We must avoid wetting all sorts of ulcers except with wine, unless the ulcer be situated in a joint. For, the dry is nearer to the sound, and the wet to the unsound, since an ulcer is wet, but a sound part is dry. And it is better to leave the part without a bandage unless a cataplasm be applied. Neither do certain ulcers admit of cataplasms, and this is the case with the recent rather than the old, and with those situated in joints.
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-II: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
alardan beridir insanln duygularn, rüyalarn, davranlarn, düüncelerini, hemen her eyini etkileyen ve algland kadaryla sorduu baz sorularn günümüz dünyasnda anlalmaya, kaplarnn aralanp bilincimizi yeniden ekillendirmeye baladn grürken, yeni sorular oluturmaya baladmz grüyoruz. Bugünlere kadar hepimizin merak ettii sorularn bazlar unlardr: - Canllk nedir - Duygularmz nedir - Ben neyim Bunlar alglayp yorumlayabildiimiz bilin nedir - Beden ile düünce zamanda nasl balanmtr - Düüncelerimi, grdüklerimi, gzleyen nedir - Uzay nedir Nasl var olmutur - Evrende neyin ifadesiyiz - Zaman nedir - lümden sonras var mdr Ruh olarak tanmladk, zihin-beden arasnda balanty kurmaya, duygular anlamaya alrken. Bilincin, algnn ve tüm bunlarla nasl bir ilikisi olabileceini sorguladk. Genelde yle oluyor ya bütünün nce paralarn anlamaya, paralara ayrp anlamaya almann, sorunlarn izlerini sürüp bütünle olan etkileimini grmeye yneliyoruz. Zamann iinde zaman geirmemize ramen, bilincimizle, canllmzla nasl balantl olduunu grmezden geldik. Günümüz dünyasnn ulat bilgi, yaamsal deneyimlerin kaydedilip aktarlmas, izlediimiz filmlerden tutun da, deneyimlerimizin hzl etkileimiyle zaman aralklarn orduk. Snr sistemimize benzeyen internet alar oluturduk. nsanlk olarak yapay zekalar gelitirdik. Hücre ile beden benzeri; canlyla tüm canlln, ekosistemin, varln etkileim rüntüsü olduunu anlamaya baladk. Belki de oluturduumuz yeni anlamlar, gelecekte oluacaklarn paralardr. Deiim devam ediyor. Grünen o ki, canllar bu evrenin en ileri evrensel alanlardr. Soralm kendimize; Evrende canllktan daha anlaml bir ey var mdr
Bilin? ve Zaman
Her ?ey ?evresiyle etkile?imsel bütünlükte anlaml? olmaktad?r. Soral?m yine de; Bütünü par?alar?ndan fazlas? yapan nedenler nelerdir? Evrende neyin ifadesiyiz? Canl?l?k, bilin?, ruh, duygular art?k anla??labilir midir? Canl?l?k h?z farklar?ndan m? olu?maktad?r? H?zl? bile?enimiz olan elektri?in; canl?l???n ve bilincimizin olu?umunda nas?l bir etken olmaktad?r? Bizleri olu?turanlardan beden, duygular, bilin?, ruh diye tan?mlad?klar?m?z aras?nda ba?lant?lar nas?l kurulmaktad?r? Sorular?, günümüzde enerjiler aras? ba?lant?, etkile?im nas?l kurulmaktad?r? Sorusu gibi oldu?u, yani her?ey gibi onlar?nda enerji oldu?u anla??lm??t?r. Ruh olarak tan?mlad?k, zihin-beden aras?nda ba?lant?y? kurmaya, duygular? anlamaya ?al??t?k. Bilincin, alg?n?n tüm bunlarla nas?l bir ili?kisi olabilece?ini sorgulad?k. Genelde ?yle oluyor ya, bütünün ?nce par?alar?n? anlamaya, par?alara ay?r?p anlamaya ?al??man?n sorunlar?n?n