

Dimensional Ascension:MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Dimensional Ascension:MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Jules Kennedy
Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers delivers a powerful message that will help anyone speculating the deeper meaning of life here upon this planet. "What is my purpose?" "Why am I here on earth at this time?" "Will I ever be happy?" These are questions that many people today are asking themselves. Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers can help you answer some of the most pressing, intimate concerns in your life. By understanding and utilizing the multi-dimensional information given in Dimensional Ascension, and via answering the self-reflective workbook questions at the back of the book, anyone with even just a bit of curiosity may be able to enhance life experience. Begin to attain healthy relationships, explore vocational options, and manifest prosperity and happiness.Make your dreams come true by comprehending what is at the core of this existence, by knowing what your soul wants. Through Dimensional Ascension learn to tap into the power of your own mind, use imagination to create reality, and access the full capacity of love to transform every relationship in your life.You will recognize the workings of your psyche; the spirit of life beyond this world but also that which is inside of you.About the authorJules Kennedy began her profession as a clairvoyant reader in 1987, but has been receiving channeled messages since childhood. She reads for clients worldwide and also facilitates weekend retreats. Jules holds degrees in Human Development, Counseling, and Psychic Studies.See also www.juleskennedy.com and www.utopianvision.com. Book #1 From the Utopian Vision Ascension
Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga
Yogi Ramacharaka
Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading towards unfoldment, development, and growth. What is known as Raja Yoga deals with the Mind, its control, its development. He who wants to develop his will-power and mental faculties, unfolding the inner senses, and latent powers, follows the path of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is known by many names and is often referred to as royal yoga, royal union, sahaj marg, classical yoga, and ashtanga yoga.
Beyond Trauma:Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction
Beyond Trauma:Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction
Victor R. Volkman
TIR, or Traumatic Incident Reduction, is a unique regressive, repetitive, desensitization procedure--highly focused, directive, and controlled, yet at the same time wholly person-centered, non-interpretive, and non-judgmental. Developed by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D., Gerald French, and others, TIR is best known for its use as an extremely effective tool in the rapid resolution of virtually all trauma-related conditions, including PTSD. TIR can also address many other DSM-IV diagnoses beyond trauma including: adjustment disorders, acute stress, traumatic bereavement, dysthymic disorders, major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, somatization disorders, sexual abuse, and phobias.Acclaim for Beyond Trauma: Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction"Beyond Trauma is an excellent resource to begin one's mastery in this area of practice."--MICHAEL G. TANCYUS, LCSW, DCSW, Augusta Behavioral Health"I have found Beyond Trauma to be exceptionally helpful in understanding and practicing TIR in broad and diverse areas of practice, not just in traditional trauma work. The information from various points of view is really priceless."--GERRY BOCK, Registered Clinical Counselor, B.C. Canada"Beyond Trauma offers PTSD sufferers a glimpse at a light at the end of the tunnel, while providing mental health workers with a revolutionary technique that could increase their success rate with traumatized clients."--JENI MAYER, Body Mind Spirit MagazineLearn more at www.BeyondTrauma.com
Why Good People Make Bad Choices:How You Can Develop Peace of Mind Through Integ
Why Good People Make Bad Choices:How You Can Develop Peace of Mind Through Integ
Charles L. Allen
Suppose that four simple instinctual directives helped to bring about the survival of the human species. While good for survival purposes, those directives have also been at the heart of most human problems. Why Good People Make Bad Choices takes you on a journey of self-discovery by way of new insights about the human condition. The instinctual directives we follow are described as--the ego's agenda. Due to this agenda, we experience problematic feelings, maintain maladaptive thoughts, and engage in behaviors that we know are not in our best interest--indeed, we make bad choices. The solution is integrity. With this book you can learn how to: ·Create integrity, and recognize it in others. ·Create peace of mind. ·Resolve problematic feelings that may interfere with sustaining integrity. ·Create a self-image you can be proud of. ·Transform any unwanted behavior or thoughts into new valued behavior. ·Understand and manage anger, worry, guilt, bad habits, anxiety, and depression.Why Good People Make Bad Choices is for the individual who wants to experience a more harmonious inner nature, or establish a new direction for their life. "As you begin to consistently live out your belief system, one choice at a time, your trust in the outcome of integrity will be the incentive to continue. Positive results will prevail, and you will be evolving." What People Are Saying About Why Good People Make Bad Choices "I find this to be a very valuable framework for therapy, and for living a good life generally. It is a challenging book that can lead one to a new, more satisfying life." --Robert Rich, PhD, author Cancer: A Personal Challenge. "Why Good People Make Bad Choices is an incredible tool to aid in the transcendence of the ego and to initiate the establishment of a personal belief system in order to live life with integrity." --Richard A. Singer Jr., psychotherapist, author Your Daily Walk with the Great Minds "Thought-provoking and well worth the time, this book should be read once throughout and then repeatedly and in small doses. It is bound to trigger a lot of introspection, something we sorely lack in modern life." --Sam Vaknin, author Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited More information at www.CharlesLawrenceAllen.com From the New Horizons in Therapy Series Series Editor: Robert Rich, Ph.D. Published by Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)
