
Jum?tatea s?lbatic?
Cum se face c? atât de mul?i dintre cei care ?in diete nu reu?esc s? sl?beasc?? Ba din contr?, tind chiar s? dep??easc? greutatea avut? ini?ial. Ce-i deosebe?te pe oamenii care totu?i reu?esc, de ceilal?i? Dar pe cei gra?i de cei slabi? În cartea sa bazat? pe cuno?tin?e din diverse domenii de specialitate ?i pe studii ?tiin?ifice, Sara Gilbert demonteaz? mituri, ar?tând c? succesul pe termen lung al unei diete nu ?ine de voin??, ci de factori personali precum a?tept?ri ?i încredere în sine, sau de circumstan?e sociale ?i familiale. Cititorului i se ofer? strategii de monitorizare a dietei, astfel încât s? fie preg?tit dintru început pentru dificult??ile inevitabile ap?rute atunci când se încearc? schimbarea unor vechi obiceiuri. Este înv??at cum s? recunoasc? emo?iile ?i situa?iile care stau la baza unui comportament alimentar nedorit sau chiar periculos pentru propria s?n?tate ?i s? utilizeze tehnici cognitive ?i comportamentale de gestionare a acestora. Cartea Sarei Gilbert nu propune diete miracol, fiind în schimb un instrument cât se poate de util pentru to?i cei care doresc s? ating? ?i s? p?streze o greutate ideal?.

Ghici cine moare primul: Roman din seria Helen Grace
PREMIUL NA?IONAL AL CHINEI ?n senza?ionalul s?u roman de debut, Mai Jia ne dezv?luie misterioasa lume a Unit??ii 701, un serviciu de informa?ii ultrasecrete, care se ocup? cu spargerea codurilor ?i contraspionaj. Rong Jinzhen, un geniu al matematicii autist, cu un trecut de-a dreptul mitic, e obligat s?-?i abandoneze cariera academic? dup? ce e recrutat ?n Unitatea 701. Fiind cel mai mare criptograf al Chinei, Rong descoper? c? mintea str?lucit? din spatele extrem de dificilului Cod Violet e fostul s?u profesor ?i prieten apropiat, care lucreaz? acum pentru inamicul Chinei. Considerat un precursor al fic?iunii de spionaj chineze, Mai Jia s-a inspirat din propria experien?? – a intrat ?n contact cu numero?i criptologi ?i spioni ?n timpul celor 17 ani c?t a lucrat ?n serviciul de informa?ii secrete din cadrul Armatei de eliberare a poporului. “Cartea e o subtil? ?i complex? ?mbinare de criptografie, politic?, vise ?i semnifica?ia lor. Sunt multe episoade memorabile, de la apari?ia stranie, ?nc?rcat? de supersti?ii, a familiei Rong ?i p?n? la declinul ei treptat, pe m?sur? ce secolul XX ?nainteaz?. ?ns? marea reu?it? a romanului e dat? de profunzimea personajelor lui.“ - The Times Literary Supplement Romanul lui Mai Jia are o estetic? proprie, construie?te o lume ?n care personajele par mereu gata s? cad? prad? obsesiilor. -- The Telegraph “Absurditatea destinului, str?lucirea ?i fragilitatea geniului ?i ?mprejur?rile care-i leag? definitiv pe oameni – despre toate acestea vorbe?te Criptograful, romanul straniu ?i misterios al lui Mai Jia.“ - Beijing Evening News “Copilul s-a n?scut cu pre?ul vie?ii mamei sale, care ?l adusese pe lume ?n chinuri groaznice. Intrat ?n via??, i-a uimit pe to?i cu capul lui mare ca o bani??. Avea capul mai mare dec?t linia umerilor! Capul mamei era o nimica toat? ?n compara?ie cu al fiului (…)Dup? na?terea lui, cei din clanul Lin s-au dat peste cap s?-i aleag? tot soiul de nume, de la nume cu stil, nume formale, nume-porecl? ?i multe altele, ?ns? ?i-au dat repede seama c? era o treab? de prisos, ?ntruc?t capul s?u c?t bani?a ?i condi?iile groaznice ?n care se n?scuse i-au f?cut pe oameni s?-l strige: C?p???n? de Uciga?.“

