

Цив?л?зац?я: Як Зах?д став усп?шним
Цив?л?зац?я: Як Зах?д став усп?шним
Niall Ferguson
Okupiv?i na jednome mjestu najzanimljivija imena lijeve politi?ke misli od Slovenije do Bugarske, s naglaskom na zemlje biv?e Jugoslavije, filozofi? i aktivisti Sre?ko Horvat i Igor ?tiks pred njih su stavili zadatak da napi?u tekstove o situaciji danas i ovdje, prije svega na Balkanu. ?etrnaest autora, od mladih filozofskih nada do svjetski priznatih imena, u svojim esejima pokazuje koliko je po?ast neoliberalizma u sprezi s politi?ko-mafija?kim klanovima i krupnim kapitalom razjela sve one pozitivne tekovine koje je ostavilo socijalisti?ko naslje?e. Bez sentimenta i nostalgije prema pro?lim vremenima, Dobro do?li u pustinju postsocijalizma najzanimljivija je i najaktualnija knjiga o suvre?menom trenutku. Ona je nezaobilazna studija za svakoga tko ?eli ozbiljnije shvatiti ?to nam se i za?to doga?a u vremenima duboke krize.
Квент?н Дорвард
Квент?н Дорвард
Valter Scot
s vezes, a única coisa verdadeira num jornal é a data, disse Luis Fernando Verissimo. Tomar ao pé da letra essa frase bem-humorada do cronista pode no ser um bom negócio. Porém, ainda mais temerário seria aceitar a hipótese oposta, ou seja, de que tudo acontece do jeito que o jornalista nos conta. Certos recursos de escrita e de edio aumentam tanto a temperatura do texto que provocam a fuso entre a fantasia e a realidade. Esse fenmeno misterioso, com seu toque de alquimia, é o que Renato Modernell investiga em A notícia como fábula.
101 Amazing Daniel Radcliffe Facts
101 Amazing Daniel Radcliffe Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Daniel Radcliffe rose to fame in the lead role of the Harry Potter films, and quickly became a firm favourite of fans across the world. From the saviour of the wizarding world to his horror debut in The Woman in Black, Daniel has proved himself to be a box office draw time and time again.This interesting book contains 101 amazing facts, separated into categories for your enjoyment. It covers all subjects from his acting, his personal life, his upbringing, and his friends and family.Find out everything there is to know about Daniel, and show everyone you are the master of Radcliffe knowledge!
10 Amazing Gangnam Style Tips
10 Amazing Gangnam Style Tips
Goldstein, Jack
So, you want a bit of Gangnam Style do you? You've heard that it's what all the cool kids have and you want a bit of it? It's recently come to your attention that there's this horse dance as well, yes? Right, this is the book for you. Within these (digital) pages are ten amazing tips which will help you get that all-important Gangnam Style. You too can be like PSY! Find out what Gangnam Style is, how to display it in public, and of course what to do once you've got it. Don't take it too seriously though, otherwise you won't have any Gangnam Style.
Celeste Ng
Le piante percepiscono il suono e amano suonare.Lo dimostrano studi e sperimentazioni condotte in ambito accademico e, ancora di più, le esperienze di numerosi ricercatori e musicisti che insegnano alle piante a usare apparecchiature musicali elettroniche e suonano e cantano insieme a loro.Le ricerche sull’intelligenza vegetale, sulla sensibilità delle piante e sulla loro disponibilità a dialogare con noi aprono la nostra mente verso una più profonda visione della natura e il nostro cuore a nuove occasioni di scambio con tutto ciò che è vivo intorno a noi.
Перемикайся. Стань тим, ким хочеш бути
Перемикайся. Стань тим, ким хочеш бути
Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter
David Stevenson?jedan je od najistaknutijih prou?avatelja Prvoga svjetskog rata. U svom monumentalnom djelu?1914.–1918. Povijest Prvog svjetskog rata?kre?e od uzroka sukoba, prolazi kroz sva boji?ta, analizira geopoliti?ke odnose, ravnote?u izme?u imperijalnih sila, politi?ke i vojne promjene, kraj rata i mirovne ugovore koji su odredili okvir budu?ih me?unarodnih odnosa, te zavr?ava raspravom o nastavku ratnog sukoba drugim sredstvima i o poslijeratnom ure?enju svijeta koje ?e izazvati nove sukobe. Ova povijest jedna je od onih koje otkrivaju nove ?injenice i reinterpretiraju povijesne izvore, ali jednako tako stvaraju cjelovitu sliku o kompleksnosti sukoba. Stevensonova povijest prva je sveobuhvatna povijest Prvoga svjetskog rata objavljena u Hrvatskoj nakon vi?e od 50 godina. Knjiga koju je potrebno pro?itati da bi se shvatilo dvadeseto stolje?e i razumjelo vrijeme u kojem ?ivimo.
