The Secret Adversary
"The Secret Adversary" is the second published detective fiction novel by Agatha Christie, first published in January 1922 in the United Kingdom by The Bodley Head and in the United States by Dodd, Mead and Company later in that same year. The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6) and the US edition at $1.75.The book introduces the characters of Tommy and Tuppence who feature in three other Christie novels and one collection of short stories; the five Tommy and Tuppence books span Agatha Christie's writing career. The Great War is over, and jobs are scarce. Tommy Beresford and Prudence "Tuppence" Cowley meet and agree to start their own business as The Young Adventurers. They are hired for a job that leads them both to many dangerous situations, meeting allies as well, including an American millionaire in search of his cousin.
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is the second historical novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. It depicts the plight of the French proletariat under the brutal oppression of the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution, and the corresponding savage brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution. It follows the lives of several protagonists through these events, most notably Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Sydney Carton, a dissipated English barrister who endeavours to redeem his ill-spent life out of love for Darnay's wife, Lucie Manette.
Caesar and Cleopatra - The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable
George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26th, 1856 in Synge Street, Dublin. His career began modestly initially working for some years in an Estate office but a thirst for reading and knowledge moved his career to writing several novels, none of which were published for several years. He wrote as a critic for several years, mainly on the theatre where his campaigning helped moved Victorian theatre towards a more realistic form. Shaw also took up his fervent socialist views at this point, a cause he would be indelibly linked with throughout his long and productive life. An initial foray into writing a play in 1885 only came to fruition in 1892 and with it his path as one of the leading playwrights of the 20th century was set. Shaw was also a fervent Fabian and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Saint Joan in 1923 gained Shaw yet another international success. This led in 1925 to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his contributions to literature. The citation praised his work as "e;... marked by both idealism and humanity, its stimulating satire often being infused with a singular poetic beauty"e;. In 1938 he added an Academy Award for his work on Pygmalion. Shaw remains the only person ever to win a Nobel Prize and an Oscar. He refused all other awards, even a knighthood. George Bernard Shaw died on November 2nd, 1950 at the age of 94, of renal failure precipitated by injuries incurred by a fall whilst pruning a tree.
Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #7)
Greg Heffley is not willing to be the odd man out.A dance at Greg's middle school has everyone scrambling to find a partner, and Greg is determined not to be left by the wayside. So he concocts a desperate plan to find someone—anyone!—to go with on the big night.But Greg's schemes go hilariously awry, and his only option is to attend the dance with his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, and a female classmate as a "group of friends." But the night is long, and anything can happen along the way. Who will arrive at the dance triumphantly, and who will end up being the third wheel?
Rodrick Rules (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #2)
The highly anticipated sequel to the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling book! Secrets have a way of getting out, especially when a diary is involved. Whatever you do, don't ask Greg Heffley how he spent his summer vacation, because he definitely doesn't want to talk about it. As Greg enters the new school year, he's eager to put the past three months behind him . . . and one event in particular. Unfortunately for Greg, his older brother, Rodrick, knows all about the incident Greg wants to keep under wraps. But secrets have a way of getting out . . . especially when a diary is involved. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules chronicles Greg's attempts to navigate the hazards of middle school, impress the girls, steer clear of the school talent show, and most important, keep his secret safe.?F&P level: T
本书是“新日语能力考试万词对策”系列之一,专门为备考N3级或以N3级为目标的日语学习者而编写的。本书列出了1393个词条,加上“同义词”“反义词”“关联词、近义词”等单词及表达方式,共计收录N3级的2000个单词。 《新日语能力考试万词对策N3级2000》汇集了日语能力考试中频繁出现、日常生活中也能派上用场的单词,按照不同的主题,分成12章,每章包含5节,大家可以结合相应主题的场景来学习。单词配有英语和汉语翻译,例句配有汉语翻译,方便大家即时确认单词、例句的意思。 本书例句讲求短小精悍、口语化,方便大家背诵,同时还能增加口语积累;所有汉字都标有假名,学习过程中不用担心会被查字典断;双色印制,附红膜自测除了便携式小本设计,本书还采用有声书的形式。大家可以通过扫描各节的二维码或者相应单词编号的音频文件,获取单词及例句的朗读音频,随时随地,想学就学。 希望本书能够帮助大家顺利地通过N3级考试,并且成为值得大家信赖的单词书。
Androcles and the Lion - Youth is wasted on the young.
