

Collecting the New Naturalists (Collins New Naturalist Library)
Collecting the New Naturalists (Collins New Naturalist Library)
Tim Bernhard,Timothy Loe
Recommended for viewing on a colour tablet. The Collins New Naturalist series is the longest-running and arguably the most influential natural history series in the world with over 120 volumes published in nearly 70 years. Being a numbered series, with a very low print run for some volumes, New Naturalist publications have been and continue to be highly collectable. Second-hand copies of the rarer volumes, in very good condition, can command high prices. As such, there is considerable interest in a detailed bibliography and history of the series. Collecting the New Naturalists offers a detailed insight into the fascinating phenomenon that has gripped Britain since just after World War II and which reflects the country’s continued enthusiasm for wildlife and nature publishing generally. With previously unpublished in-depth insight into the workings of the series and its collectors, the book will comprehensively cover every aspect of the New Naturalists, from rare editions produced for Bloomsbury and the Reader’s Union to foreign editions, interviews with the iconic cover artists and well-known naturalists such as Nick Baker and Alan Titchmarsh telling the story of their own fascination with the series.
Já Faz Parte de Mim
Já Faz Parte de Mim
Alan Pereira
Um velho diário é encontrado por um casal de editores literários em Curitiba. Após localizarem o responsável pelos registros, tentam convencê-lo a transformar a história em um grande livro. Porém, para que a obra seja publicada no próximo ver?o, o editor Carlos Mascarenhas faz uma exigência ao autor: construir fatos reais para que os mesmos possam gerar o final feliz que a editora deseja.
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald's finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author's generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald's--and his country's--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--" Gatsby's rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream. It's also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel's more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy's patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem. * * * "Now we have an American masterpiece in its final form: the original crystal has shaped itself into the true diamond. This is the novel as Fitzgerald wished it to be, and so it is what we have dreamed of, sleeping and waking." -- James Dickey * * * The Great Gatsby is a novel by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. First published on April 10, 1925, it is set on Long Island's North Shore and in New York City during the summer of 1922. The novel takes place following the First World War. American society enjoyed prosperity during the "roaring" 1920s as the economy soared. At the same time, Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers. After its republishing in 1945 and 1953, it quickly found a wide readership and is today widely regarded as a paragon of the Great American Novel, and a literary classic. The Great Gatsby has become a standard text in high school and university courses on American literature in countries around the world, and is ranked second in the Modern Library's lists of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century. --Wikipedia
Natural drinks for your health
Natural drinks for your health
Olivier Rebiere, Cristina Rebiere
A fresh juice or herbal tea for your health? Do you like nature, animals or plants? Want to know how to use fruits and vegetables to make fresh juices, herbal teas, and improve your health? Life is also made of simple pleasures that can turn into pure happiness easily Our collection of practical ebooks??eGuide Nature is going to?prove it to you! Discover small, easy and cheap books that will help you to bring nature into your life every day! We have over a decade of experience in small animal breeding and presenting them to children as part of a mini-zoo, and like to pass on the experience of our seniors. We also love to cook and of course love preparing any kind of beverages and meals?to remain in good health, naturally? We wish to share with you our knowledge and our helpful tips for ??tame?? simply this Nature from which, sometimes, modern life takes us away… You are going to discover?small useful practical guides, always handy in your smartphone –?Natural drinks for your health In this ??zero?? issue of the collection ??eGuide Nature?? we’ll see how to prepare natural drinks, fresh juices or herbal teas to just stay and naturally healthy! What are you going to find in this???eGuide Nature??? our tips to prepare your juice our tips for concocting herbal teas 20 healthy recipes So, are you ready to bring nature into your everyday life?! Yes?Let’s go! Kind regards, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Halit Fuat Beşik