izlerini sürüp bütünle olan etkile?imini g?rmeye y?neliyoruz. Zaman?n i?inde zaman ge?irmemize ra?men bilincimizle, canl?l???m?zla nas?l ba?lant?l? oldu?unu g?rmezden geldik. Günümüz dünyas?n?n ula?t??? bilgi, ya?amsal deneyimlerin kaydedilip aktar?lmas?, izledi?imiz filmlerden tutun da, deneyimlerimizin h?zl? etkile?imiyle zaman aral?klar?n? orduk. S?n?r sistemimize benzeyen internet a?lar? olu?turduk. ?nsanl?k olarak yapay zekalar geli?tirdik. Hücre ile beden benzeri; canl?yla tüm canl?l???n, ekosistemin, varl???n etkile?im ?rüntüsü oldu?unu, etkile?imsel ?rüntüde anlam? oldu?unu ??rendik. Belki de olu?turdu?umuz yeni anlamlar gelecekte olu?acaklar?n par?alar?d?r. De?i?im devam ediyor. G?rünen o ki, canl?lar bu evrenin en ileri evrensel enerji alanlar?d?r. Soral?m kendimize; Evrende canl?l?ktan daha anlaml? bir ?ey var m?d?r? Dünya bilinci ?a?lard?r. Biriktirdi?i bilgi ve deneyimlerini, olu?umun ba?lang?c?ndan itibaren nesiller boyu aktarm??, ekosistemiyle bir bütün olarak evrilmi?tir. Ula?t??? bilin? halini ?evresiyle etkile?imsel d?ngü i?inde hep yeniden ?ekillendirmi?tir. D?nü?ümsel etkile?imin hi?bir zaman?n?n ayn? olmay??? temel evrensel durumun etkisiyle de zamanda evrilmi? ve günümüz dünyas?n?n paradigmas?na ula?m??t?r. Evrimsel ?rüntüye paralel geli?en teknolojik entegrasyonla bilgi, zamanda ?ok yo?un etkile?ebilmi?tir. Dünya üzerinde artan s?n?r hücresi say?s? yani artan canl? say?s?n?n olumlu bir yan? ise, bilginin etkile?imini art?rm?? olmas?d?r. Platon’un idealar dünyas?nda var olan?n kendi ba??na var olamayaca??n?, var olan?n ?ncül bir mükemmeli olmal? dü?üncesiyle hareket etti?i g?rülüyor. Bu dü?ünceye bi ele?tiriyle ba?lay?p daha sonra ele?tiriyide ele?tirelim. Diyelim ki bu dü?ünceye evrimin, zaman?n itiraz? var. Buna b?yle devam edersek ba?lang?? i?inde, uzaylar i?inde ba?layan evrenler olsa bile bugünki mant?k yine en ba?a d?nmemizi s?ylüyor. Yani ilk nas?l olu?tu? Bu olu?um ?ncesi uzay diyeyim en mükemmel saf hali olan B?R nas?l olu?tu. 1’de ise hi?bir ?zellik olmamal? yani nas?l olurda idea’lar oradan kaynaklan?r. Demek ki varl?k olu?umu bi süre?, evrim olur gibi. Sondan ba?a d?nsekte bi süre?, ba?tan ba?lam?? olsakta bi süre?. Bu ifadeler B?R d?ngüsü i?inde do?ru olabilir. ?dealar nereden geldi ?ünki sonu? olarak idealar B?R de olmamal? ?ünkü B?R farkl?l?k bar?nd?rm?yor. Asl?nda her ?eyi B?R kapsar, o kaynak potansiyeller alan?d?r. Haliyle her ?eyle ayn? alandad?r. Bi nevi potansiyeller alan?yla varl?k ayn? ?eydir, benzerdir. O halde Platon’un idealar kuram?n?n kayna?? ve kendisi bu evrendedir, bu evrendir. Günümüz bilim dünyas?nda ?oklu evrenler dü?üncesi olduk?a yayg?nd?r. O halde evrenlerin oldu?u daha dev uzaysal kaynaklar, alanlar olmal?d?r. ??te B?R belkide bizimde i?inde evrildi?imiz vede k?smen farkl?la?t???m?z her ?eyin kayna??, alan?d?r. Evren büyük tabii ancak büyüklük hep yan?lt?c? olmaya devam etmi?tir. Belkide hiper bir uzay hatta uzaylar alan?nda olabiliriz. Belki ama e?er do?ru b? dü?ünce ?ekliyse bu ilk soruyu yinede de?i?tirmiyor. ?lk ba?lang?? diye bir ?ey var m??
