The Virginians (VI) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians is a sprawling epic by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond and is also loosely linked to Pendennis. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia, It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington.
The Coral Island(I) 珊瑚岛(英文版)
All Ballantyne’s novels are, in his own words, "adventure stories for young folks", and The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (1858) is no exception. It is a Robinsonade, a genre of fiction inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719).
The Norsemen in the West(I) 斯堪的纳维亚的西部传奇(英文版)
The Norsemen in the West is a tale of adventure and evangelism by Robert Michael Ballantyne (24 April 1825 – 8 February 1894) , a Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books, an accomplished artist who exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy.Norsemen , common name for the Scandinavians when they spoke the Old Norse language Norse.
A Changed Man and Other Tales(V) 短篇小说集 一个变了的人(英文版)
Known primarily for his novels and poems, Thomas Hardy also wrote a number of short stories, originally published in serial form. The book Supper and Other Tales concluding with The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid.
No Name(VIII) 无名氏(英文版)
No Name is a novel by Wilkie Collins, first published in 1862. Illegitimacy is a major theme of the novel. The story begins in 1846, at Combe-Raven in West Somerset, the country residence of the happy Vanstone family.
The Virginians (IV) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians is a novel by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia,It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. The novel follows the trials and tribulations of the twin brothers whose personal lives intrude on their decision to fight in the war effort.
The Virginians (V) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians is a historical novel by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond and is also loosely linked to Pendennis. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia, it tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. The novel follows the trials and tribulations of the twin brothers whose personal lives intrude on their decision to fight in the war effort.
The Blithedale Romance(III) 福谷传奇(英文版)
The Blithedale Romance (1852) is the third major romance of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the novel's preface, Hawthorne describes his memories of this temporary home as "essentially a daydream, and yet a fact" which he employs as "an available foothold between fiction and reality." The story takes place primarily in the utopian community of Blithedale, presumably in the mid-1800s.
Erling the Bold(V)勇者传奇:尔林的海上历险(英文版)
Erling the Bold is a novella by Robert Michael Ballantyne. The work was published in 1869. This is a tale of a Sea-rover, or Viking as they're called. In the author's own words, "The present tale is founded chiefly on the information conveyed in that most interesting work by Snorro Sturleson "The Heimskringla, or Chronicles of the Kings of Norway." It is translated from the Icelandic.
A Changed Man and Other Tales(I) 短篇小说集 一个变了的人(英文版)
The book Supper and Other Tales concluding with The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. By Hardy, Thomas Originally published in 1914, this is the first collected edition of these 12 shorter novels, which had previously only appeared in magazines and journal.
Astoria(III) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
In the early 1800s, John Astor made the fateful decision to make good on his long-held dream of establishing a fur-trading company in the Northwest United States.
Knickerbocker's History of New York(III) 纽约外史(英文版)
“Knickerbocker's History of New York” is the book by Washington Irving, an American writer who was born in New York City on April 3, 1783. Prior to its publication, Irving started a hoax akin to today's viral marketing campaigns; he placed a series of missing person adverts in New York newspapers seeking information on Diedrich Knickerbocker, a crusty Dutch historian who had allegedly gone missing from his hotel in New York City.