Kitap ??in ?ns?z ??lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin pek renkli ge?mi? olmas? ve sonra da Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Anlad?m ki, mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m… Art?k bu ?lemde, benim anlatmam gereken baz? ?eylerin zaman? geldi. Ben ki, en derine g?mülmü?, sesi solu?u kesilmi? bir yazar iken, atm?? ya??mdan sonra benli?im, Kur-an’la yava? yava? uyand? ve onun a??lad??? bir cesaretle yazmaya ba?lad?m… ???lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin, pek renkli ge?mi? olmas?, Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Biz de bu malzemeyi sanatk?rca kullanmaya ?al??t?k. ANLADIM K?, Mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? yeni ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m. Art?k ?nümüzdeki yüzy?llar Kur-an ?a?? olmal?d?r ve dünya kurtulu?u de?i?ik sapk?n y?ntemlerde aramamal?! Yeryüzünde h?kim olan dinsizli?i ?ürütmek, Kur-an ahlak?n?n tüm dünyada a??k?a g?rülmesini sa?lamak ve insanl??? hi?bir zaman olmad??? kadar mutlu edecektir. Ger?ekten buradan yola ??karak Kur-an’daki i? huzura, bar??a, mutlulu?a insanlar? mutlaka tan??t?rmak laz?md?r. Ger?ekten de dünyadaki sapk?nl?klara, dertlere, belalara asla Kur-an’dan ba?ka kimse ??züm bulamaz…
The Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
"The Call of Cthulhu" is one of H. P. Lovecraft's best-known short stories. Written in the summer of 1926, it was first published in Weird Tales, February 1928. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance. It is written in a documentary style, with three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering notes left by a deceased relative. The narrator pieces together the whole truth and disturbing significance of the information he possesses, illustrating the story's first line: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity; and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
Analiza Financiara pe intelesul tuturor
Analiza Financiara pe intelesul tuturor
Cosmin Baiu
Aceasta carte se adreseaza nu numai specialistilor in economie, ci tuturor celor interesati sa inteleaga filosofia din spatele analizei financiare. Scrisa intr-un limbaj accesibil publicului larg, cartea ofera peste 50 de exemple si studii de caz practice, inspirate din experienta personala a autorului. Autorul se foloseste de premisa data pentru a face o descriere practica nonconformista a activitatii bancare, dar si a anumitor comportamente antreprenoriale, in scopul educarii si dezvoltarii personale a cititorului. Pentru tinerii absolventi de studii economice, aflati la inceputul carierei, cartea reprezinta un indrumar unic, intr-o piata dominata de scrieri pur teoretice. Cosmin BAIU are o experienta vasta in domeniul economic. Lucreaza de peste 20 ani in cadrul unor companii bancare de top la nivel european, ocupand multiple pozitii de management executiv, inclusiv membru al mai multor Comitete de Credit. Domnul BAIU are o experienta ce imbina activitatea de analiza a riscului cu activitatea de vanzare retail si corporate, ceea ce ii permite o viziune de ansamblu, unica, a lumii financiar-bancare.
?ntre diavol ?i dorin??
?ntre diavol ?i dorin??
Lorraine Heath
Doamnele din ?nalta societate vorbesc ?ncontinuu, de?i pe ?optite, despre cel mai celebru rebel din Londra – decadent, depravat, interzis. Jack Dodger, c?ndva orfanul de pe str?zi, este acum ?nst?ritul proprietar al celui mai exclusivist club pentru domni din Londra. Nu exist? pl?cere pe care el s? n-o fi ?ncercat ?i nici p?cat pe care s? nu-l pun? la dispozi?ia gentlemenilor care ?i frecventeaz? clubul. Olivia, ducesa de Lovingdon, nu ar alege niciodat? s? fie ?n preajma unui asemenea tic?los. Astfel c?, ?n momentul ?n care Jack este numit unicul mo?tenitor al averii ducelui, frumoasa lady cu educa?ie aleas? este scandalizat?, c?ci acum Olivia este nevoit? s?-?i ?mpart? mult iubitul c?min cu acest b?rbat ?ngrozitor. ?ns? dispre?ul de ghea?? al Oliviei nu poate rivaliza cu farmecul periculos al lui Jack. Atingerea lui ?i treze?te dorin?a. S?rutul lui ?i cere predarea. ?i de?i ea se va str?dui s?-l ?in? departe de inim?, trupul ei, t?njind dup? pl?cerea divin?, n-o va l?sa s?-l alunge. La r?ndul lui, Jack va descoperi ?n Olivia femeia care ?l va ?mbl?nzi ?i ?l va face s? simt? o dragoste care nu cunoa?te limite.
