In rational and objective language, this book makes avivid tour of development of religions in China over acouple of miillennia seen in the context of her ideologicalclashes with the West. It takes a systematic look back at thehistorical traditions of China's religions, distilling the basiccharacteristics of ancient Chinese religions into one soocinctconcept-pluralistc harmony-which includes four specificaspects: revering heaven and emulating ancestors, harmonyof multiple creeds, letting religion play a supplementary roleto government, and exalting virtue in society. It sorts outthe history and status quo of Christeanity and Islam in Chinaand describes the development of religion Tibet, Xin-jiang, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as the historyand current circumstances of China's contact with foreignreligious circles, and also offers insight into controversialtopics in the contemporary world, such as religious extrem-ism, terrorism and cults. The book expoumds on the concept of Harmony,the phiiosophical marrow of the Chinese Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist cultural traditions. From the standpoint of com-bining theory and practice, it systematically answerS the questions of how the atheistic Communist Party of China is able to enact policies of freedom of religious belef,unite vast numbers of religious adherents and non-believers to the greatest extent possible, be dedicated to reform, opening up and socialist modernization,and be an inpetus for realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
书在等人,人在等书。人在阅读中,可以衔昼与夜,与经典和大师的对话,永不为时间阻隔。 本书由韩浩月的随笔结集而成。悼文,迈克尔·杰克逊、斯坦·李到金庸、二月河,告别带走一个时代的大师;评书,从《局外人》《月亮和六便士》到《堂·吉诃德》,书写作者本人隐秘的经典阅读心灵史;评影,从《少年派》《被解放的姜戈》到《让子弹飞》,力图展现世界电影表达的意志;记人,从村上春树、莱昂纳多到张艺谋,着重从个人视角考察人性与真实。 韩浩月以流畅凝练的文笔,徐徐展一幅生动丰富的光影画卷,细腻地展现自身丰富的内心世界,带领观者与大师、经典在纸上相遇,共赴一场不散的精神盛宴。
《道德经》由形而上的“道”,谈及圣人之道以及修养之道,可以指导我们为人处世,让我们做到与自然和谐相处。《道德经》仅五干余言 , 但文约意丰、博大精深 , 涵盖哲学、伦理学、政治学、军事学等诸多学科,不仅对中国古老的哲学、科学、政治、宗教等产生了深刻的影响 , 而且对中华民族的性格铸成、政治的统一与稳定 , 都起着不可估量的作用。
《美学三境》 美之境界是人类生命的“高级精神食粮”。本书内容包含王国维对美与艺术的基本观念,对审美、艺术等问题的具体见解。王国维个性鲜明,《美学三境》给大家传递的是“高级美”。让你不仅能“谈美”“讲美”更能在平凡的生命中活出人生该有的样子,绽放出属于自己独一无二的美。 《谈美》 本书从“谈美”为“免俗” “人心净化”的目标出发,顺着美从哪里来、美是什么?及美的特,这一脉络层层展,娓娓道来,抒发了这位美学大师的人格理想、审美理想。提出了他的美学研究的理想目标,即“人生的艺术化”,它是个人修养、快乐的源泉,也是净化社会、净化人心、解决社会问题的根本良方。 《宗白华美学二十讲》 本书立足中国传统美学,系统梳理宗白华在中国美学方面的文章20篇,从中国艺术到绘画、书法、音乐、建筑、文艺等方面分别阐述,展现宗白华在中国美学方面的成果。让读者深到中国数千年民族艺术的精魂中,感受到人的生命在艺术的美中缓缓流动,形成中国独特的美学体验和创造。 是一部了解和学习中传统艺术和美学不可错过的杰作。即便初学者也感受到一种忘我的美感情思,沉潜到对中国文化审美的热爱中去。使人生的生活成为艺术品似的创造。让每一位为俗务所纷扰的现代读者,每一个渴望自由宁静的现代心灵,都能在先生灵动的文字里,充分感受人间的诗意和对生命的憧憬。
从学科观念的纳到学科体系的确立,冯友兰先生为中国哲学史学科的早期建构做出的努力功不可殁。本书即是冯先生为中国哲学史奠定基础框架、指明方向的一部作品。通过纳和吸收西方哲学的模式和方法,冯友兰从形而上学、人生哲学和方法论三个角度切,系统研究了孔子、墨子、孟子、老子、庄子、荀子和名家等先秦诸子,以及周濂溪、张横渠、二程、朱熹、王阳明等宋明道学家的哲学思想,并将其视做中国哲学传承和发展的主流加以梳理、阐释。 中国哲学史门之作,从先秦诸子谈到宋明诸家,是一本思精、虑周、意明的哲学小书。为使读者更直观地了解中国古代的哲学大师们,书中专门配以生动的插图,图文并茂,辉映成趣,并由北大哲学系教授、中华孔子学会理事会副会长张学智撰文导读,让读者更清晰深地理解这部大师之作。
成年人的词典里,没有容易二字。 无论你现在是20岁还是70岁,你都可能觉得已经过去的人生里出了一些岔子,其中有的部分无法修补,有的令人懊悔。 你觉得自己选错了专业,跳槽过于频繁,也有可能你正为要不要生孩子而纠结,或正在出轨边缘徘徊。 当你选择了一个方向、一份职业、一种生活方式甚至一个人,也意味着你放弃了其他的可能性。 那些可能性让人着迷,甚至勾引你放弃现有的生活重新来过。 重启毕竟是一个高成本的选择,人生不是一场随时存档读档的游戏,在这之前你需要充分模拟、推演、检查,做好准备再上路。 这本书就是为这样的顾虑而准备的,它写给所有与不可逆的时间搏斗的人。 你能在这里快速学习哲学家如何给不同的事物赋分,表彰它们给予人生的不同价值,看到哲学家如何从自己的中年危机里突围,他们甚至写过多篇论文探讨是不是应该放弃上面提到的其他可能性。 即使你不算改写人生,或者觉得人生过于乏味,这本书也能帮你换种思路,继续生活。
无论对远行人的回忆还是对恋人的回忆,回忆的原始本质都次达于澄明。回忆其实就是使什么东西固定下来,亦即一门心思扑向一种牢固的东西。 但是“心灵”这个词还是藏有另一种劝慰, 等到哪一天我们不再按人类学的观来思考人,我们就会重新听到这种劝慰的呼唤。心灵乃是[心绪、性情]这种东西的源泉和场所,又是它的构造和声音,它把我们抛呈现为诸般形态的亲密性之中,诸如冷静和贫穷、温厚和高尚、优美和无私、宽容和忍让。
省心杂言 (中国伦理第一书)
Csupasz csontok