Vocea pumnalului. Primul volum al trilogiei Pe t?r?mul haosului
Psihologii, formatorii ?i educatorii au acum la ?ndem?n? 103 instrumente pentru diversele activit??i de grup – fie c? este vorba despre terapii de grup, despre ?ntruniri de formare profesional?, fie c? vorbim despre ateliere psihoeducative ?i ?edin?e de dezvoltare personal?. Av?nd 30 de ani de experien?? clinic?, autoarea a str?ns ?n acest volum cele mai eficiente tehnici ?i exerci?ii pentru ?mbun?t??irea abilit??ilor adaptative, asertive ?i de comunicare ale participan?ilor la experien?a de grup. Printre obiectivele urm?rite de cele 103 activit??i se num?r?: adaptarea la stres, autodescoperirea prin jocurile de rol, relaxarea prin medita?ie (mindfulness), ?mbun?t??irea stimei de sine, cre?terea personal?, con?tientizarea imaginii corporale, rezilien?a ?i flexi-bilitatea empatic?.

Granice i sudbine
Ruby are doar nou? ani c?nd un virus misterios ?ncepe s? decimeze adolescen?ii din Statele Unite. Ea va fi unul dintre pu?inii supravie?uitori care descoper? c? sunt ?nzestra?i cu capacit??i paranormale misterioase, ?ndeajuns de primedjdioase ?nc?t s? le asigure trimiterea la Thurmond, un lag?r guvernamental represiv. Acum ?n v?rst? de 16 ani, Ruby se teme deopotriv? de puterile pe care ?nc? n-a ?nv??at s? le controleze ?i de perspectiva de a fi descoperit?. C?nd o grupare de rezisten?? ?i ofer? ?ansa de a evada din lag?r, acesta se va dovedi primul pas ?ntr-o c?l?torie ?n decursul c?reia va descoperi prietenia ?i dragostea, dar care o poart? implacabil spre o alegere imposibil?. “C?nd decesele au ie?it ?ntr-un sf?r?it la lumin?, conducerea ?colii a interzis cu stricte?e profesorilor ?i personalului s? discute cu noi despre ceea ce se numea pe atunci Sindromul lui Everhart, dup? Michael Everhart, primul copil care se ?tia c? murise din aceast? cauz?. Cu?r?nd, cineva din alte cercuri a decis s?-i dea un nume ca la carte: Neurodegenerare idiopatic? adolescentin? acut? — NIAA, pe scurt. ?i atunci n-a mai fost doar boala lui Michael. A fost a noastr?, a tuturor.“ “Bracken a creat o Americ? distopic?, plasat? ?ntr-o viitor nu prea ?ndep?rtat, ?n care copiii sunt v?na?i ?i temu?i, iar pericolele ?i p?ndesc chiar ?i pe culoarele unui magazin Wal-Mart abandonat. Ruby este o eroin? puternic?, ce treze?te instinctiv empatia cititorilor, f?c?ndu-i s? a?tepte cu ner?bdare urm?torul roman din trilogie.“ - Publishers Weekly

The Double
-THE DOUBLE- centers on a government clerk who goes mad. It deals with the internal psychological struggle of its main character, Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, who repeatedly encounters someone who is his exact double in appearance but confident, aggressive, and extroverted, characteristics that are the polar opposites to those of the toadying "pushover" protagonist. ??The motif of the novella is a doppelganger (Russian "dvoynik"), known throughout the world in various guises such as the fetch. * * *? It was a little before eight o’clock in the morning when Yakov Petrovitch Golyadkin, a titular councillor, woke up from a long sleep. He yawned, stretched, and at last opened his eyes completely.?For two minutes, however, he lay in his bed without moving, as though he were not yet quite certain whether he were awake or still asleep, whether all that was going on around him were real and actual, or the continuation of his confused dreams. ??Very soon, however, Mr. Golyadkin’s senses began more clearly and more distinctly to receive their habitual and everyday impressions. The dirty green, smoke-begrimed, dusty walls of his little room, with the mahogany chest of drawers and chairs, the table painted red, the sofa covered with American leather of a reddish colour with little green flowers on it, and the clothes taken off in haste overnight and flung in a crumpled heap on the sofa, looked at him familiarly. At last the damp autumn day, muggy and dirty, peeped into the room through the dingy window pane with such a hostile, sour grimace that Mr. Golyadkin could not possibly doubt that he was not in the land of Nod, but in the city of Petersburg, in his own flat on the fourth storey of a huge block of buildings in Shestilavotchny Street.

