

每满100减50 了不起的盖茨比
这部小说是从“我”的角度来展阐述的—— 尼克租住在长岛的一幢小房子里。有一天他在无意中结识了富豪邻居—— 盖茨比。尼克发现盖茨比家中几乎每天都举办大规模的宴会,但他自己却很少露面。 在与盖茨比的触中,尼克逐渐了解了盖茨比的故事。盖茨比在战争期间爱上了尼克的表妹黛西,但当时他很穷,娶不了黛西,而他离后,黛西与富豪汤姆结婚了。战争结束后,盖茨比通过努力获得了巨额财富,他希望尼克能帮自己重新与黛西取得联系。 尼克被盖茨比对黛西的深情感动,并终安排了盖茨比与黛西的见面。盖茨比在与黛西重逢后,虽然意识到她是一个崇尚物质享乐的女孩,但仍然不舍自己长期以来的梦想。但黛西并未真正爱上盖茨比,当她听到汤姆揭露的所谓真相之后,变得非常胆怯,并不自觉地远离盖茨比。随后,黛西在驾车时不慎轧死了汤姆的情妇玛特尔。盖茨比为了保护黛西,承担了此次车祸的责任。但当玛特尔的丈夫枪杀盖茨比后,黛西和其他人一样,甚至都不愿意参加盖茨比的葬礼。 盖茨比逐梦以及梦想破碎的经过让尼克识透了有钱人的冷酷、无情和自私,他对汤姆和黛西完全不顾他人的行为感到愤慨,不愿意再同他们交往,于是离纽约,返回了中西部老家。
每满100减50 印度尼西亚语阅读教程2
每满100减50 狮子、女巫和魔衣柜(英文朗读版)
(英) C.S.刘易斯
    《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》叙述了四个在二次世界大战中逃难的英国学生在他们的逃难处,意外发现了一个神秘而充满魔力的衣柜。他们发现衣柜竟是通往另一个神奇世界“纳尼亚”的通道。当他们得知这个新的世界被白女巫的魔咒变成了一个常年冰天雪地的世界后,这些充满好奇心的少年们为了败女巫与解除魔咒始了一场惊心动魄的探险和奇遇。     《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》为英文原版,经典32本便于随身携带阅读,精校版忠于原著,同时提供英文朗读免费下载。在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英语阅读水平,图书封底博客即可下载页面。    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis, published by Geoffrey Bles in 1950. It is the first published and best known of seven novels in The Chronicles of Narnia. Among all the author's books, it is also the most widely held in libraries. It has also been published in 47 foreign languages.   Most of the novel is set in Narnia, a land of talking animals and mythical creatures that is ruled by the evil White Witch. In the frame story, four English children are relocated to a large, old country house following a wartime evacuation. The youngest, Lucy, visits Narnia three times via the magic of a wardrobe in a spare room. Lucy’s three siblings are with her on her third visit to Narnia. In Narnia, the siblings seem fit to fulfill an old prophecy and find themselves adventuring to save Narnia and their own lives. The lion Aslan gives his life to save one of the children; he later rises from the dead, vanquishes the White Witch, and crowns the children Kings and Queens of Narnia.   Lewis wrote the book for (and dedicated it to) his goddaughter, Lucy Barfield. She was the daughter of Owen Barfield, Lewis’s friend, teacher, adviser, and trustee. Lewis is known today on the strength of the Narnia stories as a highly successful children’s writer, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and its successors were highly popular with young readers.