101 Amazing Facts About The Saturdays
101 Amazing Facts About The Saturdays
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a fan of world famous girl band The Saturdays? Do you want to know everything there is to know about Frankie, Mollie, Una, Rochelle and Vanessa? If so, then this is the book for you.Contained within are over one hundred amazing facts about everything from the girls' upbringing to the band's formation, their love lives, award nominations and much more. Get the facts you want quick!
The Ship of Ishtar
The Ship of Ishtar
Abraham Merritt
Gustáv Murín? k?nyvében a vad és zabolátlan kilencvenes évekbe kalauzolja el az olvasót, abba az id?be, amikor a volt szocialista államoknak azzal kellett szembesülniük, hogy a demokratizálódás bizony t?rvényszer?en magával hozza a komolyabb szervezett b?n?z?i csoportok megjelenését is. Az államapparátus fenekén tojáshéj, a b?n?z?k zsebében pedig a fegyver és a pénz. Kicsoda valójában Jozef Rohá?, a profi, akihez a legvéresebb merényletek k?t?dnek Szlovákiában és Magyarországon egyaránt? Mi k?ze van a magyar b?rt?nbüntetését t?lt? Eva Reze?ovának a kassai gengszterekhez? Hogyan t?nt el 114 vagonnyi olaj Pozsony és Budapest k?z?tt? Mi k?ti ?ssze Magyarországot az újkori t?rténelem legvéresebb maffialeszámolásával? Ki szervezte meg a szlovák k?ztársasági eln?k fiának elrablását? Ki ne emlékezne a vadkeletre? Ezek a csoportok nem ismertek határokat, így a szlovák és a magyar alvilág számos ponton és ügyben kapcsolódhatott egymáshoz. Ezekb?l a t?rténetekb?l kiderül, hogyan. T?rténetek, amelyek egyszer véget érnek. A b?n azonban marad, itt jár k?ztünk továbbra is.
One Direction - The Unofficial Book of Everything
One Direction - The Unofficial Book of Everything
Goldstein, Jack
Do you want to become the ultimate Directioner? Do you want to know everything about Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn? Want to prove your knowledge with not just one but TWO quizzes?If so, then this is the book for you! It contains all five of Jack Goldstein's 1D titles, including: 101 Amazing One Direction Facts, 101 More Amazing One Direction Facts, Harry Styles: The Story So Far, The Ultimate Quiz and finally The Ultimate Lyrics Quiz.With over 200 facts, 320 questions and a quick-read biography of Harry Styles, this is sure to keep any One Direction fan happy for hours!
Pointless Conversations - The Green Collection
Pointless Conversations - The Green Collection
Tierney, Scott
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward; why Spiderman should technically be deformed; and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be inane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. In this collection of short (but still pointless) conversations, we learn about fonts, the best part of a chicken, eating alien eggs, bargain DVDs and much more...
Дол? та фур??
Дол? та фур??
Lauren Groff
Knjiga Me?uodnosi umjetni?kih svjetova dio je doktorske disertacije, a govori o simultanoj i sukcesivnoj umjetnosti kroz ilustracije Bhagavad Gite, u 18 poglavlja od kojih svako ima dvije verzije. Su?tina autori?inog interesa je prijenos misli i osje?aja iz drevnog indijskog epa, kroz likovne elemente, odnosno vizualizacija vremenske umjetnosti; poku?ala je interpretirati kroz kompoziciju, boju, liniju, kontrast, tre?u dimenziju, strukturu, teksturu, proporciju, ritam i dinamiku, filozofiju Bhagavad Gite, koja je posebna utoliko ?to je u Indiji filozofija jednako religija, i obrnuto. Spomenuta je i analogija izme?u vremenskih i prostornih umjetnosti, kao ?to je boja (valer), glazba (akord), te upravo kroz sinergiju zna?enja i zra?enja na ilustracijama mo?emo do?ivjeti da "?itamo sliku". ? Tatjana Burzanovi? je autorica, umjetnica, grafi?ka dizajnerica i dizajnerica interijera, profesor na Fakultetu za kulturu i turizam na predmetu Indijska kultura, te na Fakultetu za dizajn i multimediju na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica u Podgorici, Crna Gora. Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, a doktorat obranila na Fakultetu primenjenih umjetnosti u Beogradu. Svoje je radove izlagala na brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izlo?bama, te sudjelovala u umjetni?kim i pedago?kim kolonijama. Dobila je nekoliko nagrada za dizajn knjiga. Knjiga Me?uovisnost umjetni?kih svjetova?nagra?ena je na 11. sajmu knjiga u Podgorici za najbolje opremljeno umjetni?ko izdanje. Knjiga je u elektroni?kom izdanju dostupna i u engleskom prijevodu.