Beyond Schizophrenia:Michael's Journey
Beyond Schizophrenia:Michael's Journey
Susan Frances Dunham
What would you do if your child suffered with something so severe it affected every aspect of his life? Susie Dunham, Midwestern mom and former nurse, never suspected her son Michael was anything but a typical college student with big dreams until he developed schizophrenia shortly after his 21st birthday. The Dunham family quickly becomes immersed in the nightmare world of mental illness in America: psychiatric wards, a seemingly indifferent nursing staff, and the trial-and-error world of psychotropic meds. Michael's ultimate recovery and remission comes with plenty of traumatic incidents involving both ignorance and stigma, but his courage and quest for dignity will inspire all readers. "Susie Dunham's heroic, heart-rending story is a beacon of light in the darkness of insanity. It shows that recovery is hard-won but possible for people who develop schizophrenia, despite a media that sensationalizes them, a society that shuns them, and a dysfunctional mental healthcare system that fails them miserably." --Patrick Tracey, author of Stalking Irish Madness: Searching for the Roots of My Family's Schizophrenia "Every person in a leadership position needs to take the time to read this moving story of triumph over adversity." --State Representative John Adams, Ohio House Minority Whip "The fact that Michael bravely fought this disease, picked up the pieces and moved beyond it, should give others hope that one day schizophrenia will be seen as a treatable disease with no stigma attached." --Sharon Goldberg, News & Reviews Editor,"NYC Voices": A Journal for Mental Health Advocacy "Beyond Schizophrenia: Michael's Journey is a book that I couldn't put down. The story of Michael's parents Susie and Mark who support their son both in good times and bad really touched me. I really like the way the symptoms of schizophrenia are explained clearly." --Bill MacPhee, Founder/CEO of SZ Magazine Also available in trade paperback and eBook editions Learn more at www.SusieDunham.org From the Reflections of America Series at Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com PSY022050 Psychology : Psychopathology - Schizophrenia BIO026000 Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs MED105000 Medical / Psychiatry / General
Master In The Making
Master In The Making
Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson
A Stranger than spiritual awakening journey. If You Give a Pig a Pancake meets Dr. Strange. Julie starts out trying to heal her broken heart and life with a Reiki session. Feeling sick after the Reiki session, she seeks out a different healer for more healing. Julie begins to have mystical and supernatural experiences and finds herself amidst a spiritual awakening. At forty-eight years old, Julie is finally awakening to her true reality. Julie becomes aware that she had repressed memories of being abused and neglected as a child. She believed that if she retrieved the memories it would help her heal. Julie finds herself in a cave in the New Mexico desert with hopes of retrieving her memories through more healings.??Through her healings a lot is revealed to Julie. She discovers that she has been affected by both personal and generational Karma from her past lives. She discovers that her life purpose is to become a Spiritual Master and Healer. Julie is faced with the decision to answer God's call and follow a mystical path to fulfill her destiny. Julie's quest then shifts from trying to retrieve her repressed memories to a quest for spiritual enlightenment.
A to Z Making Organic Perfumes at Home for Total Beginners
A to Z Making Organic Perfumes at Home for Total Beginners
Lisa Bond
Have you ever sat in a bus, a café, or any other public place where within seconds of sitting you start feeling the need to sneeze or puke due to strong scents exhumed by someone who has either heavily used a synthetic perfume or whose perfume though lightly used scents so strongly as a result of its synthetic nature? It leaves you breathless with itching and sometimes watering eyes. Synthetic perfumes, as opposed to organic perfumes, always do this. They leave no space for fresh air. Justin Timberlake once said: The right scent can make you feel a little more stylish, but it should never eclipse who you are. It should compliment who you are. This statement holds water. Perfumes should make a first impression that speaks about who you are. They should compliment you. Synthetic perfumes do the direct opposite. They announce their presence so strongly that you are overshadowed and fade into the background. Synthetic perfumes can also be risky health-wise as a result of their components which ranges from carcinogenic content to toxic petroleum products. You sure do not want to risk any of these. Scents leave an impression. There, thus, arises a need for perfumes that give scents you would want to keep perceiving as they give a good first impression, pose no threat and perfectly compliment you. Remember, first impressions last for a long time. The answer to this is organic perfumes. Organic perfumes do not only give better scents but are safe. They can easily be made which is why we have compiled a couple of recipes that would aid your creating a scent that suits your personality. As Shakira once said: “A good fragrance should have a certain personality that makes people identify the scent with you.” This is well said. Knowing how to prepare your own organic perfumes will help you take note of combinations that best describe who you are.
