

Newton Booth Tarkington
Penrod is a collection of comic sketches by Booth Tarkington that was first published in 1914. The book follows the misadventures of Penrod Schofield, an eleven-year-old boy growing up in the pre-World War I Midwestern United States, in a similar vein to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In Penrod, Tarkington established characters who appeared in two further books, Penrod and Sam (1916) and Penrod Jashber (1929). The three books were published together in one volume, Penrod: His Complete Story, in 1931.
Alexander's Bridge
Alexander's Bridge
Willa Cather
Alexander's Bridge is the first novel by American author Willa Cather. First published in 1912, it was re-released with an author's preface in 1922. It also ran as a serial in McClure's, giving Cather some free time from her work for that magazine.
The Whisperer in Darkness
The Whisperer in Darkness
H.P. Lovecraft
The story is told by Albert N. Wilmarth, an instructor of literature at Miskatonic University in Arkham. When local newspapers report strange things seen floating in rivers during a historic Vermont flood, Wilmarth becomes embroiled in a controversy about the reality and significance of the sightings, though he sides with the skeptics. Wilmarth uncovers old legends about monsters living in the uninhabited hills who abduct people who venture or settle too close to their territory.
The Unnamable
The Unnamable
H.P. Lovecraft
"The Unnamable" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in September 1923, first published in the July 1925 issue of Weird Tales, and first collected in Beyond the Wall of Sleep. Carter, a weird fiction writer, who is likely the Randolph Carter who features in some of Lovecraft's other tales such as The Statement of Randolph Carter, meets with his close friend, Joel Manton, in a cemetery near an old, dilapidated house on Meadow Hill in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts. As the two sit upon a weathered tomb, Carter tells Manton the tale of an indescribable entity that allegedly haunts the house and surrounding area. He contends that because such an entity cannot be perceived by the five senses, it becomes impossible to quantify and accurately describe, thus earning itself the term unnamable.
The Tree on the Hill
The Tree on the Hill
H.P. Lovecraft
The story is written in first person. It depicts the main character going outside Hampden and finding a special tree. The tree makes him day dream about a big temple in a land with three suns. The temple was half-violet, half-blue. Some shadows attracted him into the inside. He thought he saw three flaming eyes watching him and he shouted twice and the vision was gone.
Garabet Ibraileanu
n finalul romanului Donna Alba mtile personajelor cad. Mihai Aspru a vrut doar s-o stpneasc“ pe trufaa aristocrat, mbrcndu-i dorina n podoabe strlucitoare luate din cri. n schimb, Georges Radu erban, soul nelat, boier rigid taxat maliios de ctre narator, se dovedete un veritabil erou tragic, sinucigndu-se din dragoste, ca personajul lui Dostoievski.Ct o privete pe Alba, obiectul obsesiei ndelung elaborate, ea e un personaj de film din anii ‘30: femeia fatal, provocatoare de nenorociri pentru brbaii care o iubesc. Intriga dinamic, colorat de suspans, ajunge la o rezolvare cu happy end, care ar fi putut prea facil dac naratorul n-ar fi introdus un accent original de autoironie i umor negru, chiar n legtur cu ultima apariie a Albei. Foarte frumoas n valurile negre de mare doliu, dar deloc ndurerat, ea i apare brbatului ca un nger al morii, promindu-i o primejdioas fericire.