101 More Amazing Harry Potter Facts
101 More Amazing Harry Potter Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Runtime: 38 minutesFollowing on from Jack Goldstein and Frankie Taylor's popular '101 Amazing Harry Potter Facts', this wonderful audiobook contains over one hundred amazing facts covering topics such as muggles in the series, the Ministry of Magic, the Weasleys, quidditch, the triwizard tournament and much more! Through JK Rowling's books and films, we have been introduced to a fantastic and magical world that many of us would like to visit, despite the chance of running into a Death Eater or even Voldemort himself. If you love the world of Harry Potter, you'll also love listening to this book!
Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift
Cohen, Martin
Why do giraffes have long necks? It can't really be for reaching tasty leaves since their main food is ground level bushes, tidy though that explanation would be. And how does relativity theory cope with the fact that the observable universe defies prediction by being far too small and anything but homogeneous? By inventing a vastly larger, but invisible, universe. And what exactly should we make of the scientists who claim to be witnessing thought itself, when the changes of blood flow in the brain that they observe are a thousand times slower than the neuronal activity it is supposed to reveal? A little scepticism is in order.Yet if philosophers of science, from Thomas Kuhn to Paul Feyerabend, have argued that science is a more haphazard process, driven by political fashion and short-term economic self-interest, today almost everyone seems to assume it is a vast jigsaw of interlocking facts pieced slowly but steadily together by expert practitioners.In this witty but profound 21st-century update on the issues, Martin Cohen offers vital clues for understanding not only the way knowledge develops, but also into the dangers of accepting too readily or too uncritically the claims of experts of all kinds - even philosophical ones! The claims are invariably presented as objective fact, yet are rooted in human subjectivity.
Martin J Dougherty
Little more than ten years ago drones were barely used, but now more than 50 countries have them in service and they are not only changing how wars are fought but how crops are sprayed, how underwater pipelines are monitored and even how sports events are filmed. If it’s too risky to send a manned aircraft to survey the intensity of a hurricane or a combat zone, or too costly for conservation wardens to chart the movement of wildlife, drones can be used. Used for reconnaissance work and mapping as well as launching missiles, drones can fly autonomously or be controlled by remote control. Peering into a volcano about to erupt, checking how fast a forest fire is spreading, exploring the wreck of a sunken ship, charting your enemy’s position and taking out a military target—these are just some of the uses of drones today. From drones the size of a fingertip to drones that can carry soldiers, from single rotorcraft to multi-rotorcraft to propeller craft drones, Drones expertly examines these complex vehicles, which are not only very different from manned aircraft, but also very different from each other. Illustrated with more than 220 colour photographs and artworks, Drones is an exciting, accessibly written work about the latest in military and civilian aviation technology.
The Prodigal Daughter of Korea
The Prodigal Daughter of Korea
Asa Palomera
When Mina’s father dies, she returns to Korea to visit a family she barely knows, desperately looking for some answers. But her mother is reluctant to discuss the past, especially the war, or the reasons that Mina was sent so far away as a child, to America. Her younger sister seems unable to grow up and it doesn’t help that their nosy neighbour is always on their doorstep. Secrets and lies divide them all irrevocably. When the truth is finally revealed, it is both shocking and redemptive, allowing Mina and those around her to see themselves anew and break free from years of pain and guilt.