Fundamentele comunic?rii interpersonale
Puericultur? ?i pediatrie pentru asisten?i medicali ofer? elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare un instrument de studiu al particularit??ilor fiziologice ?i patologice ale copilului, necesar identific?rii nevoilor fundamentale ale copilului s?n?tos ?i bolnav ?i aplic?rii tehnicilor specifice de ?ngrijire a acestuia.Aceast? carte se dore?te a fi un ghid teoretic pentru elevii ?i asisten?ii medicali care ?ngrijesc copii ?n diverse perioade de dezvoltare, pornind de la premisa c? un copil nu este un adult ?n miniatur?.Lucrarea este astfel conceput? ?nc?t informa?ia oferit? s? acopere cerin?ele programei analitice, s? fie simplu de accesat ?i s? fie u?or de ?n?eles.
Scriitori evrei din Rom?nia
Pornind de la rezultatele unor cercet?ri ?i experimente ?ndelungate ?n domeniul alimenta?iei, F?nic?-Voinea Ene, renumit specialist ?n medicin? complementar?, ne demonstreaz? c? numai o diet? naturist? ne poate conduce spre o pierdere ?n greutate lesnicioas?, cu pu?ine frustr?ri ?i f?r? s? ne afecteze s?n?tatea, fiindc? ea presupune consumul alimentelor integrale, a?a cum se g?sesc ele pe planeta aceasta de milioane de ani, ?i care au suferit pu?ine prelucr?ri termice sau chimice. Este o diet? bazat? pe respectarea unor reguli specifice: meniul zilnic trebuie s? con?in? numai alimente cu calorii negative, trebuie s? se consume doar ape minerale alcaline plate ?i alimente alcaline; se pune accent pe consumul de gr?simi nesaturate, carbohidra?i cu indice glicemic sc?zut, nu trebuie s? se utilizeze nutrimente glucido-lipidice ?i nici asocieri de glucide cu lipide la aceea?i mas?...
Azi cant jazz
sszefoglaló knyvem olyan témát mutat be, amivel már tbb ismeretterjeszt írásban találkozhatott az olvasó, ám ezúttal olyan részletekkel és érdekességekkel találkozunk, amit eme knyvek alig, vagy egyáltalán nem taglalnak. E szerzeményben végigkvetjük a Fld mélyérl induló izzó anyagot, a kérgen át a felszínig, ahol tüzet és pusztítást zúdít mindenre és mindenkire a kzelben. Bemutatom, hogy mi lesz a kihlt lávából, és milyen formákat hoz létre. Ezen külnleges természeti képzdmények kialakulását és fejdését vesszük górcs alá. Megismerkedünk pár külnleges tzhányóval, amik pusztításuk révén rendkívüli hatással voltak nemcsak krnyezetükre, hanem az emberiségre is. Olyan ismereteket mutatunk be, amelyek meglepetést okozhatnak az olvasóknak.
Autobiography of Charles Darwin
The autobiography of one of the most influential people of the modern age. This was taken from writings and letters that Darwin wrote for his family, edited by his son Francis Darwin, and published posthumously.
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock Holmes #5
Egy csodálatos fantáziával és íráskészséggel megáldott fiatal n? került a budapesti Moravcsik-féle elmeklinikára. Akkor végezte ott éppen klinikai gyakorlatait dr. Brenner József fiatal orvos, Csáth Géza néven országos hír? novellista és zenekritikus. Rendkívül sokoldalú tehetség: zenél és zenét szerez, felfedez? érték? zenekritikát ír, ráérez a legújabb festészeti ízlésre, s útt?r?je a novellam?fajnak. Akármibe fog, mindig és mindenben megel?zi kora gondolkodását, ízlését, m?veltségét. ?gy van ez orvostudományi munkásságával is. A nagy tekintély?, de konzervatív iskolát képvisel? Moravcsik professzor égisze alatt a szakmában még igazán sehol el nem ismert freudi módszereket alkalmazza betege pszichés védelmi mechanizmusainak f?ltárásában, megismerésében. A korszak magyar tudományosságát a teljes nyitottság jellemezte az új t?rekvések iránt. Még a konzervatív Moravcsik és orvosgárdája is elt?rte, s?t segítette kezd? orvosa freudista kísérleteit. Egy zseniális adottságokkal rendelkez? elmebeteg, egy zseniális fiatal orvos és lélekbúvár író, valamint egy minden újra fogékony tudományos k?rnyezet szerencsés találkozása eredményeképpen született meg Az elmebetegségek pszichikus mechanizmusa.
