

Joomla! Web Security
Joomla! Web Security
Tom Canavan
This book will give you a strong, hands-on approach to security. It starts out with the most basic of considerations such as choosing the right hosting sites then moves quickly into securing the Joomla! site and servers. This is a security handbook for Joomla! sites. It is an easy-to-use guide that will take you step by step into the world of secured websites. This book is a must-read for anyone seriously using Joomla! for any kind of business, ranging from small retailers to larger businesses. With this book they will be able to secure their sites, understand the attackers, and more, without the drudging task of looking up in forums, only to be flamed, or not even find the answers. Prior knowledge of Joomla! is expected but no prior knowledge of securing websites is needed for this book. The reader will gain a moderate to strong level of knowledge on strengthening their sites against hackers.
Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications
Tapestry 5: Building Web Applications
Alexander Kolesnikov
This book is for those who want to build sophisticated Java web applications quickly and easily. It assumes that the reader is reasonably comfortable with the Java programming language, but no knowledge of web technologies is needed. For experienced Servlet, JSP, or Struts developers, the book will show an alternative way that will allow them to raise their productivity to an incomparable level. With this book you will see that a contemporary component-based framework can be easy to learn and a pleasure to work with.
Drupal 5 Themes
Drupal 5 Themes
Ric Shreves
This book is the ideal introduction to theming with Drupal 5. If you want to create a striking new look for your Drupal website, this book is for you. Starting from the basics of theme setup and configuration, you will learn about the Drupal theming architecture and the PHPTemplate engine, and then move on to modifying existing themes and building new themes from scratch. Included is a complete guide to the various style sheets and themeable functions in Drupal 5, making this book a valuable resource even to experienced theme developers. It covers: Creating custom templates Basics of theming in pure PHP Modifying an existing PHPTemplate theme" a step-by-step guide Creating a new PHPTemplate theme" a step-by-step guide Working with forms The main requirements to make use of this book are knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a touch of creativity! Although this book aims to make Drupal theming accessible to designers, theming in Drupal 5 involves writing some PHP code, and a basic knowledge of PHP will be helpful.
Joomla! Accessibility
Joomla! Accessibility
David Studebaker
Fast-paced and to-the-point, this book takes you through the important topics of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with clear explanations and practical example code. The book's selection of topics is driven by what the working developer needs to know in order to become productive as quickly as possible. The business applications software designer/developer who: Wants to become productive in NAV C/SIDE C/AL development as quickly as possible Understands business applications and the associated software Has significant programming experience Has access to NAV including at least the Designer granules, preferably a full development license and a standard Cronus demo database Is willing to do the exercises to get hands-on experience The Reseller manager or executive who wants a concise, in depth view of NAVs development environment and tool set The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm using NAV that is about to embark on a significant NAV enhancement project The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm considering purchase of NAV as a highly customizable business applications platform The reader of this book: Does not need to be expert in object-oriented programming Does not need to have previous experience with NAV
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
Shu-Wai Chow
This book is a practical tutorial with five detailed and carefully explained case studies to build new and effective mashup applications. If you feel confident with your PHP programming, familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, unafraid of XML, and interested in mashing things up, this is the book for you! There are a lot of formats and protocols, web services and web APIs encountered in this book ” you do not need to know anything about them or about AJAX; you will find all you need in the book.
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Bogdan Brinzarea
This book is a practical tutorial to get you confident and comfortable working with the Microsoft AJAX suite. Packed with step-by-step examples and detailed explanations of how the examples work, this book is the ideal first step into the exciting world of AJAX in ASP.NET This book has been written for ASP.NET developers entering the world of the ASP.NET AJAX Framework, and for existing ASP.NET AJAX developers looking for a more detailed tutorial on the client-side of the framework: the Microsoft AJAX Library.
16 conferin?e despre traum?
16 conferin?e despre traum?
