

101 Amazing Facts about Emblem3
101 Amazing Facts about Emblem3
Goldstein, Jack
Are you one of the world's most dedicated Emblems? Do you know more than any other fan? Or do you want to discover some fantastic information about the best new band of the last few years? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are more than one hundred amazing facts about everything, from how the boys got started in the music industry to their likes and dislikes, their music and much more - including how Drew shocked everyone by leaving the band! The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast, and is perfect for all ages. No Emblem3 fan should be without it!
Learn Clip Studio Paint
Learn Clip Studio Paint
Liz Staley
Take your comics and illustrations to the next level with the powerful art tools in Clip Studio Paint 1.8 Key Features *Overcome “interface overwhelm” with a practical breakdown of the Clip Studio interface *Comprehensive guide on the Clip Studio Paint with detailed coverage of all the tools and concepts of designing comics *Streamline your workflow to create faster and easier using Clip Studio’s features Book Description Clip Studio Paint, the successor to Manga Studio, is used by over four million illustrators and comic creators around the world. This book will guide you through every step of learning this software, from system requirements and installation, all the way through to exporting your work for print or the web. Learn how to create new documents, customize tools to fit your working style, use ruler tools to create anything from straight lines to intricate backgrounds, add 3D elements, create comic panels using the specialized panel tools, utilize screentones and materials, add text and word balloons to your comics, create sound effects, easily flat and color your comics using reference layers, and bring your drawings to life using the animation features. By the end of this book, you will be able to navigate the Clip Studio Interface and program preferences, customize the various tools, and be able to create your own black-and-white and color illustrations and comics from start to finish. What you will learn *Understand the differences between Clip Studio Paint Pro and EX *Discover how to navigate and customize the user interface *Creating custom tools that fit your unique style of illustration *Using the ruler tools to create intricate perspective shots and complex symmetry *Discover how to use 3D elements in your work *Learn how to create lettering and word balloons to bring your comic stories to life *Understand the process of digital art creation from pencils to inks to color *Understand how to use the animation tools available in Clip Studio Paint Who this book is for If you are a beginning digital artist or are switching to Clip Studio from another graphics software, this book is for you. This book is excellent for those with no knowledge of digital art up to intermediate users looking to explore the unique features of Clip Studio Paint.
Anne Of Green Gables
Anne Of Green Gables
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Written for all ages, it has been considered a children's novel since the mid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a middle-aged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in Prince Edward Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town. Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 million copies and has been translated into 20 languages. Numerous sequels were written by Montgomery, and since her death, another sequel has been published, as well as an authorized prequel. The original book is taught to students around the world. It has been adapted as film, made-for-television movies, and animated and live-action television series. Anne Shirley was played by Megan Follows in the 1985 Canadian produced movie. Plays and musicals have also been created, with productions annually in ...
Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Complete Fiction
Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Complete Fiction
Lucy Maud Montgomery
This book, contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work. CONTENTS: Anne of Green Gables Series ANNE OF GREEN GABLES ANNE OF AVONLEA ANNE OF THE ISLAND ANNE OF WINDY POPLARS ANNE'S HOUSE OF DREAMS ANNE OF INGLESIDE RAINBOW VALLEY RILLA OF INGLESIDE Emily Trilogy EMILY OF NEW MOON EMILY CLIMBS EMILY'S QUEST The Short Story Collections CHRONICLES OF AVONLEA THE BLUE CASTEL THE STORY GIRL
Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne Shirley is grown up, has married her beloved Gilbert and now is the mother of six mischievous children. These boys and girls discover a special place all their own, but they never dream of what will happen when the strangest family moves into an old nearby mansion. The Meredith clan is two boys and two girls, with a minister father but no mother-and a runaway girl named Mary Vance. Soon the Meredith kids join Anne's children in their private hideout to carry out their plans to save Mary from the orphanage,to help the lonely minister find happiness, and to keep a pet rooster from the soup pot. There's always an adventure brewing in the sun-dappled world of Rainbow Valley.
Anne of Windy Poplars
Anne of Windy Poplars
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne Shirley has left Redmond College behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They're known as the royal family of Summerside - and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person they had wanted as principal of Summerside High School. But as she settles into the cozy tower room at Windy Poplars, Anne finds she has great allies in the widows Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty – and in their irrepressible housekeeper, Rebecca Dew. As Anne learns Summerside's strangest secrets, winning the support of the prickly Pringles becomes only the first of her delicious triumphs.