Mafia Princess
Marisa Merico, the daughter of one of Italy's most notorious Mafia Godfathers, was dazzled by her father, Emilio DiGiovine. To her he was all powerful, sophisticated and loving; to the rest of the world he was staggeringly ruthless. Marisa knew her father would do anything for her, but she hadn't expected just how much he would ask in return. Born to an English mother, Marisa turned her back on her quiet life in Blackpool to join her charming father, Emilio DiGiovine, who had spent years trying to tempt her back to Italy. Arriving in Milan, Marisa had no idea she was returning to the heart of one of the most notorious drugs, arms and money laundering empires in the world. At first her father shielded her from the family operations and Marisa was overwhelmed by the attention and gifts he lavished on her. But soon the temptation of a new recruit was too great and Marisa was drawn ever deeper into the family's sinister and brutal regime, witnessing things she was too scared to believe. The day she eloped with her father's chief henchman was the day her father decided she was ready to be initiated into the true nature of the family business. Suddenly Marisa saw there was no limit to what he would expect her to do for him. She knew it was wrong, she knew she had to get out, but she had no idea how she could break the sacred Coda Nostra – and survive. Marisa's extraordinarily story is the most powerful portrayal of a Mafia family to emerge in recent years. It's the perfect balance of shocking violence, dangerous betrayals and enduring love.
10% Human: How Your Body’s Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness
‘A manual for the new, healthy way of being dirty … Read it, and you will learn to love your microbiota’ Newsweek Obesity, autism, mental health problems, IBS, allergies, auto-immunity, cancer. Does the answer to the modern epidemic of ‘Western’ diseases lie in our gut? You are 10% human. For every one of your cells, there are nine impostors hitching a ride. You are not just flesh and bone, but also bacteria and fungi. And you are more ‘them’ than you are ‘you’. Your gut alone hosts 100 trillion of them and until recently we thought that our microbes didn’t matter. This is all set to change as the latest scientific research tells a very different story, one where microbes run our bodies and becoming healthy is impossible without them. In this ground-breaking book, biologist Alanna Collen reveals how our personal colony of microbes influence our weight, immune system, mental health and even our choice of partner. This is a new way of understanding modern diseases – obesity, autism, mental health problems, gut disorders, allergies, auto-immunity and even cancer – as she argues they have their root in our failure to cherish our most fundamental and enduring relationship: that with our microbes. Illuminating many of the questions still unanswered by the human genome project 10% Human completely changes our understanding of diet, modern disease and medicine. The good news is that unlike our human cells, we can change our microbes for the better and this book shows you how. A revelatory and indispensable guide: life – and your body – will never seem the same again.
BMW 5 & 6 Series E12 - E24 - E28 -E34 Restoration Tips and Techniques
A wealth of restoration tips and techniques covering E12, E24, E28, E34, 5 and 6 Series BMWs built between 1972 and 1995. Covers all models from 518 to M6. Advice is given on acquiring a good 5 & 6 Series model, plus tips on restoring, engines, bodywork, trim, electrics, suspension & much more.
Mercedes Benz & Dodge Sprinter CDI 2000-2006 Owners Workshop Manual
Easy to follow step by step instructions & advice which enables the owner to carry out many jobs himself for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van & Camper Diesel. Models covered: 208 CDI, 308 CDI, 211 CDI, 311 CDI, 411 CDI, 213 CDI, 313 CDI, 413 CDI, 216 CDI, 316 CDI, 416 CDI with the 2.2 & 2.7 litre CDI Diesel (types 611 DELA & 612 DELA) From 2000 to 2006 with the commom rail injection system. A total of 232 fully illustrated pages.
VW Transporter T4 (Petrol and Diesel - 1990-1995) Workshop Manual
Covers models from 1990 to 1995. Covering: short & long wheelbase, Van, Caravelle, Bus, 2.0 & 2.5-litre petrol and 1.9 & 2.4-litre diesel engines, clutch, suspension, fuel, ignition, steering, braking, electrics, bodywork, plus a fault-finding section. Covers manual only.