Business For Authors:How to be an Author Entrepreneur
Business For Authors:How to be an Author Entrepreneur
Joanna Penn
Are you ready to take the next step in your author journey? Art for the sake of art is important. Writing for the love of it, or to create something beautiful on the page, is absolutely worthwhile and critical to expand the sum of human expression. But I’m not here to talk about creativity or the craft of writing in this book. My aim is to take the result of your creativity into the realm of actually paying the bills. To take you from being an author to running a business as an author.I was a business consultant for 13 years before I gave up my job in September 2011 to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. I worked for large corporates and small businesses, implementing financial systems across Europe and Asia Pacific. I’ve also started a number of my own businesses ”" a scuba dive charter boat in New Zealand, a customized travel website, a property investment portfolio in Australia as well as my freelance consultancy. I’ve failed a lot and learned many lessons in my entrepreneurial life and I share them all in this book. In the last six years of being an author, through tempestuous changes in the publishing world, I've learned the business side of being a writer and I now earn a good living as an author-entrepreneur. I’m an author because it's my passion and my joy but also because it's a viable business in this age of global and digital opportunity. In the book, you will learn: Part 1: From Author To Entrepreneur The arc of the author’s journey, definition of an author-entrepreneur, deciding on your definition of success. Plus/ should you start a company? Part 2: Products and Services How you can turn one manuscript into multiple streams of income by exploiting all the different rights, various business models for authors and how to evaluate them, information on contracts, copyright and piracy. Plus/ putting together a production plan. Part 3: Employees, Suppliers and Contractors The team you need to run your business. Your role as author and what you’re committing to, as well as co-writing. Editors, agents and publishers, translators, book designers and formatters, audiobook narrators, book-keeping and accounting, virtual assistants. Plus/ how to manage your team. Part 4: Customers In-depth questions to help you understand who your customers are and what they want, as well as customer service options for authors. Part 5: Sales and Distribution How to sell through distributors and your options, plus all the information you need to sell direct. ISBNs and publishing imprints ”" do you need them? Plus/ your options for pricing. Part 6: Marketing Key overarching marketing concepts. Book-based marketing including cover, back copy and sales pages on the distributors. Author-based marketing around building your platform, and customer-based marketing around your niche audience and targeted media. Part 7: Financials Revenues of the author business and how to increase that revenue. Costs of the author business and funding your startup. Banking, PayPal, accounting, reporting, tax and estate planning. Part 8: Strategy and Planning Developing your strategy and business plan. Managing your time and developing professional habits. The long-term view and the process for becoming a full-time author. Plus/ looking after yourself. Part 9: Next StepsQuestions from the book to help you work out everything to do with your business, plus encouragement for your next steps.Appendices, Workbook and Bonus Downloads including a workbook and business plan template.If you want to go from being an author to running a business as an author, download a sample or buy now.
World History:A Concise, Selective, Interpretive History of the World
World History:A Concise, Selective, Interpretive History of the World
Ali Parsa
This book provides a brief history of the world, focusing on major civilizations while employing a few strong interpretive themes. It could be used as a world history text for students and the ordinary public who are sometimes intimidated or overwhelmed by the detailed content of available history textbooks, or as a complementary book for world history classes. It could also benefit educated and intellectually inclined people by opening a stimulating topic of discussion. Upper division or graduate courses in historiography or philosophy of history might benefit from it as a review of world history, but also in the study of historiography as well. Ultimately, the book is didactic in nature and its goal is to teach history to students of history. In general, it presents an optimistic, if cautious, and realistic view of history in a coherent and meaningful narrative. It is hoped that through the understanding of history a new global ethic can ideally be envisioned and thereby achieved. The main underlying premise in this book is that successful civilizations—ones providing safety, prosperity, and room for individual growth and creativity—have from ancient times to the present flourished when responding creatively to the major challenges of their time and their environment. Second, many successful civilizations appear to have a life span of about two hundred years or some multiple of that number (e.g., the Greek’s Golden Age, the Romans, the Persians, the Chinese Han Dynasty). This number might be a consequence of the life span of individual human beings, about thirty years, with two hundred years constituting about six generations. These six generations might be divided into two first generations (father and son) of visionaries, two second generations of benefactors, and then two generations of critics. This hypothesis assumes the father-son relationship to be more direct, stronger, and more real than ideal. Third, throughout the dialectical process and cycles of integration and disintegration (or centralization and decentralization), societies tend to move toward expansion of greater human intellectual and political unity.
