semmit sem vesztett lendületéb?l. Második k?nyvében a t?le megszokott részletességgel számol be a három b?rt?nben t?lt?tt év pokláról, az ottani mindennapokról, megaláztatásokról... ?s persze a számára oly fontos emberi kapcsolatokról, a megtalált igaz szerelemr?l. "A második k?nyvem szorosan kapcsolódik az els?h?z, de ez már a b?rt?nben t?lt?tt évekr?l szól. Olyan dolgokért ültem három évet, amit nem k?vettem el. Ez a k?nyv rólam, a feleségemr?l szerelmünkr?l és a b?rt?nben megélt dolgokról szól az én szemsz?gemb?l. Továbbra is ragaszkodom ahhoz, hogy csak az igazságot írjam le. Pontosan tudom, hogy a feleségem szeretete, h?sége, kitartása nélkül nem éltem volna túl a b?rt?néletet. Most tele vagyok ?tletekkel, tervekkel. A legfontosabb pedig: T?L?LTEM!" (Damu Roland)
Dezv?luirile unui digger. Secretele cumplite ale Metroului - 2
Dezv?luirile unui digger. Secretele cumplite ale Metroului - 2
Daniil Strogov
Edi?ie ?ngrijit? de Mircea A. Diaconu.Traian Chelariu apar?ine grupului tinerilor scriitori afirma?i ?n Cern?u?ii anilor ’30, a c?ror maturitate creatoare a fost distrus? de instaurarea comunismului ?n Rom?nia. Cu un doctorat ?n psihologie, cu burse de studiu la Paris ?i Roma, redactor-?ef al ?Universului Literar", se remarcase ?ntre r?zboaie ?i prin volumele sale de poezii ?i de eseuri filozofice. Dup? 1945, este exclus din ?nv???m?ntul superior, o vreme nu lucreaz? nic?ieri, apoi este angajat muncitor la deratizare, pentru a fi reintegrat, t?rziu, ?n ?nv???m?ntul superior, ca lector, la Institutul de ?nv???m?nt Superior care se ?nfiin?ase la Suceava ?n 1964. Avea sa moar? doar peste doi ani. De?i cu recomand?ri de la Vianu, Perpessicius, Tudor Arghezi ?i al?ii, nu reu?e?te s? fie reprimit ?n Uniunea Scriitorilor.
Colivia belgradean?
Colivia belgradean?
Dascălu Crișu
Edi?ie ?ngrijit? de Mircea A. Diaconu.Respectiva edi?ie ?n dou? volume Zilele ?i umbra mea ?ntrune?te pentru prima data ?n istoria culturii rom?ne, edi?ia integral? a disputatului jurnal al lui Traian Chelariu.Jurnalul din anii ’30, inedit ?n cea mai mare m?sura, este interesant din mai multe puncte de vedere. Pe de o parte, el ?nregistreaz? minu?ios atmosfera din mediul intelectual din Cernau?ii perioadei interbelice. Via?a universitar?, disputele tinerilor scriitori, ?ncercarea de a impune coordonate rom?ne?ti lumii culturale, toate acestea sunt minu?ios radiografiate ?n cele zece caiete manuscris. ?n jurnal, sunt reproduse scrisori trimise sau primite de la Ion Nistor, ministru ?n mai multe legislaturi, de la Mircea Streinul, tumultuosul coleg de genera?ie, de la alte figuri importante ale locului. Pe de alt? parte, g?sim aici reperele form?rii unui intelectual ale c?rui valori s?nt focalizate de necesitatea unei deveniri culturale. Viziunea stoic? pe care Traian Chelariu o ?ntruchipeaz? ?n anii ’50 este fundamentat? pe experien?a unei tinere?i angajate pe traiectul asum?rii culturii. ?n plus, jurnalul cuprinde experien?a studiilor sale la ?coala Rom?n? de la Paris ?i la Roma, fiind ?i din acest punct de vedere un document.
