日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第8册
“新世纪高等学校日语专业本科生系列教材”是普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材,也是新世纪中国第1套日语专业本科生系列教材。系列教材的编写和出版一定会促进我国日语专业本科生教学质量的稳步提高,为培养更多的高级日语人才发挥应有的作用。 ★ 前瞻性与创新性并重:符合21世纪日语人才培养需要,引领中国日语教学潮流; ★ 代表性与权威性兼顾:全国20余所高校参与编写,日语界近百位专家精心奉献; ★ 系统性与整体性结合:涵盖高校日语专业全部课程,形成相互呼应的整体。 本书为系列教材之一,是日语专业本科高年级精读课教材。贯彻了《高等院校日语专业高年级阶段教学大纲》的要求,符合高水平日语人才培养的需要。既注重语言知识的传授、语言技能的训练,又兼顾日本社会、文化的介绍和理解,有助于提高学习者的思维创造和分析鉴赏能力。 课文选篇均为名家名篇,内容涉及日本社会、经济、文化、文学、风俗习惯及科普知识。语言表达规范,遣词造句丰富优美、可读性强。课文难易度安排合理,符合循序渐进的教学要求。 练习编排针对课文内容设计,在加深课文理解的同时,更注重提高日语综合表达能力。 每册设有专题栏目,如“近义词学习”、“表达学习”等,既与课文内容配合,又自成一体,可帮助学习者增强语感,培养应用意识。“文学·语言小知识”、“阅读”等栏目,不仅提供了丰富的阅读材料,更能拓宽学习者的知识面。 本教材配有MP3录音光盘一张,时长3小时。
新编日语(重排本)教学指南 第1册
新编日语(重排本)教学指南 第二册
“日本语能力测试考前总复习”系我社自中国台湾地区的瑞兰国际有限公司引进的一套针对日本语能力测试的辅导书,共5个分册。本丛书由台湾人气名师林士钧老师编写,供准备参加日本语能力测试的学习者使用。本丛书紧扣各级别考试的特点,提示各类题型的难点要点,有效帮助读者提升日语应用能力。 本书是N5分册,分语言知识(文字、词汇)、语言知识(语法)、读解、听解等4个单元,对本级别所需要掌握的内容进行整理和归纳,并提供相应的练习进行实力检测。书后还附有考前扫描、单词整理、根据‘听、说、读、写”四大指标制作的考核表等实用内容,可帮助考生有效复习,提升考试成绩。
Dream a Little Dream
A Desperate Young MotherRachel Stone's bad luck has taken a turn for the worse. With an empty wallet, a car's that's spilling smoke, and a five-year-old son to support, she's come home to a town that hates her. But this determined young widow with a scandalous past has learned how to be a fighter. And she'll do anything to keep her child safe even take on. . . A man With No HeartGabe Bonner wants to be left alone, especially by the beautiful outcast who's invaded his property. She has a ton of attitude, a talent for trouble, and a child who brings back bad memories. Yet Rachel's feisty spirit might just be heaven-sent to save a tough, stubborn man. Dare To DreamWelcome to Salvation, North Carolina where a man who's forgotten what tenderness means meets a woman with nothing to lose. here two endearing lovers will set off on a funny, touching journey of the heart. . .to a place where dreams just might come true.
One Soldier's Story
Before he became one of America's most respected statesmen, Bob Dole was an average citizen serving heroically for his country. The bravery he showed after suffering near-fatal injuries in the final days of World War II is the stuff of legend. Now, for the first time in his own words, Dole tells the moving story of his harrowing experience on and off the battlefield, and how it changed his life.Speaking here not as a politician but as a wounded G.I., Dole recounts his own odyssey of courage and sacrifice, and also honors the fighting spirit of the countless heroes with whom he served. Heartfelt and inspiring, One Soldier's Story is the World War II chronicle that America has been waiting for.
My Weird School Special: Bunny Double, We're in Trouble!
A.J. and the gang from My Weird School star in this series of after-school, holiday-themed chapter books featuring all-new hilarious stories and thirty-two pages of games, puzzles, and more. Hip hop hooray! It's Easter! And this year, Mayor Hubble is hosting an Easter egg roll and a special egg hunt at the mayor's mansion. But when Mayor Hubble reveals that the prize golden egg has a thousand dollars inside it, the egg hunt becomes a wacky free-for-all with a photo finish! Bestselling author Dan Gutman brings his kid-friendly sense of humor to this all-new series of holiday adventures. With My Weird School checklists and trivia plus tons of Easter-themed facts and puzzles, this is one weird Easter special you don't want to miss!