George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26th, 1856 in Synge Street, Dublin. His career began modestly initially working for some years in an Estate office but a thirst for reading and knowledge moved his career to writing several novels, none of which were published for several years. He wrote as a critic for several years, mainly on the theatre where his campaigning helped moved Victorian theatre towards a more realistic form. Shaw also took up his fervent socialist views at this point, a cause he would be indelibly linked with throughout his long and productive life. An initial foray into writing a play in 1885 only came to fruition in 1892 and with it his path as one of the leading playwrights of the 20th century was set. Shaw was also a fervent Fabian and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Saint Joan in 1923 gained Shaw yet another international success. This led in 1925 to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his contributions to literature. The citation praised his work as "e;... marked by both idealism and humanity, its stimulating satire often being infused with a singular poetic beauty"e;. In 1938 he added an Academy Award for his work on Pygmalion. Shaw remains the only person ever to win a Nobel Prize and an Oscar. He refused all other awards, even a knighthood. George Bernard Shaw died on November 2nd, 1950 at the age of 94, of renal failure precipitated by injuries incurred by a fall whilst pruning a tree.
本套书由韩国延世大学韩国语学堂知名教授在《韩国语教程(1-6)》的基础上重新改编而成,内容更新鲜时尚,贴近生活实际,同时也更加注重培养学生“听说读写”等各方面能力,是一套既适合课堂教学,也适用于自学的韩国语学习教材。延世大学韩国语学堂的多位教授历次担任TOPIK考试的出题委员,因此由他们编写的本套教材内容贴近韩国语能力考试需求,还适合TOPIK应试者使用。本套教材共6册,其中1、2册为初级,3、4册为中级,5、6册为高级。每册分别配有相应的练习册。 《延世韩国语4》为中级教材,适合中级阶段学习者使用。书中所有内容都配有中文翻译,并含练习题答案。
本套书由韩国延世大学韩国语学堂知名教授在《韩国语教程(1-6)》的基础上重新改编而成,内容更新鲜时尚,贴近生活实际,同时也更加注重培养学生“听说读写”等各方面能力,是一套既适合课堂教学,也适用于自学的韩国语学习教材。延世大学韩国语学堂的多位教授历次担任TOPIK考试的出题委员,因此由他们编写的本套教材内容贴近韩国语能力考试需求,还适合TOPIK应试者使用。本套教材共6册,其中1、2册为初级,3、4册为中级,5、6册为高级。每册分别配有相应的练习册。 《延世韩国语5》为高级教材,适合高级阶段学习者使用。本书共10课,配有听力原文和单词索引。