The Book of Princes and Princesses: "Developer Tales for Kids"
The Book of Princes and Princesses: "Developer Tales for Kids"
Leonora Blanche Lang
PREFACE?All the stories about Princes and Princesses in this book are true stories, and were written by Mrs. Lang, out of old books of history. There are some children who make life difficult by saying, first that stories about fairies are true, and that they like fairies; and next that they do not like true stories about real people, who lived long ago. I am quite ready to grant that there really are such things as fairies, because, though I never saw a fairy, any more than I have seen the little animals which lecturers call molecules and ions, still I have seen people who have seen fairies—truthful people. ??This book about Princes and Princesses is not one which a child is obliged to read. Indeed the stories are not put in order, beginning with the princes who lived longest ago and coming down gradually to people who lived nearest our own time. The book opens with the great Napoleon Bonaparte, who died when some very old people still living were alive. Napoleon was not born a prince, far from it; his father was only a poor gentleman on a wild rough little island. But he made himself not merely a king, but the greatest of all emperors and generals in war. He is not held up as a person whom every boy should try to imitate, but it is a truth that Napoleon always remained a boy in his heart. He liked to make up stories of himself, doing wonderful things which even he was unable to do. When he was a boy he played at being a general, making snow fortresses and besieging them, just as many boys do. And when he was a man he dreamed of conquering all the East, Asia, and India, and Australia; and he tried to do all that, but it was too much even for him.
The Grey Fairy Book: [Illustrated Edition]
The Grey Fairy Book: [Illustrated Edition]
Andrew Lang
The tales in the Grey Fairy Book are derived from many countries: ”Lithuania, various parts of Africa, Germany, France, Greece, and other regions of the world. They have been translated and adapted by Mrs. Dent, Mrs. Lang, Miss Eleanor Sellar, Miss Blackley, and Miss Lang. 'The Three Sons of Hali' is from the last century 'Cabinet des Faces,' a very large collection. The French author may have had some Oriental original before him in parts; at all events he copied the Eastern method of putting tale within tale, like the Eastern balls of carved ivory. ??The stories, as usual, illustrate the method of popular fiction. A certain number of incidents are shaken into many varying combinations, like the fragments of coloured glass in the kaleidoscope. Probably the possible combinations, like possible musical combinations, are not unlimited in number, but children may be less sensitive in the matter of fairies than Mr. John Stuart Mill was as regards music.
Legendele sau basmele rom?nilor
Legendele sau basmele rom?nilor
Ispirescu Petre
Cel mai vechi dintre cltorii romantici, Grigore Alexandrescu, n paginile consacrate vizitei sale la mnstirile olteneti (1842), ne ofer… destul de puin. Impresiile sale privesc mai degrab tradiiile istorice ale locurilor pe care le viziteaz sau unele particulariti ale ornduirii lor actuale. Cadrul natural este abia indicat. Cnd ajunge la Cozia, o simpl nsemnare topografic i este de ajuns… n faa Mnstirii Dintr-un Lemn descrierea este ceva mai bogat, dar fr elemente sensibile propriu-zise. Autorul descrie o configuraie, nu un peisagiu… Petera de la Polovraci l impresioneaz mai mult, dar spiritul de observaie rmne, chiar n faa acestui spectacol, inferior fanteziei constructive, creia i se pare a vedea, n grupul stalactitelor, siluete de copii sau de fantasmagorice fiine combinate din oameni i fiare, dac nu simple chipuri slbatice "c doi tlhari, care, cu armele gata, ateapt s atace un trector". Abia, ultima pagin a Memorialului jertfete esteticii timpului, zugrvind un motiv tipic-rasarirea lunii deasupra unei pduri… Pagina merit a fi reinut. Este acea prin care natura, ca obiect al descrierii literare, intr n operele prozatorilor romni, sub forma magiei lunare. Scriitorul nelege ce poate fi dulceag sau convenional n zugrvirea strlucirii nentinate a lunii i de aceea ntregete tabloul sau din contraste punnd alturi de lumin selenar, rspndit pe ziduri, pe stnci i poteci, masa ntunecat a pdurii rmase n umbr. Rsrirea lunii la Tismana rmne oricum o excepie n paginile de proz ale lui Grigore Alexandrescu.“Tudor Vianu, Arta prozatorilor romni, Chiinu, Casa de editura Litera, 1997, p. 69-70.