每满100减50 老子如是说:《道德经》新注新译(汉英对照)
《老子如是说-<道德经>新注新译》根据《道德经》的结构共分为81小篇,前37篇为《道德经》中的部分“道”,后面为第二部分“德”。每一小篇中,篇为读者提供了《道德经》每篇的简体字版本,随后是《道德经》的繁体字版本及逐行的翻译,后是作者的英文评注。本书是作者借鉴前人研究和翻译成就的基础之上,凭借个人深厚的中、英文双语功底和对中西方文化的修养,翻译并评注了《道德经》,全书形式采用了中英对照加评注的形式。 本书有以下特:1.《道德经》中文版本繁简对照,使读者全方位了解中国经典文化名著,不仅可以让读者“读懂”《道德经》,也能让读者了解繁简字的异同和变化过程;2.《道德经》中、英文逐句对照,使英语读者通过译文对《道德经》每一句话的意思一览无余,而且,译文“可读性”强,语言并不晦涩难懂,不仅会让读者清晰、准确、到位地了解《道德经》的文字内容,而且十分优美,宛若诗歌,有极强的欣赏性,即,文字内容既使外国读者了解中国文化,也能使中国读者提高英文素养;3.评论鞭辟里,深浅出,将《道德经》看似深奥的文字和思想转换成简洁、有力的评注,让读者了解道家思想的“庐山真面目”,真正的近道家思想所推崇的理念;4.借《道德经》谈今日事,作者认为,研究古人的典籍和思想是为了对今日的事情有所借鉴,从侧面来看,作者偏僻里的论述也在教读者如何将《道德经》中的思想运用于现在的生活,加强自身的修养;5.版式清晰,让读者一目了然,插图是由温州书画名家马亦钊提供的马氏家族的书画,内容是有中国古典韵味的山水、花鸟;6.本书装帧精美,封面别致,更在护封附上元朝赵孟的《道德经》书法作品的局内内容,让读者全方位了解《道德经》文化。
每满100减50 儒释道耶与中国文化(汉英对照)
每满100减50 郭建中翻译思想与翻译实践研究
本书作者通过与被研究者面对面的交流,在广泛收集有关郭先生翻译活动的文献资料和深入学习郭先生关于翻译方面论述的基础上,从文化交际出发,以和合翻译理论为视角,旨在对郭先生的翻译理论和翻译实践做一个全面的、系统的梳理和描述,探究郭先生独特思考方式及其发散型的译论研究和丰富的翻译实践,进一步理解和思索翻译理论,以便对中国传统译论和西方译论进行反思,探究先生的和合翻译思想,进而发掘先生翻译思想及其翻译实践对于我国翻译研究和文学翻译、科幻小说翻译实践的启迪和指导作用,以此推动浙江省乃至我国翻译理论和翻译实践的繁荣与发展,为构建适合我国国情和汉语语言文化特点的中国翻译理论体系提出点滴有意义的建议。 本书可供翻译工作者、比较文学和文化研究者、高学校外文和中文学科得师生阅读。
每满100减50 写给学生的艺术史:A CHILD’S HISTORY OF ART(英文版)
写给学生的艺术史:A CHILD’S HISTORY OF ART(英文版)
这本《写给学生的艺术史》专为美国学校4-8年级孩子们而编写,出版后也深受成人读者的喜爱, 是一本了解和欣赏世界艺术的经典读本。这是一本*生动而吸引孩子们学习艺术史的读本,完全脱离了那种传统教材的编写模式,让孩子们一也不觉得陈旧乏味…… ——《纽约时报》书评 极其少见的优秀课本,清晰而引人胜的内容、精致的艺术图片,使其不同于其他关于艺术史的教材。 ——《哈珀》杂志 Virgil M. Hillyer wrote this book over seventy years ago and it is still being recommended as excellent school curriculum today for Grade 5 students or above. Hillyer does a phenomenal job of making the art world interesting to children as well as to adults. He covers the major painters and art periods and then continues with sculpture and architecture. Painting—Topics include: caves, Egypt, palaces, vessels, Christian art, Renaissance, Rome, Flemish artists, portraits, the poor, impressionists, post-impressionism, Early Americans. Sculpture—Topics include: Egyptain sphinxes, Assyrain cherubs, athletic looking Greeks, natural human poses, miniatures, medals, busts, carved columns, reliefs, gargoyles, doors/gates, churches, animals, tombs, myths, Gods, heroes, symbolism, American President, memorials. Architecture—Topics include: pyramids, temples, ancient culture, arches, columns, domes, decoration, cathedrals, mosques, homes, chateaus, tombs, symmetry, eras, bridges. An adult would receive an excellent overview of the arts by reading this book and it makes an engaging book for children to be introduced to the world of the arts.
