20 世纪90 年代以来文化安全问题的研究,是我们捍卫社会主义意识形 态、实现社会稳定和中国和平发展的准备性条件。新世纪的文化安全研究, 将是我们确立与中国经济地位相符的文化影响力的现实基础,这需要文化安 全研究思路的拓宽,文化安全观念的拓展,更需要文化安全维护的战略谋划。
德国青年运动(德国学术 第一辑)
《德国学术》以德国现代思想史为脉络,延展思路,格局包容,力求以严谨的学术态度和阔的思想史视野,深到德国思想的内里和细部,为国内广大的德国思想研究者提供详实的思想资料和新鲜的学术观。 本辑锁定德国青年运动。 德国青年运动于1900年代以候鸟运动的形式在德国兴起,并迅速发展为一场全国性的青年运动。由于德意志民族在现代化道路上的后发性质,德意志青年运动有其特殊性:在形式上,继承德意志知识人的漫游传统,德国青年运动以漫游山川的“候鸟运动”而兴起,从柏林旁边的小城施特格利茨肇始,短短三五年时间就发展成全德意志青年有组织的普遍运动;在精神上,当其他国家的青年热切地奔向现代性的地平线地,德国青年却返身走向前现代的自然和农业社会。运动中的青年们希望通过漫游,寻找尚未受到现代性侵染的民间文化中重构德意志民族的生活方式,以此建构出一种区别于“西方”社会模式的共同体。 这场运动不容忽视的重要性,还体现在另外两个方面。其一,从初的候鸟运动,到后来的希特勒青年团、青年抵抗运动,德国青年运动与纳粹关系复杂;其二,许多著名的德国现代思想家都参与到德国青年运动之中,包括本雅明、容格尔、冯特、瑙曼,等等。这些思想家对德国现代思想影响至深,可称为现代德意志文化的形塑者。 本辑收录的文章,既有专篇思想史书写,也有对青年运动与家庭教育、帝国想像、青年世代、保守主义、外在视角等等之间关系的探究。既深细致,又多种面相,力求成为国内德国青年运动研究的先导。
《中国超越》是作者走访百国后的第三本思考型著作,在《中国触动》和《中国震撼》的基础上,作者探讨了中国对以美国为代表的西方和西方模式的超越,包括在经济总量、百姓资产、社会保障、科技创新、制度安排等领域的超越。在这些领域中,中国在不少方面已经超越了美国,在许多方面不久将超越美国,在另外一些方面,通过继续不断的努力,终也可能超越,而其中有意义的,无疑是中国的制度安排,也就是政治制度方面的超越。此外,作者还从“文明型国家”的视角,探讨了中国话语对西方话语的超越,解释了中国道路、中国模式和中国制度安排及其背后的理念,论证了中国许多做法的深层次的合理性。 中国是世界上维系了五千年文明而没有中断的伟大国家,历史上长期领先于世界,落后于西方是近代发生的事。而自现代以来,中国迅速“赶超”西方的背后是中国道路和中国模式的总体成功,这种成功源于对中华文明底蕴的把握、对中国红色传统的承袭,以及对国际有益经验的借鉴。中国正带着一个“文明型国家”的光荣与梦想,实现中国人百年奋斗的目标,重返世界之巅。
中国是世界上*个真正的国家,将中国的国家与西方的民族国家放在一起衡量,后者在很多方面都未达到前者的标准。所以,在某种程度上也可以认为,西方只有政体,没有国家,只有中国这样的国家,才是国家,而且是大一统国家。 中国共产党建立的“人民共和国”,是中国两千年来大一统国家、天下为公传统的延续,是当下中国区别于世界其他各国的独特政治价值。今天的中国,无论与百年前历史上的中国相比,还是与当今世界各国相比,都算得上是一个成功的现代化国家。
Garten der Sehnsucht
Als Solita, frisch aus Florenz in England angekommen, sich um eine Mitfahrgelegenheit zum Herzog Herzog von Calverleigh bemüht, ahnt sie nicht welche Folgen ihre unschuldige Plapperei in der Kutsche haben wird. Nach Jahren der Vernachl?ssigung m?chte sie sich dem Herzog, ihrem Vormund, in Erinnerung rufen und ihn dazu bewegen, ihr zu helfen, ihren Vater zu r?chen, der von russischen Spionen ermordet wurde. Doch ausgerechnet an diesem Wochenende findet eine Gesellschaft auf dem Schloss statt, die von zwei sehr wichtigen russischen G?sten besucht wird. Wird Solita sich zu übereilten Aktionen hinreiβen lassen? Und welche geheimen Machenschaften verfolgt der Herzog?