C?ntece de vitejie
C?ntece de vitejie
Coșbuc George
Pove?tile lui Creang? sunt delectabile deopotriv? pentru copii ?i pentru adul?i. ?ns? numai cei din urm? le pot gusta pe deplin savoarea. Creanga pare a nu-?i fi b?tut capul s? inventeze pove?ti: avea de?tul material la ?ndem?n? ca s? mai fie nevoie de a?a ceva. C?t datoreaz? el crea?iei folclorice anonime ?i c?t ?i este aceasta tributar? dup? publicarea pove?tilor ?i absorb?ia – sau re?ntoarcerea – acestora ?n circuitul oralit??ii e o chestiune ce poate interesa mig?loase cercet?ri erudite. Farmecul pove?tilor lui Creang? nu st? ?n inven?ie – cel mult, aici ?i-a spus cuv?ntul selec?ia f?cut? de scriitor dintr-un inventar disponibil at?t de bogat. Ceea ce atrage ?i cucere?te, ?n primul r?nd, e ?punerea ?n scen?“ – nemaivorbind de darul rostirii plastice, suculen?e, at?t de mult comentat ?i analizat.LIVIU PAPADIMA
Perfec?iune. ?nsemn?ri despre tr?dare ?i rena?tere
Perfec?iune. ?nsemn?ri despre tr?dare ?i rena?tere
Metz Julie
n vrst de 11 ani, Ivy Manx locuiete n inutul Caux, al crui conductor este teribilul Rege Mtrgun i unde legea trmului este otrvete sau fii otrvit“. Fr un degusttor de ncredere acreditat de Breasl care s-i stea mereu aproape, urmtoarea ta mas ar putea fi i ultima.Chiar mai ru, unchiul mult iubit al fetiei – ultimul farmacopat vindector din Caux – a disprut fr urm, lsnd-o pe Ivy cu trusa lui cu leacuri secrete, cu o cioar zgomotoas pe nume H i cu un degusttor nepriceput i mrav, cu nclinaie pentru picoteal.Nu mai e timp de pierdut! Ivy trebuie s-i pun n aplicare teribilul plan! mpreun cu un tnr degusttor pe nume Rowan – aflat pe fug dup otrvirea accidental a douzeci dintre grzile regelui –, fata pornete n cutarea unchiului ei. n aceste vremuri dominate de corupie i de uneltiri – n acest, pn nu demult, minunat loc strvechi –, cei doi copii, devenii acum dumanii ntregului regat, au un sprijin de ndejde.Dar ce vor oare urmritorii lor S fie nestemata de-o inegalabil frumusee ce pare – dei asta este practic imposibil – a fi scobit Sau o fi elixirul pe care ea nsi l-a creat i care are misterioase puteri vindectoare Sau oare poate fi vorba despre Ivy nsiSpus pe un ton uor ironic i de o prospeime irezistibil, primul volum al trilogiei Otrvurile din Caux“, Nestemata Scobit este o uimitoare poveste despre ierburi i magie, degusttori i otrvuri.
La Reine du Sabbat
La Reine du Sabbat
Gaston Leroux
L’action se passe dans un pays que l’auteur nomme Austrasie par pure convenance, car sa capitale est Vienne, on y parle allemand et la famille impériale est décimée par des deuils, dont une double mort à Mayerling. C’est dire que l’on est en Autriche et que l’auteur donne sa version très personnelle des drames qu’a réellement connus la dynastie des Habsbourg. Le livre a été écrit en 1911, alors que l’empereur Fran?ois-Joseph (Fran?ois tout court dans le texte) régnait encore et que ces deuils étaient tout récents, ce qui expliquerait la très relative pudeur de l’auteur. Il n’est pas possible de résumer ce roman sans en donner les clés et par là en g?cher irrémédiablement la lecture. Disons que c’est une histoire de vengeance et de mort, une histoire terriblement sanglante. L’assassinat qui constitue le prologue du livre n’est qu’un aspect, presque secondaire, de l’intrigue. Mais si le feuilleton ne compte plus les invraisemblances, si l’auteur a recours à tous les artifices les plus classiques du genre : sosies, portes secrètes, déguisements, talents extraordinaires des héros, il faut reconna?tre que l’histoire est remarquablement construite, se développe de fa?on à soutenir constamment l’intérêt du lecteur et que les épisodes s’embo?tent parfaitement les uns à la suite des autres.
