
Voica. Pontiful
E limpede c ne aflm n faa unui roman care nu i propune s fac istoriografie sub acoperire, un roman despre deportarea iganilor n Transnistria, ci despre destinul unei comuniti tradiionale care cade sub tirania implacabil a Istoriei. A unei Istorii, se-nelege, intrate n delir. Dac ar fi s cutm cu tot dinadinsul i un mesaj etic n roman, acesta este antiideologic: iubirea (i reflexul ei inevitabil, moartea) este mai important chiar dect tragedia deportrii. Cci atra triete sub fascinaia luptei din interiorul triunghiului conjugal, n condiiile asprei morale igneti a cuplului, n timp ce evenimentele istorice – n spe, rzboiul, cu tot cortegiul lui de nenorociri – se estompeaz n fundal.“ – Rzvan Voncu

Drumul spre iad
n ciuda stngciei i a manierelor uor necioplite, Douglas Petersen, de profesie biochimist, d dovad de un sim al umorului care o seduce pe frumoasa Connie, artist n devenire, i o convinge s se cstoreasc cu el. Acum, la trei decenii de la nceputul relaiei lor, Connie l anun pe Douglas c se gndete s divoreze. Totui, nu se simte n stare s anuleze cltoria n Europa planificat pentru a ncuraja nclinaiile artistice ale fiului lor de aptesprezece ani. Iar Douglas, n adncul fiinei lui, este convins c acest voiaj le va reaprinde dragostea i l va ajuta s-i refac relaia cu fiul su. De pe strzile Amsterdamului n faimoasele muzee ale Parisului, din cafenelele veneiene pe nsoritele plaje din Barcelona, odiseea lui Douglas Petersen nsufleete btrna Europ pe msur ce el experimenteaz propria trezire la via. Criz a vrstei a doua, criz a cuplului, criz a adolescenei: Noi nseamn voi... Nichols jongleaz cu tema iubirii pierdute i, poate, regsite, oferindu-ne un final cu totul neateptat... “ – New York Times Un roman grozav... Nicholls este un maestru al relaiilor nuanate. Este, de asemenea, expert n construirea unei poveti inteligente, aa cum a dovedit nc din bestsellerul O zi, romanul su anterior.“ – Entertainment Weekly

?nv??area vizibil?. Ghid pentru profesori
Al doilea volum al seriei Clubul fetelor dependente de ciocolat? În aceast? serie senza?ional?, fiecare dintre surori are o poveste de spus – care e preferata ta? Skye ?i Summer Tanberry sunt surori gemene ?i cele mai bune prietene. Fac totul împreun?, dar de curând Skye a început s? simt? c? e pe locul doi. Iar când Alfie îi m?rturise?te c? nu de ea s-a îndr?gostit, ci de sora ei, Skye sufer? ?i mai mult. Va putea oare Skye s? ias? din umbra surorii sale atât de grozave ?i s? se fac? remarcat?? G?se?ti aici o mul?ime de re?ete delicioase, teste de personalitate ?i multe altele! Cite?te ?i Pasiunea lui Cherry, primul volum din seria Clubul fetelor dependente de ciocolat?. Seria Clubul fetelor dependente de ciocolat? are în distribu?ie surori rebele, b?ie?i supercool ?i una dintre marile iubiri ale lui Cathy – ciocolata. Autoarea se declar? a fi o vegetarian? convins?, îndr?gostit? de ciocolat?. Cathy Cassidy ador? s?: citeasc?, s? scrie, s? viseze cu ochii deschi?i; înoate, s? se plimbe, s? m?nânce pr?jituri cu amicii; stea în jurul unui foc de tab?r? împreun? cu prietenii ?i familia, sub un cer plin de stele. Dintotdeauna am ?tiut ce gândim fiecare. Ne completam una alteia frazele, mergeam peste tot împreun?, împ?rt??ind acelea?i visuri, speran?e, juc?rii, mânc?ruri, haine ?i amici. Eram cele mai bune prietene. ?i chiar mai mult decât atât. Tr?iam una în pielea celeilalte. — Sunt de a dreptul superbe, zicea lumea. Nu i a?a c? sunt cele mai dulci fiin?e pe care le a?i v?zut vreodat?? ?i noi nu f?ceam decât s? ne uit?m una la alta, s? izbucnim în râs ?i s? fugim departe de persoanele adulte, ad?postindu ne în mica noastr? lume perfect?.

