Summary: Sara Crewe, a pupil at Miss Minchin's London school, is left in poverty when her father dies, but is later rescued by a mysterious benefactor. ?"Once on a dark winter's day, when the yellow fog hung so thick and heavy in the streets of London that the lamps were lighted and the shop windows blazed with gas as they do at night, an odd-looking little girl sat in a cab with her father and was driven rather slowly through the big thoroughfares." ? She sat with her feet tucked under her, and leaned against her father, who held her in his arm, as she stared out of the window at the passing people with a queer old-fashioned thoughtfulness in her big eyes. ? She was such a little girl that one did not expect to see such a look on her small face. It would have been an old look for a child of twelve, and Sara Crewe was only seven. The fact was, however, that she was always dreaming and thinking odd things and could not herself remember any time when she had not been thinking things about grown-up people and the world they belonged to. She felt as if she had lived a long, long time. ? "The Little Princes, in this Illustrated book, a fantastic girl who Principally, she was thinking of what a queer thing it was that at one time one was in India in the blazing sun, and then in the middle of the ocean, and then driving in a strange vehicle through strange streets where the day was as dark as the night. She found this so puzzling that she moved closer to her father.." Illustrated by Murat UKray, By e-Kitap Projesi

Sister Carrie
According to Wikipedia: "Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser (August 27, 1871 – December 28, 1945) was an American novelist and journalist. He pioneered the naturalist school and is known for portraying characters whose value lies not in their moral code, but in their persistence against all obstacles, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency... His second novel, Jennie Gerhardt, was published in 1911. Many of Dreiser's subsequent novels dealt with social inequality. His first commercial success was An American Tragedy (1925), which was made into a film in 1931 and again in 1951."

The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Hardy, (1840 – 1928) was an English author of the naturalist movement, though he regarded himself primarily as a poet and composed novels mainly for financial gain. The bulk of his work, set mainly in the semi-fictional land of Wessex, delineates characters struggling against their passions and circumstances. Hardy's poetry, first published in his 50s, has come to be as well regarded as his novels, especially after The Movement of the 1950s and 1960s."

Wessex Tales
According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Hardy, (1840 – 1928) was an English author of the naturalist movement, though he regarded himself primarily as a poet and composed novels mainly for financial gain. The bulk of his work, set mainly in the semi-fictional land of Wessex, delineates characters struggling against their passions and circumstances. Hardy's poetry, first published in his 50s, has come to be as well regarded as his novels, especially after The Movement of the 1950s and 1960s."

Utak egymástól
Borbély Szilárd új prózak?tete tematikusan is kapcsolódik a Halotti pompa lírai requiemjéhez. Itt is a k?nyv centrumában a 2000. év karácsony t?rtént brutális kett?s gyilkosság és a szül?k elvesztésének fájdalma áll. De immár a próza nyelvén és eszk?zeivel: a dokumentumok, rend?rségi jegyz?k?nyvek és a személyes emlékek megidézésével azért t?rténik az írói nyomozás, hogy valamiképpen megérthesse az anya meggyilkolásának tragédiáját, illetve a b?ntény lezáratlanságát, azaz a b?n?s?k szabadon engedését (Egy b?ntény mellékszálai).

Az Ecseri úti oroszlán
Amúgy is knnyen ragadtatom magam e knyv kapcsán a mindig gyanús szuperlatívuszokra: mesterm. A regény nyelve és tárgya hibátlanul találkozott, csndes ragyogása van a szvegnek. Pontos és drámai korrajz, lélekrajz, emberrajz. Mit jelent a nincsben lenni, mit jelent a nincs agresszivitásában élni Mit jelent, amikor minden totális, kint is, bent is, a kiszolgáltatottság, a szorongás, az állam, az apa, minden totális. Mit jelent éhezni Mit jelent, amikor semminek sem lehet lenni, jónak se Amikor szeretni sem szabad. De azért mégis szeretünk. Elegáns és nyomasztó knyv. Bátor knyv, amely ismeri a félelmet. Mint a jó irodalom mindig, rólunk szól, éljünk bárhol is a világon.“ (Esterházy Péter)

