

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Cookbook
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Cookbook
William Leemans
Over 60 recipes to help you build, configure, and orchestrate RHEL 7 Server to make your everyday administration experience seamless About This Book Create fully unattended installations and deploy configurations without breaking a sweat Discover and kick-start the newest RHEL 7 configuration and management tools through an easy-to-follow, practical approach for a lazy system management Be guided by an experienced RHEL expert who is a certified Linux engineer with a passion for open source and open standards Who This Book Is For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Cookbook is for RHEL 7 system administrators and DevOps in need of a practical reference guide to troubleshoot common issues and quickly perform tasks. What You Will Learn Set up and configure RHEL 7 Server Use NetworkManager to configure all aspects of your network Manage virtual environments using libvirt Set up software repositories Secure and monitor your RHEL environment Configure SELinux, and create and apply its policies Create kickstart *s to automatically deploy RHEL 7 systems Use Orchestration and configuration management tools to manage your environment In Detail Dominating the server market, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system gives you the support you need to modernize your infrastructure and boost your organization’s efficiency. Combining both stability and flexibility, RHEL helps you meet the challenges of today and adapt to the demands of tomorrow. This practical Cookbook guide will help you get to grips with RHEL 7 Server and automating its installation. Designed to provide targeted assistance through hands-on recipe guidance, it will introduce you to everything you need to know about KVM guests and deploying multiple standardized RHEL systems effortlessly. Get practical reference advice that will make complex networks setups look like child’s play, and dive into in-depth coverage of configuring a RHEL system. Also including full recipe coverage of how to set up, configuring, and troubleshoot SELinux, you’ll also discover how secure your operating system, as well as how to monitor it. Style and approach This practical guide is packed full of hands-on recipes that provide quick solutions to the problems faced when building your RHEL 7 system from scratch using orchestration tools. Each topic is explained sequentially in the process of setting up a system and binding everything together.
Building Minecraft Server Modifications - Second Edition
Building Minecraft Server Modifications - Second Edition
Cody M. Sommer
Create and customize your very own Minecraft server using Java and the Spigot API About This Book Set up a Minecraft server that you control Use object-oriented programming to modify Minecraft regardless of your level of experience This interactive guide will help you create a unique experience for you and your friends Who This Book Is For This book is great for anyone who is interested in customizing their Minecraft server. Whether you are new to programming, Java, Bukkit, or even Minecraft itself, this book has you covered. All you need is a valid Minecraft account. If you are interested in programming as a career or hobby, this book will get you started. If you are simply interested in playing Minecraft with your friends, then this book will help you make that experience even more enjoyable. What You Will Learn Install and run a Spigot server for free on your home PC Adjust the server settings to customize Minecraft to your liking Install an IDE and configure a project to write code Install and test plugins on a Spigot server Test your plugins through debugging the code Program in game commands and permissions Get to know advanced programming concepts such as event-driven programming, configuration files, saving/loading data, and scheduled tasks Implement configuration files to make your plugins customizable Save and load your plugin's data to persist across server restarts In Detail Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows you to play it in any way you want. Coupled with a multiplayer server powered by Spigot, you can customize the game even more! Using the Bukkit API, anyone interested in learning how to program can control their Minecraft world by developing server plugins. This book is a great introduction to software development through the wonderful world of Minecraft. We start by instructing you through how to set up your home PC for Minecraft server development. This includes an IDE complete with the required libraries as well as a Spigot server to test on. You will be guided through writing code for several different plugins. Each chapter teaches you new skills to create plugins of increasing complexity, and each plugin adds a new concept of the Bukkit API By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge you need about the API to successfully create any type of plugin. You can then practice and build your Java skills through developing more mods for their server. Style and approach This hands-on guide is filled with interactive examples to help you modify Minecraft. Programming terms and concepts are explained along the way so even those who have never written code before can keep up.
Maven Essentials
Maven Essentials
Prabath Siriwardena
Get started with the essentials of Apache Maven and get your build automation system up and running quickly About This Book Explore the essentials of Apache Maven essentials to arm yourself with all the ingredients needed to develop a comprehensive build automation system Identify the extension points in Apache Maven and learn more about them in-depth Improve developer productivity by optimizing the build process with best practices in Maven using this compact guide Who This Book Is For The book is ideal for for experienced developers who are already familiar with build automation, but want to learn how to use Maven and apply its concepts to the most difficult scenarios in build automation. What You Will Learn Comprehend the key concepts in Apache Maven Build your own custom plugins and get to know how Maven extension points are used Troubleshoot build issues with greater confidence Optimize Maven’s configuration settings Write custom lifecycles and extensions Get hands-on and create a Maven assembly Explore the best practices to design a build system that improves developer productivity In Detail Maven is the #1 build tool used by developers and it has been around for more than a decade. Maven stands out among other build tools due to its extremely extensible architecture, which is built on of the concept of convention over configuration. It’s widely used by many open source Java projects under Apache Software Foundation, Sourceforge, Google Code, and more. Maven Essentials is a fast-paced guide to show you the key concepts in Maven and build automation. We get started by introducing you to Maven and exploring its core concepts and architecture. Next, you will learn about and write a Project Object Model (POM) while creating your own Maven project. You will also find out how to create custom archetypes and plugins to establish the most common goals in build automation. After this, you’ll get to know how to design the build to prevent any maintenance nightmares, with proper dependency management. We then explore Maven build lifecycles and Maven assemblies. Finally, you will discover how to apply the best practices when designing a build system to improve developer productivity. Style and approach This book is a practical and compact guide that will show you how to use Apache Maven in an optimal way to address enterprise build requirements. It provides technical guidance to get you started with Maven and build automation.
