Harry Heathcote of Gangoil
Anthony Trollope's classic tale of frontier rivalry in the wilds of the Australian bush.

Nightmare Tales
A collection of 9 spooky tales from Ukrainian author and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Master of Ballantrae
Robert Louis Stevenson's classic historical adventure novel 'The Master of Ballantrae: A Winter's Tale' has been enjoyed around the world for over 120 years. The story follows two Scottish noblemen brothers whose family is torn apart by the Jacobite rising of 1745.

It Might Have Been
Remember, remember the fifth of November,the gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why the gunpowder treasonshould ever be forgot.A fantastic fictionalisation of the famous gunpowder plot, where Guy Fawkes and his band of conspirators hatched a daring plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

French Mediaeval Romances
A fantastic collection of romantic tales translated from the original 12th century Anglo-Norman, originally known as the Lais of Marie de France.

Man Abroad
A fantastic classic science fiction tale from an anonymous late-19th century author. In a far-flung future, humanity has colonised the solar system. The story is set against a background of interplanetary war, with mighty electric spaceships riding the inter-system electric currents to battle in epic space warfare.

Vicar of Wakefield
Irish author Oliver Goldsmith's famous 18th century novel was one of the most widely read of the Victorian era, earning it mentions in novels by authors such as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Mary Shelley and Charles Dickens.

Our Soldiers
A fascinating look at British battles during the Victorian era by boys' literature writer William Henry Giles Kingston.

Our Sailors
A fantastic historical adventure novel set in the British Royal Navy in the Victorian era. Written by the master of boys' adventure tales William Henry Giles Kingston.

Law-Breakers and Other Stories
A fantastic collection of 7 short law stories from American author and lawyer Robert Grant.

Hair-Breadth Escapes
A fantastic look at narrow escapes from the perils of the historical high seas, such as icebergs, sickness and pirates.

Jews of Barnow
A fascinating look at life in the Jewish ghetto in the 19th century, written by Jewish writer and publicist Karl Emil Franzos.

Legends of Vancouver
The famous collection of stories of the Squamish people of North Vancouver written by Canadian writer and performer E. Pauline Johnson.

Hard Times
Charles Dickens' Hard Times has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 150 years.Now you can enjoy this classic novel, which in unusual amongst Dickens' work in that it is not set in London, but in the fictional town of Coketown, which was based on the real town of Preston. It paints a somewhat cynical view of life in an industrial English town in the 19th Century.

Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales
A fantastic collection of 19 traditional fairytales by English children's writer Juliana Horatia Ewing.

Great Riots of New York
The City of New York has always been a melting pot of ideas and politics, and has seen many different riots during its history. This guide concentrates on those that took place in the 18th and 19th Centuries, such as the Stamp-Act Riot, the Draft Riots and the Orange Riots.

Lure of the Labrador Wild
The story of Leonidas Hubbard's ill-fated expedition to canoe up the Naskaupi River in Labrador, Canada, written by his companion on the journey Dillon Wallace.

Yankee Tea-Party
A fantastic account of the famous 'Boston Tea Party' when, in 1773, colonists in Boston protested the East India Company's stranglehold on the tea import market by throwing three shiploads of tea into the sea, and the events that followed.

Poison Belt
Arthur Conan Doyle's fantastic second adventure starring the intrepid Professor Challenger. The Professor sends cryptic telegrams to his companions from the events of 'The Lost World', Edward Malone, Lord John Roxton, and Professor Summerlee, telling them to join them at his home. There he tells them that he has detected a giant belt of poisonous ether that the Earth is about to come in to contact with, and they must all seal themselves in a room with oxygen tanks to protect themselves. How will they survive as the whole world dies around them?

Indian Fairy Tales
A classic collection of fantastic fairy tales drawn from the rich folklore of India and its neighbour countries.

Myths and Myth-Makers
A fascinating look at various different myths from across the world and throughout history, using the approach of Comparative Mythology, comparing different myths to find shared themes and characteristics.