Mara Dyer. Transformarea
Mara Dyer. Transformarea
Michelle Hodkin
Volumul al doilea din seria MARA DYER Adev?rul despre abilit??ile periculoase ?i misterioase ale Marei Dyer continu? s? ias? la iveal?!Mara Dyer a crezut c? poate fugi de trecut.Dar nu poate.A crezut c? problemele sunt doar ?n mintea ei.Dar nu sunt.Nu-?i imagina c?, dup? tot ce s-a ?nt?mplat, b?iatul pe care-l iube?te ?nc? ascunde ni?te secrete.S-a ?n?elat.Povestea ei merge mai departe, iar alegerile pe care va trebui s? le fac? sunt teribil de grele. Spre ce se ?ndreapt? Mara Dyer de data aceasta?"Ca ?i ?n prima carte a seriei,Mara Dyer. ?nceputul, cititorii se vor ?ndoi de s?n?tatea mintal? a Marei, vor tinde s? aib? ?ncredere ?n psihologi ?i s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii bunele inten?ii ale lui Noah. Iar deznod?m?ntul va fi cu at?t mai nea?teptat." – Booklist"Plin? de suspans, romantic? ?i cu o atmosfer? ce alterneaz? ?ntre vis ?i realitate, Mara Dyer. Transformarea e o poveste zguduitoare." - School Library Journal"Scena din finalul romanului e sur?prinz?toare – solu?ioneaz? unele enigme ?i anun?? un al treilea volum la fel de captivant." - Kirkus Reviews"Seria Mara Dyer ?i va ?nc?nta deopotriv? pe iubitorii de intrigi poli?iste, pe fanii genului fantasy dark, pe cei c?rora le plac romanele de groaz? ?i pe cititorii care au o sl?biciune pentru romance." - VOYA
School Jokes
School Jokes
King Jeo
School Jokes One hundred of hilarious and funny jokes !Have fun and laugh!
Dragoste sub presiune
Dragoste sub presiune
Sandra Brown
Crawford Hunt ??i vrea fiica ?napoi. Dup? moartea so?iei sale ?n urm? cu patru ani, rangerul texan a alunecat pe o pant? a nes?buin?elor care a f?cut s? fie consemnat la munca de birou ?i a dus la pierderea custodiei fiicei sale. Acum ?ns? Crawford ?i-a reg?sit calea cea dreapt?, a?a c? ?nainteaz? o cerere de redob?ndire a custodiei. Cazul i este atribuit judec?toarei Holly Spencer, o femeie la fel de atr?g?toare pe c?t este de ambi?ioas?. C?nd un mascat ?narmat ?ntrerupe audierile pentru custodie ?i ?ndreapt? arma c?tre judec?toare, rangerul reac?ioneaz? instinctiv ?i se n?puste?te asupra lui. Dar autorit??ile prind pe altcineva, iar adev?ratul atacator r?m?ne necunoscut, ?n libertate, un pericol. Prinderea adev?ratului f?pta? devine pentru Crawford o misiune personal?. Oare omul legii, obi?nuit s? ia atitudine, ??i va risca ?ansele de a ob?ine custodia copilului ?i va porni pe urmele unui presupus asasin? ?i oare va reu?it aceast? pereche mai pu?in obi?nuit? s? ignore atrac?ia interzis? ce pare s? fie din ce ?n ce mai puternic??
A Faerie's Curse
A Faerie's Curse
Rachel Morgan
A witch’s curse. A world-ending prophecy. A daring rescue mission. Don’t miss the heart-pounding finale to Calla’s story! On the run from the Guild of Guardians, Calla Larkenwood and her team of fellow outlaws plan a daring rescue operation into the Seelie Court itself. As if that isn’t enough to keep them busy, the power-hungry Princess Angelica has begun preparations for a horrifying prophesied spell that will forever change both the magic and non-magic realms. When Calla is blindsided by an unspeakable tragedy before the rescue can be carried out, she struggles to remain focused on her mission. She believes she’s reached her lowest point—until a witch reveals the final blow: she has cursed Calla’s magic. With time running out, can Calla save the one she loves and stop the prophecy from being carried out before the curse claims her life? Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments,The Iron Fey, and Graceling.