The Fairy Ring
"THERE was once upon a time a king who had a garden; in that garden was an apple tree, and on that apple tree grew a golden apple every year."?These stories are the golden apples that grew on the tree in the king's garden; grew and grew and grew as the golden years went by; and being apples of gold they could never wither nor shrink nor change, so that they are as beautiful and precious for you to pluck today as when first they ripened long, long ago.??Perhaps you do not care for the sort of golden apples that grew in the king's garden; perhaps you prefer plain russets or green pippins? Well, these are not to be despised, for they also are wholesome food for growing boys and girls; but unless you can taste the flavor and feel the magic that lies in the golden apples of the king's garden you will lose one of the joys of youth.??No one can help respecting apples (or stories) that gleam as brightly today as they did hundreds and thousands of years ago, when first the tiny blossoms ripened into precious fruit.??"Should you ask me whence these stories,?Whence these legends and traditions?With the odors of the forest,?With the dew and damp of meadows?"—??I can say only that the people were telling fairy tales in Egypt, in Joseph's time, more than three thousand years ago; and that grand old Homer told them in the famous "Odyssey," with its witches and giants, its cap of darkness, and shoes of swiftness. Old nurses and village crones have repeated them by the fireside and in the chimney corner; shep-herds and cowherds have recounted them by the brookside, until the children of the world have all learned them by heart, bequeathing them, generation after generation, as a priceless legacy to their own children. Nor must you fancy that they have been told in your own tongue only. Long, long before the art of printing was known, men and women of all nations recited these and similar tales to one another, never thinking that the day would come when they would be regarded as the peculiar property of youth and childhood. ?

Baletul fantasmelor
Un nou gen de proz? literar?? A?a s-ar p?rea, dac? pornim de la separarea ?n con?tient ?i incon?tient a sinelui uman, aprofundat? magistral de marele psihiatru elve?ian C.G. Jung ?n celebra ?i monumentala sa Carte Ro?ie. Dumitru Popescu are o bogat? oper? literar?-fic?ional? ?i nonfic?ional? – inspirat? din yona con?tientului. Baletul fantasmelor ne propune sondarea cu mijloace literare a celeilalte zone a spiritului, cu origini ?i mecanisme ?nc? greu decelabile ?i care deschide o alt? fabuloas? perspectiv? a l?untricului omenesc.

The Scottish Fairy Book
There are, roughly speaking, two distinct types of Scottish Fairy Tales. There are what may be called "Celtic Stories," which were handed down for centuries by word of mouth by professional story-tellers, who went about from clachan to clachan in the "High-lands and Islands," earning a night's shelter by giving a night's entertainment, and which have now been collected and classified for us by Campbell of Isla and others.??These stories, which are also common to the North of Ireland, are wild and fantastic, and very often somewhat monotonous, and their themes are strangely alike. They almost always tell of some hero or heroine who sets out on some dangerous quest, and who is met by giants, generally three in number, who appear one after the other; with whom they hold quaint dialogues, and whom eventually they slay. Most of them are fairly long, and although they have a peculiar fascination of their own, they are quite distinct from the ordinary Fairy Tale.