Got Bipolar?:An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Effectively
Got Bipolar?:An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Effectively
Alfredo Zotti
Marshal the Skills and Resources You Need to Live Your Best Life!This book is about how to recover from bipolar disorder, or at least how to attempt to recover from it. Sufferers will be briefly introduced to new coping skills including: emotional regulation, method acting, empathy development and relaxation. In order to get the most out of this book, you’ll need to develop your own strategies, based on the recommendations of this book.“In Got Bipolar?, Zotti offers unique insights based on his personal experience of coming to terms with his own bipolar condition. Applying method acting as an emotional regulation tool mirrors the work of Marsha Linehan and her concept of ‘opposite action to the emotion’, a tool long recognized as effective in regulating emotions. Additionally, his focus on developing hobbies and interests in one’s life also reflects Linehan’s emphasis on creating a life worth living through the pursuit of meaningful activities. Zotti’s book will, no doubt, provide an invaluable guide for sufferers of bipolar disorder and I highly recommend it.” --Paul Corcoran, Clinical Psychologist, Moving Forward“If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD), Got Bipolar? is a good place to start to try to make sense of it all. Topics include self-care, medications, coping skills and responding to someone in crisis. Zotti has lived with BPD most of his life, so he has walked the talk. The messages are of hope, loving yourself throughout this process and, if you are looking for help with a loved one, recognizing that the person is more than just this illness.” -- Judy Wright, mental health patient advocate“Got Bipolar? offers a framework for the sufferer in need of skills to overcome symptoms. Zotti personally uses method acting as a coping skill to reverse mood states. Even a smile has the power to shift a low mood. He covers the basics, but it is up to the readers to increase their knowledge of emotional regulation, empathy development, relaxation techniques and other coping skills. This book is a really good primer for anyone suffering from Bipolar Disorder. -- Lewis Weir, BSWLearn more about the author at www.lhpress.com/authors/alfredo-zotti
Looking Through the Trauma Lens
Looking Through the Trauma Lens
Susan Sluiter
I developed renewed faith in the power of psychotherapy after I attended a Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) course in 2011. It opened many doors for me as I began to understand the impact of previously overlooked, objectively minor traumatic incidents on psychological disorders and problems. This article is about the application of this powerful tool over the entire spectrum of psychological problems and disorders and how this brings about impressive and permanent change. The optimal use of this tool in psychotherapy requires a shift in epistemology in which we begin to view mental health through a trauma lens. The definition of psychological trauma can vary. From a TIR perspective, trauma can be defined as any incident that had a negative physical or emotional impact on an individual. This is a very subjective issue as the something could be perceived as traumatic by one individual, but as commonplace and harmless by another. The important thing is the emotional and physical impact the incident had on the individual, its subjective impact. The reason it is so important to view trauma in the broadest way possible is because it explains the chronic mood states of our clients as well as how subconscious intentions and automatic emotional responses affect their current lives. These will be explained below. Traumatic incidents, when understood in the broadest sense possible, have a massive effect on our neurobiology, emotional states and behavioral patterns. Therefore, they can be seen as the driving force behind almost all psychological problems and disorders. When I say traumatic incidents "in the broadest sense possible," I refer to the everyday incidents of trauma that are objectively perceived as minor, such as an embarrassing comment by a teacher, conflict with a friend, breaking your mother's expensive vase, etc. It involves an understanding of how the emotional knocks we take on a daily basis affect our neurobiology and continue to have an impact on us in later life. The understanding of subconscious intentions, automatic emotional reactions and responses and chronic mood states are so crucial when it comes to looking at mental health through a trauma lens. Minor and major psychological and physical trauma involves a complex description of the effects on the brain. This article includes detailed case studies including specific incidents such as birth trauma and jealousy and rage. We will look in detail at how trauma results in Goleman's "Amygdala Hijacking" and how we can help the client break destructive cycles. I also explain why sheer willpower is insufficient to change behavior in the face of traumatic restimulation. Additionally, the article explains how TIR avoids re-traumatization even as clients revisit past incidents.