1.坚持《要求》倡导的教学理念和方法,注重知识与能力的结合,一步加强学习者综合运用法语的能力。 2.坚持人本主义教育观,强调以学习者为中心。在教材编写中重视发学习者的自我潜力,注重课外活动的设计。为满足个性化学习需要,引自主式学习理念,将课堂教学与课后自习紧密结合。 3.立足国情,博采众长。充分吸收我国大学法语教学长期以来积累的经验,广泛借鉴国外先教学理念,改变传统教学追求单项语言能力培养的模式,突出“素质教育”理念,培养学生文化交际能力。 4.重视个性化培养的需要,采用可灵活使用的板块结构。教材每单元各板块围绕同一教学目标展,又相对独立:由于我国大学法语的教学对象复杂,类型较多,学时各不相同,学习者可根据实际情况选择使用教材内容,以达到“培养学生不同层次的法语综合运用能力”的教学目标。 5.重视听说技能的培养。教材专设了“听力理解训练”板块,其他各板块中也都融了听说训练的内容,使学习者在学习过程中不断触纯正的法语,提高听力理解能力和准确表达能力。 6.利用多媒体教学技术,帮助学习者有效展自主学习和测评。教材配套的助学光盘/新理念网络学习平台包含教材内容、练习和自我测评,利用多媒体优势,提供形式多样的学习资源和有益的学习提示。
德福考试(TestDaF)的德文全称是“Test Deutschals Fremdspra Che”。申请德国大学的外国学生事先必须通过语言考试并取得相应的成绩,德福考试就是其中的一种语言考试。
由德语专业八级考试中心编写,权威性强 详细分析和讲解试题,剖析关键考点 阐释评分依据和标准,传授解题技巧 分析考生常见错误,突出考试注意事项 真题演练,强化实战体验,方便自测
新理念大学法语 综合教程1学生用书
《大学法语课程教学要求》(以下简称《要求》)于2011年11月出版发行,这标志着我国大学法语教学了一个新的历史时期。《要求》在*高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会法语组于2009年展的全国大学法语教学情况调研的基础上制定,对《大学法语教学大纲(第二版)》中的“大学法语课程教学要求”行了较大幅度的修订,引了新的教学理念。《要求》调整了教学对象和层次,强调培养语言综合运用能力,突出“素质教育”理念,强调培养跨文化交际能力,主张分类指导,突出个性化培养。要达到这些目标,大学法语教学就必须在教学思想、教学方法和教学材料使用等各个方面行改革。为此,受*高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会法语组委托,我们编写了这套“新理念大学法语系列”,旨在贯彻《要求》精神,推广新的教学理念,为深化我国大学法语教学改革、不断提高教学质量而努力。 “新理念大学法语系列”含《新理念大学法语》学生用书和教师用书各4册、《新理念大学法语听力教程》1册、 《新理念大学法语.大学法语四级考试听力应试指南》1册、《新理念大学法语语法教程》1册和《新理念大学法语.大学法语四级考试词汇精解》1册。 一、《新理念大学法语》主要特色 1.坚持《要求》倡导的教学理念和方法,注重知识与能力的结合,一步加强学习者综合运用法语的能力。 2.坚持人本主义教育观,强调以学习者为中心。正教材编写中重视发学习者的自我潜力,注重课外活动的设计。为满足个性化学习需要,引自主式学习理念,将课堂教学与课后自习紧密结合。 3.立足国情,博采众长。充分吸收我国大学法语教学长期以来积累的经验,广泛借鉴国外先教学理念,改变传统教学追求单项语言能力培养的模式,突出“素质教育”理念,培养学生文化交际能力。 4.重视个性化培养的需要,采用可灵活使用的板块结构。教材每单元各板块围绕同一教学目标展,又相对独立:由于我国大学法语的教学对象复杂,类型较多,学时各不相同,学习者可根据实际情况选择使用教材内容,以达到“培养学生不同层次的法语综合运用能力”的教学目标。 5.重视听说技能的培养。教材专设了“听力理解训练”板块,其他各板块中也都融了听说训练的内容,使学习者在学习过程中不断触纯正的法语,提高听力理解能力和准确表达能力。 6.利用多媒体教学技术,帮助学习者有效展自主学习和测评。教材配套的助学光盘包含教材内容、练习和自我测评,利用多媒体优势,提供形式多样的学习资源和有益的学习提示。
交际巴西葡萄牙语教程 学生用书
《交际巴西葡萄牙语教程》(Beleza!)系我社自欧洲权威出版社引并加以翻译改编的巴西葡萄牙语教材,分为‘学生用书”和‘练习与参考答案册”等两个品种,既可供巴西葡萄牙语课堂教学,也可作自学之用。 该教材适应初级巴西葡萄牙语学习要求(欧洲语言共同参考框架A1-A2级别),编排以交际功能教学法为主轴,既注重听说读写等基本语言技能的传授,也注重国情文化知识的导和跨文化交际能力的培养。内容浅显易学,梯度循序渐。 此为学生用书。课文录音可至外教社有声资源网( )下载(详情参看图书封二信息)。