

Versengés helyett együttm?k?dés: Hivatás és tanulás a digitális korban
Versengés helyett együttm?k?dés: Hivatás és tanulás a digitális korban
Izabella Rémán
Wesselényi naplója Széchenyivel tett híres nyugat-európai útjáról. 1925 óta az els? teljes kiadás.
Flat-Coated Retriever Training
Flat-Coated Retriever Training
Brittany Boykin
Are you tired of your Flat-Coated Retriever puppy leaving “messes” all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your Flat-Coated Retriever drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch??This short, simple, no-fluff beginner's training guide can help you with it all! Here Is A Preview of What You'll Learn... Is a Flat-Coated Retriever Right For You? How Much Is Enough Exercise? How To Speak Your Dog’s Language Effective Discipline How to Potty Train Your Flat-Coated Retriever Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait Leash Training Your Flat-Coated Retriever Puppy Socialization Training How to Stop the Biting and Chewing and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must-have guide for all beginner Flat-Coated Retriever puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a Flat-Coated Retriever puppy. Don’t wait any longer! Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to turn your little fluff ball into the perfect puppy!
?A(n)seLe din patrujnou? (piese de poezie)
?A(n)seLe din patrujnou? (piese de poezie)
Camil Cardas
Un ghid turistic alternativ, perfect pentru cei care aleg s? c?l?toreasc? f?r? program ?i f?r? c?l?uze care s? ?i direc?ioneze ?n punctele turistice standard. Pentru c? a c?l?tori e ca ?i cum ai r?sfoi mai multe vie?i, George Dr?gan v? propune istorii ?nv?luite ?n legend?, ale locurilor ?i oamenilor, de pe care scutur? v?lul trecerii timpului. Cei care prefer? gr?dinile engleze?ti, ?n care florile cresc libere, de parc? gr?dinarul ar fi tras la sor?i unde s? le planteze, vor savura aceast? carte!
Stanley in Africa
Stanley in Africa
James P. Boyd
Victor Hugo says, that "Africa will be the continent of the twentieth century." Already the nations are struggling to possess it. Stanley's explorations proved the majesty and efficacy of equipment and force amid these dusky peoples and through the awful mazes of the unknown. Empires watched with eager eye the progress of his last daring journey. Science and civilization stood ready to welcome its results. He comes to light again, having escaped ambush, flood, the wild beast and disease, and his revelations set the world aglow. He is greeted by kings, hailed by savants, and looked to by the colonizing nations as the future pioneer of political power and commercial enterprise in their behalf, as he has been the most redoubtable leader of adventure in the past. This miraculous journey of the dashing and intrepid explorer, completed against obstacles which all believed to be insurmountable, safely ended after opinion had given him up as dead, together with its bearings on the fortunes of those nations who are casting anew the chart of Africa, and upon the native peoples who are to be revolutionized or exterminated by the last grand surges of progress, all these render a volume dedicated to travel and discovery, especially in the realm of "The Dark Continent," surprisingly agreeable and useful at this time. How like enchantment is the story of that revelation which the New America furnished the Old World! What a spirit of inquiry and exploit it opened! How un-precedented and startling, adventure of every kind became! What thrilling vol-umes tell of the hardships of daring navigators or of the perils of brave and dash-ing landsmen! Later on, who fails to read with the keenest emotion of those dan-gers, trials and escapes which enveloped the intrepid searchers after the icy secrets of the Poles, or confronted those who would unfold the tale of the older civiliza-tions and of the ocean’s island spaces.Though the directions of pioneering enterprise change, yet more and more man searches for the new. To follow him, is to write of the wonderful. Again, to follow him is to read of the surprising and the thrilling. No prior history of discovery has ever exceeded in vigorous entertainment and startling interest that which centers in “The Dark Continent” and has for its most distinguished hero, Henry M. Stan-ley. His coming and going in the untrodden and hostile wilds of Africa, now to rescue the stranded pioneers of other nationalities, now to explore the unknown waters of a mighty and unique system, now to teach cannibal tribes respect for decency and law, and now to map for the first time with any degree of accuracy, the limits of new dynasties, make up a volume of surpassing moment and peculiar fascination.All the world now turns to Africa as the scene of those adventures which pos-sess such a weird and startling interest for readers of every class, and which invite to heroic exertion on the part of pioneers. It is the one dark, mysterious spot, strangely made up of massive mountains, lofty and extended plateaus, salt and sandy deserts, immense fertile stretches, climates of death and balm, spacious lakes, gigantic rivers, dense forests, numerous, grotesque and savage peoples, and an animal life of fierce mien, enormous strength and endless variety. It is the country of the marvelous, yet none of its marvels exceed its realities.And each exploration, each pioneering exploit, each history of adventure into its mysterious depths, but intensifies the world’s view of it and enhances human interest in it, for it is there the civilized nations are soon to set metes and bounds to their grandest acquisitions—perhaps in peace, perhaps in war. It is there that white colonization shall try its boldest problems. It is there that Christianity shall engage in one of its hardest contests.