The Home Workout Plan:How to Master Push-Ups in 30 Days
The Home Workout Plan:How to Master Push-Ups in 30 Days
Dale L. Roberts
Are you tired of having NO upper body strength and NO way to improve it? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a simple step-by-step plan to turn your buggy whip arms into the guns they’re meant to be? Then, The Home Workout Plan: How to Master Push-Ups in 30 Days has your answer in a short, concise book you can read in less than an hour. That way you can get your information, get into shape and get on with life! In this health and fitness short read, you’ll get: ·8 simple push-ups with six different variations each·Push-ups ideal for anyone from the beginner to the athlete·Brief and straightforward instructions of each exercise·A reliable and customizable 30-day workout plan·Helpful guidelines and tips to get the most from your workouts·Over 36 full-color pictures·And, much more! Don’t Wait Any Longer! Get Your Copy NOW!
Gifts From The Child Within:A Recovery Workbook
Gifts From The Child Within:A Recovery Workbook
Barbara Sinor
Gifts From the Child Within brings a refreshing approach to guiding its reader to understanding the initial or underlying basis to their emotional suffering due to past childhood trauma. This recovery book is geared toward both professional and layperson. Its pages are filled with offerings from psychological, physiological, and spiritual perspectives which takes the reader on a journey into the soul. It is written with sensitivity and clarity inviting the reader to search within for healing. As the author shares her own journey of childhood abuse, the reader is asked to address issues surrounding physical, mental, spiritual, and sexual abuse. Instructions are captured to guide one toward reaching for their own child within; releasing negative emotions; re-creating outdated childhood beliefs; and, to recognize the gifts the inner child has for us. The process of Re-Creation Therapy(tm) is introduced by the author allowing the reader who follows its guidance to reap the effects of gradual changes in self-awareness which lead to a greater understanding of the psychodynamics the child within plays in the adult life. Included are a series of healing visualizations and autohypnosis suggestions; blank journal pages; and sample affirmations following each chapter.What Experts Say About Gifts From The Child Within "This is indeed a valuable self-help book and a tool for the Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Minister, Psychotherapist, or Clinician. I assure you, the world will look much brighter after you read this book." --Lavona Stillman, PhD, CC, HT "Barbara Sinor has written a book that will help the violated and traumatized child within to heal. Gifts From The Child Within helps guide survivors with repressed memories of trauma, as well as those with current memories of incest, through the healing process." Marilyn Van Derbur, Miss America 1958, Founder: Survivor's United Network "Barbara Sinor has bridged the gap for clients and therapists alike between the mere discovery of the inner child and the building of a true relationship with this most important being within. Gifts From The Child Within is an important and highly readable work." Rick Boyes, M. Coun, CHT, Author A Body To Die For "Gifts From The Child Within is a wonderful book that takes the reader on a journey into the soul. Flowing and readable, this book is filled with stories, myths, information, and revelation." Marilyn Gordon, CHT, Author, Healing is Remembering Who You Are For more information: see www.DrSinor.com
In Tune With the Infinite: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
In Tune With the Infinite: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Ralph Waldo Trine
In Tune With the Infinite: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Intermittent Fasting: A Proven Guide To Fasting + 10 Valuable Fasting Lessons
Intermittent Fasting: A Proven Guide To Fasting + 10 Valuable Fasting Lessons
Micheal Robbin
Intermittent Fasting: A Proven Guide To Fasting + 10 Valuable Fasting Lessons
The Abilities: Realize the Power Within You
The Abilities: Realize the Power Within You
J. Reese Lasley
The Abilities: Realize the Power Within You
What the Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck
What the Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck
Shannon Denise Evans
What the Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck
Fitness Box Set
Fitness Box Set
My Ebook Publishing House
Fitness Box Set
Prosperity: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Prosperity: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Charles Fillmore
Prosperity: Secrets to the Law of Attraction
How Not To Give a Shit!: The Art of Not Caring
How Not To Give a Shit!: The Art of Not Caring
Jack N. Raven
How Not To Give a Shit!: The Art of Not Caring
Changing Habits
Changing Habits
John Roberts
Changing Habits
Confidence: Gaining the Confidence You Need to Succeed in Life
Confidence: Gaining the Confidence You Need to Succeed in Life
Jimmy Cooper
Confidence: Gaining the Confidence You Need to Succeed in Life
Low Carb Keto Diet: Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight, Getting Lean, and Feeling
Low Carb Keto Diet: Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight, Getting Lean, and Feeling
Dexter Jackson
Low Carb Keto Diet: Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight, Getting Lean, and Feeling Amazing