The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge
According to Wikipedia: "Laura Lee Hope is a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for the Bobbsey Twins and several other series of children's novels. Actual writers taking up the pen of Laura Lee Hope include Edward Stratemeyer, Howard and Lilian Garis, Elizabeth Ward, Harriet (Stratemeyer) Adams, and Nancy Axelrad. Laura Lee Hope was first used as a pseudonym in 1904 for the debut of the Bobbsey Twins. Series: The Bobbsey Twins (1904-), The Outdoor Girls (23 vols. 1913-1933), The Moving Picture Girls (7 vols. 1914-1916), Bunny Brown (20 vols. 1916-1931), Six Little Bunkers (14 vols. 1918-1930), Make Believe Stories (12 vols. c. 1920-1923), Blythe Girls (12 vols. 1925-1932)."

The After House
According to Wikipedia: "Mary Roberts Rinehart (August 12, 1876-September 22, 1958) was a prolific author often called the American Agatha Christie. She is considered the source of the phrase "The butler did it", although she did not actually use the phrase herself, and also considered to have invented the "Had-I-But-Known" school of mystery writing.... Rinehart wrote hundreds of short stories, poems, travelogues and special articles. Many of her books and plays, such as The Bat (1920) were adapted for movies, such as The Bat (1926), The Bat Whispers (1930), and The Bat (1959). While many of her books were best-sellers, critics were most appreciative of her murder mysteries. Rinehart, in The Circular Staircase (1908), is credited with inventing the "Had-I-But-Known" school of mystery writing. The Circular Staircase is a novel in which "a middle-aged spinster is persuaded by her niece and nephew to rent a country house for the summer. The house they choose belonged to a bank defaulter who had hidden stolen securities in the walls. The gentle, peace-loving trio is plunged into a series of crimes solved with the help of the aunt. This novel is credited with being the first in the "Had-I-But-Known" school."[3] The Had-I-But-Known mystery novel is one where the principal character (frequently female) does less than sensible things in connection with a crime which have the effect of prolonging the action of the novel. Ogden Nash parodied the school in his poem Don't Guess Let Me Tell You: "Sometimes the Had I But Known then what I know now I could have saved at least three lives by revealing to the Inspector the conversation I heard through that fortuitous hole in the floor." The phrase "The butler did it", which has become a cliché, came from Rinehart's novel The Door, in which the butler actually did do it, although that exact phrase does not actually appear in the work."

The Bat
According to Wikipedia: "Mary Roberts Rinehart (August 12, 1876-September 22, 1958) was a prolific author often called the American Agatha Christie.[1] She is considered the source of the phrase "The butler did it", although she did not actually use the phrase herself, and also considered to have invented the "Had-I-But-Known" school of mystery writing.... Rinehart wrote hundreds of short stories, poems, travelogues and special articles. Many of her books and plays, such as The Bat (1920) were adapted for movies, such as The Bat (1926), The Bat Whispers (1930), and The Bat (1959). While many of her books were best-sellers, critics were most appreciative of her murder mysteries. Rinehart, in The Circular Staircase (1908), is credited with inventing the "Had-I-But-Known" school of mystery writing. The Circular Staircase is a novel in which "a middle-aged spinster is persuaded by her niece and nephew to rent a country house for the summer. The house they choose belonged to a bank defaulter who had hidden stolen securities in the walls. The gentle, peace-loving trio is plunged into a series of crimes solved with the help of the aunt. This novel is credited with being the first in the "Had-I-But-Known" school."[3] The Had-I-But-Known mystery novel is one where the principal character (frequently female) does less than sensible things in connection with a crime which have the effect of prolonging the action of the novel. Ogden Nash parodied the school in his poem Don't Guess Let Me Tell You: "Sometimes the Had I But Known then what I know now I could have saved at least three lives by revealing to the Inspector the conversation I heard through that fortuitous hole in the floor." The phrase "The butler did it", which has become a cliché, came from Rinehart's novel The Door, in which the butler actually did do it, although that exact phrase does not actually appear in the work."

