

Learn Programming by Coding Like a Professional: Create Games, Apps, & Programs
Learn Programming by Coding Like a Professional: Create Games, Apps, & Programs
Tim Codin
Learn Programming by Coding Like a Professional: Create Games, Apps, & Programs
JavaScript: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Javascript
JavaScript: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Javascript
Charlie Masterson
JavaScript: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Javascript
Java: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Java
Java: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Java
Charlie Masterson
Java: Tips and Tricks to Programming Code with Java
Java: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Java
Java: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Java
Charlie Masterson
Java: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Java
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel
Steven Bright
Microsoft Excel
??letmelerde Bili?im Sistemleri Y?netimi
??letmelerde Bili?im Sistemleri Y?netimi
Ph. D Mustafa Çoruh
Bu kitap “Bili?im Teknolojileri (BT) Ekonomisi ve Toplumu” adl? ilk kitab?mda BT’lerin hayat?m?z? de?i?tirdi?i d?rt yerdeki (Evde, okulda, kentlerde ve i?yerlerinde) incelememin ü?üncüsü olan i?yerlerindeki etkileri üzerinedir. Daha ?nce “Bili?im Teknolojileri Destekli ??renim” ve “Bili?im Kentleri ?a??” adl? kitaplar?mda BT’lerin okul ve kent ya?am?ndaki etkilerini detaylar?yla inceledim. 30 y?l? a?an i? hayat?mda BT’lerin i? dünyas?n? ve y?netimini kurulan Bili?im Sistemleri (BS) vas?tas?yla nas?l de?i?tirdi?ini ya?ayarak bildi?imden bu konu i?in uzun bir ara?t?rma yapmak zorunda oldu?umu biliyordum. Di?er yandan 592 sayfay? bulan bu ara?t?rmada sayfa s?n?rlamas? amac?yla BS’lerle ilgili baz? konular? (?rne?in Toplam Kalite Y?netimi, 6 Sigma, Simülasyon, Gereksinim Y?netimi, Programlama vs.) kitap haricinde b?rakmak zorunda kald???m? da belirtmeliyim. Bu kitapta a??rl?kl? olarak BT’lerin i?letmelerdeki uygulamas? olan Bili?im Sistemlerinden bahsettim ?ünkü BT’ler BS’ler vas?tas?yla i?letmeleri ve y?netimlerini etkilemektedirler. Dünyan?n en h?zl? bilgisayar?n? veya en yeni ak?ll? telefonunu sat?n alman?z veya en h?zl? internet eri?imine sahip olman?z i?letmeye ekstra bir katk? sa?lamamaktad?r. Ne zaman ki bu ara?lar i?letme süre?lerinin otomasyonunu sa?layan BS’ler i?inde kullan?lmaya ba?lan?nca i?letme rekabet?ili?ine, kar?na veya maliyetlerinin kontrolüne bir faydas? olabilmektedir. Bu yüzden i?letme y?neticilerinin bilmesi gereken en ?nemli konu BT ara?lar?n? ve di?er yeni teknolojik ara?lar? i?letme i? süre?lerinde nas?l verimli ve etkin bir ?ekilde kullanabileceklerini bilmeleridir. Bilmiyorlarsa da bilenleri i?e almalar?d?r. En son yenilikleri kullanmak belki de firmaya zarar vermekte veya rekabet dezavantaj? olu?turmaktad?r. Bu a??dan ?ncelikle bugün BS’lerin hangi i?letme fonksiyonlar?n? nas?l etkiledi?ini ve gelecekte nas?l etkileyebilece?ini anlatmaya ?al??t?m. ?rne?in, Yapay Zek? (YZ) ve onun en ?nemli uygulamalar?ndan birisi olan Robotiklerin i? süre?leri ve i?letme y?netimlerini yak?n bir zamanda nas?l etkileyebilece?inden bahsettim. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileriyle insan ve makinelerin birlikte nas?l verimli ve etkin bir ?ekilde ?al??malar? gerekti?i insanl???n ve i?letmelerin ?nünde duran en ?nemli konulardan birisi oldu?unu s?ylemek fazla fütüristik bir kehanet de?il. Kitapta ??letmelerde kullan?lan Bili?im Sistemleriyle ilgili temel konulara bir bütünlük i?inde bakarken kitab?n arka kapa??ndaki sorular? cevaplamaya ?al??t?m. Bili?im Sistemleri aras?ndaki ili?kileri, farkl?l?klar?n? ve birbirlerini nas?l tamamlad?klar?n? sat?r aralar?nda vermeye ?al??t?m. BS’lerle i?letme süre?lerinin nas?l bütünle?tirilece?i i?letmelerdeki en yeni y?netim sorunlar? oldu?u unutulmamal?d?r. ??letme y?neticilerinin hat?rlamas? gereken bir ?nemli konuda BS’lerin bir yaz?l?m ve de?i?im projesi olmas?d?r. Bili?im Teknolojileri ve Sistemleri okuryazarl??? i?in bilinmesi gereken baz? teknik, bilimsel ve teknolojik terimlerin k?saltmalar?n? kitapta ilk kullan?ld???nda uzun ve k?salt?lm?? yaz?l?mlar?yla birlikte kulland?m. ?rne?in Veritabanlar? (VT), Veri ??leme Sistemi (V?S), Kurumsal ?? Zek?s? (K?Z), Y?netim Bili?im Sistemi (YBS), Karar Destek Sistemi (KDS), Veri Ambar? (VA), Veri Madencili?i (VM), Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (KKP), Mü?teri ?li?kileri Y?netimi (M?Y), Tedarik Zinciri Y?netimi (TZY), Ofis Otomasyon Sistemi (OOS) ve Bilgi Y?netimi (BY) en fazla kulland???m k?saltmalard?r. Kitap sonundaki “K?saltmalar” tablosunda tüm k?saltmalar? listelemeye ?al??t?m. Ayr?ca bir?ok terimin ?ngilizcesini de parantez i?inde vermeye ?al??t?m. ?rne?in Veritabanlar? (Database) gibi. Dilimize girmi? bir?ok yabanc? teknik terim ve kelimelerin Türk?esini kullanmaya ?zen g?sterdim ve bu yabanc? kelimeleri de parantez i?inde yazd?m. Ayr?ca BT’lerin BS’ler vas?tas?yla i?letmeler üzerindeki etkilerini incelerken, birazda üniversitelerimizde YBS b?lümlerinde okutulan BS’lerle ilgili uzmanl?k konular?n?n ?o?unu ?zetlemeye ?al??t?m. ?zellikle i? Dünyas?nda ?ok?a kullan?lan baz? konulara (V?S, YBS, KDS, VT, VA, BY, US, KKP, M?Y, Sistem yakla??m?, SGYD vs.) biraz detayl? bakmaya ?al??t?m. K?sacas? kitapta i?letmelerde Bili?im Teknolojileri ve Sistemleri denince akla gelebilecek bir?ok konuya de?inmeye ?al??t?m. Bu yüzden bu kitab?n BS alan?nda bir elkitab? veya kaynak kitap olarak dü?ünülmesinde fayda vard?r. Bu kitapta ilkokul ??retmenim Say?n ?erare ?zya?c? han?mdan, en son Doktora tez dan??man?m say?n Prof. Dr. Len Rogers’a kadar yüzlerce ki?inin eme?inin oldu?u unutulmamal?d?r. 1984’ten beri Türkiye, ABD, Kanada ve ?ngiltere de ?al??t???m veya dan??manl???n? yapt???m onlarca firma ve mü?terilerimin katk?lar?n? unutabilir miyim? Burada isim isim te?ekkür edemedi?im ancak bu kitab?n yaz?lmas?nda katk?lar? olan daha yüzlerce ki?i var, hepsine en i?ten dileklerimle te?ekkür ederim. Hayatta neyi tek ba??m?za yapabiliyoruz ki? Bu kitap 30+ y?ld?r üretim planlama ve stok kontrol müdürü, metot etüdcü, sistem analisti, programc?, VT tasar?mc?s?
