Combat Techniques: The Complete Guide to How Soldiers Fight Wars Today
Combat Techniques is a comprehensive reference work on tactical procedures for infantry today. Illustrated with action photographs and detailed artworks, it provides a thorough insight into how the soldiers of today’s armies would fight in any combat scenario they encountered. The book covers all aspects of the battlefield, detailing the various forces and assets at a battlefield commander’s disposal, showing how tactics have changed since the end of World War II, and examining a huge range of tactical procedures, from controlling an air strike or firing an anti-tank weapon to sub-zero operations, hostage-rescue situations, fighting in urban or extreme terrain, amphibious assaults, and evading capture. The difficulties of asymmetric warfare are also addressed, with chapters on counter-terrorist and anti-insurgency operations. Using colour photographs and artworks, Combat Techniques shows the men and equipment of modern armies from around the world, and, with the help of an authoritative text, demonstrates how they operate in today’s every changing, technology dominated battlefields.
The World's Greatest Civil Aircraft: An Illustrated History
Commercial air travel began just over a century ago. In that time there have been groundbreaking civilian aircraft, such as flying boats, the first pressurized cabin aircraft, jet and supersonic aircraft, as well as immense changes in the capacity of a typical airliner: in the 1920s aircraft struggled to carry 20 passengers, today some models can carry up to 800 people. The book includes many types, from cargo transports and freighters, through flying boats, passenger airliners, business jets and supersonic carriers. Featured aircraft include: the Ford Trimotor ‘Tin Goose’, one of the great workhorses of early aviation history; the first post-war intercontinental airliners, such as the Douglas DC-4 Skymaster, De Havilland Comet and Boeing 377 Stratocruiser; the Vickers VC10, one of the greats of the 1960s golden age of commercial airliners, when jet-powered air commerce was new and airliners pampered passengers; the massive Super Guppy heavy transport, one of the widest aircraft in aviation history; the supersonic Tupolev Tu-144 ‘Charger’ and Concorde, Cold War competitors in aviation excellence; the Embraer ERJ, part of a new range of narrow-bodied airliners; and the most popular passenger aircraft of the present, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A320. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Civil Aircraft is a colourful guide for the aviation enthusiast.
A felejtés b?ne
When, in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to study Democracy in America, the trial of nearly a half-century of the working of our system had been made, and it had been proved, by many crucial tests, to be a government of "liberty regulated by law," with such results in the development of strength, in population, wealth, and military and commercial power, as no age had ever witnessed. De Tocqueville had a special inquiry to prosecute, in his visit to America, in which his generous and faithful soul and the powers of his great intellect were engaged in the patriotic effort to secure to the people of France the blessings that Democracy in America had ordained and established throughout nearly the entire Western Hemisphere. He had read the story of the French Revolution, much of which had been recently written in the blood of men and women of great distinction who were his progenitors; and had witnessed the agitations and terrors of the Restoration and of the Second Republic, fruitful in crime and sacrifice, and barren of any good to mankind. He had just witnessed the spread of republican government through all the vast continental possessions of Spain in America, and the loss of her great colonies. He had seen that these revolutions were accomplished almost without the shedding of blood, and he was filled with anxiety to learn the causes that had placed republican government, in France, in such contrast with Democracy in America. De Tocqueville was scarcely thirty years old when he began his studies of Democracy in America. It was a bold effort for one who had no special training in government, or in the study of political economy, but he had the example of Lafayette in establishing the military foundation of these liberties, and of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, all of whom were young men, in building upon the Independence of the United States that wisest and best plan of general government that was ever devised for a free people.