Travels Through France And Italy
Travels Through France And Italy
Tobias Smollett
Smollett describes in great detail the natural phenomena, history, social life, economics, diet and morals of the places he visited. Smollett had a lively and pertinacious curiosity, and, as his novels prove, a very quick eye. He foresaw the merits of Cannes, then a small village, as a health-resort, and the possibilities of the Corniche road.
In Search of the Castaways: (A Romantic Narrative)
In Search of the Castaways: (A Romantic Narrative)
Jules Verne
On the 26th of July, 1864, under a strong gale from the northeast, a magnificent yacht was steaming at full speed through the waves of the North Channel. The flag of England fluttered at her yard-arm, while at the top of the mainmast floated a blue pennon, bearing the initials E. G., worked in gold and surmounted by a ducal coronet. ??The yacht was called the Duncan, and belonged to Lord Glenarvan, one of the sixteen Scottish peers sitting in the House of Lords, and also a most distin-guished member of the "Royal Thames Yacht Club," so celebrated throughout the United Kingdom.??Lord Edward Glenarvan was on board with his young wife, Lady Helena, and one of his cousins, Major MacNabb. The Duncan, newly constructed, had just been making a trial voyage several miles beyond the Frith of Clyde, and was now on her re-turn to Glasgow. Already Arran Island was appearing on the horizon, when the look-out signaled an enormous fish that was sporting in the wake of the yacht. ??The captain, John Mangles, at once informed Lord Glenarvan of the fact, who mounted on deck with Major MacNabb, and asked the captain what he thought of the animal.??"Indeed, your lordship," replied Captain Mangles, "I think it is a shark of large proportions."?"A shark in these regions!" exclaimed Glenarvan.?"Without doubt," replied the captain. "This fish belongs to a species of sharks that are found in all seas and latitudes. It is the 'balance-fish,' and, if I am not greatly mistaken, we shall have an encounter with one of these fellows. ??If your lordship consents, and it pleases Lady Helena to witness such a novel chase, we will soon see what we have to deal with."??"What do you think, MacNabb?" said Lord Glenarvan to the major; "are you of a mind to try the adventure?"??"I am of whatever opinion pleases you," answered the major, calmly.??"Besides," continued Captain Mangles, "we cannot too soon exterminate these terrible monsters. Let us improve the opportunity, and, if your lordship pleases, it shall be an exciting scene as well as a good action." ? ?AUTHOR: Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Verne was born to bourgeois parents in the seaport of Nantes, where he was trained to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, but quit the profession early in life to write for magazines and the stage. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of the Voyages extraordinaires, a widely popular series of scrupulously researched adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. His reputation is markedly different in Anglophone regions, where he has often been labeled a writer of genre fiction or children's books, largely because of the highly abridged and altered translations in which his novels are often reprinted. ?
Apropria??o social da ciência e da tecnologia: contribui??es para uma agenda
Apropria??o social da ciência e da tecnologia: contribui??es para uma agenda
Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi
Minden, ami 6. Minden, ami megforgatja az észkerekeidet, minden, ami el?csalogat6ja a benned szunnyadó b?lcs tudást. 666 kvízkérdés, amelyek valamilyen úton-módon kapcsolódnak a 6-hoz. Hol a kérdésben, hol a válaszban lapul a 6-os szám vagy a hat, mint szótag; hol pedig 6 válasz k?zül kell kiválasztani vagy éppen 6 segítséggel kell megtalálni a helyes megoldást. A kérdések mégis szerteágazóak, éppúgy megtalál6óak k?ztük a t?rténelemmel, a f?ldrajzzal, a sporttal, a képz?m?vészettel, a zenével és a filmekkel, mint a bulvárral vagy éppenséggel a Fenevaddal kapcsolatosak is. Olvasd magányosan vagy játszd társaságban, most megmutat6od, hogy milyen m?velt vagy!