A Girl With A Book and Other Plays
A Girl With A Book and Other Plays
Nick Wood
A topical collection of new plays by popular UK playwright Nick Wood 'I am not a lone voice, I am many.'?Malala ? Yousafzai A Girl with a Book and?Other Plays ?brings together four plays for young people by acclaimed playwright Nick Wood. Topical and wide-ranging, they concern refugees, friendship, loss and courage. 'You know those sente nces that start I'm not sexist/racist/homophobic and the speaker sticks in the word 'but' and goes on to prove that's exactly what they are?' The title play, ? A Girl with a Book ?is an honest response to the story of Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Taliban. Produced many times in Germany and the UK, the play raises serious questions about the West's complex relationship with and attitudes to the Muslim world. 'a journey into empathy and imagination...'?Stephen Lowe Plays Nick Wood's poignant political drama A Girl with a Book is based on the true story of Nobel Peace Prize-Winner Malala Yousafza. In 2012, gunmen stopped a bus in Pakistan and shot three young girls. Their crime? Wanting to go to school. Knowing nothing about the situation, able to offer little more than outrage, the writer is forced out from behind his desk and in the search for answers to help him tell the story of a brave young woman's fight for girls' education, but when his research uncovers attitudes at odds with his liberal convictions he has to face what he learns about himself. Achieving international acclaim after its opening in Hamburg, A Girl with a Book examines Malala's story through a series of questions - Wood asks how a girl who wanted to go to school could become such a target. Bird boy:?Eddie and Tim create their own den up on the Knoll, a secret place for heroes. The only problem is, winter is setting in and Eddie won't come down. As the snow falls, Tim must decide whether to take food to Eddie or betray him by telling the grown ups where he is. Mia:?Mia is a refugee who has lost her home, and most of her family. She has odd bits and pieces in her bag, which have stories attached to them. Mia is searching for her sister, Sofia, can they help? Dream of White Horses: ? ?Paul wants two things - to find out whether his father's death was an accident or not. He climbs the same cliff, to discover what happened to his father, and a great deal about himself. '...invites us to better understand Malala, her father, and her kinsmen.'? On Religion '...a journey into empathy and imagination coolly and cleanly done. A crucially important tale well told with great humanity.' ? Stephen Lowe, playwright '...there's plenty of scope here for schools, colleges and youth theatre groups. The title play... has a cast of one... The remaining three plays use larger casts and explore asylum seeking, friendship, loss and courage.' ?Susan Elkin, The Stage
Southeast Asian Plays
Southeast Asian Plays
Jean Tay, Floy Quintos, Tew Bunnag, Ann Lee, Nguyễn Đăng Chương
The first ever comprehensive collection of plays ?in English from Southeast Asia. Features work by eight playwrights from seven countries in Southeast Asia, a region which is experiencing profound change:?Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia.? Southeast Asian Plays ?explores the rich variety of dramatic work that is only beginning to be translated into English. Theatre scripts are merely blueprints for productions, especially in this region. As elsewhere, second productions and revivals are rare, so publication is key to allowing play texts to find a wider international readership. Topics include the global financial crisis, sex workers, traditional v modern values, the role of faith in society, corruption in high places and journalistic ethics. The plays have been selected for performance. Plays: The Plunge by Jean Tay (Singapore) An Evening At the Opera by Floy Quintos (Philippines) Night of the Minotaur by Tew Bunnag (Thailand) Tarap Man by Ann Lee (Malaysia) Dark Rac e by Dang Chuong (Vietnam) Frangipani by Chhon Sina (Cambodia) Picnic by Joned Suryatmoko (Indonesia) Nadirah by Alfian Saat (Singapore) "The editors have done an excellent job of opening up our chances of reading and learning about plays from all over Southeast Asia. ...editorial choices are significant for opening up spaces to voices which are otherwise heard less often. All in all the plays are interesting for the ways in which they grapple with key concerns in their respective societies."? --The Asiatic
The Emperor and the Nightingale
The Emperor and the Nightingale
Hans Christian Andersen
From a story by Hans Christian Andersen In ancient China, young emperor Wu is kept a virtual prisoner in his palace by his devious guardian, Li Si. Wu believes the world outside the Forbidden City is an evil and dangerous place. But when Xiao, a young servant girl, tells him of the most beautiful sound on earth – the song of the nightingale – it’s too much to resist. The two embark on an adventure that will take them across mountain tops and waterfalls, past chattering monkeys and magical dragons to the far reaches of his kingdom. When Wu returns with the nightingale, and starts to overturn the old palace customs, Li Si plots to restore things to the way they were before. Featuring puppetry, music and all the colour, movement and spectacle of Chinese theatre, this joyful adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale is a feast for the senses that will delight the whole family. Suitable for ages 6+
The Diary of a Hounslow Girl
The Diary of a Hounslow Girl
Ambreen Razia
The story of a modern Asian young woman trying to straddle Western attitudes and traditional beliefs. You've heard of an Essex Girl or even a Chelsea Girl but what is a Hounslow Girl? The term has become a byword for confident, young Muslim women who are grappling with traditional values, city life and fashion. From the joys of Pakistani weddings to fights on the night bus, Ambreen Razia's? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl ?is a funny, bold, provocative play highlighting the challenges of being a teenage girl in a traditional Muslim family, alongside the temptations and influences of growing up in and around London. “Ambreen’s writing is poetic in its structure and intensity, funny, moving, chilling, and delivered in a style that takes inspiration from spoken word and physical theatre. She has created a rhythm that draws the audience in, as compelling as a thriller, complete with gathering ominousness, shocks and comic relief.” Deborah Bestwick, Director, Ovalhouse “Ambreen Razia’s terrific play is exactly the kind of new work we wish to support in the new home of multi-cultural theatre in London. Hounslow Girl is a wonderfully funny take on a London phenomenon and one audiences will enjoy.” Jatinder Verma, Artistic Director, Tara Arts” "a powerful piece of theatre... Ambreen Razia's performance is astonishing."?BritishTheatre.com "This is a sophisticated, moving and often very funny piece of writing, particularly nuanced in its depiction of Shaheeda's relationship with her mother ... astute in tackling the breakdown of the loving bonds between parent and child that can occur when a child becomes a teenager – and also how this experience can be magnified for the children of first-generation immigrants, whose parents feel distant from their children’s British lives... Razia's script touches on everything from first love to cultural expectations to student-teacher relationships; it’s a bit like an inner-city version of An Education."?The Stage Ambreen Razia is an actress and writer from South London.? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl is Ambreen's debut show which premiered at Ovalhouse in 2015. Passionate about re-establishing British Asian comedy within the UK, she continues to write her comedy sketch show involving two British Asian girls exploring the?clash between traditional Indian/Pakistani culture and modern British life. She is also currently writing her next play POT primarily focusing on the recent comeback of gang culture within the UK.?Performance credits include: On the Middle Day (Old Vic Theatre);? Words and Women (Edinburgh Fringe); Random Acts (Channel 4);? Fair Exchange (Hen and Chickens Theatre);? Variations on a Theme (Camden People's Theatre);? Mind the Gap (National Theatre ); No Guts, No Heart, No Glory? (BBC4/Perth Festival Australia) and Murdered by my Father? (BBC3).
Durban Dialogues, Then and Now
Durban Dialogues, Then and Now
Ashwin Singh
With a foreword by director Ralph Lawson and introduction by Pranav Joshipura, Associate Professor of English, Mahila College, Gandhinagar, India. A follow-up anthology of three hard-hitting plays to Singh’s successful drama anthology Durban Dialogues, Indian Voice (2013) which is now studied internationally. The plays selected, namely Into the Grey, Shooting and Swing cover topics such as social activism, the death of a friend and discrimination in sport. Described through Singh’s satirical lens, these thought-provoking plays bring us up to date with the challenges of life in post-Apartheid South Africa. They focus particularly on people of Indian origin and their relationships with other South African communities and chart the loss of ideals in the dream of the Rainbow nation. Into the Grey: A harrowing drama depicting the twenty-nine year association between two Durban activists who battle a variety of challenges as their country stumbles towards a bleak future. Shooting: A one-man play about the unchanging paradigm in Durban’s small town communities in the early years of democracy as a football prodigy’s dream is brutally shattered. Swing: A two-hander about the relationship between a mixed-race Durban tennis player and her father/coach as they confront many obstacles in a society which undervalues the girl-child.
The Viking Warrior: The Norse Raiders Who Terrorized Medieval Europe
The Viking Warrior: The Norse Raiders Who Terrorized Medieval Europe
Ben Hubbard
"…and they laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars, and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed; some they carried off in chains; many they cast out, naked and loaded with insults; some they drowned in the sea." —Simeon of Durham, A History of the Community of Durham Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. But that is only part of their story. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and North America, colonised Greenland, founded Dublin, and also sailed up the River Seine and besieged Paris. They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, conquered eastern England, and fought battles from Ireland to the Caspian Sea. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons and artefacts. Illustrated with more than 200 maps, photographs and artworks, The Viking Warrior examines these fearsome warriors through their origins, social structure, raiding culture, weapons, trading networks and settlements.