Rongyos királyság
Rongyos királyság
Saláth Barbara
A Blackwater napjaink legrejtélyesebb és legellentmondásosabb vállalata. A korábban a SEAL-nél, az amerikai haditengerészet elit alakulatánál szolgáló Eric Prince által 1997-ben alapított vállalkozás olyan, kül?nleges katonai alakulatoktól leszerelt veteránok és civilek toborzásával és kiképzésével foglalkozott, akik elég képzettek és bátrak voltak ahhoz, hogy elvállalják a világ legveszélyesebb ?rz?-véd? feladatait. A cég hírnevével együtt n?tt a szolgáltatásai iránti kereslet, olyannyira, hogy a Blackwater emberei ?sszesen k?zel százezer küldetést hajtottak végre Irakban és Afganisztánban. A cég a Bush- és az Obama-kormányzat számára is nélkül?zhetetlennek bizonyult. Ezek alapján klasszikus üzleti sikert?rténetnek is t?nhetne a Blackwater sorsának alakulása, csakhogy volt valami, ami beárnyékolta a sikert: a cég ellen zajló világméret? lejárató hadjárat. Az egy kaptafára íródott híradásokban és a valóságot durván elferdít? regényekben és filmekben a Blackwater alkalmazottait hol zsoldosoknak, hol gátlástalan profitvadászoknak, hol pedig primitív, er?szakos vadállatoknak állították be. Mivel a Pentagonnal, a Külügyminisztériummal és a CIA-val k?t?tt szerz?dései titoktartásra k?telezték, Prince kénytelen volt csendben t?rni, ahogy ellenfelei zavartalanul terjesztik a téves információkat róla és a vállalkozásáról. Most azonban végre elmondhatja a cég felemelkedésének és bukásának teljes és gyakran megd?bbent? t?rténetét. Az Amerika szolgálatában Prince kíméletlen ?szinteséggel meséli el a Blackwater-sztori minden részletét. Prince nem próbálja hibátlannak beállítani magát, és nem hallgatja el magánélete néha fájdalmas részleteit sem, ugyanakkor nagy szolgálatot tesz a k?zvéleménynek azzal, hogy tiszta vizet ?nt a pohárba. Az Amerika szolgálatában t?rténete izgalmas, akár egy thrilleré, de valószer?tlenebb, mint amit a képzelet alkothat.
Le Club des valets de c?urs
Le Club des valets de c?urs
Pierre Ponson du Terrail
Le Club des valets de c?urs
49元5本 日语读本
Mastro Titta, il boia di Roma. Memorie di un carnefice scritte da lui stesso
Mastro Titta, il boia di Roma. Memorie di un carnefice scritte da lui stesso
Giovanni Battista Bugatti (Mastro Titta)
Mastro Titta, il boia di Roma. Memorie di un carnefice scritte da lui stesso
The First Vampires (Children of Ossiria #0.5)
The First Vampires (Children of Ossiria #0.5)
Vivian Lane
Jolana has served the Ossirian god of war as a seer for as long as she can remember. When he chooses her to be his instrument of destruction, she devotes herself to the task—starting with young Isa. Isa is a healer and when Jolana comes into his shop, he knows she is trouble but the beautiful Eridae cannot be resisted. Soon, he is drawn into a war between gods that will alter the universe forever.
Légendes des Alpes vaudoises
Légendes des Alpes vaudoises
Alfred Cérésole
Légendes des Alpes vaudoises
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover
David Herbert Lawrence
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Los tres mosqueteros
Los tres mosqueteros
Alexandre Dumas
Los tres mosqueteros
Ricordi di un garibaldino dal 1847-48 al 1900
Ricordi di un garibaldino dal 1847-48 al 1900
Augusto Elia
Ricordi di un garibaldino dal 1847-48 al 1900
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
I puritani di Scozia
I puritani di Scozia
Sir Walter Scott
I puritani di Scozia
Shelley: The Poet of Rebellion, Nature, and Love
Shelley: The Poet of Rebellion, Nature, and Love
Sydney Waterlow
Shelley: The Poet of Rebellion, Nature, and Love
Crow, Martha Foote
A fascinating biography of one of the heroes of the American Revolution, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette.
Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre Oder Die Entsagenden
Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre Oder Die Entsagenden
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethes Meisterwerk im deutschen Original. Laut Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28. August 1749 - 22. M?rz 1832) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. George Eliot nannte ihn" Deutschlands gr??ten Literaten ... und der letzte wahre Universalgelehrte auf der Erde. "Goethes Werke die Gebiete der Poesie, des Dramas, der Literatur, der Theologie, des Humanismus und der Wissenschaft, Goethes Hauptwerk, das als einer der H?hepunkte der Weltliteratur gepriesen wird, ist das zweiteilige Drama Faust. Goethes andere bekannte literarische Werke sind seine zahlreichen Gedichte, der Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meister und der Briefroman Die Leiden des jungen Werther. "
The Sea Wolf
The Sea Wolf
Jack London
One of Jack London's best novels. According to Wikipedia: "Jack London (1876 – 1916) was an American author who wrote The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea Wolf along with many other popular books. A pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first Americans to make a lucrative career exclusively from writing."