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programm
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programm
Stephen Fleming
Blockchain Technology with DevOps and Microservices Architecture: A Non-Programmer's Handbook
Microservices Architecture Handbook: Non-Programmer's Guide for Building Microse
Microservices Architecture Handbook: Non-Programmer's Guide for Building Microse
Stephen Fleming
Microservices Architecture Handbook: Non-Programmer's Guide for Building Microservices
Professions and Associated Computer Software
Professions and Associated Computer Software
Steven Bright
Professions and Associated Computer Software
Excel 2016: QuickStart Guide for Beginners
Excel 2016: QuickStart Guide for Beginners
My Ebook Publishing House
Excel 2016: QuickStart Guide for Beginners
DevOps:Introduction to DevOps and its impact on Business Ecosystem
DevOps:Introduction to DevOps and its impact on Business Ecosystem
Stephen Fleming
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”-?Charles Darwin As the industry is moving towards maximum digitization there is a consensus that DevOps practices help you deliver software faster, more reliable, and with fewer errors. DevOps is set of practices and cultural values that have been proven to help organizations of all sizes improve their software release cycles, software quality, security, and ability to get rapid feedback on product development. This book is aimed at Consultant, Project Manager and people from techno-commercial profiles who would be explaining the benefits of DevOps to the client, internal leadership or project teams. As the crux of DevOps methodology lies in the cultural transformation of the organization, people who are stakeholders in shaping this change must understand the overall alignment of business goals with this methodology. You would get to explore: ·What is DevOps·Relationship between Agile, Scrum, Kanban and DevOps·DevOps Adoption:? Organizational cultural Change·DevOps Ecosystem·Emerging Trends·DevOps success stories In the Bonus Booklet you will find out: ·DevOps Job Market overview·Insights into DevOps job application·People to follow on twitter “Grab your copy today along with Bonus DevOps Booklet”
Learn Python in One Hour:Programming by Example
Learn Python in One Hour:Programming by Example
Victor R. Volkman
You're already a smart person, you don't need a 1000+ page book to get you started on the web's fastest growing programming platform. Instead, Learn Python in One Hour delivers on the promise of code literacy while saving your most precious commodity - time itself. Volkman's innovative programming-by-example approach means you focus on usage, not mindless detail. Based on the author's sold-out live seminars, you'll see Python's flexible coding technique in action as we refactor from script to procedural to object-oriented during actual problem solving. In a seven-lesson progression, you'll be exposed to this and more: Basic file input and output operations Exception handling with try/except Using functions to compute and return multiple values Basic elements of a class definition and how to call methods Lists, dictionaries, sets, and other collections Iteration through collections, files, sorted sets Converting lists to strings and vice-versa Six most common Python pitfalls Take the One Hour challenge and see if you too can pick up 90% of syntax and semantics in less time than you probably spend commuting each day.About the Author Victor R. Volkman graduated cum laude from Michigan Technological University with a BS in Computer Science in 1986. Since then, he has written for numerous publications, including The C Gazette, C++ Users Journal, Windows Developers Journal, and many others. He has taught college-level programming courses at Washtenaw Community College and has served on its Computer Information Science (CIS) Faculty Advisory Board for more than a decade. Volkman says Python helped him "rediscover the joy of programming again." www.volkman.org From Modern Software Press
Tableau 10 Complete Reference
Tableau 10 Complete Reference
Joshua N. Milligan
Explore and understand data with the powerful data visualization techniques of Tableau, and then communicate insights in powerful ways Key Features *Apply best practices in data visualization and chart types exploration *Explore the latest version of Tableau Desktop with hands-on examples *Understand the fundamentals of Tableau storytelling Book Description Graphical presentation of data enables us to easily understand complex data sets. Tableau 10 Complete Reference provides easy-to-follow recipes with several use cases and real-world business scenarios to get you up and running with Tableau 10. This Learning Path begins with the history of data visualization and its importance in today's businesses. You'll also be introduced to Tableau - how to connect, clean, and analyze data in this visual analytics software. Then, you'll learn how to apply what you've learned by creating some simple calculations in Tableau and using Table Calculations to help drive greater analysis from your data. Next, you'll explore different advanced chart types in Tableau. These chart types require you to have some understanding of the Tableau interface and understand basic calculations. You’ll study in detail all dashboard techniques and best practices. A number of recipes specifically for geospatial visualization, analytics, and data preparation are also covered. Last but not least, you'll learn about the power of storytelling through the creation of interactive dashboards in Tableau. Through this Learning Path, you will gain confidence and competence to analyze and communicate data and insights more efficiently and effectively by creating compelling interactive charts, dashboards, and stories in Tableau. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products: *Learning Tableau 10 - Second Edition by N. Milligan *Getting Started with Tableau 2018.x by Tristan Guillevin What you will learn *Build effective visualizations, dashboards, and story points *Build basic to more advanced charts with step-by-step recipes *Become familiar row-level, aggregate, and table calculations *Dig deep into data with clustering and distribution models *Prepare and transform data for analysis *Leverage Tableau’s mapping capabilities to visualize data *Use data storytelling techniques to aid decision making strategy Who this book is for Tableau 10 Complete Reference is designed for anyone who wants to understand their data better and represent it in an effective manner. It is also used for BI professionals and data analysts who want to do better at their jobs.
Hands-On Dark Web Analysis
Hands-On Dark Web Analysis
Sion Retzkin
Understanding the concept Dark Web and Dark Net to utilize it for effective cybersecurity Key Features *Understand the concept of Dark Net and Deep Web *Use Tor to extract data and maintain anonymity *Develop a security framework using Deep web evidences Book Description The overall world wide web is divided into three main areas - the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web. The Deep Web and Dark Web are the two areas which are not accessible through standard search engines or browsers. It becomes extremely important for security professionals to have control over these areas to analyze the security of your organization. This book will initially introduce you to the concept of the Deep Web and the Dark Web and their significance in the security sector. Then we will deep dive into installing operating systems and Tor Browser for privacy, security and anonymity while accessing them. During the course of the book, we will also share some best practices which will be useful in using the tools for best effect. By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience working with the Deep Web and the Dark Web for security analysis What you will learn *Access the Deep Web and the Dark Web *Learn to search and find information in the Dark Web *Protect yourself while browsing the Dark Web *Understand what the Deep Web and Dark Web are *Learn what information you can gather, and how Who this book is for This book is targeted towards security professionals, security analyst, or any stakeholder interested in learning the concept of deep web and dark net. No prior knowledge on Deep Web and Dark Net is required
QlikView: Advanced Data Visualization
QlikView: Advanced Data Visualization
Miguel Ángel García
Build powerful data analytics applications with this business intelligence tool and overcome all your business challenges Key Features *Master time-saving techniques and make your QlikView development more efficient *Perform geographical analysis and sentiment analysis in your QlikView applications *Explore advanced QlikView techniques, tips, and tricks to deliver complex business requirements Book Description QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful business intelligence platforms around, and if you want to transform data into insights, it is one of the best options you have at hand. Use this Learning Path, to explore the many features of QlikView to realize the potential of your data and present it as impactful and engaging visualizations. Each chapter in this Learning Path starts with an understanding of a business requirement and its associated data model and then helps you create insightful analysis and data visualizations around it. You will look at problems that you might encounter while visualizing complex data insights using QlikView, and learn how to troubleshoot these and other not-so-common errors. This Learning Path contains real-world examples from a variety of business domains, such as sales, finance, marketing, and human resources. With all the knowledge that you gain from this Learning Path, you will have all the experience you need to implement your next QlikView project like a pro. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products: *QlikView for Developers by Miguel ?ngel García, Barry Harmsen *Mastering QlikView by Stephen Redmond *Mastering QlikView Data Visualization by Karl Pover What you will learn *Deliver common business requirements using advanced techniques *Load data from disparate sources to build associative data models *Understand when to apply more advanced data visualization *Utilize the built-in aggregation functions for complex calculations *Build a data architecture that supports scalable QlikView deployments *Troubleshoot common data visualization errors in QlikView *Protect your QlikView applications and data Who this book is for This Learning Path is designed for developers who want to go beyond their technical knowledge of QlikView and understand how to create analysis and data visualizations that solve real business needs. To grasp the concepts explained in this Learning Path, you should have a basic understanding of the common QlikView functions and some hands-on experience with the tool.