Packet Analysis with Wireshark
Packet Analysis with Wireshark
Anish Nath
Leverage the power of Wireshark to troubleshoot your networking issues by using effective packet analysis techniques and performing improved protocol analysis About This Book Gain hands-on experience of troubleshooting errors in TCP/IP and SSL protocols through practical use cases Identify and overcome security flaws in your network to get a deeper insight into security analysis This is a fast-paced book that focuses on quick and effective packet captures through practical examples and exercises Who This Book Is For If you are a network or system administrator who wants to effectively capture packets, a security consultant who wants to audit packet flows, or a white hat hacker who wants to view sensitive information and remediate it, this book is for you. This book requires decoding skills and a basic understanding of networking. What You Will Learn Utilize Wireshark's advanced features to analyze packet captures Locate the vulnerabilities in an application server Get to know more about protocols such as DHCPv6, DHCP, DNS, SNMP, and HTTP with Wireshark Capture network packets with tcpdump and snoop with examples Find out about security aspects such as OS-level ARP scanning Set up 802.11 WLAN captures and discover more about the WAN protocol Enhance your troubleshooting skills by understanding practical TCP/IP handshake and state diagrams In Detail Wireshark provides a very useful way to decode an RFC and examine it. The packet captures displayed in Wireshark give you an insight into the security and flaws of different protocols, which will help you perform the security research and protocol debugging. The book starts by introducing you to various packet analyzers and helping you find out which one best suits your needs. You will learn how to use the command line and the Wireshark GUI to capture packets by employing filters. Moving on, you will acquire knowledge about TCP/IP communication and its use cases. You will then get an understanding of the SSL/TLS flow with Wireshark and tackle the associated problems with it. Next, you will perform analysis on application-related protocols. We follow this with some best practices to analyze wireless traffic. By the end of the book, you will have developed the skills needed for you to identify packets for malicious attacks, intrusions, and other malware attacks. Style and approach This is an easy-to-follow guide packed with illustrations and equipped with lab exercises to help you reproduce scenarios using a sample program and command lines.
Python GUI Programming Cookbook
Python GUI Programming Cookbook
Burkhard A. Meier
Over 80 object-oriented recipes to help you create mind-blowing GUIs in Python About This Book Use object-oriented programming to develop amazing GUIs in Python Create a working GUI project as a central resource for developing your Python GUIs Packed with easy-to-follow recipes to help you develop code using the latest released version of Python Who This Book Is For If you are a Python programmer with intermediate level knowledge of GUI programming and want to learn how to create beautiful, effective, and responsive GUIs using the freely available Python GUI frameworks, this book is for you. What You Will Learn Create amazing GUIs with Python’s built-in Tkinter module Customize the GUIs by using layout managers to arrange the GUI widgets Advance to an object-oriented programming style using Python Develop beautiful charts using the free Matplotlib Python module Use threading in a networked environment to make the GUIs responsive Discover ways to connect the GUIs to a database Understand how unit tests can be created and internationalize the GUI Extend the GUIs with free Python frameworks using best practices In Detail Python is a multi-domain, interpreted programming language. It is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is often used as a *ing language because of its forgiving syntax and compatibility with a wide variety of different eco-systems. Its flexible syntax enables developers to write short *s while at the same time, they can use object-oriented concepts to develop very large projects. Python GUI Programming Cookbook follows a task-based approach to help you create beautiful and very effective GUIs with the least amount of code necessary. This book uses the simplest programming style, using the fewest lines of code to create a GUI in Python, and then advances to using object-oriented programming in later chapters. If you are new to object-oriented programming (OOP), this book will teach you how to take advantage of the OOP coding style in the context of creating GUIs written in Python. Throughout the book, you will develop an entire GUI application, building recipe upon recipe, connecting the GUI to a database. In the later chapters, you will explore additional Python GUI frameworks, using best practices. You will also learn how to use threading to ensure your GUI doesn’t go unresponsive. By the end of the book, you will be an expert in Python GUI programming to develop a common set of GUI applications. Style and approach Every recipe in this programming cookbook solves a problem you might encounter in your programming career. At the same time, most of the recipes build on each other to create an entire, real-life GUI application.
