

Az els? aradi vértanú: Tények és dokumentumok Ormai Norbert életér?l
Az els? aradi vértanú: Tények és dokumentumok Ormai Norbert életér?l
dr. Babós Lajos
Annyit már most nyugodtan elmondhatok, hogy akárcsak A n? cím? k?nyvnél - amely alapjában véve nem csupán a n?r?l szólt -, menet k?zben már itt is tudtam, láttam, hogy ez a k?nyv sem tisztán csak a férfiról fog szólni. Szerettem volna sok mindent beletenni a férfiasság kérdésér?l, a b?ntudat megoldásának az elkezdésér?l, a gyászról, halálról, búcsúról, elengedésr?l, virágokról, ?nmagamról. Tényleg sok mindent. Válaszokat egy sor kérdésre. Felvetéseket a pasikkal kapcsolatosan. Hogy például "miért élt a párom nyolc hónapig egy másik csajjal párhuzamos életet mellettem, mik?zben azt bizonygatta, hogy mennyire szerelmes belém?" A minap kaptam egy ilyen e-mailt! ?pp karácsonykor robbant szét a dolog... Amikor ez a k?nyv készült, k?rbetelefonáltam egy csomó pasit, akit ismerek. A tinédzserekt?l kezdve az ?tvenesekig valamennyiüknek ugyanazt a kérdést tettem fel: mit?l érzik magukat férfinak. A kérdésre, hogy mit?l érzik magukat férfinak, a pasik egy jelent?s része azt felelte, hogy ezen ?k még soha nem gondolkodtak, és ez a kérdés eléggé meglepetésszer?en érte ?ket... Holott a n?k esetében az utóbbi ?t-tíz év másról sem szólt, mint hogy definiálják, mi az, hogy n?... ?gy t?nik, ezek olyan dolgok, amelyekr?l a pasik általában nem beszélnek. Vagy csak nagyon felületesen. Magáról a férfilétr?l... Azért nem, mert "ez teljesen magától értet?d?", hogy az illet? férfi. Fel sem merül, hogy ezt bármi megkérd?jelezhetné..."
Scrisorile. Dialoguri suspecte. Dialoguri apocrife
Scrisorile. Dialoguri suspecte. Dialoguri apocrife
Experienele extracorporale reprezint un subiect fierbinte n zilele noastre i Anthony Peake a acoperit pe larg diversele domenii de cercetare care pot, cel puin, s ne ajute s nelegem acest fenomen neobinuit. Este prima carte care prinde n plasa ei visele, amanismul, gndirea oriental i fizica cuantic, fenomenele extracorporale fiind tema spre care converg toate.“ – Stanely Krippner, coautor al crii Personal MythologyUnul dintre cele mai mari mistere ale experienei umane este senzaia prsirii propriului corp i a descoperirii unui alt nivel al realitii. n cartea de fa Anthony Peake sugereaz c visul lucid, experienele extracorporale, vizualizarea la distan i cltoriile astrale constituie, toate, elemente ale aceluiai fenomen, un fenomen care poate da omenirii o idee despre un univers care este cu mult mai complex dect ne-am fi putut imagina vreodat. Peake face o trecere n revist a acestui subiect fascinant i apoi, folosind descoperirile recente din domeniul neurologiei, studiului contiinei i fizicii cuantice, sugereaz un nou model foarte provocator al interaciunii percepiei omului cu realitatea“.
Timp ?n deriv?
Timp ?n deriv?