Hands-On Predictive Analytics with Python
Hands-On Predictive Analytics with Python
Alvaro Fuentes
Step-by-step guide to build high performing predictive applications Key Features *Use the Python data analytics ecosystem to implement end-to-end predictive analytics projects *Explore advanced predictive modeling algorithms with an emphasis on theory with intuitive explanations *Learn to deploy a predictive model's results as an interactive application Book Description Predictive analytics is an applied field that employs a variety of quantitative methods using data to make predictions. It involves much more than just throwing data onto a computer to build a model. This book provides practical coverage to help you understand the most important concepts of predictive analytics. Using practical, step-by-step examples, we build predictive analytics solutions while using cutting-edge Python tools and packages. The book's step-by-step approach starts by defining the problem and moves on to identifying relevant data. We will also be performing data preparation, exploring and visualizing relationships, building models, tuning, evaluating, and deploying model. Each stage has relevant practical examples and efficient Python code. You will work with models such as KNN, Random Forests, and neural networks using the most important libraries in Python's data science stack: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Keras, Dash, and so on. In addition to hands-on code examples, you will find intuitive explanations of the inner workings of the main techniques and algorithms used in predictive analytics. By the end of this book, you will be all set to build high-performance predictive analytics solutions using Python programming. What you will learn *Get to grips with the main concepts and principles of predictive analytics *Learn about the stages involved in producing complete predictive analytics solutions *Understand how to define a problem, propose a solution, and prepare a dataset *Use visualizations to explore relationships and gain insights into the dataset *Learn to build regression and classification models using scikit-learn *Use Keras to build powerful neural network models that produce accurate predictions *Learn to serve a model's predictions as a web application Who this book is for This book is for data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and Python developers who want to learn about predictive modeling and would like to implement predictive analytics solutions using Python's data stack. People from other backgrounds who would like to enter this exciting field will greatly benefit from reading this book. All you need is to be proficient in Python programming and have a basic understanding of statistics and college-level algebra.
Learning Android Forensics
Learning Android Forensics
Oleg Skulkin
A comprehensive guide to Android forensics, from setting up the workstation to analyzing key artifacts Key Features *Get up and running with modern mobile forensic strategies and techniques *Analyze the most popular Android applications using free and open source forensic tools *Learn malware detection and analysis techniques to investigate mobile cybersecurity incidents Book Description Many forensic examiners rely on commercial, push-button tools to retrieve and analyze data, even though there is no tool that does either of these jobs perfectly. Learning Android Forensics will introduce you to the most up-to-date Android platform and its architecture, and provide a high-level overview of what Android forensics entails. You will understand how data is stored on Android devices and how to set up a digital forensic examination environment. As you make your way through the chapters, you will work through various physical and logical techniques to extract data from devices in order to obtain forensic evidence. You will also learn how to recover deleted data and forensically analyze application data with the help of various open source and commercial tools. In the concluding chapters, you will explore malware analysis so that you’ll be able to investigate cybersecurity incidents involving Android malware. By the end of this book, you will have a complete understanding of the Android forensic process, you will have explored open source and commercial forensic tools, and will have basic skills of Android malware identification and analysis. What you will learn *Understand Android OS and architecture *Set up a forensics environment for Android analysis *Perform logical and physical data extractions *Learn to recover deleted data *Explore how to analyze application data *Identify malware on Android devices *Analyze Android malware Who this book is for If you are a forensic analyst or an information security professional wanting to develop your knowledge of Android forensics, then this is the book for you. Some basic knowledge of the Android mobile platform is expected.