VW Transporter T4 Workshop Manual Diesel 2000-2004
Covers all T4 diesel vehicles from 2000 to the end of 2004, including Vans 800, 1,000, and 1,200, Caravelle CL and GL, Bus (long and short wheelbase). Engines covered: Diesel 1.9L, 2.4L & 2.5L TDI, with a manual gearbox only. 164 large pages including 11 pages of wiring & over 200 illustrations.
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Self-styled adventurer, literary wit, philosopher, and statesman of science, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) stood at the center of Enlightenment science and culture. Offering an elegant and accessible portrait of this remarkable man, Mary Terrall uses the story of Maupertuis's life, self-fashioning, and scientific works to explore what it meant to do science and to be a man of science in eighteenth-century Europe.Beginning his scientific career as a mathematician in Paris, Maupertuis entered the public eye with a much-discussed expedition to Lapland, which confirmed Newton's calculation that the earth was flattened at the poles. He also made significant, and often intentionally controversial, contributions to physics, life science, navigation, astronomy, and metaphysics. Called to Berlin by Frederick the Great, Maupertuis moved to Prussia to preside over the Academy of Sciences there. Equally at home in salons, cafs, scientific academies, and royal courts, Maupertuis used his social connections and his printed works to enhance a carefully constructed reputation as both a man of letters and a man of science. His social and institutional affiliations, in turn, affected how Maupertuis formulated his ideas, how he presented them to his contemporaries, and the reactions they provoked.Terrall not only illuminates the life and work of a colorful and important Enlightenment figure, but also uses his story to delve into many wider issues, including the development of scientific institutions, the impact of print culture on science, and the interactions of science and government. Smart and highly readable, Maupertuis will appeal to anyone interested in eighteenth-century science and culture.”Terrall's work is scholarship in the best sense. Her explanations of arcane 18th-century French physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology are among the most lucid available in any language.”-Virginia Dawson, American Historical ReviewWinner of the 2003 Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society
Intuition in Medicine
Intuition is central to discussions about the nature of scientific and philosophical reasoning and what it means to be human. In this bold and timely book, Hillel D. Braude marshals his dual training as a physician and philosopher to examine the place of intuition in medicine.Rather than defining and using a single concept of intuition-philosophical, practical, or neuroscientific-Braude here examines intuition as it occurs at different levels and in different contexts of clinical reasoning. He argues that not only does intuition provide the bridge between medical reasoning and moral reasoning, but that it also links the epistemological, ontological, and ethical foundations of clinical decision making. In presenting his case, Braude takes readers on a journey through Aristotle's Ethics-highlighting the significance of practical reasoning in relation to theoretical reasoning and the potential bridge between them-then through current debates between regulators and clinicians on evidence-based medicine, and finally applies the philosophical perspectives of Reichenbach, Popper, and Peirce to analyze the intuitive support for clinical equipoise, a key concept in research ethics. Through his phenomenological study of intuition Braude aims to demonstrate that ethical responsibility for the other lies at the heart of clinical judgment.?Braude's original approach advances medical ethics by using philosophical rigor and history to analyze the tacit underpinnings of clinical reasoning and to introduce clear conceptual distinctions that simultaneously affirm and exacerbate the tension between ethical theory and practice. His study will be welcomed not only by philosophers but also by clinicians eager to justify how they use moral intuitions, and anyone interested in medical decision making.
Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions
Ants are probably the most dominant insect group on Earth, representing ten to fifteen percent of animal biomass in terrestrial ecosystems. Flowering plants, meanwhile, owe their evolutionary success to an array of interspecific interactions-such as pollination, seed dispersal, and herbivory-that have helped to shape their great diversity. The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions brings together findings from the scientific literature on the coevolution of ants and plants to provide a better understanding of the unparalleled success of these two remarkable groups, of interspecific interactions in general, and ultimately of terrestrial biological communities.The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions synthesizes the dynamics of ant-plant interactions, including the sources of variation in their outcomes. Victor Rico-Gray and Paulo S. Oliveira capture both the emerging appreciation of the importance of these interactions within ecosystems and the developing approaches that place studies of these interactions into a broader ecological and evolutionary context. The collaboration of two internationally renowned scientists, The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions will become a standard reference for understanding the complex interactions between these two taxa.