Ghici cine moare primul: Roman din seria Helen Grace
PREMIUL NA?IONAL AL CHINEI ?n senza?ionalul s?u roman de debut, Mai Jia ne dezv?luie misterioasa lume a Unit??ii 701, un serviciu de informa?ii ultrasecrete, care se ocup? cu spargerea codurilor ?i contraspionaj. Rong Jinzhen, un geniu al matematicii autist, cu un trecut de-a dreptul mitic, e obligat s?-?i abandoneze cariera academic? dup? ce e recrutat ?n Unitatea 701. Fiind cel mai mare criptograf al Chinei, Rong descoper? c? mintea str?lucit? din spatele extrem de dificilului Cod Violet e fostul s?u profesor ?i prieten apropiat, care lucreaz? acum pentru inamicul Chinei. Considerat un precursor al fic?iunii de spionaj chineze, Mai Jia s-a inspirat din propria experien?? – a intrat ?n contact cu numero?i criptologi ?i spioni ?n timpul celor 17 ani c?t a lucrat ?n serviciul de informa?ii secrete din cadrul Armatei de eliberare a poporului. “Cartea e o subtil? ?i complex? ?mbinare de criptografie, politic?, vise ?i semnifica?ia lor. Sunt multe episoade memorabile, de la apari?ia stranie, ?nc?rcat? de supersti?ii, a familiei Rong ?i p?n? la declinul ei treptat, pe m?sur? ce secolul XX ?nainteaz?. ?ns? marea reu?it? a romanului e dat? de profunzimea personajelor lui.“ - The Times Literary Supplement Romanul lui Mai Jia are o estetic? proprie, construie?te o lume ?n care personajele par mereu gata s? cad? prad? obsesiilor. -- The Telegraph “Absurditatea destinului, str?lucirea ?i fragilitatea geniului ?i ?mprejur?rile care-i leag? definitiv pe oameni – despre toate acestea vorbe?te Criptograful, romanul straniu ?i misterios al lui Mai Jia.“ - Beijing Evening News “Copilul s-a n?scut cu pre?ul vie?ii mamei sale, care ?l adusese pe lume ?n chinuri groaznice. Intrat ?n via??, i-a uimit pe to?i cu capul lui mare ca o bani??. Avea capul mai mare dec?t linia umerilor! Capul mamei era o nimica toat? ?n compara?ie cu al fiului (…)Dup? na?terea lui, cei din clanul Lin s-au dat peste cap s?-i aleag? tot soiul de nume, de la nume cu stil, nume formale, nume-porecl? ?i multe altele, ?ns? ?i-au dat repede seama c? era o treab? de prisos, ?ntruc?t capul s?u c?t bani?a ?i condi?iile groaznice ?n care se n?scuse i-au f?cut pe oameni s?-l strige: C?p???n? de Uciga?.“

Granice i sudbine
Ruby are doar nou? ani c?nd un virus misterios ?ncepe s? decimeze adolescen?ii din Statele Unite. Ea va fi unul dintre pu?inii supravie?uitori care descoper? c? sunt ?nzestra?i cu capacit??i paranormale misterioase, ?ndeajuns de primedjdioase ?nc?t s? le asigure trimiterea la Thurmond, un lag?r guvernamental represiv. Acum ?n v?rst? de 16 ani, Ruby se teme deopotriv? de puterile pe care ?nc? n-a ?nv??at s? le controleze ?i de perspectiva de a fi descoperit?. C?nd o grupare de rezisten?? ?i ofer? ?ansa de a evada din lag?r, acesta se va dovedi primul pas ?ntr-o c?l?torie ?n decursul c?reia va descoperi prietenia ?i dragostea, dar care o poart? implacabil spre o alegere imposibil?. “C?nd decesele au ie?it ?ntr-un sf?r?it la lumin?, conducerea ?colii a interzis cu stricte?e profesorilor ?i personalului s? discute cu noi despre ceea ce se numea pe atunci Sindromul lui Everhart, dup? Michael Everhart, primul copil care se ?tia c? murise din aceast? cauz?. Cu?r?nd, cineva din alte cercuri a decis s?-i dea un nume ca la carte: Neurodegenerare idiopatic? adolescentin? acut? — NIAA, pe scurt. ?i atunci n-a mai fost doar boala lui Michael. A fost a noastr?, a tuturor.“ “Bracken a creat o Americ? distopic?, plasat? ?ntr-o viitor nu prea ?ndep?rtat, ?n care copiii sunt v?na?i ?i temu?i, iar pericolele ?i p?ndesc chiar ?i pe culoarele unui magazin Wal-Mart abandonat. Ruby este o eroin? puternic?, ce treze?te instinctiv empatia cititorilor, f?c?ndu-i s? a?tepte cu ner?bdare urm?torul roman din trilogie.“ - Publishers Weekly