每满100减50 我爱读好英文合集(全14册)
本套书共含《我爱读好英文:要有多勇敢,才不惧悲伤》、《我爱读好英文:把逆境当作生命的礼物》、《我爱读好英文:与悲欢世界温柔相处(汉英对照)》、《我爱读好英文:那些温暖而美好的名篇》、《我爱读好英文:那些激励我前行的故事》、《每天读一点英文:那些美轮美奂的舞台剧(英汉对照)》、《每天读一点英文:那些来自华尔街的赚钱经》、《那些美好而忧伤的记忆》、《那些光影飞华的魅惑》、《那些无法拒绝的名篇》、《每天读一点英文那些妙趣横生的故事》、《那些给我勇气的句子》、《每天读一点英文:那些时光,那些风景(散文卷)(英汉对照)》、《每天读一点英文:那些年|那些诗(诗歌卷)(英汉对照)》共14册。 该系列是一套与美国人同步阅读的中英双语丛书。内文篇目选材广泛,内容丰富,短小精悍,给人启发,适于诵读。此外,每篇文章附带“实战提升篇”,包括核心单词、实用句型和翻译训练,是读者学习英文的ZUI佳读本。
每满100减50 汉代考古学概说(汉英对照)
每满100减50 月亮与六便士(全英文原版)
  世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。   艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。
每满100减50 每天看一点《梅林传奇》轻松学地道口语
每满100减50 The Birth-Mark 胎记(英文版)
The Birth-Mark 胎记(英文版)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
"The Birth-Mark" by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne examines obsession with human perfection. This short story was first published in the March 1843 edition of The Pioneer and later appeared in Mosses from an Old Manse, a collection of Hawthorne's short stories published in 1846.
每满100减50 Catherine A Story(III) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
Catherine A Story(III) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
Catherine: A Story, first appeared in serialized installments in Fraser's Magazine between May 1839 and February 1840. It was the first full-length work of fiction produced by William Makepeace Thackeray. Thackeray's original intention in writing it was to criticize the Newgate school of crime fiction, exemplified by Bulwer-Lytton and Harrison Ainsworth, whose works Thackeray felt glorified criminals.
每满100减50 The Blithedale Romance(II) 福谷传奇(英文版)
The Blithedale Romance(II) 福谷传奇(英文版)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Blithedale Romance (1852) is the third major romance of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Henry James called it "the lightest, the brightest, the liveliest" of Hawthorne's "unhumorous fictions." In the novel's preface, Hawthorne describes his memories of this temporary home as "essentially a daydream, and yet a fact" which he employs as "an available foothold between fiction and reality." The story takes place primarily in the utopian community of Blithedale, presumably in the mid-1800s.
每满100减50 The House of the Seven Gables(IV) 七角楼带七个尖角阁的房子(英文版)
The House of the Seven Gables(IV) 七角楼带七个尖角阁的房子(英文版)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The House of the Seven Gables (1851) is a Gothic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The novel follows a New England family and their ancestral home. In a sleepy little New England village stands a dark, weather-beaten, many-gabled house. This brooding mansion is haunted by a centuries-old curse that casts the shadow of ancestral sin upon the last four members of the distinctive Pyncheon family.
每满100减50 The Marble Faun(IV) 玉石人像(英文版)
The Marble Faun(IV) 玉石人像(英文版)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Marble Faun is Hawthorne's most unusual romance, and the last of the four major romances that Hawthorne wrote, possibly one of the strangest major works of American fiction. It’s published in 1860.
每满100减50 The Scarlet Letter(III) 红字(英文版)
The Scarlet Letter(III) 红字(英文版)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter rightly deserves its stature as the first great novel written by an American, is an absorbing tale about the temptations of power, wealth, and passion. It is a Wonderful and playful story.
每满100减50 Erling the Bold(I)勇者传奇:尔林的海上历险(英文版)
Erling the Bold(I)勇者传奇:尔林的海上历险(英文版)
R. M. Ballantyne
In the author's own words, "The present tale is founded chiefly on the information conveyed in that most interesting work by Snorro Sturleson "The Heimskringla, or Chronicles of the Kings of Norway." It is translated from the Icelandic. On perceiving the intention of the Danes to attack him, Erling's heart was glad, because he now felt sure that to some extent he had them in his power.
每满100减50 The Virginians (III) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians (III) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
The Virginians is a sprawling epic by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond and is also loosely linked to Pendennis. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia, It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington.
每满100减50 The Virginians (VI) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians (VI) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
The Virginians is a sprawling epic by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond and is also loosely linked to Pendennis. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia, It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington.
每满100减50 The Coral Island(I) 珊瑚岛(英文版)
The Coral Island(I) 珊瑚岛(英文版)
R. M. Ballantyne
All Ballantyne’s novels are, in his own words, "adventure stories for young folks", and The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean (1858) is no exception. It is a Robinsonade, a genre of fiction inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719).