Rodica Braga
Interven?ii de natur? extraterestr? ?n armat?, guvernare ?i tehnologiePrezen?a extraterestr? pe P?m?nt este tot mai extins? ?i, pe m?sur? ce intr?m ?n Era V?rs?torului, va fi recunoscut? oficial, produc?nd ?oc ?i o nevoie stringent? de a ?n?elege schimb?rile sociale ?i tehnologice cauzate de ?fra?ii“ no?tri din spa?iu. O carte de c?p?t?i ?n ceea ce prive?te progresele uimitoare pe care le va ?nregistra omenirea pe plan ?tiin?ific ?i spiritual ?n anii urm?tori, acest compendiu exploreaz? influen?a extratere?trilor asupra istoriei noastre trecute ?i prezente.Cartea relateaz? pove?ti despre r?piri ?i ?nt?lniri cu extratere?trii, ridic? problema tehnologiilor inexplicabile, de origine extrap?m?ntean?, folosite ?n domeniul public ?i militar, precum ?i a dispozitivelor antigravita?ie, analizeaz? exopolitica (influen?a prezen?ei extraterestre asupra politicii), Stargate-ul din Irak, Proiectul Hibrid de ?ncruci?are rasial?, leg?turile nazi?tilor cu OZN-urile ?i baza lor subteran? secret? din Antarctica, t?inuirea de c?tre guvernul american a ac?iunilor extraterestre, printre care cazul Roswell, ?i transformarea declan?at? de cometa Hale-Bopp. Volumul cuprinde interviuri cu speciali?ti afla?i ?n prima linie a mi?c?rii New Science derivat? din ?tiin?a extraterestr?.
A history of romanian oil vol. I
A history of romanian oil vol. I
Gh. Buzatu
Autorul reconsider contribuia lui Velikovsky la ideile noastre despre sistemul solar i scoate n eviden care dintre prediciile acestuia ar mai putea fi confirmate n viitor.“ – Nexus Magazine, iunie 2012. De ce Lumi n coliziune scris de Immanuel Velikovsky era singura carte deschis pe masa de lucru a lui Albert Einstein, n momentul morii acestuia n anii ‘50, Immanuel Velikovsky, scriitor i psihiatru rus, provoca un adevrat scandal n mediul tiinific prin crile sale. Susinea o teorie a dezastrelor conform creia ciocnirea planetei Venus cu Marte ar fi provocat rcirea brusc a Pmntului n doar cteva clipe, modificnd radical destinul planetei noastre. Cartea de fa propune o reexaminare a controversatelor ipoteze avansate de Velikovsky referitoare la planeta Venus, n lumina noilor descoperiri astronomice i arheologice. Se pare c att recentele misiuni ale sondelor spaiale, ct i traducerile unor vechi documente din China, Coreea i Japonia despre planeta Venus confirm retroactiv viziunile celui care a fost considerat cndva un eretic al tiinei.
A history of romanian oil vol. II
A history of romanian oil vol. II
Gh. Buzatu
Autorul c?r?ii Conversa?ii cu Dumnezeu – Cartea 2 din seria Conversa?ii cu omenirea?98% dintre oameni ??i petrec 98% din timp cu lucruri lipsite de importan??.“ ...a?a ?ncepe cea mai recent? carte a lui Neale Donald Walsch, care ne ?nva?? c? aceast? imens? pierdere de vreme duce la at?tea vie?i pline de triste?e ?i zbucium, ?i lumea ?ns??i pare s? se afle mereu ?n pragul unui dezastru.Nimeni nu este de vin?, spune autorul, pentru aceast? stare de fapt. Pur ?i simplu, nu ne-am spus sau nu ne-am g?ndit la ceea ce conteaz? – sau, dac? la ?ntreb?rile noastre despre ceea ce conteaz? s-a r?spuns, r?spunsurile pe care le-am dat n-au fost potrivite.Acum ?ns?, afirm? Walsch, specia uman? prime?te o invita?ie de la Via?? ?ns??i, sub forma unei schimb?ri energetice palpabile, ce se petrece ?n 2012 ?i dup? aceea, o invita?ie de a pune ?ntrebarea ?ntr-un mod direct – iar oamenii de pretutindeni pot sim?i acest lucru.Walsch ne spune c? vie?ile noastre nu trebuie s? fie o serie de crize de ?ngrijor?ri ?i de dificult??i, implic?nd banii, rela?iile, s?n?tatea sau familia, ?i nici lumea larg? nu trebuie s? fie un loc al unui dezastru permanent.Singurul lucru care conteaz? ne ofer? o formul?, elegant? prin simplitatea sa, ce va ?nnobila de ?ndat? via?a celor ce o ?mbr??i?eaz? – ?i care poate schimba ?ntreaga lume.
