

Shores of the Polar Sea: "A Narrative of Arctic Expedition"
Shores of the Polar Sea: "A Narrative of Arctic Expedition"
Edward L. Moss
HE ARCTIC EXPEDITION of 1875 left England on 29th May, crossed the Atlantic to Davis Straits in a succession of storms, and entered the Arctic regions on 4th July. It sailed with orders to “attain the highest northern latitude, and, if possible, reach the Pole.”??In old times, when voyages were longer than in these days of steam, a nautical frolic on crossing “the Line” helped to break the monotony of many a tedious passage. This time-honoured custom is slowly becoming a thing of the past. When it is gone, there will be little in sea or sky to make crossing the Equator in any way remarkable. The Tropic Zones are no better defined, and one can sail into or out of them without experiencing a sin-gle impressive sensation. But the Arctic Circle has obvious boundaries. A conspicuous change in the ordinary habits of nature warns the traveller that he is leaving the hospitable realms of earth behind him, and entering a region full of new experiences. Here familiar light and darkness cease to alternate, morning and evening no longer make the day, and in proportion as the latitude increases, day and night become mere figures of speech.??While our two ships steamed northward along the west shores of Greenland, the novel charm of constant daylight was felt by every one. We all had our own ideas of what Arctic summer would be like, but ideas drawn from books rarely remain unchanged when brought face to face with reality. Although the passage into perpetual day was of course gradual, yet it was quite rapid enough to upset all regular habits. ??Most of us observed sadly irregular hours, but one energetic fellow-voyager, bent on making the most of his opportunities, stopped up for three days at a stretch.??Our squadron consisted of H.M.SS. “Alert,” “Discovery,” and “Valorous,” the latter vessel accompanying the Expedition as far as Disco, for the purpose of helping it so far northwards with its heavy stock of three years’ provisions and fuel. On entering Davis Straits no one of the ships had the least idea where the others were. ??They had been separated in a cyclone on 13th June, and had crossed the Atlantic independently. Fortunately, how-ever, all three turned up almost simultaneously off the west coast of Greenland. Four days before crossing the Arctic Circle, the “Alert” and “Discovery” met under the rugged coast near Godhaab. ??As the ships approached, each anxiously scanned the other to see what damage had been done by the Atlantic storms. Boats soon passed from ship to ship, and it was amusing to note how both men and officers of either ship (the writer included) already placed the firmest faith in their own vessel, and underrated the seaworthiness of her consort. ??It was positively quite disappointing to find that the “Discovery’s” spars were all right, and that she, like ourselves, had lost but one boat. Of course we congratulated each other on our good fortune; and good fortune it was, for our light, beautifully built boats could not be replaced, and few ships, heavily laden both below and on deck as ours were, would have passed through such weather without more serious loss.
A Journal from Japan: "A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a Scientist"
A Journal from Japan: "A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a Scientist"
Marie Carmichael Stopes
This daily journal was written primarily because I well knew that time would force the swiftly passing incidents and impressions to blur each other in my memory. Then want of leisure tempted me to send the journal home to friends in place of letters, and the two or three for whom I originally intended it widened the circle by handing it on to many others, until it has, in a way, become public property. Several of those who have read it have asked me to publish it in book form, and although I vowed that I would not add to the al-ready excessive number of books written on Japan, I have decided to publish this just because it was not written with a view to publication. It is this which gives it any claim to attention, and guarantees its veracity. To preserve its character I have stayed my hand where it has often been tempted to change or revise statements which may sometimes seem too hard in the softening light of distance. Days about which there is no entry were filled with work on my fossils at the University. Many evenings were spent with friends at dinners or dances. Reference to these things has been deleted, for neither the solid work nor the social gaiety is likely to interest any one now. Personalities (alas, not always irrelevant!) have been eliminated of necessity, but I have not attempted to give the text any literary form which it did not originally possess. The words are exactly those jotted down at the time and place that they profess to be, and therefore mirror, as no rewritten phrases could, the direct impression that that time and place made on me. Japan is changing swiftly, and I saw things from a point of view that differs somewhat from any recorded, so that perhaps these daily impressions may have an interest for those who cannot visit Japan, and in the future for those who prefer facts to fair sounding generalisations and beautifully elaborated theories. MARIE C. STOPES.Hampstead, July 1909.