《新华日报·思想周刊》文丛系《新华日报》2017年1月创办“思想周刊”一年来其新论、政声、智库等专栏的思想理论成果合集,反映了《新华日报》与时俱,传播党的声 音、服务人民群众的办报思想。《理论之光》系新论版“新华要论”栏目刊发的重要文章合集。
本书是复旦大学国际经济与政治研究中心的研究成果。以“区域性国际公共产品的中国供给”为主题,内容主要包括: 澜湄次区域公共产品的中国供给———以澜湄合作机制为例;中南半岛水资源公共产品的中国供给与挑战;“中蒙俄经济走廊”区域性公共产品的供给风险;“数字丝绸之路”的区域性公共产品供给;区域性公共产品的中国供给与中欧基建合作;“一带一路”视角下中国东亚区域性安全类公共产品供给初探;“一带一路”中的区域性公共产品治理与能力建设;中国对非区域性公共产品的供给———以“安哥拉模式”为例。本书认为,当全球性国际公共产品供应严重不足或无法满足其个性化需求时,我们可以把服务于“一带一路”特定区域或跨区域、其成本又是由区域内或区域间国家共同分担的安排、机制或制度称为“一带一路”公共产品。中国正以实际行动打造人类命运共同体,向世界提供越来越多的优质公共产品。
《政德论:心理结构与伦理行动的二重维度》在梳理“政德”内涵的历史演的基础上,从伦理结构、心理结构和道德领导力三个部分对政德行探微,对政德形成的机制和在实践中发挥作用的过程行了动态展现。*部分,从大德、公德和私德方面对政德的伦理结构行研究;第二部分,对政德的心理结构、政德内化的心理机制和社会机制行研究;第三部分,对公共政策和干部体制这两个重要的政治实践领域的政德问题行讨论,对政德的实践困境及走出困境的道德创造力行研究。 《政德论:心理结构与伦理行动的二重维度》从政德内化为心理与外展为道德领导力的角度研究政德,深化和拓展了政德研究的视域;将政德与公共政策、干部体制、道德困境结合起来,突出了政德的实践特质,对学术研究和干部政德修养均具有积极的参考价值。
中国共产党在近百年的光辉历程中,带领中国人民取得了革命、建设和改革的伟大胜利,同时铸就了具有丰富时代内涵和民族特征的革命精神。这些革命精神是我们党的宝贵精神财富和丰富政治资源,是中国共产党和中国人民创造辉煌业绩的精神支柱。 本书从中国共产党的革命精神谱系中选取了红船精神、长征精神、雷锋精神、载人航天精神等十五种革命精神,通过讲故事的形式,以生动典型的事例、通俗易懂的语言,力求把革命精神的丰富内涵讲明白,把革命精神蕴涵的深刻道理讲生动,把革命精神的当代价值讲清楚。
当代中国正在从全球公共管理理论与实践的学习者、受益者,逐渐转变为全球公共管理理论与实践的先行者、拓者。“*多跑一次”改革的成功,不仅可以为浙江发展闯关,为全国改革探路,而且可以引领全球公共管理创新实践。 “*多跑一次”改革首先是浙江的,它是浙江全面深化改革的重要突破口。同时,它也是中国的,正从“地方探索”不断跃升为“顶层设计”,从“区域创新”扩散为“全国实践”。而且,随着这场改革的一步完善提升并放大效应,其成功也必将引领世界公共管理创新实践的发展。这一“浙江经验”或可成为当代全球公共管理改革的“中国方案”。
本书以历史发展脉络为主线,撷取新中国成立70年来辽宁发展长河中的70项重要事件、重大成就,以点带面,图文并茂,充分反映70年来辽宁走过的光辉足迹和伟大历程,全面展示辽宁广大干部群众建设美好家园的辉煌成就,突出70年来中国共产党领导辽宁人民忠诚担当、创新实干、奋斗自强的可贵精神。 全书分为70个瞬间,1949至1978年30个左右,1978至2018年40个左右。每个瞬间由代表性照片呈现,引申出照片相关史实内容,兼顾学术性与故事性,叙事晓畅,史实翔实,内容丰富,雅俗共赏。
《神圣家族》一书的全名是《神圣家族,或对批判的批判所做的批判。驳布鲁诺·鲍威尔及其伙伴》(Der heiligeFamilie,oderKritik der KritischenKritik.Gegen Bruno Bauer und Consorten),它是马克思与恩格斯合著的*部作品,是他们对由青年黑格尔派主办的德文月刊《文学总汇报》(AllgemeineLiteratur-Zeitung)上所反映出的思想倾向和理论观的一部回应性、论战性的著作。“在论战中鲜明地表达自己肯定的观”,是马克思、恩格斯理论创作活动的一个重要特征,就《神圣家族》的情况看也是如此:这里除了对论敌观和思想的分析与批判,也包含了他们对自己此前思想的清理和反思,与此同时更阐发了很多新的重要的观,标志他们向表征其“新哲学”体系的唯物史观又迈了一步。这样说来,如果我们能对这一文本行比较深的考察和分析,有助于厘清马克思、恩格斯当时的思想状况,而理解他们前后期著作与思想在逻辑上的内在连贯性与创新。本书首次根据《文学总汇报》(德文)对马克思、恩格斯所批判的对象及其文献行了梳理,再对照这些批判廓清了不同的思想家是如何分化的:相同的时代、相同的文化氛围和社会现实为什么会“塑造”出、怎样“塑造”出这些思想“另类”?这些比较和分析,可以凸现出人类哲学和思维探索的多元路,以及在这杂色斑斓的图景中马克思主义处于一种怎样的地位。