Suferin?a din dragoste: Povestea maturiz?rii adolescen?ilor
Suferin?a din dragoste: Povestea maturiz?rii adolescen?ilor
Bruno Humbeeck
Prima petrecere, Od? unui ?erve?el sau Fusti?a de balerin? sunt doar o parte dintre pove?tile amuzante ?i pline de tâlc istorisite cu har ?i empatie de cele trei specialiste în terapia psihanalitic?. Tehnicile ?i conceptele psihodinamice sunt introduse prin intermediul unor experien?e de cabinet, dar ?i al unor secven?e din via?a personal? a autoarelor americane. Doliul ?i transferul, refularea ?i fenomenele tranzi?ionale, Supraeul ?i sus?inerea, interpretarea ?i disocierea — toate prind contur, cu ajutorul unor viniete sugestive ?i al unor explica?ii teoretice clare ?i accesibile celor interesa?i de psihanaliz?, psihoterapie ?i cunoa?tere de sine. Cartea poart? cititorul într-o c?l?torie ce se întinde de la anecdote vesele ?i juc?u?e la pove?ti curajoase sau la melancolice elegii ale suferin?ei, pierderii ?i iubirii. Fiecare eseu vorbe?te despre evenimente din vie?ile noastre, care pot fi în?elese în lumina unor concepte psihodinamice fundamentale. Povestirile noastre reflect? cum gândesc ?i lucreaz? terapeu?ii. – K.L. Malawista Volumul este excelent, se cite?te cu pl?cere ?i include istorii pline de surprize ?i desf??ur?ri nea?teptate. Iar l?muririle teoretice rotunjesc foarte bine aceste povestiri. Trebuie parcurs de to?i cei interesa?i de cunoa?terea de sine sau curio?i în leg?tur? cu mecanismele care ne fac s? func?ion?m. – Jane Hall, pre?edint? a Contemporary Freudian Society
Practical Mobile Forensics
Practical Mobile Forensics
Satish Bommisetty
The book is an easy-to-follow guide with clear instructions on various mobile forensic techniques. The chapters and the topics within are structured for a smooth learning curve, which will swiftly empower you to master mobile forensics. If you are a budding forensic analyst, consultant, engineer, or a forensic professional wanting to expand your skillset, this is the book for you. The book will also be beneficial to those with an interest in mobile forensics or wanting to find data lost on mobile devices. It will be helpful to be familiar with forensics in general but no prior experience is required to follow this book.
Complete Horoscope Pisces 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope Pisces 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope PISCES 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Pisces, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Pisces and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: PISCES 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope TAURUS 2020: Monthly astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope TAURUS 2020: Monthly astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: TAURUS 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Taurus, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Taurus and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: TAURUS 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope Aries 2020: Monthly Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope Aries 2020: Monthly Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: ARIES 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Aries, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Aries and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: ARIES 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope Capricorn 2020: Monthly Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope Capricorn 2020: Monthly Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope CAPRICORN 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Capricorn, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Capricorn and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: CAPRICORN 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope AQUARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope AQUARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
n the Complete Horoscope: AQUARIUS 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Aquarius, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: AQUARIUS 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope SAGITTARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope SAGITTARIUS 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Sagittarius, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope LEO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope LEO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: LEO 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Leo, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: LEO 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope VIRGO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope VIRGO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
n the Complete Horoscope: VIRGO 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Virgo, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: VIRGO 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
Joy Taylor