A velencei bába
A velencei bába
Roberta Rich
Hogyan lehet egy Castróval vívott pingpongmeccsen interjút nyerni? Valóban gyógyítanak a híres szivarok? Milyen a salsa és a szex? Hogyan bókolnak a kubai férfiak? ?s mi k?ze egy dundi fekete macskának a magyar diplomatákhoz? Kül?n?s kérdések egy kül?n?s országból... A választ egyvalaki ismerheti igazán: Horvát János. ? vérbeli Kuba-szakért?, hiszen t?bb mint négy évtizedes ismeretség f?zi a szigetországhoz. Tapasztalatairól, élményeir?l szól ez a temperamentumosan csapongó, tárgyilagosan szubjektív hangulatú kalandozás, hiteles, magával ragadó visszaemlékezés. Aki járt már Kubában, újra elmerülhet ezen az egyedi és varázslatos szigeten tett id?utazásban, beleszippanthat a permanens forradalmi készültség mágikus leveg?jébe – vagy legalábbis, ami még megmaradt bel?le. Akinek pedig még nem volt szerencséje a karibi ország f?ldjére lépni, az a k?nyv lapjain barangolhatja be ezt az izgalmas világot.
Texas Bill, a fenegyerek
Texas Bill, a fenegyerek
Rejtő Jenő
Te jártál Pakisztánban s milyen helyen laktál Volt mit enni Nem veszélyes Tényleg kell oda vízum Hogy tudtál kommunikálni a helyiekkel Bátor vagy, én nem mernék oda menni! Ezer és egy ilyen párbeszédnek voltam fültanúja és elszenvedje az utóbbi évtized utazásai után. De nemcsak Pakisztánnal, hanem a kzeli Koszovóval és Albániával kapcsolatban is hasonló kérdések hangzottak el. Mindebbl az derült ki számomra, hogy mi, magyarok viszonylag keveset utazunk. Vajon mi ennek az oka Nincs rá pénzünk Nincs elég szabadidnk Nem beszélünk nyelveket Vagy egyszeren csak nem merünk magunktól elindulni Meggyzdésem, hogy sok esetben ez utóbbiról van szó. Keveset tudunk a világról, pedig minden információ a rendelkezésünkre áll…” Az tikalauz modern nomádoknak hasznos tanácsokat és tleteket ad mindenkinek, aki kedvet érez ahhoz, hogy nekivágjon az ismeretlennek. Bevezetés kezdknek… akik még nem szerveztek nállóan hosszabb utat. Kéziknyv haladóknak… akik már utaztak ugyan, de nem jártak még ritkán látogatott tájakon. Szórakoztató olvasmány profiknak, akik szívesen olvassák egy hivatásos” világjáró trténeteit, aki épp olyan otthonosan mozog a Balkánon és a Kzel-Keleten, mint Fekete-Afrikában. Belényi Dániel az egyetemi nyári szünetek alatt kezdte a hátizsákozást, majd néhány éven belül hivatása lett a mindenféle helyeken való esés-kelés”. Elszr 2001-ben vonatozott ki Nepálba, majd évekkel késbb, immár tbb rutin birtokában a nehezebb úti célok kezdték érdekelni. Ezt kveten Afganisztánban, Szudánban, Guineában, Líbiában, Pakisztánban és Iránban edzdtt. Eleinte turistaként, majd újságíróként utazott; ma nemzetkzi fejlesztéssel foglalkozik, így útiterveit fként munkája alakítja.