A pillangó útja
A pillangó útja
Kun Mia
Все советы даются для выращивания винограда в нашем климате! Особое внимание уделяется формированию куста с помощью обрезки, позволяющей регулировать его плодоношение. В книге представлено: ? Описание современных сортов винограда: сроки созревания, урожайность, устойчивость к болезням и др. ? Методы ускоренного формирования винограда ? Размножение и посадка: подготовка участка, укоренение черенков ? Уход за виноградником: полив, удобрение, укрытие на зиму, борьба с заморозками, защита от вредителей ? Прививка различными методами ? Сбор урожая ? Осенняя, весенняя и летняя обрезка: преимущества и способы проведения. Vse sovety dajutsja dlja vyrashhivanija vinograda v nashem klimate! Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja formirovaniju kusta s pomoshh'ju obrezki, pozvoljajushhej regulirovat' ego plodonoshenie. V knige predstavleno: ? Opisanie sovremennyh sortov vinograda: sroki sozrevanija, urozhajnost', ustojchivost' k boleznjam i dr. ? Metody uskorennogo formirovanija vinograda ? Razmnozhenie i posadka: podgotovka uchastka, ukorenenie cherenkov ? Uhod za vinogradnikom: poliv, udobrenie, ukrytie na zimu, bor'ba s zamorozkami, zashhita ot vreditelej ? Privivka razlichnymi metodami ? Sbor urozhaja ? Osennjaja, vesennjaja i letnjaja obrezka: preimushhestva i sposoby provedenija.
Arany János – balladák  –  János Arany – ballads
Arany János – balladák – János Arany – ballads
Tomschey Ottó
Высокий урожай гарантирован! Книга поможет организовать работу в саду и огороде в новом сезоне! Она подскажет, как сделать так, чтобы высеянная морковь пошла в корешки, а не в вершки, помидоры созрели сладкими, сорняки, побежденные на грядках, не поднялись опять, а картофель в погребе сохранился здоровым до нового урожая. ? Лучшие дни для начала выращивания рассады с учетом фаз Луны ? Календарь картофелевода ? Советы по своевременной обрезке, внесению удобрений, уничтожению вредителей и сорняков.Vysokij urozhaj garantirovan! Kniga pomozhet organizovat' rabotu v sadu i ogorode v novom sezone! Ona podskazhet, kak sdelat' tak, chtoby vysejannaja morkov' poshla v koreshki, a ne v vershki, pomidory sozreli sladkimi, sornjaki, pobezhdennye na grjadkah, ne podnjalis' opjat', a kartofel' v pogrebe sohranilsja zdorovym do novogo urozhaja. ? Luchshie dni dlja nachala vyrashhivanija rassady s uchetom faz Luny ? Kalendar' kartofelevoda ? Sovety po svoevremennoj obrezke, vneseniju udobrenij, unichtozheniju vreditelej i sornjakov.
Paul Hut
Цветные вазочки разных форм, ажурные конфетницы, эффектные корзинки и практичные шкатулки – все это сможет связать и начинающая, и опытная мастерица! ? Вазочка из разноцветных вязаных листьев ? Ажурная корзинка в форме кувшинки ? Ваза в виде античной амфоры ? Конфетницы в форме бабочки и в технике фриформ и др. Понятные пошаговые инструкции, схемы и советы сделают процесс вязания приятным и увлекательным.Cvetnye vazochki raznyh form, azhurnye konfetnicy, jeffektnye korzinki i praktichnye shkatulki – vse jeto smozhet svjazat' i nachinajushhaja, i opytnaja masterica! ? Vazochka iz raznocvetnyh vjazanyh list'ev ? Azhurnaja korzinka v forme kuvshinki ? Vaza v vide antichnoj amfory ? Konfetnicy v forme babochki i v tehnike friform i dr. Ponjatnye poshagovye instrukcii, shemy i sovety sdelajut process vjazanija prijatnym i uvlekatel'nym.
Довгий шлях до свободи
Довгий шлях до свободи
Nelson Mandela
Quaranta anni di storia di Damanhur, raccontati da chi li ha vissuti di persona. Il racconto della giornata di un damanhuriano, per comprendere come si vive, si pensa, si cresce in quella che oggi è la comunità spirituale laica più grande in Italia.
San Francisco Calamity
San Francisco Calamity
Morris, Charles
At 5:12 am on Wednesday, April 18, 1906 a massive earthquake hit the city of San Francisco, causing the greatest loss of life from a natural disaster in the history of the state of California. This is a contemporary account of the earthquake, which also compares the devastation to other earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout history.
Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History
Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History
Malam, John
Yorkshire is well known for its miners, pudding and cricket, but 'Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History' scrapes beyond the surface and past the cliches. Featuring a host of characters from Yorkshire past and present, it's not all grit and grime! Tracing Yorkshire's history back through Roman and Viking rule, to the various tribes which populated the area in prehistoric times, this book covers the largest county in England from all angles. Featuring quirky tales of Yorkshire's crucial role in the industrial revolution, and detailed stories about the famed Wars of the Roses, it tells the astonishing tale of this large and historic county and its people and culture.
Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Arscott, David
Brighton: that curious master of reinvention - whether it's considered 'London-by-the-Sea' or 'England's San Francisco', it's certainly a city with a reputation for being on the edge. Delve deep into the weird and wonderful history of 'Brighthelmstone', and find out how this dreary fishing village became a dazzling playground for the louche and wealthy: from the fashionable Regency period to the age of DJs, Brighton has always been home to the proudly quirky. But it's not all sun, sea and a fish supper! Be sure to avoid the sleazy world of gang fights and murders as portrayed in Graham Greene's 'Brighton Rock', whilst ducking to miss the bottles hurled between the mods and the rockers during the famous beach battles. Fully exploring the ups and downs of a seaside town, it's 'Brighton - A Very Peculiar History'...with a bit of Hove on the side.
Your United States: Impressions of a First Visit
Your United States: Impressions of a First Visit
Arnold Bennett
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Arnold Bennett, ‘"Your United States: Impressions of a first visit Arnold Bennett."’ ? Enoch Arnold Bennett (always known as Arnold Bennett) was one of the most remarkable literary figures of his time, a product of the English Potteries that he made famous as the Five Towns. Yet he could hardly wait to escape his home town, and he did so by the sheer force of his ambition to succeed as an author. In his time he turned his hand to every kind of writing, but he will be remembered for such novels as The Old Wives' Tale, the Clayhanger trilogy (Clayhanger, Hilda Lessways, and These Twain), and The Card. He also wrote such intriguing self-improvement books as Literary Taste, How To Live on 24 Hours a Day, The Human Machine, etc. ? After a local education Bennett finished his education at the University of London and for a time was editor of Woman magazine. After 1900 he devoted himself entirely to writing; dramatic criticism was one of his foremost interests. Bennett is best known, however, for his novels, several of which were written during his residence in France. ? Bennett's infancy was spent in genteel poverty, which gave way to prosperity as his father succeeded as a solicitor. From this provincial background he became a novelist. ? His enduring fame is as a Chronicler of the Potteries towns, the setting and inspiration of some of his most famous and enduring literary work and the place where he grew up.
Περιφ?ρεια Ηπε?ρου: Περιφερειακ? Εν?τητα Ιωανν?νων
Περιφ?ρεια Ηπε?ρου: Περιφερειακ? Εν?τητα Ιωανν?νων
Αγγελική Πλάγου
Το βιβλ?ο αυτ? ε?ναι ?να? εγκυκλοπαιδικ?? ταξιδιωτικ?? οδηγ?? για το Νομ? Ιωανν?νων. Συγκεκριμ?να περιγρ?φει κ?θε π?λη, κωμ?πολη, χωρι?, οικισμ?, κ.?. με αλφαβητικ? σειρ? για διευκ?λυνση και αναλυτικ?, ?στε ο αναγν?στη? να μπορε? να βρει ?λε? τι? πληροφορ?ε? που αφορο?ν ?να κεφ?λαιο χωρ?? παραπομπ?? σε ?λλα.??Επ?ση? για διευκ?λυνση το κ?θε κεφ?λαιο ?χει χωριστε? σε μικρ?τερε? εν?τητε? με διαφορετικ? θ?μα και περιεχ?μενο η κ?θε μ?α (π.χ. Πληροφορ?ε?, Ιστορ?α, Διαμον?, κ.?.), ?στε ο αναγν?στη? να μπορε? να διαβ?ζει ?,τι τον ενδιαφ?ρει χωρ?? να ε?ναι αναγκασμ?νο? να διαβ?σει ολ?κληρο το κεφ?λαιο μ?χρι να βρει την πληροφορ?α που θ?λει.??Γενικ? ?χει γ?νει κ?θε προσπ?θεια να βοηθ?σει τον αναγν?στη στην επ?σκεψ? του στο συγκεκριμ?νο Νομ?.