Are you inspired to do something brave, bold, and brilliant? Have you ever dared to share and put yourself out there? If you don't show up, don't risk, and don't overcome your fears or inner obstacles, the world loses - and so do you. Through vulnerable and honest story-telling Joy Taylor reveals her personal trials and triumphs. She opens readers to the possibility of living ‘in spirit’ in today’s distracted, demanding, and upside down world. Follow this journey of awakening as Joy creatively unpacks 7 Wisdoms to live a soul inspired life. Discover that life happens?for you, not?"to you", and that you truly deserve all the good that is coming your way. Guided by insight and propelled by genuine courage, you can choose to grow into your highest potential. Through the profound guidance shared in this book, you’ll learn to cultivate courage, access intuition, and creatively express your genius. Inspired?introduces game-changing ideas on how to align your personality with your soul, break cycles of fear, and be more happy more often. This is not a book of untested theories, rather it is real-world and relatable, packed with tips, tools, and tactics for experiencing love, nurturing self-compassion, and catalyzing your purpose. You will be guided to ask empowering questions, tap into your inner knowing, and actualize your authentic self in everything you do. With any deep and lasting transformation, you may feel challenged. You may experience a few personal ‘zingers’ as you are confronted with your shadow - the hidden parts that rule you if left unchecked . However, when you engage with this book honestly, and with an open heart, it will gently invite you to trust love and change. As insight reveals itself through each of the 7 Wisdoms, you’ll gain clarity and build confidence. You will engage with others in more conscious and connected ways. You’ll make profound shifts in the way you understand and interpret your world―and the way you live in it. (Yahoo!) Are you ready to discover your most inspired self??Inspired: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life?is about celebrating you! It’s about becoming the best you can be, finding your purpose, and being the person you came here to be―brave, bold, and brilliant!
The California Divorce Handbook For Women
The California Divorce Handbook For Women
Paul Nathan
Women faced with divorce require an attorney who can understand what they're facing. Author and attorney Paul H. Nathan has spent his career fighting for the rights of women in divorce cases, helping them achieve the results they deserve. From the Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan, top-tier Northern California attorney, comes The Divorce Handbook for California Women. This handy guide covers the basics and the most commonly overlooked nitty-gritty details of divorce proceedings in California, including: The different legal options for ending a marriage Selecting the right attorney Setting boundaries between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse Initiating and navigating the divorce process Necessary financial documentation The critical factors determining spousal support The formula for calculating child support Pet custody Property rights and classification recognized by the California courts The essential factors a judge must consider in a contested custody case The equation to determine the percentage share of retirement benefits Legal fees and who is responsible for them 40 age-appropriate books for children about divorce Keeping your credit score safe when going through a divorce 38 financial records to be aware of The emotional stages of the divorce process and self-care basics Paul Nathan’s information-packed book is filled with the answers to all the challenging questions that keep women going through divorce awake at night and provides a wealth of local resources for women and their children. The Divorce Handbook for California Women is the template every woman needs to have the knowledge to prevail in a divorce, custody, or spousal support matter.
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Yves Nager
Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this all there is to life?"?What if you could breakthrough what's stopping you from living your dreams and uncover what you were truly meant to do?Hawaiian Rebirth?is a complete road map that guides you to discovering your gifts, finding your life's purpose and fulfilling your destiny.Reading?Hawaiian Rebirth?will help you to: Deepen your understanding of?why you were born? Unfold into your true self and?fulfill your destiny Clarify your?passions?and find your?life's purpose Commit to moving in the?direction of your desires Realize any goal?you dream of achieving Interwoven within fascinating stories from the author's worldwide adventures,?Hawaiian Rebirth?leads you on a marvelous journey of spiritual and professional self-discovery. The book begins with Yves' miraculous story of healing and rebirth in Hawaii at the beginning of his own journey of transformation.While we all share the goal of finding our life's purpose and ultimately fulfilling our destiny, we're all headed to different places.?Hawaiian Rebirth?helps you commit to moving in the direction of your desires, despite challenges and obstacles.?