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.
Garten der Sehnsucht
Als Solita, frisch aus Florenz in England angekommen, sich um eine Mitfahrgelegenheit zum Herzog Herzog von Calverleigh bemüht, ahnt sie nicht welche Folgen ihre unschuldige Plapperei in der Kutsche haben wird. Nach Jahren der Vernachl?ssigung m?chte sie sich dem Herzog, ihrem Vormund, in Erinnerung rufen und ihn dazu bewegen, ihr zu helfen, ihren Vater zu r?chen, der von russischen Spionen ermordet wurde. Doch ausgerechnet an diesem Wochenende findet eine Gesellschaft auf dem Schloss statt, die von zwei sehr wichtigen russischen G?sten besucht wird. Wird Solita sich zu übereilten Aktionen hinreiβen lassen? Und welche geheimen Machenschaften verfolgt der Herzog?
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
Aceast? culegere ?nm?nuncheaz? articole ap?rute ?n perioada cuprins? ?ntre vara lui 2014 ?i sf?r?itul anului 2016. Facem acest efort, deoarece omul de azi este at?t de gr?bit, ?nc?t poate nu reu?e?te s? urm?reasc? ni?te articole ce apar pe saituri, care se ?nscriu ?n ceea ce se nume?te la ora actual? media de alternativ?, adic? una care merge ?mpotriva curentului general, dominat de eurolatrie, occidentomanie, spirit de vasalitate ?i chingi (neo)liberale. Selec?ia f?cut? a vizat doar acele articole, care dep??esc cadrul unor polemici de moment, circumstan?iale, mai pu?in relevante pentru viziunea autorului asupra unor procese mai generale. Printre acestea se reg?se?te ?i o serie de recenzii sau prezent?ri mai ample ale unor c?r?i ap?rute ?n diverse ??ri, ?n englez? sau francez?, dar ?i ?n rom?n?, pe care le-am g?sit utile pentru ?n?elegerea unor fenomene de ordin geopolitic, economic ?i cultural, care marcheaz? lumea de azi, afect?nd ?n mod direct interesele na?ionale, identitatea colectiv? ?i perspectivele noastre de afirmare ?i d?inuire ?n istorie. Au fost incluse ?n acest volum ?i c?teva texte semnificative, traduse din rus? ?i francez?, apar?in?nd unor g?nditori de ieri ?i de azi, care consun? perfect cu viziunea autorului.