

Alexandru Macedonski
Dup? cum din Golanii nu se putea prevedea Ion, tot a?a nici din La Grandiflora nu se putea prevedea Rusoaica sau Donna Alba, cu toat? prezen?a elementelor prezumtive ale talentului lui Gib I. Mih?escu. Scriitorul a ?tiut s? se organizeze ?n crea?ii de care critica e bucuroas? s? ?in? seama, ca de produc?ii reprezentative ale literaturii noastre ultime. (Eugen Lovinescu)
Minunile Sf Sisoe
Minunile Sf Sisoe
Toparceanu George
Iubire sete de via?? Tu e?ti puterea creatoare Sub care inimile noastre Renasc ca ???orile ?n soare ??i ?mb?tate de-al t?u farmec Ce peste lume se a?terne ?n tremurarea lor de-o clip? Viseaz? fericiri eterne. Din haos ?i din ?ntuneric Te-ai smuls fecund? ?i senin?: Al t?u sur?s de alma parens Fu prima raz? de lumin?. ??i de c?ldura ta plane?ii Treptat se dezmor?esc ?nvie... Pe to?i ca ?ntr-o mreaj?-i leag? Universala simpatie. Tu faci s? circule ?n lume Puterea ta de z?mislire. ??i miliardele de forme De-a lungul vremii s? se-n?ire. Alexandru Vlahuta - Iubire
Despot Voda. Sanziana si Pepelea
Despot Voda. Sanziana si Pepelea
Vasile Alecsandri
Prin culegerea de fa?? punem la dispozi?ia tineretului studios (?i nu numai) o seam? de opere importante ale lui Vasile Alecsandri, opere reprezentative pentru dramaturgia ?i proza scriitorului, ?n primul r?nd cele prev?zute de programele ?colare ?n vigoare.
Valea Alb?
Valea Alb?
Asachi Gheorghe
Biblioteca colarului“ cuprinde cele mai preuite opere ale scriitorilor clasici ai literaturii romne din programa colar. Crile de neuitat ale copilriei sunt disponibile astzi si in format e-book.
Via?a lumii
Via?a lumii
Miron Costin
Si intr-adevar Vlaicu-Voda intruneste toate cerintele unei drame menite sa ramana calitati literare si calitati dramatice. Autorul acestei drame e un adevarat poet care prin imagini noi si bogate prin cuvinte expresive stie sa zugraveasca oameni fapte locuri timpuri. Limba lui e o comoara pe care doar la Odobescu o mai intalnim imperecherea neologismelor cu arhaismele da o culoare delicata si in acelasi timp da putere de expresivitate frazei imperecherile acestea desigur le gasim si in Odobescu dar dl Davila a stiut sa le inmulteasca si sa le rafineze. Un patetism sincer firesc inalta parca si valoarea cuvintelor si a frazelor. Tiradele chiar cele mai lungi sunt cladite cu o arta de compozitie deplina cu o putere de convingere rara asa ca efectul lor e puternic inaltator. Emotia artistica cuprinde pe spectator si-l tine toata vremea cat aude vorbele intelepte/romanesti ale figurilor de pe scena. si pe urma sentintele cuminti neaose care sunt presarate aproape in fiecare replica. [...] Cu toate observatiile mai mult sau mai putin insemnate Vlaicu-Voda ramane o podoaba a literaturii noastre dramatice prin patetismul cald si comunicativ prin frumusetea limbii si a versurilor prin puterea de evocare a unei epoci framantate prin maiestria de amanunt cu care e construita prin efectele dramatice si prin patriotismul cald si cuminte ce transpira dintr-insa. Ca atare Vlaicu-Voda nu numai merita dar trebuie sa figureze totdeauna in repertoriul Teatrului National alaturi de dramele lui Alecsandri Caragiale Hasdeu si ale dlui Delavrancea – Liviu Rebreanu
Stejarul din Borze?ti
Stejarul din Borze?ti
Gane Nicolae
Franta avu multi fabulisti nici unul insa nu ajunse pe La Fontaine si sa va spun eu pentru ce? Pentru ca fabula nu sufera secatura si umplutura; ea cere pe langa talent o armonie un stil simplu; ea e datoare sa spuna numai ce trebuie nici o silaba mai mult. Si cine avea mai multa armonie decat Donici! In bordei ca si in palat fabulele lui sunt citite si intelese. – Costache Negruzzi
Goca Meryem
Goca Meryem
Halil Erdem