?ifa Rehberi: "Kuantum ?yile?me Kitab?"
Pisagor, ?ifa sanat?n?n en kutsal sanat oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. ?ifa en kutsal sanatsa, o halde bedenle oldu?u kadar ruhla da ilgilenmelidir; ?ünkü hi?bir varl?k, en ?nemli par?as? hasta oldu?u sürece sa?l?kl? olamaz. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tyana’l? Apolionius Bu ?nemli ?al??mada, Kuantum ?yile?me, deyince ?unu anl?yoruz, kuantum fizi?i esaslar?na ve Modern bilime g?re iyile?me t?bbi kurallar? ile alternat?ve T?p, yani S?fac?l?k ??retisini birle?tiren bu kitap, ?e?itli hasta vaklar?n? ve Hastal?klara ili?kin vücuttaki ruhsal süredurumlara kuantum mekan???n?n modelleriyle yakla??m sa?layarak, grafiksel detayl? anlat?m?n? kullanarak, okura sa?l?kl? ve net bir yeni ?a??n s?fac? bilgisini kadim ??retileri kuantum mekan??iyle harmanlayarak aktarmaktad?r. Buna g?re, bu ?al??man?n amac?, zihin-beden-ruh bütünlü?ünü sa?lamaya deniyor ve mutlu olman?n tek ?art?n?n, ?al??ma boyunca, bu ü?ünün birli?inden ge?ti?ine inan?l?yor. Buradaki "iyile?me"den kas?t ise, Zihin-Beden-Ruh koordinasyonu kastedilmi?tir, yani tüm bir zihinsel bedensel ve ruhsal ?akra alanlar?n?n tam bir s?fas? konu edilmi?tir.. Hastal?klara kar?? ba????kl?k sisteminin etkileri muhakkak ki, ?a??m?zda art?k yads?namaz bir ger?ektir. Fakat ne var ki, buradaki esas ama?, hastal?klar? iyile?tirmekten ziyade, hasta olmaman?n yollar?n? aramakt?r bu esere g?re. (Daha da do?rusu "sa?l?kl? ol"ma ve “sa?l?kl? kal”ma halini ve süreklili?ini yakalamak ve bu süreklili?i hayat boyu sa?laman?n y?ntemi ara?t?r?l?yor ve analiz ediliyor..) Buradaki "hastal?k" terimi, t?bbi referanstan ?ok; yokluk, yaln?zl?k, i?sizlik, ba?ar?s?zl?k, mutsuzluk, kendini bo?lukta hissetme ve de?ersizlik gibi duygulara refere edilmektedir. Buna g?re, ?nsan sadece t?bbi hasta olmaz, fakir bir insan da hastad?r, yaln?z bir insan da! Kanser nas?l bir hastal?ksa; cimrilik, kabal?k, güvensizlik, korku, endi?e ve nefret de o oranda hastal?kt?r.. Sa?l?kl? bir insan tan?m?n? ??yle yap?yoruz hep genellikle: Kazanc?nda ve kahkahas?nda bolluk-bereket i?inde, ba??ms?z, gü?lü, ili?kilerinde mutlu, sevgiyi her daim ya?ayan ve etraf?ndakilerle payla?an, güven i?inde, sa?l?kl? ve güzel kalabilmek... ??te, bu kitab?n da yegane yaz?lma hedefi ve amac? da bunu sürekli olarak okura kazand?racak bilginin anahtar?n? vermektir. Yani, bir anlamda y?llard?r ki?isel geli?im alan?nda, s?k?a yap?lan yanl?? uygulamalar sonucunda, benzer ?al??malar?n yapt??? bal?k vermeyi ??retmek yerine, okura bal??? nas?l tutaca??n? ??retmeyi hedeflemektedir..

Momente ?i schi?e. Nuvele ?i povestiri
Caragiale a delimitat si impus teritoriul dramaturgiei romanesti cu numai cinci piese patru comedii si o drama scrise pe durata a doar unsprezece ani. Timp de un secol si peste trei decenii cat a trecut pana astazi de la prima lectura publica a Noptii furtunoase cea dintai dintre marile lui piese perimetrul problematic de viziune stilistic si tipologic al teatrului romanesc atat in registrul comediei cat si in cel al dramei fie aceasta ?de idei“ fantastica ori mitologizanta a ramas cel stabilit de Caragiale. Pentru literatura dramatica romaneasca el a avut si are acelasi rol ca in literatura franceza Corneille Racine si Molière laolalta. I-a fixat pentru eternitate probabil tiparele si ?ntinderea specificul si frontierele. MIRCEA IORGULESCU

An Introduction to Yoga
THE NATURE OF YOGA?In this first discourse we shall concern ourselves with the gaining of a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.??THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE:?Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states ??are the most shad-owlike dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values are all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. ??The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the king, the sceptre of the emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. ??What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.??"The universe exists for the sake of the Self." Not for what the outer world can give, not for control over the objects of desire, not for the sake even of beauty or pleasure, does the Great Architect plan and build His worlds. He has filled them with objects, beautiful and pleasure-giving. The great arch of the sky above, the mountains with snow-clad peaks, the valleys soft with verdure and fragrant with blossoms, the oceans with their vast depths, their surface now calm as a lake, now tossing in fury, they all exist, not for the objects themselves, but for their value to the Self. Not for themselves because they are anything in themselves but that the purpose of the Self may be served, and His manifestations made possible.

