

Astrology in a Nutshell
Astrology in a Nutshell
C. H. Webber
Twilight in Italy was written in the year 1916 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Salut?ri lui Tro?ki
Salut?ri lui Tro?ki
Dumitru Crudu
n acest ghid cuprinztor de folosire a plantelor medicinale n vindecare, David Hoffmann ofer o abordare holistic unic prin care s ne putem restabili i menine starea de bine. Sfaturi clare, bine structurate, ne arat cum s diagnosticm i s tratm fr riscuri o gam larg de afeciuni, de la diabet i depresie, la acufene i tuse convulsiv – fr niciun efect secundar negativ.Cartea include:o explicaie clar a sistemelor organismului;sfaturi privind diagnosticarea i tratarea bolilor;metode simple de culegere a plantelor i de preparare a remediilor;un repertoar al plantelor medicinale i un index al denumirilor botanice.Nu toate bolile necesit medicamente puternice, creme sau alifii. Citind acest ghid, poi nva cum s foloseti plantele medicinale pentru binele i sntatea familiei tale.Medicina naturist se bazeaz pe relaia dintre plant i fiina uman, dintre plant i planet, dintre fiina uman i planet. S folosim plantele medicinale n procesul de vindecare nseamn s facem parte dintr-un ciclu ecologic. Asta ne d posibilitatea s fim prezeni n mod contient n lumea vie, vital din care facem parte; s adeverim ntregirea i lumea n viaa noastr prin cunoaterea remediilor folosite. Plantele medicinale ne pot conecta la contextul mai larg al ntregului planetar i, n timp ce ele i ndeplinesc rolul fiziologic/medical, noi ni-l putem ndeplini pe al nostru, construind contiina acestei conexiuni i relaii mutuale." - David Hoffmann
Mica enciclopedie Hygge
Mica enciclopedie Hygge
Meik Wiking
Проверенные годами секреты наших бабушек и опытных современных специалистов! Чтобы получить срочный совет в любой экстренной ситуации или упростить себе ежедневную работу по дому, достаточно просто раскрыть книгу. ? Как сервировать стол к фуршету ? Как выбрать самое свежее мясо, рыбу, молочные продукты ? Какие продукты в рецепте можно заменить и чем ? Как удалить сложные пятна с одежды и мебели ? Как быстро устранить накипь и остатки пригоревшей пищи с посуды ? Как обустроить маленькую комнату, кухню и балкон ? Как избавиться от вредителей сада и огорода ? Когда высаживать рассаду.Proverennye godami sekrety nashih babushek i opytnyh sovremennyh specialistov! Chtoby poluchit' srochnyj sovet v ljuboj jekstrennoj situacii ili uprostit' sebe ezhednevnuju rabotu po domu, dostatochno prosto raskryt' knigu. ? Kak servirovat' stol k furshetu ? Kak vybrat' samoe svezhee mjaso, rybu, molochnye produkty ? Kakie produkty v recepte mozhno zamenit' i chem ? Kak udalit' slozhnye pjatna s odezhdy i mebeli ? Kak bystro ustranit' nakip' i ostatki prigorevshej pishhi s posudy ? Kak obustroit' malen'kuju komnatu, kuhnju i balkon ? Kak izbavit'sja ot vreditelej sada i ogoroda ? Kogda vysazhivat' rassadu.
Leiner Laura
Борис Бублик многие годы изучает и практикует способы ?разумного земледелия?, которые облегчают труд на земле и улучшают урожай. К его советам уже прислушались более 1 000 000 последователей! Весь многолетний опыт автора – в одной книге! Узнайте, как организовать работу, чтобы не вредить земле химией, не гробить здоровье и получить достойный урожай. ? Надо ли перекапывать и рыхлить ? Какие растения угнетают рост сорняков ? Как организовать совместную посадку растений ? Как заставить сорняки работать на благо огорода ? Чем отпугнуть колорадского жука и др. ? Как изготовить инвентарь для работы в огороде. Бонус! Вкладка ?Таблица совместимости растений?. Boris Bublik mnogie gody izuchaet i praktikuet sposoby ?razumnogo zemledelija?, kotorye oblegchajut trud na zemle i uluchshajut urozhaj. K ego sovetam uzhe prislushalis' bolee 1 000 000 posledovatelej! Ves' mnogoletnij opyt avtora – v odnoj knige! Uznajte, kak organizovat' rabotu, chtoby ne vredit' zemle himiej, ne grobit' zdorov'e i poluchit' dostojnyj urozhaj. ? Nado li perekapyvat' i ryhlit' ? Kakie rastenija ugnetajut rost sornjakov ? Kak organizovat' sovmestnuju posadku rastenij ? Kak zastavit' sornjaki rabotat' na blago ogoroda ? Chem otpugnut' koloradskogo zhuka i dr. ? Kak izgotovit' inventar' dlja raboty v ogorode. Bonus! Vkladka ?Tablica sovmestimosti rastenij?.