Supergenele. Desc?tu?eaz? puterea uluitoare a ADN-ului pentru o s?n?tate
Supergenele. Desc?tu?eaz? puterea uluitoare a ADN-ului pentru o s?n?tate
Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi
Cartea este rezultatul unor studii aprofundate intreprinse de autoare ?n domeniul stilurilor de via?? contemporane, rom?ne?ti dar ?i din alte p?r?i ale lumii. Cercetarea acestora a fost f?cut? intensiv mai ales ?n ultimii zece ani. La baza acestor texte stau, ?n primul r?nd, interven?iile hebdomadare ale autoarei la emisiunea Tenta?ii culturale de la Radio Rom?nia Cultural. Evident, ?n transformarea unor ?pastile“ radiofonice ?ntr-un volum de eseuri ?nchegate, structurate tematic ?i revizuite stilistic a fost parcurs? o cale lung?. Din bogata tematic? a lucr?rii, men?ion?m: ?ocurile cotidianului; pierderile pe care le implica adaptarea; cum au schimbat telefoanele mobile fa?a lumii; civiliza?ia str?zii (ieri ?i azi); cultura ?n autobuz; la bibliotec?, prin biblioteci; ?n pia??, la coada, la doctor; ?n c?l?torie, din c?l?torii; prin ora?e mari ?i mici; despre comis-voiajori, despre bac?i?; nun?i, botezuri, funeralii... Cartea este scrisa ?ntr-un stil simplu, accesibil ?i ludic. Se adreseaz? speciali?tilor ?n istorie social?, antropologie, psihologie de mas?, reform? social?, dar ?i publicului cultivat, ?n general.
Irányt? az élethez
Irányt? az élethez
Kurt Tepperwein
Az út, ami hazavisz. Akik túlélték a halál pillanatát, azt mondják, pár másodperc alatt lepereg a szemük el?tt az életük. De csak ott, az utolsó pillanatban kristályosodik ki a lényeg, ám akkor általában már kés?. ?n negyven napot kaptam a sorstól, hogy végignézzem életem filmjét - még id?ben. Mint amikor a s?tétben váratlanul felkapcsolják a villanyt... Megismerhettem a lényeget... Zarándoklatra indultam, fájdalmas vezeklés lett bel?le. Egy olyan ?b?nért", amit nem is tudtam, hogy elk?vettem. Amit itt leírtam, nem a képzelet szüleménye. Legyalogoltam a nyolcszáz kilométert, és átéltem minden pillanatát. Remegtem a d?bbenett?l, amikor kézzel foghatóvá vált a csoda, és sírtam a zavarodottságtól, amikor nem értettem, mi t?rténik velem. Ha más meséli, amit ott átéltem, azt mondom, túl színes a fantáziája.
R?zbunarea ciorilor (al doilea volum din seria Banda celor ?ase ciori)
R?zbunarea ciorilor (al doilea volum din seria Banda celor ?ase ciori)
Leigh Bardugo
Vd n Aura Christi scriitoarea romnc exponenial la nivel nalt pentru era globalismului (mondialismului), pentru europenismul multinaional, ntruct, asemenea unui arbore simbolic, axial, are rdcinile n Basarabia (fost component a Uniunii Sovietice, actual Republica Moldova) i coroana n Romnia, ar membr a Uniunii Europene din 2007.Scrisul su integral devine n mod constant o expresie a unui dramatic destin personal i colectiv. Prin identitatea sa creatoare, acest scris dobndete o inconfundabil expresivitate literar. El poart marca cert a anvergurii canonice.“ (Marian Victor Buciu) Aura Christi a gsit limbajul n care s toarne experiene ce preau s se afle dincolo de posibilitatea articulrii discursive: prbuirea umanitii pn la nivelul la care cineva ucide cu aprobarea deplin a contiinei n numele unei idei, procesul de nlocuire a omului din om printr-un monstru. Nu statistica crimei, impresionant aa cum e ea, o intereseaz pe Aura Christi. Ea l toarn pe Dostoievski n Nietzsche pentru a face anatomia rului absolut. Rul din inima omului. Titlurile crilor sale sunt gritoare n privina geografiei lor morale: Casa din ntuneric, Sfera frigului, Cercul slbatic. n Vest, filosoful Nietzsche a fost cel care a influenat epistemologia postmodern prin deconstrucia logocentrismului. n Romnia, Nietzsche al moralei demistificate e cel care a influenat dou mini strlucite ale literaturii contemporane: Nicolae Breban i Aura Christi. Romancierul Nicolae Breban l-a ales pe un Nietzsche masculin, al voinei de putere i al sufletelor de stpni. Aura Christi a fost atras de Nietzsche al aporiilor, cel care, n Ecce homo, i suprapune pe Christ i Dionisos. Dup cum spune Aura Christi, blndeea sfrind n gheare“. Ea este o scriitoare a unui Est czut, care i mai include pe Ismail Kundera, Bashkim Shehu, sau pe Fraii Strugatski, deoarece la toi o realitate comaresc e redat prin frnturi de suflet omenesc.“ (Maria-Ana Tupan)
Száz ?jjel ?gyn?kség
Száz ?jjel ?gyn?kség
Fejős Éva
G?LV?LGYI J?NOS k?tetében az olvasó átfogó képet kaphat a népszer? komikus színész egész életpályájáról, a gyerekkori indíttatásoktól kezdve a sorsfordító Ki mit tud?-on át egészen a jelent?sebb színpadi alakításokig és a paródiák kulisszatitkaiig. Gálv?lgyi k?nyve egyben f?hajtás a nagy mesterek és példaképek el?tt is. T?lük idézünk most: ?Egy jó whisky, egy finom szivar és ez a k?nyv. Mi kellhet még?” Winston Churchill ??n a hazám szolgálatáért adtam fel a színészetet. Gálv?lgyi színészként szolgálja hazáját. Ha ide születik, ma ? lenne az Egyesült ?llamok eln?ke.” Ronald Reagan ?Amikor esténként forgatók?nyvet írtam és elfáradtam, letettem a tollat. Ezt a k?nyvet nem tudtam letenni.” Charlie Chaplin ?Elfogulatlanul mondom: a Rómeó és Júlia, az Othello és a Sok h?hó semmiért után a legjobb k?nyv, amit valaha olvastam. William Shakespeare ?Gálv?lgyi egy arany ember.” Jókai Mór ?El?ítéletekkel vettem kezembe ezt a k?nyvet. Aztán mosolyogtam, majd kacagtam.” Teréz anya ?Most sajnálom igazán, hogy Kennedyt ismertem, de Gálv?lgyit sajnos nem.” Marilyn Monroe ?Aki ezt a k?nyvet nem olvassa, legyen az az ? tragédiája.” Madách Imre ?Nem tudtam, hogy kétszáz oldal is elég egy remekm?h?z.” Lev Tolsztoj