Homemade House Cleaning Recipes
Homemade House Cleaning Recipes
Kathy Brown
Homemade House Cleaning Recipes
Traveler's Paradise - Arabian Peninsula
Traveler's Paradise - Arabian Peninsula
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Arabian Peninsula
Traveler's Paradise - ABC Islands: Travel Guide for ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire,
Traveler's Paradise - ABC Islands: Travel Guide for ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire,
Juha Öörni
Traveler's Paradise - ABC Islands: Travel Guide for ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Cura?ao)
eGuide Voyage: Dublin et alentours
eGuide Voyage: Dublin et alentours
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
eGuide Voyage: Dublin et alentours
Coach Class to the Americas
Coach Class to the Americas
Jay Maclean
Coach Class to the Americas
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Hydrogen Peroxide Miracle
Hydrogen Peroxide Miracle
Emily Deleon
Hydrogen Peroxide Miracle
Gwendolyn: Manor House titka
Gwendolyn: Manor House titka
Rita Velencei
Схемы, иллюстрации и инструкции помогут без труда справиться с работой. ? Красивые и надежные заборы из дерева, металла, сетки-рабицы, кирпича, камня, бетона ? Живые изгороди и др. Shemy, illjustracii i instrukcii pomogut bez truda spravit'sja s rabotoj. ? Krasivye i nadezhnye zabory iz dereva, metalla, setki-rabicy, kirpicha, kamnja, betona ? Zhivye izgorodi i dr.
Nagy emberek gyermekcip?ben
Nagy emberek gyermekcip?ben
Szerb Antal
Созданные своими руками яркие коврики сделают ваш дом уютным и теплым, украсят любой интерьер. Все, что вам понадобится для работы, – лоскуты тканей, которые вы получите из ненужных вещей, и толстый вязальный крючок. Sozdannye svoimi rukami jarkie kovriki sdelajut vash dom ujutnym i teplym, ukrasjat ljuboj inter'er. Vse, chto vam ponadobitsja dlja raboty, – loskuty tkanej, kotorye vy poluchite iz nenuzhnyh veshhej, i tolstyj vjazal'nyj krjuchok.
Tiltott gy?zelem
Tiltott gy?zelem
T. H. Fabling
Пошаговые рекомендации и иллюстрации Варианты стрижек и причесок в разных стилях Идеи для всех возрастов С этим пособием вы без труда научитесь стричь, окрашивать волосы и делать прически в домашних условиях! Узнайте, как подбирать стрижку с учетом особенностей формы лица, структуры, типа волос и их длины. Освойте тонкости создания женских повседневных и вечерних причесок. Женские стрижки: классическое каре, лесенка, авангард, асимметрия, французская и др. Мужские стрижки: полубокс, молодежная, удлиненная, спортивная и др. Стрижки для мальчиков: гарсон, стиляга и др. Для девочек: Ассоль, воздушная и др. Уход за волосами Подбор парикмахерских инструментов Методы и правила стрижки Мелирование, колорирование и окрашивание: блики, брондирование, омбре, растяжка, фламбояж, трафаретное окрашивание, шатуш и др. Poshagovye rekomendacii i illjustracii Varianty strizhek i prichesok v raznyh stiljah Idei dlja vseh vozrastov S jetim posobiem vy bez truda nauchites' strich', okrashivat' volosy i delat' pricheski v domashnih uslovijah! Uznajte, kak podbirat' strizhku s uchetom osobennostej formy lica, struktury, tipa volos i ih dliny. Osvojte tonkosti sozdanija zhenskih povsednevnyh i vechernih prichesok. Zhenskie strizhki: klassicheskoe kare, lesenka, avangard, asimmetrija, francuzskaja i dr. Muzhskie strizhki: poluboks, molodezhnaja, udlinennaja, sportivnaja i dr. Strizhki dlja mal'chikov: garson, stiljaga i dr. Dlja devochek: Assol', vozdushnaja i dr. Uhod za volosami Podbor parikmaherskih instrumentov Metody i pravila strizhki Melirovanie, kolorirovanie i okrashivanie: bliki, brondirovanie, ombre, rastjazhka, flambojazh, trafaretnoe okrashivanie, shatush i dr.