Koldus és királyfi
Káprázatos, borzongtató, lélegzetelállító. T?kéletes. - Meg Rossoff Sally Gardner megd?bbent? regénye egy kegyetlen világban játszódik. Standish Treadwell - akinek kül?nb?z? szín?ek a szemei, és diszlexiája miatt nem tud írni-olvasni sem - egyetlen barátjával, Hectorral átmászik a várost k?rülvev? fal túloldalára, és ráj?nnek, mit rejteget el?lük az Anyaf?ld. Attól a pillanattól kezdve, hogy a két kamasz ráj?n egy óriási titokra, ami kapcsolatban van a Holdra szállással, az életük veszélybe kerül. Száz nagyon r?vid fejezet, t?kéletesen egyedi elbeszélésmódban, mely szinte végighajszolja az olvasót a t?rténeten, mert egyszerre izgalmas és s?tét humorú, lakatlan és borzongtató, gy?ngéd és elragadó. A Hold legs?tétebb oldala eredeti és megindító t?rténet, melyben a barátság és a bizalom az igazi fegyver. Sally Gardner Londonban n?tt fel, ma is ott él. Gyerekként maga is megküzd?tt a diszlexiával, egészen 14 éves koráig nem tanult meg sem írni, sem olvasni. Ikrei születése után kezdett regényeket publikálni, melyek a mágikus és t?rténelmi realizmus egyedi keverékei, stílusuk és témájuk kihívás az olvasóknak, akiket beszippant az általa teremtett világ. Sally szenvedélyesen hiszi, hogy a fiatal olvasókat inspirálni és szórakoztatni kell a k?nyvekkel, mint ahogy azt A Hold legs?tétebb oldala is bizonyítja, melyet számos díjjal tüntettek ki.

Cele 20000 de femei din via?a unui b?rbat: Romanul secolului XXI
As a dense yellow fog swirls through the streets of London, a deep melancholy has descended on Sherlock Holmes, who sits in a cocaine-induced haze at 221B Baker Street. His mood is only lifted by a visit from a beautiful but distressed young woman - Mary Morstan, whose father vanished ten years before. Four years later she began to receive an exquisite gift every year: a large, lustrous pearl. Now she has had an intriguing invitation to meet her unknown benefactor and urges Holmes and Watson to accompany her. And in the ensuing investigation - which involves a wronged woman, a stolen hoard of Indian treasure, a wooden-legged ruffian, a helpful dog and a love affair - even the jaded Holmes is moved to exclaim, 'Isn't it gorgeous!'For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700?titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the?series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date?translations by award-winning translators.

Ziua Mor?ilor
The Sherlock Holmes series read in unabridged form by David Timson is widely regarded as one of the finest. Here, Timson brings his remarkable performance skills to one of Doyle's full-length novels. Holmes and faithful Dr. Watson are summoned to a country house by a coded message. They arrive too late to save a life, but pursue the trail to unmasking the murderer.

A beszél? k?nt?s
Pali kilencéves. Magányos otthon és az iskolában is. Egyik téli reggel aztán a mogorva újságárus csodálatos üveggolyót ad neki. Délutánra a konyhában felt?nik egy Egér, az ablakban megtelepszik egy Pók, egy Légy és egy Katica. Kik ezek és mit akarnak Palitól? Talán a rejtélyekre is fény derül, mikor egy picike kislány magával rántja a fiút a tük?rbe…

The friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the downs five miles from Eastbourne, where his time is divided between philosophy and agriculture.