George Washington
George Washington
William Roscoe Thayer
According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."
Memoirs of the Author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"
Memoirs of the Author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"
William Godwin
According to Wikipedia: "William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and one of the first modern proponents of anarchism. Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are or The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is virtually the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. In the ensuing conservative reaction to British radicalism, Godwin was attacked, in part because of his marriage to the pioneering feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft in 1797 and his candid biography of her after her death; their child, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley) would go on to author Frankenstein and marry the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Godwin wrote prolifically in the genres of novels, history and demography throughout his lifetime."
Tolstoy on Shakespeare
Tolstoy on Shakespeare
Leo Tolstoy
According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616)[a] was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[1] He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright." "Leo Tolstoy, or Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (September 9 – November 20, 1910), was a Russian writer widely regarded as among the greatest of novelists. His masterpieces War and Peace and Anna Karenina represent in their scope, breadth and vivid depiction of 19th-century Russian life and attitudes, the peak of realist fiction."
The Confessions of St. Augustine
The Confessions of St. Augustine
Saint Augustine
According to Wikipedia: Aurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo, or Saint Augustine (354 - 430) was a philosopher and theologian, and was bishop of the North African city of Hippo Regius for the last third of his life. Augustine is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity, and is considered to be one of the church fathers. He framed the concepts of original sin and just war. ...Born in present day Algeria as the eldest son of Saint Monica, he was educated in North Africa and baptized in Milan. His works including The Confessions, which is often called the first Western autobiography are still read around the world."
Robert Louis Stevenson, a Record, an Estimate, a Memorial
Robert Louis Stevenson, a Record, an Estimate, a Memorial
Alexander H. Japp
Biography of the author of Treasure Island. According to Wikipedia: "Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson ( 1850 - 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, and a leading representative of Neo-romanticism in English literature. He was the man who "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins", as G. K. Chesterton put it. He was also greatly admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. Most modernist writers dismissed him, however, because he was popular and did not write within their definition of modernism. It is only recently that critics have begun to look beyond Stevenson's popularity and allow him a place in the canon."
Tremendous Trifles
Tremendous Trifles
G. K. Chesterton
Book length collection of humorous essays. According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 - 1936) was an influential English writer of the early 20th century. His prolific and diverse output included journalism, philosophy, poetry, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton has been called the "prince of paradox."[1] He wrote in an off-hand, whimsical prose studded with startling formulations. For example: "Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it."[2] He is one of the few Christian thinkers who are equally admired and quoted by both liberal and conservative Christians, and indeed by many non-Christians. Chesterton's own theological and political views were far too nuanced to fit comfortably under the "liberal" or "conservative" banner."
Angling Sketches
Angling Sketches
Andrew Lang
Classic collection of essays about fishing in Scotland. It begins: "These papers do not boast of great sport. They are truthful, not like the tales some fishers tell. They should appeal to many sympathies. There is no false modesty in the confidence with which I esteem myself a duffer, at fishing. Some men are born duffers; others, unlike persons of genius, become so by an infinite capacity for not taking pains. Others, again, among whom I would rank myself, combine both these elements of incompetence. Nature, that made me enthusiastically fond of fishing, gave me thumbs for fingers, short-sighted eyes, indolence, carelessness, and a temper which (usually sweet and angelic) is goaded to madness by the laws of matter and of gravitation."