?t tornacsuka a Tapolcai-tavasbarlangban
?t tornacsuka a Tapolcai-tavasbarlangban
Jámbor Eszter
Это что-то особенное! Яркие иллюстрации, пошаговые инструкции с фотографиями и множество полезных советов — все в чудесной книге для домашнего уюта и увлекательного творчества! Новое модное хобби, приступить к которому вы можете прямо сейчас, ведь для плетения из газетных трубочек в вашем доме наверняка найдется все необходимое: пачка старой макулатуры, вязальная спица, ножницы, клей ПВА и краски — акварель, гуашь, акрил! Немного терпения, чтобы с помощью подробных инструкций заготовить для творчества необходимый материал — удивительно податливый, приятный в работе и дешевый. Но готовые изделия из газетных трубочек вы не сразу отличите от ротанга, а в вашем доме скоро появится масса нужных, полезных и красивых вещей: яркая конфетница ?Арбуз?, кашпо ?Башмачок? для любимого цветка и уютный домик для кошки, большая корзина для столового белья, милая и практичная настольная полочка для детской, пасхальная курочка и даже плетеный журнальный столик, декорированный декупажными салфетками.Jeto chto-to osobennoe! Jarkie illjustracii, poshagovye instrukcii s fotografijami i mnozhestvo poleznyh sovetov — vse v chudesnoj knige dlja domashnego ujuta i uvlekatel'nogo tvorchestva!
Az ?t tornacsuka a Levendula Házban
Az ?t tornacsuka a Levendula Házban
Jámbor Eszter
Делаем сами коптильни, грили, мангалы, уличные печи Постройте уличный очаг и?превратите зону отдыха на?участке в?любимое место встречи семьи и?друзей! Точные чертежи и?подробные инструкции подскажут, как определиться с?нужной именно вам моделью и?построить из?камней, кирпича, бетона, железных и?чугунных элементов и?даже бака от?старой стиральной машины открытый и?полуоткрытый очаг, простой дворовой камин, многофункциональный мангал, гриль или печь-барбекю на?дровах или с?газовой горелкой. Любая из?предложенных конструкций может быть легко модифицирована по?желанию. Книга научит, как выложить русскую печь, тандырную печь или изготовить коптильню.#Н/ДDelaem sami koptil'ni, grili, mangaly, ulichnye pechi Postrojte ulichnyj ochag i?prevratite zonu otdyha na?uchastke v?ljubimoe mesto vstrechi sem'i i?druzej! Tochnye chertezhi i?podrobnye instrukcii podskazhut, kak opredelit'sja s?nuzhnoj imenno vam model'ju i?postroit' iz?kamnej, kirpicha, betona, zheleznyh i?chugunnyh jelementov i?dazhe baka ot?staroj stiral'noj mashiny otkrytyj i?poluotkrytyj ochag, prostoj dvorovoj kamin, mnogofunkcional'nyj mangal, gril' ili pech'-barbekju na?drovah ili s?gazovoj gorelkoj. Ljubaja iz?predlozhennyh konstrukcij mozhet byt' legko modificirovana po?zhelaniju. Kniga nauchit, kak vylozhit' russkuju pech', tandyrnuju pech' ili izgotovit' koptil'nju.#N/D
Az ?t tornacsuka Salf?ld?n
Az ?t tornacsuka Salf?ld?n
Jámbor Eszter
Этот вид рукоделия сейчас мегапопулярен! Превратите горы ненужных газет, журналов, бумаги в красивые, практичные и стильные изделия: декоративные корзинки и корзины для рукоделия, подносы, вазы, нарядные подставки и кашпо, конфетницы в виде ягод и изящные шкатулки, оригинальные украшения на елку, изысканные клатчи, настенное панно, люстру и даже комод! Эти изделия выглядят так стильно и современно, что никто никогда не догадается, из чего они сделаны на самом деле! Для всех проектов приведены пошаговые фото и пояснения работы.Jetot vid rukodelija sejchas megapopuljaren! Prevratite gory nenuzhnyh gazet, zhurnalov, bumagi v krasivye, praktichnye i stil'nye izdelija: dekorativnye korzinki i korziny dlja rukodelija, podnosy, vazy, narjadnye podstavki i kashpo, konfetnicy v vide jagod i izjashhnye shkatulki, original'nye ukrashenija na elku, izyskannye klatchi, nastennoe panno, ljustru i dazhe komod! Jeti izdelija vygljadjat tak stil'no i sovremenno, chto nikto nikogda ne dogadaetsja, iz chego oni sdelany na samom dele! Dlja vseh proektov privedeny poshagovye foto i pojasnenija raboty.