Birileri ?anakkale’de, Kurtulu? Sava??’nda sava??p tutsak olurken, ?ehit olurken baz? az?nl?klar ve a?a tak?m? geride kal?p mal mülk edinme pe?indedirler. Devlet y?netimindeki adamlar?n?n deste?iyle A?alar halk?n elindeki topra?a zorla el koyar. El koyduklar? yetmezmi? gibi halk? adeta k?le gibi ezer, s?mürür; ?nüne ??kan her engeli yok ederler.? Fakat Goca Meryem gibi bir kad?n ??kar ve kendili?inden olu?an hareketin ba??na ge?erek kanl? bir ba?kald?r? ger?ekle?tirir.? Sonras?nda ?smet ?n?nü deste?iyle Ziraat Bankas? kredi verir ve toprak reformu yap?l?r. ?Bu y?nüyle bu ?ykü ülkemizde ya?anm?? benzeri olmayan bir ?yküdür. ?Zulme ra?men romantizmi elden b?rakmayan, a?klar?n? koruyan insan ?ykülerini k?rk kaynak ki?inin anlat?m?na ba?l? olarak ger?ek kahraman ve yer adlar?yla yaz?lm?? bir an? romand?r Goca Meryem. K?y Ak da??n eteklerinde, kü?ük bir ovan?n k?y?s?nda duran tatl? iki tepeci?e yaslanm??t?. Ovalar?nda ahlat armutlar?, güz rengine boyanm?? meyvesiz a?a?lar, kü?ücük da? elmalar?, as?rl?k cevizler toprak daml? evleri sakl?yordu. K?y iki yakas? bir araya gelmemi?, zar zor ge?inen yoksul elli alt? haneden olu?uyordu. Her evin az ?ok ke?isi, koyunu; uysal ?küzleri, inekleri vard?. ???????? 1924 y?l?nda Cumhuriyetle birlikte ??rten k?yü Mu?la’dan al?n?p Burdur iline kat?ld?. Bu nedenle Mu?lal? birka? toprak sahibi topraklar?n? sat?p gitme karar? ald?. ?Bu teklif üzerine birka? kurnaz k?ylü toprak sahiplerine: ????????? “Bekleyin biz aram?zda g?rü?üp karar? size bildirece?iz,”dediler. Bir araya gelen Muhtar Karaca, Habip ve G?k ?akir, oturmu? bu konuyu tart???yorlard?: “Ta?lay?verelim gitsinler. Bu zamanda kim para bulmu? da toprak sat?n alacak. Satamazlar. Satamad??? topra?? ne yapacaklar? Gelip ekebilecekler mi? Sanm?yorum. ?ekip gidecekler, ?yle de?il mi?” dedi G?k ?akir. Habip: “Ta?layal?m vallahi, ta?land??? yere bir daha ad?mlar?n? atamazlar.” “Arkada?lar bu insanlarla y?llarca tarla kom?ulu?u yapm???z, birbirimizin lokmalar?n? yemi?iz, sonra babalar? da baba dostlar?d?r. Ay?p olmaz m? k?yden kuduz k?pek kovar gibi bu insanlar? ta?lamak!” G?k ?akir: “Ay?p diyorsun, ama toprak alacak para m? var?” “Oldu?u kadar veririz, gerisini harman kalk?m?ndan sonra deriz, olmad? taksit taksit ?deriz. Adamlar?n ba?ka bir se?ene?i g?rünmüyor gibi; kabul etmeyip de ne yapacaklar!” “??te ba?ka se?enekleri olmad??? i?in ta?layaca??z ya, ta?layal?m gitsinler!” deyip ?srar?n? sürdürdü G?k ?akir. “Hadi o zaman gazam?z mübarek olsun!”dedi onun silah arkada?? Habip. Zaten G?k ?akir ne derse ona uyard?. ?ünkü seferberlikte yaralan?p dü?tü?ünde kendisini omzuna al?p cephe gerisine ta??y?p kurtaran G?k ?akir’di. Ona bir can borcu vard?. O yüzden, o gün bu gün hep ayn? sibekten i?erlerdi. Karaca ne de olsa muhtard?. Bu i?e kar??mak istemiyordu. G?k ?akir ile Habip, birka? k?ylüyü yanlar?na ald?. Eli ta? tutan ne kadar ?oluk ?ocuk varsa toplad?lar. Mu?lal? toprak sahipleri, Karap?nar’?n ?nünde k?ylülerden gelecek haberi bekliyordu. K?ylüler, gizlendikleri yerden onlar? ta?a tuttular. Her bir yandan ya?mur gibi ta? ya??yordu. Toprak sahipleri neye u?rad?klar?n? anlayamad?lar. “Anam, yand?m! Can?n? seven ka?s?n!” “Hadi atla! “Tak tuk” Mu?lal?lar ka?arken ayaklar? k??lar?na yap???yordu. HAL?L ERDEM ?1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat??????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k?????????????? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme???? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam?? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????? ????2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)???????????????????????????????????? 2015 ? ?iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Tokat??: ?ocuk roman?