在人类社会中,管理无处不在,无时不在。任何事情成也管理,败也管理。可以毫不夸张地说,管理实践与人类历史一样悠久,人类社会的任何进步都一定包含着管理学所做出的重要贡献。 当今社会中,管理对于任何一个个体、企业、国家都有着极大的作用,当今社会的进一步发展和前进也离不开管理。 那么,什么是管理呢?近百年来国内外许多学者试图对管理进行定义。例如,现代管理理论创始人法国实业家法约尔提出:管理是由计划、组织、指挥、协调及控制等职能为要素组成的活动过程。美国管理学大师彼得?德鲁克认为管理是一种实践,其本质不在于“知”而在于“行”。各位学者分别从不同的角度向我们描绘了管理的概念。 在前人研究的基础上,我们将管理的定义归纳为:与别人一起或者通过别人把工作任务完成得更加有效的过程。“有效”包含两个方面的含义:即高效果与高效率,既有明确的高水平的工作任务产出结果,又在花费较小、速度较快的条件下完成工作任务。 管理就是协调和监管他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率、有效果地完成工作。 简而言之,管理就是管理者所从事的工作。 管理的本质是管事,而不是管人。人在工作过程中只能是“被激励”,而不能是“被管”。如果只盯着人,则容易陷入管理的误区,无法实现高效的目标。分清管事与管人,则可以找到提高管理水平的钥匙。 管事的重点就是协调,协调包括两个方面的内容:一是组织内部各要素之间的协调,使其构成一个有机整体,形成强大的竞争力;二是组织与外部环境的协调。对于任何一个组织而言,只有通过运用各种管理职能协调好组织内部要素之间以及内部与外部之间的多重关系,组织才能实现发展。
《新东方英语》月刊.2003年五月创刊,由新东方教育科技集团与《海外文摘》杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生、部分高中生以及广大的英语爱好者,是国内英语学习类期刊中品质、内容俱佳的后起之秀。 《新东方英语》以“提高实力、充实人生”为办刊理念,旨在”提高读者英语应用能力,传播新东方文化精髓.与读者分享人生感悟”,主要内容为实用的考试技巧辅导、权威的留学资讯、系统的异域文化介绍以及隽永的美文赏析。
《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》 《英语国家文化与生活:美国》 《英语国家文化与生活:英国》 《英语国家文化与生活:澳大利亚》 《英语国家文化与生活》系列图书由以英语为母语的作者,为中国学生和英语学习者专门编写,尤其是将来准备出国留学的学生。 《英语国家文化与生活:英国》以英国这一英语国家的历史和文化为背景,对该国的人文地理、旅游、经济、文化、教育及日常生活做了详细介绍,通过这本《英语国家文化与生活:英国》你将对英国有全新的认识。针对ESL学习者的特点和英语水平, 《英语国家文化与生活:英国》以全英文方式出版, 是国内英语学习者很好的阅读素材,每一章节后都有对本章节重难点单词的注释与习题,在阅读的同时提升阅读水平。对准备出国留学的学生备考英语水平考试也大有帮助。 This series of books allows readers to strengthen their vocabularywhile learning important information about the history and culture of differentEnglish speaking countries. In This Is Great Britain, you will learn all aboutthe people and history of the United Kingdom. This book will help you get toknow the real Britain and it contains many travel tips for visitors. Followingthe flights of birds across Great Britain, the book keeps the readerentertained while sharing information about the literature, geography andhistory of the country. Thisis the perfect book for students who are interested in completing a work orstudy term in Great Britain. It is also ideal for travellers who areconsidering Great Britain as a destination. The book comes complete withpractice questions to test your new knowledge and vocabulary lists for review,so you can sharpen your English language skills while reading. Enjoy this bookand the others in this essential series!
《踏社会必须要看的英语学习书》 很多人踏社会才决定要学好英语,但又不知道该学哪些内容?踏社会之后,学习力和记忆力都不如在校的学生。作者李文昊针对这个群体,独创了一套适合他们的“省时的英语学习法”,并列出了6周的学习计划表,只要集中学习30天,英语能力马上提高。作者精心选取40多个话题,内容涉及生活、日常交际、职场、旅游、娱乐等。180多张全彩图片,200多个情境对话,10000多个实用句型,且每篇主题下设计了会话,并选取了核心词汇、经典句型、Tips重知识行补充学习。内容系统实用,并根据不同情境配有生动的插图。本书配备了标准美音MP3录音,有助于读者掌握地道发音,同步提高口语能力。可以说,本书内容囊括了常用的单词、地道的表达、实用的对话以及文化知识和语法。 《一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句》 本书以“日常生活和工作中的常用表达”为着眼,筛选出各种不同的口语表达短句,分门别类,一应俱全。书中将人们日常生活领域划分为17 个部分,从衣食住行到休闲娱乐等等,基本上涵盖了生活的方方面面。此外,每个部分又细分为若干场景,场景以对话篇,并配有插图、单词、短语以增强内容的丰富性和趣味性。对话后面是本书的重,即在类似的情景下使用的核心句型。全书以史蒂文为核心人物,通过他的生活、工作、学习、休闲娱乐等引出生活场景和日常会话,贴近生活,实用性强。