Little Travels and Roadside Sketches
Little Travels and Roadside Sketches
William Makepeace Thackeray
Classic short story, first published under the pen name "Titmarsh". Classic short story, first published in 1854. According to Wikipedia: "Thackeray is most often compared to one other great novelist of Victorian literature, Charles Dickens. During the Victorian era, he was ranked second only to Dickens, but he is now much less read and is known almost exclusively for Vanity Fair. In that novel he was able to satirize whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light touch. It also features his most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Sharp. As a result, unlike Thackeray's other novels, it remains popular with the general reading public; it is a standard fixture in university courses and has been repeatedly adapted for movies and television. In Thackeray's own day, some commentators, such as Anthony Trollope, ranked his History of Henry Esmond as his greatest work, perhaps because it expressed Victorian values of duty and earnestness, as did some of his other later novels. It is perhaps for this reason that they have not survived as well as Vanity Fair, which satirizes those values."
Robert Louis Stevenson
Classic travelogue. According to Wikipedia: "Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson ( 1850 - 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, and a leading representative of Neo-romanticism in English literature. He was the man who "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins", as G. K. Chesterton put it. He was also greatly admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. Most modernist writers dismissed him, however, because he was popular and did not write within their definition of modernism. It is only recently that critics have begun to look beyond Stevenson's popularity and allow him a place in the canon."
A Little Tour in France
A Little Tour in France
Henry James
Observations by Henry James from travel in France. According to Wikipedia: "Henry James, (1843 – 1916), son of theologian Henry James Sr., brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James, was an American-born British author. He is one of the key figures of 19th century literary realism; the fine art of his writing has led many academics to consider him the greatest master of the novel and novella form. He spent much of his life in England and became a British subject shortly before his death. He is primarily known for a series of major novels in which he portrayed the encounter of America with Europe. His plots centered on personal relationships, the proper exercise of power in such relationships, and other moral questions. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allowed him to explore the phenomena of consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting."
Letters of Travel
Letters of Travel
Rudyard Kipling
Collection of essays about travel, from 1892 to 1913. According to Wikipedia: "Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936) was an English author and poet. Born in Bombay, British India (now Mumbai), he is best known for his works The Jungle Book (1894) and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (1902), his novel, Kim (1901); his poems, including Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), If— (1910); and his many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888). He is regarded as a major "innovator in the art of the short story"; his children's books are enduring classics of children's literature; and his best works speak to a versatile and luminous narrative gift. Kipling was one of the most popular writers in English, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[2] The author Henry James said of him: "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius (as distinct from fine intelligence) that I have ever known." In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English language writer to receive the prize, and to date he remains its youngest recipient. Among other honours, he was sounded out for the British Poet Laureateship and on several occasions for a knighthood, all of which he declined.
Tour Through the Eastern Counties of England 1722
Tour Through the Eastern Counties of England 1722
Daniel Defoe
This travelogue begins: "I began my travels where I purpose to end them, viz., at the City of London, and therefore my account of the city itself will come last, that is to say, at the latter end of my southern progress; and as in the course of this journey I shall have many occasions to call it a circuit, if not a circle, so I chose to give it the title of circuits in the plural, because I do not pretend to have travelled it all in one journey, but in many, and some of them many times over; the better to inform myself of everything I could find worth taking notice of." According to Wikipedia: Daniel Defoe (1659/1661 [?] — 1731), born Daniel Foe, was an English writer, journalist, and pamphleteer, who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest practitioners of the novel, as he helped to popularise the form in Britain, and is even referred to by some as one of the founders of the English novel. A prolific and versatile writer, he wrote more than five hundred books, pamphlets, and journals on various topics (including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology and the supernatural). He was also a pioneer of economic journalism."
Twilight Sleep by Edith Wharton - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Twilight Sleep by Edith Wharton - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Edith Wharton
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Twilight Sleep by Edith Wharton - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edith Wharton’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Wharton includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Twilight Sleep by Edith Wharton - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Wharton’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Captain’s Daughter by Alexander Pushkin - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Captain’s Daughter by Alexander Pushkin - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Alexander Pushkin
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Captain’s Daughter by Alexander Pushkin - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Alexander Pushkin’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Pushkin includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Captain’s Daughter by Alexander Pushkin - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Pushkin’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
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