

Epsom Salt Home Remedies
Epsom Salt Home Remedies
Emily Deleon
Epsom Salt Home Remedies
Ватикан: Текст + аудио
Ватикан: Текст + аудио
Анна Куньская
Ватикан: Текст + аудио
Музеи Ватикана: Текст
Музеи Ватикана: Текст
Анна Куньская
Музеи Ватикана: Текст
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copen
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copen
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copenhagen & Malm?)
Traveler’s Paradise - Rio: Travel Guide for Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Traveler’s Paradise - Rio: Travel Guide for Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Juha Öörni
Traveler’s Paradise - Rio: Travel Guide for Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Traveler’s Paradise - Hainan Island
Traveler’s Paradise - Hainan Island
Juha Öörni
Traveler’s Paradise - Hainan Island
Unser Abenteuer Nordzypern: 2 Rentner und ihr Traum vom Auswandern
Unser Abenteuer Nordzypern: 2 Rentner und ihr Traum vom Auswandern
M. A. Abraham
Unser Abenteuer Nordzypern: 2 Rentner und ihr Traum vom Auswandern
Herbs for Medicinal Use: Get Health, Longevity, Reduce Inflammation, Anxiety, &
Herbs for Medicinal Use: Get Health, Longevity, Reduce Inflammation, Anxiety, &
Betty White
Herbs for Medicinal Use: Get Health, Longevity, Reduce Inflammation, Anxiety, & Increase Well Being
Kokoda Trek
Kokoda Trek
Nikki Moyes
Kokoda Trek
Watching TV Without Cable
Watching TV Without Cable
Nathan Case
Watching TV Without Cable
Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
My Ebook Publishing House
Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
Environment And Water Management
Environment And Water Management
Prof. Elijah K Biamah, Eng. Michael K Biamah
In Kenya and Somalia, most of the population (over 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore derive their livelihoods and incomes from agriculture and livestock production. Thus it is pertinent that environmental and water management be give priority when coming up with suitable conservation technologies. Future options of integrated water resources management for agriculture and livestock production will include: water resources management; adapting water resource management to climate change; response to key drivers of change; an integrated watershed management approach and rainwater harvesting and conservation for sustainable agriculture and livestock production. This book presents a broad spectrum of environment and water management technological options available to most of Kenya's and Somalia’s rural communities. The areas covered by this publication include:? Dryland environments and agriculture; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Agricultural watershed management in Kenya; Runoff water Management Systems; Drivers of change for water availability and use for agriculture; Djabia rainwater harvesting system in Lamu, Kenya; Trans-boundary integrated river water management; Integrated land and water management in the Nyando River Catchment Area, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya; and Key environmental considerations in river basins management in Kenya and Somalia.
Περιφ?ρεια Ηπε?ρου: Περιφερειακ? Εν?τητα Ιωανν?νων
Περιφ?ρεια Ηπε?ρου: Περιφερειακ? Εν?τητα Ιωανν?νων
Αγγελική Πλάγου
Το βιβλ?ο αυτ? ε?ναι ?να? εγκυκλοπαιδικ?? ταξιδιωτικ?? οδηγ?? για το Νομ? Ιωανν?νων. Συγκεκριμ?να περιγρ?φει κ?θε π?λη, κωμ?πολη, χωρι?, οικισμ?, κ.?. με αλφαβητικ? σειρ? για διευκ?λυνση και αναλυτικ?, ?στε ο αναγν?στη? να μπορε? να βρει ?λε? τι? πληροφορ?ε? που αφορο?ν ?να κεφ?λαιο χωρ?? παραπομπ?? σε ?λλα.??Επ?ση? για διευκ?λυνση το κ?θε κεφ?λαιο ?χει χωριστε? σε μικρ?τερε? εν?τητε? με διαφορετικ? θ?μα και περιεχ?μενο η κ?θε μ?α (π.χ. Πληροφορ?ε?, Ιστορ?α, Διαμον?, κ.?.), ?στε ο αναγν?στη? να μπορε? να διαβ?ζει ?,τι τον ενδιαφ?ρει χωρ?? να ε?ναι αναγκασμ?νο? να διαβ?σει ολ?κληρο το κεφ?λαιο μ?χρι να βρει την πληροφορ?α που θ?λει.??Γενικ? ?χει γ?νει κ?θε προσπ?θεια να βοηθ?σει τον αναγν?στη στην επ?σκεψ? του στο συγκεκριμ?νο Νομ?.