Tokat??: ?ocuk roman?
Halil Erdem
Bir ?ocu?un, ya?ad??? ?ehirden k?rsalda ya?ayan babaannesinin yan?nda gidip yaz tatilini ge?irirken ya?ad??? maceray? anlat?r Tokat??. 85 ya??ndaki babaannesinin dikti?i a?a?larla nas?l ya?ama ba?land???n?, kendi kedine eme?iyle nas?l ayakta kald???n? anlatan, ?ocuklar?n aya??n? yere bast?racak ger?ekli?in romand?r. Tokat?? karakteriyle g?revi k?tüye kullanman?n sonu?lar?n? ya?ayarak g?ren Bar?? bir atla ve ba? bek?isi k?z arkada??yla ge?irdikleri unutulmaz bir yaz maceras?n?n yan?nda bilgiye ula?may?, bilimselli?i ara?t?rma sonunda ??renen ?ocuklar?n ?yküsüdür Tokat??. ?AM KARDE?L??? ? Nisan sonlar?yd?. Hava ?oktan ?s?nm??, b?rtü b?cek hareketlenmi?ti. Toprakta bin bir tohum canlanm??, yeryüzünü ye?ile boyam??t?. Bademler, ?eftaliler, elma a?a?lar?, bütün do?a tomurcuk patlamas?yla ba? d?ndürücü bir güzelli?e bürünmü?tü. A?a?lar duva??n? takm?? gelin gibiydi. 23 Nisan co?kusu bütün ?ocuklar?n i?indeydi. Okullarda bayraklar, fenerler, ?e?it ?e?it el i?i süslemeler okul pencerelerinde ?ocuklara, gen?lere; hatta bütün ulusa k?van?la bak?yordu. Zil ?ald?. ?ocuklar ko?ullanm?? zil sesiyle bah?eyi bo?alt?p s?n?flara girdi. ?ocuklar?n sesleriyle yank?lanan bo?luk, ayak izlerini ta??yan bah?e, d??ar?da kald?. S?n?fa giren ??retmen: —?ocuklar, size güzel bir haberim var, Pamukkale’ye bir gezi yapaca??z, dedi. S?n?ftaki bütün ??renciler bir a??zdan: —Oley! diye sevin? ???l??? att?lar. Planlama ve haz?rl?klar yap?ld?. Yola ??k?ld?. May?s ay?n?n ilk haftas?yd?. Otobüs Antalya’dan ??k?p yükseklere do?ru yol ald?k?a, ?ocuklar havan?n serinledi?ini fark ettiler. ?? ?Denizli’ye girmeden mola verip piknik yapmak istiyorlard?. Her ?ocu?un geziden beklentileri ayr? ayr?yd?. Kimi ?i?eklerin i?inde oyunlar kuracakt?. Kimi a?a?lara t?rmanacakt?. Kimi de belgesellerde g?rdü?ü canl?larla kar??la?abileceklerini hayal ediyordu. ?imdilik onlara d?rt duvarl? s?n?ftan ??kmak bile yetmi?ti. ??? Otobüs, derin bir vadide bir süre ilerledikten sonra ?ay?r? ?imeni bol, ho? bir düzlükte durdu. ??retmen kap? a??lmadan gerekli uyar?lar? yapt?. Kap? a??ld?. ?ocuklar s?rayla indiler. Hava s?cakt?. Ku?lar?n, b?rtü b?ceklerin güzel sesleri bitmeyen bir ?ark? gibiydi. Yaban ?ilekleri, b??ürtlenler, al??lar, da? elmas?, ku?burnular hepsi ama hepsi ?i?eklerini ?oktan a?m??, yapraklar? tomurcuklanm??t?. ??? ?ocuklar, ?imenin yumu?akl???n? hissedince, ko?maktan kendini alam?yordu. K?zlar ?i?ekten ba?lar?na ta? yap?yor, ar?lar o ?i?ekten ?tekine u?u?urken, onlarla yar???rcas?na hoplay?p z?pl?yorlard?. ??? Bar??, g?züne kestirdi?i bir ?am a?ac?na y?nelip t?rmanmaya ba?lad?. Bar??’? g?ren ?ocuklar ??retmene g?sterdiler. ??retmen ?am a?ac?na bakt?: HAL?L ERDEM ? 1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat?????????????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k???? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme?????????? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar???????????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????????? 2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)???????????????????????????????????? 2015 ? ?iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.