Environment And Water Management
Environment And Water Management
Prof. Elijah K Biamah, Eng. Michael K Biamah
In Kenya and Somalia, most of the population (over 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore derive their livelihoods and incomes from agriculture and livestock production. Thus it is pertinent that environmental and water management be give priority when coming up with suitable conservation technologies. Future options of integrated water resources management for agriculture and livestock production will include: water resources management; adapting water resource management to climate change; response to key drivers of change; an integrated watershed management approach and rainwater harvesting and conservation for sustainable agriculture and livestock production. This book presents a broad spectrum of environment and water management technological options available to most of Kenya's and Somalia’s rural communities. The areas covered by this publication include:? Dryland environments and agriculture; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Agricultural watershed management in Kenya; Runoff water Management Systems; Drivers of change for water availability and use for agriculture; Djabia rainwater harvesting system in Lamu, Kenya; Trans-boundary integrated river water management; Integrated land and water management in the Nyando River Catchment Area, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya; and Key environmental considerations in river basins management in Kenya and Somalia.
Sous Chef: 24 óra a konyha frontvonalán
Sous Chef: 24 óra a konyha frontvonalán
Michael Gibney
Обычные пластиковые бутылки – прекрасный материал для творчества! Книга расскажет, как смастерить из них практичные вещи для дома, украшения для участка или даже садовую беседку! Следуйте простым и понятным инструкциям, и в вашем саду посе?лится очаровательный лебедь, вырастут яркие цветы и деревья, интерьер украсят очаровательные шкатулки и вазы, оригинальные подсвечники, практичная штора. А еще вы сможете сделать игрушки для детей и сувениры для друзей! Запасайтесь пустыми бутылками, выбирайте модель из книги – и приступайте к изготовлению. Вы сами убедитесь, насколько это просто! Obychnye plastikovye butylki – prekrasnyj material dlja tvorchestva! Kniga rasskazhet, kak smasterit' iz nih praktichnye veshhi dlja doma, ukrashenija dlja uchastka ili dazhe sadovuju besedku! Sledujte prostym i ponjatnym instrukcijam, i v vashem sadu pose?litsja ocharovatel'nyj lebed', vyrastut jarkie cvety i derev'ja, inter'er ukrasjat ocharovatel'nye shkatulki i vazy, original'nye podsvechniki, praktichnaja shtora. A eshhe vy smozhete sdelat' igrushki dlja detej i suveniry dlja druzej! Zapasajtes' pustymi butylkami, vybirajte model' iz knigi – i pristupajte k izgotovleniju. Vy sami ubedites', naskol'ko jeto prosto!
Stephen Fry in America
Stephen Fry in America
Stephen Fry
Britain's best-loved comic genius Stephen Fry turns his celebrated wit and insight to unearthing the real America as he travels across the continent in his black taxicab. Stephen's account of his adventures is filled with his unique humour, insight and warmth in the fascinating book that orginally accompanied his journey for the BBC1 series. 'Stephen Fry is a treasure of the British Empire.' - The Guardian Stephen Fry has always loved America, in fact he came very close to being born there. Here, his fascination for the country and its people sees him embarking on an epic journey across America, visiting each of its 50 states to discover how such a huge diversity of people, cultures, languages, beliefs and landscapes combine to create such a remarkable nation. Starting on the eastern seaboard, Stephen zig-zags across the country in his London taxicab, talking to its hospitable citizens, listening to its music, visiting its landmarks, viewing small-town life and America's breath-taking landscapes - following wherever his curiosity leads him. Stephen meets a collection of remarkable individuals - American icons and unsung local heroes alike. Stephen starts his epic journey on the east coast and zig-zags across America, stopping in every state from Maine to Hawaii. En route he discovers the South Side of Chicago with blues legend Buddy Guy, catches up with Morgan Freeman in Mississippi, strides around with Ted Turner on his Montana ranch, marches with Zulus in New Orleans' Mardi Gras, and drums with the Sioux Nation in South Dakota; joins a Georgia family for thanksgiving, 'picks' with Bluegrass hillbillies, and finds himself in a Tennessee garden full of dead bodies. Whether in a club for failed gangsters (yes, those are real bullet holes) or celebrating Halloween in Salem (is there anywhere better?), Stephen is welcomed by the people of America - mayors, sheriffs, newspaper editors, park rangers, teachers and hobos, bringing to life the oddities and splendours of each locale. A celebration of the magnificent and the eccentric, the beautiful and the strange, Stephen Fry in America is our author's homage to this extraordinary country.