Anton Chekhov's The Duel
Laevsky is a dissipated romantic given to gambling and flirtation. He has run off to the sea with another man's wife and quickly grown tired of her, but two obstacles block his route to escape: he is broke, and he faces the absolute enmity of Von Koren, an arrogant zoologist and former friend who can no longer tolerate Laevsky's irresponsibility. Soon Laevsky confronts Von Koren, accusing him of meddling in his affairs, but Von Koren maneuvers a criticism Laevsky makes of their mutual friend, Dr. Samoylenko, into a challenge to a duel.
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.
Love and Other Stories
My whole being from head to heels is bursting with a strange, incomprehensible feeling. I can't analyse it just now—I haven't the time, I'm too lazy, and there—hang analysis! Why, is a man likely to interpret his sensations when he is flying head foremost from a belfry, or has just learned that he has won two hundred thousand? Is he in a state to do it? This was more or less how I began my love-letter to Sasha, a girl of nineteen with whom I had fallen in love.
SS-Wiking: The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941–46
The 5th SS Division Wiking was the first 'international' – i.e. largely non-German – Waffen-SS division and the only German panzer division comprised largely of foreign troops. Approximately 75 per cent of the division's strength were non-German nationals, all volunteers, and the majority from occupied countries like Belgium, Holland, France, Denmark, and Norway. The Wiking division operated exclusively on the Eastern Front during World War II, where the division quickly earned itself a deserved combat reputation but also served as a 'finishing school', spinning off a host of additional Waffen-SS divisions. While Germany was on the offensive in the East, Wiking served as a spearhead for Operations Barbarossa and Citadel. Later in the war it served as a defensive 'fire brigade', plugging gaps in the line as needed in response to Soviet attacks: breaking out of the Cherkassy pocket and defending Budapest as part of the Sixth SS Panzer Army, before its tattered remnants ended the war attempting to postpone the inevitable in Berlin. Part of the SS Divisional Histories series, SS-Wiking is fully illustrated with rare Eastern Front photographs, many of which have never been published before. It also includes numerous maps and biographies of the key personnel, including such figures as Josef Mengele, Leon Degrelle, Felix Steiner and Herbert Gille.
Set during the political upheavals of 19th Century England, Middlemarch is an epic story of love, politics, and passion. The novel follows lives of the ambitious young Doctor Lydgate as he takes up his position at Middlemarch’s new hospital, and Dorothea Brooke who desperately wants to make something of her life; however, as a woman she is forbidden the study of Greek and Latin and no one takes her notions of societal improvement seriously.
Bonobo sau cucerirea spa?iului
Lucrarea evalueaz? modalit??ile ?n care partidele rom?ne?ti se raporteaz? la institu?iile ?i procesele politice europene prin documentele programatice ?i manifestele de campanie electoral?. Autorii analizeaz? inten?iile partidelor privind politicile publice ?n cele mai importante domenii tematice de interes na?ional ?i european ?i modalitatea de prezentare a candida?ilor.
Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. I
Volumul constituie o fereastr? larg deschis? c?tre documentele extrase din arhivele cenzurii. Dezv?luirile explozive, atestate ?n aceste acte secrete, sunt menite s? lumineze o fa?? a istoriei rom?nilor, p?n? acum mai bine de un deceniu ascuns?.Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
A Little Frog’s Heart: The Stellar Waltz of Life
Volumul analizeaz? con?inutului drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale ?i principalele pozi?ii ale comunit??ii interna?ionale ?n abordarea problemelor din acest domeniu. Sunt formulate solu?ii ce pot servi drept baz? pentru dezvoltarea ?i punerea ?n aplicare a programelor pe termen lung privind protec?ia drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale. Cartea are un caracter interdisciplinar ?i se adreseaz? studen?ilor facult??ilor de drept, sociologie, psihologie ?i ?tiin?e politice, dar ?i tuturor celor interesa?i s? ?n?eleag? profunzimile unor fenomene at?t de actuale.
Secolul Bacovia
Volumul abordeaz? teoretic ?i istoriografic cele mai importante categorii ale g?nditorului politic Antonio Gramsci. Analiza Ioanei Cristea Dr?gulin permite restituirea unit??ii ?i continuit??ii pe care tinde s? le ascund? natura fragmentar? a unei mari p?r?i din opera gramscian?, reconect?nd ?ntr?un cadru unitar apa?ratul conceptual complex pe care autorul ?l disemineaz? pe parcursul Caietelor sale, ?ntr-un context cultural at?t de ?ndep?rtat de cel originar, c?nd au fost scrise.
《理论指导和实践指南——学习贯彻“四个全面”战略布局论文选辑》,是辽宁大学马克思主义学院组织撰写的第三部论文专辑。是辽宁省第五届社会科学学术活动月“辽宁省第二届当代中国马克思主义论坛”征文活动优秀成果的汇编。 编委会在征集到的160多篇论文中精选了67篇论文,作者既有辽宁大学马克思主义学院的教师和研究生,也有其他高校、党校教师的优秀论文。旨在高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,准确领会“四个全面”战略布局的深刻内涵和战略意义,以理论研究成果促进思想政治理论课的吸引力感染力和针对性实效性,推动“四个全面”战略布局进课堂、进教材、进大学生头脑。
本书是2013年度*人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“中国南海海岛行政价值观的历史演与现实选择研究(13YJC630143)”的成果,主要研究中国南海海岛行政实践及其价值认知的历史,在证实自古以来中国政府 z早、持续对南海及其附属岛屿实施有效行政实践的历史基础上探寻中国人民认知海岛行政价值的一般规律,在论证当前中国政府实施海洋强国、陆海统筹、“21世纪海上丝绸之路”、人类命运共同体等战略具有科学性的现实基础上总结当前中国南海海岛行政的积极发展趋势。 本书研究对象是中国政府从古至今实施的南海行政实践行为,研究内容是已存实践基础上的价值认知,在维护中国南海权益的前提下重研究中国南海海岛行政价值的认知历史和解释当前中国南海行政认知的科学性、合理性。 因此,本书同国家一贯的政策具有高度一致性:一是研究对象是已存在的中国南海海岛行政实践,在此基础上论证中国南海海岛行政价值认知的积极特征,特别是新中国成立以来突出的积极发展趋势;二是研究内容是已存实践基础上的价值认知问题,不涉及国家海疆界定、南海权益争端等实践领域的政策建议等创新性问题。
2018年12月7日,国务院办公厅印发了《关于推政务新媒体健康有序发展的意见》。《意见》指出,政务新媒体是移动互联网时代党和政府联系群众、服务群众、凝聚群众的重要渠道,是加快转变政府职能、建设服务型政府的重要手段,是引导网上舆论、构建清朗网络空间的重要阵地,是探索社会治理新模式、提高社会治理能力的重要途径。 本书立足于当前我国政务新媒体的发展现状与趋势,全面梳理了我国政务新媒体的实践成果与经验,并指出了政务新媒体发展过程中面临的问题与痛,从推政务公、优化政务服务、凝聚社会共识、创新社会治理、推动媒体融合等多维度着手,结合丰富的实战案例,深度剖析了微博、微信、抖音等国内主流新媒体平台运营技巧与方法,构建了一套完整的政务新媒体矩阵体系,以全面提升政务新媒体传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力。本书适合全国各级党政机关、新闻媒体机构、政务服务工作者、新媒体从业者以及对政务新媒体感兴趣的读者的学习和参考。