JavaScript Unlocked
JavaScript Unlocked
Dmitry Sheiko
Improve your code maintainability, performance, and security through practical expert insights and unlock the full potential of JavaScript About This Book Improve your JavaScript code for better maintainability and performance Discover how to implement scalable application architecture with JavaScript Learn to use JavaScript behind the browser, including its command-line tools, desktop apps, and native mobile apps Who This Book Is For JavaScript Unlocked is for those JS developers who want to see just how far they can push their favourite language through practical insight and techniques. What You Will Learn Make your code readable and expressive by using simple syntax of JavaScript Grasp existing JavaScript collections such as arrays and array-like objects Develop abstract data types in most effective way to extend JavaScript into a more flexible and powerful programming language Examine the pros and cons of JavaScript by implementing real-time code examples Flourish real-time mini-projects by using JavaScript on server side to develop desktop as well as mobile applications Work on parallel tasks with asynchronous JavaScript Improve code maintainability and readability and boost apps performance through JavaScript In Detail JavaScript stands bestride the world like a colossus. Having conquered web development, it now advances into new areas such as server *ing, desktop and mobile development, game *ing, and more. One of the most essential languages for any modern developer, the fully-engaged JavaScript programmer need to know the tricks, non-documented features, quirks, and best practices of this powerful, adaptive language. This all-practical guide is stuffed with code recipes and keys to help you unlock the full potential of JavaScript. Start by diving right into the core of JavaScript, with power user techniques for getting better maintainability and performance from the basic building blocks of your code. Get to grips with modular programming to bring real power to the browser, master client-side JavaScript *ing without jQuery or other frameworks, and discover the full potential of asynchronous coding. Do great things with HTML5 APIs, including building your first web component, tackle the essential requirements of writing large-scale applications, and optimize JavaScript’s performance behind the browser. Wrap up with in-depth advice and best practice for debugging and keeping your JavaScript maintainable for scaling, long-term projects. With every task demonstrated in both classic ES5 JavaScript and next generation ES6-7 versions of the language, Whether read cover-to-cover or dipped into for specific keys and recipes, JavaScript Unlocked is your essential guide for pushing JavaScript to its limits.Style and approachThis practice-oriented cookbook is packed full of code examples put in the form: problem, classical solution, and methods to optimize webpage in both JavaScript ES5 and ES6 language editions. But this thorough guide is best-suited to those who like to “learn by doing” as the topics are covered using real-life examples and tutorials.
LLVM Essentials
LLVM Essentials
Suyog Sarda
Become familiar with the LLVM infrastructure and start using LLVM libraries to design a compiler About This Book Learn to use the LLVM libraries to emit intermediate representation (IR) from high-level language Build your own optimization pass for better code generation Understand AST generation and use it in a meaningful way Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those who already know some of the concepts of compilers and want to quickly get familiar with the LLVM infrastructure and the rich set of libraries that it provides. What You Will Learn Get an introduction to LLVM modular design and LLVM tools Convert frontend code to LLVM IR Implement advanced LLVM IR paradigms Understand the LLVM IR Optimization Pass Manager infrastructure and write an optimization pass Absorb LLVM IR transformations Understand the steps involved in converting LLVM IR to Selection DAG Implement a custom target using the LLVM infrastructure Get a grasp of C’s frontend clang, an AST dump, and static analysis In Detail LLVM is currently the point of interest for many firms, and has a very active open source community. It provides us with a compiler infrastructure that can be used to write a compiler for a language. It provides us with a set of reusable libraries that can be used to optimize code, and a target-independent code generator to generate code for different backends. It also provides us with a lot of other utility tools that can be easily integrated into compiler projects. This book details how you can use the LLVM compiler infrastructure libraries effectively, and will enable you to design your own custom compiler with LLVM in a snap. We start with the basics, where you’ll get to know all about LLVM. We then cover how you can use LLVM library calls to emit intermediate representation (IR) of simple and complex high-level language paradigms. Moving on, we show you how to implement optimizations at different levels, write an optimization pass, generate code that is independent of a target, and then map the code generated to a backend. The book also walks you through CLANG, IR to IR transformations, advanced IR block transformations, and target machines. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to easily utilize the LLVM libraries in your own projects. Style and approach This book deals with topics sequentially, increasing the difficulty level in a step-by-step approach. Each topic is explained with a detailed example, and screenshots are included to help you understand the examples.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Troubleshooting Guide
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Troubleshooting Guide
Benjamin Cane
Identify, capture and resolve common issues faced by Red Hat Enterprise Linux administrators using best practices and advanced troubleshooting techniquesAbout This BookDevelop a strong understanding of the base tools available within Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and how to utilize these tools to troubleshoot and resolve real-world issuesGain hidden tips and techniques to help you quickly detect the reason for poor network/storage performanceTroubleshoot your RHEL to isolate problems using this example-oriented guide full of real-world solutions Who This Book Is For If you have a basic knowledge of Linux from administration or consultant experience and wish to add to your Red Hat Enterprise Linux troubleshooting skills, then this book is ideal for you. The ability to navigate and use basic Linux commands is expected.What You Will LearnIdentify issues that need rapid resolution against long term root cause analysisDiscover commands for testing network connectivity such as telnet, netstat, ping, ip and curlSpot performance issues with commands such as top, ps, free, iostat, and vmstatUse tcpdump for traffic analysisRepair a degraded file system and rebuild a software raidIdentify and troubleshoot hardware issues using dmesgTroubleshoot custom applications with strace and knowledge of Linux resource limitations In Detail Red Hat Enterprise Linux is an operating system that allows you to modernize your infrastructure, boost efficiency through virtualization, and finally prepare your data center for an open, hybrid cloud IT architecture. It provides the stability to take on today's challenges and the flexibility to adapt to tomorrow's demands. In this book, you begin with simple troubleshooting best practices and get an overview of the Linux commands used for troubleshooting. The book will cover the troubleshooting methods for web applications and services such as Apache and MySQL. Then, you will learn to identify system performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot network issues; all while learning about vital troubleshooting steps such as understanding the problem statement, establishing a hypothesis, and understanding trial, error, and documentation. Next, the book will show you how to capture and analyze network traffic, use advanced system troubleshooting tools such as strace, tcpdump & dmesg, and discover common issues with system defaults. Finally, the book will take you through a detailed root cause analysis of an unexpected reboot where you will learn to recover a downed system.Style and approach This is an easy-to-follow guide packed with examples of real-world core Linux concepts. All the topics are presented in detail while you’re performing the actual troubleshooting steps.