The Double
-THE DOUBLE- centers on a government clerk who goes mad. It deals with the internal psychological struggle of its main character, Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, who repeatedly encounters someone who is his exact double in appearance but confident, aggressive, and extroverted, characteristics that are the polar opposites to those of the toadying "pushover" protagonist. ??The motif of the novella is a doppelganger (Russian "dvoynik"), known throughout the world in various guises such as the fetch. * * *? It was a little before eight o’clock in the morning when Yakov Petrovitch Golyadkin, a titular councillor, woke up from a long sleep. He yawned, stretched, and at last opened his eyes completely.?For two minutes, however, he lay in his bed without moving, as though he were not yet quite certain whether he were awake or still asleep, whether all that was going on around him were real and actual, or the continuation of his confused dreams. ??Very soon, however, Mr. Golyadkin’s senses began more clearly and more distinctly to receive their habitual and everyday impressions. The dirty green, smoke-begrimed, dusty walls of his little room, with the mahogany chest of drawers and chairs, the table painted red, the sofa covered with American leather of a reddish colour with little green flowers on it, and the clothes taken off in haste overnight and flung in a crumpled heap on the sofa, looked at him familiarly. At last the damp autumn day, muggy and dirty, peeped into the room through the dingy window pane with such a hostile, sour grimace that Mr. Golyadkin could not possibly doubt that he was not in the land of Nod, but in the city of Petersburg, in his own flat on the fourth storey of a huge block of buildings in Shestilavotchny Street.

The Fairy Ring
"THERE was once upon a time a king who had a garden; in that garden was an apple tree, and on that apple tree grew a golden apple every year."?These stories are the golden apples that grew on the tree in the king's garden; grew and grew and grew as the golden years went by; and being apples of gold they could never wither nor shrink nor change, so that they are as beautiful and precious for you to pluck today as when first they ripened long, long ago.??Perhaps you do not care for the sort of golden apples that grew in the king's garden; perhaps you prefer plain russets or green pippins? Well, these are not to be despised, for they also are wholesome food for growing boys and girls; but unless you can taste the flavor and feel the magic that lies in the golden apples of the king's garden you will lose one of the joys of youth.??No one can help respecting apples (or stories) that gleam as brightly today as they did hundreds and thousands of years ago, when first the tiny blossoms ripened into precious fruit.??"Should you ask me whence these stories,?Whence these legends and traditions?With the odors of the forest,?With the dew and damp of meadows?"—??I can say only that the people were telling fairy tales in Egypt, in Joseph's time, more than three thousand years ago; and that grand old Homer told them in the famous "Odyssey," with its witches and giants, its cap of darkness, and shoes of swiftness. Old nurses and village crones have repeated them by the fireside and in the chimney corner; shep-herds and cowherds have recounted them by the brookside, until the children of the world have all learned them by heart, bequeathing them, generation after generation, as a priceless legacy to their own children. Nor must you fancy that they have been told in your own tongue only. Long, long before the art of printing was known, men and women of all nations recited these and similar tales to one another, never thinking that the day would come when they would be regarded as the peculiar property of youth and childhood. ?

Baletul fantasmelor
Un nou gen de proz? literar?? A?a s-ar p?rea, dac? pornim de la separarea ?n con?tient ?i incon?tient a sinelui uman, aprofundat? magistral de marele psihiatru elve?ian C.G. Jung ?n celebra ?i monumentala sa Carte Ro?ie. Dumitru Popescu are o bogat? oper? literar?-fic?ional? ?i nonfic?ional? – inspirat? din yona con?tientului. Baletul fantasmelor ne propune sondarea cu mijloace literare a celeilalte zone a spiritului, cu origini ?i mecanisme ?nc? greu decelabile ?i care deschide o alt? fabuloas? perspectiv? a l?untricului omenesc.

