

Dirmil ?mürcüsü: Roman
Dirmil ?mürcüsü: Roman
Halil Erdem
Y?rede ya?am??, Halk A???? Emin Demirayak ve Kadir Türen gibi Teke kültürünün en yetkin, en üretken saz ve s?z ustalar?n?n dolu dolu ge?en s?ra d??? ya?am ?ykülerini, folklor zenginli?ini ve s?cak insan ?ykülerini masals? bir dil ile anlatan bir an? romand?r Dirmil ?mürcüsü. ?????????????? ? ? Orman?n bakanl?k eliyle kesili?ine silah?yla kar?? gelip hapis yatan, orman?n dingin gücünün i?inizde b?rakt??? inan?lmaz ya?ama iste?iyle sizi en yak?n ormana ko?turtacak bir ?a?r? ?yküsüdür. Emin Demirayak duyarl? sanat?? ki?ili?iyle haks?zl?klara kar?? duran, türküleri ta? plaklara kaz?nan dostlar? kadar dü?manlar? da olan ve sesiyle var olan Emin Demirayak, ?kavgalar?n birinde a?z? kulaklar?na kadar kesilir, kavgalar?n birinde de g?zü ??kar?l?r. Ve 1980 y?l?nda 12 Eylül’ün ilk saatlerinde 17 kur?unla sinsice ?ldürülür. Dirmil, da?larla ?evrili bir ovan?n ba??nda Oyuk da??na yaslanm??, ayaklar?n?n ucunda duran k?ylere yukardan bak?yordu. Bat?dan toplad??? tepeleri, do?uya da? s?ralar? ve platolar ?eklinde da??tm??t?. Bin y?ll?k sedirler, ard??lar tüm g?rkemiyle K?zlarsivrisi’nden ?ehre do?ru iniyordu. K?z?lc?klar, p?ynarlar, al??lar, ?am a?a?lar?, sedirler; ?i?e?ini a?m?? kekikler, papatyalar, da? menek?eleri, sessizlikte patlayan bin bir tomurcuk ar?lara, ku?lara, kelebeklere ve insanlara kollar?n? a?m?? beklemekteydi. Doruklar?n karlar? nisan ya?murlar?yla eridi. Yapraklardan dü?en damlalar, yama?lardan patlayan kara sular, p?narlar, dereler, kocaman Dirmil ?ay?’ndan k?püre k?püre ?a?layarak akt? ve Yaprakl?’da koca bir deniz olu?turdu. Oluktan akan sular, kal?n ?am a?ac? g?vdelerine oyulmu? yalaklar? doldurup da?lar?n vefal? dostu ke?ileri sulad??? gibi doruk ?ocuklar? i?in de bir plaj i?levini yap?yordu. Gulaz zaman?yd?; bütün ke?iler, koyunlar kuzulay?p sürüler ?o?ald?. Kuzular?n, o?laklar?n a??z sütlerine ?ocuklar, ?obanlar ortak oldu. Duman? tüten topraklar sürüldü. Ta?a, ku?a, topra?a deyip ü? kere at?ld? tohum. Ve bire bin verdi. HAL?L ERDEM ? 1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü???? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat??????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k?????????????? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme???? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam?? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????????? 2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)?????????????? ??????????????????????2015 ??iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Istrati Panait
Kog??lniceanu ?n literatura istoric?? a Rom?niei ?i Alecsandri ?n literatura noastr?? poporan?? joac?? p?n?? la un punct rolul lui Columb ?n privin?a geografic??. – Bogdan P. Hasdeu Mihail Kog??lniceanu a fost una din acele naturi alese ce greu ?ncap c?teva al??turea ?n veac; pentru care timpul care l-a tr??it a fost prea scurt ?i spa?iul ?n care i-a fost ?nvoit s?? se mi?te prea ne?nc??p??tor spre a dezvolta uria?a putere a concep?iunilor cuget??rilor ?i n??zuin?ilor lui. – A.D. Xenopol
The Rustlers of Pecos County
The Rustlers of Pecos County
Zane Grey
Texas was a huge wide place full of frontiersmen, ranchers, farmers, cowpokes, shiftless no-accounts, shootists, rascals, and politicians -- all of them blended together into a single state. The Rangers -- lawmen, Texas Rangers -- were outnumbered a thousand to one, and in one county -- Pecos county -- the law was all but helpless. Until Ranger Vaughn Steel went to Pecos, looking for revenge. . . .