Keras 2.x Projects
Keras 2.x Projects
Giuseppe Ciaburro
Demonstrate fundamentals of Deep Learning and neural network methodologies using Keras 2.x Key Features *Experimental projects showcasing the implementation of high-performance deep learning models with Keras. * *Use-cases across reinforcement learning, natural language processing, GANs and computer vision. * *Build strong fundamentals of Keras in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence. Book Description Keras 2.x Projects explains how to leverage the power of Keras to build and train state-of-the-art deep learning models through a series of practical projects that look at a range of real-world application areas. To begin with, you will quickly set up a deep learning environment by installing the Keras library. Through each of the projects, you will explore and learn the advanced concepts of deep learning and will learn how to compute and run your deep learning models using the advanced offerings of Keras. You will train fully-connected multilayer networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders and generative adversarial networks using real-world training datasets. The projects you will undertake are all based on real-world scenarios of all complexity levels, covering topics such as language recognition, stock volatility, energy consumption prediction, faster object classification for self-driving vehicles, and more. By the end of this book, you will be well versed with deep learning and its implementation with Keras. You will have all the knowledge you need to train your own deep learning models to solve different kinds of problems. What you will learn *Apply regression methods to your data and understand how the regression algorithm works *Understand the basic concepts of classification methods and how to implement them in the Keras environment *Import and organize data for neural network classification analysis *Learn about the role of rectified linear units in the Keras network architecture *Implement a recurrent neural network to classify the sentiment of sentences from movie reviews *Set the embedding layer and the tensor sizes of a network Who this book is for If you are a data scientist, machine learning engineer, deep learning practitioner or an AI engineer who wants to build speedy intelligent applications with minimal lines of codes, then this book is the best fit for you. Sound knowledge of machine learning and basic familiarity with Keras library would be useful.
Machine Learning for Mobile
Machine Learning for Mobile
Revathi Gopalakrishnan
Leverage the power of machine learning on mobiles and build intelligent mobile applications with ease Key Features *Build smart mobile applications for Android and iOS devices *Use popular machine learning toolkits such as Core ML and TensorFlow Lite *Explore cloud services for machine learning that can be used in mobile apps Book Description Machine learning presents an entirely unique opportunity in software development. It allows smartphones to produce an enormous amount of useful data that can be mined, analyzed, and used to make predictions. This book will help you master machine learning for mobile devices with easy-to-follow, practical examples. You will begin with an introduction to machine learning on mobiles and grasp the fundamentals so you become well-acquainted with the subject. You will master supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, and then learn how to build a machine learning model using mobile-based libraries such as Core ML, TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit, and Fritz on Android and iOS platforms. In doing so, you will also tackle some common and not-so-common machine learning problems with regard to Computer Vision and other real-world domains. By the end of this book, you will have explored machine learning in depth and implemented on-device machine learning with ease, thereby gaining a thorough understanding of how to run, create, and build real-time machine-learning applications on your mobile devices. What you will learn *Build intelligent machine learning models that run on Android and iOS *Use machine learning toolkits such as Core ML, TensorFlow Lite, and more *Learn how to use Google Mobile Vision in your mobile apps *Build a spam message detection system using Linear SVM *Using Core ML to implement a regression model for iOS devices *Build image classification systems using TensorFlow Lite and Core ML Who this book is for If you are a mobile app developer or a machine learning enthusiast keen to use machine learning to build smart mobile applications, this book is for you. Some experience with mobile application development is all you need to get started with this book. Prior experience with machine learning will be an added bonus
Foundations of Blockchain
Foundations of Blockchain
Koshik Raj