Othello, The Moor of Venice
Othello, The Moor of Venice
William Shakespeare
Othello, The Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare based on the short story "Moor of Venice" by Cinthio, believed to have been written in approximately 1603. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Cassio, and his trusted advisor Iago. Attesting to its enduring popularity, the play appeared in 7 editions between 1622 and 1705. Because of its varied themes — racism, love, jealousy and betrayal — it remains relevant to the present day and is often performed in professional and community theatres alike. The play has also been the basis for numerous operatic, film and literary adaptations.
Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 1
William Shakespeare
Henry IV, Part 1 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written no later than 1597. It is the second of Shakespeare's tetralogy that deals with the successive reigns of Richard II, Henry IV (2 plays), and Henry V. Henry IV, Part 1 depicts a span of history that begins with Hotspur's battle at Homildon against the Douglas late in 1402 and ends with the defeat of the rebels at Shrewsbury in the middle of 1403. From the start it has been an extremely popular play both with the public and the critics.
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The Merry Wives of Windsor
William Shakespeare
The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare, first published in 1602, though believed to have been written prior to 1597. It features the fat knight Sir John Falstaff, and is Shakespeare's only play to deal exclusively with contemporary Elizabethan era English middle class life. It has been adapted for the opera on occasions.
Parada de Pa?te
Parada de Pa?te
Richard Yates
O ?nt?lnire ?nt?mpl?toare ?ntre dou? femei singure, de condi?ii diferite, duce la o poveste de dragoste pasional? ?n acest roman-cult scris de Patricia Highsmith. Therese, o t?n?r? v?nz?toare ?ntr-un mare magazin, care viseaz? la o via?? mai bun?, ?i Carol, o femeie ?nst?rit? aflat? ?n mijlocul unui divor? amar, abandoneaz? rutina ap?s?toare de zi cu zi, aleg?nd libertatea de a c?l?tori ?i dragostea neconven?ional?. Dar fericirea nou descoperit? este spulberat? atunci c?nd Carol este obligat? s? aleag? ?ntre feti?a ei ?i noua sa iubit?... ?Un roman despre c?utarea dragostei ?i a adev?ratei fericiri, scris ?ntr-un stil vibrant ?i plin de tensiune.” The Sunday Times ?O carte care pune ?n discu?ie un subiect exploziv, cu sinceritate ?i bun-gust.” New York Times ?Are tensiunea unui thriller ?i farmecul unei pove?ti de dragoste.” Val McDermid Romanul Carol a fost ecranizat de regizorul Todd Haynes ?ntr-un film de excep?ie, cu Cate Blanchett ?i Rooney Mara ?n rolurile principale.
Siajul mor?ii. Ultima c?l?torie a navei Lusitania
Siajul mor?ii. Ultima c?l?torie a navei Lusitania
Erik Larson
i-a dorit o aventur. Dar nu i-a imaginat c va ajunge att de departe. Totul ncepe cu un reality-show. Doisprezece concureni sunt trimii n pdure pentru a fi supui unor provocri extrem de dure. n rstimp, lumea e devastat de o catastrof, despre care, izolai de societate, concurenii nu tiu nimic. Cnd d ntmpltor peste anumite indicii, tnra Zoo, una dintre participante, i imagineaz c totul face parte din joc. Singur i dezorientat, ea refuz totui s se dea btut. Ptrunznd tot mai adnc ntr-un teritoriu necunoscut, Zoo i testeaz toate abilitile de supravieuire. Dar, pe msur ce puterile i scad, ea ncepe s neleag c lumea real s-a schimbat n mod neateptat i c viaa ei depinde acum de capacitatea de a dezlega aceast enigm. Sofisticat i provocator, Supravieuitoarea pune n discuie rolul jucat de mass-media n mecanismul prin care desprim realitatea de nchipuire: ct de pripit emitem judeci de valoare i ct de uor ne lsm manipulai. n Supravieuitoarea, dou dintre obsesiile noastre contemporane – ameninarea unei catastrofe globale i drama reality-show-urilor – se contopesc ntr-o poveste plin de imaginaie despre psihicul uman afectat de stres. Un debut lipsit de compromisuri i provocator.” Justin Cronin Romanul Alexandrei Oliva este, la fel ca Jocurile foamei, plin de suspans i profund tulburtor.” Rosamund Lupton
The Lost World
The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World is a novel released in 1912 by Arthur Conan Doyle concerning an expedition to a plateau in South America where prehistoric animals (dinosaurs and other extinct creatures) still survive. The character of Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. Interestingly, for a seminal work of dinosaur-related fiction, the animals only occupy a small portion of the narrative. Much more time is devoted to a war between early human hominids and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.
The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
First published in 1890, The Sign of Four is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's second book starring legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The story is complex, involving a secret between four ex-cons from India and a hidden treasure. More complex than the first Holmes novel, The Sign of Four also introduces the detective's drug habit and leaves breadcrumbs for the reader that lead toward the final resolution.
Istoria ??rii Rom?ne?ti
Istoria ??rii Rom?ne?ti
Cantacuzino Constantin
Mare poet clasic, Co?buc ?i-a asigurat locul printre marii creatori: Eminescu, Creang?, Caragiale, Slavici, prin con?inutul na?ional al operei sale, prin cultivarea ?i frecventarea clasicilor, prin puritatea expresiei ?i claritatea stilului, prin promovarea idealului de frumuse?e echilibrat?, ?n general prin ?nnoirea limbii poetice. Co?buc este – unanim recunoscut – un mare clasic al versului rom?nesc. Poet al naturii ?i al omului de la ?ar?, al exuberan?ei juvenile, al iubirii, al revoltei ?i luptei, al b?rb??iei, Co?buc ?nscrie una din cele mai pre?ioase experien?e ale literelor rom?ne?ti, ?ntr-un moment de r?scruce, c?nd, prin scrierile unei pletore de pseudoeminescieni, se crease ?n poezia noastr? o stare deprimant?, maladiv?, din care se p?rea c? nu exist? perspective de ie?ire spre un liman s?n?tos. ?n acest climat de mal de siecle, de Wetschmerz r?sare nea?teptat de viguros ?i nou George Co?buc, redres?nd poezia rom?neasc?, aduc?nd noi orizonturi, noi sensuri, noi valori artistice.
C?ntec sf?nt
C?ntec sf?nt
Iosif Stefan Octavian
Ceea ce putem spune ?i ceea ce se cuvine spus este c? literatura noastr? modern? ?l revendic? cu hot?r?re pe Panait Istrati, pe fiul pierdut ?i revenit ca ?i Ulise al versului francez, dup? o miraculoas? c?l?torie. C?ci opera lui Panait Istrati ?ntrege?te peisajul literaturii rom?ne?ti din ultimii dou?zeci de ani, deoarece, dimpreun? cu Mihail Sadoveanu ?i cu Liviu Rebreanu, autorul Chirei Chiralina alc?tuie?te treimea cea de o fiin?? a celei mai unitare substan?e epice. C? ?i ace?tia – ?i poate c? nu stric? s? amintim cum c?te?itrei purced la ?mplinirea operei lor, cam ?n acela?i timp (?ntreg Sadoveanu de dup? Cocost?rcul albastru, doar de la trecutul r?zboi ?ncepe) c? ?i ace?tia, Panait Istrati este dintre to?i ceilal?i scriitori ai no?tri, acela care aduce cele mai multe probleme, cei mai mul?i eroi ?i cea mai puternic? individualitate. — Perpessicius