DAVID HUME (1711 – 1776) was a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist known especially for his philosophical empiricism and skepticism. He was one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment. Hume is often grouped with John Locke, George Berkeley, and a handful of others as a British Empiricist. Beginning with his A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), Hume strove to create a total naturalistic "science of man" that examined the psychological basis of human nature. In stark opposition to the rationalists who preceded him, most notably Descartes, he concluded that desire rather than reason governed human behaviour, saying: "REASON IS, and OUGHT ONLY to BE the SLAVE of the PASSIONS". A prominent figure in the sceptical philosophical tradition and a strong empiricist, he argued against the existence of innate ideas, concluding instead that humans have knowledge only of things they directly experience.. NOTHING is more usual and more natural for those, who pretend to discover anything new to the world in philosophy and the sciences, than to insinuate the praises of their own systems, by decrying all those, which have been advanced before them. And indeed were they content with lamenting that ignorance, which we still lie under in the most important questions, that can come before the tribunal of human reason, there are few, who have an acquaintance with the sciences, that would not readily agree with them. It is easy for one of judgment and learning, to perceive the weak foundation even of those systems, which have obtained the greatest credit, and have carried their pretensions highest to accurate and profound reasoning. Principles taken upon trust, consequences lamely deduced from them, want of coherence in the parts, and of evidence in the whole, these are every where to be met with in the systems of the most eminent philosophers, and seem to have drawn disgrace upon philosophy itself. Nor is there required such profound knowledge to discover the present imperfect condition of the sciences, but even the rabble without doors may, judge from the noise and clamour, which they hear, that all goes not well within. There is nothing which is not the subject of debate, and in which men of learning are not of contrary opinions. The most trivial question escapes not our controversy, and in the most momentous we are not able to give any certain decision. Disputes are multiplied, as if every thing was uncertain; and these disputes are managed with the greatest warmth, as if every thing was certain. Amidst all this bustle it is not reason, which carries the prize, but eloquence; and no man needs ever despair of gaining proselytes to the most extravagant hypothesis, who has art enough to represent it in any favourable colours. The victory is not gained by the men at arms, who manage the pike and the sword; but by the trumpeters, drummers, and musicians of the army. From hence in my opinion arises that common prejudice against metaphysical reasonings of all kinds, even amongst those, who profess themselves scholars, and have a just value for every other part of literature. By metaphysical reasonings, they do not understand those on any particular branch of science, but every kind of argument, which is any way abstruse, and requires some attention to be comprehended. We have so often lost our labour in such researches, that we commonly reject them without hesitation, and resolve, if we must for ever be a prey to errors and delusions, that they shall at least be natural and entertaining. And indeed nothing but the most determined scepticism, along with a great degree of indolence, can justify this aversion to metaphysics. For if truth be at all within the reach of human capacity, it is certain it must lie very deep and abstruse: and to hope we shall arrive at it without pains, while the greatest geniuses have failed with the utmost pains..