Tr?ind de azi pe m?ine ?ntr-un Bucure?ti plin de tenta?ii, dar consumator de resurse, studentul la Drept Mihnea B?iatu nu ?i-a dat examenele, iar ob?inerea licen?ei ?ncepe s? semene cu un vis imposibil. A ?nv??at ?ns? cum s? c??tige ?ncrederea cet??enilor s?raci cu duhul – ?i nu e pu?in lucru. Plasat ?ntr-un decor suburban, cu personaje caragialiene, Mihnea B?iatu se ?nscrie ?ns?, f?r? doar ?i poate, ?n tipologia eroilor lui Gib I. Mih?escu, urm?ri?i de idealul femeii absolute. Expert ?n practicile ?amorului democrat“ ?i ?n escrocarea cu sistem – erotic? ?i financiar? – a propriet?reselor de mahala, eternul student d? nas ?n nas pe culoarele universit??ii cu femeia perfect?, care-l scruteaz? ?i ea, cu acela?i interes, prin lentila unui lornion de aur…

Patty in the City
It was the third week in September when the Fairfields left the seashore and returned to their Vernondale home.??“Now, my child,” said Mr. Fairfield, as they sat on the veranda after dinner, “I will unfold to you my plans for the coming winter, and you may accept, or reject, or amend them as you please.”??“Proceed,” said Patty, settling herself comfortably in her wicker chair; “I feel in an amiable mood this evening, and will probably agree to anything you may suggest.”??“I’ve been thinking for some time,” went on her father, “that I don’t want to spend the coming winter in Vernondale. I would much rather be in New York.”??“Reason number one—Nan,” said Patty, checking it off on her forefinger and smiling at her father.?“Yes,” he responded, with an answering smile, “she is reason number one, but there are others.”?To readers who are unfamiliar with Patty’s earlier history we may say right here that her mother had died when Patty was but three years old. ??At present she lived with her father in their little home in Vernondale, an establishment of which Patty greatly prided herself on her management.?Recently Mr. Fairfield had become engaged to Miss Nan Allen, a young lady who lived in Philadelphia, and who was a dear friend of Patty’s.

C?ntecul, jocul ?i hora ideilor
Avei probleme cu drogurile Citii aceast carte i vei avea motivaia de a scpa de ele. Cunoatei pe cineva care are probleme cu drogurile Facei-i cadou aceast carte i mai mult ca sigur c i vei salva viaa. Dorii s-i ferii pe copiii, fraii, veriorii, nepoii, vecinii, prietenii dumneavoastr de droguri Cumprai pentru ei aceast carte. Aceasta e o carte unic n Romnia! Autoarea crii a fost dependent de droguri timp de 5 ani. Cnd a publicat cartea Goana dup iluzii, trecuser 5 ani de cnd se salvase din agonia dependenei. Ct de jos poi s ajungi odat intrat n lumea drogurilor Ct suferin nduri Exist scpare O poveste adevrat, impresionant, emoionant, povestea Georgianei Drgan.“ – Vasile Poenaru Cartea Georgianei A. Drgan este o autobiografie scris n termenii suferinei, dezndejdii, regretelor i viciilor, dar care n final prinde conturul unei lecii de via al crei lait-motiv este ideea c orice problem are o rezolvare atunci cnd exist voin i speran.“ – Horia Laureniu Tiseanu, primar, Municipiului Cmpina De multe ori am auzit zicala viaa bate filmul, dar prin prisma experienei mele de via, mi-a fost greu s cred. Cartea Georgianei ns m-a convins. Felul n care descrie ea suferinele diverse prin care a trecut de-a lungul vieii este att de real, nct te face s simi c eti acolo i c ar trebui s intervii cumva. Iar uneori chiar s uii c e viaa real i s preferi s crezi c e doar un film urt. Pe de alt parte, este o poveste a speranei, a credinei c nu exist o groap prea mare din care Dumnezeu s nu te poat scoate. Dup tot ce vei citi n paginile ce urmeaz, faptul c Georgiana a ajuns n punctul n care a scris aceast carte, este n sine un miracol.“ – Violeta Frgu,psiholog n adicii, Asociaia Preventis, Cluj