A mi kis k?ztársaságunk
A mi kis k?ztársaságunk
Márton László
1525, Wittenberg, Szászország A szász választófejedelem híres udvari fest?je, Lucas Cranach szomorú szem? fiatal n? portréját festi meg. A m? csak látszólag egyszer? arckép, a mester gondoskodik róla, hogy a festmény rejtett üzenetéb?l a figyelmes szemlél? kiolvashassa a lány tragikus t?rténetét. 1897, München Katharina, a magányos fiatal lány rokonai durvasága el?l menekülve a müncheni magyar fest?kolónia egyik m?vészéhez fordul segítségért. A találkozásból szerelem, majd házasság lesz, és a pár hamarosan Magyarországra k?lt?zik. De vajon el lehet-e felejteni azt a megrázó élményt, amely ?r?kre megváltoztatta a sorsukat? 2013, Budapest Kata, az elegáns pesti galéria m?vészett?rténésze a szakmájában nagyon sikeres, a szerelemben jóval kevésbé. Egy fájdalmas csalódást k?vet?en úgy d?nt, kipróbálja a Hellinger-féle családállítást, ahol bebizonyosodik, magánélete kudarcaira a múltban kell keresnie a magyarázatot. ?lményei akkor nyernek értelmet, amikor egy hetven évvel korábban elt?nt családi festmény után kutatva Németországba utazik és megismerkedik a m? új tulajdonosával. Johannes, a weimari ügyvéd nem hajlandó megválni a képt?l, ám meglep? ajánlatot tesz a lánynak. Kata igent mond a férfinak, akivel k?z?sen próbálják meg felderíteni a festményt ?vez? rejtélyt, és mik?zben egyre k?zelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, ráj?nnek, hogy a Madonna jóval t?bb titkot ?riz, mint valaha sejtették volna. A századel?t?l napjainkig ível? és a m?kincs-kereskedelem izgalmas világába vezet? regény egy fordulatos nyomozás és egy szenvedélyes szerelem t?rténete.
Purgatorio: Am murit, din fericire 4
Purgatorio: Am murit, din fericire 4
Theo Anghel
O carte savuroas?, foarte bine conturat? din prezent, un pamflet fin, sustinut de o ironie muscatoare.?Arti?tii sunt firi complicate ca un motor Peugeot. Pentru ei asta este o virtute. Respir? pe nas ?i cred c? numai ei pot a?a, pentru c? am ?nv??at din lecturi c? limba scoas? e dizgra?ioas?“, scrie Octavian D?rm?nescu despre artist ?i, implicit ?i despre sine. Iar despre pamflet ?n sine: ?pamfletul este o ?int? ?n mi?care, o pas?re de ?nalt? altitudine. Pamfletul se scrie sp?lat pe m?ini ?i cu creioane foarte ascu?ite. De ce? Pentru c? pamfletul trebuie s? fie discret“.?C?nd ai combustia ?i voca?ia de pilot de curse a lui D?rm?nescu ?i nu e?ti obi?nuit s? ape?i pe fr?n? ?nainte de curb?, mai ales c?nd e noroi pe jos (ce-i drept, noroi rom?nesc, patriotic), e greu s? nu scapi din c?nd ?n c?nd volanul ?i s? ie?i ni?el ?n decor. Din acest motiv, e cinstit s? spun firilor mai sensibile c? D?rm?nescu trebuie ?judecat? nu doar prin prisma celor scrise, ci mai ales prin prisma motivelor pe care le are atunci c?nd – de exemplu – afirm?, funebru, c? ?Toat? istoria valahilor nu este altceva dec?t o cronic? cuminte a unui popor prea fricos pentru a se revolta pentru mai bine?. – Silviu Man, actor ?i publicist
Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo
Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo
William Makepeace Thackeray
Classic travelogue. According to Wikipedia: "Thackeray is most often compared to one other great novelist of Victorian literature, Charles Dickens. During the Victorian era, he was ranked second only to Dickens, but he is now much less read and is known almost exclusively for Vanity Fair. In that novel he was able to satirize whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light touch. It also features his most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Sharp. As a result, unlike Thackeray's other novels, it remains popular with the general reading public; it is a standard fixture in university courses and has been repeatedly adapted for movies and television. In Thackeray's own day, some commentators, such as Anthony Trollope, ranked his History of Henry Esmond as his greatest work, perhaps because it expressed Victorian values of duty and earnestness, as did some of his other later novels. It is perhaps for this reason that they have not survived as well as Vanity Fair, which satirizes those values."