The Complete Creepy Hollow Series
The Complete Creepy Hollow Series
Rachel Morgan
Over 3000 pages of magic, intrigue, action and romance, with a collective 8000+ 5-star Goodreads reviews. Binge-read this bestselling fantasy series today! "Some of my favorite fantasy EVER!!" ~?booksmoviesandmoreohmy?★★★★★? "I cannot recommend this series enough ..." ~?Kez's Korner?★★★★★? "Put these books at the top of your must read list!!!!" ~ ★★★★★? "Excellent world building, excellent writing and great romance." ~?★★★★★? Violet has one job:?protect humans from dangerous magical creatures. It’s a job she’s good at—until her latest assignment, the?cute human guy?whose life she just saved,?follows her into the fae realm. Now she’s broken faerie law, putting graduation and her future at the Guild of Guardians at risk. She needs to get Nate home and make him forget everything he’s discovered—but it won’t be as easy as she hopes.Someone has been waiting for Nate, and now that he’s entered the fae realm, a dangerous plot is set in motion. Vi is about to find herself fighting for Nate’s life and her own as the two of them are pulled deeper into the darker side of the fae world. - - - An epic story of dazzling magic, heart-pounding action, thrilling twists, and swoon-worthy romance. Grab your copy and let yourself be swept away into this enchanting world! The Complete Creepy Hollow Series includes the following books:1.?The Faerie Guardian 2.?The Faerie Prince 3.?The Faerie War 4.?A Faerie's Secret 5.A Faerie's Revenge 6.?A Faerie's Curse 7.?Glass Faerie 8.Shadow Faerie 9.?Rebel Faerie
Imi pare rau, sunt asteptata
Imi pare rau, sunt asteptata
Agnes Martin-Lugand
Ya?l tr?ie?te doar pentru munca ei. Interpret? de excep?ie la o agen?ie renumit?, ??i ?mparte timpul ?ntre ?nt?lniri ?i cine de afaceri. Nu ?tie ce ?nseamn? o vacan??, e dependent? de adrenalin?.?Nu renun?? niciodat? la ?inuta ei office ?i la pantofii cu tocuri ?nalte.???i vede rar familia ?i prietenii, care ??i fac griji pentru ea.?Nu ?ine cont de sfaturi, pentru c? simte c? a f?cut alegerea potrivit?, animat? de dorin?a neclintit? de a reu?i.?P?n? c?nd ?l ?nt?lne?te pe Marc, cel mai bun prieten al s?u din studen?ie, ?i via?a ei, at?t de bine organizat?, sare ?n aer.?Trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i Ya?l descoper? c? fericirea ?i succesul personal par a fi incompatibile…?Un roman emo?ionant despre alegerile pe care le facem ?n via??."?mi pare r?u, sunt a?teptat?… e scris cu aceea?i naturale?e care a devenit o marc? a scrisului lui?Agnès Martin-Lugand." -?Le Parisien"Cred c? nu ne oprim niciodat? din a ne construi propria fericire. E un proces ne?ntrerupt. Ya?l poate s? se schimbe, are dreptul ca, la un moment dat, s? aleag? alt? cale. P?n? la urm?, putem avea mai multe vie?i." -?Agnès Martin-Lugand
Liquid Cool (The Cyberpunk Detective Series):The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Liquid Cool (The Cyberpunk Detective Series):The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Austin Dragon
Liquid Cool is the action-packed and funny,?debut cyberpunk detective series!? It’s cyberpunk reimagined—science fiction meets the detective thriller in an ever-rainy world of colossal skyscrapers. Hovercars fly above in the dark, bustling skies and gray people walk below on the grimy, flashy streets of this “neon jungle.” Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and megacorporations fight for control of the super-city, but so does crime. We were introduced to Liquid Cool, in the prequel short, These Mean Streets, Darkly. We met an average woman, Carol—hardworking and decent in every way—only to have her daughter kidnapped by the psycho cyborg Red Rabbit. Can Police Central find the girl in time—alive? And is it really another senseless act of random violence in the fifty-million-plus supercity?? This story continues…and there are so many more. For the first time, we meet Cruz, our private eye (and unlikely hero), in a supercity with a million victims and perpetrators. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool.? But watch out for tech-tricksters, analog hustlers, and digital gangsters—psychos, samurais, and cyborgs aplenty—they may want your money, or your life, more than you do. Get Your Copy of LIQUID COOL?Right Now and Prepare to be Thrilled with Mystery, Action, and Laughs!?And don’t get shot by a laser-pistol-packing cyber-punk on your way to the digital store. FIVE STAR REVIEWS “Lots of shooting, lots of crazy maniacs, lots of action and fun!” “I loved this book. It takes place in the future, and what a weird future.” “A funny, intelligent (and sometimes crazy) main character…playing detective” “Cool and Smooth.” “I had a hard time putting this book down to do things like sleeping and eating.” Enjoy!