Music in German Philosophy
Though many well-known German philosophers have devoted considerable attention to music and its aesthetics, surprisingly few of their writings on the subject have been translated into English. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, a philosopher, and Oliver Furbeth, a musicologist, here fill this important gap for musical scholars and students alike with this compelling guide to the musical discourse of ten of the most important German philosophers, from Kant to Adorno.Music in German Philosophy includes contributions from a renowned group of ten scholars, including some of today's most prominent German thinkers, all of whom are specialists in the writers they treat. Each chapter consists of a short biographical sketch of the philosopher concerned, a summary of his writings on aesthetics, and finally a detailed exploration of his thoughts on music. The book is prefaced by the editors' original introduction, presenting music philosophy in Germany before and after Kant, as well as a new introduction and foreword to this English-language addition, which places contemplations on music by these German philosophers within a broader intellectual climate.
Richard Owen
In the mid-1850s, no scientist in the British Empire was more visible than Richard Owen. Mentioned in the same breath as Isaac Newton and championed as Britain's answer to France's Georges Cuvier and Germany's Alexander von Humboldt, Owen was, as the Times declared in 1856, the most "e;distinguished man of science in the country."e; But, a century and a half later, Owen remains largely obscured by the shadow of the most famous Victorian naturalist of all, Charles Darwin. Publicly marginalized by his contemporaries for his critique of natural selection, Owen suffered personal attacks that undermined his credibility long after his name faded from history.With this innovative biography, Nicolaas A. Rupke resuscitates Owen's reputation. Arguing that Owen should no longer be judged by the evolution dispute that figured inonly a minor part of his work, Rupke stresses context, emphasizing the importance of places and practices in the production and reception of scientific knowledge. Dovetailing with the recent resurgence of interest in Owen's life and work, Rupke's book brings the forgotten naturalist back into the canon of the history of science and demonstrates how much biology existed with, and without, Darwin
Murder by Accident
Over fifty years ago, it became unfashionable-even forbidden-for students of literature to talk about an author's intentions for a given work. In Murder by Accident, Jody Enders boldly resurrects the long-disgraced concept of intentionality, especially as it relates to the theater.Drawing on four fascinating medieval events in which a theatrical performance precipitated deadly consequences, Enders contends that the marginalization of intention in critical discourse is a mirror for the marginalization-and misunderstanding-of theater. Murder by Accident revisits the legal, moral, ethical, and aesthetic limits of the living arts of the past, pairing them with examples from the present, whether they be reality television, snuff films, the "e;accidental"e; live broadcast of a suicide on a Los Angeles freeway, or an actor who jokingly fired a stage revolver at his temple, causing his eventual death. This book will force scholars and students to rethink their assumptions about theory, intention, and performance, both past and present.
Paradise Found
The first Europeans to set foot on North America stood in awe of the natural abundance before them. The skies were filled with birds, seas and rivers teemed with fish, and the forests and grasslands were a hunter's dream, with populations of game too abundant and diverse to even fathom. It's no wonder these first settlers thought they had discovered a paradise of sorts. Fortunately for us, they left a legacy of copious records documenting what they saw, and these observations make it possible to craft a far more detailed evocation of North America before its settlement than any other place on the planet.Here Steve Nicholls brings this spectacular environment back to vivid life, demonstrating with both historical narrative and scientific inquiry just what an amazing place North America was and how it looked when the explorers first found it. The story of the continent's colonization forms a backdrop to its natural history, which Nicholls explores in chapters on the North Atlantic, the East Coast, the Subtropical Caribbean, the West Coast, Baja California, and the Great Plains. Seamlessly blending firsthand accounts from centuries past with the findings of scientists today, Nicholls also introduces us to a myriad cast of characters who have chronicled the changing landscape, from pre-Revolutionary era settlers to researchers whom he has met in the field.A director and writer of Emmy Award-winning wildlife documentaries for the Smithsonian Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic, and PBS, Nicholls deploys a cinematic flair for capturing nature at its most mesmerizing throughout. But Paradise Found is much more than a celebration of what once was: it is also a reminder of how much we have lost along the way and an urgent call to action so future generations are more responsible stewards of the world around them. The result is popular science of the highest order: a book as remarkable as the landscape it recreates and as inspired as the men and women who discovered it.