The Story of the Amulet
The Story of the Amulet
Edith Nesbit
When Cyril, Robert, Anthea and Jane rescue the magic sand-fairy from a pet shop, they have no idea of the astonishing adventures to come!
The Incomplete Amorist
The Incomplete Amorist
Edith Nesbit
A gentle tale of romance and art from a noted children's author . . . "He asked idle questions: she answered them with a conscientious tremulous truthfulness that showed to him as the most finished art. Betty told him nervously and in words ill-chosen everything that he asked to know, but all the while the undercurrent of questions rang strong within her -- 'When is he to teach me? Where? How?' -- so that when at last there was left but the bare fifteen minutes needed to get one home in time for the midday dinner she said abruptly: 'And when shall I see you again?'
The Settling Earth
The Settling Earth
Rebecca Burns
Marriage transplants Sarah thousands of miles from home; a failed love affair forces Phoebe to make drastic choices in a new environment; a sudden, shocking discovery brings Mrs Ellis to reconsider her life as an emigrant - The Settling Earth is a collection of ten interlinked stories, focusing on the British settler experience in colonial New Zealand, and the settlers' attempts to make sense of life in a strange new land.? Sacrifices, conflict, a growing love for the landscape, a recognition of the succour offered by New Zealand to Maori and settler communities - these are themes explored in the book. The final story in the collection, written by Shelly Davies of the Ngātiwai tribe, adds a Maori perspective to the experience of British settlement in their land.
In the Dark
In the Dark
Edith Nesbit
Nice, moody, horror story. Two best friends are bedevilled by a third friend, who haunts them from grade school to adulthood. He seems to intuit things he can't know, and always tells the truth. One friend escapes to India to get away, the other stays in England. When the escapee returns, he finds his friend shattered and half-mad. Why, is the story.
Ca?a de bruixes: Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick
Ca?a de bruixes: Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick
Colleen Cross
COMPTE AMB ALL? QUE DESITGES Un misteri paranormal de les bruixes de Westwick La mort d’un multimilionari no és gaire bona per a un negoci! ?s el que diu la tieta Pearl a la Cen quan troben un cadàver a l’hostal familiar a Westwick Corners. Tanmateix, la Cen pensa que no és cosa d’ella. Viu una vida normal apartada de la màgia per alguna cosa. Està promesa amb un noi normal i té una feina normal com a periodista, sense màgia de per mig, i un inconvenient com un assassinat al poble no pertorbarà la seva còmoda existència. Encara que tot el poble acusi la tieta Pearl d’haver assassinat el seu hoste. Encara que el seu promès actu? d’una manera sospitosa i vegi fantasmes on no n’hi ha. Encara que el nou i atractiu xèrif, en Tyler Gates, la tracti com la més sexy de les bruixes. Si t’agraden els misteris lleugers amb una dosi d’humor i un toc sobrenatural, t’encantarà aquesta història de bruixes! Cada llibre de la saga conta una història diferent, i es poden llegir en qualsevol ordre. Sobre la saga Els misteris de les bruixes de Westwick: Registra’t per rebre notificacions a http://www.colleencross.com ?Una captivadora aventura màgica. Si t’agraden els misteris lleugers t’encantaran la Cendrine West i la seva peculiar família de bruixes. Westwick Corners no és el típic poblet. Ni tan sols un poble fantasma normal i corrent. ?s on la gent es perd i on les bruixes entrenen la seva màgia sense cridar massa l’atenció. Aquesta combinació el converteix en un lloc interessant on mesclar els misteris i l’humor, i les bruixes sempre són el centre d’acció. La cuina de la Ruby, les investigacions de la Cendrine i l’escola de màgia de la tieta Pearl sempre cerquen l’ingredient secret que impulsi les bruixes a la fama i la fortuna i torni a fer brillar el poble de Westwick Corners. Les bruixes sempre treballen en noves oportunitats de negoci per l’hostal Westwick Corners, el bar Embruix i, per descomptat, l’Escola d’Encanteri Pearl, on les bruixes van a desentranyar enigmes, conjurar encanteris i crear nous misteris màgics. Llàstima que sempre es distreguin perquè ocorren successos estranys a Westwick Corners, des de petits delictes fins a assassinats. La família West sempre ha estat a Westwick Corners i sempre hi estarà. Descendeixen d’una llarga estirp de bruixes que ha viscut a Westwick Corners des de la seva fundació. Bruixes que desvelen misteris, resolen crims i ajuden qui ho necessita. Són un conjunt de bruixes de tots els estils, perquè embruixar és una de les coses típiques que es fan a un poblet. Tothom ajuda. Fins i tot el fantasma de l’àvia Vi s’entremet i investiga. Però quan totes estiren, no ho fan sempre en la mateixa direcció. Si t’agraden les endevinalles, les rialles i les sagues de misteri, t’encantarà aquesta col·lecció. Disponible en format electrònic i en paper. La següent aventura de la saga ocorre la Nit de Nadal. Mentre hi hagi lectors que gaudeixin amb les meves històries, continuaré escrivint-les. Gràcies per la lectura!