The Little Prince
The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Goodbye, said the fox. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.Antoine de Saint-Exupeacutery, The Little Prince The Little Prince first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupeacutery.The novella is both the most read and most translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects selling over a million copies per year with sales totalling more than 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.Saint-Exupeacutery, a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War, wrote and illustrated the manuscript while exiled in the United States after the Fall of France. He had travelled there on a personal mission to persuade its government to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health he produced almost half of the writings he would be remembered for, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.
ISO Internal Audit – A Plain English Guide
ISO Internal Audit – A Plain English Guide
Dejan Kosutic
Let’s be realistic – it is human to make mistakes, so it’s impossible to have a system with no errors; it is, however, possible to have a system that improves itself and learns from its mistakes. Internal audits are a crucial part of such a system. In this book, Dejan Kosutic, an author, and experienced ISO consultant is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100 and IATF 16949 internal audits. This book is written primarily for beginners in internal auditing and for people with moderate knowledge about internal audits. On the other hand, if you do have experience with internal audits, but you feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book helpful. So, no matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn and more about internal audits. Inside you will find not just basic information about the internal audit and ISO 19011 but also information on how to create the internal audit checklist, how to write the internal audit report, what are the best technics for finding evidence during the audit, how to perform interviewing during the audit and much more. Kosutic uses real-life examples and plain English in order to explain everything that is necessary to completely understand how to perform an internal audit for all ISO management standards.
Grave Walker:A gripping noir thriller
Grave Walker:A gripping noir thriller
P.T. Reade
An ex-cop haunted by his past. A body with a message. 72 hours to find the truth... Ex-cop, Thomas Blume returns to New York hot on the trail of the man that killed his family... But when the body of a former girlfriend unexpectedly shows up at police HQ Blume is suddenly thrust into an investigation to find the murderer and stop them killing again.? Now, in a race against time Blume must solve a riddle from his past and battle through a world of cops, criminals and organized crime…before it’s too late. Who can be trusted and who will survive? Find out in the thrilling fifth book of the Thomas Blume mystery series today. If you like gripping mysteries, captivating characters and unique twists and turns, you’ll love the next instalment in PT Reade’s bestselling mix of action, mystery and suspense. Click and get your copy of GRAVE WALKER now! What people are saying about the Thomas Blume series: ‘A breakneck ride…’– The Croydon Citizen 'Blume is sure to become the next timeless hero of detective fiction.'- Red Rock Bookworm' ...the author delivered a WOW bomb in the epilogue' - FictionZeal 'It reminds me of Raymond Chandler’s work. It’s noir, dark, full of rainy streets, seedy bars and characters with their own secrets.'- Author, Victoria Randall Click and get your copy of Grave Walker now! Tags: hard boiled mysteries, mystery, mysteries, noir, private investigators, hard boiled thriller, hard boiled detective fiction, hard boiled private investigator mystery series
Ducele p?c?tului
Ducele p?c?tului
Elizabeth Hoyt
R?v??itor de chipe?, orgolios, lipsit de scrupule, Valentin Napier, duce de Montgomery, este b?rbatul despre care vorbe?te toat? Londra. Cu faima lui de crai ?i de ?antajist, Montgomery a revenit din exil ?i este hot?r?t s? se r?zbune pe cei care l-au nedrept??it. ?ns? descoperirea pe care o va face ?n propriul dormitor ?l va determina s?-?i schimbe cu totul planurile…Fiica bastard? a unei lady din lumea bun? londonez?, menajera Bridget Crumbs este o femeie inteligent?, curajoas? ?i extrem de loial?. C?nd mama ei ajunge ?inta unei escrocherii, Bridget se angajeaz? ?n casa ducelui de Montgomery ?n speran?a de a g?si probele incriminatoare pe care acesta le de?ine ? ?i ajunge s? descopere ceva mult mai periculos.Montgomery este peste poate de uimit ?i intrigat de ?nnebunitor de preten?ioasa ?i surprinz?tor de istea?a Bridget, pe care o g?se?te spion?nd ?n camerele lui. ?n ciuda str?daniilor ei, Bridget nu poate rezista farmecului acestui duce p?c?tos. Cei doi ?ncep un adev?rat joc de-a ?oarecele ?i pisica ?i ajung s? descopere ?n cur?nd c? am?ndoi au secrete bine ascunse ?i c? nici unul din ei nu este a?a infam ? sau de inocent ? cum pare.