De la B?rca la Viena ?i ?napoi
De la B?rca la Viena ?i ?napoi
Păunescu Adrian
ntmplri reale despre oamenii i experienele care aduc linite sufleteasc i bucurie femeilor Cu toii avem de nfruntat adversiti din cnd n cnd. Cu toii suntem uneori triti. Cu toii suntem cteodat prea ocupai, prea mulumii de noi nine sau prea apsai de povara propriilor probleme ca s mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vieile noastre. Colecia Poveti adevrate“ i aduce cazuri reale, ntmplri din viaa unor oameni obinuii, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj i buntate, despre binecuvntrile i miracolele vieii, amintindu-ne c nu suntem singuri, c putem rzbate chiar i n cele mai ntunecate zile, c nc exist buntate n lume. O nmormntare i o coresponden prin e-mail readuc mpreun dup zeci de ani o familie nstrinat de divor. S mplineti patruzeci de ani nu nseamn renunarea la orice scop n via, ci poate fi momentul n care s ncepi a avea grij i de tine, nu doar de familia ta. Dup multe lecii dureroase, vei descoperi c este mai bine s fii tu nsi dect s ncerci a fi Iubita Perfect. 42 de ntmplri adevrate despre dragoste, prietenie i puterea femeilor de a merge mai departe.
Stancu Zaharia
ntmplri reale ale unor oameni obinuii care te vor nva s apreciezi frumuseea vieiiCu toii avem de nfruntat adversiti din cnd n cnd. Cu toii suntem uneori triti. Cu toii suntem cteodat prea ocupai, prea mulumii de noi nine sau prea apsai de povara propriilor probleme ca s mai apreciem lucrurile pozitive din vieile noastre. Colecia Poveti adevrate“ i aduce cazuri reale, ntmplri din viaa unor oameni obinuii, ce ne vorbesc despre curaj i buntate, despre binecuvntrile i miracolele vieii, amintindu-ne c nu suntem singuri, c putem rzbate chiar i n cele mai ntunecate zile, c nc exist buntate n lume.Un diagnostic necrutor i o vindecare miraculoas. O femeie care, atunci cnd dezndejdea provocat de singurtate i de dificultile financiare e gata s o copleeasc, descoper, datorit bieelului su de ase ani, ct de norocoas e, de fapt, i c un tort de cear poate fi cel mai frumos cadou. O nunt pe care nici mcar accidentul care l las pe mire fr mini i fr un picior nu o poate opri. ... de ntmplri adevrate care i vor nclzi inima, i vor ridica moralul i te vor nva s preuieti bogiile din viaa ta.
Cine sunt eu? O c?l?torie prin mintea ta
Cine sunt eu? O c?l?torie prin mintea ta
Precht Richard David
Numeroase descoperiri arheologice, aparent misterioase, i multe indicii din scrierile strvechi ale omenirii l-au determinat pe Erich von Dniken s porneasc n cutarea unor explicaii pentru misterele neelucidate ale trecutului. Concluziile uimitoare la care ajunge autorul ne-ar putea convinge s ne revizuim imaginea despre istoria timpurie a Pmntului. Ele deschid deopotriv perspective noi asupra progresului tehnicii de azi i de mine.“ Cu aceste cuvinte era anunat, n 1968, apariia crii de fa, care a declanat, prin concluziile sale surprinztoare, ce nu se limitau la arheologie, un val de indignare n rndurile oamenilor de tiin, dar, pe de alt parte, i un viu entuziasm n rndul publicului larg.Erich von Dniken a susinut c Pmntul a fost vizitat n timpuri strvechi de ctre fiine inteligente extraterestre, i c acestea au creat de fapt homo sapiens. Chiar dac i-a argumentat teza prin cercetri ntreprinse cu rigurozitate n lumea ntreag, ea a ramas destul de controversat. Totui, succesul enorm al crii sale a demonstrat c subiectul abordat este unul de mare interes. n decurs de doi ani, cartea a atins numai n Germania un tiraj de peste cinci sute de mii de exemplare.Cercetrile i descoperirile lui Erich von Dniken nasc i astzi discuii aprinse. Numrul adepilor si crete de la an la an. Din acest motiv, am considerat oportun reeditarea n limba romn, ntr-o traducere nou i necenzurat, a crii sale de debut, care nu a pierdut nimic din caracterul exploziv, incitant i senzaional, att n privina limbajului, ct i a coninutului. n prefaa nou a crii, Erich von Dniken analizeaz reaciile pro i contra strnite de tezele sale, pe care le reexamineaz n contextul cunotinelor recent dobndite.
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