Paul Kilduff
How to be treated like shite in 15 different countries…and still quite like it! Stung by a ten-hour delay and a not-so-bargain fare to Spain on his native 'low fares' airline, Dubliner Paul Kilduff plots revenge. Can Paul beat 'Ruinair' at their low cost game and fly to all fifteen countries in Western Europe for less than the ?300 it cost him to be stranded in an airport lounge surrounded by drunks, bimbos and incompetents (and that was just the flight crew!)? Suffering every low-fares airline indignity: a miniscule carry-on baggage allowance, 6.00 am departures, Six Nations-style boarding scrums, epic bus excursions and terminal anxiety, Paul is doing something he's never done before: travelling to places he never knew he wanted to go, which are probably not quite where he thinks they are, with no idea what he's going to do when he gets there. In a way never before possible Ruinair and its competitors have opened up Europe's treasures to the average traveller, and, as discovered by Paul, a few complete dumps too. In this hilarious, no-holds-barred account of a holiday of a lifetime-cum-human endurance test, Paul takes us on an adventure that is not for the faint-hearted. From Luxembourg to Liechtenstein to Spain and back again, pack your bags (maximum 10kg, please) and join Paul Kilduff on this is a whirlwind no-frills tour of Europe and the low-cost airlines that help make that colourful continent a smaller, and somewhat angrier, place.
Home Ground
Home Ground
Andrew Stachulski
The essence of ‘Home Ground’ is a collection of twenty walks, ranging from about five to fifteen miles in length, situated in the North West of England. The criterion for selection is that each walk must be situated in whole or in part on Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 ‘Landranger’ map no. 103 (Blackburn and Burnley). This was the map used by the author when he first began to explore the area almost fifty years ago, and these long personal associations, heightened by a long absence from the area, make this truly his home ground. Within this relatively small area there is a rich variety of beautiful scenery, largely unsung, all lying within some twenty miles of industrial East Lancashire. From the suburbs of Blackburn to the fringe of the Yorkshire Dales, from the sweeping fells of the Forest of Bowland to the wooded valleys and heights of Calderdale, these walks have something to offer to walkers of practically all tastes. Both the Forest of Bowland and the Pennine Way feature strongly on the map and in the book, and extra sections discuss these features. Especially the Forest of Bowland, recognized as an area of outstanding national beauty but not a national park, is introduced in some detail as its charm and many opportunities for the walker and day visitor are still little known. The Pennine Way, which features in three of the walks, is mentioned more autobiographically as the author recalls his own experience of the Way and its wider relationship to Northern England. About the Author Andrew Stachulski was born in Blackburn in 1950, the son of a Polish father and English mother, and grew up in nearby Great Harwood. He was educated at Accrington Grammar School from 1961 to 1968, when he gained entrance to read Natural Sciences at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. He graduated with firstclass honours in 1971 and, after winning a senior scholarship, he remained at the college to study for a Ph. D. under the supervision of Professor Alan (now Sir Alan) Battersby. Following the completion of his doctorate in 1974, he held postdoctoral fellowships with the Medical Research Council and at Jesus College, Oxford until 1978. There followed a long period of employment in the chemical industry, first with Beecham Pharmaceuticals (later SmithKline Beecham) and then Ultrafine Chemicals, Manchester. In 2001 he fulfilled a longheld ambition by returning to academic life at the University of Liverpool, becoming a senior lecturer in 2003. Recently (Jan., 2010) he moved to take up a senior research fellowship at the University of Oxford. Walking has always been a great love of his life, beginning in the Ribble Valley and Pendle country of his native Lancashire. In the mid 1970s he completed a number of Britain’s longdistance footpaths, the Pennine Way, Offa’s Dyke Path and Coast to Coast walk, accompanied by college friends. Subsequently he climbed all the principal fells of the Lake District, where he often returns, and from 1981 again with a college friend he began to climb in the Scottish Highlands. In 2003 he completed the circuit of all the ‘Munros’, the separate Scottish mountains of 3,000 ft. or greater height. His first walks were planned with the aid of the old one inch to one mile Ordnance Survey map of Blackburn and Burnley, and that is truly his home ground. It was particularly following his return to the North in 1991, then living in Greater Manchester, that this book came to be planned. Old walks familiar from childhood, in the Ribble and Hodder valleys, Pendle country, South Pennines and the Forest of Bowland were revisited and built on, and many new ones were added. From these the twenty walks featured in this book have been selected, walks which appeal personally to the author through their beauty or special associations, or which in his view speak most clearly of the characteristics of the area.
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