avagy a szeretet, a megbocsátás és a szabadság ereje T?rténet egy anyáról, akinek szívéhez k?zelebb állt egyik fia, mint a másik, és b?ntudata halála után sem hagyta nyugodni. T?rténet egy fiúról, akit édesanyja nem akart a világra hozni, akinek a magány volt a legh?ségesebb társa, s akinek szíve k?vé dermedt a háború borzalmaiban. T?rténet egy lányról, aki tudta, mekkora er?vel bír a szeretet, és tudta, hogyan kell megszelídíteni, újrahangolni egy elgy?t?rt szívet. T?rténet egy n?r?l, aki háta m?g?tt hagyta a nyugati világot, hogy megtalálja, ami a legfontosabb az életben: ?nmagát. Az egymásba fonódó t?rténetekb?l egyetlen regény kerekedik, mely izgalmas emberi sorsokról mesél, mik?zben bemutatja Burma babonákkal, ugyanakkor b?lcsességgel átsz?tt kultúráját, és felnyitja szemünket egy olyan világra, melyben a szeretet, a megbocsátás és a szabadság jelentik az igazi hatalmat.

Demersul este unul curajos. n ara cu cei mai muli experi i cea mai puin expertiz, ca s citez o coleg de-a mea, cineva are curajul s scrie. Minunat. i-a asumat curajul de a fi criticat. i asta pentru a fi de folos, n definitiv. i este. Cartea de fa este un bun ndrumar pentru cineva care se gndete s fie copywriter sau care a apucat-o deja pe acest drum i nu s-a umplut nc de sine. Pentru oricine consider c mai are de nvat.“ – Felix Ttaru, Global VP. International Advertising AssociationPrimul manual romnesc de copywriting. O lectur obligatorie pentru cei care vor s intre n publicitate.“ – Marius Cristea, IQadsD-mi banii ti este un ghid pe care vor trebui s-l poarte n buzunar, de acum ncolo, deopotriv cei care i doresc o carier n meseria de copywriter, ct i cei responsabili de comunicarea mrcilor.“ – Iulian Toma, AdPlayersGabriel Brnescu este un copywriter veteran, trecut prin multe i uns cu toate alifiile. Dar dincolo de tezaurul experienei, cartea dezvluie o nelegere profund att a psihologiei consumatorului, ct i a imperativelor de business ale advertiserului.“ – Conf. univ. dr. Dan Petre, SNSPA

Kegyelem és kalmárszellem
1588-ban vagyunk. A spanyol Armada megtámadni készül Angliát, a nemrégiben megkoronázott Erzsébet királyn? maga mellé veszi kegyencét, Robert Dudleyt, gyerekkori szerelmét, akit?l gyermeke fogan. A trón?r?k?s, Arthur Dudley, egy viharos éjszakán, titokban j?n a világra, majd egy vadászmajorban nevelkedik, anélkül, hogy sejtelme lenne arról, kicsoda is ? valójában. Nevel?apja csak halálos ágyánál árulja el igazi származását. Arthur Dudley harcol a holland-spanyol háborúban, megismeri az igaz szerelem boldogságát és szenvedéseit, a halálát várja a spanyol inkvizíció b?rt?nében, míg végül sikerül megmenekülnie és eljutnia gyerekkori példaképéhez, Robin Dudleyhoz és imádott királyn?jéhez, I. Erzsébethez, akiknek be kell bizonyítania, hogy a vérszerinti fiuk. A t?rténészeket régóta foglalkoztatja az a kérdés, hogy vajon I. Erzsébet és Robert Dudley hosszú éveken át tartó szerelmi kapcsolatából született-e gyermek. Bizonyos források emlegetnek egy Arthur Dudley nev? fiatalembert, aki csak feln?tt korában bukkant fel az angol királyi udvarban.

Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea I - ?n inima p?durii
O s m tii de undeva e ca o matrioc din ppui de sticl, cu care umbli c-un fel de team, s nu le scapi i s se strice, dar apas fr fric, intr, trage, privete-le, studiaz-le, citete – au trecut prin multe, au rezistat n lumea real i au s reziste i-n varianta lor hrtioas. (…) Dup ce-o s citeti cartea ei de debut, o s exclami precum o tenismen care tocmai a ctigat un turneu foarte important – WOW! – i de aici ncolo o s tii exact de unde o cunoti.“ – Mihail Vakulovski Scrisul acestei femei frumoase din toate unghiurile de vedere i de simire nu se savureaz. Se muc, se mestec, se-nghite drag. E dulce i te ustur. Incantaie amanic este aceasta, nu scriitur. Vrjitorie curat creia n-ai cu ce s vrei s i te sustragi. Curgi cu ea, te-amesteci i te umpli de bun mireasm. Pentru c ea e bun i se d. Pentru c ea e att de bun nct te restituie ie-i. Cuvinte-flori-de-cmp care nu se adun-n mnuchiuri, ci se rsfir-n… poeme. L-am auzit pe Iulian Tnase zicnd c-aa se cheam povetile-poeme. ndat m-am gndit la Petronela, c-o tiu de undeva, din miezul nestricat al lumii, din timpurile-n care nu i se despriser apele i nici vntoasele n asta i cealalt. Pe cnd aveam noi ochi muli de heruvimi i aripi ase de serafimi.“ – Ana Barton Scrie cu pasiune, tie s rite, s-i transforme experiena de via n poeme. Este recognoscibil i nu plictisete. Petronela Rotar are toate ansele unei traiectorii literare memorabile.“ – Alexandru Petria

Hullámok csapdája 2.: ?sszecsapó hullámok
Az iráni írón? els? regénye máris 14 nyelven jelent meg világszerte. A t?rténet az iszlám forradalom utáni Iránban játszódik, ahol egy n? csak fejkend?ben léphet ki az utcára, és b?nnek számít, ha valaki amerikai zenét hallgat. Egy kis iráni faluban nevelkedik a kis Szába és ikertestvére, Mahtab. Szába élete egy csapásra megváltozik, amikor anyja és testvére számára felfoghatatlanul elt?nnek az életéb?l. A kislány meg van gy?z?dve róla, hogy Amerikába emigráltak nélküle.

?gy is t?rténhetett
A velencei bába népszer? szerz?je új k?nyvében a 16. századi Konstantinápolyba repíti az olvasót. Hanna és Izsák sok-sok akadályt küzdenek le, hogy új életet kezdjenek az oszmán birodalomban. Izsák selyemkészítésbe kezd, Hanna pedig, aki hamar elnyeri a f?város legjobb bábája elismerést, a szultán fény?z? háremében kap megbízatást. Egy éjszaka Hannát a szultán palotájába hívatják. Ekkor találkozik el?sz?r a gy?ny?r? Leával, akit elraboltak, hogy a szultán ágyasa legyen. ?m a lány súlyos titkot cipel magával. Ha fény derül rá, Leára sz?rny? sors vár. Hanna mindent elk?vet, hogy segítsen a lánynak, ám ezzel nem csak a saját, de a családja életét is kockára teszi. Mindennek tetejébe házukba egy elb?v?l? idegen n? állít be váratlanul, és kis híján romba d?nti Hanna családi boldogságát. Nem kevesebbet akar, mint a férjét és a szemük fényét, a kis Matteót.

Vérv?r?s rabság
Ferenczi Sándor egyik kedves gondolata volt: a magyar k?z?nség számára megírni a pszichoanalizis r?vid ?sszefoglalását. Tudtuk, hogy el is készült ez az írás. Tervezgette, hogy megjelenteti k?nyvalakban, de mindig k?zbej?tt valami akadály. A k?nyv nagyobbik felének kéziratát, hátrahagyott írásai k?z?tt készen találtuk. Noha ez a m? nem mai kelet?, ma sincs az egész világirodalomban a lélekelemzésnek jobb, nagyszer?bb, világosabb ?sszefoglalása. Hozzácsatoltuk még három kés?bbi el?adását; ezek a lélekelemzés újabban felmerült kérdéseivel foglalkoznak. ?gy ez a kis munka a mai pszichoanalizis teljes ismertetését adja.