The Scottish Fairy Book
There are, roughly speaking, two distinct types of Scottish Fairy Tales. There are what may be called "Celtic Stories," which were handed down for centuries by word of mouth by professional story-tellers, who went about from clachan to clachan in the "High-lands and Islands," earning a night's shelter by giving a night's entertainment, and which have now been collected and classified for us by Campbell of Isla and others.??These stories, which are also common to the North of Ireland, are wild and fantastic, and very often somewhat monotonous, and their themes are strangely alike. They almost always tell of some hero or heroine who sets out on some dangerous quest, and who is met by giants, generally three in number, who appear one after the other; with whom they hold quaint dialogues, and whom eventually they slay. Most of them are fairly long, and although they have a peculiar fascination of their own, they are quite distinct from the ordinary Fairy Tale.

Momente ?i schi?e. Nuvele ?i povestiri
Caragiale a delimitat si impus teritoriul dramaturgiei romanesti cu numai cinci piese patru comedii si o drama scrise pe durata a doar unsprezece ani. Timp de un secol si peste trei decenii cat a trecut pana astazi de la prima lectura publica a Noptii furtunoase cea dintai dintre marile lui piese perimetrul problematic de viziune stilistic si tipologic al teatrului romanesc atat in registrul comediei cat si in cel al dramei fie aceasta ?de idei“ fantastica ori mitologizanta a ramas cel stabilit de Caragiale. Pentru literatura dramatica romaneasca el a avut si are acelasi rol ca in literatura franceza Corneille Racine si Molière laolalta. I-a fixat pentru eternitate probabil tiparele si ?ntinderea specificul si frontierele. MIRCEA IORGULESCU

Tr?ind de azi pe m?ine ?ntr-un Bucure?ti plin de tenta?ii, dar consumator de resurse, studentul la Drept Mihnea B?iatu nu ?i-a dat examenele, iar ob?inerea licen?ei ?ncepe s? semene cu un vis imposibil. A ?nv??at ?ns? cum s? c??tige ?ncrederea cet??enilor s?raci cu duhul – ?i nu e pu?in lucru. Plasat ?ntr-un decor suburban, cu personaje caragialiene, Mihnea B?iatu se ?nscrie ?ns?, f?r? doar ?i poate, ?n tipologia eroilor lui Gib I. Mih?escu, urm?ri?i de idealul femeii absolute. Expert ?n practicile ?amorului democrat“ ?i ?n escrocarea cu sistem – erotic? ?i financiar? – a propriet?reselor de mahala, eternul student d? nas ?n nas pe culoarele universit??ii cu femeia perfect?, care-l scruteaz? ?i ea, cu acela?i interes, prin lentila unui lornion de aur…

Patty in the City
It was the third week in September when the Fairfields left the seashore and returned to their Vernondale home.??“Now, my child,” said Mr. Fairfield, as they sat on the veranda after dinner, “I will unfold to you my plans for the coming winter, and you may accept, or reject, or amend them as you please.”??“Proceed,” said Patty, settling herself comfortably in her wicker chair; “I feel in an amiable mood this evening, and will probably agree to anything you may suggest.”??“I’ve been thinking for some time,” went on her father, “that I don’t want to spend the coming winter in Vernondale. I would much rather be in New York.”??“Reason number one—Nan,” said Patty, checking it off on her forefinger and smiling at her father.?“Yes,” he responded, with an answering smile, “she is reason number one, but there are others.”?To readers who are unfamiliar with Patty’s earlier history we may say right here that her mother had died when Patty was but three years old. ??At present she lived with her father in their little home in Vernondale, an establishment of which Patty greatly prided herself on her management.?Recently Mr. Fairfield had become engaged to Miss Nan Allen, a young lady who lived in Philadelphia, and who was a dear friend of Patty’s.

avagy a szeretet, a megbocsátás és a szabadság ereje T?rténet egy anyáról, akinek szívéhez k?zelebb állt egyik fia, mint a másik, és b?ntudata halála után sem hagyta nyugodni. T?rténet egy fiúról, akit édesanyja nem akart a világra hozni, akinek a magány volt a legh?ségesebb társa, s akinek szíve k?vé dermedt a háború borzalmaiban. T?rténet egy lányról, aki tudta, mekkora er?vel bír a szeretet, és tudta, hogyan kell megszelídíteni, újrahangolni egy elgy?t?rt szívet. T?rténet egy n?r?l, aki háta m?g?tt hagyta a nyugati világot, hogy megtalálja, ami a legfontosabb az életben: ?nmagát. Az egymásba fonódó t?rténetekb?l egyetlen regény kerekedik, mely izgalmas emberi sorsokról mesél, mik?zben bemutatja Burma babonákkal, ugyanakkor b?lcsességgel átsz?tt kultúráját, és felnyitja szemünket egy olyan világra, melyben a szeretet, a megbocsátás és a szabadság jelentik az igazi hatalmat.