An Introduction To Healing
This book aims to answer the question How do I become a healerIt is a comprehensive explanation of spiritual healing, the aim being to inform, encourage and enlighten the reader. In easily understandable terms, the book describes the background of healing, how to tap into the universal energy and how to protect oneself. Spiritual healing is traditional in its origins and there continues to be an urgent need for it today. The complex and seemingly strange energies which spiritual healing involves are explained and terms such as energy , spirit and protection are demystified. Pat Smith, believes that anybody who wants to help others can become a healer and within this book she shows how.
Learning Python Network Programming
If you're a Python developer or a system administrator with Python experience and you're looking to take your first steps in network programming, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Python is assumed.
WiX 3.6: A Developer’s Guide to Windows Installer XML
A step-by-step tutorial with plenty of code and examples to improve your learning curve. If you are a developer and want to create installers for software targeting the Windows platform, then this book is for you. You’ll be using plenty of XML and ought to know the basics of writing a well-formed document. No prior experience in WiX or Windows Installer is assumed. You should know your way around Visual Studio to compile projects, add project references and tweak project properties.
自宋太祖黃袍加身登基稱帝始,宋室為穩定政權,採取了一系列「強幹弱技」、「崇文抑武」的政策。有宋一代,對外宋軍屢戰屢敗,對內武人地位低微,一派武風不振的景象。有趣的是,宋人著述兵書的數目卻較前朝有大幅度的增加,兵書撰述、注解及編輯風氣異常興盛。這個「崇文抑武」和「兵學興盛」的矛盾現象耐人尋味。 本書從宋代孫子兵法的研究出發,旁及目錄、軍事、政治、科舉及文化史等方方面面,在糎清宋代兵書數目及其存廢、宋人對兵法研究的貢獻等問題後,深入探究了宋代「崇文抑武」而又「兵學興盛」這現象的歷史及社會因素。
The Thorn Birds
Now, 25 years after it first took the world by storm, Colleen McCullough's sweeping family saga of dreams, titanic struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback returns to enthrall a new generation. As powerful, moving, and unforgettable as when it originally appeared, it remains a monumental literary achievement a landmark novel to be read . . . and read again!
Selenium Essentials
If you are a developer who wants to migrate from Selenium RC or any other automation tool to Selenium WebDriver, then this book is for you. Knowledge of automation tools is necessary to follow the examples in this book.
Learning NumPy
A step-by-step guide, packed with examples of practical numerical analysis that will give you a comprehensive, but concise overview of NumPy. This book is for programmers, scientists, or engineers, who have basic Python knowledge and would like to be able to do numerical computations with Python.
Understanding TCP/IP
This book is suitable for the novice and experienced system administrators, programmers, and anyone who would like to learn how to work with the TCP/IP protocol suite. It can be read even by those who have little background in networking
The Road from Home
David Kherdian re-creates his mother's voice in telling the true story of a childhood interrupted by one of the most devastating holocausts of our century. Vernon Dumehjian Kherdian was born into a loving and prosperous family. Then, in the year 1915, the Turkish government began the systematic destruction of its Armenian population.
My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
Never before has school been this mixed up or this much fun! Principal Klutz was hanging upside down from the school flagpole! He kissed a pig on the lips and painted his bald head orange! And now he wants to bungee jump off the roof of the school dressed as Santa Claus!
My Weird School #10: Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker!
Something weird is going on! Mr. Docker must be a mad scientist. He does nutty experiments and has an evil, demented, cackling laugh. Plus he invented a car that runs on potatoes! Mr. Docker is the weirdest science teacher ever! Is he trying to take over the world?
This New York Times bestselling novel and National Book Award nominee from acclaimed author Walter Dean Myers tells the story of Steve Harmon, a teenage boy in juvenile detention and on trial. Presented as a screenplay of Steve's own imagination, and peppered with journal entries, the book shows how one single decision can change our whole lives. Fade In: Interior: Early Morning In Cell Block D, Manhattan Detention Center. Steve (Voice-Over) Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. Maybe I can make my own movie. The film will be the story of my life. No, not my life, but of this experience. I'll call it what the lady prosecutor called me ... Monster. Supports the Common Core State Standards
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Gordon Korman comes a hilarious and heartfelt novel in which one middle-school troublemaker accidentally moves into the gifted and talented program and changes everything. For fans of Louis Sachar and Jack Gantos, this funny and touching underdog story is a lovable and goofy adventure with robot fights, middle-school dances, live experiments, and statue-toppling pranks! When Donovan Curtis pulls a major prank at his middle school, he thinks he finally gone too far. But thanks to a mix-up by one of the administrators, instead of getting in trouble, Donovan is sent to the Academy of Scholastic Distinction, a special program for gifted and talented students. Although it wasn’t exactly what Donovan had intended, the ASD couldn’t be a more perfectly unexpected hideout for someone like him. But as the students and teachers of ASD grow to realize that Donovan may not be good at math or science (or just about anything), he shows that his gifts may be exactly what the ASD students never knew they needed.?