Learn the foundations of blockchain technology - its core concepts and algorithmic solutions across cryptography, peer-to-peer technology, and game theory. Key Features * Learn the core concepts and foundations of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies * Understand the protocols and algorithms behind decentralized applications * Master how to architect, build, and optimize blockchain applications Book Description Blockchain technology is a combination of three popular concepts: cryptography, peer-to-peer networking, and game theory. This book is for anyone who wants to dive into blockchain from first principles and learn how decentralized applications and cryptocurrencies really work. This book begins with an overview of blockchain technology, including key definitions, its purposes and characteristics, so you can assess the full potential of blockchain. All essential aspects of cryptography are then presented, as the backbone of blockchain. For readers who want to study the underlying algorithms of blockchain, you’ll see Python implementations throughout. You’ll then learn how blockchain architecture can create decentralized applications. You’ll see how blockchain achieves decentralization through peer-to-peer networking, and how a simple blockchain can be built in a P2P network. You’ll learn how these elements can implement a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, and the wider applications of blockchain work through smart contracts. Blockchain optimization techniques, and blockchain security strategies are then presented. To complete this foundation, we consider blockchain applications in the financial and non-financial sectors, and also analyze the future of blockchain. A study of blockchain use cases includes supply chains, payment systems, crowdfunding, and DAOs, which rounds out your foundation in blockchain technology. What you will learn * The core concepts and technical foundations of blockchain * The algorithmic principles and solutions that make up blockchain and cryptocurrencies * Blockchain cryptography explained in detail * How to realize blockchain projects with hands-on Python code * How to architect the blockchain and blockchain applications * Decentralized application development with MultiChain, NEO, and Ethereum * Optimizing and enhancing blockchain performance and security * Classical blockchain use cases and how to implement them Who this book is for This book is for anyone who wants to dive into blockchain technology from first principles and build a foundational knowledge of blockchain. Familiarity with Python will be helpful if you want to follow how the blockchain protocols are implemented. For readers who are blockchain application developers, most of the applications used in this book can be executed on any platform.
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate Guide
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate Guide
Marko Sluga
An effective guide to becoming an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Key Features * Not only pass the certification with confidence but also enhance your skills to solving real-world scenarios. * A practical guide to getting you hands-on experience with application management, deployment, operation. * Enhance your AWS skills with practice questions and mock tests. Book Description AWS certifications are becoming one of the must have certifications for any IT professional working on an AWS Cloud platform. This book will act as your one stop preparation guide to validate your technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on the AWS platform. Along with exam specific content this book will also deep dive into real world scenarios and hands-on instructions. This book will revolve around concepts like teaching you to deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS. You will also learn to migrate an existing on-premises application to AWS. You get hands-on experience in selecting the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements. This book will also get you well versed with estimating AWS usage costs and identifying operational cost control mechanisms. By the end of this book, you will be all prepared to implement and manage resources efficiently on the AWS cloud along with confidently passing the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam. What you will learn * Create and manage users, groups, and permissions using AWS IAM services * Create a secure VPC with public and private subnets, Network Access Control, and security groups * Get started with launching your first EC2 instance, and working with it * Handle application traffic with ELB and monitor AWS resources with CloudWatch * Work with S3, Glacier, and CloudFront * Work across distributed application components using SWF * Understand event-based processing with Lambda and messaging SQS and SNS in AWS * Get familiar with AWS deployment concepts and tools including Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFormation and AWS OpsWorks Who this book is for If you are a system administrator or a system engineer interested in leveraging the AWS platform to deploy applications then, this book is for you. IT professionals interested in passing the AWS Certified Sysops Administrator will also benefit from this book. Some basic understanding of working AWS components would do wonders.