Kegyelem és kalmárszellem
1588-ban vagyunk. A spanyol Armada megtámadni készül Angliát, a nemrégiben megkoronázott Erzsébet királyn? maga mellé veszi kegyencét, Robert Dudleyt, gyerekkori szerelmét, akit?l gyermeke fogan. A trón?r?k?s, Arthur Dudley, egy viharos éjszakán, titokban j?n a világra, majd egy vadászmajorban nevelkedik, anélkül, hogy sejtelme lenne arról, kicsoda is ? valójában. Nevel?apja csak halálos ágyánál árulja el igazi származását. Arthur Dudley harcol a holland-spanyol háborúban, megismeri az igaz szerelem boldogságát és szenvedéseit, a halálát várja a spanyol inkvizíció b?rt?nében, míg végül sikerül megmenekülnie és eljutnia gyerekkori példaképéhez, Robin Dudleyhoz és imádott királyn?jéhez, I. Erzsébethez, akiknek be kell bizonyítania, hogy a vérszerinti fiuk. A t?rténészeket régóta foglalkoztatja az a kérdés, hogy vajon I. Erzsébet és Robert Dudley hosszú éveken át tartó szerelmi kapcsolatából született-e gyermek. Bizonyos források emlegetnek egy Arthur Dudley nev? fiatalembert, aki csak feln?tt korában bukkant fel az angol királyi udvarban.

Hullámok csapdája 2.: ?sszecsapó hullámok
Az iráni írón? els? regénye máris 14 nyelven jelent meg világszerte. A t?rténet az iszlám forradalom utáni Iránban játszódik, ahol egy n? csak fejkend?ben léphet ki az utcára, és b?nnek számít, ha valaki amerikai zenét hallgat. Egy kis iráni faluban nevelkedik a kis Szába és ikertestvére, Mahtab. Szába élete egy csapásra megváltozik, amikor anyja és testvére számára felfoghatatlanul elt?nnek az életéb?l. A kislány meg van gy?z?dve róla, hogy Amerikába emigráltak nélküle.

?gy is t?rténhetett
A velencei bába népszer? szerz?je új k?nyvében a 16. századi Konstantinápolyba repíti az olvasót. Hanna és Izsák sok-sok akadályt küzdenek le, hogy új életet kezdjenek az oszmán birodalomban. Izsák selyemkészítésbe kezd, Hanna pedig, aki hamar elnyeri a f?város legjobb bábája elismerést, a szultán fény?z? háremében kap megbízatást. Egy éjszaka Hannát a szultán palotájába hívatják. Ekkor találkozik el?sz?r a gy?ny?r? Leával, akit elraboltak, hogy a szultán ágyasa legyen. ?m a lány súlyos titkot cipel magával. Ha fény derül rá, Leára sz?rny? sors vár. Hanna mindent elk?vet, hogy segítsen a lánynak, ám ezzel nem csak a saját, de a családja életét is kockára teszi. Mindennek tetejébe házukba egy elb?v?l? idegen n? állít be váratlanul, és kis híján romba d?nti Hanna családi boldogságát. Nem kevesebbet akar, mint a férjét és a szemük fényét, a kis Matteót.

Negyven felé pártában: N?cik pácban
A k?tet Poe fantasztikus elbeszéléseit-novelláit gy?jti egybe, olyan klasszikus és ?r?k darabokat, mint A kút és az inga, a Metzengerstein, vagy a T?rténet a Rongyos Hegyekb?l. Valamennyit Babits Mihály m?gonddal és szép magyar nyelvre ültetett értelmezésében adjuk k?zre.