Végzetes ?r?kség
Végzetes ?r?kség
Chevy Stevens
Автор книги — основатель клуба автономного выживания. Его советы проверены на личном опыте, приобретенном в ходе экспедиций. Он убежден, чтобы спасти себя и близких нужны знания, уверенность в себе и желание выжить. Как действовать во время аварий и вооруженных конфликтов. Что делать во время лесного пожара, урагана, пурги. Как ориентироваться на местности. Как найти воду, добыть пищу и создать временное укрытие. Как развести костер. Как подать сигнал и др. Avtor knigi — osnovatel' kluba avtonomnogo vyzhivanija. Ego sovety provereny na lichnom opyte, priobretennom v hode jekspedicij. On ubezhden, chtoby spasti sebja i blizkih nuzhny znanija, uverennost' v sebe i zhelanie vyzhit'. Kak dejstvovat' vo vremja avarij i vooruzhennyh konfliktov. Chto delat' vo vremja lesnogo pozhara, uragana, purgi. Kak orientirovat'sja na mestnosti. Kak najti vodu, dobyt' pishhu i sozdat' vremennoe ukrytie. Kak razvesti koster. Kak podat' signal i dr.
Mornings in Florence
Mornings in Florence
John Ruskin
According to Wikipedia: "John Ruskin (8 February 1819 – 20 January 1900) is best known for his work as an art critic, stage writer, and social critic, but is remembered as an author, poet and artist as well. Ruskin's essays on art and architecture were extremely influential in the Victorian and Edwardian eras."
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, Second Series
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, Second Series
Lafcadio Hearn
According to the Preface: "...the rare charm of Japanese life, so different from that of all other lands, is not to be found in its Europeanised circles. It is to be found among the great common people, who represent in Japan, as in all countries, the national virtues, and who still cling to their delightful old customs, their picturesque dresses, their Buddhist images, their household shrines, their beautiful and touching worship of ancestors. This is the life of which a foreign observer can never weary, if fortunate and sympathetic enough to enter into it--the life that forces him sometimes to doubt whether the course of our boasted Western progress is really in the direction of moral development." According to Wikipedia: "Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (27 June 1850 – 26 September 1904), also known as Koizumi Yakum after gaining Japanese citizenship, was an author, best known for his books about Japan. He is especially well-known for his collections of Japanese legends and ghost stories, such as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things... The Japanese director Masaki Kobayashi adapted four Hearn tales into his 1965 film, Kwaidan. Some of his stories have been adapted by Ping Chong into his trademark puppet theatre, including the 1999 Kwaidan and the 2002 OBON: Tales of Moonlight and Rain... Hearn was a major translator of the short stories of Guy de Maupassant. In Ian Fleming's 1964 novel You Only Live Twice, James Bond retorts to his nemesis Blofeld's comment of "Have you ever heard the Japanese expression kirisute gomen?" with "Spare me the Lafcadio Hearn, Blofeld."
Flatland: Our Journey
Flatland: Our Journey
Marko Zamurovic, Marija Zamurovic
Flatland: Our Journey
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
Juha Öörni
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
Traveler's Paradise - New York: New York City Shopping & Travel Guide
Traveler's Paradise - New York: New York City Shopping & Travel Guide
Juha Öörni
Traveler's Paradise - New York: New York City Shopping & Travel Guide
Everyday Natural Cleaning Solutions: Innovative Green Cleaning Recipes And Tips
Everyday Natural Cleaning Solutions: Innovative Green Cleaning Recipes And Tips
Susan Rider
Everyday Natural Cleaning Solutions: Innovative Green Cleaning Recipes And Tips For Your Home
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