American Notes
American Notes
Rudyard Kipling
Account of a trip to America. Here's how he begins his description of San Francisco: " 'Serene, indifferent to fate, Thou sittest at the Western Gate; Thou seest the white seas fold their tents, Oh, warder of two continents; Thou drawest all things, small and great, To thee, beside the Western Gate.' This is what Bret Harte has written of the great city of San Francisco, and for the past fortnight I have been wondering what made him do it. There is neither serenity nor indifference to be found in these parts; and evil would it be for the continents whose wardship were intrusted to so reckless a guardian."
More Animal Stories: Sanctuary Tales, Volume III
More Animal Stories: Sanctuary Tales, Volume III
Giacomo Giammatteo 
An animal sanctuary is a great place to be raised—far better than the alternative. This is another collection of animal stories, but they're all new, and like before, some are funny, some are sad. The one thing they have in common is that they're all true. And this time, the range of animals has been extended to include other species. As always, all proceeds go to the animal sanctuary to help feed and care for them. So open up your heart and enjoy the read.?
Flat-Coated Retriever Training
Flat-Coated Retriever Training
Brittany Boykin
Are you tired of your Flat-Coated Retriever puppy leaving “messes” all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your Flat-Coated Retriever drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch??This short, simple, no-fluff beginner's training guide can help you with it all! Here Is A Preview of What You'll Learn... Is a Flat-Coated Retriever Right For You? How Much Is Enough Exercise? How To Speak Your Dog’s Language Effective Discipline How to Potty Train Your Flat-Coated Retriever Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait Leash Training Your Flat-Coated Retriever Puppy Socialization Training How to Stop the Biting and Chewing and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must-have guide for all beginner Flat-Coated Retriever puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a Flat-Coated Retriever puppy. Don’t wait any longer! Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to turn your little fluff ball into the perfect puppy!
100 Dicas de viagem
100 Dicas de viagem
Beatriz Adelaide
100 Dicas de viagem
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery!
The French Riviera
The French Riviera
My Ebook Publishing House
The French Riviera
Довгий шлях до свободи
Довгий шлях до свободи
Nelson Mandela
Quaranta anni di storia di Damanhur, raccontati da chi li ha vissuti di persona. Il racconto della giornata di un damanhuriano, per comprendere come si vive, si pensa, si cresce in quella che oggi è la comunità spirituale laica più grande in Italia.
Arany János – balladák  –  János Arany – ballads
Arany János – balladák – János Arany – ballads
Tomschey Ottó
Высокий урожай гарантирован! Книга поможет организовать работу в саду и огороде в новом сезоне! Она подскажет, как сделать так, чтобы высеянная морковь пошла в корешки, а не в вершки, помидоры созрели сладкими, сорняки, побежденные на грядках, не поднялись опять, а картофель в погребе сохранился здоровым до нового урожая. ? Лучшие дни для начала выращивания рассады с учетом фаз Луны ? Календарь картофелевода ? Советы по своевременной обрезке, внесению удобрений, уничтожению вредителей и сорняков.Vysokij urozhaj garantirovan! Kniga pomozhet organizovat' rabotu v sadu i ogorode v novom sezone! Ona podskazhet, kak sdelat' tak, chtoby vysejannaja morkov' poshla v koreshki, a ne v vershki, pomidory sozreli sladkimi, sornjaki, pobezhdennye na grjadkah, ne podnjalis' opjat', a kartofel' v pogrebe sohranilsja zdorovym do novogo urozhaja. ? Luchshie dni dlja nachala vyrashhivanija rassady s uchetom faz Luny ? Kalendar' kartofelevoda ? Sovety po svoevremennoj obrezke, vneseniju udobrenij, unichtozheniju vreditelej i sornjakov.
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