A pénz evolúciója
Ethel, a fiatal francia grafikusn? úgy tudja, hogy zsidó származású. Egy furcsa véletlennek k?sz?nhet?en felfedezi, hogy családja t?rténetébe kitalált szálak sz?v?dtek. Minden jel arra mutat, hogy nagymamája, a mindenkinél jobban szeretett Marie, akire egész identitását felépítette, hazudott neki. Vajon azért, hogy érdekesebb életet kreáljon magának, mint amilyen a sajátja volt, vagy más, ennél titokzatosabb okokból? Ethel lázasan kutatni kezd, de nagyanyja, aki válaszolhatna kérdéseire, Alzheimer-kórral küszk?dik, és már meg sem ismeri Csillagot, ahogy unokáját szólította magyarul. Az ?nmagával, a szerelemmel és párkapcsolataival is vívódó Ethel nyomozása során egymásba forduló sorst?rténetek bontakoznak ki üld?ztetéssel, háborúval, elnyomással, meneküléssel, a ?sehova tartozás” gy?trelmeivel, családi titkokkal, szenvedélyekkel, szerelmekkel és árulásokkal. A Csillag egy hazugság t?rténete, amely máshova vezet, mint gondolnánk... Clara Royer els? regényét magyar származású nagymamájának ajánlja, aki gy?kereit?l rég elszakadva, távolra vet?dve az ?hazától, Csillagomnak szólította unokáját, pedig már elfelejtett magyarul. Marie alakját ? ihlette a 2011-ben magyar címmel megjelent k?nyvben, amellyel a fiatal szerz? berobbant a kortárs francia irodalomba, és a megindító t?rténet mesesz?vésével, sajátosan új nyelvhasználatával elismer? kritikai visszhangot vívott ki. Clara Royer egyetemi oktató, kutatási területe a két világháború k?z?tti magyar irodalom.

A sors k?nyve
Virág harminc elmúlt, de sem az álommeló, sem az álomotthon, sem az álompasi nem akar valósággá válni. ?nbizalma, optimizmusa mégis t?retlen. Pedig van kivel ?sszemérnie magát. Alig pár évvel id?sebb n?vére, Judit már régen révbe ért. Jókép? férj, három gyerek, anyagi gondokról nem is hallott, de még rettenetes f?n?k sem igyekszik pokollá tenni az életét. Aztán váratlanul Juditot elhagyja a férje egy fiatalabb n? miatt... Hogyan tud újra magára találni a n?vér? ?s hogyan tud ebben segítségére lenni a kelekótya húg? Talán els? lépésként azzal, hogy pici albérletébe k?lt?zteti n?vérét a z?r?s kamaszlánnyal, az iskolát kezd? k?zéps?vel, és az épp járni tanuló egy éves unoka?ccsel. ?s míg a két testvér azon van, hogy Judit szívét ?sszeragasszák, Virág élete is a feje tetejére áll.

Ghidul complet al plantelor medicinale ?i al bolilor pe care le vindec?
Editura Corint Junior aduce in aceasta toamna un alt titlu de succes al scriitoarei Gwyneth Rees – Surori in luna de miere. Dusmanie la catarama. Prietenie la cutite, o fictiune pentru copii si adolescenti, peste 8 ani. Din familia lui Poppy au facut parte intotdeauna si un fratior vitreg sau o surioara vitrega. Dar cand mama ei anunta ca un nou copil adoptat urma sa li se alature, Poppy nu se astepta sa fie chiar Sadie Show. Sadie e tare ca piatra, rece ca gheata, mai dura ca o tigroaica – si este fata nou venita in clasa lui Poppy. Niciodata nu fusesera vazute impreuna in public. Acum trebuie sa imparta aceeasi baie. Cum de mama se lasa pacalita de linguselile lui Sadie, cand Poppy stie prea bine cum este ea in realitate? O carte care va tine cu sufletul la gura si in care aventurile celor doua surori iau tot felul de intorsaturi.?

Inima mea e sora lui Dumnezeu
Umorul, absurdul ?i tenta?ia suprarealist? sunt aduse aici la rang de repere pentru fic?iune. Blues pentru o pisic? neagr? este o colec?ie de povestiri ?n care Boris Vian ??i m?rturise?te pe spa?ii mici pasiunea pentru firescul r?sturnat cu susul ?n jos ?i pentru jocurile infinite cu limbajul ?i literatura. Pe fondul celui de-al doilea R?zboi Mondial, lumea a luat-o razna, dar toate personajele se lupt? pentru a salva aparen?ele. Protagoni?tii sunt dintre cei mai ciuda?i, iar ac?iunile lor ?n acord cu lumea ?n r?sp?r. Pescari de timbre, sculptori de pietre de morminte, motani-negri-vorbitori-englezi iubitori de b?uturi fine sunt reprezentativi pentru stilul lui Boris Vian.