Los pazos de Ulloa
Los pazos de Ulloa
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Los pazos de Ulloa es una novela de Emilia Pardo Bazán (1852-1921) publicada en 1886. Es una de las novelas que mejor ejemplifica la corriente naturalista, al reflejar la aceptación de las teorías positivistas aplicadas a la literatura por el escritor francés y padre del naturalismo ?mile Zola.
The Gentleman from Indiana
The Gentleman from Indiana
Newton Booth Tarkington
There is a fertile stretch of flat lands in Indiana where unagrarian Eastern travellers, glancing from car-windows, shudder and return their eyes to interior upholstery, preferring even the swaying caparisons of a Pullman to the monotony without. The landscape lies interminably level: bleak in winter, a desolate plain of mud and snow; hot and dusty in summer, in its flat lonesomeness, miles on miles with not one cool hill slope away from the sun.
The Conquest of Canaan
The Conquest of Canaan
Newton Booth Tarkington
Newton Booth Tarkington (July 29, 1869 – May 19, 1946) was an American novelist and dramatist best known for his novels The Magnificent Ambersons and Alice Adams. He is one of only three novelists to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once, along with William Faulkner and John Updike.
Grasping at Water
Grasping at Water
Carmel Bendon
When a young, unidentified woman is pulled alive and well from Sydney Harbour in 2013, the connections to another woman - found in similar circumstances forty years earlier - present psychiatrist Kathryn Brookley with a terrible decision as the events of the present and past begin to mirror each other and the gap between truth and illusion shrinks. When the young woman goes further and declares that she has lived continuously since coming to 'understanding' in the 14th century, her vivid accounts of life, love, childbirth, and loss in the Middle Ages seem so authentic that they test Kathryn's scientific objectivity to the limit. As Kathryn delves she discovers that she is not the only one whose habitual assumptions about life have been torn asunder by an apparent experience of the miraculous in connection with the mystery woman.
Beasley's Christmas Party
Beasley's Christmas Party
Newton Booth Tarkington
A young newspaperman who has just moved to a new town overhears the wealthy politician in the house next door talking aloud to nonexistent figures. Has David Beasley gone mad, or is his imagination simply greater than his friends and ex-fiancée believe?
The White Ship
The White Ship
H.P. Lovecraft
"The White Ship" is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft. It was first published in The United Amateur (Volume 19) #2, November 1919. A lighthouse keeper named Basil Elton engages upon a peculiar fantasy in which a bearded man piloting a mystical white ship is found sailing upon a bridge of moonlight. Elton joins the bearded man on this ship, and together they explore a mystical chain of islands unlike anything that can be found on Earth.
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
H.P. Lovecraft
The story describes of a strange hybrid race, half-human and half an unknown creature that resembles a cross between a fish and frog, that dwells in the seaside village of Innsmouth (formerly a large town, but lately fallen into disrepair). The townspeople worship Cthulhu and Dagon, a Philistine deity incorporated into the Cthulhu Mythos.
Fathers and Sons
Fathers and Sons
Ivan Turgenev
When a young graduate returns home he is accompanied, much to his father and uncle's discomfort, by a strange friend "who doesn't acknowledge any authorities, who doesn't accept a single principle on faith." Turgenev's masterpiece of generational conflict shocked Russian society when it was published in 1862 and continues today to seem as fresh and outspoken as it did to those who first encountered its nihilistic hero.
Paint the Roses Red
Paint the Roses Red
Tanya Lisle
Time is running out. Alice only has one year left to win her bet with the Bandersnatch, or be trapped as a prisoner in his garden forever. And Alice isn’t the only one losing heart. The Queen continues to steal peoples hearts, and the refugees from Neverland are the latest victims. For some reason, Alice can’t put them back and Adam refuses to leave Wonderland until they stop her. The pressure is on for Alice to keep the magic books from falling into the wrong hands. The clock is ticking and failure means none of the stolen hearts will be returned, Adam will remain trapped behind the mirror, and Alice will be forgotten in the Bandersnatch’s garden. Forever.
The Great Gatsby: [Illustrated Edition]
The Great Gatsby: [Illustrated Edition]
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession for the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan. Considered to be Fitzgerald's magnum opus, The Great Gatsby explores themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval, and excess, creating a portrait of the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream. Fitzgerald—inspired by the parties he had attended while visiting Long Island's north shore—began planning the novel in 1923, desiring to produce, in his words, "something new—something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned." Progress was slow, with Fitzgerald completing his first draft following a move to the French Riviera in 1924. The Great Gatsby received mixed reviews and sold poorly; in its first year, the book sold only 20,000 copies. Fitzgerald died in 1940, believing himself to be a failure and his work forgotten. However, the novel experienced a revival during World War II, and became a part of American high school curricula and numerous stage and film adaptations in the following decades. Today, The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be a literary classic and a contender for the title "Great American Novel". In 1998 the Modern Library editorial board voted it the 20th century's best American novel and second best English-language novel of the same time period.
The Scarlet Letter: [Illustrated Edition]
The Scarlet Letter: [Illustrated Edition]
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter is an 1850 romantic work of fiction in a historical setting, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and is considered to be his magnum opus. Set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, Massachusetts, during the years 1642 to 1649, it tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt. The experience of Hester and Dimmesdale recalls the story of Adam and Eve because, in both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledge – specifically, in knowledge of what it means to be immoral. For Hester, the Scarlet Letter is a physical manifestation of her sin and reminder of her painful solitude. She contemplates casting it off to obtain her freedom from an oppressive society and a checkered past as well as the absence of God. Because the society excludes her, she considers the possibility that many of the traditions held up by the Puritan culture are untrue and are not designed to bring her happiness.As for Dimmesdale, the "cheating minister", his sin gives him "sympathies so intimate with the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so that his chest vibrate[s] in unison with theirs." His eloquent and powerful sermons derive from this sense of empathy. The narrative of the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is quite in keeping with the oldest and most fully authorized principles in Christian thought. His "Fall" is a descent from apparent grace to his own damnation; he appears to begin in purity but he ends in corruption. The subtlety is that the minister's belief is his own cheating, convincing himself at every stage of his spiritual pilgrimage that he is saved. The rose bush's beauty forms a striking contrast to all that surrounds it – as later the beautifully embroidered scarlet "A" will be held out in part as an invitation to find "some sweet moral blossom" in the ensuing, tragic tale and in part as an image that "the deep heart of nature" (perhaps God) may look more kind on the errant Hester and her child than her Puritan neighbors do. Throughout the work, the nature images contrast with the stark darkness of the Puritans and their systems.Chillingworth's misshapen body reflects (or symbolizes) the anger in his soul, which builds as the novel progresses, similar to the way Dimmesdale's illness reveals his inner turmoil. The outward man reflects the condition of the heart; an observation thought to be inspired by the deterioration of Edgar Allan Poe, whom Hawthorne "much admired".
The Voyage Out
The Voyage Out
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf was an English writer, and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century. Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a central figure in the influential Bloomsbury Group of intellectuals. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and Orlando. Rachel Vinrace leaves on her father's ship for South America and her journey of self-discovery begins. The eclectic group of passengers provides Woolf with an opportunity to poke fun at Edwardian life. The novel is the first published by Woolf and introduces Clarissa Dalloway, the central character of Woolf's later novel, Mrs. Dalloway During the interwar period, Woolf was a signifi-cant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929) with its famous dictum, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction". Other Books of V. Woolf: To the Lighthouse (1927)Mrs Dalloway (1925)A Haunted House (1921)Orlando (1928)Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street (1923)Between the Acts (1941)The Duchess and the Jeweller (1938)The New Dress (1927)The Mark on the Wall (1917)The Years (1937)
Seventeen: A Tale of Youth and Summer Time and the Baxter Family Especially Will
Seventeen: A Tale of Youth and Summer Time and the Baxter Family Especially Will
Newton Booth Tarkington
Seventeen: A Tale of Youth and Summer Time and the Baxter Family Especially William is a humorous novel by Booth Tarkington that gently satirizes first love, in the person of a callow 17-year-old, William Sylvanus Baxter. Seventeen takes place in a small city in the Midwestern United States shortly before World War I. It was published as sketches in the Metropolitan Magazine in 1914, and collected in a single volume in 1916, when it was the bestselling novel in the United States.