Liberty Girl
Human reason, in one sphere of its cognition, is called upon to consider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature, but which it cannot answer, as they transcend every faculty of the mind. It falls into this difficulty without any fault of its own. It begins with principles, which cannot be dispensed with in the field of experience, and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the same time, insured by experience. With these principles it rises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions. But it quickly discovers that, in this way, its labours must remain ever incomplete, because new questions never cease to present themselves; and thus it finds itself compelled to have recourse to principles which transcend the region of experience, while they are regarded by common sense without distrust. It thus falls into confusion and contradictions, from which it conjectures the presence of latent errors, which, however, it is unable to discover, because the principles it employs, transcending the limits of experience, cannot be tested by that criterion. The arena of these endless contests is called Metaphysic.Time was, when she was the queen of all the sciences; and, if we take the will for the deed, she certainly deserves, so far as regards the high importance of her object-matter, this title of honour. Now, it is the fashion of the time to heap contempt and scorn upon her; and the matron mourns, forlorn and forsaken, like Hecuba: At first, her gover Modo maxima rerum, Tot generis, natisque potens... Nunc trahor exul, inops. —Ovid, Metamorphoses. xiii under the administration of the dogmatists, was an absolute despotism. But, as the legislative continued to show traces of the ancient barbaric rule, her empire gradually broke up, and intestine wars introduced the reign of anarchy; while the sceptics, like nomadic tribes, who hate a permanent habitation and settled mode of living, attacked from time to time those who had organized themselves into civil communities. But their number was, very happily, small; and thus they could not entirely put a stop to the exertions of those who persisted in raising new edifices, although on no settled or uniform plan. In recent times the hope dawned upon us of seeing those disputes settled, and the legitimacy of her claims established by a kind of physiology of the human understanding—that of the celebrated Locke. But it was found that—although it was affirmed that this so-called queen could not refer her descent to any higher source than that of common experience, a circumstance which necessarily brought suspicion on her claims—as this genealogy was incorrect, she persisted in the advancement of her claims to sovereignty. Thus metaphysics necessarily fell back into the antiquated and rotten constitution of dogmatism, and again became obnoxious to the contempt from which efforts had been made to save it. At present, as all methods, according to the general persuasion, have been tried in vain, there reigns nought but weariness and complete indifferentism—the mother of chaos and night in the scientific world, but at the same time the source of, or at least the prelude to, the re-creation and reinstallation of a science, when it has fallen into confusion, obscurity, and disuse from ill directed effort. I do not mean by this a criticism of books and systems, but a critical inquiry into the faculty of reason, with reference to the cognitions to which it strives to attain without the aid of experience; in other words, the solution of the question regarding the possibility or impossibility of metaphysics, and the determination of the origin, as well as of the extent and limits of this science. All this must be done on the basis of principles. ABOUT AUTHOR: That all our knowledge begins with experience there can be no doubt. For how is it possible that the faculty of cognition should be awakened into exercise otherwise than by means of objects which affect our senses, and partly of themselves produce representations, partly rouse our powers of understanding into activity, to compare to connect, or to separate these, and so to convert the raw material of our sensuous impressions into a knowledge of objects, which is called experience? In respect of time, therefore, no knowledge of ours is antecedent to experience, but begins with it. But, though all our knowledge begins with experience, it by no means follows that all arises out of experience. For, on the contrary, it is quite possible that our empirical knowledge is a compound of that which we receive through impressions, and that which the faculty of cognition supplies from itself (sensuous impressions giving merely the occasion), an addition which we cannot distinguish from the original element given by sense, till long practice has made us attentive to, and skilful in separating it. It is, therefore, a question which requires close investigation, and not to b
Reverie cu flori de cire
A fi rom?n? ?E o ru?ine!“, exclama Cioran. ?n ce m?sur? filosoful de la Paris avea dreptate? Ce ?nseamn? ?a fi rom?n“ ?ntr-o fals? tranzi?ie care aparent nu se mai termin?? La aceste ?i multe alte ?ntreb?ri ?ncearc? s? r?spund? scriitorul Ionel Necula ?n opus-ul de fa??, care ?nsumeaz? analize ale r?sturn?rilor sociale evidente, ?nregistrate ?n ultimii ?aptesprezece ani. Nu ?ntotdeauna comod, spiritul coroziv al autorului ??i spune cuv?ntul, av?nd uneori accente incendiare.