The Jungle Book
A Torzonborz, a rabló és a Torzonborz újabb gaztettei után itt a trilógia befejez? darabja, a Torzonborz megjavul. Otfried Preu?ler legeslegutolsó paprikajancsis és vitézlászlós t?rténete. ?jra felbukkan Torzonborz, a rabló. ?s ez bizony megrémíti Paprika Jancsit, Vitéz Lászlót, Nagymamát, s?t még ?st?llési századost is. De akkor ijednek meg csak igazán, mikor Torzonborz bejelenti: sz?gre akasztja széles karimájú kalapját és felhagy a rablómesterséggel. Vajon mihez kezd ezután az egykori hétt?r?s gazember...? Az életkori besorolás 6+

Cum s? cre?ti un copil fericit. Strategii pozitive de educa?ie parental?
How he put his fist through the oak-panel of the game-room door; how, when Long Merridew was carrying the ball, he caught up Merridew, ball and all, and ran swiftly past every opponent to the goal. It did not seem fit to us that such a one as he should trouble his head about spondees and dactyls, or care to know who signed Magna Charta. When he said in open class that King Alfred was the man, we little boys all felt that very likely it was so, and that perhaps Jim knew more about it than the man who wrote the book. Well, it was this business of the burglar that drew his attention to me; for he patted me on my head, and said that I was a spunky little devil, which blew me out with pride for a week on end. For two years we were close friends, for all the gap that the years had made between us, and though in passion or in want of thought he did many a thing that galled me, yet I loved him like a brother, and wept as much as would have filled an ink bottle when at last he went off to Edinburgh to study his father's profession. Five years after that did I bide at Birtwhistle's, and when I left I had become cock myself, for I was as wiry and as tough as whalebone, though I never ran to weight and sinew like my great predecessor. It was in Jubilee Year that I left Birtwhistle's, and then for three years I stayed at home learning the ways of the cattle; but still the ships and the armies were wrestling, and still the great shadow of Bonaparte lay across the country. How could I guess that I too should have a hand in lifting that shadow forever from our people?

Párbajok nélkül
Galántai Zsófi úgy érzi, célba ért. Sikeres a munkájában, és végre ?sszek?lt?zhet a szerelmével. Aztán j?n egy furcsa, szégyenteljes, mégis felejthetetlen éjszaka egy messzir?l j?tt idegennel, és Zsófi jól felépített élete ?sszeomlik. Mindent hátrahagyva elindul a mexikói után, aki titokzatos jeleket hagy számára szerte a világban... Szerelem? Kalandvágy? Zarándoklat? - vajon mi hajtja a magyar lányt egyre egzotikusabb tájak, egyre veszélyesebb kalandok, és ?nmaga számára is ismeretlen énje felé?? Mi ad t?bb muníciót a lelkünknek: ha bátran kilépünk a megszokott és talán unalmas életünkb?l, vállalva a kockázatot, hogy veszítünk - vagy ha vágyainkat elnyomva éljük mindennapjainkat? Merre vezet az utunk? Hol jobb: útk?zben vagy "célba érve"? Fej?s ?va bestsellere most új kiadásban kerülhet az olvasó kezébe. A mexikói krimibe ill? izgalmakat, igazi lélektani drámát és jó szórakozást ígér.