Getting Started with React Native
Getting Started with React Native
Ethan Holmes
Learn to build modern native iOS and Android applications using JavaScript and the incredible power of React About This Book Learn to design and build a fully-featured application using the newest cutting-edge framework from Facebook Leverage your JavaScript skills to become a native app developer Develop custom UI components, implement smooth navigation, and access native features such as geolocation and local storage Who This Book Is For This book is for web developers who want to learn to build fast, good-looking, native mobile applications using the skills they already have. If you already have some JavaScript knowledge or are using React on the web, then you will be able to quickly get up and running with React Native for iOS and Android. What You Will Learn Set up the React Native environment on both devices and emulators Gain an in-depth understanding of how React Native works behind the scenes Write your own custom native UI components Learn the ins and outs of screen navigation Master the art of layout and styles Work with device-exclusive data such as geolocation Develop native modules in Objective-C and Java that interact with JavaScript Test and deploy your application for a production-ready environment In Detail React Native is a game-changing approach to hybrid mobile development. Web developers can leverage their existing skills to write mobile applications in JavaScript that are truly native without using cross-compilation or web views. These applications have all of the advantages of those written in Objective-C or Java, combined with the rapid development cycle that JavaScript developers are accustomed to. Web developers who want to develop native mobile applications face a high barrier to entry, because they are forced to learn platform-specific languages and frameworks. Numerous hybrid technologies have tried to simplify this process, but have failed to achieve the performance and appearance that users expect. This book will show you all the advantages of true native development that React Native has without the steep learning curve, leveraging the knowledge you already have. We do this by getting you up and running quickly with a sample application. Next, we’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of creating components and explain how React Native works under the hood. Once you have established a solid foundation, you will dive headfirst into developing a real-world application from start to finish. Along the way, we will demonstrate how to create multiple screens and navigate between them,use layout and style native UI components, and access native APIs such as local storage and geolocation. Finally, we tackle the advanced topic of Native modules, which demonstrates that there are truly no limits to what you can do with React Native. Style and approach This book provides a simple and easy way to build mobile applications in JavaScript. Each topic takes you through the life cycle of creating a fully-functional native app, with detailed explanations of the entire process.
Extending Jenkins
Extending Jenkins
Donald Simpson
Get a complete walkthrough of the many interfaces available in Jenkins with the help of real-world examples to take you to the next level with Jenkins About This Book Find out how to interact with Jenkins from within Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA Develop custom solutions that act upon Jenkins information in real time A step-by-step, practical guide to help you learn about extension points in existing plugins and how to build your own plugin Who This Book Is For This book is aimed primarily at developers and administrators who are interested in taking their interaction and usage of Jenkins to the next level. The book assumes you have a working knowledge of Jenkins and programming in general, and an interest in learning about the different approaches to customizing and extending Jenkins so it fits your requirements and your environment perfectly. What You Will Learn Retrieve and act upon Jenkins information in real time Find out how to interact with Jenkins through a variety of IDEs Develop your own Form and Input validation and customization Explore how Extension points work, and develop your own Jenkins plugin See how to use the Jenkins API and command-line interface Get to know how to remotely update your Jenkins configuration Design and develop your own Information Radiator Discover how Jenkins customization can help improve quality and reduce costs In Detail Jenkins CI is the leading open source continuous integration server. It is written in Java and has a wealth of plugins to support the building and testing of virtually any project. Jenkins supports multiple Software Configuration Management tools such as Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. This book explores and explains the many extension points and customizations that Jenkins offers its users, and teaches you how to develop your own Jenkins extensions and plugins. First, you will learn how to adapt Jenkins and leverage its abilities to empower DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Agile projects. Next, you will find out how to reduce the cost of modern software development, increase the quality of deliveries, and thereby reduce the time to market. We will also teach you how to create your own custom plugins using Extension points. Finally, we will show you how to combine everything you learned over the course of the book into one real-world scenario. Style and approach Extending Jenkins explores and explains advanced Jenkins functionality from a practical point of view, teaching you real-world skills that will help you get more from this powerful software. Each key topic is explained clearly with a practical example, and in sufficient detail so you understand the concepts and can then develop your own solutions using your preferred software and languages.
GameMaker Programming By Example
GameMaker Programming By Example
Brian Christian
Master the development of 2D games by learning to use the powerful GameMaker Language and tools provided by the GameMaker: Studio workspace and engine! About This Book Rapidly develop games using the powerful yet easy easy-to to-use GameMaker: Studio engine Comprehensive: This is a comprehensive guide to help you learn and implement GameMaker’s features. Go through step-by-step tutorials to design and develop unique games Who This Book Is For If you have at least some basic programming experience of JavaScript or any other C-like languages, then this book will be great for you. No experience beyond that is assumed. If you have no game development experience and are looking for a hobby, are an experienced game developer looking to master some advanced features, or fit anywhere in that spectrum, then you will find GameMaker: Studio and this book to be very useful in helping you create exciting games. What You Will Learn Understand the GameMaker: Studio interface and tools to quickly create the various assets used in your games Translate some of the GameMaker: Studio drag and drop functions to the GameMaker language Create games with random elements for exciting gameplay Use the basic GameMaker file I/O and encryption systems Utilize the GameMaker networking functions to create multiplayer games Give AI routines to your enemies to make challenging gameplay Create particle systems to give your game exciting graphics Understand the various debugging techniques available in GameMaker: Studio In Detail This book is excellent resource for developers with any level of experience of GameMaker. At the start, we’ll provide an overview of the basic use of GameMaker: Studio, and show you how to set up a basic game where you handle input and collisions in a top-down perspective game. We continue on to showcase its more advanced features via six different example projects. The first example game demonstrates platforming with file I/O, followed by animation, views, and multiplayer networking. The next game illustrates AI and particle systems, while the final one will get you started with the built-in Box2D physics engine. By the end of this book, you have mastered lots of powerful techniques that can be utilized in various 2D games. Style and approach A This step-by-step guide that follows and with details ons different topics throughout the creation of various examples.
Magento 2 Development Cookbook
Magento 2 Development Cookbook
Bart Delvaux
Over 60 recipes that will tailor and customize your experience with Magento 2 About This Book Solve common problems encountered while extending your Magento 2 store to fit your business needs Delve into the exciting and enhanced features of Magento 2 such as customizing security permissions, intelligent filtered search options, easy third-party integration, among others Learn to build and maintain a Magento 2 shop via a visual-based page editor and customize the look and feel using Magento 2’s offerings on the go Who This Book Is For This book is for every developer who has knowledge of PHP and wants to extend or customize the functionality of their Magento 2 system. If you have prior experience of the Magento platform, you will find this book useful in exploring the advanced features. What You Will Learn Install a Magento 2 shop with sample data Upgrade the data in a Magento 1 shop to a Magento 2 shop Manage the look and feel of the shop with custom themes Extend the shop with custom functionality such as forms, grids, and more Accelerate your store with some performance tool Build and structure your own shipping module Test your shop with automated tests and manage your product display In Detail With the challenges of growing an online business, Magento 2 is an open source e-commerce platform with innumerable functionalities that gives you the freedom to make on-the-fly decisions. It allows you to customize multiple levels of security permissions and enhance the look and feel of your website, and thus gives you a personalized experience in promoting your business. Style and approach This book is packed with a wide range of techniques to modify and extend the functionality of your online store. It contains easy-to-understand recipes starting with the basics and moving on to cover advanced topics. Many recipes work with code examples that can be downloaded from the book’s website.
Android Programming for Beginners
Android Programming for Beginners
John Horton
Learn all the Java and Android skills you need to start making powerful mobile applications About This Book Kick-start your Android programming career, or just have fun publishing apps to the Google Play marketplace A first-principles introduction to Java, via Android, which means you’ll be able to start building your own applications from scratch Learn by example and build three real-world apps and over 40 mini apps throughout the book Who This Book Is For Are you trying to start a career in programming, but haven’t found the right way inDo you have a great idea for an app, but don’t know how to make it a realityOr maybe you’re just frustrated that “to learn Android, you must know java.” If so, Android Programming for Beginners is for you. You don’t need any programming experience to follow along with this book, just a computer and a sense of adventure. What You Will Learn Master the fundamentals of coding Java for Android Install and set up your Android development environment Build functional user interfaces with the Android Studio visual designer Add user interaction, data captures, sound, and animation to your apps Manage your apps’ data using the built-in Android SQLite database Find out about the design patterns used by professionals to make top-grade applications Build, deploy, and publish real Android applications to the Google Play marketplace In Detail Android is the most popular OS in the world. There are millions of devices accessing tens of thousands of applications. It is many people's entry point into the world of technology; it is an operating system for everyone. Despite this, the entry-fee to actually make Android applications is usually a computer science degree, or five years’ worth of Java experience. Android Programming for Beginners will be your companion to create Android applications from scratch—whether you’re looking to start your programming career, make an application for work, be reintroduced to mobile development, or are just looking to program for fun. We will introduce you to all the fundamental concepts of programming in an Android context, from the Java basics to working with the Android API. All examples are created from within Android Studio, the official Android development environment that helps supercharge your application development process. After this crash-course, we’ll dive deeper into Android programming and you’ll learn how to create applications with a professional-standard UI through fragments, make location-aware apps with Google Maps integration, and store your user’s data with SQLite. In addition, you’ll see how to make your apps multilingual, capture images from a device’s camera, and work with graphics, sound, and animations too. By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to start building your own custom applications in Android and Java. Style and approach With more than 40 mini apps to code and run, Android Programming for Beginners is a hands-on guide to learning Android and Java. Each example application demonstrates a different aspect of Android programming. Alongside these mini apps, we push your abilities by building three larger applications to demonstrate Android application development in context.
Elasticsearch Indexing
Elasticsearch Indexing
Hüseyin Akdo?an
Improve search experiences with ElasticSearch’s powerful indexing functionality – learn how with this practical ElasticSearch tutorial, packed with tips! About This Book Improve user’s search experience with the correct configuration Deliver relevant search results – fast! Save time and system resources by creating stable clusters Who This Book Is For If you understand the importance of a great search experience this book will show you exactly how to build one with ElasticSearch, one of the world’s leading search servers. What You Will Learn Learn how ElasticSearch efficiently stores data – and find out how it can reduce costs Control document metadata with the correct mapping strategies and by configuring indices Use ElasticSearch analysis and analyzers to incorporate greater intelligence and organization across your documents and data Find out how an ElasticSearch cluster works – and learn the best way to configure it Perform high-speed indexing with low system resource cost Improve query relevance with appropriate mapping, suggest API, and other ElasticSearch functionalities In Detail Beginning with an overview of the way ElasticSearch stores data, you’ll begin to extend your knowledge to tackle indexing and mapping, and learn how to configure ElasticSearch to meet your users’ needs. You’ll then find out how to use analysis and analyzers for greater intelligence in how you organize and pull up search results – to guarantee that every search query is met with the relevant results! You’ll explore the anatomy of an ElasticSearch cluster, and learn how to set up configurations that give you optimum availability as well as scalability. Once you’ve learned how these elements work, you’ll find real-world solutions to help you improve indexing performance, as well as tips and guidance on safety so you can back up and restore data. Once you’ve learned each component outlined throughout, you will be confident that you can help to deliver an improved search experience – exactly what modern users demand and expect. Style and approach This is a comprehensive guide to performing efficient indexing and providing relevant search results using mapping, analyzers, and other ElasticSearch functionalities.
Mobile Web Performance Optimization
Mobile Web Performance Optimization
S. S. Niranga
Deliver a better mobile user experience by improving and optimizing your website – follow these practical steps for cutting-edge application development About This Book Optimize your website or application for an improved mobile performance Learn how to create lightweight, intuitive mobile UI and make sure it's supported by a robust application architecture Find out how to improve the performance of your applications by asking the right design questions at each stage in the development workflow Who This Book Is For This book has been created for web developers who want to optimize their website for today’s mobile users. If you understand just how important user experience is, this book is for you – it will help you throughout the entire optimization process. What You Will Learn Learn the three pillars of mobile performance Find out how to ask – and answer – crucial design questions such as ‘mobile or responsive?’ Learn how to minify CSS and JavaScript for improved performance Monitor and debug your website with the leading browser testing tools Explore the impact of caching on performance – and improve it using JavaScript and CSS frameworks Make third-party plugins your friend – avoid common issues and pitfalls In Detail With users increasingly accessing the web on mobile devices, it’s crucial to make sure your website is built to seamlessly fit this radical change in user behavior. Mobile Web Performance Optimization is designed to help you do exactly that – it’s been created to help you build fast, and mobile-user-friendly websites and applications. Featuring guidance through a range of techniques and tools essential to modern mobile development, this accessible guide will make sure you’re delivering a seamless and intuitive experience for your website’s users. Begin by exploring the fundamental components of mobile web design and website optimization, before learning how to put the concepts into practice. Featuring cross-platform solutions, insights on developing lightweight yet robust UI, and insights on how to successfully manage data, this application development book takes you through every stage in the development process – so you can be confident that you’re asking the right questions and using the best tools in the most effective way. By the end, you’ll understand implicitly what it means to ‘build for performance’- you’ll be a more confident developer, capable of building projects that adapt to a changing world. Style and approach This book takes a step-by-step approach to mobile web optimization, explaining the topics in a conversational and easy-to-follow style. Each topic includes detailed explanations of the basic and advanced features of mobile web optimization.
Pentaho Analytics for MongoDB Cookbook
Pentaho Analytics for MongoDB Cookbook
Joel Latino
Over 50 recipes to learn how to use Pentaho Analytics and MongoDB to create powerful analysis and reporting solutions About This Book Create reports and stunning dashboards with MongoDB data Accelerate data access and maximize productivity with unique features of Pentaho for MongoDB A step-by-step recipe-based guide for making full use of Pentaho suite tools with MongoDB Who This Book Is For This book is intended for data architects and developers with a basic level of knowledge of MongoDB. Familiarity with Pentaho is not expected. What You Will Learn Extract, load, and transform data from MongoDB collections to other datasources Design Pentaho Reports using different types of connections for MongoDB Create a OLAP mondrian schema for MongoDB Explore your MongoDB data using Pentaho Analyzer Utilize the drag and drop web interface to create dashboards Use Kettle Thin JDBC with MongoDB for analysis Integrate advanced dashboards with MondoDB using different types of connections Publish and run a report on Pentaho BI server using a web interface In Detail MongoDB is an open source, schemaless NoSQL database system. Pentaho as a famous open source Analysis tool provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability for large sets of data. The variant features in Pentaho for MongoDB are designed to empower organizations to be more agile and scalable and also enables applications to have better flexibility, faster performance, and lower costs. Whether you are brand new to online learning or a seasoned expert, this book will provide you with the skills you need to create turnkey analytic solutions that deliver insight and drive value for your organization. The book will begin by taking you through Pentaho Data Integration and how it works with MongoDB. You will then be taken through the Kettle Thin JDBC Driver for enabling a Java application to interact with a database. This will be followed by exploration of a MongoDB collection using Pentaho Instant view and creating reports with MongoDB as a datasource using Pentaho Report Designer. The book will then teach you how to explore and visualize your data in Pentaho BI Server using Pentaho Analyzer. You will then learn how to create advanced dashboards with your data. The book concludes by highlighting contributions of the Pentaho Community. Style and approach A comprehensive, recipe-based guide to take complete advantage of the Pentaho Analytics for MongoDB.
SFML Game Development By Example
SFML Game Development By Example
Raimondas Pupius
Create and develop exciting games from start to finish using SFML About This Book Familiarize yourself with the SFML library and explore additional game development techniques Craft, shape, and improve your games with SFML and common game design elements A practical guide that will teach you how to use utilize the SFML library to build your own, fully functional applications Who This Book Is For This book is intended for game development enthusiasts with at least decent knowledge of the C++ programming language and an optional background in game design. What You Will Learn Create and open a window by using SFML Utilize, manage, and apply all of the features and properties of the SFML library Employ some basic game development techniques to make your game tick Build your own code base to make your game more robust and flexible Apply common game development and programming patterns to solve design problems Handle your visual and auditory resources properly Construct a robust system for user input and interfacing Develop and provide networking capabilities to your game< In Detail Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) is a simple interface comprising five modules, namely, the audio, graphics, network, system, and window modules, which help to develop cross-platform media applications. By utilizing the SFML library, you are provided with the ability to craft games quickly and easily, without going through an extensive learning curve. This effectively serves as a confidence booster, as well as a way to delve into the game development process itself, before having to worry about more advanced topics such as “rendering pipelines” or “shaders.” With just an investment of moderate C++ knowledge, this book will guide you all the way through the journey of game development. The book starts by building a clone of the classical snake game where you will learn how to open a window and render a basic sprite, write well-structured code to implement the design of the game, and use the AABB bounding box collision concept. The next game is a simple platformer with enemies, obstacles and a few different stages. Here, we will be creating states that will provide custom application flow and explore the most common yet often overlooked design patterns used in game development. Last but not the least, we will create a small RPG game where we will be using common game design patterns, multiple GUI. elements, advanced graphical features, and sounds and music features. We will also be implementing networking features that will allow other players to join and play together. By the end of the book, you will be an expert in using the SFML library to its full potential. Style and approach An elaborate take on the game development process in a way that compliments the reader’s existing knowledge, this book provides plenty of examples and is kind to the uninitiated. Each chapter builds upon the knowledge gained from the previous one and offers clarifications on common issues while still remaining within the scope of its own subject and retaining clarity.
Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce - Second Edition
Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce - Second Edition
Robbert Ravensbergen
Transform your WordPress website into a fully-featured e-commerce store with the power of WooCommerce About This Book Offers do-it-yourself e-commerce solution using WordPress and WooCommerce Discover the new Onboarding wizard that makes complex processes user-friendly Manage your online store and expand its functions using plugins Who This Book Is For This book is suitable for everybody running their own WordPress website, such as small business owners and marketers. It has been written for users, not for programmers, who want to add e-commerce functionality to their existing WordPress website. The book will also appeal to Web design agencies working with WordPress and looking for ways to improve their services for clients working with WordPress. What You Will Learn Use WooCommerce settings to set up the behavior of the online store Get familiar with the downloadable and variable products Set up shipping and payment methods Use discount coupons for marketing purposes Choose the right WooCommerce theme for your online store Customize your website using the Storefront theme as a base Handle orders, payments, and emails on a daily basis with ease Work with WooCommerce reporting possibilities Expanding your online store with the functionalities offered by WooCommerce In Detail Building an online store is often considered to be a difficult, complex task. Using the combination of WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin, this is no longer the case. WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform for WordPress and is being rapidly developed by WooThemes. It provides a strong e-commerce solution to set up your own online store in just a couple of hours. This easy and practical book will help you make the most of WooCommerce to be able to set up and run your online store yourself. Installing WooCommerce is an easy task, but this book will explain in detail all the possible settings. After that you'll be adding products, different payment methods, and shipping solutions to your store. You will then customize your store by adding themes to change the look and feel. Once your store is running, you'll learn how to use discount coupons, process your orders, look at reports, and even expand the functionality further with additional plugins. By the end of the book, you will learn everything you need to add a fully functional online store to you WordPress website and start running an online business. Style and approach This book is a practical, step-by-step guide that will help you manage your online store easily and efficiently, and expand its functions using the WooCommerce plug-in
Banana Pro Blueprints
Banana Pro Blueprints
Ruediger Follmann
Leverage the capability of Banana Pi with exciting real-world projects About This Book Delve into the expanse of Banana Pi’s self-managing functionalities and develop real-world projects Gain hands-on experience of developing various wireless, multimedia, robotic, and sensor-based applications with Banana Pi Develop your applications using Banana Pi through a project-based approach Who This Book Is For This book is designed for those who are interested in exploring the capabilities of Banana Pro. Basic know-how of Linux and embedded systems would be an added advantage. What You Will Learn Remotely connect to Banana Pro and program the embedded board Use Banana Pro as a hotspot or provide an AirPlay server for wireless audio transmission Find out about the different programming languages that can be used with Banana Pro Build and program your own multimedia centre in order to watch television and movies Connect peripherals such as a camera, LCD, or hard disk to Banana Pro Manage and regulate your Linux system with Banana Pro Stream music wirelessly from your mobile phone to Banana Pro In Detail This book follows a tactical plan that will guide you through the implementation of Banana Pro and its configurations. You will then learn the various programming languages used with Banana Pi with the help of examples. In no time at all, you’ll be working on a wireless project that implements AirPlay servers, hotspots, and so on. Following this, you’ll develop a retro-style arcade kiosk game. Then we’ll move on to explore the multimedia features of Banana Pro by designing and building an enclosure for it. After this, you’ll learn to build a remote-controlled smart car and we’ll examine how to control a robotic arm. The book will conclude with the creation of a home sensor system that has the ability to expand or shrink to suit any home. Style and approach This book follows a project-based approach that covers the most important features of Banana Pro. Every chapter dives into the practical side of the implementation.
Gradle Essentials
Gradle Essentials
Kunal Dabir
Master the fundamentals of Gradle using real-world projects with this quick and easy-to-read guide About This Book Write beautiful build *s for various types of projects effortlessly Become more productive by harnessing the power and elegance of the Gradle DSL Learn how to use Gradle quickly and effectively with this step-by-step guide Who This Book Is For This book is for Java and other JVM-based language developers who want to use Gradle or are already using Gradle on their projects. No prior knowledge of Gradle is required, but some familiarity with build-related terminologies and an understanding of the Java language would help. What You Will Learn Master the Gradle DSL by identifying the building blocks Learn just enough Groovy for Gradle Set up tests and reports for your projects to make them CI ready Create library, stand-alone, and web projects Craft multi-module projects quickly and efficiently Migrate existing projects to a modern Gradle build Extract common build logic into plugins Write builds for languages like Java, Groovy, and Scala In Detail Gradle is an advanced and modern build automation tool. It inherits the best elements of the past generation of build tools, but it also differs and innovates to bring terseness, elegance, simplicity, and the flexibility to build. Right from installing Gradle and writing your first build file to creating a fully-fledged multi-module project build, this book will guide you through its topics in a step-by-step fashion. You will get your hands dirty with a simple Java project built with Gradle and go on to build web applications that are run with Jetty or Tomcat. We take a unique approach towards explaining the DSL using the Gradle API, which makes the DSL more accessible and intuitive. All in all, this book is a concise guide to help you decipher the Gradle build files, covering the essential topics that are most useful in real-world projects. With every chapter, you will learn a new topic and be able to readily implement your build files. Style and approach This step-by-step guide focuses on being productive with every chapter. When required, topics are explained in-depth to give you a good foundation of the Gradle fundamentals. The book covers most aspects of builds required for conventional JVM-based projects, and when necessary, points you towards the right resources.
Mastering Embedded Linux Programming
Mastering Embedded Linux Programming
Chris Simmonds
Harness the power of Linux to create versatile and robust embedded solutions About This Book Create efficient and secure embedded devices using Linux Minimize project costs by using open source tools and programs Explore each component technology in depth, using sample implementations as a guide Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for Linux developers and system programmers who are already familiar with embedded systems and who want to know how to create best-in-class devices. A basic understanding of C programming and experience with systems programming is needed. What You Will Learn Understand the role of the Linux kernel and select an appropriate role for your application Use Buildroot and Yocto to create embedded Linux systems quickly and efficiently Create customized bootloaders using U-Boot Employ perf and ftrace to identify performance bottlenecks Understand device trees and make changes to accommodate new hardware on your device Write applications that interact with Linux device drivers Design and write multi-threaded applications using POSIX threads Measure real-time latencies and tune the Linux kernel to minimize them In Detail Mastering Embedded Linux Programming takes you through the product cycle and gives you an in-depth de*ion of the components and options that are available at each stage. You will begin by learning about toolchains, bootloaders, the Linux kernel, and how to configure a root filesystem to create a basic working device. You will then learn how to use the two most commonly used build systems, Buildroot and Yocto, to speed up and simplify the development process. Building on this solid base, the next section considers how to make best use of raw NAND/NOR flash memory and managed flash eMMC chips, including mechanisms for increasing the lifetime of the devices and to perform reliable in-field updates. Next, you need to consider what techniques are best suited to writing applications for your device. We will then see how functions are split between processes and the usage of POSIX threads, which have a big impact on the responsiveness and performance of the final device The closing sections look at the techniques available to developers for profiling and tracing applications and kernel code using perf and ftrace. Style and approach This book is an easy-to-follow and pragmatic guide consisting of an in-depth analysis of the implementation of embedded devices. Each topic has a logical approach to it; this coupled with hints and best practices helps you understand embedded Linux better.