Ion Pillat
Russo ni se dovedeste… in aceasta opera mai renumita a lui, posesorul unui ?simt muzical?, pe care, in acelasi fel si cu aceleasi caracteristici, proza romaneasca nu-l manifestase mai inainte… Multimea conjunctiei ?si? in Cantarea Romaniei lucreaza ca un ?legatto? muzical, menit sa elimine articulatia logica si oarecum spatiala a propozitiilor si sa sublinieze continuitatea lor metodica. Nimeni mai mult ca Russo n-a folosit in proza noastra acest vechi ?si? biblic, procedeu magic si incantatoriu…“ – Tudor Vianu
C?ntarea Rom?niei
C?ntarea Rom?niei
Alecu Russo
Cu privire la G. Toprceanu se constat dou atitudini n sfera unei consideraii generale. Unii l preuiesc ca pe un poet mare alii ca pe un poet minor. Cea dinti opinie este greu de susinut. ns n starea poeziei de azi cnd adesea lipsete scriitorului ndreptirea nsi de a scrie expresia minor“ poate s fie ru interpretat. S spunem dar c Toprceanu e socotit ca un poet al universului mic. Dar unde se afl adevrata poezie Orict ncntare ne-ar produce Parodiile originale spiritul nostru critic ntmpin greutate s gseasc alt merit dect acela de observaie i virtuozitate n nite compuneri al cror punct de plecare este n poezia altora. O parodie este n definitiv o pasti exagerat ca spre a-i gsi iertarea n recunoaterea imitrii. Toprceanu nsui le numea pagini modeste de critic literar n pilde“. Totui se poate observa la el acel fenomen de uitare n model care e chiar semnul clasicei inspiraii...“ – G. Calinescu Istoria literaturii romne de la origini pn n prezent
Legende istorice
Legende istorice
Bolintineanu Dimitrie
Cel ce a scris aceast?? c??rticic?? ?i al c??rui nume s-a tot pitit p?n?? acuma sub modestul titlul de Culeg??torul tipograf p?n?? c?nd ?n sf?r?it meritele sale literare de to?i recunoscute ne-au f??cut s??-l silim acum pentru ?nt?ia?i dat?? a se da ?n vileagul publicit???ii cel ce a scris aceast?? c??rticic?? zic mi-a f??cut onoarea ?i pl??cerea de a m?? consulta adesea asupra alegerii faptelor pe care voia s?? le povesteasc?? ?ntr-?nsa. I-a dat ?n minte d-lui P. Ispirescu bunul g?nd de a l??muri pe cei din cititori rom?ni care nu sunt tocmai c??rtutari ad?nci asupra unei mul?imi de nume de cuvinte ?i de zic??tori str??ine pe cari ?n timpul de acum le ?ntrebuin?eaz?? mereu scriitorii no?tri prin gazete ?i prin felurite c??r?i. [...] Apoi pentru un a?a bun serviciu nu se cade oare s?? mul?umim domnului P. Ispirescu culeg??torul ?i scriitorul at?tor Basme Snoave ?i Zic??tori rom?ne?ti con?tiinciosul ?i merituosul lor editor? Ba z??u foarte mult ?i eu unul m?? simt acum fericit c?? mi-a dat ?nsu?i prilejul de a-i aduce prin aceste r?nduri cel dint?i prinos de mul?umire. Sunt ?ncredin?at c?? ?n urm??-mi are s?? se adune gloat?? mare. A. I. ODOBESCU
Sing a Song of Sixpence: [Illustrated]
Sing a Song of Sixpence: [Illustrated]
Mary Holdsworth
A brand new sixpence fresh from the Mint! How it sparkled and glittered in the dancing sunlight! Such a treasure for a small girl to possess! But then, on the other hand, what a heavy responsibility!??All day long it had been burning a hole in her pocket, and as for learning lessons, not an idea would enter her head. Everything went in at one ear and out of the other, as Miss Primmer sternly remarked when Nellie could not say her poetry. But, indeed, Nellie did try hard to learn her lessons; she squeezed her eyes together as tightly as possible, though how shutting her eyes was to prevent the lessons from coming out of her ears was not very clear. ??"But I must learn them now," she sighed, "or Miss Primmer will keep me in tomorrow, and I shan't be able to go out with Nursie and Reggie to spend my sixpence. Oh dear! I wish I could learn my poetry and keep it in, I guess I'd better get a bit of cotton wool to put in my ears and then it can't come out. There, now!
The Little Princess of Tower Hill
The Little Princess of Tower Hill
L. T. Meade
All the other children who knew her thought Maggie a wonderfully fortunate little girl. She was sometimes spoken about as the "Little Princess of Tower Hill," for Tower Hill was the name of her father's place, and Maggie was his only child. ??The children in the village close by spoke of her with great respect, and looked at her with a good deal of longing and also no slight degree of envy, for while they had to run about in darned and shabby frocks, Maggie could wear the gayest and daintiest little dresses, and while they had to trudge sometimes even on little bare feet, Maggie could sit by her mother's side and be carried rapidly over the ground in a most delicious and luxurious carriage, or, better still, she might ride on her white pony Snowball, followed by a groom. The poor children envied Maggie, and admired her vastly, and the children of those people who, compared to Sir John Ascot, Maggie's father, might be considered neither rich nor poor, also thought her one of the most fortunate little girls in existence. Mag-gie was nearly eight years old, and from her very earliest days there had been a great fuss made about her. At the time of her birth bonfires had been lit, and oxen killed and roasted whole to be given away to the poor people, and Sir John and Lady Ascot did not seem at all disappointed at their baby being a girl instead of a son and heir to the old title and the fine old place. ??There was a most extraordinary fuss made over Maggie while she was a baby; her mother was never tired of visiting her grand nurseries and watching her as she lay asleep, or smiling at her and kissing her when she opened her big, bright blue eyes.
The Financier
The Financier
Theodore Dreiser
The Financier, a novel by Theodore Dreiser Published in 1912, is the first volume of the Trilogy of Desire, which includes The Titan (1914) and The Stoic (1947).? ?? SUMMARY:?? In Philadelphia, Frank Cowperwood, whose father is a banker, makes his first money passing by an auction sale, he successfully bids for seven cases of Castile soap, which he sells to a grocer the same day with a profit of over 70 percent. Later, he gets a job in Henry Waterman & Company, and leaves it for Tighe & Company. He also marries an affluent widow, in spite of his young age. Over the years, he starts misusing municipal funds with the aid of the City Treasurer. ??? In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire redounds to a stock market crash, prompting him to be bankrupt and exposed. Although he attempts to browbeat his way out of being sentenced to jail by intimidating Mr Stener, politicians from the Republican Party use their influence to use him as a scapegoat for their own corrupt practices. Meanwhile, he has an affair with Aileen Butler, a young girl, subsequent to losing faith in his wife. She vows to wait for him after his jail sentence. Her father, Mr Butler dies; she grows apart from her family.
The Titan
The Titan
Theodore Dreiser
The Titan is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser in 1914. It is Dreiser's sequel to The Financier. Sometime after being released from prison, Frank invests in stocks subsequent to the Panic of 1873, and becomes a millionaire again. He decides to move out of Philadelphia and start a new life in the West. He moves to Chicago with Aileen and his attorney is finally able to persuade Lillian to agree to a divorce. Frank decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other political allies. Meanwhile, Chicago society finds out about his past in Philadelphia and the couple are no longer invited to dinner parties; after a while, the press turns on him too. Cowperwood is unfaithful many times. Aileen finds out about a certain Rita and beats her up. She gives up on him and has an affair with Polk Lynde, a man of privilege; she eventually loses faith in him. Meanwhile, Cowperwood meets young Berenice Fleming; by the end of the novel, he tells her he loves her and she consents to live with him. However, the ending is bittersweet as Cowperwood has not managed to obtain the fifty-year franchise for his railway schemes that he wanted.
Bok B?ce?i: "Andersen'den"
Bok B?ce?i: "Andersen'den"
Yalçın Ceylanoğlu
Güne, onun üzerinde parlyor ve ok güzel ldyordu. Bok bcei, “Dünya, henüz o kadar akln karmam.”, dedi ve unu syledi: “Sadece ona katlanmann yolunu yordamn bilmeniz gerekiyor.” Dünya güzeldi: mparatorun süvari atna, nallar verilmiti ünkü binicisi, “Bok Bcei” olacakt. Bok bcei unu syledi: “imdi ineceim ve dier bok bceklerine, uruma ne kadar fazla ey yapldn anlatacam. Dardaki yolculuumda tiryakisi olduum tüm zevklerden bahsedeceim ve artk at, nallarn eskitene kadar yuvamda kalacam syleyeceim!” Yazar Hakknda: “1972 ylnda Adana'da dodu. lk, orta ve lise eitimini Adana'da tamamlad. ukurova niversitesi Biyoloji Blümü'nden 1994 ylnda mezun oldu. eviri iiyle urat. 2004 ylndan bu yana, zel bir irkette muhasebe eleman olarak alyor. Hobi olarak, blog yazarl, editrlük (Adana Blog Yazarlar Facebook sayfas) ve eviri yapyor. Yabanc dil olarak, ngilizce biliyor. Mitoloji ve simgecilik konularyla ilgileniyor."
Cinderilla: "Or, the Little Glass Slipper"
Cinderilla: "Or, the Little Glass Slipper"
Charles Perrault
Cinderella, or "The Little Glass Slipper", is a folk tale embodying a myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world. The title character is a young woman living in unfortunate circumstances, that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune. The oldest documented version comes from China, and the oldest European version from Italy. The most popular version was first published by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou contes du temps passé in 1697, and later by the Brothers Grimm in their folk tale collection Grimms' Fairy Tales. Although the story's title and main character's name change in different languages, in English-language folklore "Cinderella" is the archetypal name. The word "Cinderella" has, by analogy, come to mean one whose attributes were unrecognized, or one who unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect. The still-popular story of "Cinderella" continues to influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements, allusions, and tropes to a wide variety of media. ONCE there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own humour and they were indeed exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world. No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over, but the stepmother began to shew herself in her colours. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl; and the less, because they made her own daughters appear the more odious. She employed her in the meanest work of the house; she scoured the dishes, tables, &c. and rubbed Madam's chamber, and those of Misses, her daughters; she lay up in a sorry garret, upon a wretched straw-bed, while her sisters lay in fine rooms, with floors all inlaid, upon beds of the very newest fashion, and where they had looking-glasses so large, that they might see themselves at their full length, from head to foot.
Mantre f?c?toare de minuni. Curs de magie
Mantre f?c?toare de minuni. Curs de magie
Vladimir Lermontov
O c?l?torie necontrolat? ?n timp este anun?at? de obicei cu c?teva minute, uneori ore sau chiar zile ?nainte, prin senza?ii de ame?eal? ce afecteaz? capul, stomacul ?i/sau picioarele. Mul?i purt?tori ai genei au relatat, de asemenea, despre dureri de cap asem?n?toare migrenelor.Primul salt ?n timp – numit ?i saltul de ini?iere – are loc ?ntre al 16-lea ?i al 17-lea an de via?? al purt?torilor genei.Extras din Cronicile Gardienilor, volumul 2, Reguli general valabileCe faci c?nd ?i-a fost fr?nt? inima? Corect: vorbe?ti la telefon cu cea mai bun? prieten?, m?n?nci ciocolat? ?i te b?l?ce?ti s?pt?m?ni la r?ndul ?n propria-?i nefericire. Mai prost e c?, ?mpotriva voin?ei ei, Gwendolyn are nevoie de toat? energia pentru cu totul ?i cu totul altfel de lucruri: de exemplu, pentru a supravie?ui. C?ci i?ele ?nc?lcite de dubiosul Conte de Saint-Germain ?n trecut ajung s? ?eas? ?i ?n prezent o p?nz? primejdioas?. Pentru a descifra secretul, Gwendolyn ?i Gideon – l?s?nd la o parte chinurile iubirii – trebuie nu numai s? danseze ?mpreun? menuet la un bal tumultuos din secolul al XVII-lea, ci ?i s? se arunce cu capul ?nainte ?n tot felul de aventuri...Un montagne-russe al sentimentelor, travers?nd secolele: aventurile lui Gideon ?i ale lui Gwen, grandios puse ?n scen? de autoarea Kerstin Gier, ?n cartea a treia a seriei Culorile dragostei. At?t de frumoas?, ?nc?t sigur te vei ?ndr?gosti de ea!
The Galoshes of Fortune
The Galoshes of Fortune
Hans Christian Andersen
I t was in Copenhagen, in one of the houses on East Street, not far from King's Newmarket, that someone was giving a large party. For one must give a party once in a while, if one expects to be invited in return. Half of the guests were already at the card tables, and the rest were waiting to see what would come of their hostess's query: "What can we think up now?" Up to this point, their conversation had gotten along as best it might. Among other things, they had spoken of the Middle Ages. Some held that it was a time far better than our own. Indeed Councilor of Justice Knap defended this opinion with such spirit that his hostess sided with him at once, and both of them loudly took exception to Oersted's article in the Almanac, which contrasted old times and new, and which favored our own period. The Councilor of Justice, however, held that the time of King Hans, about 1500 A.D., was the noblest and happiest age. While the conversation ran pro and con, interrupted only for a moment by the arrival of a newspaper, in which there was nothing worth reading, let us adjourn to the cloak room, where all the wraps, canes, umbrellas, and galoshes were collected together. Here sat two maids, a young one and an old one. You might have thought they had come in attendance upon some spinster or widow, and were waiting to see their mistress home. However, a closer inspection would reveal that these were no ordinary serving women. Their hands were too well kept for that, their bearing and movements too graceful, and their clothes had a certain daring cut. They were two fairies. The younger one, though not Dame Fortune herself, was an assistant to one of her ladies in waiting, and was used to deliver the more trifling gifts of Fortune. The older one looked quite grave. She was Dame Care, who always goes in her own sublime person to see to her errands herself, for then she knows that they are well done. They were telling each other about where they had been that day. The assistant of Fortune had only attended to a few minor affairs, she said, such as saving a new bonnet from the rain, getting a civil greeting for an honest man from an exalted nincompoop, and such like matters. But her remaining errand was an extraordinary one.
Oameni. Fragmente de a fi om
Oameni. Fragmente de a fi om
Dragoș Rizea
Biblioteca pentru toi copiii“ cuprinde cele mai preuite opere ale scriitorilor clasici ai literaturii romne i universale. Crile de neuitat ale copilriei sunt disponibile astzi si in format e-book.Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer este una dintre acele cri rare despre care se poate afirma cu certitudine astzi, la mai bine de un secol de la apariia ei, c se adreseaz tuturor vrstelor, mai bine zis, copiilor de orice vrst.“ – Petre Solomon
Crea?ie ?i putere
Crea?ie ?i putere
Drăgan Simona
Biblioteca pentru toi copiii“ cuprinde cele mai preuite opere ale scriitorilor clasici ai literaturii romne i universale. Crile de neuitat ale copilriei sunt disponibile astzi si in format e-book.Cu sufletul lui plin de contraste, mincinos, crud i poltron, naiv, rafinat i mojic totodat, resemnat i rebel, i totui plin de fermectoare elanuri de sinceritate, de tandree i de altruism, omuleul acesta nghesuie n inima lui pirpirie o ntreag umanitate [...] Romanul lui Jules Renard nchide ntr-o suit de ntmplri, ingenios construite i pline de naturalee, una dintre cele mai sfietoare drame omeneti: drama copilriei nefericite.“ – Modest Morariu