Crocq Louis
Mivel az informatika egyre inkább átsz?vi életünket, a szoftverek min?ségével kapcsolatos elvárások egyre magasabbak. Egy szoftver el?állítása azonban nem csak programozásból áll, és a programozóktól sem lehet elvárni emberfeletti képességeket, a megrendel? el nem mondott elképzelésének t?kéletesen megfelel?, teljesen hibamentes munkát, mivel csak az nem hibázik, aki nem is dolgozik. Az informatika világában a szoftvertesztel?k azok, akik a szoftverek min?ségéért dolgoznak. A szoftvertesztel?k?n óriási felel?sség nyugszik és folyamatosan elvárások kereszttüzében kell helytállniuk. Mégis, szoftvertesztelés nélkül a legt?bb szoftver el sem jutna a felhasználókig, vagy ha igen, akkor megjelenésük botrányokkal, valamint óriási anyagi és erk?lcsi veszteségekkel járna együtt, a rengeteg fel nem tárt programhiba miatt. Szoftvertesztelésre és tesztel?kre ezért mindenképp szükség van. K?nyvünk a professzionális szoftvertesztelés alapjaival ismerteti meg az olvasót, számos gyakorlati példával f?szerezve, mell?zve a száraz, pusztán technikai megk?zelítés? leírásokat, kezdve a szoftvertesztelés általános bemutatásától, a fogalmak ismertetését?l, majd részleteiben tárgyalva a szoftvertesztelést és annak helyét a fejlesztési folyamatokban. Segítségével jó adag gyakorlati ismerettel vértezhetjük fel magunkat, melynek során valódi, a tesztelést támogató alkalmazásokat ismerhetünk meg, biztos alapot nyújtva a szoftvertesztelésben elhelyezked? leend? és gyakorló szakembereknek a mindennapi munkájukhoz. A szoftverteszteléssel most ismerked? szakembereknek és laikusoknak kimondottan hasznos lehet ez a k?nyv, de fejleszt?k és cégvezet?k számára is tartogat hasznos információkat, melyek segítségével bevezethetik, illetve hatékonyabbá tehetik a szoftvertesztelést munkájuk során.
A h?séges férfi?: Boldogságnovellák
A h?séges férfi?: Boldogságnovellák
Kőrösi Zoltán
Ha kíváncsi az olyan témákra, mint például hogy miként lehet felt?rni egy jelszót, vagy egy webhelyet, esetleg hogyan lehet lehallgatni bárki kommunikációját egy nyílt wifi hálózaton, akkor ez a k?nyv ?nnek szól. Sokan azt hiszik, hogy ezek ?rd?ng?s dolgok, pedig egyáltalán nem azok. ?ppen ezért fontos, hogy védekezni is kell ellenük, ami szintén nem bonyolult, csak egy kis odafigyelésre van szükség. K?nyvünk mindkét oldalt megmutatja, elrettentésképpen a lehet?ségeket, okulásként a védekezési módokat. Ha ?n azt hiszi, hogy biztonságban van, hiszen nem csinál semmi illegálisat és még vírusirtó is van a gépén, akkor nagyon téved! Teljesk?r? védelem ugyanis nem létezik! Ha elolvassa ezt a k?nyvet, meg fog d?bbenni, hogy milyen sok támadási lehet?ség van adataink ellen. A k?nyv, azon túl, hogy ismerteti, mit jelentenek az információbiztonsági szakkifejezések olyan témákkal foglalkozik, mint hogy milyen eszk?z?k támadhatók és hogyan, hogyan dolgozik egy hacker, mekkora kockázatot jelent az emberi tényez? (social engineering), stb. Kitér a jelszavak biztonságára, a kül?nféle hackeléshez használható programok és azok kezelésére, a billenty?zetnaplózási lehet?ségekre, a hálózatok és weboldalak támadására és felt?résére, az online bankolási kockázatokra, a titkosítási módszerekre, illetve hogy mit érdemes tenni a biztonságos adattárolás érdekében.Természetesen senkit sem akarunk illegális tevékenységre buzdítani, célunk sokkal inkább azt megmutatni, hogy mekkora veszélynek vagyunk kitéve, ezáltal a támadási és védekezési lehet?ségek bemutatásával ?szt?n?zzük az embereket a biztonságosabb számítógéphasználatra.
Learning Rust:A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications
Learning Rust:A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications
Paul Johnson, Vesa Kaihlavirta
Start building fast and robust applications with the power of Rust by your sideAbout This Book·Get started with the language to build scalable and high performance applications·This book will help C#/C++ developers gain better performance and memory management·Discover the power of Rust when developing concurrent applications for large and scalable softwareWho This Book Is ForThe book is for absolute beginners to Rust, who want to build high performance, concurrent applications for their projects. It is suitable for developers who have a basic knowledge of programming and developers who are using the C#/C++ language to write their applications. No knowledge of Rust is expected.What You Will Learn·Set up Rust for Windows, Linux, and OS X·Write effective code using Rust·Expand your Rust applications using libraries·Interface existing non-Rust libraries with your Rust applications·Use the standard library within your applications·Understand memory management within Rust and speed efficiency when passing variables·Create more complex data types·Study concurrency in Rust with multi-threaded applications and sync threading techniques to improve the performance of an application problemIn DetailRust is a highly concurrent and high performance language that focuses on safety and speed, memory management, and writing clean code. It also guarantees thread safety, and its aim is to improve the performance of existing applications. Its potential is shown by the fact that it has been backed by Mozilla to solve the critical problem of concurrency.Learning Rust will teach you to build concurrent, fast, and robust applications. From learning the basic syntax to writing complex functions, this book will is your one stop guide to get up to speed with the fundamentals of Rust programming. We will cover the essentials of the language, including variables, procedures, output, compiling, installing, and memory handling.You will learn how to write object-oriented code, work with generics, conduct pattern matching, and build macros. You will get to know how to communicate with users and other services, as well as getting to grips with generics, scoping, and more advanced conditions. You will also discover how to extend the compilation unit in Rust.By the end of this book, you will be able to create a complex application in Rust to move forward with.Style and approachThis comprehensive book will focus on the Rust syntax, functions, data types, and conducting pattern matching for programmers. It is divided into three parts and each part of the book has an objective to enable the readers to create their own applications at an appropriate level, ultimately towards creating complex applications.
Flux Architecture
Flux Architecture
Adam Boduch
Learn to build powerful and scalable applications with Flux, the architecture that serves billions of Facebook users every dayAbout This Book·This the first resource dedicated to the new architectural pattern that powers Facebook·You'll learn all the tips and tricks you need to get the most out of Flux·Filled with practical, hands-on samples, you'll not only understand how Flux works, but will be able to start building Flux-powered applications straight away·Written by Adam Boduch, software architect at Virtustream (EMC), and author of JavaScript at Scale, JavaScript Concurrency, and jQuery UI Cookbook for Packt PublishingWho This Book Is ForAre you trying to use React, but are struggling to get your head around Flux? Maybe you're tired of MV* spaghetti code at scale? Do you find yourself asking what the Flux?!Flux Architecture will guide you through everything you need to understand the Flux pattern, and design and build powerful web applications that rely on the Flux architecture.You don't need to know what Flux is or how it works to read along with the book. No knowledge of Flux's partner technology, ReactJS, is necessary to follow along, but it is recommended that you have a good working knowledge of JavaScript.What You Will Learn·Understand the Flux pattern and how it will impact your React applications·Build real-world applications that rely on Flux·Handle asynchronous actions in your application·Implement immutable stores with Immutable.js·Replace React.js with alternate View components such as jQuery and Handlebars·Test and benchmark your Flux architecture using Jest—Facebook's enhancement of the Jasmine libraryIn DetailWhilst React has become Facebook's poster-child for clean, complex, and modern web development, it has quietly been underpinned by its simplicity. It's just a view. The real beauty in React is actually the architectural pattern that handles data in and out of React applications: Flux. With Flux, you're able to build data-rich applications that engage your users, and scale to meet every demand. It is a key part of the Facebook technology stack that serves billions of users every day.This book will start by introducing the Flux pattern and help you get an understanding of what it is and how it works. After this, we'll build real-world React applications that highlight the power and simplicity of Flux in action. Finally, we look at the landscape of Flux and explore the Alt and Redux libraries that make React and Flux developments easier.Filled with fully-worked examples and code-first explanations, by the end of the book, you'll not only have a rock solid understanding of the architecture, but will be ready to implement Flux architecture in anger.Style and approachThis book is filled with practical, hands-on examples. You'll not only understand how Flux works, but will be able to start building Flux-powered applications straight away.
RESTful Web API Design with Node.js - Second Edition
RESTful Web API Design with Node.js - Second Edition
Valentin Bojinov
Design and implement efficient RESTful solutions with this practical hands-on guideAbout This Book·Create a fully featured RESTful API solution from scratch.·Learn how to leverage Node.JS, Express, MongoDB and NoSQL datastores to give an extra edge to your REST API design.·Use this practical guide to integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application.Who This Book Is ForThe ideal target audience for this book is web developers who have some experience with RESTful services. Familiarity with basic JavaScript programming techniques is required. No prior experience with Node.JS or Express.js is required.What You Will Learn·Install, develop, and test your own Node.js user modules·Comprehend the differences between an HTTP and a RESTful application·Optimize RESTful service URI routing with best practices·Eliminate third-party dependencies in your tests with mocking·Learn about NoSQL data stores and integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application with Mongoose·Secure your services with NoSQL database integration within Node.js applications·Enrich your development skills to create scalable, server-side, RESTful applications based on the Node.js platformIn DetailIn this era of cloud computing, every data provisioning solution is built in a scalable and fail-safe way. Thus, when building RESTful services, the right choice for the underlying platform is vital. Node.js, with its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, is exactly the right choice to build RESTful APIs.This book will help you enrich your development skills to create scalable, server-side, RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform.Starting with the fundamentals of REST, you will understand why RESTful web services are better data provisioning solution than other technologies. You will start setting up a development environment by installing Node.js, Express.js, and other modules. Next, you will write a simple HTTP request handler and create and test Node.js modules using automated tests and mock objects. You will then have to choose the most appropriate data storage type, having options between a key/value or document data store, and also you will implement automated tests for it. This module will evolve chapter by chapter until it turns into a full-fledged and secure Restful service.Style and approachCreate state of the art RESTful API solutions leveraging Node.JS 4.x.
Deployment with Docker
Deployment with Docker
Srdjan Grubor
A practical guide to rapidly and efficiently mastering Docker containers, along with tips and tricks learned in the field.About This Book·Use Docker containers, horizontal node scaling, modern orchestration tools (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery to manage your infrastructure.·Increase service density by turning often-idle machines into hosts for numerous Docker services.·Learn what it takes to build a true container infrastructure that is scalable, reliable, and resilient in the face of increased complexities from using container infrastructures.·Find out how to identify, debug, and mitigate most real-world, undocumented issues when deploying your own Docker infrastructure.·Learn tips and tricks of the trade from existing Docker infrastructures running in production environments.Who This Book Is ForThis book is aimed at system administrators, developers, DevOps engineers, and software engineers who want to get concrete, hands-on experience deploying multi-tier web applications and containerized microservices using Docker. This book is also for anyone who has worked on deploying services in some fashion and wants to take their small-scale setups to the next level (or simply to learn more about the process).What You Will Learn·Set up a working development environment and create a simple web service to demonstrate the basics·Learn how to make your service more usable by adding a database and an app server to process logic·Add resilience to your services by learning how to horizontally scale with a few containers on a single node·Master layering isolation and messaging to simplify and harden the connectivity between containers·Learn about numerous issues encountered at scale and their workarounds, from the kernel up to code versioning·Automate the most important parts of your infrastructure with continuous integrationIn DetailDeploying Docker into production is considered to be one of the major pain points in developing large-scale infrastructures, and the documentation available online leaves a lot to be desired. With this book, you will learn everything you wanted to know to effectively scale your deployments globally and build a resilient, scalable, and containerized cloud platform for your own use.The book starts by introducing you to the containerization ecosystem with some concrete and easy-to-digest examples; after that, you will delve into examples of launching multiple instances of the same container. From there, you will cover orchestration, multi-node setups, volumes, and almost every relevant component of this new approach to deploying services. Using intertwined approaches, the book will cover battle-tested tooling, or issues likely to be encountered in real-world scenarios, in detail. You will also learn about the other supporting components required for a true PaaS deployment and discover common options to tie the whole infrastructure together.At the end of the book, you learn to build a small, but functional, PaaS (to appreciate the power of the containerized service approach) and continue to explore real-world approaches to implementing even larger global-scale services.Style and approachThis in-depth learning guide shows you how to deploy your applications in production using Docker (from the basic steps to advanced concepts) and how to overcome challenges in Docker-based infrastructures. The book also covers practical use-cases in real-world examples, and provides tips and tricks on the various topics.
Mastering Bitcoin For Absolute Beginners: The Ultimate Guide To Bitcoin And The
Mastering Bitcoin For Absolute Beginners: The Ultimate Guide To Bitcoin And The
Raymond Kazuya
☆★☆The Ultimate ?Guide To The World of Bitcoin ?Technology is here! ☆★☆ This book will teach you the history, fundamentals, and real world applications of bitcoin cryptocurrency ?Tired of being cheated by the current system of ?central banking? They are like rouge intermediaries with absolute control and hold all the power and can print money on a whim. How much longer can we allow this dysfunctional system of currency exchange to exist? ?This is the digital age and this new wave of currency will impact the lives of millions and even billions worldwide! ?Meaning ?no more scandals from third party intermediaries who can print money out of thin air! No more centralized banks! But a unified and decentralized system that is transparent, distributed, and validated among EVERYONE. If ?you are wondering how can all this be possible? Than it is strongly recommended you grab your copy now and learn everything you need to know about bitcoin, whether you want to invest or understand the convoluted concepts of cyptocurrency in the most easy to read and detailed step by step guide in plain English! What You'll Learn ?Benefits of Bitcoin ?History of Bitcoin Real World Application ?Blockchain technology ?How mining works ?Estimating Trends ?Worldwide Influence On ?Laws, Policies and Regulations For Bitcoin ?And, much,much more! Not enough? Ok, well there's more... This book also includes bonus chapters and diagrams! ?Over 200+ pages of valuable content! ?How Does This Book Differ From The Rest? ?This book is truly set apart from the rest and is vastly superior. There's an entire section dedicated to blockchain technology as understanding the fundamental technology behind bitcoin is as equally as important itself. Unlike other books this book does not skim over any details, but gives you the reader an enhanced experience of in depth information, so you can have a greater understanding of both bitcoin and blockchain technology. What are you waiting for? Grab your copy now and join the next big wave of change and see the future! ?Imagine a world with no more physical currency or central authority figures that control the supply of money.
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
Bob Griesemer
This easy-to-understand tutorial covers Oracle Warehouse Builder from the ground up, and taps into the author's wide experience as a software and database engineer. Written in a relaxed style with step-by-step explanations, lots of screenshots are provided throughout the book. There are numerous tips and helpful hints throughout that are not found in the original documentation. By following this book, you can use Oracle Warehouse Builder in the best possible way and maximize your learning potential. This book is a good starting point for database engineers, administrators, and architects who are responsible for data warehouse projects and need to design them and load data into them. If you are someone who wants to learn Oracle Warehouse Builder and expand your knowledge of the tool and data warehousing, this is an ideal book for you. No prior data warehouse or database experience is presumed with all new database and data warehouse technical terms and concepts explained in clear easy-to-understand language.
Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
Hector R. Madrid
This book is written using a practical approach that guides you through different practical scenarios. It provides a brief introduction to the topics; this way you can quickly get to know the main features, start being productive with the tool, and grow with it at a fast pace. You won't have to spend too much time getting to the basics of the tool and can immediately progress towards the advanced tips. Using this practical approach you don't have to spend valuable time trying to decipher arid reference manuals; you can easily set up the practical scenarios, and try to follow up the presentations. The images used in the book come from real scenarios, and the output is always explained so you can easily interpret what is being displayed on the screen after issuing the commands. This book is aimed at all Oracle professionals who interact with the database through the data and database utilities and are willing to optimize their interaction with it. Entry-level users will get acquainted with the best practices to get their job done in a timely and efficient manner. Advanced users will find useful tips and How-Tos that will help them focus on getting the most out of the database utilities and fine-tune batch processing.
Drupal 6 Content Administration
Drupal 6 Content Administration
J. Ayen Green
This is a fun, informative, hands-on learning guide that uses an actual case study. In an interactive and informal manner, this guide presents purposeful examples that continue to build on each other. Clear, concise instructions and practical examples mean you can learn quickly how to take care of the content in your Drupal site. This book is designed for those who run the site day-to-day but didn't set it up, and aren't necessarily that well versed in Drupal or web technologies. You could be a content editor, proofreader, graphic artist, feature editor, or anyone else concerned with managing content on a Drupal installation.
Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
Amita Bhandari
Munwar Shariff is an experienced software trainer for CIGNEX Technologies Inc. He has trained many users, administrators, and developers in Alfresco and many other CMS systems. This book distils the hands-on approach of his training courses into a concise, practical book. The emphasis is on getting up and running fast and discovering the scope and power of Alfresco 3 incrementally through practical examples. This book is designed for system administrators, experienced users, and business owners who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. Because Alfresco is free, many teams can install and experiment with its ECM features without any upfront cost, often without management approval. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist system administration or developer skills to get a basic system up and running. Alfresco is particularly suitable for IT consultants who want or need to set up a flexible enterprise content management system for their clients, be that for demonstration, development, or as a mission-critical platform. This book gets you to that result quickly and effectively. Though this book is not a developer guide, various examples in the book will help developers to extend Alfresco functionality and to integrate Alfresco with external systems.
Grails 1.1 Web Application Development
Grails 1.1 Web Application Development
Jon Dickinson
This book is a guide to building a rich web application using Grails. The approach taken for building the application is incremental and iterative; each chapter will produce a working addition to the application, or iterate over existing features, as well as introduce and carefully explain the new part of the Grails framework used. The book does not go into exhaustive de*ions of every detail of Grails. While there is a lot of code in the book, there are very few large code listings. As you will find, it is not necessary to write reams of code to get results using Groovy and Grails. This book is aimed at Java web developers looking for ways to build web applications quickly, and wanting to find out how it's done quickly. If you are frustrated with integrating the many different frameworks that are available for web development and want to get on with building slick web applications for your users, then this book is for you. Grails is built on the Groovy language, but experience in Groovy is not required, as you will learn enough about Groovy to understand how to use Grails.
JBoss Portal Server Development
JBoss Portal Server Development
Ramanujam Rao
The book is written from a developer perspective and uses an example-driven approach with extensive code samples on each topic, for easy understanding and learning. It starts with some basic concepts of portals, before going into the features and implementation of JBoss Portal and eventually discussing some concepts for advanced use. Each chapter provides a blend of just enough basic concepts to start building applications and detailed configurations for reference. This book is for portal developers, portal administrators, designers and architects working on the Java platform, who want to build web portal solutions. The book doesn't expect an expert knowledge of portal or JEE technologies, but does presume a basic understanding of web technologies and the Java/JEE platform. However, the concepts are lucid enough that any competent developer can easily find immediate value in the book and start creating dynamic portal applications.
Django 1.0 Template Development
Django 1.0 Template Development
Scott Newman
This book is designed for readers who learn by doing and employs many examples and screenshots to let the reader dig in and start coding. This book isn't designed to be a reference; instead it has a practical, example-driven approach that teaches you by following along with the examples in the chapters. When you have completed this book, you will fully understand how the template system works, how to extend it when you have specialized needs, and how to optimize the performance and usability of your content. This book is for web developers and template authors who want to fully understand and utilize the Django template system. The reader should have completed the introductory tutorials on the Django project's website and some experience with the framework will be very helpful. Basic knowledge of Python and HTML is assumed.
Alfresco Developer Guide
Alfresco Developer Guide
Jeff Potts
This book focuses on teaching by example. Every chapter provides a bit of an overview, and then dives right in to hands-on examples so you can see and play with the solution in your own environment. All code samples run on both the latest Enterprise and Labs release. This book will be most useful to developers who are writing code to customize Alfresco for their organization or who are creating custom applications that sit on top of Alfresco. This book is for Java developers, and you will get most from the book if you already work with Java but you need not have prior experience on Alfresco. Although Alfresco makes heavy use of open source frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, and Lucene, no prior experience using these is assumed or necessary.