Míg enyém leszel
Rendhagyó útinapló egy egzotikus világról és a n?i lélekr?l Akkor kezdtem ábrándozni a ?sz?késr?l”, amikor gyerekkoromban beszereztem egy már akkor is ciki pálmafás-tengerpartos posztert a zsebpénzemb?l, és felragasztottam a gyerekszobám falára, nem zavartatva magam szüleim d?bbent pillantásától. Attól kezdve a téli estéken odaképzeltem magam a kókuszpálma alá, ahol h?ség van, és – bár akkor még nem jártam tengerparton – szinte hallottam a tenger zúgását, egészen elalvásig. Elérkezett az id?, hogy beváltsam a magamnak tett ígéretet, és teljesülj?n a gyerekkori álmom: néhány éve télen ?megsz?ktem” kedvenc városomba, Bangkokba, és k?rbeutaztam Délkelet-?zsiát. Találkozásokról, naplementékr?l, ázsiai mesékr?l és elképeszt? sorsokról, egzotikus nagyvárosi lüktetésr?l, lakatlan szigetekr?l és egy másfajta életszemléletr?l szól ez a k?nyv, amit egy thai pálma alatt kezdtem írni. ?t forró, napsütéses téli hónap alatt sokat tanultam, és szinte minden megváltozott bennem és k?rül?ttem: a sors akaratából megtanultam elengedni, sorsfordító d?ntéseket hoztam, szembenéztem ?nmagammal, az újságíróval, a n?vel, az emberrel, mint talán még soha azel?tt. Ez a k?nyv nem a képzelet szüleménye, de ahányszor beleolvasok, a képzeletemben újra utazom, újra ott vagyok azok k?z?tt az emberek k?z?tt, akikt?l meg lehet tanulni ?LNI. Csupa nagybet?vel. Fej?s ?va

Magas cé és jobbhorog
Agatha Raisin lázasan tervezgeti karácsonyát, amelyet ezúttal igazi mesebeli ünnepként szeretne megülni. Titokban reménykedik volt férje, James Lacey felbukkanásában is. Várakozása közben különös levelet kap egy eldugott falu gazdag birtokosn?jét?l, aki arra gyanakszik, hogy a családjából valaki meg akarja ölni. Agatha boldogan hagyja ott unalmas eseteit, és egykori kollégájával, Roy-jal elautózik az ódon udvarház tulajdonosához. Kapóra jön segítségként egy új gyakornoklány, Toni, akit nemcsak a szerencse kedvel különösképpen, de a szimata is páratlan. Agathát elfogja a féltékenység, mert úgy t?nik, felbukkant a színen egy nála is ígéretesebb tehetség, aki ráadásul rendkívül csinos is…A titkokkal teli udvarházban összegy?lik a család, és hamarosan bekövetkezik a gyilkosság. Nem egyszer? megfejteni a rejtélyt, mert a rokonokon kívül a faluban mindenki gyanús, aki él, hiszen az áldozat szinte tálcán kínálta magát, hogy végezzenek vele.A nagy siker? sorozat korábbi darabjaihoz hasonlóan Agatha Raisin ezúttal is kacagtató kalandok során át jut el a megoldásig, amelyben régi barátai mellett új ismeretségek is segítik. A vidéki Anglia hangulatos helyszínein játszódó krimi felh?tlen szórakozást ígér a sorozat régi és új olvasóinak egyaránt.Fej?s Éva

Avalia??o de políticas urbanas: contexto e perspectivas
Iustopia este o insul?-stat ?n care forma de guvern?m?nt este iusocra?ia, bazat? pe suprema?ia Legii. De aceea, pre?edintele Cur?ii Supreme de Justi?ie este ?i pre?edintele Iustopiei. C?nd Lidia Staicu, cea care ocup? aceste dou? func?ii este ?antajat?, Robi Ciobanu (avocat ?n Societatea de avocatur? ?Ciobanii ?n Rob? ?i Asocia?ii“, dar ?i redactor ?ef al e-tabloidului de scandal juridic ?L’oierii“) ?mpreun? cu echipa lui sunt angaja?i s? o apere pe presupusa ?antajist?. De aici ?ncep adev?ratele problemele ale lui Robi ?i ale echipei sale. Vor renun?a la cauz? c?nd vor fi pu?i ?n situa?ia s? aleag? ?ntre L’oierii ?i client?? Vor crede ?n varianta clientei? Care va fi solu?ia final? dat? de Ma?in?ria Justi?iei Iustopiene?

A Little Frog’s Heart:The Golden Quill, Angel Or Executioner?
Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful story filled with adventure and unforgettable characters that no one who has read it will ever forget.?The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased to exist about twenty years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism.